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Analysis of Telecommunication Markets of India, Singapore and Thailandand and Research Their Global CompetitivenessHUANG, JU-HAN January 2011 (has links)
The objective of this paper is to investigate the telecommunication markets in India, Singapore and Thailand in order to find the potentiality of the markets which could be considered by the company to expand its business in telecommunication field and also to take a proper strategy. Michael Porter proposed a model that allows analyzing why some nations are more competitive than others are, and why some industries within nations are more competitive than others are. (Porter, 1990) Porter believed that there are four main determinants which can shape the nation‘s competitiveness. In this paper ―Diamond model‖was practiced to analyze three considerable different telecom markets: India, Singapore and Thailand. The Indian telecom industry is the world's fastest growing industry. Singapore is a miniscule nation with slight population and nature resource scarcity but Singapore has developed its national ICT industry successful ranks in 2nd place out of 138 countries in 2010-2011 . Thailand‘s mobile penetration rate has reached to 100% but its 3G service still could not move forward. The research found that Singapore‘s telecom industry is highly competitive in the global environment. India‘s telecom industry within its nation is more competitive than the other industries . On the contrary, Thailand‘s telecom industry develops not as superior as other industries such as its manufacturing or trading. At the end, predictions for the short time and suggestions of these objective markets have been commented to contribute to telecom business development in Asian region for target audience.
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Category-Led Supply Management with a SupplierLifecycle Approach : A Case StudyGarza de Leon, Margarita January 2012 (has links)
As companies find better ways of dealing with creating value and cost efficiencies in their Procurement areas, one key trend is the concept of Category-led Supply Management (CLSM). CLSM is a concept that takes a cross-functional team that leads a category of services and/or products towards developing sourcing strategies that comply with the corporate objectives through the logical grouping of similar expense items. Each group is driven to satisfy the unique sourcing, contract, payment, performance, and attributes of each spending category. In this process, CLSM creates a strong partnership with suppliers and an ongoing Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) that will satisfy business needs while maximizing the value delivered through the supply base. Considering that the Supplier is always one critical factor present from the start to the end of the ongoing Strategic Sourcing process, seeing the Supplier as a Lifecycle Management process can help companies recognize their suppliers as a prime source of value to the organization that plays a central row in the success of the Procurement Strategy.The following thesis will analyze, in a research method of a case study, a specific Category in a company and explore the relationship that existed between the supplier and the company to illustrate the importance of Strategic Sourcing and how it is implemented in practice by companies. The case study helped understand the importance of involving Supplier Relationships in a Strategic Sourcing process. Finally, the Case study enlightened how having a milestone-by-milestone methodology helped understand how a business operates and how procurement activity impacts upon them when capturing savings by managing a Category.
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Success factors for the adoption of bio based packagingTariq, Shahzad January 2011 (has links)
This paper is written as a contribution towards a sustainable society in the context of bio-based packaging. A few decades back, the world was looking for processes that were efficient in terms of output and quality, but now the situation has changed. The world is looking for solutions which are not only effective and efficient but also are sustainable and positive for not just economics but also for the society. This paper is also an effort to elaborate the potential of bio-based packaging. However, this thesis covers the aspects presented by different key players along the value chain which increases the contribution of this thesis towards the real world. Other motive of this paper is to give attention to the plastic waste accumulation in the seas.This paper will make use of Geels’s Multi Level Perspective theory along with Roger’s adoption theory to enlighten the key factors for adoption of bio-based packaging. Geels’s theory will introduce the concepts of evolution of a niche level product into a main stream market product. The evolution does not only depend upon the attributes of the product, it depends on many macro elements like landscape pressure or sudden change in the outside environment.Different hypothesis or proposals are presented in this paper on the basis of Geels’s Multilevel Perspective (MLP) theory to demonstrate the possible situation for bio-based packaging product to be either accepted or rejected by the key players in the current regime. The most influential factors discovered during the research process are price, supplier strength and technological feasibility of bio-based packaging with the status quo.The dilemma for the key players in this economically unstable situation is investment associated with the new packaging schemes and the incentives or business logic in bio-based packaging materials. Currently, the concentration of key players in this business arena is more on cost saving by making the process more efficient and product differentiation which somehow makes the road to success for bio-based packaging much narrower.Nevertheless, bio-based packaging has shown great potential in terms of technological feasibility and improvement in price. If bio-based packaging opt economies of scale, price can effectively improve and make bio-based packaging competent. Bio-based packaging seems the legitimate solution for the thousands of tons of plastic waste accumulating in the seas of the world which is already having severe effects on sea life which will indirectly affect human health.
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“Not as bad as they seem” : A discourse analysis of representations of particularly vulnerable areas in Sweden, within student thesesHellsing Widén, Petra January 2019 (has links)
The main purpose of this thesis is to analyse the discourses of particularly vulnerable areas in Sweden, a categorization made by the police authority, as these areas appear within student theses, written between 2010 and 2018. The aim of using this material along with theoretical discourse analysis is to gain a deeper understanding of academic as well as non-academic perspectives of these areas, in relation to the ongoing discussion of territorial stigmatization. Three main discourses where identified, structuring the analysis: the suburban discourse, the Swedish society discourse, and the critical meta discourse. In addition, I found that these are also present within studies conducted by higher scholars, and thus conclude that student theses can successfully serve as a source through which wider academic discourses can be understood. While parts of the discourses found has been identified by previous researchers as well, I argue that the critical meta discourse, having been dismissed as marginal, is prominent as a discourse within student theses. However, although the critical meta discourse serves to nuance the predominantly gloomy discourse of the suburb, I argue that this narrative also functions to preserve this image, and therefore should be used with some caution. Due to the magnitude of studies set out to “challenge the bad reputation” of these areas, the solidity and importance of these reputation are seen as given and thus possibly enhanced.
