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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Microstructure and Thermal Conductivity of Liquid Feedstock Plasma Sprayed Thermal Barrier Coatings

Ganvir, Ashish January 2016 (has links)
Thermal barrier coating (TBC) systems are widely used on gas turbine components to provide thermal insulation and oxidation protection. TBCs, incombination with advanced cooling, can enable the gas turbine to operate at significantly higher temperatures even above the melting temperature of the metallic materials. There is a permanent need mainly of environmental reasons to increase the combustion turbine temperature, hence new TBC solutions are needed.By using a liquid feedstock in thermal spraying, new types of TBCs can be produced. Suspension plasma/flame or solution precursor plasma spraying are examples of techniques that can be utilized for liquid feedstock thermal spraying.This approach of using suspension and solution feedstock, which is an alternative to the conventional solid powder feed stock spraying, is gaining increasing research interest, since it has been shown to be capable of producing coatings with superior coating performance.The objective of this research work was to explore relationships between process parameters, coating microstructure, thermal diffusivity and thermal conductivity in liquid feedstock thermal sprayed TBCs. A further aim was to utilize this knowledge to produce a TBC with lower thermal diffusivity and lower thermal conductivity compared to state-of-the-art in industry today, i.e. solid feed stock plasma spraying. Different spraying techniques, suspension high velocity oxy fuel,solution precursor plasma and suspension plasma spraying (with axial and radialfeeding) were explored and compared with solid feedstock plasma spraying.A variety of microstructures, such as highly porous, vertically cracked and columnar, were obtained. It was shown that there are strong relationships between the microstructures and the thermal properties of the coatings.Specifically axial suspension plasma spraying was shown as a very promising technique to produce various microstructures as well as low thermal diffusivity and low thermal conductivity coatings.

Effet de projection de pellettes bioxycarbonées sur la qualité de revêtements élaborés par la projection thermique / Effect of dry ice blasting on the quality of coatings produced by thermal spraying

Dong, Shujuan 11 December 2013 (has links)
La technologie de projection plasma atmosphérique (APS) est largement utilisée pour des applications industrielles. Les revêtements élaborés par APS présentent généralement certains défauts. Les travaux effectués dans cette étude ont consisté à étudier et à développer un nouveau moyen pour assurer à la fois un refroidissement efficace au cours de procédé de projection APS et une adaptation des conditions superficielles en vue d’élaborer des revêtements de haute qualité. Ce moyen consiste à la projection de glace carbonique (glace sèche ou dioxyde de carbone solide) en association avec la projection plasma. Des simulations numériques ont été réalisées, qui ont permis de constater que les dimensions de la buse de projection de glace carbonique, la pression du gaz propulsif, et les propriétés des pellets de CO2 influencent sensiblement la vitesse des pellets de CO2. A partir de ces éléments, des dimensions optimales ont été évaluées. Afin d’examiner l’effet de la projection de glace carbonique sur les revêtements réalisés par projection thermique, plusieurs types de matériaux ont été considérés, trois métalliques (acier, CoNiCrAlY et aluminium pur) et trois céramiques (Al2O3, Cr2O3 et ZrO2-Y2O3). Les microstructures des revêtements metalliques réalisés avec projection de glace sèche présentent moins d'oxydes et moins de porosité par rapport à ceux déposés par APS classique. Dans certains cas l’adhérence peut aussi être améliorée. Pour les revêtements céramiques, une réduction de la porosité ainsi qu’une amélioration significative de l’adhérence des revêtements ont été constatés. Pour le dépôt de ZrO2-Y2O3, la résistance aux chocs thermiques a été améliorée en utilisant des paramètres spécifiques. La projection de CO2 peut légèrement déformer la surface des substrats de faible dureté, et nettoyer les pollutions superficielles sur le substrat et conduire à une contrainte de compression plus élevée et à un refroidissement efficace. Il est à noter toutefois qu’un problème de condensation de la vapeur d’eau peut intervenir en cas de refroidissement du substrat trop important. / The technology of atmospheric plasma spraying (APS) is widely used for industrial applications. The coatings produced by APS generally show defects. The work was conducted to investigate and develop a new method to ensure both an effective cooling during the APS process and the adaptation of the surface condition in order to develop high quality coatings. This solution is dry ice (CO2) blasting in combination with thermal spraying. Firstly, numerical simulations were carried out, which revealed that the nozzle size of dry ice blasting, the propellant pressure and the properties of CO2 pellets, significantly affect the velocity of CO2 pellets. From these elements, the optimal dimensions were evaluated. To examine the effects of dry ice blasting on the coatings produced by thermal spraying, several types of materials were considered, three metals (steel, CoNiCrAlY and pure aluminum) and three ceramics (Al2O3, Cr2O3 and ZrO2-Y2O3). The microstructure of metal coatings produced with dry ice blasting show fewer oxides and less porosity compared to those deposited by conventional APS. In some cases the adhesion can be improved. Regarding ceramic coatings, a reduction in porosity and a significant improvement in the coating adhesion were observed. For the deposition of ZrO2-Y2O3, an improvement in thermal shock resistance was achieved using specific parameters. Dry-ice blasting may slightly impact the surface of the substrates with low hardness and could clean the surface pollutions on the substrate and lead to a higher compressive stress and an effective cooling. However, it is noted that the problem of the condensation of water vapor can occur in case of intense cooling of the substrate.

