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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Förbättring av mjukvarubibliotek för parallellberäkningar med programmeringsmodellen Chunks and Tasks

El Harbiti, Deeb January 2015 (has links)
Chunks and Tasks is a programming model based on the C ++ programming language. This programming model is used for electronic structure calculations, among other things.The purpose of this project is to improve the CHT-MPI software library for Chunks and tasks, so that calculations of matrix-matrix multiplications are performed more efficiently than they do with the existing software library. The software library is based on the work stealing method, which is a method the software library for Chunks and Tasks uses for the distribution of the calculation work. The considered way to improve the software library is by modifying the work stealing method in a way that makes the distribution of calculation work happen in a more efficient way , which will lead to calculations performed faster than before.Two different modifications of the work stealing method were tested and it led to two new methods, Method 1 and Method 2, which distributed the calculation work differently. Method 1 did not give results that were compatible with the theory, since the calculation time with this method was much longer than the previous method.  The results for method 2 were compatible with the theory for the method. Method 2 distributed the calculation work more efficiently than before which decreased the amount of data sent during the calculations, which led to a shorter calculation time than with the previous method.  This method made an improvement of the software library for the programming model Chunks and Tasks. / Chunks and Tasks är en programmeringsmodell baserad på programspråket C++. Denna programmeringsmodell används vid bl.a. metoder för lösningar av Schrödingerekvationen för elektronerna i molekyler. Syftet med detta projekt är att förbättra mjukvarubiblioteket för Chunks and Tasks, så att beräkningar av matris-matris-multiplikationer utförs på ett effektivare sätt än vad de gör med det existerande mjukvarubiblioteket. Mjukvarubiblioteket använder sig av work stealing-metoden vid fördelning av beräkningsarbetet. Det är tänkt att mjukvarubiblioteket ska förbättras genom att just modifiera work stealing-metoden på ett sätt som får arbetsfördelningen att ske på ett smidigare sätt, vilket i sin tur ska leda till att beräkningarna utförs under en kortare tid än tidigare. Två olika ändringar av work stealing-metoden testades och man fick två nya metoder, metod 1 och metod 2, som fördelade beräkningsarbetet olika sätt. Det som söktes var en metod som kunde minska mängden data som skickades under beräkningarna av olika matris-matrismultiplikationer, då en minskad data-mängd innebar en förkortning av beräkningstiden. Med metod 1 fick man en försämring, då beräkningstiderna blev mycket längre än tidigare. Med metod 2 erhöll man ett bättre resultat, med denna metod fördelades arbetet på ett effektivare sätt som ledde till att mängden data som skickades minskade, vilket även betydde att beräkningstiderna kortades ner. Med denna metod fick man en förbättring av mjukvarubiblioteket för programmeringsmodellen Chunks and Tasks.

Preliminary Examination of Methods for Identifying the Function of Stealing

McCord, Brandon Ellis 01 December 2020 (has links)
Because low rate, covert responses are hard to observe and measure (e.g., Azrin & Wesolowski, 1974; Henderson, 1981; Jeffery, 1969; Reid & Patterson, 1976; Seymour & Epston, 1989), well-controlled behavior analytic investigations of stealing have been rare. In fact, systematic investigations to experimentally determine stealing functions have been limited to two studies targeting food (Lambert et al., 2019; Simmons, Akers, & Fisher, 2019). The dearth of studies examining stealing functions, partly attributable to low rate and covertness, may be forestalling additional intervention studies. Given the likely futility of unsystematic attempts to observe naturally occurring instances of an infrequent, clandestine response, a possible role for indirect assessment emerges (Iwata & Dozier, 2008). This two-part study concerned an investigation into the reliability and predictive validity of the Functional Analysis Screening Tool (Iwata, DeLeon, & Roscoe, 2013) and a similarly constructed tool (The Stealing Inventory or TSI) with the latter having questions oriented towards likely stealing functions. In doing so, the comparative viability of two trial-based functional analysis (FA) models (Bloom, Iwata, Fritz, Roscoe, & Carreau, 2011; Lambert, Bloom, & Irvin, 2012) was also examined. Across 42 respondent pairs, overall tool reliability and outcome reliability for suggested functions favored the TSI (85% and 92.9%, respectively) over the FAST (80% and 73.8%, respectively). Three out of 6 participants stole during one of their two respective FAs, and the identified function matched the respective TSI outcomes for each case. FA model superiority was unclear.

