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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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以策略矩陣分析法探討競合中的動態競爭:自行車產業兩領導廠商為例 / The Strategic Matrix Analysis of Competitive Dynamics in Co-opetition: The Case of Two Leaders in the Bicycle Industry

林明翰, Lin, Ming Han Unknown Date (has links)
為了共同面對來自中國大陸廠商的價格競爭壓力,台灣自行車業的兩大領導廠商──巨大與美利達,以朝向高值化的共同目標籌組了競爭者間的合作體系。然而,競爭者雙方以合作為前提下,競合關係下的動態性以及廠商間的競爭性行動呈現何種面貌?又,如何應用策略矩陣分析法更細緻地分析,在競合關係中廠商間的競爭行為? 本研究結合動態競爭的對偶層次分析及策略矩陣分析法,以策略點為分析基礎,更細緻地展開處於合作情境下的兩家競爭廠商,如何在歐洲自行車市場佈局競爭性行動。根據結構內容分析兩家廠商2006至2016 年間的新聞事件後發現,在合作的前提下,兩家廠商分別在競爭性行動的時間軸、地理涵蓋範圍、價值單元以及策略點皆進行具差異性的佈局,呈現多樣化的競爭內涵。 本研究除擴展競合情境下的動態競爭研究外,亦藉由策略矩陣分析法豐富化廠商間可分析的競爭行為,並探討資源條件不同的廠商間,其競爭行為如何佈局的實質細節。本研究對於廠商如何在競合關係中發起競爭性行動,提供了實務性的指引與參考。 / To present a united front against the stress of price-cutting competition from Mainland China, Taiwan’s two leaders in the bicycle industry, Giant and Merida, established an inter-firm cooperation system between competitors in order to achieve the common goal of delivering high-valued product. However, under the premise of cooperation agreement between two competing leaders, what is the dynamicity in co-opetition and the inter-firm competitive action under the real scenario? And, how can we apply the strategic matrix analysis to inter-firm rivalry on competitive behvior involved in co-opetition relationship? This study combines dyadic analysis from competitive dynamics with strategic matrix analysis to investigate the two research questions addressed above. By using the “strategic point” as the analytical basis, this study examines two competing leaders under cooperation agreement and extracts their competitive actions in European bicycle market with structured content analysis. Building on the results from the analysis of the news between 2006 and 2016, two competing leaders separately differentiate and conduct their competitive action deployments on four dimensions, which are time-axis, geographical coverage, value unit, and strategic point. Therefore, this study reveals the various contents of two competing leaders in the cooperation-competition. More than contributing to the research field of competitive dynamics in co-opetition, this study enriches the analyzability of inter-firm competitive behaviors by conducting strategic matrix analysis. It provides the details about how the firms compete with each other with different resource endowments. This study broadens our view of the competitive dynamics in co-opetition and introduces practical guidelines on initiating competitive action to the firms in co-opetition relationship.

價值單元展開分析法與策略矩陣:以3D感測產業新創科技公司競爭策略為例 / Value unit expansion analysis and strategic matrix : competitive strategy of technology startup company in 3D sensor industry

黃紹峯, Huang, Shao-Feng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以策略管理理論「策略形態分析」法與「策略矩陣分析」法為基礎,發展出新的分析架構–「價值單元展開分析」法,並與策略矩陣整合成為策略系統模型。藉由個案研究,驗證此策略系統模型如何使管理者能更精確地衡量未來策略規劃之選擇,最佳化公司未來競爭策略方向。 筆者以個案探討新創科技公司在持續變動與競爭之產業中,競爭策略分析與規劃之方法。以3D感測產業作為分析與研究之個案產業,並以其中一新創科技公司–L科技公司作為個案探討之對象,提出一以新創科技公司為出發點,在衡量現有與發展未來競爭策略時,可供利用與權衡的分析方法。 「價值單元展開分析」法追尋理性與系統化思考,為公司導入嚴謹明確、量化、及標準化的度量衡工具,使公司得以更加周詳完備與深入地分析其條件前提,將策略最佳化。且此架構具高度延展性,得充分配合公司進行各種思考面向之分析。此外,「價值單元展開分析」法亦可完全結合與相容於「策略矩陣分析」法之中,形成易於溝通與同步的策略系統模型,利用此特點解決公司在策略規劃時可能遭遇之混沌與困難,將效率、效益、及效能用在得當之處,使公司未來發展更符合目標。 / This study investigates the methods of analyzing and planning competitive strategies, with a case study of a technology startup company – “L Company” in the 3D sensor industry. Based on strategy analysis and Strategic Matrix Analysis, this study developed a new analytic framework – “Value Unit Expansion Analysis” which is a systematic model integrated into Strategic Matrix Analysis. By verifying the systematic model through the case, this study proposed a more precise and optimization–capable method to form a company’s future competitive strategies. Value Unit Expansion Analysis is a clarifying, quantifying, and standardizing method for the company to pave the path for factor condition analysis and strategic optimization. The structure was designed with a high flexibility in correspondence to different considerations and changing aspects; it is compatible and can be built within Strategic Matrix Analysis. The systematic model is liable for communication and synchronization during the process of strategy planning and, therefore, setting higher efficiency, benefit, and utility for pertinent strategies that fit into companies’ goals.

