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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Verstaanbare vorms - 'n lesergerigte ondersoek na die effek van die veranderinge aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch se Afrikaanse voorgraadse aansoekvorm

Esterhuyse, Elana 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to gain more insight with regards to the comprehensibility of the revised Afrikaans undergraduate application form (see Form B in Excerpt 2) of the Stellenbosch University (SU), especially in comparison to the previous version of 2011 (see Form A in Excerpt 1), to be able to guide document designers with designing a better form. Answers to the following question were searched for: Do prospective students regard the revised Form B as more understandable than the previous Form A? The revised form was changed by a team of experts, as requested by the SU, in order to make the form more understandable. There were 140 male and female, white and coloured grade 11 respondents of both Vredendal High and Vredendal Secondary. This study was launched in light of the South African Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 that took effect on 1 April 2011. In terms of section 22 of this Act, documents must be written in plain and simple language, because consumers have got the right to information that they understand (2008:32). Plain language is practical attitudes about the meaning of good written work, the goal of that and what benefits the reader the most. It is also our intellectual understanding of the way in which people read, the questions readers ask about a document, and readers’ reaction towards various forms of document design (De Stadler, 2012:3). Three parts of the two versions of the SU’s Afrikaans undergraduate form was used, specifically the cover, the program and personal information, and the responsibility of the prospective student. The forms were judged according to its comprehensibility, design and logic order by using a between-group design after respondents had to fill in the parts of the form by using fictional information on an information page. With that, respondents also had to underline words in the form they didn’t understand and fill in a questionnaire. Most of the information was statistically processed. To be able to make comparisons between the forms, a twee-way-variance-analysis was done with alternative form/gender and form/race as independent variables. By using the data collected, it became clear that respondents didn’t like a specific version of the form more than the other version. It also became clear that respondents had huge problems filling in both forms. Even though respondents perceived the form’s comprehensibility, design and logical build-up in the same way, more respondents left out questions in Form B. This, against what we would have anticipated, means that respondents made better sense of Form A. It can even mean that, in contrast to their experience, respondents made more sense of the design and logical build-up of the questions in Form A, compared to the questions in Form B. This result is not a good outcome for the team of experts who made the changes to the revised form. It may be, however, that the SU didn’t allow the team to make enough changes, and because of that the forms are not really perceived as different from one another. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie ondersoek was om meer insig te kry oor die verstaanbaarheid van die hersiene Afrikaanse voorgraadse aansoekvorm (Vorm B in Bylae 2) van die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US), hoofsaaklik in vergelyking met die vorige 2011-weergawe (Vorm A in Bylae 1), sodat ’n verbeterde vorm daargestel kan word. Op die volgende vraag is daar antwoorde gesoek: Beskou voornemende studente Vorm B as meer verstaanbaar as Vorm A? Die hersiene vorm is deur ’n taakspan, wat opdrag van die US gekry het, verander met die doel om meer verstaanbaar te wees. Die proefpersone was 140 manlike en vroulike, wit en kleurling graad 11-leerders van beide Hoërskool Vredendal en Vredendal Sekondêr. Die ondersoek is geloods in die lig van Suid-Afrika se gepromulgeerde Verbruikersbeskermingswet 68 van 2008 wat vanaf 1 April 2011 in werking getree het. Volgens hierdie wet moet besighede tekste skep in verstaanbare taal, want verbruikers het die reg tot inligting in gewone en verstaanbare taal (2008:32). Verstaanbare taal is “[p]raktiese houdings oor wat goeie skryfwerk is, wat die doel daarvan is en wat in die beste belang van die leser is. [Dit is ook die v]erstandige aannames oor hoe mense lees, die vrae wat lesers te stel het oor enige dokument, [en] lesers se reaksies tot verskillende vorme van dokumentontwerp” (De Stadler, 2012:3) Drie gedeeltes van die twee weergawes van die US se Afrikaanse voorgraadse aansoekvorm is in die ondersoek gebruik, spesifiek die voorblad, program- en persoonlike besonderhede, en verantwoordelikhede van die voornemende student. Die vorms is ten opsigte van verstaanbaarheid, ontwerp en logiese orde beoordeel deur ’n tussengroepontwerp te gebruik nadat proefpersone die genoemde gedeeltes van een vorm aan die hand van fiktiewe inligting in ’n inligtingsbladsy moes gebruik. Tesame hiermee moes hulle ook moelike woorde in die vorm onderstreep en ’n vraelys invul. Die meeste van die inligting is statisties verwerk. Om vergelykings te kon tref tussen die vorms, is twee-rigting-variansie-analises gedoen met alternatief vorm/geslag en vorm/ras as onafhanklike veranderlikes. Uit die data wat versamel is, blyk duidelik dat deelnemers nie ’n voorkeur vir een spesifieke weergawe gehad het nie. Dit is ook duidelik dat deelnemers ernstige probleme gehad het met die invul van beide vorms. Alhoewel deelnemers se ervaring ten opsigte van die vorm se verstaanbaarheid, uiterlike ontwerp en logiese ordening dieselfde was, het deelnemers meer antwoordvelde in Vorm B as Vorm A oopgelos. Dit kan, teen die verwagting in, beteken dat deelnemers Vorm A makliker of meer verstaanbaar as Vorm B gevind het. Dit kan selfs, in teenstelling met hulle ervaring, beteken dat deelnemers meer sin van die uiterlike ontwerp en logiese ordening van die vrae in Vorm A as die vrae in Vorm B kon maak. Hierdie resultaat is dus nie ’n goeie uitkoms vir die span wat die vorm moes hersien nie. Dit mag egter wees dat die US die ontwerpers nie toegelaat het om genoeg veranderinge aan die hersiene vorm aan te bring nie, en daarom verskil die vorms nie genoeg van mekaar nie.