Häxan i rummet : Ikonografisk och rumslig analys av tjuvmjölkerskor i medeltida kyrkmålningar / The witch in the room : Iconographic and Spatial analysis of milk stealingwomen in medieval church paintings

Swensson, Ella January 2023 (has links)
Denna text specificerar gotländska kyrkomålningar som föreställer Tjuvmjölkerskor. Syftet med studien är att skapa en förståelse för medeltida människors syn på tjuvmjölkerskor och hur de påverkade det medeltida samhället. Studien använder ett ikonografiskt tillvägagångsätt för att studera målningarna och hur tjuvmjölkerskorna framställs. En rumslig analys utförs även för att undersöka målningarnas placering inne i kyrkorummet. Kyrkan under medeltiden såg den kvinnliga sexualiteten som ett hot, ett sätt för henne att manipulera män och utföra onda handlingar. Kyrkan använde tjuvmjölkningsmålningarna som en metod att skrämma och påminna befolkningen om rätt och fel, men även om bestraffningen som skulle åläggas vid samröre med djävulen. Tjuvmjölkerskan avbildades som en vanlig kvinna med vardagliga föremål under medeltiden, vilket ökade rädslan att en tjuvmjölkerska kunde vara vem som helst. Hennes handlingar och bestraffning avslöjar dock hennes identitet. Tjuvmjölkerskan bidrog därför med oro och rädsla i det medeltida samhället. / This text specifies Gotland church paintings depicting milk stealing women. The purpose of this study is to create an understanding of medieval people's view of milk stealing women and how they influenced the medieval society. The study uses an iconographic approach to studying the paintings and how the milk stealing women are depicted. A spatial analysis is also used to examine the location of the paintings in the church room. The medieval church saw female sexuality as a threat, a way for women to manipulate men and perform evil deeds. The church used the thief milking paintings as a method of scaring and reminding the population of right and wrong, but also of the punishment that would be imposed when associating with the devil. The milk stealing woman is depicted as an ordinary woman with everyday objects in the Middle Ages, which increased the fear that a milk stealing woman could be anyone. However, her actions and punishment revealed her identity. The milk stealing woman therefore contributed to anxiety and fear in middle age society.

Mother-pup recognition behaviour, pup vocal signatures and allosuckling in the New Zealand fur seal, Arctocephalus forsteri

Dowell, Sacha January 2005 (has links)
A recognition system is required between pinniped mothers and pups. For otariids this is especially important since females frequently leave their pups for foraging and must reunite on return. Pups must deal with these fasting periods during maternal absence and consequently may attempt to obtain allomaternal care from unrelated females. This research on the New Zealand fur seal (Arctocephalus forsteri) at Ohau Point, Kaikoura, New Zealand, quantified mother-pup recognition behaviour during reunions, individuality of pup calls used by mothers to recognise their pup, and the occurrence of allosuckling as a possible recognition error by females and as a strategy employed by pups to gain allomaternal care during their mothers' absence. A combination of behavioural observations, morphometry, VHF radio telemetry, acoustics and DNA genotyping were employed to study these topics. Postpartum interaction behaviours between mothers and pups appeared to facilitate development of an efficient mother-pup recognition system, involving mainly vocal and olfactory cues that were utilised during reunions. Greater selective pressure on pups to reunite resulted in an asymmetry of searching behaviour between females and pups during reunions. The vocalisations of pups were stereotypic, especially those features of the fundamental frequency and frequency of the lowest harmonic, which are likely to facilitate recognition of a pup by their mother. Pups attempted to steal milk from unrelated females more often during maternal absence and appeared to modify the intra-individual variation pattern of a feature of their vocal signatures over this period, which may assist attempts at allosuckling under nutritional stress. Fostering was demonstrated to occur despite costs to filial pups and possible costs to female reproductive success and may be attributed to development of erroneous recognition between females and non filial pups, or kin selection. This study provides a valuable contribution to the knowledge of recognition systems between pinniped mothers and pups, of alternative pup strategies under nutritional stress and of the rare occurrence of fostering in otariid pinnipeds.

