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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Upplevelsen av ångest och depression vid Kronisk obstruktiv lungsjukdom (KOL) : En systematisk litteraturöversikt med kvalitativ ansats / The experience of anxiety and depression in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).

Bara, Valzona, Begic, Emina January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Kronisk obstruktiv lungsjukdom (KOL) är en av de tre främsta dödsorsakerna i världen. Samtidigt har den psykiska ohälsan i världen ökat drastiskt och psykologiska besvär som ångest och depression orsakar en tydlig börda av dödlighet och sjuklighet hos patienter med KOL. Andfåddheten som är ett av symtomen vid KOL beskrivs som en orsak till ångest och depression, vilket i sin tur förvärrar sjukdomstillståndet för patienterna. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa patienters upplevelser av ångest och depression vid kronisk obstruktiv sjukdom. Metod: Studiens design avser en allmän litteraturöversikt med kvalitativ ansats där syftet är att få en bredare bild på kunskapsområdet som studeras. Resultat: I studien presenteras följande huvudteman, det akuta behovet av luft, samt känsla av ensamhet som lidande, oförmågan att hantera aktiviteter i dagliga livet eller komplikationer, upplevelser av dödsångest. Vidare följt av följande subteman:  upplevelser av att andfåddheten utvecklar ångest, upplevelser av att sjukdomen stryper och kväver en, upplevelser av en ond cirkel, upplevelser av sjukdomens påverkan på det sociala livet, upplevelser av ofrivillig ensamhet och depression, upplevelser av att vara ovärdig och inte värdig, upplevelser av att vara beroende av andra, samt upplevelser av att behöva uppsöka akut vård kontinuerligt. Slutsatser: Patienter med KOL upplever ångest och depression till följd av sin sjukdom. Symtomen orsakar både psykiska och fysiska påfrestningar, vilket begränsar det vardagliga livet. Känslan av ångest och depression blir allt mer påtaglig i takt av sjukdomens förlopp. / Background: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is one of the leading causes of death in the world. Mental illness in the world has increased drastically and psychological problems such as anxiety and depression cause a clear burden of mortality and morbidity in patients with COPD. The shortness of breath that is one of the symptoms of COPD is described as a cause of anxiety and depression. Purpose: The purpose was to shed light on patients' experiences of anxiety and depression in chronic obstructive disease. Method: The design refers to a systematic literature review where the aim is to get a broader picture of the area of knowledge studied. This has been done as a result of previous empirical studies. Results: Four main themes were identified, the urgent need for air, the feeling of loneliness as suffering, the inability to manage activities of daily living or complications, and experiences of death anxiety.   Following of nine subthemes, experiences of shortness of breath developing anxiety, experiences of the disease strangling and suffocating, experiences of a vicious circle, experiences of the disease's impact on social life, experiences of involuntary loneliness and depression, experiences of being unworthy and not worthy, experiences of being dependent on others, and experiences of having to seek emergency care continuously. Conclusions: Patients with COPD experience anxiety and depression as a result of their disease. The symptoms cause both mental and physical stress, which limits everyday life. The feeling of anxiety and depression becomes more and more noticeable as the disease progresses.

"Du kan inte stå emot orättvisa här’’ : En studie om socialarbetare i Turkiet och deras upplevelser av arbetet och förhållningssättet gentemot de globala etiska riktlinjerna / ‘’YOU CAN NOT RESIST INJUSTICE HERE’’  : A STUDY ABOUT SOCIAL WORKERS’ IN TURKEY AND THEIR EXPERIENCE OF THE WORK AND THE APPROACH TOWARDS THE GLOBAL ETHICAL GUIDELINES