Undergraduate teaching and assessment needs in ethics and professionalism on clinical ward rounds involving medical students, Faculty of Health Sciences, Stellenbosch University (SU) : a nonexperimental descriptive study.

Heyns, Louis 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Background: The theoretical / cognitive component of ethics and professionalism teaching to undergraduate medical students at Stellenbosch University (SU) is well developed, but a concern exists about the need for teaching and assessment of clinical ethics and professionalism on ward rounds. Some teaching does take place during clinical rotations in the form of role modelling as part of the hidden curriculum. Opportunities should be created for explicit teaching of ethics and professionalism beyond the hidden curriculum. Assessment of the cognitive component of ethical and professionalism occurs, but assessment of clinical ethics and professionalism during clinical rotations remains a challenge. Methods: This was a non-experimental study and included three subgroups of undergraduate medical students in their clinical years as well as a random sample of educators involved in clinical training. Questionnaires were distributed to the students and educators. This was followed by focus group interviews among the students. Results: A majority of the students (88%) had indicated that they had experienced ethical and professional dilemmas while working in the wards or during ward rounds. The main dilemmas revolved around inadequate consent processes, lack of confidentiality and privacy, disrespect for patients, poor communication and students being expected to perform tasks they were not trained for. An average of 64% of students indicated that ethical and professional issues were not discussed during the clinical rotations in hospitals. Seventy-eight percent of students indicated that they did not feel free to discuss their own feelings or beliefs on ward rounds. All of the educators felt that there was a need for increased teaching and assessment of the medical students during their clinical rotations. Conclusions: Deliberate opportunities need to be created for teaching ethics and professionalism on clinical ward rounds. This could be a shared responsibility between the clinical departments with continuous input throughout the clinical years of study. Strong institutional support and commitment are necessary to make the teaching sustainable and successful. Structured opportunities need to be developed where students can discuss ethical and professional issues in a safe environment. Further research is needed for the development of an appropriate curriculum and assessment tools. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Geen opsomming

Cultural and sex differences in aggression : a comparison between Spanish, Japanese and South African students

