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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

What does it take for organizations to change themselves? : the influences on the internal dynamics of organizational routines undergoing planned change

Murray-Webster, Ruth January 2014 (has links)
Accomplishing desired benefits from investments in planned change is problematical for organizations, their leaders and the change agents charged with delivery. This is despite a well-developed literature, replete with advice on how change should be achieved. Examination of this literature shows the primary focus on change agents and their practices. This research widens the focus by observing the influence of change agents, change recipients and line managers on organizational routines undergoing planned change. It examines the interplay between stability and change in organizational routines, adopting a social practice perspective, and the routine intended to change as the unit of analysis (Feldman and Pentland, 2003, 2005). The research builds on claims that to understand the patterns of action within routines requires the internal dynamics – the claimed duality between ostensive (in principle) and performative (in practice) aspects - to be examined. A research method to operationalize the study of this claimed duality was devised following the principles of Strong Structuration (Stones, 2005). This method enabled a unique conceptualization of the study of routine dynamics, focused on planned change from the perspective of multiple, interdependent actors. Two cases of change agents following the advice in the planned change literature were explored. In one case, stability of the routine persisted when change was intended. In the other, change was relatively easy to achieve irrespective of change agent actions. The primary contribution is the demonstration of how the attitudes to change of change recipients, line managers and change agents influence the internal dynamics of routines undergoing planned change. Other contributions pertain to the method of ‘unpacking’ organizational routines and its potential for shaping future practice. This research does not offer new ‘normative’ advice but instead sensitizes planned change practitioners to the level of analysis they need to carry out to ensure that their interventions are suitably designed.

The development of the Children's Centre Programme in England : the importance of context in understanding policy development and implementation

Williams, Clare January 2014 (has links)
The thesis examines the Children’s Centre Programme in England and develops an understanding of its development at national and local level by using Kingdon’s (1995) streams model. Central to the thesis is a case study of the Children’s Centre Programme which looks at influential factors in the development at national level and implementation of the programme in one local authority. Traditionally Kingdon’s (1995) model has been used to understand the way that a wide range of factors interact to enable policy change at national level but a small number of authors have also used the model at local level showing that the range of factors that impact on the local implementation of a policy are also many and varied. One of the most well know aspects of Kingdon’s model is in showing how the problem, policy and politics streams come together to create a window of opportunity which allows or drives policy change and or enactment. This thesis will use the model in a broader sense showing that although this window of opportunity is important the interaction of the three streams is ongoing and not only does it lead to significant policy change but it also informs debates and policy development on an ongoing basis.

Méthodologies d'aide à la décision en conception robuste

Pillet, Emmanuel 28 March 2008 (has links) (PDF)
La maîtrise du calcul prévisionnel du comportement dynamique de structures mécaniques demeure un enjeu majeur pour l'amélioration de la conception en présence de facteurs mal maîtrisés. Dans ce document, nous présentons des méthodologies de conception permettant de prendre en compte dans le processus de décision, les incertitudes sur les paramètres de conception, les incertitudes sur les mesures ou encore l'impact des modifications. Dans la première partie, nous étudions le potentiel d'une méthode de synthèse modale basée sur l'utilisation des modes propres orthogonaux. Une méthodologie de vérification et d'optimisation de super-éléments est également présentée. Enfin, nous montrons qu'un algorithme génétique peut permettre une sélection optimale des coordonnées physiques dans les méthodes de réduction. La deuxième partie concerne l'identification paramétrique des structures mécaniques à partir d'observations incertaines et la quantification de l'information susceptible d'être obtenue grâce à des mesures expérimentales. Nous utilisons dans cette étude une formulation probabiliste des problèmes inverses. Une planification d'essais en vue d'un gain d'information est réalisée avec des plans d'expérience bayésiens. Dans la dernière partie, l'approche non-probabiliste info-gap est appliquée afin d'évaluer la robustesse aux incertitudes de deux méthodes de recalage. Cette méthode permet aussi de vérifier que, dans un environnement incertain et pour un critère de performance donné, il peut être préférable de choisir un modèle " satisfaisant" plutôt qu'un modèle optimal.

