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Reakce sýkor koňader (Parus major) na obraz v zrcadle / Reactions of great tits (Parus major) to a mirror imageForštová, Tereza January 2017 (has links)
Self-recognition is commonlly taken as a higher ability and it was previously considered to be exclusive to spieces who are cognitively more capable, as humans or apes. However during years other animal species with no expectancy of this ability were tested, such as elephants and cetaceans, and even there the signs of self-recognition were found. The most common test for self-recognition is the mark test. The animal is marked with none-olfactoric and none-tactile mark somewhere on the part of its body which can not be seen without mirror. If the subject recognizes itself in the mirror, it will try to wipe out the mark of its body with help of the mirror image. In our experiment we used great tit (Parus major) as a testing species and three types of mirror tests were carried our. Except the fact that great tits are able to succesfully learn to use the mirror image to search hidden food, we found no evidence of self-recognition in mark test. Therefore we believe that this passerine species is not capable of this type of self-recognition.
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Funkční elektrická stimulace paretické horní končetiny u pacientů po cévní mozkové příhodě / Functional electrical stimulation of paretic upper extremity in patients after strokePilsová, Zuzana January 2017 (has links)
This study aims to evaluate the effects of functional electrical stimulation on motor and functional abilities of paretic upper limb in patients after stroke. Specifically detects the immediate effect of functional electrostimulation on the increase of the active range of motion, reduction of the hand spasticity degree and the improvement of functional performance. The research covered a total of 6 patients after first stroke in the basin aretria middle cerebral artery. The research sample had a homogeneous distribution of the paresis heaviness from light, moderate, to severe. The research was conducted in total of three weeks, every working day, 60 minutes a day, with 30 minutes of indicated electrostimulation and 30 minutes of testing of monitored parameters. Patients were evaluated using the Modified Frenchay scale, Modified Tardieu scale and the range of motion goniometer. Research showed in 60 observations that the functional electrical stimulation has immediate and significant effect on increasing the active range of dorsal flexion motion of the wrist (p-value 0.043). The average improvement on 95% interval estimation is 0.08. During the monitoring of the improvement of the active range of wrist dorsal flexion motion between input and output examination there was no statistically significant...
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Význam stimulace a regulace citových projevů u dětí předškolního věku / The importance of stimulation and regulation of preschool children's emotional expressionsMaciažková, Markéta January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis aims to introduce the topic of emotion stimulation and emotion regulation in pre-school age from the perspective of adults and to look for institutional possibilities of development and support of emotional development of pre-schoolers. The text consists of two main parts: theoretical and empirical. In the theoretical part, the main terms of the thesis (emotion stimulation and emotion regulation) are introduced and presented in the context of pre-school age. In this context, the focus is on the two main areas of a pre-schooler's life: family and, primarily, kindergarten. This part of the thesis is concluded by a summary of the importance of the optimal stimulation and support of the emotion regulation skills in pre-schoolers. The empirical part has a qualitative character. It explores how selected kindergarten teachers (n=5) stimulate and regulate emotional expression of their pupils. The empirical survey uses thematic analysis of semi-structured interview and video recording. The results of the analysis are discussed in the final chapter. Keywords: emotion stimulation, emotion regulation, pre-school age, kindergarten, emotion regulation strategies
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Chování zaměstnanců ve vybrané organizaci / Behaviour of Employees' Satisfaction in a chosen OrganizationBělohlavová, Martina January 2010 (has links)
The dissertation is about employees' behaviour in the middle-sized organization. The theoretical part at first focus on individual behaviour and influences that determine this behaviour in the organization. The next theoretical part is focused on the group behaviour, working relationships and mentioned also the role of the manager. The Practical part analyses the chosen organization, where the survey was made and comes with the conclusions for the management and the organization.
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Systém benefitů pro zaměstnance společnosti Linde Gas a.s. / Benefit system for employees of Linde Gas a.s.Forejtová, Tereza January 2012 (has links)
Nowadays, employee benefit system is almost a must for all big companies. It is closely related with such areas as employee motivation and stimulation which are explained in details in the first chapter of the thesis. The following chapter is focused on employee benefits themselves taking into consideration legal and tax framework. After the theoretical introduction into the employee benefit problematic and related areas there is a case study of company Linde Gas a.s. The case study includes general overview about the company followed by the analysis of current employee benefit system. Final chapter suggests possible improvements for the employee benefit system of Linde Gas a.s.
