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全球化轉型下的策略佈局--某包材台商之案例分析 / The Strategic Deployment under the Globalization Transformation--A Case Analysis on a Taiwanese Packaging Materials Firm李芝韻, Lee,Tze Yun Unknown Date (has links)
根據麥可‧波特(Michael Porter)對於策略的詮釋:1.策略在創造企業獨特且有價值的定位。2.策略是選擇什麼不要做。3.策略是結合外部機會與內部能力的獨特流程和活動。所以,策略是選擇和配適(fit) ,選擇和配適凸顯管理決策重要的觀念-權變性(contingency)。這是一個實務與理論結合印證的案例。
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代工廠自創品牌之動態競爭策略 / Competitive Dynamic Strategies of OEM Manufacturers Brand Development劉哲瑋 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用AMC (Awareness – Motivation – Capability) 架構探討代工廠在轉型品牌過程之中與原品牌客戶之間的動態競爭策略,並研究四個問題: 1.代工廠從代工至自創品牌過程中的轉型策略如何影響品牌商反擊行動之可能性? 2.代工廠本身之能力如何影響代工廠自創品牌策略進而降低品牌商反擊之可能性? 3.品牌商之能力會如何影響代工廠之自創品牌策略? 4.代工廠與品牌商之互動關係會如何影響代工廠自創品牌策略?
本研究結果發現,針對問題1,代工廠運用主動告知、產品及市場區隔、及利用品牌商優越感以積極發展自身技術三種策略,以降低品牌商之反擊動機。針對問題2 & 3,代工廠會分為生產、設計、垂直整合零組件優勢及整合供應鏈兩階段培養並積極發展自身能力,以增加品牌商對代工廠之依賴。針對問題4,面對代工廠及品牌商密切之互動關係,代工廠則傾向採取避免衝突的策略以求生存。
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代工廠自創品牌動態競合策略探討 / The dynamic coopetition strategy in contract manufacturer’s own brand building李山 Unknown Date (has links)
廠商間的行動與回應是競爭的基石 (Chen and MacMillan, 1992; Chen and Miller, 1994; Smith, Grimm, Chen, and Gannon, 1989)。行動是廠商分析競爭環境後,所得出競爭優勢的一種展現;行動也是分析競爭者後,針對所預期競爭對手反應,在擬定之替代性方案中所做的選擇的實踐。 動態競爭理論對競爭互動的討論已略有共識 (Chen and MacMillan, 1992; Chen, 1996),但其研究標的多為市場中競爭者之間的攻擊與反擊,對於以合作模式所萌發的廠商間關係,究竟是如何在合作關係之上發展出競爭,學術的研究仍在逐步累積之中 (Chen, 2002; 2008; Brandenburger and Nalebuff, 1996; Peng and Bourne, 2009; Peng, Pike, Yang, and Roos, 2012)。
本論文主張,代工廠自創品牌時與品牌商的競爭互動即是一套套合作與競爭的策略組合,廠商的決策與行動反映了廠商所偵測到的環境變化與所自我評估的能耐水平,並納入競合思維,而推測彼此之競合互動的模式時則可以賽局理論為依據(Camerer, 1991; Brandenburger and Nalebuff, 1995; 1996; Day and Reibstein, 1997; Chen, 2008)。
本研究探討之研究問題包括: (一) 究竟代工廠在什麼情況下會考慮進行垂直整合來自創品牌?(二) 代工廠決定自創品牌後,其自創品牌的競合策略行動與考量為何?
