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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

En kartläggning av utvecklingen av läpp-, käk- och gomspalt-vården i Sverige : främst under senare hälften av 1900-talet

Tessell, Karin January 2007 (has links)
<p>Cleft lip and palate (CLP) is a congenital malformation. Assessment, care-planning and treatment in Sweden is executed by a team at six major regional hospitals. Historically, CLP-treatment has undergone many changes. The aim of this study is to map out how CLP-treatment regime has developed in Linköping and Stockholm during, primarily the second half of the 20th century. The focus of the study is on surgery, speech therapy and orthodontic treatment.</p><p>A study of medical records was conducted of 89 records at the speech-care unit at Linköping University hospital. The different types of clefts included were unilateral and bilateral CLP (UCLP, BCLP) and isolated cleft palate in patients born between 1908 and 1995. Interviews were made with a phoniatrician, a dental orthopaedist and a speech and language pathologist with long experience in CLP-patient care.</p><p>Results showed, that the total number of operations generally decreased for patients with BCLP and isolated cleft palate. The age when operations were performed varied less after 1975. Time in hospital for surgery became more stable and shorter. The age at the first speech therapy session decreased during the 20th century and the number of sessions at Linköping University hospital decreased for patients born after 1970.</p><p>The conclusions of this study are:</p><p>● age when operating has become more stable.</p><p>● time in hospital for surgery has decreased.</p><p>● number of treatments, both operations and speech therapy sessions, has decreased.</p> / <p>Läpp-, käk- och gomspalt (LKG) är en medfödd missbildning. Behandling och planering av vård för patienter i Sverige med denna missbildning utförs av specialistteam vid sex av landets stora sjukhus. Vården av personer med LKG har historiskt genomgått förändringar. Syftet med föreliggande studie är att kartlägga hur LKG vården utvecklats i Linköping och Stockholm, främst under senare hälften av 1900-talet. Studien fokuserar på kirurgi, talbehandling och ortodontisk behandling.</p><p>En journalstudie genomfördes av 89 journaler från Talvårdsavdelningen vid Linköpings Universitetssjukhus. Spalttyperna som ingick i studien var unilateral och bilateral total spalt (U-LKG, B-LKG) samt isolerad gomspalt. Patienterna var födda mellan 1908 och 1995. Intervjuer gjordes med en foniater, en käkortoped och en logoped, som samtliga under flera år var involverade i omhändertagandet av patienter med LKG.</p><p>I studien framkom att det totala antalet operationstillfällen generellt har minskat för B-LKG och isolerad gomspalt. Sedan 1975 har åldern vid operationerna varierat mindre mellan åren. Även vårdtiderna vid operationerna har stabiliserats samt blivit allt kortare. Åldern vid första talbehandlingen har generellt sjunkit under 1900-talet och antalet talbehandlingar på sjukhuset i Linköping har sjunkit för patienter födda efter 1970.</p><p>Slutsatser som kan dras av föreliggande studie är att:</p><p>● tidpunkterna för operationer har blivit mer stabila.</p><p>● vårdtiderna vid operationer har blivit kortare.</p><p>● antalet behandlingar, såväl operationer som talbehandlingar, har minskat.</p>

En analys av "Identitet- om varumärken, tecken och symboler" : Ett tredelat projekt av Nationalmuseum och Stockholms Handelshögskola våren 2002

Egnér, Emma January 2006 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this paper was to analyse “Identity- about trademarks, signs and symbols”. The project was a co-operation between the National museum of Art and Stockholm School of Economics in the spring of 2002, which consisted of an exhibition, a book and a series of seminars. The goal was to illustrate how the trademark had developed through history, which role it has in the modern society and how the trademark serves as a creator of identities. The project, mostly the exhibition, was exposed to criticism, which was directed towards the sponsorship deals between The National Museum of Art and five companies.</p>

Kungliga bibliotekets fotografiska förvärv : En undersökning av Kungliga bibliotekets förvärv av fotografier under 1958‒2008 / The Royal Library's Acquisition of Photographies : A Study of the Royal Library's Acquisition of Photographies during 1958-2008

