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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cour européenne des Droits de l’Homme et stratégies judiciaires : le cas de la Turquie / European Court of Human Rights and juridical strategies : the case of Turkey

Hebert, Christelle 28 November 2014 (has links)
La Turquie figure parmi les Etats les plus condamnés du Conseil de l’Europe : on compte ainsi pratiquement trois mille décisions la concernant. Ce contentieux est à l’origine d’évolutions, à la fois pour la Turquie qui, grâce aux décisions de la Cour, adapte sa législation et sa pratique aux standards européens mais également pour la Cour puisque les nombreuses affaires turques ont contribué à élaborer et faire évoluer sa jurisprudence et ses méthodes dans des domaines qu’elle n’aurait pas, ou dans une moindre mesure, eu à traiter sans la Turquie. Au-delà du volume et du contenu des affaires, le contentieux turc a des particularités qui montrent que la Turquie a organisé sa pratique de la Cour européenne. La Cour, en parallèle, a dû s’adapter à ce contentieux et à ses particularités. Ainsi, la Cour et la Turquie ont-elles chacune mis en place des stratégies judiciaires. Si la Cour, astreinte au principe de subsidiarité, évolue dans un constant mouvement de balancier pour assurer le respect effectif des droits de l’Homme tout en ménageant la susceptibilité des Etats, la Turquie, elle, s’efforce de se rapprocher des exigences européennes tout en protégeant sa souveraineté. Ces stratégies accordent une place à la négociation, laissant parfois envisager une approche « transactionnelle » des droits de l’Homme. Cette recherche, à partir du cas de la Turquie, permet d’appréhender comment les droits de l’Homme, réputés universels et, pour certains d’entre eux, intangibles et indérogeables, peuvent être l’objet de « stratégies » et de « transactions ». / Turkey is among the more condemned states within the Council of Europe, with almost three thousand decisions. This case-law leads to changes: it permits Turkey to adapt its legislations and practices to the European exigencies and it gives the Court the possibility to elaborate and refine its jurisprudence and its methods with cases that she would never have without Turkey. Beyond the decisions’ volume and content, the Turkish case presents particularities bringing to light that Turkey has organised its practice of the European Court. In parallel, the Court has to adapt its answers to this case and its particularities. Both Turkey and the Court set up juridical strategies. The Court, who has to comply with the principle of subsidiarity, oscillates between firmness and restraint, so as not to offend the States’ sensibilities while reaching its goal of maintenance and realization of Human Rights. Turkey wavers between the will to conform to the European exigencies and the will to protect its sovereignty. These strategies make way for negotiations and even for a transactional approach of human rights. This research, based on the Turkish case, leads to wonder how human rights, which, for some of them, are universal and inviolable, can be the object of “strategies” and “negotiations”.

Princip subsidiarity správního řádu / The Principle of Subsidiarity of the Administrative Procedure Code

Jemelka, Luboš January 2012 (has links)
Jemelka, L. The Principle of Subsidiarity of the Administrative Procedure Code, dissertation. Prague: Charles University in Prague, Law Faculty, 2012 In this dissertation I address the principle of subsidiarity of the Administrative Procedure Code, in particular I address the issue of current, previous and future application of the general rules of administrative proceedings in certain administrative proceedings and other procedures of the administrative bodies. This topic, which is close to my profession, is seen from the practical as well as from the theoretical point of view. The Czech administrative proceedings are analysed in both aspects de lege lata and de lege ferenda. In introduction of this dissertation I describe basic terms relevant for definition of the mutual relation between legal acts. I emphasize mainly the possible meaning of the term subsidiarity and particularly its meaning expressed by the rule lex specialis derogat legi generali. I also address other terms such as reference, analogy ect. Assessment of the application and subsidiarity of the Administrative Procedure Code is not limited to the current legal framework, but covers also applicability of the principle of subsudiarity of the Administrative Procedure Code in the past. It is necessary discuss the previous legal...