Effective cooperative scheduling of task-parallel applications on multiprogrammed parallel architectures

Varisteas, Georgios January 2015 (has links)
Emerging architecture designs include tens of processing cores on a single chip die; it is believed that the number of cores will reach the hundreds in not so many years from now. However, most common parallel workloads cannot fully utilize such systems. They expose fluctuating parallelism, and do not scale up indefinitely as there is usually a point after which synchronization costs outweigh the gains of parallelism. The combination of these issues suggests that large-scale systems will be either multiprogrammed or have their unneeded resources powered off.Multiprogramming leads to hardware resource contention and as a result application performance degradation, even when there are enough resources, due to negative share effects and increased bus traffic. Most often this degradation is quite unbalanced between co-runners, as some applications dominate the hardware over others. Current Operating Systems blindly provide applications with access to as many resources they ask for. This leads to over-committing the system with too many threads, memory contention and increased bus traffic. Due to the inability of the application to have any insight on system-wide resource demands, most parallel workloads will create as many threads as there are available cores. If every co-running application does the same, the system ends up with threads $N$ times the amount of cores. Threads then need to time-share cores, so the continuous context-switching and cache line evictions generate considerable overhead.This thesis proposes a novel solution across all software layers that achieves throughput optimization and uniform performance degradation of co-running applications. Through a novel fully automated approach (DVS and Palirria), task-parallel applications can accurately quantify their available parallelism online, generating a meaningful metric as parallelism feedback to the Operating System. A second component in the Operating System scheduler (Pond) uses such feedback from all co-runners to effectively partition available resources.The proposed two-level scheduling scheme ultimately achieves having each co-runner degrade its performance by the same factor, relative to how it would execute with unrestricted isolated access to the same hardware. We call this fair scheduling, departing from the traditional notion of equal opportunity which causes uneven degradation, with some experiments showing at least one application degrading its performance 10 times less than its co-runners. / <p>QC 20151016</p>

Equilibrage de charge dynamique sur plates-formes hiérarchiques / dynamic Load-Balancing on hierarchical platforms

