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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Charakterisierung der Thrombospondin-1 vermittelten Anheftung von Streptococcus pneumoniae an humane Wirtszellen / Characterisation of the Thrombospondin-1 mediated adherence of Streptococcus pneumoniae to human host cells

Rennemeier, Claudia January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Thrombospondin-1 (TSP1) ist ein matrizelluläres, Calcium-bindendes Glykoprotein, das an der Regulation verschiedener zellulärer Prozesse beteiligt ist. TSP1 wird von unterschiedlichen Zelltypen gebildet und ist vor allem in den α-Granula der Thrombozyten zu finden, aus denen es nach deren Aktivierung sekretiert wird. Streptococcus pneumoniae (Pneumokokken) sind Gram-positive humanpathogene Bakterien. Sie besiedeln asymptomatisch den menschlichen Respirationstrakt und können schwerwiegende lokale Infektionen und lebensbedrohliche Erkrankungen, wie z.B. Sepsis, bakterielle Meningitis oder invasive Pneumonien auslösen. Die Anheftung von S. pneumoniae an Wirtsstrukturen ist ein initialer Schritt für die Kolonisierung mukosaler Epitheloberflächen. In dieser Arbeit wird die Bedeutung des humanen TSP1 für die Pathogen-Wirt Interaktion analysiert und der Effekt für die Pathogenese demonstriert. Verschiedene Bindungsstudien und durchflusszytometrische Analysen zeigten eine Assoziation von S. pneumoniae an aktivierte Thrombozyten und an lösliches und immobilisiertes TSP1. In in vitro Infektionsversuchen konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass wirtszellgebundenes TSP1 die Adhärenz an und Invasion in Epithel- bzw. Endothelzellen vermittelt. TSP1 übernimmt die Funktion als Brückenmolekül zwischen S. pneumoniae und eukaryontischen Wirtszellen. Zur Charakterisierung des bakteriellen Adhäsins für TSP1 wurden die Pneumokokken mit dem proteolytischen Enzym Pronase E bzw. mit der Zucker oxidierenden Substanz Natriumperiodat inkubiert. Eine Behandlung mit Natriumperiodat reduzierte die TSP1 vermittelte Adhärenz der Pneumokokken an humane Wirtszellen. Im Gegensatz dazu hatte die Behandlung mit Pronase E keinen Einfluss auf die TSP1 vermittelte Anheftung von S. pneumoniae an eukaryontische Zellen. Diese Ergebnisse deuten an, dass es sich bei dem bakteriellen Adhäsin für TSP1 um eine oberflächenlokalisierte Glykostruktur der Pneumokokken handelt. Die TSP1 vermittelte bakterielle Adhärenz der Pneumokokken an Wirtszellen konnte durch Pneumokokken-spezifisches Phosphorylcholin bzw. durch Lipoteichonsäuren nicht reduziert werden. Im Gegensatz dazu wurde die TSP1 vermittelte Adhärenz von S. pneumoniae an Wirtszellen durch Zugabe von löslichem Peptidoglykan signifikant inhibiert. In verschiedenen Bindungsstudien wurde das Peptidoglykan als Pneumokokken-Adhäsin für TSP1 identifiziert. Weiterhin wurde herausgestellt, dass nicht nur S. pneumoniae, sondern auch andere Gram-positive pathogene Bakterien, wie Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes, Listeria monocytogenes und verschiedene apathogene Bakterien mit TSP1 interagieren, im Gegensatz zu Gram-negativen Bakterien. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass TSP1 das Peptidoglykan aller getesteten Gram-positiven Bakterien erkennt. Diese Beobachtung weist auf einen allgemeingültigen Mechanismus der Bakterien-Wirt Interaktion hin, der wahrscheinlich von großer Bedeutung für die Pathogenese Gram-positiver Bakterien ist. Als Rezeptoren für TSP1 auf der Wirtszellseite wurden Proteoglykane auf der Oberfläche von eukaryontischen Zellen identifiziert. Weiterhin konnte herausgestellt werden, dass eine Interaktion der Gram-positiven Bakterien mit TSP1 nicht nur eine Adhärenz an Wirtszellen vermittelt, sondern die Bakterien vor einer Phagozytose durch primäre Granulozyten schützt. Zusammenfassend beweisen diese Ergebnisse eine spezifische Interaktion von Gram-positiven Bakterien mit TSP1, die zur bakteriellen Kolonisierung des Wirtsgewebes beiträgt. Das Peptidoglykan übernimmt die Funktion eines bakteriellen Adhäsins für TSP1, so dass TSP1 als molekulare Brücke die Interaktion von Gram-positiven Bakterien und Wirtszell-Proteoglykanen vermittelt. Diese Untersuchungen tragen in bedeutender Weise zu einem besseren Verständnis der Pathogenese von Infektionen durch S. pneumoniae und anderen Gram-positiven Bakterien bei. / Thrombospondin-1 (TSP1) is a matricellular glycoprotein that has key roles in interactions between human cells and components of the extracellular matrix. TSP1 is produced by different cell types and is mainly found in the α-granules of human thrombocytes and secreted upon their stimulation. Streptococcus pneumoniae are Gram-positive human bacteria which reside asymptomatically in the human respiratory tract, but can also cause local infections and life-threatening diseases such as sepsis, bacterial meningitis and pneumonia. A prerequisite for pneumococcal colonization of mucosal epithelial cells is the bacterial interaction with host cell structures. This study reports a novel role for human TSP1 in pathogen-host interactions. Binding assays and flow cytometric analysis demonstrate that S. pneumoniae specifically interacts with human TSP1. It is shown that S. pneumoniae binds to activated thrombocytes and recruits TSP1 from human plasma. Host-cell bound TSP1 promotes adherence of S. pneumoniae to human epithelial and endothelial cells, thereby acting as a molecular bridge between pneumococci and eukaryotic cells. To identify the bacterial adhesin for TSP1, pneumococci were incubated with the proteolytic enzyme pronase E and with sodium periodate, which oxidizes surface-exposed sugars. Pretreatment of the bacteria with sodium periodate, but not pronase E substantially reduced TSP1 mediated adherence to host cells, suggesting a glycoconjugate as the pneumococcal receptor for TSP1. Pneumococcal phosphorylcholine and lipoteichoic acids did not affect TSP1 mediated adherence of S. pneumoniae to host cells. In contrast, attachment of pneumococci to host cells via TSP1 was blocked by soluble peptidoglycan, indicating the recognition of bacterial peptidoglycan by TSP1. Further studies demonstrate that in addition to S. pneumoniae other Gram-positive bacteria including Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes, Listeria monocytogenes and several apathogenic bacteria interact with TSP1. Gram-negative bacteria did not interact with TSP1. Further it is shown that TSP1 recognizes the peptidoglycan of all tested Gram-positive bacteria, suggesting a general mechanism of bacteria-host protein interaction which probably has a significant impact on the pathogenesis of Gram-positive bacteria. Host cell proteoglycans were identified as the cellular receptors for TSP1. It is demonstrated that the bacterial binding to TSP1 does not only support adhesion to host cells, but can also protect the bacteria from phagocytosis by granulocytes. In conclusion, the results demonstrate an exploitation of TSP1 by Gram-positive bacteria which supports bacterial colonization of host tissues. In this scenario peptidoglycan functions as adhesin and TSP1 acts as a molecular bridge, linking Gram-positive bacteria with proteoglycan receptors on the host cells. These studies contribute to a better understanding of infections by S. pneumoniae and other Gram-positive bacteria.