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Krize eurozóny a její paralela s japonskou ztracenou dekádou / Eurozone crisis and its parallel with japanese lost decadeDraisaitl, Michael January 2014 (has links)
The thesis analyses problems of eurozone after the beginning of financial crisis in 2008, which continuously changed into economic and debt crisis. The thesis considers eurozone in aggregate and closer focuses on so called GIIPS (Greece, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Spain) countries. Recent eurozone economic situation is compared to Japanese "lost decade" during 1990s, I seek for parallels and differences. Theoretical part shows approaches by economic schools to causes of cycle and to role of policymakers. Main challenges of fiscal and monetary policy are considered, specifically fiscal policy in time of high public indebtedness, monetary policy in liquidity trap etc. Applicative part considers causes of the economic situation at the beginning, more specifically devoted to balance sheets recession. Key part of the practical part it is analysis of applied fiscal and monetary policy, including helping efforts to financial system. Concluding remarks summarizes key understanding from the thesis, proposals are included and it is considered whether eurozone is going to follow Japanese path since 90's or not. It seems highly probable that eurozone is going to follow Japanese in terms of sluggish economic growth, parallels can be seen in weak impact of monetary policy in liquidity trap, but recommendations to fiscal policy from Japanese experience should be taken into account in very cautious way because of both specifics of eurozone and Japanese economy.
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Vliv jednorázového cvičení v tzv. senzomotorické řadě na posturální stabilitu měřenou na Neurocom SMART Equitest / The effect of one-off co called sensorimotor exercise on postural stability measured on Neurocom SMART Equitest.Šimlová, Michaela January 2021 (has links)
Title: The effect of one-off so called sensorimotor serie exercise on postural stability measured on Neurocom SMART Equitest Aim: The goal of this thesis is to evaluate the effect of one-off so-called sensorimotor serie exercise on postural stability on a healthy young human measured by computerized dynamic posturography (CDP). Methods: This experimental study is using a cross-over design, it means that participants got the intervention in randomized order. 20 healthy young subjects participated in the experiment, 12 women and 8 men aged 20 to 28 years (23,55± 1,63). The group of men and women was randomly divided into two groups. Group E1 was measured by Neurocom SMART Equitest using three testing protocols (SOT, MCT, LOS), went through the one-off so called sensorimotor serie, and was measured again immediately afterwards (almost 30 minutes after the first measurement) at the first appointment. In 1 week ± 1 day (wash-out period) participants from the group E1 were only measured without getting any intervention and after 30 minutes break measured again. Group E2 got the intervention in opposite order. Measured data were processed using the Neurocom Balance Manager Software. In the statistical analysis was used one-sample t-test respectively two-sample t-test (Welch's version) as a comparison...
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Návrh změn konceptu motivačního systému ve zvoleném podniku / Concept for Motivational System Change in a Selected CompanyTurčaník, Martin January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this Master's thesis is to propose changes of motivational system in the company. Theoretical part describes motivational theory concepts including information about motivational systems efficiency. Empirical part is focused on analysis of motivational system. First there was an interview with human resources manager, who gave us information about characteristics and motivational system of this company. Second step was to find out more opinions from employees, therefore it was necessary to realize a research in form of questionnaire. Final outcome of this thesis is to recommend some changes of current motivational system. These proposals will minimize the most likely causes of labour fluctuation and it will also increase the satisfaction with particular aspects of motivational system.
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Motivační systém ve vybrané společnosti / Motivation Systems of Selected CompanyJuránková, Tereza January 2018 (has links)
This master's thesis summarizes the theoretical knowledge about employees motivation and explains the basic terms connected with this issue. It describes the current trends of employees' requests in the field of motivation system and analyzes the current state of the selected company using a questionnaire survey. On the basis of the identified shortcomings changes are proposed in the incentive system, which should lead to better recruitment and retention of existing employees.
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Rozšíření motivačního systému vybrané společnosti / Extending the Motivation System of a Selected CompanyCaklová, Gabriela January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the proposal of extending the motivation system of Bosch Diesel company. The theoretical part summarizes the findings concerning employee motivation. Subsequently, an analytical part is created using internal sources of the company and a questionnaire survey.
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