本研究的研究設計採Eisenhardt (1989) 之歸納性個案研究法,選取的個案公司為10家名列台灣20大國際品牌之廠商,資料蒐集來自多重來源之初級與次級資料,包含與企業主與高階管理者之面對面訪談,以及網站資訊、報章報導、公司簡介與年報財報等等。本研究的分析單位是廠商自創品牌的決策及自創品牌的行動與回應。
針對研究問題二,本論文發現代工廠自創品牌行動的作法是根據大環境,代工廠與品牌商的矛盾,代工廠自身的能力、價值觀,以及品牌商的價值觀,以築高品牌商回應障礙為目標去反向推導出適當的自創品牌行動。在不同的產業環境與廠商關係之下,代工廠商會以不同行動與路徑來組合動態競合策略,以求取組織間競爭與合作的平衡。 / Action and response is the capstone of inter-organizational competition (Chen and MacMillan, 1992; Chen and Miller, 1994; Smith, Grimm, Chen, and Gannon, 1989)。Action manifests a firm’s competitive advantage that is derived from in-depth scanning and analysis of the environment; action also realizes the decision that derived among strategic alternatives and analysis of competitors ‘response. In the last few decades, competitive dynamic researchers have made some insightful discussion about action and response in inter-organization competition (Chen and MacMillan, 1992; Chen, 1996). However, the majority of the aforementioned researches focus on action and response among competitors; the study of inter-organization relationship among vertical value chain, or any other cooperative governance mode, is still mildly increasing and called for (Chen, 2002; 2008; Brandenburger and Nalebuff, 1996; Peng and Bourne, 2009; Peng, Pike, Yang, and Roos, 2012).
This study submits that the competitive interactions between contract manufacturer and brand owner can be depicted as an array of combinations of competition and cooperation. The action and response that a firm chooses to take reflect firm’s thought on the change in the environment and the competency in the firm. Basing on game theory, this study incorporates the concept of competition-cooperative to infer and identify the possible interaction modes in a vertical relationship, particularly in the setting of cross-border contract manufacturing (Camerer, 1991; Brandenburger and Nalebuff, 1995; 1996; Day and Reibstein, 1997; Chen, 2008).
This study aims to extend the discussion on competition and cooperation in a vertical relationship. In essence, two research questions are investigated. First, responding to the pressure and opportunity in the operating environment, what are the environmental and capability conditions that motivate a contract manufacturer to consider building own brand? Second, what are the own-brand building contract manufacturer’s concerns and modes underlying each competitive-cooperative action and reaction?
In order to explore the nature of the strategic thinking behind contract manufacturer’s decision, this study employs a multiple-case design (Eisenhardt, 1989). Ten contract manufacturing firms, shortlisted from the list of Taiwan top 20 international enterprises, are selected for field studies. Data are collected from multiple sources, ranging from primary data and secondary data, via conducting interview with executive and reviewing through company websites, newspaper, company document, and published financial reports. In this thesis, the focus is the strategic thinking underlying the action and response of contract manufacturer who decides to go build own brand.
This study discovers that the change in the environment leads the firm to alter the corporate objective and level of it. There are at least two analytic dimensions behind the strategic decision for a contract manufacturer to build own brand, one is the cost pressure existing in the inter-firm transaction; the other is the opportunity in the market. The interaction between transaction cost pressure and market opportunity impacts contract manufacturers’ level of willingness to build own brand. In this study, we find that market opportunity demonstrates a greater impact on contract manufacturer’s willingness to build own brand.
Furthermore, this study discovers that contract manufacturers pave their way of brand building based on the analysis of action and response. An action is determined by identifying change in the environment, anticipating level of conflict in the vertical relationship, and gauging the level of competency and value held by transaction partners in a vertical relationship. Additionally, this study discovers that contract manufacturer formulates a dynamic co-optition strategy that employ an array of action and response as well as a variety of paths on the way to build own brand, with the intension to further strike a good balance between the inter-organizational competition and cooperation.
