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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die ontslag van stakers op grond van deelname aan 'n beskermde staking

Naudé, Christelle 1 January 1997 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Summaries in English and Afrikaans / Die Grondwet van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika en die Wet op Arbeidsverhoudinge verleen aan werknemers die reg om te staak. Die reg is egter nie onbeperk nie. Op grond van die voldoening aan wetlike vereistes, word stakings as beskermd of onbeskermd geklassifiseer. Beskermde stakers kan ontslaan word weens wangedrag tydens die staking of op grond van die bedryfsvereistes van die werkgewer. Die werkgewer se bedryfsvereistes sal ontslag regverdig indien sy /haar vlak van toleransie bereik is. Dit sal die geval wees indien die werkgewer se besigheid met ondergang gedreig word of onherroeplike skade gaan ly, sou die staking voortduur. Aile relevante faktore moet egter in ag geneem word. Daar is nie tans 'n vasgestelde toets in die verband nie en daar word ook aan die hand gedoen dat billikheid, met inagneming van al die relevante faktore en omstandighede, die belangrikste oorweging moet wees. 'n Vasgestelde toets vir die bepaling van die werkgewer se vlak van toleransie, word afgekeur. / The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa and the Labour Relations Act give employees the right to strike. This right is, however, not unlimited. By reason of the satisfaction of statutory requirements, strikes are classified as protected or unprotected. Protected strikers may be dismissed for misconduct during the strike or by reason of the operational requirements of the employer. The employer's operational requirements will justify dismissal when his/her level of tolerance is reached. This will be the case when the employer's business is on the brink of extinction or about to suffer irreparable harm. All the relevant facts must however be taken into account. Currently there is no definite test in this regard and it is proposed that fairness, taking into account all the relevant facts and circumstances, be the overriding consideration. A specific test for the determination of the employer's level of tolerance must be rejected. / Economics and Management Sciences / LL.M.

Διερεύνηση σφαλμάτων από κεραυνούς σε διατάξεις χαμηλής τάσης

Χατζηευαγόρου, Σταύρος 06 December 2013 (has links)
Αντικείμενο της παρούσας διπλωματικής εργασίας είναι η αναφορά των επιπτώσεων που προκαλούν οι κεραυνοί σε διατάξεις χαμηλής τάσης και o τρόπος, με τον οποίο ο άνθρωπος μπορεί να προστατέψει μια κατασκευή. Ώς μοντέλο, για να διαπιστωθεί αν η θεωρία μπορεί να γίνει πράξη, χρησιμοποιήθηκε ένα υπάρχον κτιριακό συγκρότημα που βρίσκεται σε περιοχή της Κύπρου, όπου κατά τη διάρκεια κεραυνικών πληγμάτων σημειώνονταν ηλεκτρολογικές ζημιές. Η μελέτη έγινε σύμφωνα με τους ισχύοντες διεθνείς κανονισμούς αντικεραυνικής προστασίας και τη σχετική βιβλιογραφική θεωρία. Μετά τη μελέτη και τον υπολογισμό όλων των υπολοίπων τμημάτων που απαρτίζουν το σύστημα αντικεραυνικής προστασίας ακολουθεί η σχεδίαση του στο πρόγραμμα σχεδίασης AutoCAD. Τέλος, με εξομοίωση του ισοδύναμου κυκλώματος, του ΣΑΠ, στο λογισμικό πρόγραμμα EMTP-ATP, μελετάται η μεταβατική συμπεριφορά του συστήματος γείωσης για να κριθεί αν το σύστημα που σχεδιάστηκε είναι αποτελεσματικό ή όχι. Το προτεινόμενο σύστημα αντικεραυνικής προστασίας όπως παρουσιάζεται στην πιο κάτω διπλωματική εργασία σύμφωνα με τα αποτελέσματα, μπορεί να παρέχει μια αξιόπιστη και ασφαλή λειτουργία του κτιριακού συγκροτήματος χωρίς περαιτέρω ζημιές. / The main subject of this thesis is the study and designing of a lighting strike protection system in an existing building complex. In addition, the consequences of lighting strikes in buildings are studied and what someone can do to protect buildings. In order to apply the theory in practice, an existing building complex located in Cyprus, is used as a model in order to design the lighting protection system, since damages were observed during several lighting strikes the last few years. The study and the design of the protection system is made by following the national lighting strike protection rules and theory presented in existing literature. The study and calculations of the other parts that belong to the complete lighting strike protection system are followed by the designing of the complete system in Autocad. Moreover, a study of the transient behaviour of the Earth-termination system is done via the simulation of the building complex by using the EMTP-ATP software. It is important to mention that the phenomenon of ionization is consider as well in this step. The proposed lighting protection system as it is presented in this thesis and according to the results, can provide a reliable and safe operation of the building complex without any further damages.