網路原生新聞網站經營策略–以《風傳媒》為例 / The Business Strategy of Native Online News Site- A Case Study of Storm Media Group

閻雲襄, Yan, Yun Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
近年來出現許多只透過網路發行,沒有傳統媒體在背後支持,也不屬於任何媒體集團的網路原生新聞網站。本研究旨在分析網路原生新聞網站在不同階段的策略形態,其策略與環境條件如何配合,以及可能會遭遇的困難。 本研究透過個案研究法來進行資料的搜集,以近年來興起的網路原生新聞網站《風傳媒》為例,透過對《風傳媒》總編輯的深度訪談來搜集資料,並且以司徒達賢教授的「策略形態分析法」與「策略矩陣分析法」,來解析《風傳媒》在不同時期的策略形態。 本研究的研究結論如下所示:(一)策略與環境、條件前提的適當配合能創造良好效益:《風傳媒》在成立初期選擇以政治新聞為主要的網站主題,配合即將到來的重大選舉,使《風傳媒》在初期便獲得可觀的流量以及粉絲數;(二)以特色新聞主題切入市場再發展多元內容:《風傳媒》在成立初期以政治新聞與調查報導先建立一定的流量與粉絲之後,再發展多元化的新聞內容,來更廣泛的閱聽眾;(三)《風傳媒》發展過程中遭遇的挑戰:1.有限的資源與人力:重要性相對較低的新聞內容,可以採取較低成本的方式產製;2.必須拿捏好與Facebook之間競爭又合作的關係:從Facebook而來的流量是網路原生新聞網站的重要流量來源,但是Facebook同時也是網路原生新聞網站最大的替代品威脅來源。(四)人力資源是網路原生新聞網站重要的資產:資深記者與編輯的專業、經驗與人脈,會對網路原生新聞網站有很大的貢獻。 / In recent years, some native online news sites, which don’t belong to traditional media or media groups, entered the market. The research focuses on the strategic posture and forms in different stages of native online news site, and how the strategy fits environmental and organizational conditions, and the challenge that native online news sites may have. The research is conducted by case study method and takes the promising native online news site, Storm Media Group as my case study. To collect the information, there was an in-depth interview with the chief editor, and the strategies of Storm Media Group in different periods were analyzed by Dr. Seetoo’s ‘’strategic posture and form analysis method’’ and ‘’strategic matrix analysis method’’. The conclusions are showing below. First, great fits between strategies, environmental and organizational conditions could benefit company very well. Storm Media took politic news and investigation reports as the feature of its site when they entered the market, and this move brought great traffic and fans to Storm Media. Second, it used featured topics to enter market and then diversify the topic of news. Third, the limitation of resources and how to handle the co-optetion with Facebook are the challenges of Storm Media. The news which is less important is produced by low-cost ways. Though Facebook is the important traffic source of native online news sites, Facebook is a great threat of replacement to the site, too. Forth, talented people are important assets to the native online news sites. Experienced journalists and editors can make great contributions to Storm Media.

運用資訊導向觀念發展EIS設計的方法論-以金融業為例 / An Information-Oriented Approach to Developing EIS Design Methodology - A Banking Example

阮耀毅, Ruan, Yaw Yih Unknown Date (has links)
高階主管在面臨日益艱難的經濟情勢與經營環境〈主要是來自消費者(Customers)、競爭(Competition)及變動(Change)等3C的壓力)時,依賴傳統組織架構及報告系統來獲取決策資訊的作法,其有效性正受到強烈的質疑。高階主管資訊系統(Executive Information Systems,EIS)可說是九○年代電腦資訊系統應用的新領域,它以易學易用的圖形使用者介面、多維分析及往下展開的特性,使高階主管能迅速存取各種攸關其企業成敗的關鍵性資訊。由於其親切易用,近年來EIS的應用更沿組織階層向下發展,成為Everyone Information Systems。在企業發展EIS日趨普遍的情況下,一套系統化的分析設計方法更形重要。   然而,在相關的文獻中對EIS的發展方法並沒有提出具體的執行步驟,只有概念性的描述,不易引導開發人員及高階主管將其策略理念轉換為資訊需求,而許多發展EIS失敗的例子,正是由於系統資訊需求不正確、時間與成本超出預算、操之過急及政治因素等所造成。因此實務界人士據其顧問經驗提出一個EIS快速發展方法,強調雛型系統的快速建立以爭取高階主管的持續支持及系統的後續發展。但因仍缺乏系統化的需求分析方法,系統發展者往往需經多次歷練才能領悟其中訣竅,也不易將個人經驗傳授於他人。因此雖然企業組織眾人已感受到EIS的重要性,相關的軟硬體工具也可親易用,而EIS的成功推展卻仍受到相當限制。   有鑑於此,本論文以符合文獻中對EIS發展方法之概念性描述的「資訊導向」觀念為基礎,並參考快速雛型系統發展方式,運用「中間擴散」(Middle-Out)方向,整合策略分析及資訊系統規劃的具體作法,發展一套結構化的EIS發展方法,稱為EISAD,含目標分析、關鍵成功要素分析、主要績效指標分析、資料分析、資料庫設計、輸出設計、轉換設計、程序及控制設計等步驟。並以金融業為例:說明此方法論的實際運用過程。以期在理論上對EIS發展方法論,及實務上對金融資訊系統應用層次之提昇有所貢獻。 / Due to the rapid changes of business environment and the increasing customer demands and competition pressure, it is getting important to have Executive Information Systems(EIS) to help executives access to high-level strategic information. Recently, EIS has even evolved down the organization hierarchy to become "Everyone Information Systems". The increasing EIS demand endues the needs for EIS development methodology. However, the literature contains only a few academic studies of EIS development methods which are broad and vague. The EIS development has not been researched in a rigorous and systematic manner. Many practitioners adopt a rapid prototyping approach to attract the executives for further support. Due to the lack of a systematic approach to help extracting the user requirements, it is usually up to the developer's experience to informally address the executives' information needs and this experience is hard to be transferred to others. In this thesis, we propose an EIS development methodology, called EISAD, based on the information-oriented concepts and middle-out system development direction. EISAD integrates related tools in strategic analysis and information systems planning as a structurized EIS development methodology. The step by step explanation of the EISAD is illustrated using a banking example.

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