Spelling suggestions: "subject:"subset.""
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Choice Experiments for Estimating Main Effects and InteractionsChen, Jing January 2010 (has links)
Choice-based conjoint experiments are used when choice alternatives can be described in terms of attributes. The objective is to infer the value that respondents attach to attribute levels. This method involves the design of profiles on the basis of attributes specified at certain levels. Respondents are presented sets of profiles and asked to select the one they consider best. Choice sets with no dominating or dominated profiles are called Pareto optimal, and these Pareto optimal choice sets are provided to respondents. However, if choice sets have too many profiles, they may be difficult to implement. Therefore, we provide strategies for reducing the number of profiles in choice sets. We consider situations where only a subset of interactions is of interest, and obtain connected main effects plans with smaller choice sets for 2^n and 3^n designs that are capable of estimating subsets of interactions inclusive of one specific factor. We also provide plans for estimating all main effects and one two-way interaction for mixed level designs. Next, we examine the relationship between certain Pareto Optimal choice sets and g-designs. Finally, we obtain connected main effects plans with smaller choice sets for estimating different subsets of interactions, not inclusive of one specific factor. / Statistics
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Konvexní množiny v duálních Banachových prostorech / Convex subsets of dual Banach spacesSilber, Zdeněk January 2018 (has links)
The main topic of this thesis is separation of points and w∗ -derived sets in dual Banach spaces. We show, that in duals of reflexive spaces w∗ -derived set of a convex subset coincides with its w∗ -closure. We also show, that subspace of a dual reflexive space is norming, if and only if it is total. Later we show, that in the dual of every non-reflexive space we can find a convex subset whose w∗ -derived set is not w∗ -closed. Hence, this statement is a characterisation of reflexive spaces. Next we show, that subspaces in duals of quasi-reflexive spaces are norming, if and only if they are total. Later we show, that in the dual of every non-quasi-reflexive space we can find a subspace which is total but not norming; thus, the previous statement is a characterisation of quasi-reflexive spaces. We also show, that for absolutely convex subsets of duals of quasi-reflexive spaces w∗ -derived set coincides with w∗ -closure. In the last section we define w∗ -derived sets of higher orders and show, that in the dual of every non-quasi-reflexive separable Banach space there exist subspaces of order of each countable non-limit ordinal and no other. 1
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Η επίπτωση των λοιμώξεων σε ασθενείς με κίρρωση και η ανοσολογική απάντηση των ασθενών αυτών / Epidemiology and pathogenesis of infections in cirrhosisΛαγκαδινού, Μαρία 14 October 2013 (has links)