Design of Thermal Barrier Coating Systems

Curry, Nicholas January 2014 (has links)
Thermal barrier coatings (TBC’s) are used to provide both thermal insulation and oxidation protection to high temperature components within gas turbines. The development of turbines for power generation and aviation has led to designs where the operation conditions exceed the upper limits of most conventional engineering materials. As a result there has been a drive to improve thermal barrier coatings to allow the turbine to operate at higher temperatures for longer. The focus of this thesis has been to design thermal barrier coatings with lower conductivity and longer lifetime than those coatings used in industry today. The work has been divided between the development of new generation air plasma spray (APS) TBC coatings for industrial gas turbines and the development of suspension plasma spray (SPS) TBC systems. The route taken to achieve these goals with APS TBC’s has been twofold. Firstly an alternative stabiliser has been chosen for the zirconium oxide system in the form of dysprosia. Secondly, control of the powder morphology and spray parameters has been used to generate coating microstructures with favourable levels of porosity. In terms of development of SPS TBC systems, these coatings are relatively new with many of the critical coating parameters not yet known. The focus of the work has therefore been to characterise their lifetime and thermal properties when produced in a complete TBC system. Results demonstrate that dysprosia as an alternative stabiliser gives a reduction in thermal conductivity. While small at room temperature and in the as produced state; the influence becomes more pronounced at high temperatures and with longer thermal exposure time. The trade-off for this lowered thermal conductivity may be in the loss of high temperature stability. Overall, the greatest sustained influence on thermal conductivity has been from creating coatings with high levelsof porosity. In relation to lifetime, double the thermo-cyclic fatigue (TCF) life relative to the industrial standard was achieved using a coating with engineered porosity. Introducing a polymer to the spray powder helps to generate large globular pores within the coating together with a large number of delaminations. Such a structure was shown to be highly resistant to TCF testing. SPS TBC’s were shown to have much greater performance relative to their APS counterparts in thermal shock life, TCF life and thermal conductivity. Columnar SPS coatings are a prospective alternative for strain tolerant coatings in gas turbine engines.

Development Of Liquid Phase Co-Spray Forming And Its Application To AI-Si-Pb Alloys

Fuxiao, Yu 09 1900 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Formulation d'un adjuvant phytosanitaire sous forme d'émulsion et optimisation de la pulvérisation / Formulation of a phytosanitary adjuvant in an emulsion form and optimization of the spray