Progressive compromises : performing gender, race, and class in historical pageants of 1913

Hewett, Rebecca Coleman 01 October 2010 (has links)
This dissertation explores embodiments of citizenship in three historical pageants of 1913. As historical pageantry reached the height of its popularity in the early twentieth century, the form was criticized by those who felt it represented a limited understanding of community and citizenship. Historical pageants came to prominence at a time in the nation’s history when lynching plagued the south, women agitated for the right to vote, and labor unions organized to demand better working conditions. Popular historical pageants presented a history which ignored these pressing social issues and supported the status quo. As a result, while pageants gained popularity the form was taken up by groups seeking to use pageants for different political purposes. My dissertation interrogates embodiments of citizenship in Progressive Era pageantry through three case studies: W.E.B. Du Bois wrote and staged Star of Ethiopia, devoted to re-telling African-American history; John Reed organized members of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) for a performance of The Paterson Strike Pageant to aid laborers on strike; and Hazel MacKaye staged Allegory in support of women’s suffrage. While each pageant aimed to promote diversity, once each pageant’s historiography landed on live bodies, the gaps between what the pageant argued for and who the pageant simultaneously excluded were made visible. Allegory crafted an argument for white women’s suffrage by excluding recent immigrant and women of color; Du Bois sought to promote the African American middle class by denigrating the working classes; John Reed painted an image of the IWW as a fully united working class while ignoring the racial and ethnic differences that had led to tensions among the group. Despite their progressive intentions, once each pageant moved its political arguments on stage, the choices they made in performance belied their inclusive aspirations. / text

Ginčų dėl kolektyvinių derybų ir kolektyvinės sutarties sprendimo Lietuvos teismų praktikoje ypatumai / Distinctive features of collective agreement and collective bargaining dispute resolutions based on lithuanian and foreign court practice

Lazauskas, Marius 27 June 2014 (has links)
Vienas iš darbo santykių požymių yra jų konfliktiškumas, todėl tarp darbo teisinio santykio šalių neišvengiamai kyla konfliktai, kurių dalis tampa darbo ginčais. Aktualus darbo ginčų skirstymas į kolektyvinius bei individualius, nes priklausomai nuo darbo ginčo rūšies, skiriasi jų sprendimo procedūra bei metodai. Ginčo objektu gali būti įvairūs teisiniai gėriai, tačiau šiame darbe analizuojamas ginčų, kilusių dėl kolektyvinių derybų ir kolektyvinės sutarties sprendimas Lietuvos teismų praktikoje. Neapsiribojama vien tik ginčais dėl kolektyvinių derybų ir kolektyvinės sutarties, pateikiama ir Lietuvos teismuose nagrinėjamų bylų dėl streiko teisėtumo analizė, nes šiose bylose yra nagrinėjami kolektyvinių sutarčių vykdymo klausimai bei aptariama kolektyvinių derybų procedūra ir principai, kurių privalo laikytis subjektai, dalyvaujantys kolektyvinėse derybose. Atlikus teisminio precedento analizę galima teigti, jog kai kuriais atvejais teismai netinkmai taiko teisės normas, reguliuojančias kolektyvinius darbo santykius: nepagrįstai apriboja darbuotojams priklausančią teisę streikuoti, nesiremia kolektyvinės sutarties nuostatomis, nors normatyvinės kolektyvinės sutarties nuostatos yra reikšmingas darbo teisės šaltinis. Visgi verta atkreipti dėmesį ir į kai kurias Lietuvos Aukščiausiojo Teismo nutartis, galinčias prisidėti prie kolektyvinių darbo santykių plėtojimosi ir paskatinti darbdavius sudarinėti kolektyvines sutartis: galima teigti, jog kolektyvinėmis sutartimis galima... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / One of the features of relationship is its susceptibility to conflicts, therefore it is inevitable for conflicts to occur in legal relationships in work and some of the conflicts become work disputes. Categorization of work disputes to collective and individual is relevant because procedure and methods of resolution of work disputes depend on their type. Various legal goods can be the object of a dispute; however, this paper analyzes disputes which occur due to resolution of collective negotiations and collective contracts in the practice of courts in Lithuania. The paper is not limited only by disputes which occur due to collective negotiations and collective contracts, it also provides an analysis of Lithuanian court cases of legality of strikes because these cases judge the issues of execution of collective contracts and discuss a procedure and principals of collective negotiations. Everyone who is involved with collective negotiations must follow these principals and the procedure. After conducting the analysis of court precedent, we can say that in some cases courts inappropriately apply legal norms which regulate collective work relationships: they limit workers’ right to strike with having no ground for that, they fail to follow the term of collective contracts even though normative terms of collective contracts are a significant source of labor law. Nevertheless, it is worthwhile to also look at some judgments of Supreme Court of Lithuania, which could contribute to... [to full text]

