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台灣代工廠商升級選擇路徑之研究鄭力原 Unknown Date (has links)
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代工廠自創品牌之動態競爭策略 / Competitive Dynamic Strategies of OEM Manufacturers Brand Development劉哲瑋 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用AMC (Awareness – Motivation – Capability) 架構探討代工廠在轉型品牌過程之中與原品牌客戶之間的動態競爭策略,並研究四個問題: 1.代工廠從代工至自創品牌過程中的轉型策略如何影響品牌商反擊行動之可能性? 2.代工廠本身之能力如何影響代工廠自創品牌策略進而降低品牌商反擊之可能性? 3.品牌商之能力會如何影響代工廠之自創品牌策略? 4.代工廠與品牌商之互動關係會如何影響代工廠自創品牌策略?
本研究結果發現,針對問題1,代工廠運用主動告知、產品及市場區隔、及利用品牌商優越感以積極發展自身技術三種策略,以降低品牌商之反擊動機。針對問題2 & 3,代工廠會分為生產、設計、垂直整合零組件優勢及整合供應鏈兩階段培養並積極發展自身能力,以增加品牌商對代工廠之依賴。針對問題4,面對代工廠及品牌商密切之互動關係,代工廠則傾向採取避免衝突的策略以求生存。
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企業創新模式研究-以電腦代工廠個案為例 / Business model innovation – A case study on a notebook manufacturer in Taiwan曾欽煌 Unknown Date (has links)
本個案透過發展軟體、創造代工廠產品差異化、增強產品附加價值,藉此建立筆記型電腦代工廠核心競爭能力。其軟體除一般廣泛使用之外,也更可延伸應用於某些特殊產業,例如: 教育產業與旅遊業等。未來,更期望藉由此創新模式,在筆記型電腦產業中,新創出一個與手機業相似的APP Store,建立產業創新的典範。
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代工廠自創品牌動態競合策略探討 / The dynamic coopetition strategy in contract manufacturer’s own brand building李山 Unknown Date (has links)
廠商間的行動與回應是競爭的基石 (Chen and MacMillan, 1992; Chen and Miller, 1994; Smith, Grimm, Chen, and Gannon, 1989)。行動是廠商分析競爭環境後,所得出競爭優勢的一種展現;行動也是分析競爭者後,針對所預期競爭對手反應,在擬定之替代性方案中所做的選擇的實踐。 動態競爭理論對競爭互動的討論已略有共識 (Chen and MacMillan, 1992; Chen, 1996),但其研究標的多為市場中競爭者之間的攻擊與反擊,對於以合作模式所萌發的廠商間關係,究竟是如何在合作關係之上發展出競爭,學術的研究仍在逐步累積之中 (Chen, 2002; 2008; Brandenburger and Nalebuff, 1996; Peng and Bourne, 2009; Peng, Pike, Yang, and Roos, 2012)。
本論文主張,代工廠自創品牌時與品牌商的競爭互動即是一套套合作與競爭的策略組合,廠商的決策與行動反映了廠商所偵測到的環境變化與所自我評估的能耐水平,並納入競合思維,而推測彼此之競合互動的模式時則可以賽局理論為依據(Camerer, 1991; Brandenburger and Nalebuff, 1995; 1996; Day and Reibstein, 1997; Chen, 2008)。
本研究探討之研究問題包括: (一) 究竟代工廠在什麼情況下會考慮進行垂直整合來自創品牌?(二) 代工廠決定自創品牌後,其自創品牌的競合策略行動與考量為何?