Ο σκοπός αυτής της μελέτης ήταν να διερευνηθεί η συχνότητα της εμφάνισης λοίμωξης σε ηπατοπαθείς, η καταγραφή των πιο συχνών λοιμώξεων σε αυτή την ομάδα ασθενών καθώς και η διερεύνηση της επίπτωσης της κίρρωσης στην κυτταρική τους ανοσία Επίσης, στόχος μας ήταν η διερεύνηση της παρουσίας των κυτοκινών στο ασκιτικό υγρό κιρρωτικών ασθενών με ή χωρίς αυτόματη βακτηριακή περιτονίτιδα (ΑΒΠ) και της επίδρασης της ΑΒΠ στην έκφραση των προφλεγμονωδών, αντιφλεγμονωδών κυτοκινών και των υποδοχέων τους στο ασκιτικό υγρό
ΑΣΘΕΝΕΙΣ-ΜΕΘΟΔΟΙ: Η μελέτη περιέλαβε ασθενείς με κίρρωση του ήπατος, οποιασδήποτε αιτιολογίας, που εισήχθησαν στο νοσοκομείο από το Μάιο 2006 μέχρι τον Δεκέμβριο 2007. Από τους συνολικά 110 ασθενείς με κίρρωση, οι 67 (ομάδα 1, 59.1%) εισήχθησαν για διάφορους λόγους εκτός από λοίμωξη, οι 24 (ομάδα 2, 21.8%) παρουσίασαν σύνδρομο σήψης και οι 19 (ομάδα 3, 19.1%) παρουσίασαν κιρσορραγία. Σε όλους τους ασθενείς έγινε καταγραφή των δημογραφικών τους στοιχείων, του τύπου λοίμωξης και μετρήθηκαν οι Τ- λεμφοκυτταρικοί υποπληθυσμοί, δηλ. CD3, CD4, CD5, CD8, CD14, CD20, CD56, CD64 καθώς και ο λόγος CD4/CD8 με κυτταρομετρία ροής. Οι μετρήσεις στους ασθενείς των ομάδων 2 και 3 έγιναν κατά την ημέρα της εισαγωγής, την τρίτη ημέρα νοσηλείας και την ημέρα εξόδου. Στους ασθενείς της ομάδας 1, οι μετρήσεις έγιναν μόνο την ημέρα της εισαγωγής. Μελετήθηκαν επίσης και 30 υγιή άτομα της ίδιας εθνικότητας και με παρόμοια δημογραφικά χαρακτηριστικά με τους υπόλοιπους ασθενείς. Αυτοί δεν νοσηλέυθηκαν, δεν είχαν κανένα πρόβλημα υγείας ούτε είχαν μεταγγισθεί. Μελετήθηκαν επίσης χωριστά 13 κιρρωτικοί ασθενείς, από τους συνολικά 110, οι οποίοι είχαν ασκίτη και εισήχθησαν στο Νοσοκομείο κατά την ίδια περίοδο. Αυτοί διακρίθηκαν σε δυο ομάδες: ομάδα 1 : ασθενείς με ΑΒΠ , ομάδα 2: ασθενείς χωρίς ΑΒΠ. Μετρήθηκαν οι κυττοκίνες : IL-1b, IL-1RA, IL-6, IL-10, TGF-1b, TNF-a, STNFRI, STNFRII. Οι μετρήσεις έγιναν με μέθοδο ELISA.
ΑΠΟΤΕΛΕΣΜΑΤΑ : Οι απόλυτες τιμές των ολικών Τ λεμφοκυττάρων (CD3), των βοηθητικών (CD4) λεμφοκυττάρων, των κατασταλτικών (CD8) λεμφοκυττάρων και των CD5 λεμφοκυττάρων είναι μικρότερες στις ομάδες των κιρρωτικών με λοίμωξη και κιρσορραγία. Ειδικότερα, στην ομάδα των κιρσορραγούντων κιρρωτικών οι διαφορές στα βοηθητικά λεμφοκύτταρα (CD4) και τα ολικά λεμφοκύτταρα (CD3) κατά την έξοδο από το νοσοκομείο ήταν στατιστικά σημαντικές (Ρ< 0,05), ενώ όχι στους σηπτικούς. Οι απόλυτες τιμές όλων των Τ λεμφοκυτταρικών υποπληθυσμών ήταν υψηλότερες κατά την εισαγωγή και μειώθηκαν κατά τη διάρκεια νοσηλείας. Οι διαφορές στο ποσοστό συνέκφρασης στους δείκτες CD14/CD64 των ουδετεροφίλων ήταν σημαντικά μειωμένο στους σηπτικούς.Οι τιμές των κυτοκινών IL-10, IL-6, TNF-a, IL-1RA, STNFRI, STNFRII ήταν υψηλότερες στους ασθενείς με ΑΒΠ. Στατιστικά σημαντικές διαφορές (Ρ<0,05) ανάμεσα στις δυο ομάδες παρατηρήθηκαν μόνο στις τιμές των STNFRII, IL-1RA (υψηλότερες στους ασθενείς με ΑΒΠ). Η IL-1β δεν ανιχνεύθηκε στο ασκιτικό υγρό καμίας ομάδας ασθενών .Οι τιμές του TGF-1b ήταν χαμηλότερες στους ασθενείς με ΑΒΠ.