Les deux corps du juge et le syndrome du dispositif : étude sur les causes de l'incomplétude normative, sa portée juridictionnelle et ses autres conséquences en droit continental français contemporain / The two bodies of the judge and operative syndrome. : study on the causes of the normative incompleteness, legal scope and its other consequences in contemporary French continental law

Puma, André-Charles 03 October 2018 (has links)
L’État de droit peut se définir comme un système institutionnel dans lequel la puissance publique est soumise au droit. Cette notion, a été redéfinie au début du vingtième siècle par Hans Kelsen comme : « un État dans lequel les normes juridiques sont hiérarchisées de telle sorte que sa puissance s’en trouve limitée ». Un tel système qui pose la soumission des patients à la règle, présuppose outre la légitimité de ses agents, la traduction objective de la normativité qui en est issue. Pour autant il appert de l’observation des dispositifs qui en résultent, des anomalies structurelles et fonctionnelles dont les effets cliniques constitutifs d’un syndrome, pointent les dysfonctionnements d’un espace juridictionnel essentiellement abandonné aux individualités. En conséquence, les interactions entre les agents et les patients (justiciables, défendeurs, demandeurs) ne sauraient être dissociées de l’analyse de ces manifestations spécifiques au droit continental, notamment français contemporain. C’est donc, après avoir procédé à l’identification du syndrome et à l’analyse du « concept dispositif », fait le constat d’un paradoxe régulatoire constant et relevé les signes cliniques des affections, que nous en avons déduis les vecteurs. Toutefois, le constat qui en est résulté conduisait, soit à considérer le phénomène inéluctable et à l’intégrer, soit à en rechercher les causes originelles et les voies susceptibles d’en atténuer les effets. Par suite, c’est à l’aune d’un paradigme constant, propre au droit continental, qu’après avoir relevé les effets et identifié les causes des affections ainsi révélées par le syndrome du dispositif, que nous avons imaginé le concept de résidualisme. Partant, après en avoir aperçu tant les fondements que la stratégie, nous en avons recherché les premières pistes susceptibles d’en réduire la portée et de conduire à l’élaboration d’un dispositif « assisté », visant tant à obtenir l’adhésion effective des agents et des patients, qu’à décharger le juge d’une responsabilité normative qui n’est pas la sienne. / The two bodies of the judge and the syndrome of the device: study on the causes of the normative incompleteness, legal scope and its other consequences in contemporary French continental law.The rule of law can be defined as an institutional system in which the public authority is subject to the law. This notion has been redefined in the early twentieth century by Hans Kelsen as: "a State in which legal standards are prioritized so that its power is limited. Such a system that asks patients to the rule submission, presupposes the legitimacy of its agents, in addition to objective translation of normativity which from. So far it appears from the observation devices resulting, structural and functional abnormalities with the constituent clinical effects of a syndrome, that point the dysfunctions of a jurisdictional space essentially abandoned to individualities. As a result, the interactions between agents and patients (litigants, defendants, plaintiffs) cannot be separated from the analysis of these events specific to the continental law, including contemporary french. It is therefore, after identification of the syndrome and the analysis of the 'system concept', made the observation that for a constant regulatory paradox and noted the clinical signs of disease, that we examined the vectors. However, the observation that resulted was driving, consider the inevitable and to integrate it, either search for the original causes and ways to mitigate the effects. Accordingly, it is in the light of a paradigm of constant, clean to the continental law, after having noted the effects and identified the causes of disease as revealed by the syndrome of the device, we have created the concept of residualism. Therefore, after to have seen both the foundations that the strategy we sought in the first tracks likely to reduce the scope and lead to the development of a "guided" device, both aiming to get effective accession of agents and of the patients, to unload the judge of a normative responsibility is not hers.