La structuration de l'enseignement de l'éducation physique et sportive au Bénin à partir d'un nouveau programme : enjeu d'une mutation ou mutation d'un enjeu

Odjoussou, Mathias 08 November 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Dans le système scolaire formel, l'Education Physique et Sportive à l'instar des autres disciplines d'enseignement appartenant à ce système, doit répondre au respect de certaines normes et exigences. Son unité théorique et pragmatique est normalement recherchée à travers une mise en forme bien déterminée dont les instructions officielles en lien avec la politique éducative adoptée, sont le garant. Suivant cette organisation fonctionnelle qui vise la cohérence et la stabilité disciplinaires, les programmes d'enseignement apparaissent indéniablement comme un outil de référence. Mais ces dispositifs offrent-ils réellement une grande garantie d'unité dans les savoirs enseignés ? En considérant notamment le phénomène transpositif et la série de substitution de l'objet de savoir dont il est à l'origine, la structuration d'une discipline en général et de l'EPS en particulier à partir d'un programme, est-il le seul domaine à prendre en considération pour juger de la pertinence des liaisons « savoirs à enseigner - savoirs enseignés » ? Cette étude de cas, orientée en théorie à partir d'un système de références à l'articulation de la sociologie du curriculum et anthropologie du didactique, caractérise l'existence et le recours à un processus différent dans la mise en forme de l'enseignement qui est dispensé en EPS. En s'appuyant sur la structuration de l'espace autour du système didactique « la noosphère », et l'organisation qui y est adoptée, amenant à penser suivant des modalités fort différentes le fonctionnement de ce système, la thèse montre comment peut se construire et se développer en fonction du contexte, un mode particulier de détermination, de cadrage et de régulation des savoirs enseignés. A partir du processus en usage qui résulte de la formation et de la culture professionnelle des enseignants, ainsi que du lieu noosphérien qui en assure les pilotages, la recherche met en évidence l'une des importantes origines de la résistance opposée à l'application des programmes officiels

From Traditional to IT Mediated Interorganizational Relationships: Sensemaking of the Internet

Lambotte, Francois 20 December 2006 (has links)
“We provide a solution that allows saving 15 to 20 euros per invoice...It is very important in a strategy of service and cost reductions for our customers and for us.” “For us, it is very important as we generally reduce our inventories by 30%, thus we recover cash flow. It is not negligible.” These quotes out of my case studies show that the primary goal of the implementation of Web-based applications is the achievement of transaction cost efficiencies: cost cutting, time saving, and information integration. But do they achieve such results? Sometimes they do sometime they don’t. In order to understand why, I consider it is necessary to take a different perspective from the one taken until now. Indeed, existing studies on interorganizational information systems focus on economical and strategic issues and consider organizations as opaque entities. First, issues at hand may not be economic or strategic but social or legal. Next, they neglect that inter-organizational relationships imply a number of long-standing social interactions between individuals of each organization. Moreover, these individuals interpret the mediation project and act taking decision, implementing, or using the mediating technology – that these individuals make sense of the IT mediation project. In the present research, I propose to open the black box of organizations and explore how people sensemaking conditions the achievement of transaction cost benefits and is conditioned by the interorganizational context. My overarching research question is: How do people make sense of the Internet mediation of long-standing interorganizational relationships?

Approche markovienne bidimensionnelle d'analyse et de reconnaissance de documents manuscrits

Lemaitre, Melanie 16 November 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Dans cette thèse, nous présentons une approche bidimensionnelle markovienne générale pour l'analyse et la reconnaissance de documents manuscrits appelée AMBRES (Approche Markovienne Bidimensionnelle pour la Reconnaissance et la Segmentation d'images). Elle est fondée sur les champs de Markov, la programmation dynamique 2D et une analyse bidimensionnelle de l'image.<br /><br />AMBRES a été appliquée avec succès à des tâches aussi diverses que la reconnaissance de caractères et de mots manuscrits isolés, la structuration de documents manuscrits et la reconnaissance de logos et pourrait être étendue à d'autres problématiques du domaine de la vision.<br /><br />Des protocoles rigoureux ont été utilisés pour l'étude du système et de ses paramètres ainsi que pour l'évaluation des performances. En particulier, AMBRES a pu être validée au sein de la campagne d'évaluation RIMES (Reconnaissance et Indexation de données Manuscrites et de fac similES).