本研究的研究設計採Eisenhardt (1989) 之歸納性個案研究法,選取的個案公司為10家名列台灣20大國際品牌之廠商,資料蒐集來自多重來源之初級與次級資料,包含與企業主與高階管理者之面對面訪談,以及網站資訊、報章報導、公司簡介與年報財報等等。本研究的分析單位是廠商自創品牌的決策及自創品牌的行動與回應。
針對研究問題二,本論文發現代工廠自創品牌行動的作法是根據大環境,代工廠與品牌商的矛盾,代工廠自身的能力、價值觀,以及品牌商的價值觀,以築高品牌商回應障礙為目標去反向推導出適當的自創品牌行動。在不同的產業環境與廠商關係之下,代工廠商會以不同行動與路徑來組合動態競合策略,以求取組織間競爭與合作的平衡。 / Action and response is the capstone of inter-organizational competition (Chen and MacMillan, 1992; Chen and Miller, 1994; Smith, Grimm, Chen, and Gannon, 1989)。Action manifests a firm’s competitive advantage that is derived from in-depth scanning and analysis of the environment; action also realizes the decision that derived among strategic alternatives and analysis of competitors ‘response. In the last few decades, competitive dynamic researchers have made some insightful discussion about action and response in inter-organization competition (Chen and MacMillan, 1992; Chen, 1996). However, the majority of the aforementioned researches focus on action and response among competitors; the study of inter-organization relationship among vertical value chain, or any other cooperative governance mode, is still mildly increasing and called for (Chen, 2002; 2008; Brandenburger and Nalebuff, 1996; Peng and Bourne, 2009; Peng, Pike, Yang, and Roos, 2012).
This study submits that the competitive interactions between contract manufacturer and brand owner can be depicted as an array of combinations of competition and cooperation. The action and response that a firm chooses to take reflect firm’s thought on the change in the environment and the competency in the firm. Basing on game theory, this study incorporates the concept of competition-cooperative to infer and identify the possible interaction modes in a vertical relationship, particularly in the setting of cross-border contract manufacturing (Camerer, 1991; Brandenburger and Nalebuff, 1995; 1996; Day and Reibstein, 1997; Chen, 2008).
This study aims to extend the discussion on competition and cooperation in a vertical relationship. In essence, two research questions are investigated. First, responding to the pressure and opportunity in the operating environment, what are the environmental and capability conditions that motivate a contract manufacturer to consider building own brand? Second, what are the own-brand building contract manufacturer’s concerns and modes underlying each competitive-cooperative action and reaction?
In order to explore the nature of the strategic thinking behind contract manufacturer’s decision, this study employs a multiple-case design (Eisenhardt, 1989). Ten contract manufacturing firms, shortlisted from the list of Taiwan top 20 international enterprises, are selected for field studies. Data are collected from multiple sources, ranging from primary data and secondary data, via conducting interview with executive and reviewing through company websites, newspaper, company document, and published financial reports. In this thesis, the focus is the strategic thinking underlying the action and response of contract manufacturer who decides to go build own brand.
This study discovers that the change in the environment leads the firm to alter the corporate objective and level of it. There are at least two analytic dimensions behind the strategic decision for a contract manufacturer to build own brand, one is the cost pressure existing in the inter-firm transaction; the other is the opportunity in the market. The interaction between transaction cost pressure and market opportunity impacts contract manufacturers’ level of willingness to build own brand. In this study, we find that market opportunity demonstrates a greater impact on contract manufacturer’s willingness to build own brand.
Furthermore, this study discovers that contract manufacturers pave their way of brand building based on the analysis of action and response. An action is determined by identifying change in the environment, anticipating level of conflict in the vertical relationship, and gauging the level of competency and value held by transaction partners in a vertical relationship. Additionally, this study discovers that contract manufacturer formulates a dynamic co-optition strategy that employ an array of action and response as well as a variety of paths on the way to build own brand, with the intension to further strike a good balance between the inter-organizational competition and cooperation.