Riddar Johnson, Matilda January 2009 (has links)
<p>My master’s thesis is a study of acquisition of photographies during 1958-2008. The questions I proceed from is what patterns lies behind the Royal library's acquisition of photography and how the process of acquisition looks like. The theoretical base which I lean on consists partly of a problematization of the process of cultural heritage and partly of organizational theory. The problematization of the process of cultural heritage is my foundation of this essay. My starting point is that the Royal library make a choice when they collect material to be a cultural heritage and the memories gathered for future generations. I used organizational theory to find answer to how the collection been gathered through studies of the organizations interaction with the members of the organization, the process in the organizations, like goals and policy, and the organizations interaction with other organizations. I used case-study as my method. I interviewed most of the chiefs who were in charge of the unit during the period 1958-2008 and worked through journals of acquisition, annual reports, letters of regulation, exchange of letters and other in-house material. My results are that the acquisition of photography follows the Royal library's acquisition of picture at large. The culture heritage that the library collect for future generations is based on the content rather than the form of the material. This aspect was founded early in the creation of the library and has kept its status as a guiding line ever since. The main categories of collection are based on the motif of the photography and are the following; portrait, topography and events. Events is a new category but a sequel of an old category, historical wall chart. The material that the photographies are made of has varied but the majority have been photographies on paper. Gifts and purchases have been the most common ways for the library to collect photographies. Gifts have been treated differently through the years, from the beginning all gifts were received and the library asked actively for special gifts, later the library decided whether or not they should accept a gift. The policy from both the library and from the government have been vague, but lately they have been working on a new and more detailed policy from 2008.</p>

Kvicksilversituationen i Stockholms skärgård / The mercury situation in the Stockholm archipelago

Elving, Hannes January 2010 (has links)
<p>Kvicksilverutsläppen har på senare år minskat i omfattning men utsläpp sker fortfarande och det finns ett stort lager i naturen. Oorganiskt kvicksilver är relativt ofarligt för levande organismer, men i akvatiska miljöer kan sulfatreducerande bakterier under syrefria förhållanden omvandla oorganiskt kvicksilver till den betydligt mer skadliga formen metylkvicksilver, meHg, som även är mer biotillgängligt än oorganiskt kvicksilver. Kvicksilver biomagnifieras uppåt i trofinivåerna, från att vara lägst halter i plankton och bottenfauna till att vara högst halter i rovfiskar. Kvicksilver ackumuleras även i fiskars muskelvävnad vilket innebär att yngre fiskar har lägre Hg-halter än gamla och stora individer. På grund av detta finns kostråd framtagna av Livsmedelsverket. Saluförd abborre, liksom ett flertal andra fiskarter, får inneha maximalt 0,5 mg Hg/kg fiskmuskel (färskvikt) och för gädda är gränsen satt till 1 mg Hg/kg fiskmuskel (färskvikt). Organiskt kvicksilver kan påverka foster negativt, och därför bör kvinnor i fertil ålder i största möjliga mån undvika kvicksilverrik fisk.</p><p> </p><p>Examensarbetet syftar till att belysa kvicksilversituationen i Stockholms skärgård för stationär kustfisk. Information har samlats in dels genom en litteraturstudie och dels genom fältundersökningar utförda av IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet. Genom statistisk analys och stegvis multipel regression visades att kvicksilverhalten i sediment, vattnets klorofyllhalt och områdets vattenvolym bidrog med förklaringsgrad till halten Hg i fisk. Utifrån de mest signifikanta förklarande variablerna togs en statistisk modell fram i syfte att kunna prediktera teoretiska kvicksilverhalter i fisk. Olika modellkombinationer testades och utgående från en modellvalidering valdes den bästa modellen ut. Dess förklaringsgrad är 81 % där kvicksilverhalten i sediment är modellens enda variabel.</p><p> </p><p>Kvicksilversituationen i Stockholms skärgårds kustområden visades grafiskt med hjälp av interpolerade GIS-kartor. Samma områdesavgränsningar användes som i SMHI:s havsområderegister. Det visades att situationen över lag är relativt god, med undantag för de centrala delarna av Stockholm och på så vis kan Stockholm ses som en förorenande punktkälla.</p> / <p>Mercury emissions have been reduced in recent years but the discharges still exist and there exist a great mercury stock out in the nature. Inorganic mercury is relatively harmless for living organisms but during shortage of oxygen, sulphur reducing bacteria can transform inorganic mercury into the considerable more toxic substance methyl mercury, meHg, that are more bio available than inorganic mercury. Mercury biomagnify upwards the trophic levels, where the lowest content exists in algae and sediment living fauna and the highest content exist in predator fishes. Mercury also accumulates in fishes muscle tissue, meaning that young fishes have lower mercury content than old and big individuals. Food advices from the Swedish food agency exist because of this. Perch offered for sale are allowed to have a content of maximum 0.5 mg Hg/kg fish muscle (wet weight) and for pike the upper boundary content is 1 mg Hg/kg fish muscle (wet weight). Inorganic mercury can affect foetus negatively, and therefore women in fertile age should avoid fish with high mercury content for as long as possible.</p><p> </p><p>The aim of this exam work is to illustrate the mercury situation in the archipelago of Stockholm regarding stationary coast fish. Information was collected through a literature study and by field examines done by IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute Ltd. Through statistical analyses and stepwise multiple regression it was shown that the mercury content in sediment, chlorophyll and the water volume of the area contributed by statistical explanation to the mercury concentration in fish. On the basis of the most significant variables a statistical model was created, with the purpose of predicting theoretical mercury contents in fish. Different model combinations were tested and by a model validation the best model were chosen. Its statistical explanation is 81 % were the mercury content in the sediment is the only input variable to the model.</p><p> </p><p>The mercury situation in the Stockholm archipelago was presented graphically by interpolated maps created with GIS. The same area boundary as SMHI’s maritime registry was used. It was shown that the situation in general is relatively good, with the exception of the central parts of Stockholm. Because of this Stockholm can be seen as a polluting point source.</p>