Sociological investigation of infant overlaying death

Sartain, Sheree January 2012 (has links)
Overlaying was a common nineteenth century explanation of sudden infant death while bedsharing. This thesis shows that in many cases the term overlaying was a misnomer, and instead it identifies infant overlaying death as a socio-structural historical event that can best be understood within a sociological and social constructionist framework. It expands on the work of Giddens, Elias and Archer to develop a theoretical perspective that incorporates ideas about structuration, sequestration, figuration and reflexivity. It also deploys concepts such as motherhood, infancy, infant care, the family and intimacy to explore and analyse its research materials and develops two further explanatory concepts; reflexive motherhood and the sequestration of infancy. The thesis uses ideas around discourse as socio-structural conditions of action in order to expand current understanding of overlaying death, and it explores and analyses public representations of overlaying during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries to detail the discourse of overlaying. It goes on to identify cases of overlaying in Somers Town, St Pancras, c1900; and it shows the influence of social conditions in regard to the way such deaths were interpreted. It then examines other cases of sudden infant death in bed through the case notes of pathologist Dr Ludwig Freyberger, and analyses these in terms of the domestic setting and the body. It goes on to detail and analyse a dispute between Coroner John Troutbeck, Dr Freyberger and the GPs of south west London to show the ways in which the overlaying discourse was deployed to support the claims and positions of those involved. Overlaying subsequently became detached from the domestic context in which it was embedded and used to support discourses around infant mortality, maternal ‘ignorance’, medicine, national efficiency and temperance. The thesis provides a historiography of infant overlaying death and concludes that overlaying was constructed as social category of death through the actions of individuals in extensive networks of interdependence in relation to socio-structural conditions.

Equal possibilities not restricted opportunity : a critical reflection on the experiences of 'vocational' transition within the context of post-16 sports education

Aldous, David Charles Rhys January 2010 (has links)
This PhD study explores the transitional experiences of working class students between institutions of Further Education and Higher Education within the field of post-16 sports education. It draws its empirical illustration from the interview and ethnographic data collected over an 18 month period between October 2007 and July 2009 from a group of six students who had enrolled on a vocational FDSc Foundation Degree qualification. The study is comprised of two interrelated parts: Part I of the study illustrates the conceptual and methodological considerations which have driven the exploration of the student experience. The theoretical approach for investigating these experiences is informed by the structurationist perspective of Rob Stones (Stones, 2005). Stones conceptualises the relations between agent and structure four interlinked areas: External Structures, Internal Structures, Active Agency and Outcomes. Conceptualising transitional experience in this manner offers possibilities for a more contextually sensitive, refined, developed and ultimately adequate ontology of structuration. In further developing the framework, the study draws upon the sociological understanding of Basil Bernstein and Pierre Bourdieu. The incorporation of these two distinguishable but related perspectives allows the framework to inform an understanding of the interconnections between the sanctioned practices of a context, the role of agents within a context and the power capacities that are derived from these relations (Mouzelis, 1991; Morrison, 2005). In doing so, it provides a number of lenses in understanding the practices and relations between Further and Higher Education and the consequences of this for agents who enter this transition. Part II critically reflects on the participants experiences. Drawing upon data collected at three institutions: Hope Further Education College (HFEC), Fawlty University-College (FUC) and Ivory Tower University (ITU), the study discusses and explores in depth how the relations between the participants and the external structures of the institutions begin to form three identifiable and conceptually distinguishable transitional experiences which are seen to be either Empowering, Fragmented or Failed. In reflecting upon such relations and experiences, the study suggests that discourses of opportunity surrounding vocational qualifications forwarded to these students prior to, and during their course, is rather more complex than previously illustrated and for some functions as more of a myth than empowering discourse. Rather than providing equal possibility, the relations and transitional experiences that are currently produced only afford restricted opportunities to students choosing this vocational pathway within post-16 sports education. In conclusion, the study begins to discuss the implications of the relations and experiences highlighted for present and prospective relations and practices, asking whether change is possible, creating equal possibilities, not restricted opportunity.

Résines polyépoxydes nanostructurées aux propriétés d’adhésion et à la tenue au vieillissement améliorées / Nano-structured epoxy networks with improved adhesion properties and aging resistance

