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Koncept rychlonabíjecí stanice pro elektromobily s akumulací / Concept of Fast Charging Station with Accumulation for Electric VehiclesMiškovský, Ján January 2017 (has links)
Main purpose of the thesis is the creation of a concept a fast-charging station associated with accumulation that uses renewable source. The introduction of the thesis describes a standard that specifies the charge of electric vehicles using direct and alternating current as well. It depicts an overview of using charging connectors. The first part also deals with overview of the technology of renewable sources and exploitation energy storage system for charging station. The second part introduces the theoretical basement for mathematical model of the charging station in Matlab/Simulink. The function of model station is verified by a physical laboratory model. For options verification of the connection station to the distribution net is created simulation of voltage losses in Matlab/Simulink. The thesis shows four 24 hours’ scenarios that have been simulated. According to the assumptions of simulation, the technology of station and connecting component is suggested. Next is the designed energy and financial analysis of the project charging station until 2030.
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Effizienzsteigerung des Kunststoffblasformprozesses durch Optimierung des DrucklufteinsatzesZipplies, Daniel 21 October 2020 (has links)
Die ökologischen und ökonomischen Anforderungen der heutigen Zeit verlangen energieeffiziente Verarbeitungsverfahren. Vor diesem Hintergrund befasst sich diese Arbeit mit dem Kunststoffblasformprozess, der neben dem für die Kunststoffverarbeitung typischen hohen Energiebedarf zusätzlich ein hohes Maß an energieintensiv zu erzeugender Druckluft erfordert. Ausgehend von einer ausführlichen Energiebilanz des Extrusionsblasformprozesses wurde der zur Formgebung (Blasluft) und zur inneren Blasteilkühlung (Spülluft) benötigte Drucklufteinsatz als eine energetische Schwachstelle identifiziert. Zur Reduzierung des erforderlichen Druckluftaufwands bei der Formgebung wird die Prozessrückführung der Blasluft detailliert betrachtet. Weiterhin wird ein Speichersystem vorgestellt, das eine sekundäre Nutzung der bei der inneren Blasteilkühlung kontinuierlich anfallenden druckbehafteten Prozessabluft ermöglicht. Abschließend wird ein Ansatz zum effektiven Drucklufteinsatz bei der inneren Kühlung flaschenförmiger Blasteile aufgezeigt, der durch gezieltes Ausnutzen von für den Wärmeübergang günstiger Strömungsverhältnisse eine Kühlzeitverkürzung sowie eine Reduzierung des Druckluftaufwands verspricht.:1 Einleitung
2 Prozessanalyse des Blasformverfahrens
3 Motivation, Zielstellung und Aufbau der Arbeit
4 Energetische Bilanzierung des Extrusionsblasformverfahrens
5 Reduzierung des Druckluftaufwands bei der Formgebung
6 Sekundärnutzung der zur inneren Blasteilkühlung verwendeten Druckluft
7 Effektive Druckluftnutzung bei der inneren Kühlung flaschenförmiger Blasteile
8 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick / Today's ecological and economic requirements demand energy-efficient processing methods. Against this background, this thesis deals with the plastic blow moulding process, which, in addition to the high energy demand typical for plastics processing, requires a high degree of energy-intensive compressed air. Based on a detailed energy balance of the extrusion blow moulding process, the use of compressed air required for forming (blow air) and for internal cooling of the blowing parts (purge air) was identified as an energetic weak point. In order to reduce the amount of compressed air required for forming, a feedback process used to recycle the blowing air is investigated in detail. Furthermore, a storage system will be presented which allows a secondary use of the pressurized process exhaust air, which is continuously generated during the internal cooling of the blowing part. Finally, an optimization approach for the effective use of compressed air for the internal cooling of bottle-shaped blow-moulded parts is presented, which promises a shortening of the cooling time and a reduction of the compressed air required through the targeted use of favourable flow conditions for heat transfer.:1 Einleitung
2 Prozessanalyse des Blasformverfahrens
3 Motivation, Zielstellung und Aufbau der Arbeit
4 Energetische Bilanzierung des Extrusionsblasformverfahrens
5 Reduzierung des Druckluftaufwands bei der Formgebung
6 Sekundärnutzung der zur inneren Blasteilkühlung verwendeten Druckluft
7 Effektive Druckluftnutzung bei der inneren Kühlung flaschenförmiger Blasteile
8 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick
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Battery Storage as Grid Reinforcement for Peak Power Demands / Batterilagring som nätförstärkningsåtgärd vid topplasteffekterHilleberg, Jesper January 2023 (has links)
An increased amount of intermittent electricity production, more electric vehicles (EV), and an overall electrification of society may all cause a higher variability between the balance of supply and demand on the electric grid. Battery storage has been identified as a solution to the emerging problem asit can be charged during hours of low power demand and then discharged to help meet the power demand during peak loads. This master thesis investigates how characteristics from yearly power demand data can be defined so that a battery energy storage system (BESS) can be dimensioned for it and which parameters are important when dimensioning a BESS. The investment cost of the dimensioned BESS is investigated and calculated, and there is as well a general discussion of potentials, drivers, and barriers for a grid owner to implement a BESS. The master thesis includes a literature study and a case study performed together with Tekniska verken and its subsidiary company Tekniska verken Nät where three cases of varying sizes were investigated:• An EV charging station, with a peak power demand of up to 1 MW.• A distribution station, with an original peak power demand of close to 3 MW.