Graetz, Lynda Janette 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)- University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The primary aim of the study was to investigate cultural and sex differences on different dimensions of aggression as measured by the Expagg Questionnaire (Expagg) and the Aggression Questionnaire (AQ). Both inventories were administered to a sample (N=910) of students from Spain, Japan and South Africa. The results indicated that culture is indeed more predictive of aggression than sex. As expected, the study also revealed that it's influence is not uniform on all the dimensions of aggression investigated. The South African sample revealed the only significant sex difference on the Expagg. The males showed more distinct instrumental representations of aggression than the females, where aggression is seen as a means to reach a desired goal and thus as an effort to gain control. Inter-culturally the main finding was that the South African males and females held predominantly more expressive representations of aggression compared with the other cultures. This indicates that aggression is viewed as an expression of negative feelings and thus as a loss of control. On the Aggression Questionnaire only the South African and Spanish males reported more physical aggression than the females. Cross-culturally the most distinct finding was the overall lower levels of self-reported aggression of the South African females. A discussion of these significant results addressed social, cultural and political factors which may account for the differences. The study provided the prospect of an enhanced cross-cultural understanding of aggression. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die primêre doel van die studie was om kulturele en geslagsverskille te bepaal ten opsigte van verskillende dimensies van aggressie soos gemeet deur die Expagg Questionnaire (Expagg) en die Aggression Questionnaire (AQ). Die vraelyste is op 'n groep (N=910) studente van Spanje, Japan en Suid Afrika toegepas. Die resultate het getoon dat kultuur inderdaad 'n beter voorspeller van aggressie is as geslag. Die resultate het, soos verwag, aangedui dat die invloed van kultuur nie eenvormig inwerk op alle dimensies van aggressie nie. Die Suid-Afrikaanse groep het die enigste beduidende geslagsverskille getoon op die Expagg. Die mans se laer Espagg-tellings dui op instrumentele oortuigings ten opsigte van aggressie~ Aggressie word dus beskou as 'n poging om 'n verlangde doelwit te bereik en word ervaar as 'n poging om kontrole te verkry. Die vernaamste kruis-kulturele bevinding was dat die Suid-Afrikaanse groep beduidend hoër tellings as die ander kulture op die Expagg behaal het. Dit dui op ekspressiewe oortuigings ten opsigte van aggressie waar aggressie beskou word as die uitdrukking van negatiewe gevoelens en as 'n verlies van kontrole. Die Suid-Afrikaanse en Spaanse mans het hoër vlakke van fisiese aggressie as die vrouens op die Aggression Questionnaire behaal. Die mees uitstaande bevinding by die kruis-kulturele vergelyking was die algehele laer vlakke van selfgerapporteerde aggressie by die Suid-Afrikaanse vrouens. Die beduidende resultate is aan hand van sosiale, kulturele en politieke faktore bespreek. Die studie het In bydrae gelewer tot In beter kruis-kulturele begrip van aggressie.

The relevance, importance and applicability of corporate social and environmental responsibility: South African case studies

Louw, Marie-Louise 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Sustainable Development Planning and Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / At the beginning of the new millennium, the world faces various challenges. Global warming is an all too familiar word, global terrorism is a threat to many countries that always felt safe and an ever looming oil crisis just does not want to go away. No longer can it be argued that nature is a never-ending provider of resources. In order for humanity to co-exist with nature, it is of great importance that we take our responsibility towards nature and other human beings seriously. In the midst of all these, the most prominent institution in the world, the corporation, plays a very significant role. They are the biggest traders in resources and they are also the institutions that affect our lives more than any other. It is because of the influence that corporations have in our lives and on the natural environment they operate in, that they need to take their social and environmental responsibility serious. This thesis focuses on the corporate social and environmental responsibility of two prominent corporations that operate in and around Stellenbosch: the University of Stellenbosch and Spier Holdings. The validity of the reasons behind corporate social responsibility is also investigated through literature before it is “tested” at the two corporations mentioned above. In terms of its findings, the thesis established the effectiveness of the way the university is dealing with social and environmental issues. Opposed to this, Spier is studied as a corporation that deals with the same challenges in an environmental and socially sensitive manner. The thesis also shows that there is a moral and business case for corporate social and environmental responsibility that is applicable to corporations in general and that those reasons are valid and relevant. The thesis found that becoming a more sustainable corporation is beneficial for the corporation, the society in which it operates as well as the natural environment.

