Spelling suggestions: "subject:"strip"" "subject:"stria""
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Nest structure and breeding habitat characteristics of Barred Owls (Strix varia) in Manitoba, CanadaWhiklo, Todd 30 March 2012 (has links)
Barred Owls were located through audio playback surveying searching in southern Manitoba. Sixty-one confirmed home ranges were located and nine nest sites were located. Mean diameter at breast height and cavity depth and width were determined to be limiting factors governing Barred Owl distribution. Barred Owl habitat use was examined at two scales: immediately around nest trees and within estimated breeding and non-breeding home ranges. Barred Owl breeding and non-breeding home ranges had significantly more hardwood and mixedwood than random plots. Barred Owl breeding season commenced in early March, egg laying in early April, hatching in early May, and fledging at the start of June. Mean and standard deviation of clutch size were 1.91 ± 0.83. Barred Owl diet was determined to be generalist in nature. Dietary breadth was calculated, using Simpson’s formula for measurement of diversity in a sample, of D = 0.1525.
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Nest structure and breeding habitat characteristics of Barred Owls (Strix varia) in Manitoba, CanadaWhiklo, Todd 30 March 2012 (has links)
Barred Owls were located through audio playback surveying searching in southern Manitoba. Sixty-one confirmed home ranges were located and nine nest sites were located. Mean diameter at breast height and cavity depth and width were determined to be limiting factors governing Barred Owl distribution. Barred Owl habitat use was examined at two scales: immediately around nest trees and within estimated breeding and non-breeding home ranges. Barred Owl breeding and non-breeding home ranges had significantly more hardwood and mixedwood than random plots. Barred Owl breeding season commenced in early March, egg laying in early April, hatching in early May, and fledging at the start of June. Mean and standard deviation of clutch size were 1.91 ± 0.83. Barred Owl diet was determined to be generalist in nature. Dietary breadth was calculated, using Simpson’s formula for measurement of diversity in a sample, of D = 0.1525.
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Aktivt Pansar : Att nå verkan med dagens vapensystem i morgondagens pansarJohansson, Arvid January 2014 (has links)
Då dagens vapensystem blir allt effektivare med högre penetration och större verkan är det inte längre möjligt att endast lägga på mer pansar för att få tillräckligt skydd. Fordonen blir för tunga och rörligheten påverkas negativt i allt för stor grad, därför börjar nu system för aktivt skydd slå sig in på marknaden. Dessa system söker aktivt av fordonets omgivning och skjuter ner inkommande hot såsom raketer och robotar och finns redan implementerade i en rad länder i vårt närområde. Infanteriets huvudbeväpning, som mot bepansrade hot traditionellt sett varit just robotar, raketer och granater, är i många fall verkanslös i mötet med aktivt pansar. Uppsatsen undersöker vilka möjligheter som finns att med den utrustning som dagens svenska försvarsmakt är utrustad med nå verkan i mål som är skyddade av aktivt pansar. De befintliga systemen för aktivt pansar Trophy, Iron Curtain och Arena har valts som exempelsystem. De vapensystem som granskas är STRIX, Rb56, Pskott m/86, Grg m/86 samt fordonsmina 14. En slutsats är att de granskade systemen alla saknar förmåga att skydda fordonet från hot som kommer rakt ovanifrån, detta medför att STRIX är fullt fungerande mot ett fordon skyddat av aktivt pansar. / Since today's weapons systems are becoming more efficient with higher penetration and greater efficacy, it is no longer possible to only put on more armor to get adequate protection. The vehicles become too heavy and mobility is adversely affected to an excessive degree, because of this systems for active protection are now breaking into the market. These systems are actively scanning the vehicle's surroundings and shoot down incoming threats such as rockets and robots and are already implemented in a number of countries in our region. The infantry's main armament against armored units, which traditionally have been just missiles, rockets and grenades are in many cases useless meeting with active protection systems. The paper examines the possibilities of reaching effect in targets equipped with active armor using the equipment available to the Swedish armed forces today. The existing active protection systems Trophy, Iron Curtain and Arena have been chosen as example systems. The weapons systems examined are STRIX , Rb56 , Pskott m/86 , Grg m/86 and Fordonsmina 14. One conclusion is that the audited systems all lack the ability to protect the vehicle from threats that come from directly above; this means that STRIX is fully functional to a vehicle protected by an active protection system.