• Purchased power from the regional grid, with a peak power demand of almost 152 MW. By dimensioning a BESS from a year-long data curve of the hourly power demand, a power limit was set. The highest peak power value over the power limit, the longest peak duration, and the highest energy peak were then identified to establish the curve characteristics. A battery storage was investigated to see if it could be used to meet the demand occurring when implementing a power limit to the yearly power demand curve. Batteries store electrical energy in the form of electrochemical energy and then transforms the energy back into electrical energy when needed and does so with varying efficiency according to the type of chemistry that is used in the battery. The so-called lithium ion (li-ion) battery is mostly used today and utilizes lithium in the shape of ions along with a metallic cathode and a carbon anode. The cathode and anode can vary in a li-ion battery chemistry, which varies its characteristics and means that there are multiple types of li-ion battery chemistry types. The specific li-ion battery chemistry lithium iron phosphate (LFP), was established as the most applicable battery due to its high energy density, easy to attain materials, general safety, maturity, and amount of discharge cycles it can handle throughout its lifetime. A BESS could be modelled from the LFP limitations and data curve for each case. The results showed that a short-duration variability of a power demand was a success factor for the implementation of a BESS. It allows the BESS to recharge often and the minimum required energy capacity could be lower and more optimal. An investment cost insecurity was established from literature when comparing estimates, as it could vary depending on the published date, used battery chemistry, taxes, and subsidies in the origin country of the literature. Therefore an estimate given by the Swedish transmission system operator (TSO), Svenska Kraftnät of 5-6 MSEK/MWh from a report published in late 2022 was deemed most relevant. An investment cost for each scenario in every case could be calculated and additional economical benefits relevant in the cases such as comparing to the cost of conventional grid reinforcement or economical gains from a lowered grid subscription were investigated. However, an overall conclusion that the investment cost of a BESS was too expensive to be deemed feasible and that there were no overwhelming economical gains from reducing the peak loads was made. A final generalization and discussion of drivers and barriers concluded that the applicability of a BESS can be identified by the defining characteristics of a demand curve. Moreover, it was found that the BESS investment cost was too high when only applying it for grid reinforcement methods. Although, a BESS can have additional benefits to the grid stability. The grid owner cannot however, own a BESS and use it on the frequency service market which otherwise would potentially make it economically feasible to strengthen the grid. The ultimate goal of the project is to help create a broader understanding of battery storage as part of the electrical network, where and when it can be applicable, and how one could go about investigating its use. / En ökad mängd variabel elproduktion, fler elbilar och en elektrifiering av samhället i helhet. Detta kommer skapa en högre variabilitet och därmed större obalans mellan tillförsel och efterfrågan på elnätet. Batterilagring har identifierats som en potentiell lösning till det ökade problemet då det kan laddas vid ett lågt effektbehov och urladdas vid ett högt effektbehov. Genom detta examensarbete kommer det undersökas hur karaktäristik från årliga effektkurvor kan definieras. Det görs i syfte av att dimensionera ett batterilagringssystem utefter datan. Därefter undersöks även vilka parametrar som är viktiga vid dimensioneringen av ett batterilagringssystem. Utefter de dimensionerade batterilagringssystemen tas även en investeringskostnad fram. En diskussion framförs även utifrån den generella potentialen, drivkrafter och barriärer som finns vid implementering av ett batterilagringssystem från perspektivet av en nätägare. Examensarbete består av en litteraturstudie och en fallstudie som genomförs i samarbete med Tekniska verken i Linköping AB och Tekniska verken Nät, där tre fall av varierande storlek undersöks:• En elbilsladdningstation, med ett toppeffektbehov på upp till 1 MW.• En fördelningsstation, med ett ursprungligt toppeffektbehov på nästan 3 MW.• Köpt effekt från det regionala nätet, där toppeffektbehovet uppgår till nästan 152 MW. Vid dimensionering av ett batterilagringssytem från den årliga effektkurvan måste en effektbegränsning sättas. Därefter kan den överstigande effektopplasten, den längsta tiden effektbegränsningen överstigs och den högsta överstigande energin tas fram, för att etablera kurvans karaktäristik. En undersökning gjordes om ett batterilager kunde användas för att möta effektbehovet då en effektbegränsning införs till den årliga effektkurvan. Batterier lagrar elektrisk energi i formen av elektrokemisk energi för att sedan transformera tillbaka det till elektrisk energi då det finns ett behov. Effektiviteten av transformeringen varierar beroende på den kemiska blandningen som batteriet är uppbyggt av. Det så kallade litiumjonbatteriet är det mest använda idag och nyttjar litium i formen av joner tillsammans med en metallisk katod och en anod av kol. Katod och anod kan variera vilket medför en förändrad karaktäristik och betyder alltså att det finns olika sorters litiumjonbatterier. Den specifika litiumjärnfosfat (LFP) blandningen ansågs mest användbar i elnätsapplikationer. Detta på grund av sin höga energidensitet, lättillgängliga material, generella säkerhet, teknikens mognad och mängden urladdningscyklar den kan hantera. Ett batterilagringssytem kunde då modellerades utefter LFP-batterikemin i kombination med den årliga effektkurvan för varje fall. Resultatet därifrån visade att en korttidsvariabilietet av effektbehovet var en framgångsfaktor vid implementeringen av ett batterilagringssystem. Detta då det tillåter för ett batterilagringsystem att återladdas oftare och en lägre minimal energikapacitet kan dimensioneras vilket gör den mer optimal. Vid undersökning av investeringskostnaden upptäcktes en svaghet i litteraturen vid jämförandet av kostnadsuppskattningar. Uppskattningen kunde variera beroende på publiceringsdatum, val av batterikemi, landets skatter och bidrag. Därav valdes en kostnadsuppskattning från den svenska stamnätsägaren, Svenska Kraftnät på 5–6 MSEK/MWh utifrån en rapport publicerat sent i 2022 som mest relevant. Utifrån kostnadsuppskattningen kunde en beräkning av investeringskostnad och ytterligare ekonomiska gynnsamheter relevanta för varje fall undersökas (såsom en jämförelse mot konventionell nätförstärkning eller sänkt abonnemangskostnad). Den generella slutsatsen som drogs var däremot att investeringskostnaden för ett batterilagringssystem var för dyrt för att vara ekonomiskt genomförbart. Det var dessutom inga betydande ekonomiska gynnsamheter som kunde ändra på det då batterilagringssystemet endast användes till att sänka toppeffektlaster. En avslutande generalisering och diskussion av drivkrafter och barriärer framgav att applicerbarheten av ett batterilagringsystem kunde definieras utifrån den identifierade karaktäristiken av den årliga effektkurvan. Dessutom framkom det att investeringskostnaden i varje fall var för hög då batterilagringssystemet endast nyttjades som nätförstärkning. Hursomhelst kan ett batterilagringssystem bidra till ytterligare fördelar i elnätets stabilitet. Elnätsägaren kan inte äga ett batterilagringssystem och använda det på effektreservmarknaden som annars kunde bidra till batterilagringssystemets ekonomiska genomförbarhet. Det slutliga målet av arbetet har varit att ge en bredare förståelse för batterilagring som en del av elnätet. Detta genom att ta reda på när och var det är applicerbart och hur man kan utvärdera dess användning.