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少量多樣製造業對於代工廠商期望之差異性研究 / The differences Study of High Mix and Low Volume Manufacturing industry’s Expectation toward Foundries周經歐, Chew, Chin Aw Unknown Date (has links)
一、 對於全體客戶,代工廠應以加強品質能力作為首要目標。
二、 企業型態為跨國企業之客戶對於各項能力之期望皆較高。
三、 擁有自己工廠之客戶對於品質能力、交期能力及技術能力期望較高。
四、 對彈性運用有較高期許之客戶,對創新能力便可能有較高期許;對交期能力有較高期許之客戶,對彈性運用便可能有較高期許;對價格反應有較高期許之客戶,對售後服務與合作關係便可能有較高期許。
五、 客戶對於代工廠之期許仍以整體之平均為主,而在品質、技術及財務狀況與信譽則有特別多之期許。
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台灣筆記型電腦產業垂直整合策略之研究周信成 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以文獻探討為基礎,進行研究架構之發展,而在個案公司應具代表性的考量下,選擇產業內的領導廠商廣達、仁寶與緯創為研究對象。透過個案分析與命題發展,本研究獲得如下之結論:(1) 「穩定關鍵零組件之供應來源」與「配合公司整體發展之需要」為企業採取垂直整合策略的動機;(2)「零組件未來發展性」與「零組件關鍵性」將影響企業的垂直整合策略;(3)當企業之總體策略的佈局與觀點不同,將形成不同的垂直整合作為;(4)企業傾向於採取「非完全」垂直整合策略。此外,本研究亦發現,在以代工業務為主的產業中,當廠商的垂直整合程度越高,其經營績效越佳;因此,本研究建議在以代工業務為主的產業裡,若廠商自身的能力與資源許可,應盡可能地垂直整合上游關鍵零組件,以獲取較佳之經營績效。
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代工廠商關鍵顧客管理之探討-以辦公室設備T公司為例 / Study on key account management of contract manufacturer-a case of office appliance T Company陳佳勝, Chen, Edy Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過質化個案研究方法去深入訪談一家辦公室電子設備的代工廠,從訪談結果和過去文獻中找出關鍵顧客管理的方法架構和相關理論。而影響關鍵顧客管理的因素可以被歸納為顧客型態、海外擴展策略、競爭優勢和產品生命週期。歸納分析結果後本研究做出以下論述:(一)代工廠商的關鍵顧客之認定方法以營業額為主,其次才考量利潤、(二)關鍵顧客的移轉成本、對關係的承諾和目標的一致性影響代工廠商經營關鍵顧客的策略、(三)代工廠商的競爭優勢影響其對關鍵顧客的議價能力、(四)顧客大小及議價能力能使代工廠商對其關鍵顧客管理上做組織等變化、(五)代工廠商的海外發展策略主要以已開發國家但會以產品差異化避免與關鍵顧客之間發生直接性競爭或衝突、(六) 各種型態顧客在產品生命週期的不同階段其關鍵顧客管理上有所不同。
本研究根據分析結果、實務觀察並與既有的相關論文做相互的對應,以提供代工廠商在工業行銷導入關鍵客戶管理的做法和應注意的事項。導入關鍵顧客管理不但能有效應用公司資源、加強與顧客的關係並帶來更高的獲利,也能避免與關鍵顧客之間的利益衝突。但建議代工廠商得注意不要因為長期依頼少數關鍵顧客的訂單而忽略了顧客營業額過於集中的風險且受阻於發展自有品牌。 / There were many Taiwanese companies in the past grew and thrived relied on foreign OEM customers. Although some of the companies later launch successfully their own brand, but so far there are still many contract manufacturers whose main business model is OEM/ODM. Recently, there are many customers starting to reduce their supplier number, contract manufacturer with bad capability or relationship is eliminated gradually. There were a lot customer relationship management (CRM) related paper in the past, but mostly discussed about business to customer (B2C) CRM topics. Although Key Account Management related research had been developing for 40 years, but most of the past researches are dedicated to key account management of foreign or big size company. At present, related paper about key account management of domestic contract manufacturer or industry manufacturing is limited and research focus on medium or small size contract manufacturer is very few. According to 2011 research report, there are 1.235 million small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) that occupied 97.7% of total companies in Taiwan. SMEs are also main force for Taiwan economic development. Therefore, this research focus on studying how Taiwan medium size contract manufacturer whose customers may have interest conflict implement its B2B key account management and also explore related factors that influence key account management.
This research uses quality approach case study method by applying depth-interview to a contract manufacturer of office appliance electronic equipment, explore key account management approach and related theory through interview result and past literacy review. And factors that influence key account management could be concluded as customer type, foreign expansion strategy, competitive advantage and product life cycle. The findings conclude that (1) Contract manufacturer identify the key account primarily based on sales amount, secondary consideration on margin, (2) Switching cost, relationship commitment and goal congruence influence contract manufacturer strategy on managing the key account, (3) Competitive Advantage of contract manufacturer influence its bargaining power over its key account, (4) Customer size, bargaining power may let contract manufacturer adjust its organizational structure and make other changes, (5) Foreign expansion strategy of contract manufacturer is mainly targeting developed countries but will differentiate its product to avoid direct competition or conflict among its customers, (6) Key account management among different customer type varies among each stage of product life cycle.
