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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Postavení a činnost autorizovaného inspektora podle stavebního zákona / The position and activities of an authorized inspector under the Building Act

Fisenková, Tereza January 2012 (has links)
Presented thesis deals with approved inspector as a major entity of simplified procedure. It is focused on the origin of his function, internal organization and impact of his functioning. Author brings comprehensive view of current problems, primarily from point of view of judicature, specialized literature and comparison with foreign legislation. Author considers a possibility of amendment of the act besides an analysis of current legislation. Grammatical or teleological interpretation of the provisions governing the simplified procedure doesn't bring a satisfactory answer to the question of whether the legislation intended for governing bodies applies on the activity of authorized inspector. Whether through negligence or intent the legislature concerning authorized inspector is conceptual hybrid. In an attempt to clarify its functioning and to define it either a subject of public or private law, concept of simplified procedure deforms to disadvantage of different group of subjects and loses partly its original meaning. The only way out of this confusing situation is amendment of Building Act in favor of unambiquous concept of simplified procedure. The author deals with position of the authorized inspector in initial chapters. The procedure of nomination and assumptions that an applicant must meet...

Postavení dotčených osob v územních a stavebních procesech / The position of persons concerned within land-use plainning and building procedure

Zýka, Matěj January 2014 (has links)
The position of persons concerned within land-use planning and building procedure The purpose of my thesis is to analyse issue of the status of concerned persons within the planning and building processes regulated by the Act on Planning and Building Regulations (Building Act No. 183/2006 Coll.) and provide a basic overview in a defined area. In doing so, it aims to take into account the widest possible range of instruments which in total and mutual relations determine the content of fundamental rights of particular groups of persons during these procedures as well as following these procedures and so to involve the instruments of direct defense whose purpose is systematic enforcement of these rights and legitimate interests in planning processes and enforcement of these rights and interests against specific objectives throughout the planning and building processes as well as to treatise on accompanying mandatory procedures whose purpose is to ensure the effectiveness of application of the instruments of direct defense, especially through application of mandatory procedures to inform concerned persons. The reason for my research is considerable practical value attaching to the arrangement and explanation of the topic especially in relation to the definition of group of persons to whom such legal instruments...

Inteligentní řídící metody v automatizaci procesů řízení stavebních strojů / Intelligent Control Methods in Automation of Process of Construction Machines Control

Vaverka, Michal January 2010 (has links)
This work deals with the possibility of use of intelligent methods in construction machines control. These methods are based on GPS in combination with using laser and ultrasonic technology. There is in detail described especially control by robotic total station and 3D control, which includes digital model of construction site. The new trends of control are especially applied on the vibratory rollers. There are taken into consideration: achievement of sufficient degree of compaction on the basis of on-line information about conditions of subsoil.

Analýza pracovní spokojenosti ve stavební společnosti / Employee satisfaction in a construction company

Švecová, Petra January 2011 (has links)
The aim of the thesis was an analysis of job satisfaction of employees in a construction company. As a theoretical foundation of a work the issue of satisfaction, staff motivation and stimulation was preceded. The analysis was performed by written survey of the company. Respondents were asked about satisfaction with the organization and work content, working environment, interpersonal relations, boss, conditions of education and personal development and satisfaction with the evaluating and rewarding. The relationship to the company and the level of motivation were also studied. Based on the results of the analysis were presented proposals and recommendations whose implementation should contribute to greater employee satisfaction.

Ocenění společnosti Stavební firma s.r.o. / Evaluation of the company Stavební firma s.r.o.

Mejsnar, David January 2010 (has links)
The objective of this diploma thesis is the evaluation of a small construction company according to two different methods and consequent assessment of the values obtained by using these methods. The evaluation was requested by the shareholders of the company to assess current situation of the company and to research and sum up potential future opprotunities. The results of this thesis should serve as a basis for company's strategic decision making. First part of the thesis focuses on methodologic aspects of evaluation. The second part is devoted to the application of defined methods and processes on the real construction company. The enterprise was evaluated by discounted cash flows method and by liquidation value method. In conclusion of this thesis, both methods are compared and possible mesasures are proposed to the shareholders.

Analýza státní podpory stavebního spoření / Analýza státní podpory stavebního spoření.