Molecular investigation on the impact of the pneumococcal polysaccharide-protein conjugates vaccine (PCV) on bacterial nasopharyngeal colonization in children

Olwagen, Courtney Paige January 2017 (has links)
A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Johannesburg 2017. / Background: Nasopharyngeal colonisation is a pre-requisite for developing bacterial respiratory and invasive disease. Immunisation of children with the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) impacts upon colonising pneumococcal serotypes, which in turn could also affect the biome of the nasopharynx in relation to colonisation by other bacteria. Due to limitations in standard culture methods, the association between PCV-immunisation and bacterial carriage density is still unclear, including among HIV-infected children. In this study we aimed to evaluate the effect of infant vaccination with the 7-valent PCV (PCV7) on vaccine-serogroup colonisation in order to determine whether the increase in non-vaccine serotype (NVT) colonisation was due to unmasking of previously low density colonising serotypes or increase in acquisition of NVT. Also, we evaluated the association between PCV7 immunisation and HIV-infection on the prevalence density of nasopharyngeal colonisation by other common potentially pathogenic bacteria. Methods: A multiplex real-time qPCR assay was set up to detect 44 common pneumococcal serotypes and 5 bacterial pathogens including Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Moraxella catarrhalis, Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pyogenes. All assays were optimised according to MIQE guidelines and their ability to detect multiple pneumococcal serotype/group and bacteria in archived nasopharyngeal swabs were evaluated. The multiplex qPCR assays were then used to evaluate vaccine-serotype, non-vaccine serotype and bacterial nasopharyngeal colonisation in achieved swabs of PCV7-vaccinated (at 6, 10 and 14 weeks of age) and PCV-unvaccinated African children at 9 and 15-16 months of age, prior to routine vaccination of children with PCV through the public immunisation program. In order to address the limitations of the qPCR assays, a nanofluidic real-time PCR assay was developed to simultaneously detect 53 pneumococcal serotypes, 6 serotypes of H. influenzae and 11 bacterial pathogens. Further, all assays were optimised and evaluated according to the MIQE guidelines and findings from Fluidigm and traditional qPCR assays were compared. Lastly, Fluidigm was used to evaluate the association of HIV-infection on the prevalence and density of nasopharyngeal colonisation at 9 and 16 months of age by common, potentially pathogenic bacteria including PCV7 pneumococcal serotypes, non-PCV7 serotypes, Haemophilus influenzae, non-typable Haemophilus influenzae, Staphylococcus aureus, Moraxella catarrhalis, Streptococcus pyogenes, Neisseria meningitidis, Neisseria lactamica, Bordetella pertussis, Bordetella parapertusis, Bordetella bronchiseptica and Bordetella holmesii in achieved nasophartngeal swabs collected from PCV7-vacciniated HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected children. Results: Molecular qPCR was more sensitive than culture in detecting multiple concurrent colonising pneumococcal serotypes as well as other common nasopharyngeal colonisers, with the majority of additional isolates detected by qPCR having a low carriage density (<104 CFU/ml). Further, qPCR identified a lower prevalence of PCV7-serotype colonisation among PCV7-vaccinated compared to PCV-unvaccinated children at 9 and 16 months of age [adjusted Odds Ratio (aOR): 0.37; 95% CI; 0.19-0.7 and 0.41; 95% CI; 0.26-0.63, respectively]; and an increase in NVT-serotype [aOR: 1.88; 95% CI; 1.02-3.48 and 2.2; 95% CI; 1.18-4.1] colonisation respectively. The increase in NVT carriage among PCV7-vaccinees was driven by serotype 19A, which increased by 53.4% (p=0.021) and 70.7% (p<0.001) at 9 and 16 months of age respectively. Further, 19A had a higher density of colonisation in PCV7-vaccinated