Spelling suggestions: "subject:"subgroups""
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Estudo hidrogeológico do Subgrupo Itararé no médio Rio Tietê, Município de Tietê, SP / Itararé Subgroup hydrogeological study in the Middle Tietê river\'s of the Tietê municipalitie, São Paulo StateDiniz, Helio Nobile 14 November 1990 (has links)
Os sedimentos da Formação Tietê, do Subgrupo Itararé, do Grupo Tubarão, tem uma primordial importância nos locais onde afIoram porque nos mesmos ocorre a captação de água subterrânea para o abastecimento das populações locais. As captações de superfície, nestes locais, atualmente estão em desuso, face à intensa poluição dos mananciais, muitas vezes proveniente de outros municípios situados a montante. Esta poluição é causada pelo lançamento de efIuentes domésticos e industriais nos rios, sem qualquer tratamento, principalmente nas áreas urbanas das cidades ribeirinhas. Em conseqüência, é grande a procura de água subterrânea, tanto para abastecimento das populações urbanas, quanto para o suprimento da demanda agrícola e industrial. A variação faciológica dos sedimentos glaciais do Subgrupo Itararé produz uma ampla faixa de vazões nas captações de água subterrânea e, frente às dificuldades para a prospecção da água subterrânea nestes sedimentos, deve-se empregar métodos avançados de pesquisa para avaliação do potencial hidríco subterrâneo e localizar melhor as futuras captações. O Instituto Geológico, graças a muitos anos de trabalho na área do Município de Tietê e regiões circunvizinhas, acumulou dados que permitem um estudo científico amplo sobre a geologia e hidrogeologia local. Este trabalho enfoca os aspectos geológicos regionais e locais, possibilitando uma ampla discussão sobre a faciologia dos sedimentos do Subgrupo Itararé na região do Médio Rio Tietê, no Município de Tietê. É dedicada atenção especial aos sedimentos da Formação Tietê, o aqüífero local por excelência, e quanto aos aspectos qualitativos e quantitativos das águas subterrâneas. Neste trabalho foram empregados métodos apropriados de pesquisa para a caracterização hidrogeológica dos sedimentos e para o conhecimento do potencial de uso da água subterrânea. Estes métodos envolveram levantamentos geológicos, geral e de detalhe, estudos e interpretações de dados hidrológicos, interpretação de dados de ensaios de bombeamento em poços tubulares profundos e, estudos hidroquímicos e isotópicos visando caracterizar e definir a origem das águas subterrâneas. / The present paper is a contribution to the hydrogeology of Tietê Municipality, State of São Paulo, Brazil. The main subject of this research is the Permocarboniferous Itararé Subgroup of the Tubarão Group, specially the Tietê Formation due to its groundwater potential. Surface water sources, including the most of the rivers, are not fitted for consumption because of the high pollution degree. As a consequence, the search for groundwater became of utmost importance. The State of São Paulo \"Instituto Geológico\" supports a Itararé field work program covering the Middle Tiete Valley region for a long time. Extensive boreholes data allowed an evaluation of the local Itararé facies relationships. The present paper intends to study the Tietê Municipality hydrogeology in order to open an extensive discussion of the Itararé Subgroup facies whit especial reference to the Tietê Formation. This paper intends to fix the most suitable searching methods to characterize the best hydrogeologic potential of these sediments, so important to get potable water for the Tietê Municipality. The field work includes the interpretation of pumping data from deep wells and characterization of isotopic and chemical attributes of the groundwater in order to improve our knowledge of its origin and chemical composition including the salt contents.