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[pt] No Brasil, existem muitos projetos em sistemas fotovoltaicos, e a projeção
para os próximos anos é de crescimento devido incentivos governamentais e os
elevados preços das tarifas de energia. Associado a isso, o mercado de
armazenamento de energia com baterias de íons de lítio tem se mostrado promissor
devido a uma considerável queda nos preços dessas baterias nos últimos anos. Isso
pode representar uma oportunidade para o mercado de sistemas fotovoltaicos
quando os incentivos acabarem. Este trabalho propõe um modelo PLIM
(Programação Linear Inteira Mista) estocástico para dimensionar um sistema
fotovoltaico integrado com armazenamento de energia em baterias para grandes
consumidores de energia, usando cenários de geração e consumo, podendo
considerar diferentes modalidades tarifárias. As variáveis de decisão são o número
de painéis, inversores, baterias, a operação diária do sistema de armazenamento e a
demanda contratada do consumidor. A função objetivo busca minimizar o custo de
investimento no sistema fotovoltaico, baterias e fatura de energia. A abordagem
proposta será analisada sob diferentes premissas, uma com incentivos
governamentais sobre a anergia injetada na rede e outra na qual a injeção de energia
na rede não é permitida, a fim de avaliar a importância das baterias para manter a
atratividade econômica do sistema fotovoltaico. Os resultados indicaram que o efeito
sinérgico do sistema fotovoltaico com baterias potencializa a arbitragem, que está
relacionada com a diferença entre as tarifas de energia de ponta e fora ponta. Isso
ocorre principalmente com operação zero exportação porque somente assim o
consumidor é livre para escolher a capacidade do seu sistema fotovoltaico, que hoje
é limitado no Brasil quando o sistema é conectado na rede de distribuição. / [en] In Brazil, there are many projects in photovoltaic systems, and the projection
for the coming years is positive due to the government incentives and the expensive
energy tariffs. Associated with this, the Lithium-ion battery storage systems market
has been promising due to a significant drop in battery prices in the last few years.
This may represent an opportunity for the photovoltaic system market when the
incentives run-out. This work proposes a stochastic mixed integer linear
programming (MILP) model to design a photovoltaic system integrated with battery
energy storage for big electricity consumers, using generation and consumption
scenarios, being able to consider different Time-of-Use tariffs. The decision
variables are the number of panels, inverters and batteries, its daily operation and
the power demand contracted. The objective function aims to minimize the cost of
investment, in the photovoltaic system, batteries and electricity bill. The proposed
approach will be analyzed under different assumptions, one with the government
incentive about injected surplus and another in which the injection into the network
is not possible, in order to assess the importance of a storage system to keep the
economic attraction of the photovoltaic system. Results indicated that the synergic
effect of the photovoltaic system and battery potentialize the arbitrage, which is
related to the difference between peak and off-peak energy tariff. This occurs,
mainly with Zero Export operation because only this way the consumer is free to
choose the capacity of the photovoltaic system, which is limited in Brazil when the
system is allowed to inject energy into the network.