groups compared to PCV-unvaccinated groups and was more likely to be identified as a primary than non-primary isolate in PCV7-vaccinated children alone. PCV immunisation was also associated with an increased prevalence of H. influenzae at 9 months (55.8% vs. 66.3%, p<0.001) and 16 months (72% vs. 62%, p=0.017) of age, while a temporary increase in the carriage prevalence of S. aureus was found in PCV7-vaccinated (18.9%) compared to PCV-unvaccinated children (11.1%, aOR 2.1; 95% CI 1.0-1.4; p=0.049) at 9 months of age only. The density of pneumococcus (4.68 vs. 4.28 CFU/ml; p=0.007), H. influenzae (3.86 vs. 4.34 CFU/ml; p=0.008), M. catarrhalis (2.98 vs. 3.52 CFU/ml; p<0.001) and S. aureus (3.06 vs. 4.02 CFU/ml; p=0.02) were also higher among PCV7-vaccinated compared to PCV-unvaccinated children at 9 months age, although this difference diminished with increasing age. There was excellent concordance between the qPCR and Fluidigm for carriage prevalence and density of the majority of assays, with Fluidigm identifying an additional 7 pneumococcal serotypes and 11 bacterial species above those detected by qPCR. Further, discordant results between the two PCR methods were strongly associated with a low carriage density (<102 CFU/ml). Using molecular Fluidigm, a lower carriage prevalence of overall pneumococci (58.6% vs. 69.9%; p=0.02), non-vaccine serotypes (27.8% vs. 40%; p=0.047) and H. influenzae (64.2% vs. 42.3%; p=0.01) was identified in HIV-infected children compared to HIV-uninfected children who were immunised with PCV7 at 9 months of age. No difference in the carriage prevalence of overall pneumococci was however found at 16 months of age (p=0.20), although the carriage prevalence of non-vaccine serotypes (50.9% vs. 60.4%; p=0.049) and H. influenzae (56% vs. 73.4%; p=0.02) was lower in HIV-infected children at 16 months of age. In addition, the density of overall pneumococcus was found to be higher in HIV-infected children (4.81 vs. 4.44 CFU/ml; p=0.014), despite the lower carriage prevalence at 9 months of age, which was driven by a higher density of vaccine serotypes/serogroups (4.21 vs. 3.72 CFU/ml; p=0.04). By 16 months of age, there was no difference in density of pneumococcal colonisation between the HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected children (p=0.89). No difference in the density of H. influenzae was found between HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected infants at 9 months of age (p=0.08); however, by 16 months of age, HIV-uninfected children had a higher density of overall H. influenzae colonisation (4.95 vs. 4.32 CFU/ml; p<0.001), which was largely due to the higher carriage density of NThinf in HIV-uninfected children (5.0 vs. 4.23 CFU/ml; p<0.001). Conclusion: Molecular qPCR assays were shown to be a promising alternative to WHO recommended culture in that multiple pneumococcal serotypes and other bacterial pathogens could be simultaneously detected as well as the bacterial load of each colonising bacteria quantified. The mechanism behind the vaccine effect was shown to be a combination of both serotype replacement and unmasking; however, the reduction in PCV7-serotype colonisation impacted on colonisation prevalence and density of other bacterial species of the nasopharynx and the clinical relevance of this needs further exploration in relation to mucosal and invasive disease outcomes, as well as for higher valence vaccines. While the higher carriage density of overall pneumococcus in HIV-infected children, despite the lower carriage prevalence might explain the higher invasive disease burden in HIV-infected compared to HIV-uninfected children even in the era of antiretroviral therapy treatment and PCV immunisation, future studies are required to provide clarity. Nevertheless, the findings from this thesis highlight the importance of continued surveillance of the circulation of pneumococcal serotypes as well as other bacterial pathogens especially in a population with a high burden of HIV-1 infection. / MT2017