ΣΥΜΠΕΡΑΣΜΑΤΑ: Το σύνδρομο σήψης αποτελεί συχνό αίτιο εισαγωγής στο νοσοκομείο ασθενών με κίρρωση. Από τη βιβλιογραφία προκύπτει οτι 30-50% των κιρρωτικών έχουν βακτηριακη λοίμωξη κατά την εισαγωγή τους στο νοσοκομείο. Στη μελέτη αυτή φάνηκε ότι το 21.8% των κιρρωτικών εισάγονται στο νοσοκομείο λόγω λοίμωξης. Οι Τ λεμφοκυτταρικοί υποπληθυσμοί σε ασθενείς με σύνδρομο σήψης δεν διαφέρουν σημαντικά από τους αντίστοιχους ασθενών χωρίς σήψη. Αντίθετα, οι υποπληθυσμοί των βοηθητικών Τ λεμφοκυττάρων σε κιρρωτικούς με κιρσορραγία είναι σημαντικά μειωμένη. Φαίνεται λοιπόν οτι οι ασθενείς με κίρρωση και σήψη έχουν ικανοποιητική κυτταρική ανοσιακή απάντηση ενώ αυτό δεν ισχύει και για αυτούς με κιρσορραγία. Τα επίπεδα των φλεγμονωδών και ιδιαίτερα των αντιφλεγμονωδών κυτοκινών IL-1RA και sTNFRII στο ασκιτικό υγρό κιρρωτικών ασθενών είναι αυξημένα σε περίπτωση φλεγμονής του περιτοναίου. Η φλεγμονώδης απάντηση στη λοίμωξη, όπως φαίνεται από τα επίπεδα των κυτοκινών στο ασκιτικό υγρό, είναι αυξημένη στους κιρρωτικούς ασθενείς γενικά και ιδιαίτερα σε αυτούς που αναπτύσσουν αυτόματη βακτηριακή περιτονίτιδα. Ίσως υπάρχει συσχέτιση αυτής της διαπίστωσης με τη βαρύτητα της πρόγνωσης και τις σοβαρές αιμοδυναμικές διαταραχές που παρατηρούνται σε κιρρωτικούς με αυτόματη βακτηριακή περιτονίτιδα. / To identify the demographic characteristics of cirrhotic patients, the most frequent infections and the difference in lymphocyte subsets between cirrhotic patients with gastrointestinal bleeding, infection and other cirrhotic patients. We also tried to determine the pattern of cytokine expression in the ascitic fluid (AF) of cirrhotic patients either with or without spontaneous bacterial peritonitis and investigate the effects of SBP on some cytokines in ascitic fluid
PATIENTS AND METHODS: We included 110 patients, who were admitted to hospital from May 2006 to December 2007. Patients were divided into three groups: group 1: including those who were admitted through any cause, group 2: patients with any type of infection and group 3: patients with gastrointestinal bleeding. We collected: demographic characteristics, etiology of cirrhosis, the cause of admission to hospital, the type and frequency of infection, and the mortality. We also measured absolute T lymphocyte subpopulations (CD3, CD56, CD4, CD8, CD5, CD20, CD14, CD64) using flow cytometry. Also, we studied 13 cirrhotic patients, who were admitted to the department of Internal Medicine of University Hospital of Patras within the same period for a variety of reasons. From the amount of patients, seven patients developed SBP (group 1) and six patients presented no evidence of infection, including SBP (group 2). Ascitic levels of IL-1b, TNF-a, IL-6, IL-10,a IL-1ra, STNFRI, STNFRII were assayed with ELISA kits.