Piasecki, Frédéric 12 December 2013 (has links)
La recherche de solutions innovantes pour améliorer les performances des assemblages collés structuraux, particulièrement sensibles à l’humidité, est un défi académique à fort potentiel applicatif. Cette thèse s’inscrit donc dans ce contexte pour proposer l'élaboration de nouvelles formulations de résines polyépoxydes résistantes au vieillissement en environnement humide. La diffusion de molécules d’eau au sein de réseaux polyépoxydes provoque une diminution de leurs propriétés thermo-mécaniques et de l’adhérence lorsqu'ils sont utilisés sous forme de joints collés. L’eau se trouve alors sous forme libre ou liée par une ou plusieurs liaisons hydrogène. Les dégradations induites sont dépendantes des conditions de vieillissement (température et degré d’humidité imposé), qui influencent la cinétique de diffusion de l’eau et la quantité totale absorbée. Ces dégradations sont également intimement liées à la nature de l’adhésif époxyde utilisé. La deuxième partie de cette étude a consisté à développer des formulations de réseaux polyépoxydes permettant l’amélioration de la tenue au vieillissement grâce à l’incorporation de copolymères à blocs. Notre choix s’est porté sur des copolymères triblocs POE-POP-POE. Nous avons pu mettre en évidence la capacité des nanostructures obtenues à établir des interactions avec les molécules d’eau. Ces liaisons faibles multiples permettent de limiter les dégradations des propriétés mécaniques par l’eau. Le vieillissement des réseaux nanostructurés permet de souligner une amélioration significative de la durabilité avec une conservation des propriétés mécaniques. / The research of innovations to improve the performance of structural bonded-joints, too much sensible to humid aging, is an academic key-lock with a huge impact on technologies. This thesis have been proposed within the scope of the development of new epoxy resins able to resist to aging in humid condition. Diffusion of water is responsible of the decrease of mechanical properties and the loss of adhesion properties in many structural assemblies. In this kind of hydrophilic networks, water can be free or linked by one or several hydrogen bonds. We prove that the chemical and mechanical degradations depend on aging conditions (temperature and humidity level). The diffusion kinetics and the final amount of absorbed water is also strongly dependant on the chemical nature of epoxy resin.The second part of this work deals with the development of new epoxy resins formulations allowing the improvement of durability thanks to the incorporation of blocks copolymers, such as POE-POP-POE triblocks copolymers. Their capacity to self-organize allows the creation of nanodomains capable to establish interactions with water molecules, acting as nano-tanks. The presence of water in nano-domains tends to limit the degradation of mechanical properties of the epoxy matrix. Aging of nanostructured epoxy resins emphasize considerable improvements on durability with conservation of mechanical properties.

Le cahier de sciences au cours préparatoire de l'école primaire en France : étude exploratoire d'un outil pour enseigner et apprendre les sciences avec des élèves de 6 à 7 ans / The science notebook in the first grade class at the primary school in France : a study about a tool for teaching and learning science with children from 6 to 7 years

Villard, Évelyne 10 June 2009 (has links)
L'écrit en sciences favorise les apprentissages des élèves. Ce constat est largement partagé dans la communauté scientifique. A partir de cette idée et de celle de genèse instrumentale proposée par Pierre Rabardel, cette recherche s'est donné comme objet de savoir à quelles conditions les ingénieries pédagogiques qui intègrent l'usage d'un cahier de sciences sont efficientes pour que le jeune enfant s'approprie les instruments de la culture scientifique et écrite spécifiques au Cours Préparatoire.Dans la perspective de la conceptualisation dans l'action de Gérard Vergnaud, l'étude théorique et pratique a été menée sous différentes formes complémentaires : analyse structurale des cahiers issus des classes et des différentes sortes d'écrits utilisés pour représenter le réel, tests de connaissances et entretiens-feuilletages avec les élèves, observations de classes, questionnaires par Q-sort et entretiens avec les enseignants.L'étude met en lumière plusieurs faits. Le cahier de sciences est un système de langages et de classification conceptuelle matérialisée (expression empruntée à Anne Marie Chartier). L'usage du cahier de sciences nécessite, exerce et développe chez les enseignants et chez les élèves, de nombreux schèmes d'utilisation dont un schème de référencement qui permet aux élèves d'indexer leurs travaux à leur cahier et à la discipline de référence. Le cahier joue aussi un rôle dans la communauté de la classe, dans la communication avec la famille et dans la construction de l'enfant comme sujet. Autour des usages du cahier, se lient les apprentissages des sciences, les apprentissages de l'écrit et les apprentissages du cahier et de ses fonctions comme instrument. / Writing about sciences promotes pupils’learning. This idea is widely shared in the scientific community. Based upon this idea and that of an instrumental genesis proposed by Pierre Rabardel, this research studies in what conditions the engineering education integrating the use of a sciences notebook will help a young child to take over the tools of scientific and writing knowledges which are specific to the Preparatory Course.Following Gérard Vergnaud’s assertion that acting helps to conceptualizing, a theoretical and practical study was carried out in various complementary forms: structural analysis of notebooks from different classes and kinds of writing which are used to represent reality, tests of knowledge, and interviews with children, class observations, questionnaires, and Q-sort interviews with teachers. This study clarifies several facts. A science notebook is a system of language and conceptual classification which has been materialized (a term borrowed from Anne Marie Chartier). The use of a science notebook trains and develops among teachers and pupils many patterns of use, including a referral scheme which allows pupils to index their work to their specifications and the discipline of reference. A science notebook also plays a role in the community of the classroom, it is a link with the family, and it helps children to structure themselves as subjects. With the use of the science notebook, sciences and learning to write are connected to learning with a notebook and how to use it as a tool.

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