An analysis of the sexual orientation discrimination framework in the public sector : the case of Stellenbosch Municipality

Opperman, Theo 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Public and Development Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / Sexual orientation (discrimination) as a part of diversity management in organisations is a controversial issue and people in management positions are not always comfortable to address issues relating to gay employees. This is evident from the lack of adequate policies and processes that exist within public organs. Ignorance and prejudice, heterosexism and homophobia, religious and moral beliefs and stigmatisation contribute to why employees discriminate against their co-workers based on sexual orientation. The following measures can be taken by the organisation in combating this phenomenon: • Writing anti-discriminatory statements. • Re-evaluating the current state of the organisational culture and whether it is supportive of gay employees disclosing their sexual orientation at work. • Developing an employee assistance programme. The success of these measures will largely depend on the capacity of the Human Resource department in making the organisation more inclusive. Therefore, the Integrated Development Plan of Stellenbosch Municipality as its organisational strategy plays a vital role in this entire process, as it cannot be separated from the Human Resource management strategy of this organisation. These initiatives will only be effective and efficient if there is commitment from top management as well as the employees to ensure a safe work environment for lesbian, gay and bisexual employees.

Benefits and limitations of local food economies to promote sustainability : a Stellenbosch case study

Schulschenk, Jess 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis ((MPhil (Sustainable Development Management and Planning))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The main aims of this thesis were to investigate the benefits and limitations of local food economies in promoting sustainability through a review of the literature and an assessment of the current status of the food production, distribution and consumption in Stellenbosch in order to make recommendations for promoting greater sustainability through Stellenbosch‟s food system. A review of the literature found that the modern food system has promoted the externalisation of social and environmental costs to the detriment of food, livelihood and environmental security for communities across the world. Whilst localisation of the food system does not conclusively result in reduced contributions to greenhouse gas emissions, it tends to promote greater sustainability through the building of community networks and embeddedness that increase the potential for strengthening community resilience, accountability and the internalisation of social and environmental costs. Challenges in the near future of population growth, urbanisation, climate change, intensifying environmental degradation and peak oil are expected to drastically alter the ways in which we are able to produce and distribute food. Local food economies are presented as an alternative food system that builds social, economic and environmental capital at a community level whilst increasing community resilience to future shocks and threats. Research into the current status of production, distribution and consumption for Stellenbosch found that the region currently produces predominantly wine grapes and other deciduous fruit for export, whilst relying on imported food produce from other regions for consumption. High levels of food insecurity are recorded for areas within Stellenbosch and findings are presented on the food requirements for a nutritionally optimal diet for the region. Productive potential of the land and urban zones are translated into potential yield and compared with current and nutritionally optimal food demand. The findings suggest that Stellenbosch has the potential to produce enough food to meet all local requirements (both current and nutritionally optimal) but this would require drastic shifts in land use. A discussion is presented on optimal land use, comparing production of wine grapes for export with food production for local consumption. The conclusions drawn from the thesis suggest that in the context of current food, livelihood and environmental insecurity and