RESULTS: 21.8% developed any infection, 19.1 % had gastrointestinal bleeding and 59.1 % were admitted through any cause. The most frequent infections were: pulmonary tract infections (30.6%), spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (22.2%), gastrointestinal infections (13.9%) and urinary tract infections (8.3%). In 11.1% cases, the cause of infection was not identified. The mortality rate was 9%. We observed a significant decrease in absolute counts of total T lymphocyte subsets (CD3) between group 1 and 3 on Day 3. We also found significant decrease (P< 0.05) in T-helper lymphocytes (CD4) on Day 3 and exit day in these groups. For ascitic fluid measurements of the 13 patients, multivariate analysis showed significant differences (P< 0,05) between the two groups to the levels of STNFRII and IL-1RA. Ascitic levels of IL-10, IL-6, IL-1ra, TNF-a, STNFRII and STNFRI were higher (not statistical significant ) in the ascitic fluid of patients with SBP. However, TGF-b1 levels were lower in group 1 patients. It is remarkable that IL-1b was not expressed in patients either with or without spontaneous bacterial peritonitis.
DISCUSSION: Sepsis is a common reason of admission to hospital. 30-50% of cirrhotic patients develop a type of infection upon admission to the hospital. In our study, 21.8% of patients were admitted to hospital with a type of infection. T-helper (CD4) and total (CD3) lymphocyte subsets were statistical significant lower (P<0,05) in patients with variceal bleeding. Probably, patients with gastrointestinal bleeding have defensive immune system. On the other hand, those with sepsis have satisfactory cellular immunity. Apart from that, we demonstrated an increased cytokine production in ascitic fluid of cirrhotic patients, while the levels of anti-inflammatory cytokines sTNFRII and IL-1ra are significantly increased in SBP. It seems, therefore, that an ascitic fluid anti-inflammatory response is characteristic in SBP, and this might compromise the final outcome.
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Differenzielle Expression proatherogener Zellmarker auf Monozytensubpopulationen bei Patienten mit stabiler koronarer Herzkrankheit / Differential expression of proatherogenic cell markers on monocyte subpopulations of patients with stable coronary artery diseaseKuschicke, Hendrik 30 March 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Topologias maximais com respeito a algumas famílias de subconjuntos / Maximal topologies with respect to some families of subsetsMercado, Henry José Gullo 18 March 2016 (has links)
Seja (X; t) um espaço topológico e seja F a família de todos os subconjuntos de X que satisfazem uma propriedade topológica dada P (invariante por homeomorfismos). Se acrescentarmos abertos novos à topologia e se F\' é a família de todos os subconjuntos do novo espaço que satisfazem a propriedade P, podemos ter que F ≠ F\'. Se isto sempre acontece, dizemos que o espaço (X; t) é maximal com respeito à família F. Neste trabalho estudaremos os espaços topológicos maximais com respeito a algumas famílias de subconjuntos: discretos, compactos, densos, conexos e das sequências convergentes. / Let (X; t) be a topological space and let F be the family of all subsets of X that satisfy a given topological property P (invariant under homeomorphisms). If we add new open sets to the topology and if F\' is the family of all subsets of the new space which satisfy the property P, we can have F ≠ F\'. If this is always the case, we say that (X; t) is maximal with respect to the family F. We show here some characterizations of maximal spaces with respect to the family of some of its subsets: compacts, dense, discrete and convergent sequences.