Ratisbonne-Zafimahova, Kemba Andréa 28 May 2013 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est de formuler un adjuvant phytosanitaire qui permet d’optimiser les propriétés rhéologiques d’une préparation phytosanitaire (bouillie) afin de limiter la formation de gouttes susceptibles à la dérive lors de la pulvérisation, et d’améliorer le contact des gouttes avec le végétal traite. Les propriétés rhéologiques peuvent être optimisées par la présence de polysaccharides judicieusement sélectionnés. Comme la dissolution des polysaccharides représente une difficulté car ils forment des grumeaux, le passage par une émulsion permettant de les piéger dans la phase dispersée est nécessaire. La formulation est donc une émulsion de type eau-dans-huile (E/H) dont la phase dispersée est une solution concentrée de polysaccharide. La solution de polysaccharide est destinée par la suite a être relarguée lors de la préparation phytosanitaire dans un tank de pulvérisation. La formulation doit posséder une stabilité dans le temps répondant aux réglementations en vigueur pour les formulations phytosanitaires liquides. De ce fait, lastabilité de l’émulsion a été optimisée en utilisant la composition adéquate (phase continue, phase dispersée, tensioactif) et un procédé de fabrication optimise utilisant un système rotor-stator et un homogénéisateur à haute pression. Les formulations établies ont été caractérisées par des techniques permettant d’apprécier la taille moyenne et la distributionde la taille des gouttes dispersées telles que la granulométrie par diffraction laser et la calorimétrie a balayage différentielle (DSC). La température de cristallisation des gouttelettes mesurée lors de l’analyse DSC est corrélée à leur taille. La stabilité dans le temps a été évaluée en réalisant des tests de vieillissement naturel et des tests de vieillissement accéléré. Le relargage de polysaccharide a ensuite été étudiée afin de pouvoir être réalisé dans les conditions de préparation d’une bouillie au champ. Le relargage est réalisé par une déstabilisation préalable de la formulation à l’aide d’un tensioactif desémulsionnant. Le relargage est évalué par l’évolution de la conductivité électrique de la bouillie car les polysaccharides relargués s’ionisent en milieu aqueux. L’étude de la pulvérisation a par la suite été réalisée en utilisant un pilote reproduisant une rampe de pulvérisation agricole. La pulvérisation a été optimisée en faisant varier les propriétés physicochimiques de la préparation à pulvériser (tension de surface et rhéologie) et les paramètres de la pulvérisation (pression, buse de pulvérisation). La formulation de l’adjuvant retenue est une émulsion contenant 50 % (v/v) de solution de carboxymethylcellulose a 3 % (m/m), dispersée dans une phase huileuse constituée d’ester méthylique de colza avec 10 % (m/m) de polyricinoleate de polyglycérol. Le relargage est réalisé à l’aide d’un tensioactif éthoxylé, sélectionné parmi sept tensioactifs commerciaux. L’étude rhéologique de la formulation à pulveriser montre des propriétés qui permettent delimiter la formation des gouttes de petits diamètres, confirme par les essais de pulvérisation réalisés sur le pilote. / The objective of this thesis is to develop the formulation of a phytosanitary adjuvant to optimize the rheological properties of a preparation devoted to plant protection, in order to reduce the formation of droplets that may drift during spraying, and improve the contact of the droplets with the treated plant. Rheological properties can be optimized by the presence of wisely selected polysaccharides. As the dissolution of the polysaccharide is a problem because they form lumps, passing through the emulsion form to trap them in the dispersed phase is necessary. The formulation is a water-in-oil type emulsion (W/O), the dispersed phase is a concentrated solution of polysaccharide. The polysaccharide solution is devoted to be released during the preparation of the phytosanitary bulk in a spray tank. The formulation should have stability over time complying with the regulations for phytosanitary liquid formulations. Therefore, the stability of the emulsion was optimized using the appropriate composition (continuous phase, dispersed phase, surfactant) and an optimized manufacturing process using a rotorstatorsystem and a high pressure homogenizer. The formulations were characterized using techniques which allow assessing the average size and size distribution of the dispersed droplets such as laser light diffraction granulometry and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The crystallization temperature of the droplets measured during the DSC analysis is correlated to their size. The stability over time was assessed using natural ageing and accelerated ageing tests. The release of polysaccharide was then studied in order to be performed under the conditions of preparing of phytosanitary bulk by a farmer. The release is achieved by a prior destabilization of the formulation using a demulsifier surfactant. The release is evaluated by the evolution of the electrical conductivity of the bulk, as thepolysaccharides entrapped form ionized molecules in aqueous media. The study of the spray has subsequently been carried out using a pilot reproducing an agricultural spray boom. Spraying was optimized by varying the physicochemical properties of the bulk preparation (surface tension and rheology) and spraying parameters (pressure, spray nozzle).The retained adjuvant formulation is an emulsion containing 50 % (v/v) of solution of 3 % (w/w) of carboxymethylcellulose, dispersed in an oil phase consisting of rapeseed methyl ester with 10 % (w/w) of polyglycerol polyricinoleate. The release is achieved with an ethoxylated surfactant, selected among seven commercial surfactants. The rheological study of the spray formulation exhibits properties which limit the formation of drops of small diameter, confirmed by the tests performed on the spray pilot.