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Abordagem micropaleontológica e geoquímica da Formação Assistência (Subgrupo Irati, Permiano, Bacia do Paraná, Brasil) / not availableCalça, Cleber Pereira 05 August 2014 (has links)
Modificações nas concentrações iônicas em substratos de água rasa provocadas por micro-orgnaismos vêm demonstrando valorosas relevâncias tanto em fossilizações quanto precipitações de calcita, aragonita, dolomita, pirita e minerais de sílica e fosfato. Dados micropaleontológicos, petrográficos e geoquímicos, comumente estudados separadamente, quando integrados, podem elucidar questões sobre a formação destes minerais. A Formação Assistência (Subgrupo Irati, Permiano da Bacia do Paraná, Brasil) apresenta células e estruturas normalmente associadas a atividades microbianas, como microesferas dolomíticas, quartzo microcristalino e pirita. Microfósseis foram reconhecidos e seus processos de fossilização reconstituídos. Sílex, dolomito e folhelho de diversos níveis e localidades foram estudados utilizando-se seções petrográficas normais e polidas; resíduos orgânicos extraídos por dissolução ácida (HF/HCl); superfícies corroídas com dissolução parcial com HF; microscopia petrográfica e eletrônica de varredura (MEV); espectroscopia Raman e de energia dispersiva de raio-X (Energy Dispersive X-ray-EDX) e florescência e difratometria de Raio-X. As prospecções iniciais revelaram alta variedade de microfósseis de parede orgânica (cianobactérias; grãos de pólen; clrófitas; acritarcos; fitoclástos; escolecodontes; palinoforaminíferos e raros grãos de esporos) e microesferas dolomíticas. Diferentemente das pesquisas tradicionais sobre palinoestratigrafia, que utilizam de resíduos de rochas siliciclásticas finas, a petrografia do sílex diagenético revelou uma microbiota fóssil composta principalmente por delicadas cianobactérias. Permitiu também o reconhecimento de estágios ontogenéticos e de feições tafonômicas tais como a morfologia tridimensional de vesículas orgânicas e agregações polínicas. Estas preservações excepcionais é resultado de silicificação extremamente eodiagenética. Todas as amostras examinadas por florescência e difratometria de Raio-X apresentaram predomínio de sílica e dolomita e menores quantidades de pirita. Ao contrário dos nódulos e lentes de sílex de outros níveis, conhecidos de outras posições estratigráficas, somente o sílex maciço da Camada de Brechas Evaporíticas (CBE) demonstrou abundantes células de parede orgânica e estruturas preenchidas (fenestras e fraturas) com bordas dolomíticas. A sílica deste nível, portanto, foi gerada por fluídos supersaturados que substituíram a dolomita pré-existente. Analises com MEV e EDX revelaram cianobactérias fossilizadas com invólucros orgânicos (paredes celulares e/ou bainhas extracelulares) e regiões protoplasmáticas preenchidas por quartzo microcristalino. Comparações com estudos laboratoriais e ambientais demonstraram, em primeiro lugra, como a interação entre moléculas nas superfícies das células e íons em solução retiveram os componentes dos invólucros celulares e mineralizaram as demais partes das células. Em segundo lugar, porque o sílex da CBE também concentra microesferas dolomíticas agregadas em grandes quantidades e associadas e materiais carbonosos. Camadas externas recobrem esferas individuais, pequenos conjuntos e superfícies arredondadas. Nem toda microesfera exibem interiores celulares preenchidos por dolomita. Além das afinidades biológicas, as análises permitiram deduzir como certas condições na interface água/biosedimento provocaram a precipitação deste tipo de dolomita. Tais condições são relacionadas a salinidade, oxido-redução, razões \'Mg POT 2+\'/\'Ca POT 2+\' e atividades biológicas pretéritas tais como acumulações de substâncias poliméricas extracelulares (EPS - extracelular polymeric substances) e processos microbianos anóxicos (e.g.redução de sulfato e metanogênese). Foi possível também se reconhecer a sequência de mineralização (dolomitização e silicificação) bem como certas etapas que levaram a preservação de bainhas e interiores celulares. Os dados obtidos lançam novas perspectivas às discussões globais sobre o \"problema da dolomita\". / Microbial modification on ionic concentrations of shallow=water substrates recently reached valuable results both on fossilization and precipitation of calcite, aragonite, dolomite, pyrite, and minerals of silica and phosphate. Data on micropaleontology, petrography, and geochemistry, which are often sudied separately, when treated together, improve the understanding of the formation of these minerals. The Permian Assistência Formation of the Irati Subgroup in the Brazilian Paraná Bassin bears preserved cells and structures commonly associated with microbial activities, such as dolomite microspheres, microcrystalline quartz and pyrite. Microfossils were recognized and their processes of fossilization reconstituted. Chert, dolostone and shale from many stratigraphic leves and locations were studied by the use of normal and polished petrographic section; estracted organic residues via HF/HCL attach, HF-etched surfaces; petrographic microscopy; scanning electron microscopy (SEM); Raman and Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX) spectroscopy; fluorescence and diffraction of X-ray. The initial surveys revealed a large variety of organic-walled microfossils (cyanobacteria, pollen grains, chlorophytes, acritarchs, phytoclasts, scolecodonts, palynoroaminifers and rare spores) and dolomitic microspheres. Unlike traditional researhce on palynostratigraphy, which employ organic residues from fine siliciclastic rocks, the petropgraphy of diagenetic chert revealed abundant fossil microbiota composed principally of delicate