Café Gul : en urbantropologisk essä om identitet och vardag

Mårtens, Pehr January 2001 (has links)
No description available.

Ett maratonarbete : en trendstudie om konditionens förändring på tre olika svenska populationer

Söderholm, Richard, Birging, Simon January 2008 (has links)
<p><strong>Syfte och frågeställningar</strong></p><p> </p><p>Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka GIH-studenters kondition och jämföra den trend som finns på GIH gentemot trender för konditionen hos mönstrande samt löpare i Stockholm Marathon. De frågeställningar som användes var:</p><p>1. Hur har GIH-studenters maximala syreupptagningsförmåga förändrats från 1977 till 2008?</p><p>2. Hur har mäns arbetskapacitet under mönstringen förändrats mellan åren 1969-83 samt 1986-93?</p><p>3. Hur har medeltiden förändrats för de löpare som deltog i och slutförde Stockholm Marathon mellan åren 1979-2008?</p><p><strong><p>Metod</p></strong></p><p>Dels deltog vi i framtagande av ny data i egenskaper av testledare i ett projekt för att undersöka GIH-studenters maximala syreupptagningsförmåga under hösten 2008 (n=28). Dessa data jämfördes sedan med tidigare framtagna data från ett liknande test på GIH-studenter från 1977 (n=44). Resterande del av undersökningen var bearbetning av befintlig data. Totalt studerades 183 216 löpare i Stockholm Marathon samt i snitt 45 000 mönstrande för varje studerat år.</p><p><strong><p>Resultat</p></strong></p><p>De resultat som framkom av studien var att en negativ utveckling gick att utläsa på GIH-studenternas maximala syreupptagningsförmåga, från 4,50 l O2/min hos männen till 4,24 l O2/min, medan utvecklingen hos kvinnorna var minimal, 2,88 l O2/min till 2,86 l O2/min. Utvecklingen blev större när korrelation mellan vikt och syreupptagningsförmåga gjorts, 61,6ml O2/min*min-1 till 55,6ml O2/min*min-1 för männen medan en förändring från 47,8ml O2/min*min-1 till 44,9ml O2/min*min-1 hos kvinnorna kunde konstateras. Hos mönstrande män var utvecklingen tvådelad; under åren 1969-83 ökade arbetskapaciteten per kilo kroppsvikt något, 3,53W/kg till 3,69W/kg, medan det skedde en minskning mellan 1986 och 1993; 4,34W/kg till 4,17W/kg. För löpare i Stockholm Marathon ökade sluttiden stadigt mellan 1979 och 2008 från att ha legat i medel på 215 min för herrar 1979 till 243 min 2008. Motsvarande tider för damer låg 1979 på 233 min för att stiga till 257 min 2008.</p><p><strong><p>Slutsats</p></strong></p><p>Utvecklingen för konditionen hos GIH-studenter ligger väl i linje med befintlig forskning som visar på en försämring hos den manliga delen hos befolkningen mot en svagt negativ eller oförändrad kondition hos kvinnorna. Denna trend går dock inte att utläsa på bearbetad mönstringsdata, vars förändring var för liten för att statistiskt kunna säkerställas. En tydlig försämring uppmättes av sluttiden i Stockholm Marathon vilket tros bero på en försämring i konditionen hos löparna. De framtagna resultaten bekräftas i stort av tidigare forskning som visar på en försämring av konditionen men samtidigt visar statistik på att träningsfrekvensen inte sjunkit. Därför drar vi slutsatsen att en annan typ av träning är mer vanligt förekommande idag, såsom koordinations- och styrketräning. Detta är dock inte säkerställt utan en slutsats baserad på forskningsläget.</p><p> </p>