O princípio da insignificância e a mínima intervenção penal / The principle of insignificance and the minimum criminal intervention

Carrard, Liliana 20 May 2013 (has links)
O presente trabalho se dedica a estudar o surgimento e critérios de aplicação que envolvem a incidência do princípio da insignificância. Serão analisados, para tanto, os conceitos do chamado direito penal de mínima intervenção, que prega o respeito à ultima ratio do Direito Penal. Demonstra, desta forma, que a Constituição vigente, ainda que não refira expressamente o principio da insignificância, o legitima por meio dos demais princípios. Demonstra, ainda, que a aplicação do princípio está em consonância com os preceitos de uma intervenção penal minimamente necessária. / The present work aims to study the emergence and criteria for applying the principle of insignificance. Therefore, will be analyzed the concepts of criminal law called minimal intervention, which advocates respect for the ultima ratio of the Criminal Law. Thus, demonstrates that the current Constitution, though not explicitly refer to the principle of insignificance, legitimized it through the principles of others. It also demonstrates that the principle is in line with the precepts of a criminal intervention minimally required.

Lei Maria da Penha e princípio da subsidiariedade: diálogo entre um direito penal mínimo e as demandas de proteção contra a violência de gênero no Brasil / Maria da Penha Law and Principle of Subsidiarity

Couto, Maria Claudia Girotto do 13 April 2016 (has links)
A presente pesquisa tem como objeto a investigação sobre os limites e possibilidades presentes na aplicação do Direito Penal no enfrentamento da violência doméstica e familiar contra a mulher no Brasil. Para tanto, após esclarecidas questões acerca do fenômeno da violência doméstica, como suas origens e características, analisa-se a trajetória política que levou à elaboração da Lei n. 11.340/2006 (Lei Maria da Penha). É realizada, então, uma análise das previsões legais da Lei Maria da Penha, com especial destaque para as repercussões de caráter penal para o agressor. Posteriormente, dedica-se um capítulo à investigação do Princípio da Subsidiariedade e problematiza-se a aplicação do Direito Penal como instrumento de poder do Estado e como via de política pública, sendo abordados também o aspecto simbólico do Direito Penal e as funções da sanção penal em um Estado Democrático de Direito. Por fim, concretiza-se no último capítulo a investigação sobre as atrações e repulsões entre o Direito Penal e as iniciativas de enfrentamento da violência de gênero no Brasil. / This research intends to investigate both the limits and the possibilities concerning the use of Criminal Law to fight domestic violence against women in Brazil. For this purpose, after clarifying the basic characteristics and origins of domestic violence, we analyze the political trajectory that led to the creation of Law n. 11.340/2006 (Maria da Penha Law). An analysis of the legal provisions of the Maria da Penha Law is then presented, with particular emphasis on the criminal repercussions for the aggressor. Subsequently, a chapter is devoted to investigating the Principle of Subsidiarity and discussing the applications of Criminal Law both as an instrument of power and as a means of public policy, spanning the symbolic aspects of Criminal Law as well as the functions of criminal sanctions in a Democratic State. Finally, the last chapter elaborates on the attractions and repulsions between criminal law and the initiatives to fight gender-based violence in Brazil.

Gouvernance des bassins versants transfrontaliers ouest-africains : appropriation et développement partagé des eaux du Niger dans les portions Bénin-Niger-Nigéria / Governance of western african transboundary basins : ownership and shared development of Niger's waters in the Benin-Niger-Nigeria portions