Development of PGMs-modified TiAl-based alloys and their properties / Development of PGMs-modified TiAl-based alloy coatings via mechanical alloying and thermal spray

Mwamba, Ilunga Alain January 2017 (has links)
A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, University of the Witwatersrand, in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Johannesburg, August 2017 / Titanium aluminides Ti3Al (α2), γ-TiAl and TiAl3 have received much attention for potential applications where light weight for energy saving, room temperature corrosion resistance in aqueous solutions, high-temperature oxidation resistance, or where combinations of the above are needed. Gamma-TiAl of composition Ti-47.5 at.% Al with additions of platinum group metals (PGMs: Pt, Pd, Ru and Ir) was investigated for microstructure, hardness, room temperature aqueous corrosion, high-temperature oxidation resistance, mechanical alloying and consolidation by spark plasma sintering, and coating on titanium Grade 2 and Ti-6Al-4V substrates. Gamma-TiAl of Ti-47.5 at.% Al produced by melting and casting gave a microstructure consisting of γ grains and lamellar grains with alternating of α2 and γ phase lamellae. Additions of 0.2, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 at.% PGMs introduced new phases of high PGM contents. The γ and lamellar phases were still present. The additions of PGMs significantly improved the aqueous corrosion properties at room temperature, by improving the pitting corrosion resistance of the γ-TiAl alloy by modifying its hydrogen evolution of the cathodic reaction. The presence of PGMs also influenced the oxidation behaviour of γ-TiAl at 950°by forming the Z-phase which stabilized a continuous protective Al2O3 phase. However, Ti-47.5 at.% Al, being a two-phase alloy (α2+γ), PGMs could not sustain a stable Z-phase, as it transformed into an oxygen supersaturated Ti3Al, which subsequently led to the formation of TiO2+Al2O3, a non-protective oxide mixture. The optimal PGM addition to γ-TiAl was 0.5 at.%, with iridium giving the best room temperature corrosion and high-temperature oxidation resistance. Mechanical alloying of Ti and Al pure powders with PGM additions gave powders where α2 and γ were only identified after heat treatment. Consolidation of the mechanically alloyed powders by spark plasma sintering gave different microstructures from the cast alloys, with continuous α2 and γ phases and evenly distributed nanometer-sized alumina, and much higher hardnesses. Cold spraying the mechanically alloyed powders on to titanium Grade 2 and Ti-6Al-4V substrates gave coatings of irregular thickness, dense near the substrates with porosity at the top, giving poor oxidation protection. / CK2018

Efeito de pontas e volumes de aplicação sobre os depósitos da pulverização em plantas de feijoeiro, Bidens pilosa L. e Brachiaria plantaginea (Link) Hitchc /