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Energy Savings Using a Direct Current Distribution Network in a PV and Battery Equipped Residential BuildingOllas, Patrik January 2020 (has links)
Energy from solar photovoltaic (PV) are generated as direct current (DC) and almost all of today’s electrical loads in residential buildings, household appliances and HVAC system (Heating Ventilation and Air-conditioning) are operated on DC. For a conventional alternating current (AC) distribution system this requires the need for multiple conversion steps before the final user-stage. By switching the distribution system to DC, conversion steps between AC to DC can be avoided and, in that way, losses are reduced. Including a battery storage–the system’s losses can be reduced further and the generated PV energy is even better utilised. This thesis investigates and quantifies the energy savings when using a direct current distribution topology in a residential building together with distributed energy generation from solar photovoltaic and a battery storage. Measured load and PV generation data for a single-family house situated in Borås, Sweden is used as a case study for the analysis. Detailed and dynamic models–based on laboratory measurements of the power electronic converters and the battery–are also used to more accurately reflect the system’s dynamic performance. In this study a dynamic representation of the battery’s losses is presented which is based on laboratory measurements of the resistance and current dependency for a single lithium-ion cell based on Lithium iron phosphate (LFP). A comparative study is made with two others, commonly used, loss representations and evaluated with regards to the complete system’s performance, using the PV and load data from the single-family house. Results show that a detailed battery representation is important for a correct loss prediction when modelling the interaction between loads, PV and the battery. Four DC system topologies are also modelled and compared to an equivalent AC topology using the experimental findings from the power electronic converters and the battery measurements. Results from the quasi-dynamic modelling show that the annual energy savings potential from the suggested DC topologies ranges between 1.9–5.6%. The DC topologies also increase the PV utilisation by up to 10 percentage points, by reducing the associated losses from the inverter and the battery conversion. Results also show that the grid-tied converter is the main loss contributor and when a constant grid-tied efficiency is used, the energy savings are overestimated.
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[pt] O planejamento da expansão da transmissão (PET) visa identificar novos reforços para a rede, permitindo uma conexão tecnicamente adequada entre demanda e geração de energia elétrica, ambas previstas para um determinado horizonte de planejamento. Um bom plano de expansão deve garantir o equilíbrio entre os custos de investimento e operação, mantendo um nível satisfatório de segurança no fornecimento de energia elétrica. Entretanto, a identificação de bons planos de expansão para o PET tem se tornado uma tarefa cada vez mais difícil. Isso se deve, principalmente, às características e dimensões dos sistemas atuais, a não linearidade e natureza combinatória do problema de otimização e às incertezas presentes nos dados. Os erros de previsão, a indisponibilidade de equipamentos e a disponibilidade dos recursos naturais são parâmetros que variam de forma aleatória e inserem um alto grau de incerteza nos sistemas elétricos, o qual aumenta proporcionalmente com o horizonte de planejamento. Uma das incertezas mais relevantes a ser gerenciada nas próximas décadas será a capacidade de geração oriunda de fontes renováveis, em particular as eólicas, devido à sua grande variabilidade. A utilização de dispositivos de armazenamento permitirá melhor aproveitamento dessas fontes e, portanto, torna-se necessário o desenvolvimento de ferramentas computacionais capazes de considerar tais dispositivos no problema PET. Esta dissertação apresenta uma nova metodologia de apoio ao problema PET inserindo armazenadores de energia elétrica para aumentar o aproveitamento de fontes renováveis no sistema. Isso, respeitando as restrições de segurança da rede, acompanhando à curva de demanda e levando em consideração as variáveis operativas destes dispositivos. A possibilidade de incluir sistemas de armazenamento de energia elétrica é avaliada através de uma análise custo-benefício. A metodologia proposta é aplicada a um sistema teste, submetido a diversas condições operativas, e os resultados obtidos são amplamente discutidos. / [en] The transmission expansion planning (TEP) aims at identifying new reinforcements for the network, allowing a technically adequate connection between demand and generation of electric energy, both foreseen for a given planning horizon. A good expansion plan must ensure a balance between investment and operating costs, while maintaining a satisfactory level of security of the electric energy supply. However, identifying good expansion plans for TEP has become an increasingly difficult task. This is mainly due to the characteristics and dimensions of the current systems, the nonlinearity and combinatorial nature of the optimization problem, and the uncertainties present in the data. Forecasting errors, equipment unavailability, and the availability of natural resources are parameters that vary in a random way and insert a high degree of uncertainty in the electrical system, which proportionally increases with the planning horizon. One of the most relevant uncertainties to be managed in the upcoming decades will be the generation capacity from renewable sources, particularly wind power, due to its great variability. Storage devices will allow better use of these sources and, therefore, it becomes necessary to develop computational tools capable of considering such devices in the TEP problem. This dissertation presents a new methodology to support the TEP problem by inserting electric energy storage to increase the use of renewable energy in the system, while respecting the security restrictions of the network, following the demand curve and taking into account the operational variables of these devices. The possibility of including electric energy storage systems is evaluated through a costbenefit analysis. The proposed methodology is applied to a test system, subject to various operating conditions, and the obtained results are widely discussed.
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Ανάπτυξη δυναμικού μοντέλου και έλεγχος ανεμογεννήτριας συνδεδεμένης στο δίκτυο και σε αυτόνομη λειτουργία εφοδιασμένη με διάταξη αποθήκευσης ενέργειαςΔημητρακάκης, Στέφανος 18 June 2014 (has links)
Η παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία πραγματεύεται τη μελέτη και τη μοντελοποίηση ενός αιολικού συστήματος παραγωγής ηλεκτρικής ενέργειας βασισμένο σε σύγχρονη γεννήτρια μόνιμου μαγνήτη (PMSG). Ειδικότερα, παρουσιάζονται και αναλύονται όλα τα τμήματα που αποτελούν το αιολικό σύστημα καθώς και οι λογικές ελέγχου που ακολουθήθηκαν για την αποτελεσματική λειτουργία του. Επιπλέον, μελετάται και μοντελοποιείται μια διάταξη αποθήκευσης ενέργειας από την οποία πλαισιώνεται το αιολικό σύστημα κατά την αυτόνομη λειτουργία του. Τέλος, παρουσιάζονται και σχολιάζονται τα αποτελέσματα της προσομοίωσης της λειτουργίας του συστήματος, σε σύνδεση με το δίκτυο και κατά την αυτόνομη λειτουργία του. Για την ανάπτυξη του μοντέλου και την προσομοίωση χρησιμοποιήθηκε το πρόγραμμα Simulink/Matlab.