This research bases on analysis result, practical observation and mutual corresponding suggest how and what factors should be considerated when contract manufacturer applying key account management approach on industry marketing. Applying key account management is not only allocating company resources effectively, enhance customer relationship that bring further profit, but also avoid conflict or direct competition among the key accounts, but this research suggest that contract manufacturer should not because of relying on few key accounts for long term then neglect the risk of concentrating sales amount and have difficulty in developing own brand business.
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創新產品預測與產業鏈上游廠商之關聯-以觸控面板產業為例 / The relationship between forecasting innovative product and upstream supplier洪芳婷 Unknown Date (has links)
根據Display Search統計資料指出,從2007年到2011年,直至2015年的預估需求,觸控面板的需求量一路呈現成長的趨勢。短短幾年間,原本應用於軍事用途與大型工業設備的觸控技術,因智慧型手機的帶動,成了消費性電子產品的新寵兒。隨著觸控式面板的水漲船高與技術的快速進步,消費者體驗到用前所未有的人性化與方便性,觸控面板之應用不只停留於手機,將持續擴張,發展更多元化的用途,展望未來,觸控面板技術將無所不在,提供終端使用者更簡單輕鬆的直覺操作,可望成為人機介面的主流輸入方式。
「滿足目標市場」、「為顧客創造價值」是產業鏈上所有廠商都應共同擁有的目標,不應只有一般認為最接近消費者的品牌廠商才需要將眼光集中於消費者市場;加上司徒達賢(2005)提出網絡定位策略(Network Strategy),產業鏈中成員所分配到的利益取決於其在價值遞送系統(Value Deliver System)中的重要性,意即不論上、中、下游廠商都必須想辦法增加其不可取代性、設法提升自己對於最終產品的附加價值。本研究以台灣全球聞名之科技產業為例,從產業上游廠商的角度出發,探究製造廠商與最終消費者之間的關係,並主要將目光聚焦於「技術供給」與「市場需求」兩者間的互動結果。創新活動推拉力量的研究,也可以說是製造商力量與消費市場力量的探討,Bapista(1999)相關文獻中也曾提及,未來研究方向應聚焦於「技術供給」與「市場需求」兩者間的互動結果。另外,基於第二章文獻探討之成果,將「最終消費者」個體的創新產品採用歷程、決策過程與總體消費大眾的擴散模式設定為已知、預設(Given),繼續探討消費市場的訊息對產業中的製造、代工廠商之寓意,研究結果做出差異的比較。
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委外代工廠選擇程序之研究---以多國公司為例 / Contract Manufacturer Selection Process—The Case of Multinational Enterprises黃智源, Huang, Chih Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
根據研究結果,本論文提出一套一般性的委外代工廠選擇程序。依照所考慮的委外代工廠種類之不同,該選擇程序建議五至六個階段(Market Research, General Survey, Specific Survey, Trial Run (optional), Verification Survey, and Decision Making),同時建議各階段應考慮的評估項目。本論文亦根據研究結果,對於欲建立委外代工廠選擇程序之品牌廠商以及委外代工廠提出相關建議。 / In order to survive and even to grow in the competitive environment, enterprises may adopt outsourcing strategy to focus on their core competency and to have external suppliers to handle the other activities. How to select a proper outsourcing supplier is very critical to the implementation of outsourcing strategy because outsourcing suppliers will affect the final outcome of the whole value chain very much. Therefore, this thesis studies in the electronic industry to understand the process and evaluation criteria of original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) to select contract manufacturers (which are electronic manufacturing services, EMS, providers or original design manufacturers, ODMs). Case study is applied as the research method and three multinational companies are in-depth interviewed for this study.
Based on the research results, a general contract manufacturer selection process is proposed. This general process has five to six stages (Market Research, General Survey, Specific Survey, Trial Run (optional), Verification Survey, and Decision Making), depending on the kind of contract manufacturers under consideration. Corresponding evaluation criteria are also recommended for usage in each stage of the selection process. According to the research results, recommendations are made for OEMs which are planning to establish a contract manufacturer selection process and for contract manufacturers which are being surveyed.
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