Quintin, Jean-Noël 08 December 2011 (has links)
La course à l'augmentation de la puissance de calcul qui se déroule depuis de nombreuses années entre les différents producteurs de matériel a depuis quelques années changé de visage: nous assistons en effet désormais à une véritable démocratisation des machines parallèles avec une complexification sans cesse croissante de la structure des processeurs. À terme, il est tout à fait envisageable de voir apparaître pour le grand public des architecture pleinement hétérogènes composées d'un ensemble de cœurs reliés par un réseau sur puce. La parallélisation et l'exécution parallèle d'applications sur les machines à venir soulèvent ainsi de nombreux problèmes. Parmi ceux-ci, nous nous intéressons ici au problème de l'ordonnancement d'un ensemble de tâches sur un ensemble de cœurs, c'est à dire le choix de l'affectation du travail à réaliser sur les ressources disponibles. Parmi les méthodes existantes, on distingue deux types d'algorithmes: en-ligne et hors-ligne. Les algorithmes en-ligne comme le vol de travail présentent l'avantage de fonctionner en l'absence d'informations sur le matériel ou la durée des tâches mais ne permettent généralement pas une gestion efficace des communications. Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons à l'ordonnancement de tâches en-ligne sur des plates-formes complexes pour lesquelles le réseau peut, par des problèmes de congestion, limiter les performances. Plus précisément, nous proposons de nouveaux algorithmes d'ordonnancement en-ligne, basés sur le vol de travail, ciblant deux configurations différentes. D'une part, nous considérons des applications pour lesquelles le graphe de dépendance est connu à priori. L'utilisation de cette information nous permet ainsi de limiter les quantités de données transférées et d'obtenir des performances supérieures aux meilleurs algorithmes hors-ligne connus. D'autre part, nous étudions les optimisations possibles lorsque l'algorithme d'ordonnancement connaît la topologie de la plate-forme. Encore une fois, nous montrons qu'il est possible de tirer parti de cette information pour réaliser un gain non-négligeable en performance. Nos travaux permettent ainsi d'étendre le champ d'application des algorithmes d'ordonnancement vers des architectures plus complexes et permettront peut-être une meilleure utilisation des machines de demain. / The race towards more processing power between all different hardware manufacturers has in recent years faced deep changes. We see nowadays a huge development in the use of parallel machines with more and more cores and increasingly complex architectures. It seems now clear that we will witness in a near future the development of cheap Network On Chip computers. Executing parallel applications on such machines raises several problems. Amongst them we take in this work interest in the problem of scheduling a set of tasks on a set of computing resources. Between all existing methods we can generally distinguish on-line or off-line algorithms. On-line algorithms like work-stealing present the advantage to work without informations on hardware or tasks durations but do not generally achieve an efficient control of communications. In this book we take interest in on-line tasks scheduling on complex platforms where networking can impact (through congestion) performance. More precisely, we propose several new scheduling algorithms based on work-stealing targeting two different configurations. In a first study, we consider applications whose dependency graph is known in advance. By taking advantage of this information we manage to limit the amount of data transfered and thus to achieve high performance and even outperform the best known off-line algorithms. Concurrently to that, we also study possible optimisations in the case where knowledge of platform topology is available. We show again that it is possible to use this information to enhance performance. Our work allows therefore to extend the application field of scheduling algorithms towards more complex architectures and we hope will allow a better use of tomorrow's machine.

The Effects of Prior Knowledge and Stealing Thunder on Interpersonal Social Attraction

Williams, Kathrine Amanda 01 August 2011 (has links)
This study first examines the effectiveness of stealing thunder in increasing the target’s liking for the discloser. The study further inspects liking relative to the amount of information known about the discloser prior to their initial interaction. Additionally, the target’s perception of the negativity of the information revealed is observed. 120 subjects participated in an experiment during which they were either exposed to the negative information via the confederate or the experimenter or were not exposed at all. Results, although interesting, were largely inconsistent with the hypotheses. This could have been due to several factors namely, poor experimental execution and unreliability of measurement. However, stealing thunder, with further testing, has several implications for the current state of the stealing thunder literature and future research.

Reducing the food stealing and pica of a young adult with multiple disabilities in respite care.

van Eyk, Corrina Joanne January 2015 (has links)
Problem behaviours occur in approximately 10 to 15% of individuals with intellectual disabilities and these behaviours most often include aggression and self-injury. Families who support young adults with multiple disabilities and problem behaviour at home often experience costs to their psychological, physical, financial and emotional wellbeing. Respite care evolved to allow families short breaks from care giving and to support families in looking after their family members at home. Furthermore, problem behaviour severely limits opportunities for individuals with multiple disabilities to interact adaptively with their environments and develop positive behaviour skills that increase the possibility of living independently in their adult years. The present study aimed first to demonstrate the utility of functional analysis of problem behaviour in respite care, and then, to reduce food stealing and pica exhibited by a young adult with multiple disabilities attending a respite care centre. Following a functional analysis that indicated food stealing and pica had the probable function of hunger reduction, two positive behaviour support plans were developed. These interventions, conducted at the respite centre three days a week by centre staff, involved strategies to teach the participant to sign “eat” in New Zealand Sign Language (NZSL) to gain access to food and increase accessibility of food in the environment to reduce pica. The results showed that introducing the NZSL sign reduced food stealing to near zero within three weeks and pica was eliminated following the combined approach of functional communication training and antecedent manipulation. Use of the communicative sign was maintained at follow-up and food stealing remained at near zero, while pica remained at zero one-month following the intervention.