Στο Κεφάλαιο 1 γίνεται αναφορά στο ενεργειακό πρόβλημα και μια γενική εισαγωγή στις ανανεώσιμες πηγές ενέργειας. Επιπλέον, δίνονται διάφορες πληροφορίες γύρω από την αιολική ενέργεια και αναλύονται τα πλεονεκτήματα και μειονεκτήματα της χρήσης ανεμογεννητριών. Επίσης, παρουσιάζεται η δομή μιας ανεμογεννήτριας και παραθέτονται διάφοροι τύποι ανεμογεννητριών, ενώ δίνονται και οι βασικές σχέσεις μετατροπής της αιολικής ενέργειας σε ηλεκτρική.
Στο Κεφάλαιο 2 γίνεται ανάλυση κάθε τμήματος της ανεμογεννήτριας (πτερωτή, σύστημα μετάδοσης κίνησης, γεννήτρια) και παρατίθενται οι εξισώσεις που περιγράφουν τη λειτουργία τους. Επιπρόσθετα, παρουσιάζεται ο τρόπος μοντελοποίησης του κάθε τμήματος στο περιβάλλον του Simulink. Ιδιαίτερη έμφαση δόθηκε στη μελέτη της σύγχρονης γεννήτριας μόνιμου μαγνήτη καθώς παρουσιάζεται με λεπτομέρεια η δομή της καθώς και οι αρχές που διέπουν τη λειτουργία της. Τέλος, δίνονται όλα τα χαρακτηριστικά μεγέθη της ανεμογεννήτρια που χρησιμοποιήθηκε στην παρούσα εργασία.
Στο Κεφάλαιο 3 αρχικά, γίνεται μια γενική παρουσίαση των στοιχείων που αποτελούν τους μετατροπείς, ενώ στη συνέχεια παρουσιάζονται οι βασικές κατηγορίες μετατροπέων που υπάρχουν και αναφέρονται μερικοί βασικοί τύποι μετατροπέων που βρίσκουν εφαρμογή σε αιολικά συστήματα γενικότερα. Έπειτα, το κεφάλαιο επικεντρώνεται στους μετατροπείς που χρησιμοποιήθηκαν στο αιολικό σύστημα της παρούσας εργασίας καθώς εξηγείται ο τρόπος λειτουργίας τους και παρουσιάζεται ο τρόπος μοντελοποίησης τους στο Simulink. Έμφαση δόθηκε στον dc/dc μετατροπέα ανύψωσης τάσης που χρησιμοποιήθηκε, όπου γίνεται διαστασιολόγηση και παρουσιάζεται μια μικρή προσομοίωση της λειτουργίας του. Τέλος, παρουσιάζεται, επίσης, το φίλτρο που τοποθετείται στην έξοδο του αντιστροφέα.
Στο Κεφάλαιο 4 περιγράφονται αναλυτικά η τεχνική διαμόρφωσης εύρους παλμών (PWM) και η τεχνική της ημιτονοειδούς διαμόρφωσης εύρους παλμών (SPWM), οι οποίες και εφαρμόστηκαν για την παλμοδότηση των μετατροπέων. Στη συνέχεια, περιγράφονται αναλυτικά οι μηχανισμοί ελέγχου που εφαρμόστηκαν με τη βοήθεια PI ελεγκτών, τόσο στην πλευρά της μηχανής (dc/dc μετατροπέας ανύψωσης τάσης) όσο και στον αντιστροφέα του αιολικού συστήματος.
Στο Κεφάλαιο 5 παρουσιάζονται και σχολιάζονται τα αποτελέσματα της προσομοίωσης του αιολικού συστήματος σε σύνδεση με το δίκτυο. Το σύστημα προσομοιώνεται για δύο περιπτώσεις, σε πρώτη φάση γίνεται προσομοίωση του συστήματος υπό σταθερή ταχύτητα ανέμου ίση με 12 m/s και σε δεύτερη φάση προσομοιώνεται η λειτουργία του συστήματος για βηματικές μεταβολές της ταχύτητας του ανέμου.
Στο Κεφάλαιο 6 μελετάται η αυτόνομη λειτουργία του αιολικού συστήματος το οποίο, πλέον, πλαισιώνεται με μια διάταξη αποθήκευσης ενέργειας. Αρχικά, παρουσιάζεται το σύστημα αποθήκευσης ενέργειας που χρησιμοποιήθηκε. Συγκεκριμένα η συστοιχία μπαταριών της οποίας δίνονται τα χαρακτηριστικά μεγέθη, καθώς και το μοντέλο της στο Simulink. Επίσης, παρουσιάζεται και μοντελοποιείται ο dc/dc μετατροπέας δύο κατευθύνσεων ο οποίος συνδέει τη συστοιχία με το υπόλοιπο σύστημα. Στη συνέχεια, περιγράφεται αναλυτικά ο μηχανισμός ελέγχου που εφαρμόζεται στη διάταξη αποθήκευσης ενέργειας για τον έλεγχο της φόρτισης/εκφόρτισης. Στο τέλος του κεφαλαίου παρουσιάζονται τα αποτελέσματα της προσομοίωσης του αυτόνομου αιολικού συστήματος για σταθερή ταχύτητα ανέμου-μεταβαλλόμενο φορτίο και για μεταβαλλόμενο άνεμο-σταθερό φορτίο. / In this thesis, a wind energy conversion system (WECS) based on a permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) was studied and simulated. All parts of the WECS are presented and discussed in detail. Furthermore, control strategies for the generator-side converter and the voltage source inverter are developed. The WECS is simulated both in grid connected and stand-alone mode. In the stand-alone mode, the WECS is supplied with an energy storage system for which a bi-directional buck/boost converter and control strategy was designed. Finally, simulation results are presented and performance of the system in various modes of operation is evaluated. Simulink/Matlab is used for modeling and simulating the WECS.