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Lappugglans utbredning i Sverige och skogsbrukets betydelse / Great grey owl distribution in Sweden in relation to forestryVesterlund, Andreas January 2024 (has links)
Lappugglans utbredningsområde kan vara påväg att förändras som respons till det moderna skogsbruket. I den här studien har jag fokuserat på lappugglors abundans vid kalhyggen av olika storlek med hypotesen att de föredrar hyggen av mindre storlek. Eftersom kalhyggena i södra Sverige i snitt är mindre så skulle det kunna vara en del i förklaringen att lappugglor börjat synas allt oftare söderut. Data laddades ned från artdatabanken och skogsstyrelsen och bearbetades i QGiS för att undersöka lappugglornas utbredning i relation till kalhyggen. Resultatet indikerar att ugglorna föredrar små framför stora kalhyggen och även kan dras till små hyggen. Resultaten visar också en trend söderut för ugglornas utbrednings mellan 2005 och 2020. Dessa resultat bekräftar att lappugglornas utbredningsmönster rör sig söderut och stödjer hypotesen att det är skogsbruk och kalhyggens storlek som driver denna utveckling. Mindre kalhyggen gynnar även andra arter än Lappugglor och kan därför generellt vara en god idé för att förena ekologi och ekonomi inom modernt skogsbruk. / The great grey owl may be adjusting its distribution area in Sweden in response to altered forestry practices. Here i focused on the abundance of owls in clear cut areas of different sizes with the hypothesis that owls prefer smaller clear cut areas. As clear cut areas are smaller in the south than in the north, such a preference could explain a trend of changing distribution southward. Data from artdatabanken and skogsstyrelsen were processed and analyzed in QGiS to investigate the spatial pattern of owl reports in relation to the locations of clear cuts. The results indicate that the owls prefer small over large clear cuts, and are indeed attracted to small clear cuts. The results also show a southward change in the distribution area from 2005 to 2020. These results confirm that the distribution of great grey owls moves southwards in Sweden and support the idea that this trend may be driven by the species being attracted to smaller clear cuts. Since smaller clear cuts benefit more species than owls it is generally a good idea to combine economy with ecology in modern forestry.
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Habitat Characteristics of Mexican Spotted Owls (Strix occidentalis lucida) in the Canyonlands of Southern UtahLewis, Leah R. 01 May 2014 (has links)
I studied the habitat characteristics of Mexican Spotted Owls (Strix occidentalis lucida), a federally threatened species, in the canyonlands region of southern Utah. Vegetative and geologic features were measured within 10m wide belt plots at each current or historic nest/roost site. Based on our findings, past research, and species life history characteristics, I constructed a species distribution model (SDM) predicting Mexican Spotted Owl distribution in Utah for the Colorado Plateau region. The SDM was generated using the following inputs as important habitat variables: elevation, aspect, surface ratio, curvature, slope, geology, and vegetation. Program R was used for model development and generation. The SDM was generated using an ensemble model approach by combining three modeling techniques: random forest, logistic regression, and maximum entropy. This study combines measured habitat characteristics, with sophisticated geographic information system (GIS) tools and SDMs to provide managers with an informative and useful toolkit for Mexican Spotted Owl conservation.
Chapter 2 discusses modeling techniques and SDM development. I detail how individual models were constructed using random forest, logistic regression, and maximum entropy and how these were combined into an ensemble model. Final models indicated that several vegetative and geologic characteristics were considered important habitat characteristics for predicting Mexican Spotted Owl presence within the Colorado Plateau. The SDMs produced eight distribution maps predicting Mexican Spotted Owl presence and probability of occurrence in Utah for the Colorado Plateau region.