Toure, Bayanatou 27 November 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse vise la continuité des questions d’échelle à travers la gouvernance de l’eau qui ne peut s’établir à un seul niveau mais doit au contraire envisager tous les niveaux à la fois. Cela constitue une difficulté méthodologique majeure que la gestion internationale ne parvient encore à résoudre. La subsidiarité en était un moyen avec l’inconvénient de séparer brutalement les niveaux d’échelle. Mais le bassin versant considéré comme un espace de projet délimité, dont la gestion ne vise pas seulement son administration mais la coordination de politiques, induit une gestion au-delà des découpages administratifs, avec un processus décisionnel continu et négocié entre acteurs aux pouvoirs de différents niveaux, aux intérêts et aux logiques divers, souvent contradictoires. S’il est partagé par nature, en faire un bien commun impose de franchir l’obstacle de « l’égoïsme » qui peut être attaché à la souveraineté de chaque État sur son territoire. La réalisation d’ouvrages majeurs se détache du principe de « chacun chez soi ». C’est justement ce principe souverainiste qui engendre des hydro-conflits transfrontaliers. Ainsi, s’interroger sur la signification concrète du concept de gouvernance par l’exemple des eaux partagées du fleuve Niger dans ses portions Bénin, Niger et Nigéria, c’est poser le principal problème qui permet de hiérarchiser les différentes pièces du calcul. À travers une démarche inclusive, il sera question d’établir un diagnostic de gouvernance du bassin versant du Niger, d’identifier les impacts d’une telle approche sur le développement des ressources en eau et d'appréhender les pratiques sociales des usagers de l'eau notamment ceux impliqués dans le développement de l’agriculture irriguée et ceux qui subissent les impacts environnementaux qu’engendrent les infrastructures hydrauliques d’envergure à l’instar de Kainji et de Jebba. / This thesis is the continuity of scale through the water governance that cannot be established at one level but must instead consider all levels at once. This was a major methodological difficulty that international management is still able to solve. Subsidiarity was a way with the disadvantage to brutally separate scale levels. But the watershed is considered as a project space delimited, whose management is not only the administration but the coordination of policies, induced a management beyond administrative cuts, with an ongoing decision-making process and negotiated between actors in the powers of different levels, interests and various, often contradictory logic. It is shared by nature, make a common good requires the hurdle of "selfishness" that can be attached to the sovereignty of each State over its territory. The realization of major works stands the principle of "everyone home." It is precisely this sovereigntist principle that generates cross-border hydro-conflits. So, wonder about the real meaning of the concept of governance by the example of the shared waters of the Niger River in Benin, Niger and Nigeria portions, this is the main problem that allows to prioritize the different parts of the calculation. Through an inclusive approach, it will issue a diagnosis of governance of the catchment area of Niger, to identify the impacts of such an approach on the development of water resources and to understand the social practices of users of water including those involved in the development of irrigated agriculture and those undergoing environmental impact generate the large-scale like Kainji and Jebba hydraulic infrastructure.

Les dispositifs de discussion sur le travail : conception pour l’usage, conception dans l’usage / Design-for-use and design-in-use of Work Discussion Spaces

