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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Financování bydlení

Zadrobílková, Martina January 2007 (has links)
Práce pojednává o financování bydlení se zaměřením na tržní zdroje financování. První část se věnuje obecné charakteristice pojmu bydlení a bytová politika a dále se zabývá vývojem bytového fondu v ČR. Rovněž jsou zde vymezeny formy bydlení ? bydlení v osobním vlastnictví, družstevní bydlení a nájemní bydlení. Druhá kapitola je zaměřena na zdroje financování a podrobněji se věnuje popisu hypotečního úvěrování, stavebního spoření a některých druhů státní podpory orientovaných do sektoru vlastnického bydlení. Třetí část se zabývá vývojem stavebního spoření a hypotečního úvěrování v ČR. Poslední kapitola obsahuje porovnání stavebního spoření s Rakouskem a Slovenskem a věnuje se také hypotečnímu úvěrování v Dánsku.

Analýza obchodních procesů ve stavebním sdružení / Analysis of business processes in the building association

Malý, Václav January 2018 (has links)
The thesis is focused on analysis of business activities in joint venture. Firs part explains theoretical terms related with thesis subject, such as construction project, joint venture, risks and hazards, construction project costs and prices in civil engineering. Second part is case study, which is focused to the topic related to business activities in joint venture and determining final price of construction project.

Otázky komunikace a marketingu ve stavebním podniku / Questions of communication and marketing in construction company

Vopelka, Jan January 2015 (has links)
The goal of the diploma thesis is to find a solution to increase sales in a selected construction company specialized in production of construction systém for wooden houses. I analysed in detail the company for realizing the targets. I applied questionnaire surveys for collecting information. The resets of my effort are conclusions and suggestions then could help the company to increase its sales. The Promotional video in attachment is very important for sales support in the company.

Některá specifika komunikace ve stavebnictví / Some specific of the communication in construction engineering

Eimann, Kamil January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with some specifics of communication in the construction industry. Specific area of thesis is a communicating with the building authorities in the Czech Republic. The theoretical part is focused on defining characteristic of public administration, activities and building authorities. The thesis is also aimed on determination of communication concepts and principles of right form communication. There are basic types of requests, through which citizens communicate with the authorities. The practical part is a questionnaire survey of building offices throughout the Czech Republic. The research deals with communication between authorities and citizens. The result of the research is a proposal to improve communication and efficient work of building offices. Especially in the form of recommended changes in current Building Act, to improve the negative view of citizens to manage, search for objective information rather than misleading reports in the media or delegate representation to communicate with authorities by professionals.

Analýza a vyhodnocení povolování staveb dle stavebního zákona / Analysis and Assessment of Construction Permits under the Building Act

Valíková, Aneta January 2015 (has links)
This master´s thesis deals with a methods of construction permits under the Building Act. In the first part defines the basic terms related. The second part deals with the permitting proces in the life cycle of construction. In the third part discusses the decisive authorities and the general procedures. The following parts deal with specific methods of permits under the Building Act. This is the definition of construction without the need for permits and construction requiring only notification. The next part deals with the proces of building permit and permitting of construction through a public law contract or a certificate of an authorized inspector. In the last part assessed and summarized the opinions of employees building authority, which were obtained through a questionnaire.

Realizace stavby z pohledu veřejnoprávních subjektů / Implementation of building from the perspective of public bodies

Potyková, Sandra January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is implementation of building from the perpective of public bodies. The basic concepts, principles and practices of public bodies are definted in the theoretical section. In the practical part of these methodes are apllied to specific cases from practice and the buildings are residential houses in the municipality Hukvaldy.

Ochrana životního prostředí ve vybraných řízeních podle stavebního zákona / Environmental protection within specific proceedings pursuant the Building Act

Šimák, Filip January 2019 (has links)
Environmental protection within specific proceedings pursuant the Building Act Unrestrained construction activity damages natural resources and diverse environmental components in irreversible or in difficult-to-repair ways, thereby further thwarting thriving or even surviving of the World population. In the Czech legal system, the regulatory measures of administrative bodies, along with the participation of the affected stakeholders, contribute to the environmental protection of the individual development project. This dissertation examines the methods, means, and tools of environmental protection within the framework of designated proceedings regulating the construction. Specifically, it analyzes the possibilities of implementing protective environmental measures within the construction-permitting procedures enshrined in the provisions of Sections 103 to 117 of the Building Act. Five construction-permitting regimes are examined separately: the building permit process; notification; public law contract; notification with certificate of the authorized inspector and projects requiring neither building permit nor notification. If followed lawfully, each of the regimes allows the prospect applicant to commence a relevant construction project. Permitting procedures are significantly influenced by...

Marketingové aktivity a jejich vliv na firemní rozpočet stavebního podniku / Marketing activities and their influence on the construction company’s budget

Dohnálek, Petr January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of the diploma thesis called „Marketing activities an their influence on the budget of construction company“ is to observe and describe individual marketing activities and their significance for the overall budget, followed by an evaluation of the current state and a designing an optimization for it.

Řízení subdodavatelů na stavební zakázce / Subcontracting management on a construction contract

Bellayová, Magdaléna January 2022 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the subcontracting management on a construction contract. The purpose is to define costs for permanent employees and for external employees in specific construction company, known as a subcontractor. There are some concepts which are defined, such as construction contract and market, prices in construction, project management. The following part evaluates the way how the subcontractors are selected for the construction contract and its management. There is a research of preparedness this construction contract. In the end there is an evaluation of selection process with the subcontractors in the specific construction contract, subconstructors management and construction contract management.

Finanční plánování stavební zakázky z pohledu dodavatele / Financial Planning of Building Order from Aspect of Supplier

Adamcová, Kateřina January 2012 (has links)
The thesis is focused on financial planning of building order. The thesis gradually defines building order, Phase of building order and their sources of financing, it also deals with the costs, financial return and cash flows. One section is also devoted to financial planning, of building order and financial analysis. The practical part is focused on financial plan of a specific building order and assessment of company financial stability. The financial plan building order will be demonstrated in two different ways of planning and financing.

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