Tosun Kömürcü, Ronay January 2022 (has links)
Socialarbetare som arbetar i Turkiet beskrivs uppleva dilemman som ständigt påverkar deras arbete. Trots detta förekommer begränsad internationell och nationell forskning som undersöker turkiska socialarbetares upplevelser av arbetet. Tidigare forskningsstudier har redovisat att socialarbetare i Turkiet upplever att de internationella arbetsvärderingarna innehåller förtryck och orättvisor samtidigt som arbetet i sig beskrivs bidra med känslomässig utmattning och osäkerhet. De etiska dilemman som turkiska socialarbetare beskrivs uppleva anses vara omfattande, däremot förekommer begränsad information om förhållningssättet gentemot de etiska riktlinjerna i arbetet. Denna kvalitativa studie syftar därmed till att undersöka turkiska socialarbetares upplevelser av arbetet och dess förhållningssätt gentemot IFSWs globala etiska riktlinjer. Studien bygger på nio semistrukturerade intervjuer med socialarbetare i Turkiet varpå ett subjektivt perspektiv har varit en central aspekt. Studiens resultat visar att socialarbetare i Turkiet upplever en brist på riktlinjer och regler i arbetet vilket har resulterat i en känsla av osäkerhet och begränsat handlingsutrymme. De befintliga insatserna beskrivs även vara så pass otillräckliga att de har kommit att påverka socialarbetarna på en subjektiv nivå. Vidare beskrivs orättvisa förhållanden förekomma inom landet vilket påverkar arbetets prioriteringar och arbetarnas möjligheter till en påverkan på arbetet. Slutligen framkommer det att det inte förekommer några etiska riktlinjer inom arbetet eller någon form av kännedom om IFSWs globala etiska riktlinjer, trots att Turkiet utgörs av ett medlemsland i IFSW. / Turkish social workers are to a greater extent described to be experiencing dilemmas that are affecting their quality of work. Despite the circumstances, there is an insufficient amount of research on a national and international level that subjectively examines the Turkish social workers' experiences in the workspace. Previous research has shown that social workers in Turkey believe the international work values contain elements of oppression and injustice while the duty is described as a contributing factor to increased exhaustion and uncertainty. The ethical dilemmas Turkish social workers are faced with can be regarded as extensive, albeit there is insufficient knowledge regarding the method of approach towards the ethical guidelines for social workers. The purpose of this qualitative study is to examine Turkish social workers' experiences within their line of work and their approach towards the IFSW global ethical guidelines. The study is based on nine semi-structured interviews with social workers in Turkey, where a subjective perspective regarding their experiences has been a central aspect. This study finds that social workers in Turkey experience a lack of guidelines and rules within their line of work which contributes to an increased uncertainty amongst the social workers, thus also limiting their capacity for action. The existing efforts are described as being inadequate to the point where it has affected the social workers quality of work to a subjective degree. Furthermore, there is an overall consensus that occurrences of unfair conditions are not a rare sight in the country. This affects the social workers priorities and possibilities of having an influence in their work. Finally, it emerges that no standardized ethical guidelines are being followed, nor is there any knowledge of the IFSW global ethical guidelines despite the fact that Turkey is a member state of IFSW.

Making sense and finding meaning : comparing narratives of older people with dementia and carers about the quality of an ordinary life

Robertson, Jane M. January 2010 (has links)
This research examines narratives about the quality of everyday life with dementia. The aim of the study is to compare and contrast differing perspectives about the impact of ageing and dementia upon the lives of older people with dementia. A total of 50 interviews with six older people with dementia and ten family and paid carers were conducted over a two-year period. Narrative analysis was used to examine the content and structure of their accounts to understand their perspectives on what matters most to people living with dementia. This in-depth analysis enabled an exploration of different social concepts and narrative constructions that people draw upon in making sense of their experiences of caring and living with dementia. The analysis demonstrated that older people incorporate ageing and dementia into a continuing sense of self. Positive constructions of living with dementia involve the ability to lead a meaningful life that supports pre-existing social roles and relationships and active engagement within the family and community. The emphasis is on living an ordinary life while responding to the challenges associated with cognitive impairment and social stigma. For family and paid carers, perceptions of a meaningful life depend on how the identity of the older person with dementia is positioned relative to past social roles and relationships. Positive constructions assume continuity as opposed to focusing on disruption in the person’s identity and life. Carer perspectives are also influenced by how the person is perceived to conform to social standards of normality. The narratives of older people with dementia reflect their active struggle to find meaning in terms of realising their sense of self within a social world that largely defines them as different and out of the ordinary. The narratives of carers resonate with emotional difficulty, reflecting their struggle to make sense of a life that is not represented as essentially normal. These findings show that, for all, finding meaning in everyday life depends upon making sense of that life as normal and ordinary.

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