Rodrigues, Andréia Cristina Peres, 1978- January 2006 (has links)
Resumo: O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a quantidade e qualidade da deposição da calda de pulverização em plantas de feijão, Bidens pilosa L. e de Brachiaria plantaginea (Link) Hitch, presentes na linha e entrelinha da cultura, além da deposição no solo, em aplicações de pós-emergência. Foi utilizado como traçador o corante Azul Brilhante FDC -1 na concentração de 500 ppm. Os tratamentos constituíram de 3 modelos de ponta de pulverização, jato plano (XR 110015 VS e XR 11002 VS), jato plano duplo (TJ60 11002 VS) e jato cônico (TXVS 6 e TXVS 8); e dois volumes de aplicação 150 e 200 L ha-1, respectivamente. Utilizou-se o delineamento em blocos ao acaso, com 4 repetições. Os resultados dos dados quantitativos de deposição foram analisados nos seguintes esquemas em fatorial: para os depósitos em plantas de feijão foi utilizado o esquema 3 x 2 (3 modelos de pontas de pulverização x 2 volumes de aplicação); para as plantas daninhas presentes na linha e na entrelinha da cultura do feijão, o esquema foi 3 x 2 x 2 (3 modelos de pontas de pulverização x 2 volumes de aplicação x 2 espécies de plantas daninhas); para as estimativas de deposição no solo, o esquema foi 3 x 2 x 2 (3 modelos de pontas de pulverização x 2 posições (linha e entrelinha) x 2 volumes de aplicação). Foram amostradas 25 plantas por repetição em cada parcela, tanto para as plantas de feijão quanto para as plantas daninhas presentes na linha e na entrelinha da cultura. Após a aplicação, as plantas foram imediatamente coletadas, e em seguida foram lavadas em 100 mL de água destilada para posterior quantificação do traçador em espectrofotômetro. Para as analises qualitativa, cada planta selecionada ao acaso dentro da faixa de aplicação da barra foi considerada uma repetição, o que representou um total de 100 repetições. Os dados obtidos foram... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The present work had as objective to evaluate the amount and deposition quality of spray solution in common bean plants, Bidens pilosa L. and Brachiaria plantaginea (Link) Hitch, current in the crop row and spacing row, beyond the deposition in soil, in applications of post-emergency. It was used the brilliant blue FDC - 1 as tracer solution, with 500 ppm. The treatments had constituted of 3 models of spray nozzles, flat fan nozzle (XR 110015 VS and XR 11002 VS), double flat fan nozzle (TJ60 11002 VS) and cone nozzle (TXVS 6 and TXVS 8); and two application volumes 150 and 200 L ha-1, respectively. It was used a randomized blocks design, with four replications. Being that, the results of the quantitative data of deposition had been analyzed in following factorial schemes: for the deposits in common bean plants was used 3 x 2 factorial scheme (3 models of spray nozzle x 2 application volumes); for the weeds in the common bean crop row and spacing row, the factorial scheme was 3 x 2 x 2 (3 models of spray nozzle x 2 application volumes x 2 weed species); for the soil deposition estimates, the factorial scheme was 3 x 2 x 2 (3 models of spray nozzle x 2 positions (row and spacing row) x 2 application volumes). Were sampled 25 plants for replication in each plot, as much for the common bean plants as current weeds in crop row and spacing row. After application, the plants were immediately collected, and after they had been washed in 100 mL of distilled water for posterior tracer quantification in spectrophotometer. For the quantitative analysis, each random selected plant inside of boom application stripe bar was considered a replication, representing a total of 100 replications. The obtained data had been adjusted a regression curve for Gompertz model. The results had evidenced that: (i) the biggest deposits of spray solution in soil had occurred in the crop spacing row, independent of the... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Orientador: Dagoberto Martins / Coorientador: Fernando Tadeu de Carvalho / Banca: Carlos Gilberto Raetano / Banca: Mario Sergio Tomazela / Mestre

The effect of flow rate, spray distance and concentration of polymer quenchant on spray quenching performance of CHTE and IVF probes

Lee, Lin 02 May 2005 (has links)
An experimental investigation has been conducted on CHTE quench probes and IVF quench probes to determine the influence of flow rate, spray distance and concentration of AQ251 polymer quenchant on the cooling rate and heat transfer coefficient during spray quenching. Time-temperature data has been collected for each spraying condition using the CHTE spray quenching system. Heat transfer coefficients as a function of temperature have been estimated and compared by using lumped thermal capacity model and an inverse heat conduction model. The results revealed that the maximum cooling rate increases with increasing in the flow rate in varying concentration of polymer quenchant in both probes. It was also found that the cooling rate decreases with the increase of the concentration of polymer quenchant.

Caracterização microestrutural e análise eletroquímica do revestimento de WC-10Co-4Cr, aspergido termicamente por HVOF, em aço inoxidável martensítico /