Estudo longitudinal sobre similaridade, transmissão, e estabilidade de colonização de Estreptococcus mutans em famílias brasileiras / Longitudinal study of transmission, diversity and stability of mutans streptococci genotypes in Brazilian families

Rubira, Cássia Maria Fischer 13 September 2007 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar longitudinalmente a transmissão de Streptococcus mutans em um grupo de famílias brasileiras de baixa renda. Um critério de inclusão importante foi o de todos os adultos conviverem na mesma casa com a criança. Participaram da pesquisa 14 mães, pais e crianças e 8 avós. Amostras de saliva das crianças foram coletadas em quatro visitas durante 22 meses, para pesquisa de S.mutans. Foram positivas apenas 8 crianças, que tiveram os seus isolados e os isolados de suas famílias identificados pelo método de hibridização DNA-DNA. Um total de 506 isolados de S.mutans foi genotipado pelo método de AP-PCR, usando o primer OPA-02. Foram detectados 20 genótipos diferentes nas 8 famílias, variando de 1 a 5 nos adultos e 1-2 nas crianças. Todas as mães e alguns pais e avós compartilharam genótipos com as crianças. Em todas as famílias foram encontrados genótipos homólogos nos adultos. Alguns genótipos foram estáveis, e outros, se perderam, mas o compartilhamento pode favorecer a contínua reinfecção. Três crianças desenvolveram cárie no período. O encontro de genótipos de cada membro da família na criança e o compartilhar de genótipos nos adultos, sugerem uma reavaliação de modelos preventivos antimicrobianos focalizados apenas na figura materna. / The objective of this study was to investigate in a longitudinal study the transmission of Streptococcus mutans in Brazilian families of a low socioeconomic status. An important entry criterion for the study was to include all members of a household in the study. The study cohort was comprised of 14 mothers, fathers and children and 8 grandmothers. Saliva samples were collected for S. mutans analysis in 4 visits during 22 months. Only eight children were positive for S. mutans by employing DNA-DNA hybridization that was also applied to household members. A total of 506 isolates of S. mutans were genotyped by AP-PCR with the primer OPA-02. Twenty genotypes were detected in 8 families ranging from 1 to 5 in the adults and 1-2 in the children. All mothers and some fathers and grandmothers shared similar genotypes with the children. In all families homologous genotypes were encountered among adults. Some genotypes were stable, and others were lost although sharing a similar environment may favor additional transmission episodes. Three children developed decay during the study period. The fact that children shared genotypes from all household members suggest that reevaluation of preventive methods aimed at suppressing S. mutans infections should include additional family members and not only the mothers.

Mechanisms of evolution in antibiotic resistant clones of Streptococcus pneumoniae

Miyashita, Lisa Frances January 2012 (has links)
Streptococcus pneumoniae has a highly adaptable genome due at least in part to its natural transformability and its ability to recombine with other pneumococci and related species. The emergence of antibiotic resistant clones of S. pneumoniae presents an opportunity to investigate how the genome has altered, spread and diversified within a defined time frame. We postulated that the genomes of epidemic, resistant isolates of S. pneumoniae would carry evidence of the genetic mechanisms that have shaped their evolution. We investigated this using eight to fifteen isolates from each of three S. pneumoniae clones; two multiply resistant clones Spain 9V-3 and Taiwan 19F-14 and one clone that has not acquired multiple resistance, England 14-9. Genome diversity in each of the three clones was investigated using pulsed field gel electrophoresis and multilocus sequence typing. Polymorphisms identified as a result of changes in the size of restriction fragments were found to be caused mainly by genomic rearrangements rather than restriction site mutations. Several deletion/insertion events in addition to one large inversion were identified. A number of polymorphisms correlated with previously known variable regions. Database analysis of multilocus sequence data from all three clones showed that recombination leads to sequence divergence more frequently than de novo mutation, but was significantly less common in England 14-9. The lower frequency of recombination events in England14-9 was in line with a transformation deficiency observed in vitro, and may explain the rare occurrence of penicillin resistance in this clone. Analysis of competence and recombination gene sequences available from databases revealed a potential cause of transformation deficiency: a four amino acid deletion in CelA, involved in DNA uptake and transport. Recombination can act as a DNA repair mechanism, but the significantly low occurrence in England14-9 suggests other mechanisms act to repair severe damage. Although S. pneumoniae does not have a typical SOS response it does possess DNA polymerase IV, encoded by dinB, which is predicted to be involved in error-prone DNA replication and repair of double strand breaks. DinB knockout mutants were created to investigate the effect in isogenic backgrounds. DinB mutants presented a lower frequency of spontaneous rifampicin resistance mutations than wild type 3 isolates. DinB mutants were more sensitive to killing by three different DNA damaging agents as well as by hydrogen peroxide. Isolates of the natural dinB mutant clone Spain 9V-3 were also shown to be more sensitive to DNA damaging agents than clones England 14-9 and Taiwan 19F-14. It is concluded that genetic differences between the three clones investigated do influence their patterns of evolution, and may account for differences in their antibiotic resistance profiles. Furthermore DNA polymerase IV does function as an error prone repair polymerase capable of protecting pneumococci from DNA damage despite the lack of a coordinated SOS response in pneumococci, and the absence of the gene in one successful multi-resistant clone.