Fries, Jonáš January 2010 (has links)
The thesis deals with the determination and analysis of government support for building savings in the Czech republic between 2001 and 2009. The general section describes the legal framework of building savings system and the main products offered by building societies. The application section examines the progression of government support for building savings and delas with its forecasts.

Výuka chemie na středních průmyslových školách stavebních v České republice / Chemistry education at secondary schools of civil engineering in the Czech Republic

Dvořák, Martin January 2012 (has links)
Title Chemistry education at secondary schools of civil engineering in the Czech Republic Abstract The goal of this work is to evaluate the chemistry education at secondary schools of civil engineering in the Czech Republic, which provide education of four-year study programs with school leaving exam. At first, question form of data gathering was used at the part of these schools. The general goal was narrowed by analyzing the answers of a questionnaire and the next work was concentrated on creating a study material containing themes of the chemistry of building materials. This material was used during the period of its creation and was modified due to the reactions of the students. The material was then extended with themes of general, inorganic, organic chemistry and biochemistry. The learning material was extended to the form of practice book, which has been used as a main educational tool for the chemistry education. The learning material was evaluated by theoretical methodology and by anonymous questionnaire filled by students. The objective evaluation of the impact of the learning material on the school grades was analyzed through five years. Key words Chemistry of building materials, secondary schools, learning material, workbook.

Oprávnění a povolení stavět / Construction entitlement and construction permit

Grym, Christian January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on legal aspects of a private and public construction law from builder's perspective with a special emphasis on several current issues of Czech legislation and jurisprudence. As its name suggests this thesis is divided into two parts which corresponds to construction entitlement and construction permit. The first part of the thesis is comparison of terms land and building within different legal regulations. These two terms are highly important because they represent a normative basis for the issue. Subsequently, the most frequent private- law titles, entitling the construction of a building, together with the institutions of usucaption and the problem of unauthorized construction, which are very closely related to these titles, are analyzed. The core of this thesis is the second part, dealing with spatial planning, planning proceeding and construction permitting. These partial problems are analyzed in a timeline as they naturally follow from one viewpoint of the builder. While less emphasis is placed on spatial planning and construction permits, a deeper analysis is devoted to the planning proceeding. This fact has its merit, because from the procedural point of view, the planning proceeding is of the greatest importance and also has a close connection with a...

Právní režim pozemků pro výstavbu / The legal regime of the building land

Ouvínová, Kristýna January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis describes the legal regime of the building land, which is regulated by the legislation of the private and public law, and focuses on the recent amendment of the building code as amended by the act no. 225/2017 Sb. The use of the legal regulations is displayed in the case study analysing the legal regime of the specific lands designated for the construction. The main aim of this thesis is to characterize the process and the institutes of the public and the private law as having the crucial influence on the building land, to focus on their mutual connection and to demonstrate their application in the case study. According to the last amendment of the building code the aim of this thesis is to refer to the new or modified institutes influencing the legal regime of the building lands and to define the relevance of the amendment for the construction. The diploma thesis consists of four chapters. The first chapter includes the introductory information. The general listing and the description of the legal sources, the fundamental legal terms connected with the building lands and the characterization of the case study of the shopping centre is described in this chapter. The second chapter deals with the civil law regime of the building lands and analysis the civil law institutes such as the...

Městský úřad:působnost, organizace a činnost (na příkladu města Černošice)

Ulmanová, Hana January 2007 (has links)
Diplomová práce se zabývá některými základními aspekty fungování městských úřadů. Obce jsou základními územně samosprávnými celky. V České republice je užíván tzv. smíšený model veřejné správy. To znamená, že obce kromě vlastní samosprávy vykonávají také státní správu v přenesené působnosti. Výsledkem druhé fáze reformy veřejné správy bylo vyčlenění obcí s pověřeným obecním úřadem a obcí s rozšířenou působností. Cílem diplomové práce je provést analýzu postavení, působnosti a organizační struktury městského úřadu obce s rozšířenou působností včetně přiblížení jeho činnosti. Zmíním se také o metodách, které napomáhají zlepšovat činnost městského úřadu. Zvolila jsem Městský úřad Černošice jako konkrétní příklad pro zpracování vybraného tématu.

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