At the beginning of Chapter 1, a discussion of energy crisis and renewable energy sources is held. Furthermore, information about wind energy has been reviewed and its benefits and drawbacks are examined. In addition, the structure of a wind turbine and the principles of converting wind energy into electricity are presented.
In Chapter 2 all parts of the wind turbine are studied and its characteristics are specified. Even more, the model of every part in Simulink is presented. Theoretical background, structure and operation principles of PMSG are presented in detail.
In Chapter 3, firstly a general presentation of converters components takes place. Then the major existing categories of converter are presented and some basic types of converters, which are generally used in WECS, are mentioned. Moreover, the chapter focuses on the converters that are used in this thesis, explaining the way they operate. After all, their models in Simulink are shown. Emphasis was given to the dc/dc boost converter whose parameters are calculated and its operation is simulated. Finally, there is a presentation of the filter which was placed at the output of the inverter.
In Chapter 4, Pulse-width Modulation (PWM) and Sinusoidal Pulse-width Modulation (SPWM) techniques that are used in this thesis are described. Moreover, the control strategy for the generator-side converter with maximum power extraction is presented. The control strategy of the voltage sourced inverter is shown as well.
In Chapter 5 simulation results of the grid connected WECS are presented and evaluated. On the first part of the presentation, the WECS is simulated for constant wind speed (12m/s), and in the second part for step-changed wind speed.
In Chapter 6 the stand-alone operation of the WECS is studied and supplied with an energy storage system. Initially, there is an analysis of the energy storage system, which was used, and in particular the battery bank, whose characteristics are given. Moreover, a Bi-directional dc/dc Buck-Boost converter which is used to interconnect the battery bank to the dc-link is presented and modeled. Afterwards, there is a detailed description of the control strategy used in order to control charging / discharging of the battery bank. At the end of this chapter, simulation results of two different stand-alone operation modes are presented, one with constant wind speed and variable load and the other one with step-changing wind speed and constant load.
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Využití znalostních systémů a bází pro výběr a hodnocení domovních elektroinstalací / Utilization of Knowledge Systems and Bases for Selection and Evaluation of Domestic Electrical Installations.Haluza, Miroslav January 2017 (has links)
My doctoral thesis deals with use of the sophisticated methods for the selection of technical and economic solution of electrical wiring. This solution is based not only on a price but also on many other criteria such as a comfort, service, durability etc. The focus of the work is a treatise on wiring systems from a global perspective, where it is impossible to use a conventional approach for objective evaluation and selection of the appropriate electrical wiring system (because of the complexity of such systems and their interdependencies). In the four chapter are given information of an energy consumption (the total consumption and household consumption). In this chapter is given also a consumption prediction – especially for households. Following is an overview of possible measures for reducing electricity consumption in households. In the next part of this thesis are solved the knowledge, respectively expert systems for use in an electrical engineering – especially for a suitable tool for the selection and evaluation of households wiring electrical system. The result of this work provides a possible solution for a selection of wiring electrical system for households (focusing on the intelligent wiring) – from a technical and economic point of view and with using an innovative approach. The main contribution of this work is a proposal of the main part of the knowledge base. This base could be as a basis for knowledge, respectively for an evaluating technical and economical solution of an electrical wiring system – the expert system includes also a feedback function of an effectiveness solution, use value, price etc., which would also serve as a knowledge base.
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Scenario-Based Model Predictive Control for Systems with Correlated UncertaintiesGonzález Querubín, Edwin Alonso 26 April 2024 (has links)
[ES] La gran mayoría de procesos del mundo real tienen incertidumbres inherentes, las cuales, al ser consideradas en el proceso de modelado, se puede obtener una representación que describa con la mayor precisión posible el comportamiento del proceso real. En la mayoría de casos prácticos, se considera que éstas tienen un comportamiento estocástico y sus descripciones como distribuciones de probabilidades son conocidas.
Las estrategias de MPC estocástico están desarrolladas para el control de procesos con incertidumbres de naturaleza estocástica, donde el conocimiento de las propiedades estadísticas de las incertidumbres es aprovechado al incluirlo en el planteamiento de un problema de control óptimo (OCP). En éste, y contrario a otros esquemas de MPC, las restricciones duras son relajadas al reformularlas como restricciones de tipo probabilísticas con el fin de reducir el conservadurismo. Esto es, se permiten las violaciones de las restricciones duras originales, pero tales violaciones no deben exceder un nivel de riesgo permitido. La no-convexidad de tales restricciones probabilísticas hacen que el problema de optimización sea prohibitivo, por lo que la mayoría de las estrategias de MPC estocástico en la literatura se diferencian en la forma en que abordan tales restricciones y las incertidumbres, para volver el problema computacionalmente manejable.