Interação de Streptococcus mutans e de Candida albicans em biofilme in vitro /

Lobo, Carmélia Isabel Vitorino January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Marlise Inêz Klein / Resumo: O objetivo foi avaliar quais são os mecanismos de Streptococcus mutans e de Candida albicans que contribuem para aumentar a patogenicidade do biofilme misto. Biofilmes mistos e simples das cepas S. mutans UA159 (Sm) e C. albicans SC5314 (Ca) foram formados sobre discos de hidroxiapatita com película salivar, na presença de sacarose. O pH do meio de cultura foi aferido em diversas fases de desenvolvimento do biofilme. Após 43h de crescimento, foram realizadas análises bioquímicas (peso seco, proteinas, composição da matriz extracelular) e de população microbiana. A estrutura dos biofilmes foi avaliada por microscopia confocal em 19 e 43h. A expressão de genes de vias metabólicas de ambas espécies foi verificada em 28h. Os dados foram avaliados por métodos estatísticos considerando α=0,05. Verificou-se diferença do pH do meio para os três biofilmes nos tempos 19, 27 e 43h (p<0,001; ANOVA dois critérios, Tukey). Biofilmes de Sm e misto foram mais ácidos em 19 e 43h, enquanto biofilmes de Ca mantiveram o pH neutro (p>0,05). As quantidades do peso seco e de proteínas de biofilme misto foram maiores comparadas aos biofilmes simples, e menores para Ca (p=0,001; ANOVA um critério). Não houve diferença na quantidade de exopolissacarídeos solúveis entre biofilmes Sm e misto, porém o biofilme Ca apresentou menor quantidade (p<0,001; Kruskal-Wallis, Dunn). Houve maior quantidade de exopolissacarídeos insolúveis em biofilme misto (p=0,002). Verificou-se mesmo comportamento populacional pa... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The objective was to evaluate the mechanisms of Streptococcus mutans and Candida albicans that contribute to increasing the pathogenicity of the mixed-species biofilm. Mixed and single-species biofilms of the strains S. mutans UA159 (Sm) and C. albicans SC5314 (Ca) were formed on saliva-coated hydroxyapatite discs in the presence of sucrose. The pH values of the culture media were verified at distinct developmental phases of biofilms. After 43h of growth, the biofilms were subjected to distinct assays biochemical (dry weight, proteins, the composition of extracellular matrix) and microbiological (colony forming units), analyzes. The biofilm's structure was verified via confocal microscopy at 19 and 43h. Gene expression of metabolic ways from both species was evaluated at 28h. The data were assessed by statistical methods (α=0,05). There was a difference in the media pH for the three biofilms at times 19, 27 and 43h (p<0,001; two-way ANOVA, Tukey). Sm and mixed-species biofilms were acidic at 19 and 43h, while Ca biofilms maintained a neutral pH (p>0,05). The amounts of dry weight and proteins were higher for mixed-species biofilm compared to singlespecies biofilms, being lower for Ca (p=0,001; one-way ANOVA). The quantity of soluble exopolysaccharides was similar for Sm and mixed-species biofilms but Ca presented a lower amount than those biofilms (p<0,001; Kruskal-Wallis, Dunn). There was a higher amount of insoluble exopolysaccharides in mixed-species biofilm (p=0,002). There was no difference in Sm population in single- and mixed-species biofilms (p=0,404; Mann Whitney); however, the mixed-species biofilm presents a higher population of Ca versus the single-species biofilm (p<0,001; t-Test). The threedimensional structure analysis showed larger microcolonies in mixed-species biofilms versus Sm biofilm, and absence of these structures in Ca biofilm...(Complete abstract electronic access below) / Mestre