Chapter 3 explains the use of SDMs by managers and synthesizes findings of measured habitat characteristics for southern Utah. For habitat characteristics I measured a combination of vegetative and geologic features within 10m wide belts at current and historic Mexican Spotted Owl sites. Vegetative features measured included: height and species of all trees and shrubs, position of tree or shrub within plot, presence of canopy cover, and tree diameter at breast height (DBH). Geologic features measured included: geologic formation type, wall height, structure type, number of caves, and number of solution cavities. I found that canyon width and density of vegetation > 2.5 m tall were significantly correlated with Mexican Spotted Owl presence.
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Základní analýza geografických a biotopových nároků puštíka bělavého v NP a CHKO Šumava / Basic analysis of geographical and biotope reguirements of Strix uralensis in the Šumava national park and protected landscape areaLORENCOVÁ, Jana January 2009 (has links)
My diploma deals with basic analysis of geographical and biothopical claims of Ural Owl in National park and Protected Area Šumava. The opening chapters are dedicated to objectives of my work. The chapter {\clqq}methody of treatment`` defines single methodies which are used for its own treatment of dates, i. e. marking of occurrence of individuals in topographical, geobotanical maps and air photos. The next chapter introduces specification of National park and Protected Area Šumava location summarizes existing dates to Ural Owl and to project of reintroduction of this specie in Šumava. Then my work includes determination of evalution, parametres and its own analysis of geographical and habital characterizations. The conclusion is dedicated to own evaluation of following elements
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Den allvarsamma leken : Politisk satir i svensk skämtpress 1939–1945Selin, Jacob January 2022 (has links)
This thesis is a serious study of humor – a seemingly contradictory task to wich I was drawn becasue of the possibilty of understanding society and public opinion through satire. More precisely, it explores the use of political satire in the Swedish comic magazines Söndagsnisse–Strix, Lutfisken and Joker during the Second World War. The comic press was an influential public commentator in Sweden whose satirical remarks not only shaped, but also corresponded with, the general understanding of social, political and economic conditions. Since the genre reached its pinnacle at the turn of the 20th century, and later was challenged by the daily press during the 1920s, its activity from the 1930s and onwards tends to be neglected. This thesis argues, however, that even though the number of comic magazines was radically diminished during the 1920s, those that survived continued to be influential by offering a unique type of opinion-forming satire, not least during th second world war when the Swedish government tried to restrict the freedom of the press. By understanding the satire in the comic press, mainly in the form of witty drawings, as a laughing mirror that reflects essential features of the society it comments in the form of parody, it further argues that the comic press offers a valuable insight into how political decisions and developments was understood and presented at the time. The analysis is structured around two main themes. The first one explores how the Swedish coalition-government and its domestic policies during the war was presented in satirical depictions. The study shows that the Swedish prime minister Per Albin Hansson was recurrently criticized, not least for the government's tendency to accommodate German complaints and demands during the beginning of the war, and thus deviating from Sweden's proclaimed policy of neutrality. Apart from Per Albin Hansson, two of his goverment colleagues, minister of finance Ernst Wigforss and minister of justice KG Westman, was repeatedly criticized and ridiculed for the policies they were in charge of respectively. The government also received criticism for not taking appropiate action against domestic communist and Nazi movements, which were depicted as a menace to the Swedish society. The second part of the thesis explores how the political situation in the Nordic neighboring countries, that unlike Sweden did not manage to avoid the war, was commented and portrayed in satire. The analysis shows that it was common to express sympathy and admiration for their attempts at resisting occupation while at the same time mocking the aggressors. The thesis ends with the note that satire in general, and cartoons in particular, should be considered more often in the study of history and the shaping of public opinion. Unlike an editiorial, that demands time and effort from the reader, a satirical drawing has the potential of shaping peoples understanding of events in the blink of and eye due to its condensed message in the form of a snapshot.
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