Domette, Lauriane 28 May 2019 (has links)
Cette recherche porte sur les dispositifs de discussion sur le travail. Dans un contexte de développement de ces dispositifs au sein des entreprises et dans la littérature, l’objectif de cette thèse est d’approfondir la réflexion quant à leurs conditions d’utilisation et de pérennité, quant aux méthodologies d’intervention pour les concevoir et quant à leurs implications en termes de management, de participation et de prise de décision.La thèse s’inscrit dans le courant de l’ergonomie constructive qu’elle fait dialoguer avec les sciences de gestion. L’ergonomie constructive vise le développement d’organisations « capacitantes », c’est-à-dire d’organisations capables de se développer par un débat sur le travail, afin de créer les conditions du développement des individus et des collectifs. En sciences de gestion, la proposition d’un modèle d’entreprise « délibérée » prône l’ouverture d’espaces de discussion sur le travail à tous les niveaux hiérarchiques, afin d’organiser la subsidiarité (i.e. la prise de décision au plus bas niveau hiérarchique pertinent). La thèse défend alors l’idée qu’intervenir pour développer une discussion sur le travail pérenne dans les organisations nécessite d’appréhender les dispositifs de discussion dans une logique de l’activité, selon une dynamique remontante, tout en favorisant le soutien institutionnel de la discussion, dans une dynamique plus descendante.Pour ce faire, quatre situations d’usage d’espaces de discussion sur le travail ont été étudiées, dans deux organismes de protection sociale, dans une institution bancaire et à La Poste. Les dispositifs de discussion qui y ont été mis en place ont été considérés comme des artefacts, conçus pour l’usage par des concepteurs et pouvant être adaptés dans l’usage par ses utilisateurs. Leur évolution a alors été retracée à deux échelles temporelles : d’une entreprise à l’autre et au sein de deux entreprises, afin d’identifier les différentes formes qui leur ont été données et qu’ils ont prises dans l’usage.Les résultats mettent en lumière des appropriations variées selon les contextes, soulignant la nécessaire adaptabilité des modalités de la discussion aux spécificités locales. Les dispositifs de discussion étudiés ont favorisé la régulation de situations de travail et ont interpelé des cultures managériales traditionnellement descendantes, initiant une évolution vers un management plus participatif et subsidiaire. Pour favoriser leur pérennité, il apparaît nécessaire à la fois d’aménager « l’espace de la discussion », notamment en organisant la subsidiarité, et de partir de l’activité des acteurs concernés, dans une approche coconstruite et volontariste. / This research deals with “Work Discussion Spaces”. Work Discussion Spaces (WDSs) are currently developed, both in practice and in theory. This thesis further reflects upon the design of these spaces, the methodology of their implementation, their conditions of use and their sustainability over time. It also examines their implications for management, participation and decision-making.The thesis builds upon the constructive ergonomics approach, aiming to open it to the management approach. The aspiration of constructive ergonomics is to develop “enabling organizations”, that is to say organizations which are able to develop themselves by creating a space for work discussions, thus permitting the growth of both the individual and the collectives. Management science develops the idea of a governance model “open to discussion” at every level of the hierarchy, thus permitting subsidiarity (i.e. decision-making at the lowest relevant level of the hierarchy). This thesis then defends the idea that enabling a sustainable debate in the workplace requires to apprehend Work Discussion Spaces in the light of activity issues, following bottom-up dynamics, while promoting institutional support for the discussion, with a more top-down logic.To that end, four situations of use of Work Discussion Spaces were studied in two social protection organizations, in a bank institute and at “La Poste”. The Work Discussion Spaces that were implemented were considered as “artifacts”, designed for use by designers and adapted in use by its users. In order to identify the various forms given to and taken by them, their evolution was studied following two different temporal scales: from one company to the other, and within two companies.Results show that, according to situations, Work Discussion Spaces were accommodated in different ways, emphasizing the importance of adapting modalities of discussion to local specificities. WDSs enabled regulation of work situations and have challenged some traditionally top-down managerial cultures, initiating an evolution towards a more participatory and subsidiary management style. In order to guarantee their sustainability, the Work Discussion Spaces need both to organize the “discussion space”, in particular by organizing subsidiarity, and to rely on an intervention that takes into account the specificity of each activity, following a participatory and voluntarist design approach.

Os princípios da doutrina social da Igreja e a Associação dos Trabalhadores Sem Terra de São Paulo (2000-2013) / The principles of the Church s social doctrine and the Landless Workers Association of São Paulo (2000-2013)