future vulnerability as a result of increasing demand, climate change and peak oil, local food economies have a vital role to play in promoting sustainability. Stellenbosch is currently vulnerable with a high dependency on export markets for local produce and imported produce for local consumption. Building a stronger local food economy in Stellenbosch has the potential to create opportunities to address challenges of poverty and inequality, build resilience and promote environmental sustainability. The recommendations of the thesis are to boost local production of key food crops suitable to the region, actively invest in the strengthening of local distribution networks that connect local producers more directly to local consumers and to build a local food movement with consumers through education and awareness. Several opportunities for further scholarship are presented. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die hoofdoel van hierdie tesis is om voedselekonomieë as 'n instrument van volhoubaarheid aan te moedig. Spesifiek gekose literatuur en 'n ondersoek na die huidige voedselproduksiesituasie, verspreiding en die verbruik van voedsel in Stellenbosch is gebruik om voorstelle te maak vir verhoogde volhoubaarheid in die toekoms deur die gebruik van die voedselsisteem in Stellenbosch. Uit die literatuurstudie is gevind dat moderne voedselsisteme neig na die eksternalisasie van sosiale- en omgewingskostes en dus die sekuriteit van voedsel, lewensonderhoud en 'n gesonde omgewing vir gemeenskappe reg oor die wereld bedreig. Die lokalisering van voedselsisteme beteken nie noodwendig dat die vrystelling van uitlaatgasse wat tot aardverwarming bydra verminder word nie, maar dit dra wel by tot volhoubaarheid deur gemeenskapsnetwerke en gemeenskapsbande te versterk. Sterker gemeenskappe dra verder by tot meer veerkragtige herstel en moedig aanspreeklikheid en die internalisasie van sosiale- en omgewingskostes aan. Uitdagings in die nabye toekoms, soos populasiegroei, verstedeliking, klimaatsverandering, die intensifisering van omgewingsdegradering en die olie-piek, gaan die manier hoe voedsel geproduseer en versprei word drasties verander. Plaaslike voedselekonomieë word dus as 'n alternatiewe voedselsisteem voorgestel, omdat dit sosiale-, ekonomiese- en omgewingskapitaal opbou op gemeenskapsvlak en dit 'n meer veerkragte herstelvermoë gee om effektief te reageer op toekomstige skokke en bedreigings. Navorsing oor die huidige produksie, verspreiding en gebruik van voedsel in Stellenbosch het bevind dat die streek hoofsaaklik wyndruiwe en ander sagte vrugte produseer vir die uitvoermark, terwyl dit op invoere staatmaak vir plaaslike gebruik. Hoë vlakke van voedselonsekerheid in areas in en om Stellenbosch is aangeteken en die bevindinge word aangebied in terme van die optimale voedsame dieet vir die omgewing. Die potensiaal vir die produktiwiteit van landelike en stedelik gebiede in Stellenbosch word vertaal as die potensiële oes en word vergelyk met huidige en die optimale voedsame voedsel aanvraag. Daar is in die navorsing bevind dat Stellenbosch die potensiaal het om genoeg voedsel te produseer om in alle plaaslike vereistes (beide huidiglik en optimaal voedsaam) te voldoen, met 'n drastiese verandering in grondgebruik. Voorstelle word v gemaak oor die optimale gebruik van grond deur die produksie van wyndruiwe vir uitvoer te vergelyk met voedselproduksie vir plaaslike gebruik. Die gevolgtrekkings dui daarop dat die huidige voedsel-, lewensonderhoud- en omgewingsonsekerheid, tesame met 'n toekomstige kwesbaarheid as gevolg van verhoogde aanvraag, klimaatsverandering en die olie-piek, beteken dat plaaslike ekonomieë 'n belangrike rol gaan speel in volhoubaarheid. Stellenbosch is tans kwesbaar omdat dit staatmaak op uitvoer van plaaslike produkte en op ingevoerde produkte vir plaaslike gebruik. Deur 'n sterker plaaslike voedselsisteem te bou, kan Stellenbosch geleenthede skep om armoede en ongelykheid aan te spreek, 'n veerkragtige herstelvermoë te bou en omgewingsvolhoubaarheid aan te moedig. Die voorstelle in hierdie tesis sluit in om plaaslike produksie van sleutel voedselgewasse wat volhoubaar is te verhoog, om aktief te bele in die versterking van plaaslike verspreidingsnetwerke wat plaaslike produseerders en gebruikers direk verbind en om 'n plaaslike voedselbeweging daar te stel deur gepaste opvoeding en bewusmaking. Verskeie geleenthede bestaan vir verdere navorsing.