Caracterização quimica, física e sensorial de produtos à base de amendoim

Lopes, Graziela Alves Zanotto [UNESP] 16 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:31:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2012-10-16Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:40:53Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 lopes_gaz_dr_arafcf.pdf: 431628 bytes, checksum: 1b5a3a4e245823f5eae44d8181c8c704 (MD5) / Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) / A utilização do grão de amendoim (Arachis hypogaea) vem sendo pesquisada com o objetivo de obter alimentos proteicos e com boas características sensoriais, além de baixo custo. O objetivo do trabalho foi elaborar e caracterizar extrato aquoso à base de amendoim e extrato fermentado com Streptococcus thermophilus e Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp bulgaricus, além da elaboração de um produto tipo hambúrguer com a farinha do resíduo da extração. Os grãos foram aquecidos em solução de bicarbonato de sódio a 0,5% (1:4, p/v) até ebulição, com posterior drenagem, lavagem, desintegração com água aquecida a 97º C nas proporções de 1:5; 1:6; 1:7 e 1:8 (p/v), seguido de filtração. O produto fermentado foi elaborado com adição de 2% de lactose, 10% de sacarose, 0,3% de gelatina e 2% do fermento lático ao extrato aquoso. O produto tipo hambúrguer foi elaborado com adição de 10, 20 e 30% da farinha do resíduo (1:5) nas formulações. As diluições (p≤0,05) dos componentes dos extratos aquosos de amendoim foram de 36% para sólidos totais, 29% para proteína e 43% para lipídeos. O abaixamento do pH foi mais lento para a formulação com extrato mais concentrado (p≤0,05) e a porcentagem inicial de ácido lático (0,12%) aumentou para 0,37 a 0,39% após 6 horas de incubação. O valor de ºBrix variou de 9,83 a 7,42. A consistência foi o único atributo sensorial significativamente afetado pelas proporções grão:água. Os resultados relativos às análises do produto tipo hambúrguer indicaram que à medida que houve aumento da farinha do resíduo de amendoim (20 e 30%) obtiveram-se maiores rendimentos de cocção e menores capacidades de retenção de água para estes produtos. A maior luminosidade foi obtida para o produto com 30% de farinha de resíduo, e a intensidade de vermelho (a*) diminuiu com o aumento da... / The use of kernel peanut (Arachis hypogaea) has been researched in order to obtain protein foods with good sensory characteristics, and low cost. The objective of this study was to prepare and characterize aqueous extract made with peanut and fermented extract with Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp bulgaricus, besides the development of a product type beef hamburger with the peanut residue flour of this extraction. The kernels were heated in a solution of sodium bicarbonate, 0.5% (1:4 w / v) until boiling with subsequent draining, washing, disintegration with water heated to 97 ° C in the ratios of 1:5, 1:6 ; 1:7 and 1:8 (w / v), followed by filtration. The fermented product was produced with addition of 2% lactose, 10% sucrose, 0.3% gelatin and 2% lactic ferment to the aqueous extract. The product type beef hamburger was prepared by adding 10, 20 and 30% of the the peanut residue flour (1:5) in the formulations. Dilutions (p ≤ 0.05) of the components of the extracts were 36% for total solids, 29% protein and 43% lipids. Lowering of pH was slower for the formulation with more concentrated extract (p <0.05) and the initial percentage of 0.12% lactic acid increased to 0.37 until 0.39% after 6 hours of incubation. The Brix value ranged from 9.83 to 7.42. The consistency was the only sensory attribute significantly affected by proportion grain: water. The results for the product type beef hamburger analyzes indicated that as there was an increase in peanut residue flour (20 to 30%) there were also higher yields of cooking and lower water retention capacity for these products. The highest brightness was obtained for the product with 30% the peanut residue flour, and redness (a *) decreased with increase of the percentage of residue. Microbiological analyzes met the minimum quality requirements. The sensory... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)

Eferocitose na presença de PAMP estimula ativação de macrófagos de perfil misto M1/M2 /