cyanobacteria. This procedure allowed also the recognition of ontogenetic stages of micoorganisms and taphonomic features such as three-dimensional morphology of organic vesicles and the pollen aggregations. This excellent preservation results from extreme eodiagenetic silicification. Every chert sample examined by fluorescence and X-ray diffraction shows mostly silica and dolomite with a minor amounts of pyrite. Unlike the nodules and lens of chert from other levels,which are known in many stratigraphic sequence, only the massive chert from Brecciated Evaporite Beb (BEB) bears abundant organic-walled cells and filled structures (fenestrae and fractures) exhibiting dolomitic edges. Silica from this sequence, therefore, was generated from supersaturated fluid solutions replacing pre-existing dolomite, preserving the organic content. The SEM and EDX revealed fossilized cyanobacteria with organic involucres (cell walls and/or extracellular sheath) and protoplasmatic region filled by microcrystalline quartz. Comparison with laboratory and environmental studies show, firstly, how the interaction between molecules in the cell surfaces and ions in solution retained the organic components of cellular surfaces and mineralized portions at the other parts of cells, and secondly, why BEB chert is massive at the expense of others relatively smaller in size and the occurrence of chert in other sequences. The quartzitic matrix of the BEB chert also concentrate dolomitic microspheres, which are aggregated in large quantities and associated with carbonaceous material. Outer layers coat indivisual shperes, small clusters and rounded surfaces. Not every microsphere exhibit the filling of dolomite in the interior of cells. Beyond their biological affinity, this analysis allowed the evaluation of how certain conditions on water-biosediment interface led to the precipitation of this kind of dolomite. Such conditions are related to salinity, redox, \'Mg POT 2+\'/\'Ca POT 2+\' ratios, and ancient biological activities such as the accumulation of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) and anoxic microbial processes (e.g. sulfate reduction, methanogenesis). It was also possible to recognize the mineralization sequence (dolomitization and silicification) as well as certain steps that led to the preservation of sheaths and some cell interiors. The acquired data launches a new prospect for global discussions on the \"dolomite problem\".
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Identifikace genů zodpovědných za indukci nádorů ptačími retroviry podskupiny J / Identification of genes responsible for tumor induction with avian retroviruses subgroup JGašpareková, Mária January 2019 (has links)
Retroviruses are viruses which are able to integrate to genome of host cell. Nonrandom integration of provirus near or inside some cellular genes may result in their deregulation, activation or silencing. This can later lead to cell transformation and tumor formation. This thesis discusses identification of viral integration sites (VIS) and common integration sites (CIS) in tumors originating from different organs (mostly kidneys, lungs and liver) with using mostly avian retroviruses subgroup J, specifically first natural isolate HPRS-103 and laboratory made virus MAV-J, which was made by replacing gene envB by envJ. Infection was made in ovo using chicken breeds Brown Leghorn and White Leghorn and tumors were isolated from 8 to 28 weeks after infection. For molecular analyses was used inverse PCR method and sequencing. From 74 molecularly analyzed tumors there was detected 373 VIS and 6 CIS with statistical significance over 2.10-2 . Gene with the highest number of hits was FRK (14 times), then TERT (5 times), CTDSPL (5 times), EGFR/ERBB1 (3 times), MYB (3 times) and MYC (3 times). Except 6 CIS there were other genes found, which had smaller statistical significance. Keywords: retrovirus, insertional mutagenesis, subgroup J, oncogenesis, oncogenes, MAV-J, HPRS-103, proviral integration sites, tumors
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Hipersuperfícies de rotação com curvatura escalar constante em Rn e Hn / Rotational hypersupersurfaces with scalar curvature constant in Rn e HnCarvalho, Marcos Túlio Alves de 25 February 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Marlene Santos (marlene.bc.ufg@gmail.com) on 2014-08-29T18:40:14Z
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DissertaçãofinalMarcostulio.pdf: 1325302 bytes, checksum: 282aebfee90d1ca1fcbbe83021300b0f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-08-29T18:40:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2
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Previous issue date: 2014-02-25 / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq / Inthiswork,basedonthearticlesMariaLuízaLeiteandOscasPalmas,wepresentedthe
eHn withn>3. / Neste trabalho, baseado nos artigos de Maria Luíza Leite e Oscas Palmas, classificamos
as hipersuperfícies de rotação completas, com curvatura escalar constante, emRn eHn
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Images of Permutation and Monomial ProgenitorsJuan, Shirley Marina 01 June 2018 (has links)
We have conducted a systematic search for finite homomorphic images of several permutation and monomial progenitors. We have found original symmetric presentations for several important groups such as the Mathieu sporadic simple groups, Suzuki simple group, unitary group, Janko group, simplectic groups, and projective special linear groups. We have also constructed, using the technique of double coset enumeration, the following groups, L_2(11), S(4,3):2, M11, and PGL(2,11). The isomorphism class of each of the finite images is also given.