In search of alternative policing : Kylemore Neighbourhood Watch, the protectors of their beloved community

Visser, Cassandra 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Sociology and Social Anthropology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / This thesis explores the notion and practice of community policing as an alternative mechanism. Community policing originated in developed countries, but soon obtained the status of a traveling model as this notion moved across the globe even reaching South Africa

A self-fulfilling prophecy : investigating the role of normative misperceptions in the student drinking culture at Stellenbosch University

Tolken, Johnnie Eigelaar 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis explores the existence of misperceptions regarding the peer‐drinking norm among undergraduate students at Stellenbosch University and the role of these misperceptions in explaining students’ drinking behaviour. A more permissive perception of the drinking norm has been associated with heavier alcohol consumption and negative consequences for oneself, others and property. Perceptions of the academic norm and its relation to personal academic and drinking behaviour are also investigated. Furthermore, the study examines the role of perceptions of the drinking norm in personal drinking behaviour in the context of other cognitive factors (perceptions), experiences prior to enrolling at university, as well as socio‐demographic and contextual factors. The theoretical framework used to understand the origin, occurrence and perpetuation of misperceptions regarding the social norm includes Bourdieu’s theory of habitus, social norms theory, social learning theory and attribution theory. Data were collected from 640 students out of a random sample of 3 177 who had been invited to participate in a web‐based survey during September 2009. In addition, 18 personal semi‐structured interviews were conducted with students.   Similar to findings of research in other countries, the results of this research show that students at Stellenbosch University tend to perceive other students’ drinking behaviour (descriptive norm) and approval of drinking behaviour (injunctive norm) as more permissive than their own. The degree of misperception increases as the social distance of reference groups increases and is also significantly related to personal alcohol consumption. There is also evidence of misperceptions regarding the academic norm and its association with personal drinking behaviour and academic behaviour. Multiple regression analysis reveals that the perceived drinking norm of close friends is the best predictor of personal drinking behaviour, followed by personal approval of drinking and drinking behaviour during the last year of high school. The data presented here for Stellenbosch University students extend the evidence that peer drinking norms are misperceived and highlights the importance of a student’s experiences before enrolling at university. Furthermore, it provides evidence that misperceiving the drinking norm is a pervasive problem that may have behavioural consequences. Various American higher education institutions have developed and implemented campaigns aimed at correcting these misperceptions. This has resulted in significant reductions in misperceptions as well as in heavy drinking among students. Students at Stellenbosch University and elsewhere might also benefit from these types of intervention strategies. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis ondersoek die bestaan van wanpersepsies aangaande die portuurgroep‐drinknorm onder voorgraadse studente aan Universiteit Stellenbosch en die rol daarvan in die verduideliking van studente se drinkgedrag. ’n Meer liberale persepsie van die drinknorm hou verband met swaarder alkoholgebruik en meer negatiewe gevolge vir die persoon self, ander en eiendom. Die studie ondersoek ook persepsies van die akademiese norm en die verband daarvan met persoonlike akademiese en drinkgedrag. Verder word die rol van persepsies van die drinknorm in persoonlike alkoholgebruik in die konteks van ander bewussynsfaktore (persepsies), ervarings voor inskrywing by die universiteit, asook sosiaal‐demografiese en kontekstuele faktore ondersoek. Die studie maak gebruik van die teoretiese raamwerke van Bourdieu se habitus, sosiale norm‐teorie, sosiale leer‐teorie en attributasieteorie om die oorsprong, aanwesigheid en voortsetting van wanpersepsies te verstaan. Data is versamel onder 640 studente uit ’n ewekansige steekproef van 3 177 studente wat uitgenooi was om gedurende September 2009 aan ’n webgebaseerde opname deel te neem. Daar is ook 18 in‐diepte semi‐gestruktureerde onderhoude met studente gevoer.   Soortgelyk aan bevindinge van navorsing in ander lande, toon resultate van hierdie navorsing dat studente aan Universiteit Stellenbosch geneig is om ander studente se drinkgedrag (beskrywende norm) en goedkeuring van alkoholverbruik (injunktiewe norm) as meer liberaal as hulle eie waar te neem. Die graad van wanpersepsie neem toe namate die sosiale afstand van verwysingsgroepe toeneem en hou ook betekenisvol verband met persoonlike alkoholgebruik. Daar is ook bewyse van wanpersepsies aangaande die akademiese norm en die verband daarvan met persoonlike drink‐  en akademiese gedrag. Resultate van ’n meervoudige regressie‐ontleding wys dat die waargenome drinknorm van goeie vriende die beste voorspeller van persoonlike drinkgedrag is, gevolg deur persoonlike goedkeuring van alkoholgebruik en drinkgedrag gedurende die laaste jaar van hoërskool. Die data van Stellenbosse studente lewer verder bewys dat portuurgroep‐drinknorme verkeerdelik waargeneem word en beklemtoon die belangrikheid van studente se vorige ervarings. Dit bewys ook dat die verkeerde waarneming van die drinknorm ’n konstante probleem is wat gedragsgevolge kan hê. Verskeie Amerikaanse universiteite het al veldtogte ontwikkel en geïmplementeer gemik op die regstel van dié wanpersepsies, en dit het wanpersepsies en swaar drankgebruik onder studente betekenisvol verminder. Studente aan Universiteit Stellenbosch en elders sal waarskynlik ook by soortgelyke intervensiestrategieë baat vind. / jfl2011 / Imported from http://etd.sun.ac.za

