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Det var en gång... historielärares uppfattningar om meningsskapande dimensioner : Intervjuer med historielärare på gymnasiet om didaktik, kunskap och styrdokumentNordstedt, Frederik January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is that by interviewing experienced history teachers and analyzing their statements, make practical history-didactic insights visible about how history teaching can be conducted to initiate meaning-creating processes, and thus make the subject of history meaningful to students. The survey presented that history teachers primarily perceive that meaningful history teaching lies in being able to see and explain change processes. The importance of emphasizing change processes seems to be largely linked to the teachers' private perception of what can be perceived as meaningful. By creating meaning-creating processes for students, increased interest often emerges and thus lead to deeper knowledge of how something can be or be explained. Meaningfulness seems to be an emotional component. New questions are therefore raised about how much the history teacher's participation, the student base's epistemological perception of the subject of history, and the degree of freedom of interpretation regarding the curriculum can contribute to creating meaning for students, and whether it is possible to achieve equivalent history teaching depending on this context.
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En rättvis lärare är en bra lärare : Gymnasielever på samhällsprogrammet ger sin syn på lärareMånsson, Linda, Olsson, Jane January 2010 (has links)
Media often discusses school, teachers and students. These discussions are often based on an adult perspective and students' views on the subject are not enhanced. Therefore, this paper intends to examine students' views on what they think makes a good teacher. Previous research shows that a good teacher can create the conditions for good learning based on the needs of students, and this is therefore important to investigate. The theoretical basis for this essay is the definition of an authentic teacher that which in this essay will be discussed from the point of view of Fibaek Laursen (2004). A quantitative research method was used and a questionnaire asked for high school students' views on what makes a good teacher. The research revealed two results where the first result showed that amongst other things students valued most in a good teacher is the fair and unbiased treatment towards students. The second result showed that students consider the characteristics linked to a teacher's profession are of great importance. Our conclusion is therefore that students consider the fair teacher which has a great engagement in his/her work to be the good teacher that they ask for.
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Förmågor utvecklade genom projektarbete inom Teknik1 i förhållande till CDIO : Förmågor och färdigheter som utvecklas i förhållande till CDIO-modellen, genom projektarbete i gymnasiekursen Teknik1 / Abilities Developed Through Project Work Within Teknik1 in Relation to CDIORavindranath, Priya January 2021 (has links)
I dagens värld har samhället blivit beroende av teknik och de flesta yrken använder teknik iolika konstellationer. Med alltmer teknisk utveckling har kompetenskraven och arbetsmetoderna förändrats. Det som tidigare upplevdes som ett ingenjörsmässigt sätt att arbeta har nu blivit ett allmänt sätt att arbeta. Det vill säga - att arbeta i grupper och projekt är sättet att arbeta för de flesta yrken. I en teambaserad miljö behövs förutom utvecklad teknisk kompetens även icke-tekniska (mjuka) färdigheter, såsom interaktion och samarbete med andra människor. Teknik 1, som är en introduktionskurs till teknik i gymnasiet, kan ses som det allra första steget mot en ingenjörsutbildning som är organiserad enligt CDIO (Conceive, Design,Implement, Operate). CDIO är en modell som används i stor utsträckning inom ingenjörsutbildningen för att förbättra sättet att undervisa i teknik och för att förbättra de blivande ingenjörernas kunskaper. Ur detta perspektiv är det intressant att se om teknikundervisningsmetoderna på gymnasienivån - särskilt arbetet i grupper och projekt -utvecklar vissa förmågor och färdigheter som är gemensamma med de som beskrivs i CDIO-modellen. Denna studie kommer att hjälpa oss att bättre förstå om Skolverkets val att basera teknikundervisning med inspiration från CDIO introducerar eleverna till ett ingenjörsmässigt sätt att arbeta och de färdigheter som behövs inom ingenjörsutbildning, som bygger på CDIO-modellen. I denna studie intervjuades tre tekniklärare och sex elever på olika gymnasieskolor i Sverige för att ta reda på deras perspektiv på förmågor och färdigheter enligt ämnets syfte och examensmål som de uppfattar att de uppnår / utvecklar genom grupp- och projektarbete. Vidare studerades om det finns enighet mellan elevernas och lärarnas svar och de lärandemål som anges i CDIO-kursplanen. Resultaten av denna studie visar att det finns många likheter mellan lärandemål skrivna i CDIO-kursplanen i förhållande till de förmågor som lärare och elever nämnde att de utvecklade genom att arbeta i projekt- och grupparbete. Mestadels utvecklades färdigheter relaterade till individuell och yrkesmässig utveckling, såsom ansvarstagande, kreativ problemlösning och analytiska färdigheter, men även kommunikation, systemtänkande och samarbete, samt arbete i grupper av olika konstellationer. / In today's world, society has become dependent on technology and most professions use technology in various constellations. With increasing technical development, the competence requirements and working methods have changed. What was previously perceived as an engineer’s way of working has now become a general way of working. That is - working in groups and projects is the way to work in most professions. In a team-based environment, in addition to developed technical competence, a range of non-technical (soft) skills - such as interaction and collaboration with other people, are also required. Technology 1, which is an introductory course to technology in upper secondary schools in Sweden, can be seen as the very first step towards engineering studies - which are at the university level organized and driven according to the CDIO (Conceive, Design, Implement,Operate). CDIO is a model that is widely used in engineering education to improve the way technology is taught and to improve the quality of the workforce. From this perspective, it is interesting to see if the teaching methods of technology 1 at the upper secondary schools - especially group and project work - develop certain abilities and skills that are common to those described in the CDIO-Syllabus. This study will help us better understand whether the National Agency for Education's choice to base technology education with the inspiration from CDIO, introduces students to an engineering way of working and the skills needed for engineering studies that is based on the CDIO-concept. In this study, three technology teachers and six Technology 1 students from different upper secondary schools in Sweden were interviewed, in order to find out their perspectives on abilities and skills - according to the subject's purpose and degree goals - that they perceive that they achieve / develop through group and project work. Furthermore, it was studied whether there is agreement between the students' and the teachers' answers and the learning objectives stated in the CDIO-syllabus. The results of this study show that there are many similarities between learning objectives written in the CDIO-syllabus in relation to the abilities that teachers and students mentioned that they developed by working in project and group work. Mostly, skills related to individual and professional development were developed that include taking responsibility, creative problem solving and analytical skills, communication, systems thinking and collaboration and work in groups of different constellations are a few of them.
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