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I organisationskulturens tecken, budskap om organisationskultur / In the signs of organisational cultureLundborg, Björn January 2002 (has links)
<p>This is an essay with anticipations to bring out knowledge about organisational culture for the interested reader or explorer of culture in organisations. Focus positions on ingredients that can be understood as fabricating organisational culture. The essay is, for example, about values, norms, ethics peoples characteristics, that shapes an organisation. In this area of expertise there are numerous categories of scientists and disciplines that do research on this theme. Therefor it exists a rather various collection of definitions of what organisational culture is, or can be. In the essay it becomes clear that this part of organisations theory don’t have homogeneously theoretically ancestors or a similar perspective on the world and it’s configuration. This essay shows example of ingredients in organisational culture and the author discusses accordingly to he’s opinion the meaning and function of different idioms and ingredients in de facto.</p>
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Consistent energy treatment for radiation transport methodsDouglass, Steven James 30 March 2012 (has links)
A condensed multigroup formulation is developed which maintains direct consistency with the continuous energy or fine-group structure, exhibiting the accuracy of the detailed energy spectrum within the coarse-group calculation. Two methods are then developed which seek to invert the condensation process turning the standard one-way condensation (from fine-group to coarse-group) into the first step of a two-way iterative process. The first method is based on the previously published Generalized Energy Condensation, which established a framework for obtaining the fine-group flux by preserving the flux energy spectrum in orthogonal energy expansion functions, but did not maintain a consistent coarse-group formulation. It is demonstrated that with a consistent extension of the GEC, a cross section recondensation scheme can be used to correct for the spectral core environment error. A more practical and efficient new method is also developed, termed the "Subgroup Decomposition (SGD) Method," which eliminates the need for expansion functions altogether, and allows the fine-group flux to be decomposed from a consistent coarse-group flux with minimal additional computation or memory requirements. In addition, a new whole-core BWR benchmark problem is generated based on operating reactor parameters in 2D and 3D, and a set of 1D benchmark problems is developed for a BWR, PWR, and VHTR core.