Salina, Ana Carolina Guerta. January 2015 (has links)
Orientador : Alexandra Ivo de Medeiros / Banca: Vania Luiza Deperon Bonato / Banca: Carlos Rossa Junior / Resumo: A fagocitose de células apoptóticas é um processo dinâmico importante para a homeostase dos tecidos após injúria. Os macrófagos além de atuarem na remoção de células apoptóticas, também colaboram na defesa contra microrganismos. Existem ao menos duas populações de macrófagos classificadas como macrófagos M1 (pró-inflamatórios) e macrófagos M2 (anti-inflamatórios). Estes leucócitos diferem quanto ao fenótipo e funções efetoras dependendo, primordialmente, do microambiente e dos microrganismos com que interagem no tecido. Em uma situação de injúria pulmonar estéril (inalação de agentes tóxicos), há acúmulo de células apoptóticas sem a presença de agente microbiano. Por outro lado, durante uma infecção pulmonar bacteriana, ocorre intensa migração de células para o local da infecção na tentativa de conter a proliferação bacteriana, resultando em intenso acúmulo de células apoptóticas infectadas neste tecido. Portanto, nesse trabalho foi avaliado, in vitro e in vivo, o efeito da fagocitose de células apoptóticas infectadas (AC-Sp) ou estéreis (AC) na polarização de macrófagos M1/M2, bem como suas funções efetoras, e o efeito da PGE2 nesse contexto de eferocitose. Macrófagos M0 co-cultivados com AC ou AC-Sp apresentam um fenótipo intermediário entre M1 e M2, com secreção de altos níveis de IL-6, TNF-α, PGE2, TGF-β e NO e a expressão de genes relacionados ao perfil M1, iNOS, e ao perfil M2, Arginase 1. Além disso, macrófagos M0 cultivados com AC ou AC-Sp, apresentam supressão da função microbicida quando desafiados com S. pneumoniae. A presença de PGE2 dirige a polarização de macrófagos M0 a um perfil M2 e a presença de inibidores de COX promove a reversão do fenótipo de polarização destes macrófagos. Os resultados in vivo demonstram que a instilação de AC ou AC-Sp promove distintos microambientes no pulmão destes animais, que influenciam na resolução da infecção..... / Abstract: The phagocytosis of apoptotic cells is dynamic and crucial for homeostasis after injury. Macrophages act on the clearance of apoptotic cells and collaborate with defense against microorganisms. There are at least two distinct macrophage populations classified as M1 macrophages (pro-inflammatory) and M2 macrophages (anti-inflammatory). Both cells differ on the state of polarization and effectors function depending primarily on the microenvironment and microorganisms that interact into the tissue. In a situation of sterile lung injury (inhalation of toxic agents), there are accumulation of apoptotic cells without the presence of pathogen. On the other hand, during a bacterial pulmonary infection there is intense cell migration to the infection site in an attempt to impair bacterial growth, resulting in a large accumulation of infected-apoptotic cells in the tissue. Therefore, this study has evaluated in vitro and in vivo, the effect of the phagocytosis of infected-apoptotic cells (AC-Sp) or sterile cells (AC) on the polarization of M1/M2 macrophages, as well as in their effector functions and the effect of PGE2 in the context of efferocytosis. M0 macrophages co-cultured with AC or AC-Sp show an intermediate phenotype between M1 and M2 with high secretion levels of IL-6, TNF-α, PGE2, NO and TGF-β, and gene expression profile related to M1, iNOS, and M2, arginase 1. Furthermore, M0 macrophages cultured with AC or AC-Sp show strong suppression of the macrophage microbicidal function when challenged with S. pneumonia. The presence of PGE2 drives the polarization of M0 macrophages to a M2 profile, and in the presence of COX inhibitors, it reverses the polarization of this macrophage phenotype. The in vivo results demonstrate that the instillation of AC or AC-Sp promotes distinct microenvironments in the lungs of these animals, which influence the resolution of the infection. All these results suggest that the presence of AC or AC-Sp promotes, ... / Mestre

Desenvolvimento e caracterização de sistemas nanoestruturados bioadesivos contendo peptídeo análogo à adesina do streptococcus mutans /