Designing a marketing strategy for the DST-NRF Centre of Excellence for Invasion Biology at Stellenboshc University

Van der Vyver, Mathilda 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Centre of Excellence for Invasion Biology (C+B) is a research centre that provides bursaries for post-graduate students to study in the field of "Invasion Biology". One of the goals of the centre is to ensure that 50% of the funded students are from previously disadvantaged groups. However, since its inception in 2004 it has consistently been unable to meet this goal. The researcher, who has insight in the centre's marketing activities and has knowledge of marketing, is of the opinion that the reason for this failure is due to the lack of knowledge of the target market and the lack of a targeted marketing strategy. As background this report investigates the theory related to marketing and whether this is applicable to a centre such as the C-I-B. The conclusion that the marketing theory is relevant to the C-I-B, lead to a market research project that informed the development of a marketing strategy suggestion which the researcher believes will address the stated problem. The report concludes with recommendations to other stakeholders who should address the deeper lying problems which surface at secondary school level. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Sentrum van Uitnemendheid vir Indringer Biologie (S-I-S) is 'n sentrum wat beurse voorsien vir nagraadse studente wat studeer in die veld van "Indringer Biologie". Een van die sentrum se doelwitte is om te verseker dat 50% van sy studente deur voorheen benadeelde groepe verteenwoordig word. Sedert sy ontstaan in 2004 kon die sentrum nog nooit hierdie doel bereik nie. Die navorser, wat insae het in die bemarkingsaktiwiteite van die sentrum en kennis dra van bemarkingsbeginsels, is van mening dat hierdie probleem die gevolg is van gebrekkige kennis van die teikenmark en 'n gebrek aan 'n gefokusde bemarkingsstrategie. As agtergrond ondersoek hierdie verslag die teorie ten opsigte van bemarking en of hierdie teorie relevant is vir 'n sentrum soos die S-I-B. Die gevolgtrekking was dat die teorie wel relevant is vir die S-I-B en het gelei tot 'n marknavorsingsprojek wat bygedra het tot die ontwikkeling van 'n bemarkingsstrategie voorstel, wat die navorser glo die probleem sal aanspreek. Die verslag sluit af met voorstelle aan die ander belanghebbendes wat verantwoordelikheid behoort te neem vir die dieperliggende probleme wat op sekondere vlak geidentifiseer is.

A pre-money valuation of a hi-tech start-up, utilising both top-down and bottom-up valuation approaches

Van Zyl, Hannes 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010.

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