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"In 4th Wall" Taken Out of the Walls / Soul less, Body less: a tale of dancing in four walls.Migas, Kacper January 2023 (has links)
Reflection on Kacper Migas's "In 4th Wall" independent degree project from 2022. The text outlines the research that was done for the "in 4th Wall" degree project and what it revealed during the presentation. The topic revolves around the author's personal exploration of the idea of stories and how they apply to physical practices through various lenses, including feelings, music, and various states of body (Spiritual Body, In-between Body, Physical Body).
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The Risk-Return Tradeoff in a Hedged, Client Driven Trading Portfolio / Relationen Mellan Risk och Avkastning i en Hedgead, Klientdriven TradingportföljBergvall, Anders January 2013 (has links)
In post-financial crisis times, new legislation in combination with banks’ changed risk aversion has to a great extent changed the proprietary trading to client driven trading, i.e. market making or client facilitation. This type of trading complicates the risk-return dynamics, as the goal is often to minimize risk and achieve profitable commission revenues. This thesis aims to disclose the risk-return tradeoff in a client driven trading environment. This is done by investigating the conditional relation between risk and realized return. As opposed from many studies which proxy the risk with beta or variance, I use a delta-gamma Value at Risk model as the risk proxy, which I also backtest. For the return proxy, I use three different measures; P&L, commission revenues and the sum of these two. A positive tradeoff exists if (i) the return is equally negatively dependent on the risk if the ex post return is negative, as it is positively dependent on the risk if the ex post return is positive and (ii) the average return is significantly positive. For three different client driven trading portfolios tested, I found a positive risk-return tradeoff in one portfolio, between the P&L plus commission revenues and the Value at Risk. However, since a symmetrical conditional relationship between risk and P&L plus commission revenues was found in all portfolios, and the average return was positive, the positive tradeoff would have existed if the average return would have been significantly positive. On the other hand, one could argue that the tradeoff exists, but is not significant. No relation between risk and commission revenues was found. A probable cause to this is the hedging strategies, which would be an interesting topic for further research. / I tiden efter finanskrisen har nya regelverk i kombination med bankers förändrade riskaptit till stor del förändrat den proprietära handeln till klientdriven handel, i.e. ”market making” eller förenklad handel för kund. Denna typ av handel komplicerar dynamiken mellan risk och avkastning, då målet ofta är att minimera risk och nå lönsamma kommissionsintäkter. Denna uppsats ämnar påvisa förhållandet mellan risk och avkastning i en klientdriven handelsmiljö. Detta görs genom att undersöka den betingade relationen mellan risk och realiserad avkastning. Till skillnad från andra studier som använder beta eller varians som riskmått, använder jag en delta-gamma Value at Risk-modell som jag också backtestar. Som avkastningsmått, använder jag tre olika mått; P&L, kommissionsintäkter samt summan av dessa två. En positiv belöning för att bära risk existerar om (i) avkastningen är lika negativt beroende av risken om den realiserade avkastningen är negativ, som den är positivt beroende av risken om den realiserade avkastningen är positiv och (ii) medelvärdet på avkastningen är signifikant positiv. För tre olika klientdrivna portföljer som testats, hittades en positiv belöning för att bära risk endast i en portfölj, mellan P&L plus kommissionsintäkter och Value at Risk. Emellertid, eftersom en symmetrisk systematisk betingad relation mellan risk och P&L plus kommissionsintäkter hittades i alla portföljer, och medelavkastningen var positiv, skulle den positiva belöningen ha funnits om medelavkastningen varit signifikant positiv. Å andra sidan skulle jag kunna hävda att den positiva belöningen finns, men inte är signifikant. Ingen relation mellan risk och kommissionsintäkter hittades. En trolig orsak till detta är hedgnings-strategierna, vilket vore ett intressant ämne för fortsatt forskning.
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NUNC - en mental förbandslåda : Ett examensarbete med fokus på psykisk hälsa och självreflektionEriksson, Filippa January 2023 (has links)
Generellt finns det nog, i förberedande syfte, en förbandslåda i varje hushåll med plåster och dyl. tillgängligt vid fall av mindre olyckor. Skulle du skära dig i fingret kan du gå till lådan och plåstra om dig, eller skulle du bli förkyld finns nezeril för att underlätta luftens flöde genom näsan. Men vad hittar du i lådan vid en ”psykisk förkylning”? Likt hur man köper plåster i förberedande syfte för en fysisk skada, ska det här arbetet undersöka hur grafisk design kan spela en roll i att öka personligt engagemang för att underhålla sitt psykiska välmående och förebygga djupare depressioner. Resultatet av denna undersökning är konceptet NUNC, en mental förbandslåda. Innehållet i lådan är tänkt att uppmuntra människor att reflektera över sin tillvaro, bli medveten om sina val, upptäcka och bryta negativa tankemönster samt boosta sin självmedkänsla. / There is probably a first aid kit in every household, containing band-aids and similar items, available in case of minor accidents. If you were to cut your finger, you could use the kit and patch yourself up, or if you were to catch a cold, there would be Ne-zeril to facilitate nasal airflow. But what do you find in the kit for a ”mental cold”? This work aims to explore how graphic design can play a role in increasing personal engagement to maintain mental well-being and prevent deeper depressions. The re-sult of this investigation is the concept NUNC, a mental first aid kit. The content of the box is intended to encourage people to reflect on their presence, become awa-re of their choices, discover and break negative thought patterns, and boost their self-compassion.
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