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領先廠商與追隨廠商之創新策略分析 / Leading Companies’ and Followers’ Innovation Activities陳昱安, Chen, Yu An Unknown Date (has links)
本研究使用中國大陸製藥工業之上市公司及部分非上市公司1999年至2010年之財務與非財務資訊做為樣本觀察值,探討研發密集度在企業競爭與經營績效中所扮演的角色,研究結果顯示企業專利佔有率與經營績效具有顯著正向關係,而企業專利佔有率的變動數與企業產值排名的變動情形亦呈現顯著正向關係,顯示研發密集度與企業競爭優勢息息相關。本研究並以前項結果作為基礎,進一步分析產業內績效領先企業群專利佔有率異常上升時,競爭企業是否會透過提升研發密集度或是行銷支出密集度來做為因應,而研究結果指出領先企業群之專利佔有率異常上升時,會導致研發密集度較高的企業異常提升其研發密集度,並導致研發密集度較低的小型企業大幅提升行銷支出。本研究結論專利對企業經營績效具有正向影響,並能替企業帶來競爭優勢,同時企業亦將專利視為競爭優勢之主體,對於競爭者的專利策略會予以因應。本研究建議企業在形成策略時,應綜合考量產業結構、核心資源以及競爭者的競爭性行為或可能的回應。 / The present study investigates the role of granted patents in determining industry competition and operating performance. The sample consists of Chinese public and private companies in the pharmaceutical industry from 1999 to 2010. The findings show that the quantity of patent is positively associated with operating performance and that the change of patent count is also positively associated with the ranking of market share. Moreover, the results show that the change of patent counts of leading companies has a positive impact on followers’ innovation activities and marketing activities. Overall, the evidence suggests that patent plays an important role in company competition and that companies response to the R&D(patent)strategy of their competitors in the market.
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企業動態競爭建構之分析_資訊配銷產業個案比較諸凱莉, Chu, Kai Li Unknown Date (has links)
1. 在相同的競爭環境下,不同的競爭對手如何察覺、回應與行動?
2. 組織能耐是否影響組織的察覺、回應與行動?
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策略回應對專利訴訟和解影響之研究 / A case study on the competitive dynamics for settlement in mobile patent suits葉君華, Yeh, Chun Hua Unknown Date (has links)
基於智慧財產權對於企業之成長、獲利能力有關鍵性的影響,企業越來越重視智慧財產權的研發及運用策略,有別於以往企業將智慧財產權用在保護自己產品避免被指控侵權,多數企業現在亦將智慧財產權用於干擾競爭對手之商業佈局。又臺灣廠商因智慧財產權佈局較弱,往往係被國際廠商提告的對象,則為免影響企業經營核心事業及避免鉅額之損害賠償,企業傾向選擇與對方和解,本文即係探討倘企業面臨專利訴訟,且經適當之商業評估後,認為與原告和解為最佳的選擇,企業應採取何種方式為自己爭取談判時間,經本文整理後,企業除法律層面的回應—於訴訟中積極答辯、提起反訴或另訴、利用動議拖延訴訟庭審時間,亦可採取商業層面的回應—對外收購專利、策略併購或投資、有效利用友好公司及策略夥伴等,以達到和解之目的。 / Because of intellectual property have key influences that impacts on growth and profitability of individual companies, companies pay much more attention to intellectual property in developments and application strategies. Unlike in the past when most companies use their own intellectual property to protect products and avoid attacks, they use their own intellectual property to interfere with business plans of competitors. As Taiwanese companies are weaker in intellectual property portfolio, leading international companies were often filed lawsuits against them. To avoid being ordered to pay huge amount damages and be able to focus on core business, Taiwanese companies are inclined to settle. This study is focus on when a company evaluates the situation and then decides to settle, the company should take what kind of actions to earn more time to negotiate a settlement. In conclusion, a company can take legal actions such as, defending the lawsuit, bringing the counterclaim, filing another compliant against the plaintiff, filing motions to postpone trial, but also can buy patents, make strategic investments, and make full use of friendly companies and strategic partners in order to reach a settlement.