Por un lado, están las estrategias deterministas que, fuera de línea, convierten las restricciones probabilísticas en unas nuevas de tipo deterministas, usando la propagación de las incertidumbres a lo largo del horizonte de predicción para ajustar las restricciones duras originales. Por otra parte, las estrategias basadas en escenarios usan la información de las incertidumbres para, en cada instante de muestreo, generar de forma aleatoria un
conjunto de posibles evoluciones de éstas a lo largo del horizonte de predicción. De esta manera, convierten las restricciones probabilísticas en un conjunto de restricciones deterministas que deben cumplirse para todos los escenarios generados. Estas estrategias se destacan por su capacidad de incluir en tiempo real información actualizada de las incertidumbres. No obstante, esta ventaja genera inconvenientes como su gasto computacional, el cual aumenta conforme lo hace el número de escenarios y; por otra parte, el efecto no deseado en el problema de optimización, causado por los escenarios con baja probabilidad de ocurrencia, cuando se usa un conjunto de escenarios pequeño.
Los retos mencionados anteriormente orientaron esta tesis hacia los enfoques de MPC estocástico basado en escenarios, produciendo tres contribuciones principales.
La primera consiste en un estudio comparativo de un algoritmo del grupo determinista con otro del grupo basado en escenarios; se hace un especial énfasis en cómo cada uno de estos aborda las incertidumbres, transforma las restricciones probabilísticas y en la estructura de su OCP, además de señalar sus aspectos más destacados y desafíos.
La segunda contribución es una nueva propuesta de algoritmo MPC, el cual se basa en escenarios condicionales, diseñado para sistemas lineales con incertidumbres correlacionadas. Este esquema aprovecha la existencia de tal correlación para convertir un conjunto de escenarios inicial de gran tamaño en un conjunto de escenarios más pequeño con sus probabilidades de ocurrencia, el cual conserva las características del conjunto inicial. El conjunto reducido es usado en un OCP en el que las predicciones de los estados y entradas del sistema son penalizadas de acuerdo con las probabilidades de los escenarios que las componen, dando menor importancia a los escenarios con menores probabilidades de ocurrencia.
La tercera contribución consiste en un procedimiento para la implementación del nuevo algoritmo MPC como gestor de la energía en una microrred en la que las previsiones de las energías renovables y las cargas están correlacionadas. / [CA] La gran majoria de processos del món real tenen incerteses inherents, les quals, en ser considerades en el procés de modelatge, es pot obtenir una representació que descriga amb la major precisió possible el comportament del procés real. En la majoria de casos pràctics, es considera que aquestes tenen un comportament estocàstic i les seues descripcions com a distribucions de probabilitats són conegudes.
Les estratègies de MPC estocàstic estan desenvolupades per al control de processos amb incerteses de naturalesa estocàstica, on el coneixement de les propietats estadístiques de les incerteses és aprofitat en incloure'l en el plantejament d'un problema de control òptim (OCP). En aquest, i contrari a altres esquemes de MPC, les restriccions dures són relaxades en reformulades com a restriccions de tipus probabilístiques amb la finalitat de reduir el conservadorisme. Això és, es permeten les violacions de les restriccions dures originals, però tals violacions no han d'excedir un nivell de risc permès. La no-convexitat de tals restriccions probabilístiques fan que el problema d'optimització siga computacionalment immanejable, per la qual cosa la majoria de les estratègies de MPC estocàstic en la literatura es diferencien en la forma en què aborden tals restriccions i les incerteses, per a tornar el problema computacionalment manejable.
D'una banda, estan les estratègies deterministes que, fora de línia, converteixen les restriccions probabilístiques en unes noves de tipus deterministes, usant la propagació de les incerteses al llarg de l'horitzó de predicció per a ajustar les restriccions dures originals. D'altra banda, les estratègies basades en escenaris usen la informació de les incerteses per a, en cada instant de mostreig, generar de manera aleatòria un conjunt de possibles evolucions d'aquestes al llarg de l'horitzó de predicció. D'aquesta manera, converteixen les restriccions probabilístiques en un conjunt de restriccions deterministes que s'han de complir per a tots els escenaris generats. Aquestes estratègies es destaquen per la seua capacitat d'incloure en temps real informació actualitzada de les incerteses. No obstant això, aquest avantatge genera inconvenients com la seua despesa computacional, el qual augmenta conforme ho fa el nombre d'escenaris i; d'altra banda, l'efecte no desitjat en el problema d'optimització, causat pels escenaris amb baixa probabilitat d'ocurrència, quan s'usa un conjunt d'escenaris xicotet.
Els reptes esmentats anteriorment van orientar aquesta tesi cap als enfocaments de MPC estocàstic basat en escenaris, produint tres contribucions principals.
La primera consisteix en un estudi comparatiu d'un algorisme del grup determinista amb un altre del grup basat en escenaris; on es fa un especial èmfasi en com cadascun d'aquests aborda les incerteses, transforma les restriccions probabilístiques i en l'estructura del seu problema d'optimització, a més d'assenyalar els seus aspectes més destacats i desafiaments.
La segona contribució és una nova proposta d'algorisme MPC, el qual es basa en escenaris condicionals, dissenyat per a sistemes lineals amb incerteses correlacionades. Aquest esquema aprofita l'existència de tal correlació per a convertir un conjunt d'escenaris inicial de gran grandària en un conjunt d'escenaris més xicotet amb les seues probabilitats d'ocurrència, el qual conserva les característiques del conjunt inicial. El conjunt reduït és usat en un OCP en el qual les prediccions dels estats i entrades del sistema són penalitzades d'acord amb les probabilitats dels escenaris que les componen, donant menor importància als escenaris amb menors probabilitats d'ocurrència.