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Aglomerações urbanas : uma análise de efeitos configuracionais na estrutura espacial de cidades aglomeradasBrock, Ana Lilian January 2016 (has links)
As relações socioespaciais interurbanas transformaram-se com o passar do tempo, mas é no século XX com a industrialização e a aceleração da urbanização que esse processo alcança um novo patamar. Especificamente no caso brasileiro, essas transformações se tornam mais significativas a partir dos anos 1950, quando expressivos crescimentos demográficos e expansões territoriais são vistos nos núcleos urbanos do país. Nesse processo, ocorre a aproximação entre cidades vizinhas, que ao estreitarem seus vínculos passam a ter fortes relações de interdependência e complementariedade entre si, formando um minissistema urbano único, com características próprias que ultrapassa a divisão político-administrativa municipal, conhecido como: aglomerações urbanas. Hoje, mais da metade da população brasileira vive em áreas aglomeradas que, por sua vez, vêm se tornando cada vez mais dinâmica e complexa. Frente a esse cenário, esse trabalho busca contribuir no estudo das aglomerações urbanas, analisando como elas afetam configuracionalmente as cidades que a compõem através de diferentes recortes espaciais. O trabalho é desenvolvido a partir de uma abordagem configuracional, entendendo que o espaço urbano é formado por células conectadas ente si, permitindo que o tema seja explorado de forma quantitativa através da modelagem. A pesquisa analisa características de proximidade e atratividade nas cidades de Bento Gonçalves, Garibaldi e Carlos Barbosa (Serra Gaúcha/RS), através do cálculo de indicadores espaciais destes locais. Como método de análise é feita a comparação dos resultados obtidos nos diferentes recortes espaciais (cenários) da área de estudo, que representam as diferentes escalas em que o fenômeno atua, agregando aos dados espaciais, informações socioeconômicas das localidades. Os resultados obtidos sugerem a redistribuição dos valores das medidas calculadas nas diferentes escalas consideradas, indicando a variação da hierarquia das porções de espaços que compõe as cidades aglomeradas nos diferentes cenários estudados. Já a metodologia aplicada se demonstrou como uma eficiente ferramenta de exploração do tema, contribuindo no entendimento e planejamento urbano de cidades aglomeradas. / Interurban socio-spatial relationships have changed over time, but in the twentieth century, with industrialization and the acceleration of urbanization, this process reaches a new level. Specifically in the Brazilian case, these transformations have become more significant since the 1950s, when expressive demographic growth and territorial expansion are seen in the urban centers of the country. In this process, neighboring cities approached each other and, by doing so, by doing so, tighten bonds, develop strong relations of interdependence and complementarity between them, forming a unique urban mini-system with its own characteristics that goes beyond the municipal political-administrative division, known as urban agglomerations. Today, more than half of the Brazilian population lives in agglomerated areas that are becoming increasingly dynamic and complex. In this scenario, this work seeks to contribute to the study of the urban agglomerations' theme, analyzing them through different spatial subsets. The work is developed from a configurational approach, understanding that the urban space is formed by cells connected to each other, allowing the theme to be explored quantitatively through modeling. The research analyzes characteristics of proximity and attractiveness in the cities of Bento Gonçalves, Garibaldi and Carlos Barbosa (Serra Gaúcha / RS), through the calculation of spatial indicators of these sites. As a method of analysis, the results obtained in the different spatial subsets (scenarios) of the study area are compared, representing the different spaces in which the phenomenon acts, adding to the spatial data, socio-economic information of the localities. The conclusion suggests the redistribution of the measures' values calculated in the different scales considered, indicating the variation of the spaces' hierarchy that compose the cities agglomerated in the different scenarios. The applied Methodology proved to be an efficient tool for exploring the theme, contributing to the understanding and urban planning of agglomerated cities.
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Combining analytical and iterative reconstruction in helical cone-beam CTSunnegårdh, Johan January 2007 (has links)
<p>Contemporary algorithms employed for reconstruction of 3D volumes from helical cone beam projections are so called non-exact algorithms. This means that the reconstructed volumes contain artifacts irrespective of the detector resolution and number of projection angles employed in the process. In this thesis, three iterative schemes for suppression of these so called cone artifacts are investigated.</p><p>The first scheme, iterative weighted filtered backprojection (IWFBP), is based on iterative application of a non-exact algorithm. For this method, artifact reduction, as well as spatial resolution and noise properties are measured. During the first five iterations, cone artifacts are clearly reduced. As a side effect, spatial resolution and noise are increased. To avoid this side effect and improve the convergence properties, a regularization procedure is proposed and evaluated.