Social-ecological resilience and planning: an interdisciplinary exploration

Wilkinson, Cathy January 2012 (has links)
Despite considerable expansion in the scope and function of the state with respect to environmental protection, the world’s biological diversity and ecosystem services continue to deteriorate. Finding ways to better govern human-nature relations in cities is an important part of addressing this decline. The aim of this thesis is to explore the potential of social-ecological resilience to inform urban governance in theory and practice, through a focus on strategic spatial planning. Resilience has become an increasingly important urban policy discourse and much hope is placed in its potential to improve urban governance. However, there is an acknowledged gap between social-ecological resilience as an ideal and the ability to govern towards it in practice. At the time this doctoral research commenced there had been no engagement with social-ecological resilience in the planning theory literature and minimal engagement by empirical planning research. It is to this gap the thesis contributes. Social-ecological resilience scholarship is found to offer planning theory a partly new way of understanding complex human-nature relations. This is relevant to calls by planning theorists for more attention to matters of substance, including ecological processes. With respect to practice, planners see potential for social-ecological resilience to critically inform strategic spatial planning, including through the framing of problems, tools for analysis/synthesis and governance options. There are also however, lessons for social-ecological resilience scholarship that emerge from the detailed empirical research which suggests that attention to the politics of the everyday activities of administrators, elected officials, planning officials, conservationists and citizens operating within the so-called ‘mangle of practice’ is critical to explaining the gap between the ideal of governing for urban resilience, and what happens in practice. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 4: Manuscript. Paper 5: Manuscript.</p>

Stockholm stock exchange efficiency : Abnormal returns on positive annual and interim reports

Gyllefjord, Fredrik, Gardhage, Erik, Lolic, Vladimir January 2005 (has links)
Problem: An efficient market fully reflects all available information about a company in its share price. Furthermore any new information presented about a company will lead to an instant adaptation in the share price. Henceforth an investor can not reach abnormal returns on an efficient market. The Stockholm stock exchange is afairly large stock exchange with a turnover of SEK 14000 millions per day. Prior studies conducted regarding the efficiency of the Stockholm stock exchange have stated that the stock exchange was efficient on a semistrong level. However these studies were conducted with a time frame of several weeks and therefore the authors distinguished a need for a study aiming at short term efficiency. Furthermore this thesis aims to investigate the effects of the presentation of positive annual and interim reports. A positive report is defined as a report that leads to an increase in share price the day it is presented and consequently includes all events on the day of the presentation, e.g. the press conference. The thesis was written from an investors’ perspective, who is about to buy shares. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis was to describe and analyze the Stockholm stock exchange market’s efficiency. This was done during the days surrounding the presentation of annual and interim reports rendering an increase in share price. Furthermore the possibilities of making abnormal returns by buying shares during this period were investigated. Method: To investigate the efficiency of the Stockholm stock exchange an event study was carried out. Data regarding the performance of the shares of the fifteen most traded com-panies on the Stockholm stock exchange were collected from the OMX groups’ homepage. The chosen companies together represented more than fifty percent of the turnover of the OMXS 30 index. The index was used as a benchmark for measuring the efficiency. The share price movement was analyzed with a quantitative approach through a statistical T-test with the assistance of the SPSS 13.0. Result: The authors claim that the Stockholm stock exchange is not efficient on a semistrong level the day after the presentation of a positive report, as the shares displayed a negative abnormal deviation from the OMXS 30 index. The deviation was statistically verified. However the authors state that no abnormal returns can be reached by buying shares during this period since the deviation was negative. The period as a whole and the other tested days came out as efficient on a semi-strong level.