Diniz, Celso. January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Elson de Campos / Coorientador: Rogério Pinto Mota / Banca: Roberto Zenhei Nakazato / Banca: José Roberto Ribeiro Bortoleto / Resumo: Aços inoxidáveis martensíticos, contendo 12-13% de cromo, 2-5% de níquel e menos de 0,06% de carbono, vem sendo utilizados desde a década de 60, por exemplo, na fabricação de equipamentos hidráulicos, tais como turbinas, bombas e propulsores. Aços como o ASTM A743 CA-6NM, temperados e revenidos, passam por processos de tratamento de superfície, visando aumentar a resistência à erosão e corrosão, pois devem, operar sob condições de alta agressividade. Dentre as técnicas utilizadas para revestimento de superfície, a aspersão térmica, HVOF (Hight Velocity Oxigen Fuel), é um processo altamente utilizado, por sua viabilidade técnica e econômica. Atualmente, o aço ASTM A743 CA-6NM com revestimento do tipo WC-10Co-4Cr, com espessura em torno de 100 e 200 µm, é o material mais empregado nos diversos equipamentos hidráulicos, tais como: rotores de bombas, pás de turbinas e hélices navais. O conhecimento das características microestruturais do revestimento e de seu comportamento com relação à corrosão são de grande importância na definição dos parâmetros para a realização da aspersão térmica, gerando economia e qualidade do revestimento. Neste trabalho são realizadas análises por microscopia óptica e microscopia eletrônica de varredura com EDS sobre os revestimento aspergido com WC-10Co-4Cr, visando estudar os parâmetros relacionados à porosidade e composição da microestrutura. Além disso, foram realizadas análises da dureza, ao longo de todo o revestimento, visando estabelecer correla... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Martensitic stainless steels, containing 12-13% chromium, 2-5% nickel and less than 0.06% carbon, have been used since the 1960s, for example, in the manufacture of hydraulic equipment such as turbines, pumps and propellers. The steels ASTM A 743 CA-6NM, in quenched and tempered conditions, undergo surface treatment processes to increase resistance to erosion and corrosion, once they do operate under conditions of high aggressiveness. Among techniques used for surface coating, thermal spraying, HVOF (Hight Velocity Oxigen Fuel), is a highly utilized process, due to its technical and economical viability. Currently, ASTM A743 CA-6NM steel with WC-10Co-4Cr type coating, with a thickness of 100 µm and 200 µm, is the most used material in the various pieces of equipment, such as: pump rotors, naval blades and propellers. The knowledge of the microstructural characteristics of the coating and its behavior in relation to corrosion are of great importance, in the definition of the parameters for the realization of the thermal spray, generating economy and quality of the coating. In this paper, optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy with EDS, on WC-10Co-4Cr sputtering coatings were carried out to study the parameters related to the porosity and microstructure composition. In addition, hardness analyses were performed throughout the coating, to establish correlation with microscopic analysis and electrochemical analysis in order to understand the behavior of the coating in saline solution NaCl 3.5% (wt/wt); all images acquired, passed by digital processing images. The results showed that the coatings obtained with 6 passes (W6) or 8 passes (W8) presented low porosity, less than 2%, and the pores measured in the W6 coating presented smaller Feret diameter and greater circularity. Dilution analysis ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre


Berger Neto, Ayrton 24 July 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-25T19:30:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ayrton Berger Neto.pdf: 2233503 bytes, checksum: dd3b6f5bf1be49eb743f58f17a8b31b9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-07-24 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (lib.) de Bary causes the disease called white mold, with more than 400 species of host plants. The fungus produces resistance structures, sclerotia, which remain viable in the soil for more than 5 years. For these reasons, the control of the pathogen is very difficult. It is necessary to the management of the disease, using cultural, biological and chemical control simultaneously. In order to get the best spraying technology for the chemical control of white mold in Paraná, two experiments were made in soybeans. The first in Ivaí-PR (2012/13), in fatorial design (2 x 3) +1, two spraying volumes, 100 and 200 L ha-1 and three nozzles, hollow cone, flat fan and low drift venture-type nozzle, in the spraying of fluazinam, and more the control treatment. And another in Mauá da Serra-PR, in season 2013/14, was fatorial design (2x2x3) +1, two spraying volumes, 100 and 200 L ha-1, two fungicides, fluazinam and procimidone, and also three nozzles, hollow cone, flat fan and low drift venture-type nozzle, and more the control treatment. Evaluations of incidence, severity, sclerotia production and yield were made in each of the trials. In both of years no interaction was observed between the factors in the most part of the evaluations. The lowest incidence was observed in low drift venture-type nozzle. In the evaluation of production of sclerotia, in two years, the flat fan and low drift venture-type nozzle presented lower values than the hollow cone. The fungicide procimidone provided reduced production of sclerotia compared to fluazinam. There was no difference between 100 and 200 L ha-1 in the control of white mold in soybean. It is concluded that the low drift venture-type nozzle can be used for control of white mold in soybean, reducing evaporation of droplets and drift, which reduces environment pollution. Three trials were made of biological control of white mold in soybean, one in 2012/13, in Mauá da Serra-PR, and two in 2013/14, one in Arapoti-PR and another in Mauá da Serra-PR. It was also carried out an experiment in biological control of white mold in the oil seed rape in 2013, in Arapoti-PR. All biological control experiments were used the biological control agents (BCA) Thichoderma harzianum SC; Thichoderma asperellum WG; Bacillus subtilis and Coniothyrium minitans compared with a control treatment and a fungicide treatment. Evaluations of incidence, severity, sclerotia production, yield, and viability assessments of sclerotia from soil were made. All BCA, used in ideal conditions, were able to reduce viability of sclerotia from soil. The BCA were able to reduco incidence, severity and sclerotia production compared to Control treatment, in both crops, soybean and oil seed rape, but were inferior to treatment with fungicides. The BCA are an effective tool in the management of white mold, in the summer and in the winter. The BCA can reduce the viability of sclerotia from soil and can reduce the occurrence of the pathogen in the host plants. / O fungo Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary é causador da doença chamada mofo branco, com mais de 400 espécies de plantas hospedeiras. Sua capacidade de produzir estruturas de resistência, escleródios, que ficam viáveis no solo por mais de 5 anos, torna-o um patógeno de difícil controle, sendo necessário o manejo da doença, utilizando controle cultural, biológico e químico concomitantemente da forma mais aprimorada possível. Visando adequar a melhor tecnologia de aplicação para o controle químico do mofo branco no Paraná, foram feitos dois experimentos em soja. O primeiro em Ivaí-PR, na safra 2012/13, em esquema fatorial (2x3)+1, duas vazões de pulverização, 100 e 200 L ha-1 e três pontas de pulverização, cone vazio, leque plano e leque plano com indução de ar, na aplicação de fluazinam, mais um tratamento controle. O segundo em Mauá da Serra-PR, na safra 2013/14, disposto em esquema fatorial (2x2x3)+1, duas vazões de pulverização, 100 e 200 L ha-1, dois fungicidas, fluazinam e procimidone, e também três pontas de pulverização, cone vazio, leque plano e leque plano com indução de ar. Foram realizado avaliações de incidência, severidade, produção de escleródios e produtividade em cada um dos experimentos. Nos dois anos não se observou interação entre os fatores em grande parte das avaliações, sendo que a ponta de pulverização leque plano com indução de ar apresentou os menores valores de incidência. Na produção de escleródios, nos dois anos, as pontas leque plano e leque plano com indução de ar apresentaram menores valores do que a ponta cone vazio. O fungicida procimidone proporcionou menor produção de escleródios comparado ao fluazinam. Não houve diferença entre as vazões de pulverização no controle do mofo branco. Com isso conclui-se que a ponta com indução de ar pode ser utilizada para controle do mofo branco na soja, aumentando a janela de aplicação, reduzindo deriva e evaporação de gotas, o que reduz a poluição do meio ambiente. Ainda foram conduzidos três experimentos de controle biológico do mofo branco na cultura da soja, em 2012/13, em Mauá da Serra-PR, e dois em 2013/14, um em Arapoti-PR e outro em Mauá da Serra-PR. Também foi realizado um experimento de controle biológico de mofo branco na cultura da canola em 2013, em Arapoti-PR. Em todos os experimentos de controle biológico foram utilizados os agentes de controle biológico (ACB) Thichoderma harzianum SC; Thichoderma asperellum WG; Bacillus subtilis e Coniothyrium minitans comparados ao Controle e ao fungicida. Foram realizadas avaliações de incidência, severidade, produção de escleródios e produtividade, além de avaliações de viabilidade de escleródios do solo. Todos os ACB mostraram-se capazes de reduzir viabilidade de escleródios do solo. Também reduziram incidência, severidade e produção de escleródios comparados ao tratamento controle, tanto na cultura da soja, quanto na cultura da canola, usados em condições ideias, porém foram inferiores aos tratamentos com fungicidas. Os ACB demostraram-se como uma ferramenta eficaz no manejo do mofo branco, reduzindo a viabilidade de escleródios no solo, no verão e no inverno, e podendo auxiliar a reduzir a ocorrência do patógeno em plantas hospedeiras.

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