Analyses des vitesses et des déplacements cosismiques sur des failles décrochantes en Mongolie et en Iran : approche morphotectonique et paléosismologique / Analysing slip rates and the co-seismic slips along strike-slip faults in Mongolia and Iran : morphotectonic and paleoseismological approach.

Rizza, Magali 07 December 2010 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse a pour but d'analyser les variations de vitesses sur des grandes failles décrochantes en contexte intracontinental, capables de produire des séismes de très fortes magnitudes (M > 7.5). Afin d'illustrer c es variations d'activités, cette analyse a été effectuée sur deux zones d'études situées en domaine continental et sismiquement actives: la région ouest de la Mongolie (failles de Bogd et Bolnay) et le nord de l'Iran (failles d'Astaneh et de Tabriz). À partir d'une approche morphotectonique et paléosismologique, les cinématiques, les vitesses de failles et les intervalles de récurrence entre les séismes majeurs ont été estimés, permettant d'analyser les caractéristiques du cycle sismique sur chacune des failles. En Mongolie, les failles de Bogd et Bolnay présentent respectivement des vitesses de ~ 1,2 et 2,6 mm/an, qui semblent être constantes sur la période Pleistocène supérieur-Holocène. Ces deux failles présentent également des glissements caractéristiques et des intervalles de temps similaires entre les séismes majeurs. Les analyses paléosismologiques suggèrent qu'un essaim sismique comparable à celui enregistré au XXème siècle a eu lieu il y a environ 3000 ans.En Iran, une vitesse géologique de 2 mm/an a été estimée sur la faille d'Astaneh et les données paléosismologiques suggèrent des intervalles de récurrence qui varient entre 1600 et 2200 ans, associés à des déplacements en surface compris entre 3 et 4,5 m. Nous avons également estimé une vitesse de 7 mm/an sur la faille de Tabriz, en accord avec les données GPS, suggérant que la vitesse sur cette faille est constante depuis 45 ka. / The aim of this thesis is to analyze if variations in slip rates occur along strike-slip faults, in intracontinental domain, these faults producing large earthquakes (M> 7.5). To illustrate these variations, this work has focused in two area located in the most tectonically active continental domains in the world: in the western part of Mongolia (Bogd and Bulnay faults) and in the northern part of Iran (Astaneh and Tabriz faults). Using morphotectonic and paleoseismological analyses, the kinematics, the slip rates and the recurrence times have been estimated and allow us to describe the characteristics of seismic cycle along these faults. In Mongolia, the slip rates are estimated at ~1.2 and ~2.6 mm/yr along the Bogd and the Bulnay faults, respectively, with no variations of geological slip rates over the Pleistocene-Holocene period. These two faults present characteristic slips and similar recurrence times between large earthquakes. The paleoseismological investigations suggest that a cluster occurred 3000 years ago, similar to the seismic cluster recorded in Mongolia during the XX century. In Iran, the slip rate was estimated to 2 mm/yr along the Astaneh fault and the recurrence times are ranging from 1600 to 2200 years, associated with offsets comprised between 3 and 4.5 m. We have also estimated a slip rate of ~7 mm/yr along the Tabriz fault, in agreement with the present day rate estimated by GPS, suggesting no variations in the slip rate over the past 45 ka.