An Opportunity for Renewals: : The Participatory Process and Social and Income Diversity in Brownfield Development

Reardon, Mitchell January 2010 (has links)
Reardon, Mitchell. (2010) An Opportunity for Renewal: The Participatory Process and Social and Income Diversity in Brownfield Developments Urban and Regional Planning, advanced level, master thesis for master exam in Urban and Regional Planning, 30 ECTS credits. Supervisor: Dr. Thomas Borén Language: English   Participatory planning and the redevelopment of brownfield locations have both figured prominently in urban and regional planning strategies in recent decades. Despite their growing importance, these trends have rarely been analysed in concert however. Further, the issues of social and income diversity within this context have received less attention. In recognizing this void, this paper explores the use of participatory planning in brownfield developments, with an emphasis on social and income diversity. Through a review of the participatory planning theories of communicative action and the just city, strategies for promoting participatory planning and social and income diversity, are identified. A case study of Norra Djurgårdsstaden, a brownfield development in Stockholm, Sweden is employed to analyse these strategies. In undertaking the case study, data was collected through interviews and planning documents. This study found that the inherently high cost of redeveloping brownfield locations inhibits social and income diversity and requires an overt response to mitigate it. Participatory planning offers the possibility of engaging stakeholders who may otherwise be ignored, providing the opportunity to create a more inclusive development. It is also clear that an inclusionary goal must be part of a wider strategy, or is otherwise likely to be ignored.

En kartläggning av utvecklingen av läpp-, käk- och gomspalt-vården i Sverige : främst under senare hälften av 1900-talet

Tessell, Karin January 2007 (has links)
Cleft lip and palate (CLP) is a congenital malformation. Assessment, care-planning and treatment in Sweden is executed by a team at six major regional hospitals. Historically, CLP-treatment has undergone many changes. The aim of this study is to map out how CLP-treatment regime has developed in Linköping and Stockholm during, primarily the second half of the 20th century. The focus of the study is on surgery, speech therapy and orthodontic treatment. A study of medical records was conducted of 89 records at the speech-care unit at Linköping University hospital. The different types of clefts included were unilateral and bilateral CLP (UCLP, BCLP) and isolated cleft palate in patients born between 1908 and 1995. Interviews were made with a phoniatrician, a dental orthopaedist and a speech and language pathologist with long experience in CLP-patient care. Results showed, that the total number of operations generally decreased for patients with BCLP and isolated cleft palate. The age when operations were performed varied less after 1975. Time in hospital for surgery became more stable and shorter. The age at the first speech therapy session decreased during the 20th century and the number of sessions at Linköping University hospital decreased for patients born after 1970. The conclusions of this study are: ● age when operating has become more stable. ● time in hospital for surgery has decreased. ● number of treatments, both operations and speech therapy sessions, has decreased. / Läpp-, käk- och gomspalt (LKG) är en medfödd missbildning. Behandling och planering av vård för patienter i Sverige med denna missbildning utförs av specialistteam vid sex av landets stora sjukhus. Vården av personer med LKG har historiskt genomgått förändringar. Syftet med föreliggande studie är att kartlägga hur LKG vården utvecklats i Linköping och Stockholm, främst under senare hälften av 1900-talet. Studien fokuserar på kirurgi, talbehandling och ortodontisk behandling. En journalstudie genomfördes av 89 journaler från Talvårdsavdelningen vid Linköpings Universitetssjukhus. Spalttyperna som ingick i studien var unilateral och bilateral total spalt (U-LKG, B-LKG) samt isolerad gomspalt. Patienterna var födda mellan 1908 och 1995. Intervjuer gjordes med en foniater, en käkortoped och en logoped, som samtliga under flera år var involverade i omhändertagandet av patienter med LKG. I studien framkom att det totala antalet operationstillfällen generellt har minskat för B-LKG och isolerad gomspalt. Sedan 1975 har åldern vid operationerna varierat mindre mellan åren. Även vårdtiderna vid operationerna har stabiliserats samt blivit allt kortare. Åldern vid första talbehandlingen har generellt sjunkit under 1900-talet och antalet talbehandlingar på sjukhuset i Linköping har sjunkit för patienter födda efter 1970. Slutsatser som kan dras av föreliggande studie är att: ● tidpunkterna för operationer har blivit mer stabila. ● vårdtiderna vid operationer har blivit kortare. ● antalet behandlingar, såväl operationer som talbehandlingar, har minskat.

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