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零售業於動態環境中持續成長之關鍵成功因素-以特力集團為個案研究 / Key Success Factors of Business Sustained Growth in the Dynamic Environment of Retailing Industry -A Case Study of Test Rite Group黃珮鈞 Unknown Date (has links)
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網路通訊IC公司因應破壞性創新之競爭策略陳瑞成 Unknown Date (has links)
1. 由於WLAN與有線區域網路在價值網絡上產生了重疊,使得有線通訊IC設計的在位者將之吸納收編,用它來互補於有線區域網路的技術上,使其服務可以更彈性、通訊範圍可涵蓋得更全面。而在有線區域網路的市場在位者吸納收編WLAN之後,原來採取破壞性創新WLAN的IC設計業者也會在市場共同性的因素下,反吸納收編有線區域網路IC設計在位者的技術。
2. 無線寬頻(行動寬頻)通訊一開始並無與有線寬頻網路在價值網絡上產生了重疊,然其光是行動語音通訊的龐大市場就吸引了有線寬頻網路的IC設計業者投入該領域將之吸納收編。但是並非每一個有線寬頻網路的IC設計業者對有能力將行動寬頻的技術給吸納收編,主要為行動寬頻的技術、資金門檻極高。另外,在FMC的發展下,有線與無線的市場共同性愈來愈高,在有線寬頻網路不斷地吸納收編行動寬頻的技術之後,這也使得原來採取破壞性創新的行動通訊IC設計業者也得反吸納收編有線寬頻網路在位者的技術,發展並取得與在位者相似的資源,使其在漸漸提高的市場共同性下,提供具有競爭力且功能相似的產品解決方案。
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從動態能耐分析汽車產業生存法則~以A公司個案為例 / Analyzing Automotive Industry Rule of Survival from The Angle of Dynamic Capabilities周麗娟, Chou, Jessica Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過產業的回顧、企業里程碑的反思、自我競爭能耐的分析,企圖驗證動態能耐理論是否能運用於中小企業。藉由理論與實務的對照,個案公司是否能取得更多具參考價值的建議。 / With limited resources, manpower and timing, corporate needs to respond to market rapidly. Only when the respond timing and selected strategy fit to the situation, corporate then is qualified to enter next race. Compare an enterprise to a dot, it can be big or small but founded with limitation. Big size may be the merit to win this battle, but can turn to a weakness in next race.
The next race might be about connections. Strategy to win this race may be connecting farther; one dot to multiple dots, or stands still to wave a bigger sphere. Choosing a decision to either move or still is an everyday task. In the new battlefield, cooperation to achieve goal in a faster, better way to proceed. Win more alliances with open and mutual-trust attitude, we need to focus on long-term future than an instant profit figure. Yet, cooperation is just another form of competition. Decision of when to change the competitive strategy and level of the responding force gets complicated.
Case A founded 28 years ago. The position it stands on is moving along with the market force. Maybe because of it’s decision to move that made it survived from several global economic crisis. Maybe due to the decision to hold still that allowed it stays. Question is that if case A is capable to react in the next race and even finds more strength?
This dissertation attempts to verify if the theory of dynamic capabilities is applicable to general enterprises from retrospect of the automotive industry, introspect of case A milestones, to self-analysis of its competitive capabilities. By Comparing theory to empirical performance, shall case A achieve more valuable suggestions?
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探討中央空調產業之銷售策略-從產業生命週期之觀點 / Analysis of sales strategy for the air conditioning industry - from the perspective of industry lifecycle許倍郡, Hsu, Peichun Unknown Date (has links)
(一) 探討追隨者與領先者對該產業之生命週期看法
(二) 探討追隨者企業在該領域上如何與領先者競爭
本研究經由選擇台灣中央空調產業的兩家公司進行深度訪談,並就議題進行探討得到以下結論。領先者若無法有效的進行防禦以維持現有的市場占有率,其仍會受到其他競爭者的競爭而受影響,特別是當其他競爭者透過併購策略、上下游的垂直整合、產品線的水平整合等方式,讓本身內部資源與能力上的提升時,將會影響領先者在市場上地位。 / Taiwan is in a subtropical climate where air conditioning has become essential for every household product, and can be divided into three major markets, including: residential, commercial and central air conditioning market. This study focuses on the central air-conditioning industry life cycle in Taiwan to further explores the leaders and followers of the industry by the market sales strategy analysis. The discussion topics are as follows:
(A) To explore the followers and leaders of the industry from life cycle’s perspective;
(B) Explore how followers can compete with leaders in the industry.
The study selected two companies in Taiwan's central air-conditioning industry to conduct in-depth interviews and discussed the issues to get the following conclusions. Leaders who are unable to effectively defend themselves to maintain their existing market share, will be affected by competition from other competitors, especially when other competitors go through the mergers and acquisitions, vertical integration of upstream and downstream, product line level integration and so on so that their own internal resources and ability to enhance, will affect the leader in the market position.
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