La tercera contribució consisteix en un procediment per a la implementació del nou algorisme MPC com a gestor de l'energia en una microxarxa en la qual les previsions de les energies renovables i les càrregues estan correlacionades. / [EN] The vast majority of real-world processes have inherent uncertainties, which, when considered in the modelling process, can provide a representation that most accurately describes the behaviour of the real process. In most practical cases, these are considered to have stochastic behaviour and their descriptions as probability distributions are known.
Stochastic model predictive control algorithms are developed to control processes with uncertainties of a stochastic nature, where the knowledge of the statistical properties of the uncertainties is exploited by including it in the optimal control problem (OCP) statement. Contrary to other model predictive control (MPC) schemes, hard constraints are relaxed by reformulating them as probabilistic constraints to reduce conservatism. That is, violations of the original hard constraints are allowed, but such violations must not exceed a permitted level of risk.
The non-convexity of such probabilistic constraints renders the optimisation problem computationally unmanageable, thus most stochastic MPC strategies in the literature differ in how they deal with such constraints and uncertainties to turn the problem computationally tractable. On the one hand, there are deterministic strategies that, offline, convert probabilistic constraints into new deterministic ones, using the propagation of uncertainties along the prediction horizon to tighten the original hard constraints.
Scenario-based approaches, on the other hand, use the uncertainty information to randomly generate, at each sampling instant, a set of possible evolutions of uncertainties over the prediction horizon. In this fashion, they convert the probabilistic constraints into a set of deterministic constraints that must be fulfilled for all the scenarios generated. These strategies stand out for their ability to include real-time updated uncertainty information. However, this advantage comes with inconveniences such as computational effort, which grows as the number of scenarios does, and the undesired effect on the optimisation problem caused by scenarios with a low probability of occurrence when a small set of scenarios is used.
The aforementioned challenges steered this thesis toward stochastic scenario-based MPC approaches, and yielded three main contributions. The first one consists of a comparative study of an algorithm from the deterministic group with another one from the scenario-based group, where a special emphasis is made on how each of them deals with uncertainties, transforms the probabilistic constraints and on the structure of the optimisation problem, as well as pointing out their most outstanding aspects and challenges.
The second contribution is a new proposal for a MPC algorithm, which is based on conditional scenarios, developed for linear systems with correlated uncertainties. This scheme exploits the existence of such correlation to convert a large initial set of scenarios into a smaller one with their probabilities of occurrence, which preserves the characteristics of the initial set. The reduced set is used in an OCP in which the predictions of the system states and inputs are penalised according to the probabilities of the scenarios that compose them, giving less importance to the scenarios with lower probabilities of occurrence.
The third contribution consists of a procedure for the implementation of the new MPC algorithm as an energy manager in a microgrid in which the forecasts of renewables and loads are correlated. / González Querubín, EA. (2024). Scenario-Based Model Predictive Control for Systems with Correlated Uncertainties [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/203887
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Computational Methods for Renewable Energies: A Multi-Scale PerspectiveDiego Renan Aguilar Alfaro (19195102) 23 July 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">The urgent global shift towards decarbonization necessitates the development of robust frameworks to navigate the complex technological, financial, and regulatory challenges emerging in the clean energy transition. Furthermore, the increased adoption of renewable energy sources (RES) is correlated to the exponential growth in weather data research over the last few years. This circular relationship, where big data drives renewable growth, which feeds back the data pipeline, serves as the primary focus of this study: the development of computational tools across diverse spatial and temporal scales for the optimal design and operation of renewable energy-based systems. Two scales are considered, differentiated by their primary objectives and techniques used. </p><p dir="ltr"> In the first one, the integration of probabilistic forecasts into the operations of RES microgrids (MGs) is studied in detail. It is revealed that longer scheduling horizons can reduce dispatch costs but at the expense of forecast accuracy due to increased prediction accuracy decay (PAD). To address this, a novel method that determines how to split the time horizon into timeblocks to minimize dispatch costs and maximize forecast accuracy is proposed. This forms the basis of an optimal rolling horizon strategy (ORoHS) which schedules distributed energy resources over varying prediction/execution horizons. Results offer Pareto-optimal fronts, showing the trade-offs between cost and accuracy at varying confidence levels. Solar power proved more cost-effective than wind power due to lower variability, despite wind’s higher energy output. The ORoHS strategy outperformed common scheduling methods. In the case study, it achieved a cost of \$4.68 compared to \$9.89 (greedy policy) and \$9.37 (two-hour RoHS). The second study proposes the Caribbean Energy Corridor (CEC) project, a novel, ambitious initiative that aims to achieve total grid connectivity between the Caribbean islands. The analysis makes use of thorough data procedures and optimization methods for the resource assessment and design tasks needed to build such an infrastructure. Renewable energy potentials are quantified under different temporal and spatial coverages to maximize usage. Prioritizing offshore wind development, the CEC’s could significantly surpass anticipated growth in energy demand, with an estimated installed capacity of 34 GW of clean energy upon completion. The corridor is modeled as an HVDC grid with 32 nodes and 31 links. Underwater transmission is optimized with a Submarine-Cable-Dynamic-Programming (SCDP) algorithm that determines the best routes across the bathymetry of the region. It is found that the levelized cost of electricity remains on the low end at \$0.11/kWh, despite high initial capital investments. Projected savings reach \$ 100 billion when compared with ”business-as-usual” scenarios and the current social cost of carbon. Furthermore, this infrastructure has the potential to create around 50,000 jobs in construction, policy, and research within the coming decades, while simultaneously establishing a robust and sustainable energy-water nexus in the region. Finally, the broader implications of these works are explored, highlighting their potential to address global challenges such as energy accessibility, prosperity in conflict zones, and sharing these discoveries with the upcoming generations.</p>
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