A programming model and performance model for cycle stealing

Sumitomo, Jiro January 2006 (has links)
This work describes a programming model and performance model for cycle stealing on the Internet. Cycle stealing is the use of otherwise idle computers to perform work, and promises high performance computing at relatively low cost. The Internet, being the largest pool of potentially idle computers, is an obvious target for cycle stealing. However, computers connected to the Internet are often protected by firewalls, preventing point-to-point communication between them. The fluctuating avail-ability of computers for cycle stealing as they move in and out of an idle state, combined with the restricted communication of the Internet environment, means that programming models and abstractions suitable for programming supercom-puters and clusters are not ideal. Therefore, I have created a programming model for cycle stealing which reflects the types of parallel applications that are suitable for execution using idle computers connected to the Internet. The model is de-signed for use by non-expert parallel programmers, and I will show how it simpli-fies the development of cycle stealing applications, enabling rapid application de-velopment, and straightforward porting of existing sequential applications. This simple to use programming model, combined with the low cost of cycle stealing, improves the accessibility of high performance computing to non-traditional us-ers of supercomputers and clusters. Deployment on the Internet, and the need to navigate through firewalls, suggests a web based framework using common web protocols, web servers and web browsers. Part of this work investigates the feasibility of web based approaches to cycle stealing, from the setup of a cycle stealing system, application development and deployment, and connection of potentially idle computers. I designed and implemented a cycle stealing framework, deployable on the web, to meet expec-tations of performance, reliability, ease of use and safety. Existing cycle stealing frameworks emphasise the need for applications to be de-composed into a set of jobs that execute for a long period, that is, a job should have a computation time sufficient to justify its communication cost. However, there are no tools available for users to determine what an appropriate computa-tion time might be, given a job's data communication requirements. To date, de-ciding the granularity of jobs has been a matter of intuition. Therefore, a user may experience uncertainty as to the benefit of cycle stealing for their particular application, especially if the applications will have relatively short-lived jobs. Based on performance analysis of my framework, I have developed an analytical model and simulator, which can be used to predict, and help to optimise, the per-formance of user applications, and show the feasibility of executing a particular application using the cycle stealing framework.

A framework for fully decentralised cycle stealing

Mason, Richard S. January 2007 (has links)
Ordinary desktop computers continue to obtain ever more resources – in-creased processing power, memory, network speed and bandwidth – yet these resources spend much of their time underutilised. Cycle stealing frameworks harness these resources so they can be used for high-performance computing. Traditionally cycle stealing systems have used client-server based architectures which place significant limits on their ability to scale and the range of applica-tions they can support. By applying a fully decentralised network model to cycle stealing the limits of centralised models can be overcome. Using decentralised networks in this manner presents some difficulties which have not been encountered in their previous uses. Generally decentralised ap-plications do not require any significant fault tolerance guarantees. High-performance computing on the other hand requires very stringent guarantees to ensure correct results are obtained. Unfortunately mechanisms developed for traditional high-performance computing cannot be simply translated because of their reliance on a reliable storage mechanism. In the highly dynamic world of P2P computing this reliable storage is not available. As part of this research a fault tolerance system has been created which provides considerable reliability without the need for a persistent storage. As well as increased scalability, fully decentralised networks offer the ability for volunteers to communicate directly. This ability provides the possibility of supporting applications whose tasks require direct, message passing style communication. Previous cycle stealing systems have only supported embarrassingly parallel applications and applications with limited forms of communication so a new programming model has been developed which can support this style of communication within a cycle stealing context. In this thesis I present a fully decentralised cycle stealing framework. The framework addresses the problems of providing a reliable fault tolerance sys-tem and supporting direct communication between parallel tasks. The thesis includes a programming model for developing cycle stealing applications with direct inter-process communication and methods for optimising object locality on decentralised networks.

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