Calixto, Giovana Maria Fioramonti. January 2013 (has links)
Orientador: Marlus Chorilli / Banca: Helder Ferreira Teixeira / Banca: Maria Palmira Daflon Gremião / Resumo: A cárie dentária é um importante problema de saúde coletiva ainda prevalente no Brasil e no mundo. A sua etiologia está ligada principalmente a fatores que permitam condições favoráveis ao crescimento de bactérias, principalmente do Streptococcus mutans. Recentemente, um crescente interesse tem sido observado no estudo de peptídeos, como o p1025, análogo aos fragmentos 1025-1044 da adesina celular do S. mutans, responsável pela adesão e formação do biofilme dental. Sistemas líquido-cristalinos (SLC) de liberação de fármacos, pelo fato de aumentarem a estabilidade e a eficácia de fármacos, modulando a sua ação, podem ser potenciais carreadores de peptídeos. A potencialização da ação destes sistemas pode ser conseguida com a presença de substâncias bioadesivas, para prolongar sua permanência no ambiente bucal O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver e caracterizar SLC bioadesivos contendo peptídeo p1025 e avaliar sua eficácia antimicrobiana e ação sobre o biofilme dental. Foram desenvolvidos SLC constituídos por álcool cetílico etoxilado 20 OE e propoxilado 5 OP como tensoativo (PRO), ácido oleico (AO) como fase oleosa e por 5 diferentes fases aquosas formadas por água (S1), dispersões de Policarbofil® (S2), Carbopol® 974P (S3), Hidroxietilcelulose (S4) e Quitosana (S5) a 0,5%. Foram selecionados três pontos dos sistemas S1, S2, S3 e S5 fixando-se a concentração do tensoativo em 40%. Esses sistemas foram caracterizados por microscopia de luz polarizada, espalhamento de raios-X de baixo ângulo, reologia, análise térmica, análise de textura e ensaios de bioadesão in vitro, que demonstraram que as microemulsões constituídas por dispersões aquosas de Carbopol® 974P formaram mesofases líquido-cristalinas com adição de água significativamente mais estruturadas e... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Dental caries is a significant public health problem still prevalent in Brazil and worldwide. The etiology is related to factors that enhance the growth of bacteria, mainly Streptococcus mutans. Recently, a great interest has been observed in studies of peptides such as peptide p1025, corresponding to residues 1025-1044 of the adhesin of S. mutans, responsible for adherence and formation of biofilm. According to the literature, solutions of this peptide inhibit by competition the bacterial biofilm adhesion to the tooth, preventing the colonization of S. mutans. Drug delivery systems, such as liquid crystalline systems (LCS) may be potential carriers of peptides because SLC can increase their stability and effectiveness. The potential action of these systems can be achieved with the presence of bioadhesive substances to prolong residence time at buccal cavity. The aim of this study was to develop and characterize bioadhesive SLC containing peptide p1025 and evaluate its antimicrobial efficacy and its action on the biofilm. It was developed five different SLC based on PPG-5-Ceteth-20 as surfactant, oleic acid as oil phase and five different aqueous phases based on water, dispersion of 0.5% Polycarbophil® (S1), Carbopol® (S2), hydroxyethylcellulose (S4) or chitosan (S5). It was selected three points of the systems S1, S2, S3 and S5 with 40% surfactant. These systems were characterized physicochemically by polarized light microscopy (MLP), SAXS, rheology, thermal analysis, TPA and in vitro bioadhesion, which showed that microemulsions composed of Carbopol® formed more structured and bioadhesive liquid crystalline mesophases with water than the other systems and it can high the retention time at buccal cavity. The incorporation of p1025 in this system demonstrated higher bioadhesive action and... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Aspects of the production of viscous capsular material by the yoghurt starter, Streptococcus thermophilus

Taylor, Darren P, mikewood@deakin.edu.au January 1996 (has links)
The technology of modern fermented milk production is not complicated and relies largely on the characteristics of the microorganisms used in its manufacture. Biochemical substances excreted by the starter cultures contribute to the chemical, physical and organoleptic properties of cultured milks. Chemical and organoleptic properties of yoghurt starter cultures have been widely studied over several decades. Conversely the biosynthetic processes and genetic control of the production of viscous extracellular material (slime) by selected thermophillic streptococci is still insufficiently understood. This study attempted to elucidate physiological aspects and the genetic control of slime production. An attempt to chemically induce ropiness was also preformed. Twenty strains of Gram positive, thermo-tolerant, milk dotting, catalase negative cocci were collected from a variety of sources. All strains were identified as Streptococcus thermophilus. Four of the isolates were identified as capable of producing an extracellular, ‘ropy’ capsular material. A negative staining method for highlighting capsular material under light microscopy was described. Ropy isolates displayed thick capsular zones of between 6-8 μm. The isolates graded as non-ropy produced only small capsular zones (less than 2 μm); two variants displayed no capsular material. Instability of the ropy phenotype during subculture and prolonged storage was described for all four ropy isolates at varied temperatures. Instability during transfer was reported as moderate with a loss of no more than 45% of ropy colonies after 15 subcultures at 48°C A significant increase in instability, during transfer, associated with an increase in incubation temperature (37-48°C) was also reported. Prolonged storage of ropy variants over ten days resulted in a drop in the number of ropy colonies. The loss was minimal when cultures were stored at 8°C, but excessive (approaching 100%) at 37°C This suggested the presence of capsular degradative substances. Analysis of the plasmid profiles of 20 strains identified only two strains harboured plasmid DNA. All plasmids were small, less than 23kilobases, and each strain possessed a single plasmid species. Only one ropy strain contained plasmid DNA that was shown, with the aid of curing experiments, not to be linked to production of the ropy phenotype. The amino acid analogue p-fluoro-DL-phenylalanine was unsuccessful in generating ropy colonies from non-ropy variants of Streptococcus thermophilus at low concentrations. Some technological considerations for the use of ropy variants of Streptococcus thermophilus in yoghurt starter cultures were made.

Isolation and characterisation of proteins from Streptococcus pneumoniae for determination of vaccine potential

Jomaa, Maha, n/a January 2004 (has links)

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