</p><p>In order to reduce the cost of the IWBP scheme, a second scheme is created by combining IWFBP with the so called ordered subsets technique, which we call OSIWFBP. This method divides the projection data set into subsets, and operates sequentially on each of these in a certain order, hence the name “ordered subsets”. We investigate two different ordering schemes and number of subsets, as well as the possibility to accelerate cone artifact suppression. The main conclusion is that the ordered subsets technique indeed reduces the number of iterations needed, but that it suffers from the drawback of noise amplification.</p><p>The third scheme starts by dividing input data into high- and low-frequency data, followed by non-iterative reconstruction of the high-frequency part and IWFBP reconstruction of the low-frequency part. This could open for acceleration by reduction of data in the iterative part. The results show that a suppression of artifacts similar to that of the IWFBP method can be obtained, even if a significant part of high-frequency data is non-iteratively reconstructed.</p>
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Combining analytical and iterative reconstruction in helical cone-beam CTSunnegårdh, Johan January 2007 (has links)
Contemporary algorithms employed for reconstruction of 3D volumes from helical cone beam projections are so called non-exact algorithms. This means that the reconstructed volumes contain artifacts irrespective of the detector resolution and number of projection angles employed in the process. In this thesis, three iterative schemes for suppression of these so called cone artifacts are investigated. The first scheme, iterative weighted filtered backprojection (IWFBP), is based on iterative application of a non-exact algorithm. For this method, artifact reduction, as well as spatial resolution and noise properties are measured. During the first five iterations, cone artifacts are clearly reduced. As a side effect, spatial resolution and noise are increased. To avoid this side effect and improve the convergence properties, a regularization procedure is proposed and evaluated. In order to reduce the cost of the IWBP scheme, a second scheme is created by combining IWFBP with the so called ordered subsets technique, which we call OSIWFBP. This method divides the projection data set into subsets, and operates sequentially on each of these in a certain order, hence the name “ordered subsets”. We investigate two different ordering schemes and number of subsets, as well as the possibility to accelerate cone artifact suppression. The main conclusion is that the ordered subsets technique indeed reduces the number of iterations needed, but that it suffers from the drawback of noise amplification. The third scheme starts by dividing input data into high- and low-frequency data, followed by non-iterative reconstruction of the high-frequency part and IWFBP reconstruction of the low-frequency part. This could open for acceleration by reduction of data in the iterative part. The results show that a suppression of artifacts similar to that of the IWFBP method can be obtained, even if a significant part of high-frequency data is non-iteratively reconstructed.
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Acceleration of Genetic Programming by Hierarchical Structure Learning: A Case Study on Image Recognition Program SynthesisTAKEUCHI, Yoshinori, KUDO, Hiroaki, OHNISHI, Noboru, MATSUMOTO, Tetsuya, WATCHAREERUETAI, Ukrit 01 October 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Chronic Inflammation-Driven Tumor Promotion Asociated with CD8+ T CellsNg, Bernice Yu Jing 09 April 2008 (has links)
Chronic inflammation is associated with carcinoma development in several clinical settings, and we sought to investigate the role of T cells in this phenomenon using the DMBA/TPA two-stage chemical carcinogenesis protocol. We demonstrate that, paradoxical to models of immunosurveillance, wild-type (WT) mice have a markedly higher rate of tumor formation relative to strains lacking CD8+ T cells. Adoptive transfers of antibody-coated magnetic bead-enriched peripheral CD8+ T cells into TCRáâ-/- mice confirmed that the increased mean tumor area and progression to carcinoma was attributable to the presence of CD8+ T cells. All analyzed strains of mice in which the CD8 compartment was intact (WT, CD4-/-) showed significant increases in tumor susceptibility. Putative tumor-promoting (T-pro) cells (TCRáâ+CD8+CD44+CD62L- tumor infiltrating lymphocytes, TILs) were directly compared to their phenotypic equivalents in peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs). In WT and CD4-deficient mice, CD8+ TILs consistently revealed a markedly higher relative expression, by RT-PCR, of IFNã, TNFá and COX-2, and a striking decrease in expression of perforin. Cytokine-bead analysis (CBA) comparison of CD8+ and CD4+ TIL in tumors from WT mice confirmed the increased expression by the CD8+ TIL of IFNã and TNFá. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of increased carcinogenesis attributable to CD8+ TILs, characterized by their high IFNã, TNFá, and COX-2 production and defective perforin production relative to phenotypically equivalent PBLs. These studies may have mechanistic implications for the role of T cells in inflammation-associated carcinogenesis.
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