Právo na stávku a výluku / The right to strike and lock-out

Hlůšek, Vítězslav January 2011 (has links)
THE RIGHT TO STRIKE AND LOCK-OUT ABSTRACT The content of this thesis is to outline the issue of strikes and lock-outs in the Czech republic, both in terms of current legislation, as well as in future ones. On previous pages I try to describe strike actions from the historical and economic points of view, but I also try to compare their individual characters within the EU countries and to accent their specific features and patterns, which are typical for the state or region. I spent an essentional part of my work by studying strikes not modified by acts and the questions of their legality. I gradually evolved into a full knowledge of complete state of freedom of association in our country because of Judicial decisions I didn't know before. I drew my conclusions primarily from literature, articles from distinguished academics and renowned experts and of course from court cases. The importace of legislative was relative because the lawmaker did not fully explore this area. I describe strikes and lockouts as a general phenomenon, whose presence is desirable in every developed community. But I also realized the individual typological aspects of employment law entities. I tried to create work that consistently includes the full scope of relationships and contained all eventualities that come with the right to...

An exploratory analysis of littoral combat ships' ability to protect expeditionary strike groups

Efimba, Motale E. 09 1900
Approved for public release; distribution in unlimited. / This thesis uses an agent-based simulation model named EINSTein to perform an exploratory study on the feasibility of using Littoral Combat Ships (LCSs) to augment or replace the current defenses of Expeditionary Strike Groups (ESG). Specifically, LCS's ability to help defend an ESGs in an anti-access scenario against a high-density small boat attack is simulated. Numbers of CRUDES (CRUiser, DEStroyer, Frigate) ships are removed and LCSs are added to the ESG force structure in varying amounts to identify force mixes that minimize ship losses. In addition, this thesis explores various conceptual capabilities that might be given to LCS. For example, helicopter/Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicles (helo/UCAVs), Stealth technology, close-in high volume firepower, and 50+ knot sprint capability. Using graphical analysis, analysis of variance, and large-sample comparison tests we find that being able to control aircraft is the most influential factor for minimizing ship losses. Stealth technology is another significant factor, and the combination of the two is highly effective in reducing ship losses. Close-in high volume firepower is effective only when interacting with helo/UCAVs or stealth. 50+ knot sprint capability is potentially detrimental in this scenario. An effective total sum of CRUDES ships and LCS is between five and seven platforms. / http://hdl.handle.net/10945/855 / Lieutenant, United States Navy


Peters, Joyana 16 May 2014 (has links)
Abstract In the Lower East Side of New York City from 1909 through 1911 a fight for change was taking place. Jewish immigrant girls put their safety on the line and brought attention to the abuse taking place in factories across the country. They first spoke out and led the Ladies' Garment Worker strike bringing attention to their cause. But it was ultimately their untimely deaths in one of the most tragic workplace disasters ever in history that finally spurred the country to action in passing new fire safety and child labor laws. Historical Fiction, Immigration Story, 1911, Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire, Ladies Garment Worker Strike, 1909

Only the workers can free the workers: the origin of the worker's control tradition and the Trade Union Advisory Coordinating Committee (TUACC), 1870-1979

