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Praktické využití metod vícekriteriálního rozhodování v aplikaci na výběr stavebního materiálu / Practical utilisation of multi-criteria decision-making methods applied to the selection of construction materialHrnčířová, Barbora January 2007 (has links)
Předmětem diplomové práce je výběr vhodného materiálu na stavbu. Metodika je založena na vícekriteriálním hodnocení variant. Při výběru materiálu na stavbu musíme vzít v potaz velké množství kritérií, jedná se jak o kritéria ekonomická, jako je cena, tak především o kritéria technická. Cílem diplomové práce je jednak samotný výběr vhodného materiálu, jednak ověření možnosti použití metod vícekriteriálního hodnocení variant v praxi a případně odhalení jejich nevýhod a nedostatků při srovnání výsledků jednotlivých metod. Práce také ukazuje, že jednodušší modely vícekriteriálního hodnocení variant se dají snadno použít v praxi.
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Analýza novinářské nezávislosti v segmentu stavebních spořitelen v souvislosti s jejich výdaji na reklamuLagová, Lucie January 2007 (has links)
Diplomová práce zkoumá potenciální závislost mezi články o stavebních spořitelnách publikovanými v médiích během června 2005 a května 2006 a mezi jejich reklamními výdaji do relevantních médií. V teoretické části je představen historický vývoj tří stěžejních témat diplomové práce ? žurnalistiky, reklamy a public relations. V dalších kapitolách jsou představeny stavební spořitelny na trhu, jejich komunikační strategie, reklamní výdaje a články o nich publikované. Analytická část obsahuje dvě samostatné analýzy. Obecná analýza zkoumá existenci/neexistenci závislosti mezi články publikovanými v médiích a reklamními výdaji spořitelen bez rozlišení jednotlivých médií. Výběrová analýza pak zkoumá existenci/neexistenci vztahů mezi sledovanými proměnnými v závislosti na typu médií, a dále pak v jednotlivých mediálních titulech.
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Ocenění stavební společnosti Ravel spol. s r.o. / Business evaluation of the construction company RAVEL spol. s r.o.Přeučil, Adam January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to estimate market value of the company Ravel spol. s r.o. as of April 1, 2011. To achieve this objective several analyses including financial analysis, strategic analysis and analysis of value drivers have been done. Finally, a financial plan has been set up and DCF Entity method of valuation implemented. Market entity value of the company RAVEL as of April 1, 2011 has been estimated at CZK 19,662 million.
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Řízení průběhu zakázky ve firmě Stavcent, a.s. / Contract Management Process in Stavcent, JSCStreitbergová, Pavla January 2011 (has links)
The thesis is inquiring into the theory of construction contract management process. The current contract procedure is demonstrated on real life example of the Joint-stock construction company Stavcent. The aim of the thesis is to explore the procedure implemented during contract management process followed by proposal of possible innovations in this area. The research is as usual divided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part introduces the selected topic. The practical part presents the Stavcent, JSC at first, followed by description of single phases of the construction contract; beginning with record keeping, preparation of the offer, budget, timetable, selection and evaluation of suppliers and subcontractors, inventory administration and finally invoicing. The conclusion of the practical part is devoted to possible future innovations in contract management.
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Matematické modelování hluboké stavební jámy v píscích / Modelling of a deep excavation in sandTichovská, Martina January 2012 (has links)
Ústav hydrogeologie, inženýrské geologie a užité geofyziky Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Přírodovědecká fakulta MATEMATICKÉ MODELOVÁNÍ HLUBOKÉ STAVEBNÍ JÁMY V PÍSCÍCH diplomová práce Martina Tichovská Vedoucí diplomové práce: RNDr. David Mašín, PhD, MPhil. Praha, Srpen, 2012 Abstract Nowadays, mathematical modeling is a very discussed in geotechnics and used in many geotechnical applications. And it became more popular. The main aim of this work is to show suitability of constitutive modeling for prediction of deep ground excavation behavior in sandy soil. The temporary excavation is part of a tunnel portal 513 on an outer road bypass in Prague. In places the pit reaches almost 30 m depth. Mohr-Coulomb constitutive model and advanced hypoplastic model for coarse grain soils supplemented by intergranular strain concept were chosen for this application. Calculations demonstrated different results in soil behavior predicted by each model. Calculated results were compared with measured data from excavations monitoring. These show hypoplastic model as more realistic for deformation prediction.
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Historické stavební materiály a technologické postupy a jejich uplatnění v technické výuce na 2. stupni ZŠ / The Historic Building Materials and Technologies and their Application in Technical Education at the Second Level of Primary SchoolČERNÝ, Daniel January 2018 (has links)
This theses is focusing on history of a building materials and technological processes in a chosen building objects in Czech Republic. These building object are build in the program of the secondary level of elementary school as a projects or excursions. In the theoretical part of the theses we are focusing on technical education and its application in teaching. Then we direct the focus to technical education, technical literacy and framework education programs in the field of technical education and history. The last part of this theses is a brief description of the selected buildings that are in our interest in Czech Republic. In the practical part of the theses are created individual excursions and projects for teaching at the second level of elementary school Part of the excursion for teachers is base information with final evaluation. In the attachment are worksheets and maps of the individual excursions.
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Variabilita koeficientů difuze vodní páry ve dřevě a její vliv na vlhkostní pole uvnitř vybrané konstrukceMaňák, Ondřej January 2015 (has links)
Hygroscopic properties of wood have significant impact on water vapor diffusion in this material. For the description of this phenomenon the water vapor permeability dependence on relative humidity or partial water vapor pressure can be used. Analytical expression of the diffusion coefficient of wood was modified in order to obtain values for the water vapor permeability. For the verification a cup method experiment at 25, 62.5 and 75% average relative humidity was performed and the results were compared to other researches. Calculated data formed the input of a numerical model, in which a stationary linear analysis with a nonlinear analysis was compared, taking the variability of diffusion properties into account in the construction details of vapor diffusion-open timber constructions. Differences in moisture fields were shown, which in some cases lead to underestimation of the risk of condensation or degradation of wood components in the building envelope, in other cases point to the actual better ability of wooden structures to divert moisture from the interior to the exterior of the building.
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Srovnání ceny obvyklé a ceny zjištěné stavebních pozemkůLANDA, Jan January 2016 (has links)
The aim of my thesis is a comparison of the market value and the detected value of building land in the former district of Pisek . In the theoretical part I focused on the real estate market, focusing on building plots, parcels , their prices and factors which influence it. In the practical part I compare the market value and detected value.
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Využití stavebních odpadů při realizaci dopravních stavebVurbalová, Marcela January 2016 (has links)
The thesis deals with the possibilities of use of construction and demolition waste in the Czech Republic and focus on the method of using recycled track ballast concrete in the SŽDC's construction. The theoretical part of thesis provides an overview of recycling methods used in construction. The practical part focused on how to use con-struction waste at a specific site and compare the alternatives construction waste management, from an economic and environmental point of view.
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Návrh projektové dokumentace adaptace stavebního objektu sloužícímu k účelu požární ochrany / Draft project documents adaptation of the building serving the purpose of fire protectionSTRNAD, Jan January 2013 (has links)
This thesis includes construction and technological adaptation of fire stations. The work also covers investigation of the condition and defects of these fire stations and the thesis gives information on the legislation, which is needed to carry out reconstruction. The main goal of my work is to propose an adaptation project documentation of fire station, specifically in Lišov.
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