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Bayesian Modeling Using Latent StructuresWang, Xiaojing January 2012 (has links)
<p>This dissertation is devoted to modeling complex data from the</p><p>Bayesian perspective via constructing priors with latent structures.</p><p>There are three major contexts in which this is done -- strategies for</p><p>the analysis of dynamic longitudinal data, estimating</p><p>shape-constrained functions, and identifying subgroups. The</p><p>methodology is illustrated in three different</p><p>interdisciplinary contexts: (1) adaptive measurement testing in</p><p>education; (2) emulation of computer models for vehicle crashworthiness; and (3) subgroup analyses based on biomarkers.</p><p>Chapter 1 presents an overview of the utilized latent structured</p><p>priors and an overview of the remainder of the thesis. Chapter 2 is</p><p>motivated by the problem of analyzing dichotomous longitudinal data</p><p>observed at variable and irregular time points for adaptive</p><p>measurement testing in education. One of its main contributions lies</p><p>in developing a new class of Dynamic Item Response (DIR) models via</p><p>specifying a novel dynamic structure on the prior of the latent</p><p>trait. The Bayesian inference for DIR models is undertaken, which</p><p>permits borrowing strength from different individuals, allows the</p><p>retrospective analysis of an individual's changing ability, and</p><p>allows for online prediction of one's ability changes. Proof of</p><p>posterior propriety is presented, ensuring that the objective</p><p>Bayesian analysis is rigorous.</p><p>Chapter 3 deals with nonparametric function estimation under</p><p>shape constraints, such as monotonicity, convexity or concavity. A</p><p>motivating illustration is to generate an emulator to approximate a computer</p><p>model for vehicle crashworthiness. Although Gaussian processes are</p><p>very flexible and widely used in function estimation, they are not</p><p>naturally amenable to incorporation of such constraints. Gaussian</p><p>processes with the squared exponential correlation function have the</p><p>interesting property that their derivative processes are also</p><p>Gaussian processes and are jointly Gaussian processes with the</p><p>original Gaussian process. This allows one to impose shape constraints</p><p>through the derivative process. Two alternative ways of incorporating derivative</p><p>information into Gaussian processes priors are proposed, with one</p><p>focusing on scenarios (important in emulation of computer</p><p>models) in which the function may have flat regions.</p><p>Chapter 4 introduces a Bayesian method to control for multiplicity</p><p>in subgroup analyses through tree-based models that limit the</p><p>subgroups under consideration to those that are a priori plausible.</p><p>Once the prior modeling of the tree is accomplished, each tree will</p><p>yield a statistical model; Bayesian model selection analyses then</p><p>complete the statistical computation for any quantity of interest,</p><p>resulting in multiplicity-controlled inferences. This research is</p><p>motivated by a problem of biomarker and subgroup identification to</p><p>develop tailored therapeutics. Chapter 5 presents conclusions and</p><p>some directions for future research.</p> / Dissertation
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On The Index Of Fixed Point SubgroupTurkan, Erkan Murat 01 August 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Let G be a finite group and A be a subgroup of Aut(G). In this work, we studied the influence of the index of fixed point subgroup of A in G on the structure of G.
When A is cyclic, we proved the following:
(1) [G,A] is solvable if this index is squarefree and the orders of G and A are coprime.
(2) G is solvable if the index of the centralizer of each x in H-G is squarefree where H denotes the semidirect product of G by A.
Moreover, for an arbitrary subgroup A of Aut(G) whose order is coprime to the order of G, we showed that when G is solvable, then the Fitting length f([G,A]) of [G,A] is bounded above by
the number of primes (counted with multiplicities) dividing the index of fixed point subgroup of A in G and this bound is best possible.
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Irreducible Representations of Finite Groups of Lie Type: On the Irreducible Restriction Problem and Some Local-Global ConjecturesSchaeffer Fry, Amanda January 2013 (has links)
In this thesis, we investigate various problems in the representation theory of finite groups of Lie type. In Chapter 2, we hope to make sense of the last statement - we will introduce some background and notation that will be useful for the remainder of the thesis. In Chapter 3, we find bounds for the largest irreducible representation degree of a finite unitary group. In Chapter 4, we describe the block distribution and Brauer characters in cross characteristic for Sp₆(2ᵃ) in terms of the irreducible ordinary characters. This will be useful in Chapter 5 and Chapter 7, which focus primarily on the group Sp₆(2ᵃ) and contain the main results of this thesis, which we now summarize. Given a subgroup H ≤ G and a representation V for G, we obtain the restriction V|H of V to H by viewing V as an FH-module. However, even if V is an irreducible representation of G, the restriction V|H may (and usually does) fail to remain irreducible as a representation of H. In Chapter 5, we classify all pairs (V, H), where H is a proper subgroup of G = Sp₆(q) or Sp₄(q) with q even, and V is an l-modular representation of G for l ≠ 2 which is absolutely irreducible as a representation of H. This problem is motivated by the Aschbacher-Scott program on classifying maximal subgroups of finite classical groups. The local-global philosophy plays an important role in many areas of mathematics. In the representation theory of finite groups, the so-called "local-global" conjectures would relate the representation theory of G to that of certain proper subgroups, such as the normalizer of a Sylow subgroup. One might hope that these conjectures could be proven by showing that they are true for all simple groups. Though this turns out not quite to be the case, some of these conjectures have been reduced to showing that a finite set of stronger conditions hold for all finite simple groups. In Chapter 7, we show that Sp₆(q) and Sp₄(q), q even, are "good" for these reductions.
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