Ulrich, Nicole 15 April 2008 (has links)
With the rise of the new social movements and increasing number of protests over service delivery in South Africa’s poorest townships, many activists have started to question whether unions are able to relate to the demands of the unorganised and poor. It is argued that under the new democracy COSATU has become bureaucratic and is too closely aligned to the ANC to challenge government policies and play a transformative role in society. Such concerns are not entirely new. Labour historians and industrial sociologists have long debated the political potential and democratic character of trade unions and there is a vast literature documenting the organisational styles of unions in South Africa today and in the past. Based on examination of union archival records and interviews with key informants, this study traces the emergence of the ‘workers control’ tradition in South African trade unions. ‘Workers control’ is a unique approach based on non-racial, industrial trade unions, which are democratically organised on the factory floor. Such unions, which are ideally controlled by elected worker representatives at all levels and united nationally on the basis of sharing common policies and resources, create the basis for an autonomous movement that promotes the interest of workers. Although most closely associated with FOSATU (1979-1985), this study found that workers control had deeper historical roots. Workers control was a product of the ideological and organisational renewal that characterised the 1970s and was initially created by the Trade Union Advisory Coordinating Committee (TUACC) in Natal and, later, the Witwatersrand. TUACC, which included significant numbers of women employed as semi-skilled production workers and unskilled migrant men, reflected complex shifts in the labour market and the economy. It was in this context that ordinary union members together with a diverse layer of activists developed TUACC’s unique approach to organisation. The power of white university trained activists in determining union policies has been overestimated and worker leaders, particularly more educated women workers, played an important role in building TUACC unions. Based on a Gramscian analysis, TUACC maintained that democratic unions based on strong shop floor organisation could exploit loop holes in the law and participate in industrial structures without undermining union autonomy and democracy. TUACC, however, was less clear of how to relate to political movements and parties. TUACC distanced itself officially from the banned ANC to avoid repression, but some workers and unionists looked to homeland and traditional leaders for alliances. This tension between the creation of a democratic trade union culture and the workers’ support of more autocratic political and traditional leaders and populist movements was never resolved. All of TUACC’s affiliates were founder members of COSATU and this study gives us some insight into the traditions that inform COSATU’s responses to social movements, political parties and the state today. Drawing on the insights of the Anracho-syndicalism, this study also highlights some of the dangers of separating the economic and political activities of workers into unions and political parties respectively.

Stachka: um ensaio sobre os antagonismos / Stachka: um ensaio sobre os antagonismos

Pessoa, Peterson Soares 18 December 2009 (has links)
O presente trabalho analisa a maneira como a noção de encomenda social se apresenta na obra do cineasta soviético Sergei M. Eisenstein (1898-1948), em seu primeiro filme A Greve (Stachka, URSS, 1925) , no âmbito de sua relação com o Construtivismo Russo (vanguarda artística soviética, que perdurou nos primeiros anos da década de 1920) e o movimento da Cultura Proletária (Proletkult) A análise parte da perspectiva proposta pelo historiador François Albera, em Eisenstein et Le Constructivisme Russe (1989), que considera, como fundamento da atividade artística construtivista, sua preocupação com a dimensão social da pratica artística. Para Albera, a noção de encomenda social, na acepção do escritor e dramaturgo Sergei Tretiakov (1892-1937), é um conceito chave para se entender como os artistas construtivistas compreendiam sua missão social. A pesquisa realizada demonstrou que a teoria da \"montagem de atrações\" de Eisenstein se constituiu num modo de construção artística, nos âmbitos do teatro e do cinema, que tinha como diretriz o trabalho com as emoções do espectador. Tal forma de práxis artística, articulada ao conceito de \"encomenda social\", ligava-se à nova escala da luta de classes, na chave posta pela implementação da Nova Política Econômica (NEP). / The present work analyzes how the concept of social command is presented in the work of Soviet filmmaker Sergei M. Eisenstein (1898-1946) in his first film Strike (Stachka, USSR, 1925) - within the sphere of his relationship with Russian Constructivism (Soviet artistic avant-garde, which lasted in the early years of the 1920s) and the Proletarian Culture (Proletkult) movement. The analysis starts with the approach proposed by the historian François Albera, who considers the social dimension of artistic practice as the foundation for constructivist artistic activity. For Albera, the notion of \"social command\" as defined by the writer and dramatist Sergei Tret\'iakov (1892-1937), is a key concept for understanding how constructivist artists understand their social mission. The research presented demonstrates that the theory of \"montage of attractions\", developed by Eisenstein, constitutes a mode of artistic construction which shapes the emotions of the spectator in both theater as well as cinema. This form of artistic practice, articulated by the concept of \"social command\", is linked to a new level of class struggle as produced by the implementation of the New Economic Policy (NEP).

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