Marcoccia, Rafael Mahfoud 06 June 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T20:20:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Rafael Mahfoud Marcoccia.pdf: 1645968 bytes, checksum: 55775cd1c304f756c6330e5c8f788acf (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-06-06 / The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the underlying principles of the Church s Social Doctrine and how they manifest themselves in concrete form in this day and age, through the example of a Brazilian creation: the Landless Workers Association of São Paulo. Very little of the catholic social discourse has been studied at the academic level, but the deep influence of the Catholic Church on western culture and its institutions is undeniable. The basis of this research is the hypothesis that the principles of catholic social teaching, when part of a social initiative, offer important input at a personal and community level, with regards to the development of the individuals they impact. This thesis also includes wide-ranging bibliographical research in order to attempt to describe and understand the philosophical and social bases of these principles. A case study is presented involving the Landless Workers Association of São Paulo, a popular housing movement that operates in the northwestern region of the city of São Paulo, which has aided 20,000 families who did not own their own homes and who previously lived in precarious conditions. This research takes a qualitative approach, with on-the-ground analyses of the dynamics of this association undertaken during visits to the areas where it operates, as well as analysis of the responses to semi-structured interviews with the founders and members of the movement about their own life stories and those of the movement itself. Questionnaires were also applied to other members in order to corroborate the elements that emerged from the interviews. It can be observed that the principle of the dignity of the human person, solidarity and subsidiarity are present in the bases of this movement, reflected in the concern the founders have for their members, taking into account all the aspects that constitute individual people and, consequently, their families, from the freedom to build their own homes in the way they desire, to the strengthening of communitarian aspects and the establishment of partnerships with local authorities and with other groups in society. The initiatives taken by the association are solutions whose criteria are the fundamental desires that constitute the human person and the fundamental principles of the Church s Social Doctrine / O objetivo do trabalho é investigar as ligações existentes entre os princípios permanentes da Doutrina Social da Igreja e como eles podem se manifestar concretamente nos dias de hoje, pelo exemplo de uma obra brasileira: Associação dos Trabalhadores Sem Terra de São Paulo. Pouco se estuda, em nível acadêmico, o discurso social católico, mas é inegável a profunda influência que a Igreja Católica tem sobre a cultura ocidental e suas instituições. Partimos da hipótese de que os princípios do ensino social católico, quando presentes em uma ação social, oferecem respostas importantes em nível pessoal e comunitário para o desenvolvimento das pessoas atendidas. É feita uma ampla pesquisa bibliográfica em que se busca descrever e entender as bases filosóficas e sociais desses princípios. É feito um estudo de caso na Associação dos Trabalhadores Sem Terra de São Paulo, movimento de habitação popular que atua na região noroeste da cidade de São Paulo e atende 20 mil famílias que não tinham casa própria e viviam em condições subumanas. Essa pesquisa tem uma abordagem qualitativa, com análises do que pudemos observar de sua dinâmica e das visitas às áreas da associação, além da análise das respostas dos fundadores e associados do movimento a entrevistas semiestruturadas sobre suas histórias de vida e do movimento. Foram aplicados também questionários com outros associados para corroborar ou não elementos que apareciam nas entrevistas. Percebemos que os Princípios de Dignidade Humana, de Solidariedade e de Subsidiariedade estão presentes na origem de atuação desse movimento e na atenção dos fundadores com seus associados, levando em conta todos os aspectos que constituem a pessoa, e consequentemente, sua família, desde a liberdade de construir a casa do modo desejado, até o fortalecimento de aspectos comunitários e o estabelecimento de parcerias com o poder público e com outros grupos da sociedade. As ações tomadas pela associação são respostas dadas tendo como critério os desejos fundamentais que constituem a pessoa humana e os princípios fundamentais da Doutrina Social da Igreja

Os princípios da doutrina social da Igreja e a Associação dos Trabalhadores Sem Terra de São Paulo (2000-2013) / The principles of the Church s social doctrine and the Landless Workers Association of São Paulo (2000-2013)

Marcoccia, Rafael Mahfoud 06 June 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T14:54:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Rafael Mahfoud Marcoccia.pdf: 1645968 bytes, checksum: 55775cd1c304f756c6330e5c8f788acf (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-06-06 / The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the underlying principles of the Church s Social Doctrine and how they manifest themselves in concrete form in this day and age, through the example of a Brazilian creation: the Landless Workers Association of São Paulo. Very little of the catholic social discourse has been studied at the academic level, but the deep influence of the Catholic Church on western culture and its institutions is undeniable. The basis of this research is the hypothesis that the principles of catholic social teaching, when part of a social initiative, offer important input at a personal and community level, with regards to the development of the individuals they impact. This thesis also includes wide-ranging bibliographical research in order to attempt to describe and understand the philosophical and social bases of these principles. A case study is presented involving the Landless Workers Association of São Paulo, a popular housing movement that operates in the northwestern region of the city of São Paulo, which has aided 20,000 families who did not own their own homes and who previously lived in precarious conditions. This research takes a qualitative approach, with on-the-ground analyses of the dynamics of this association undertaken during visits to the areas where it operates, as well as analysis of the responses to semi-structured interviews with the founders and members of the movement about their own life stories and those of the movement itself. Questionnaires were also applied to other members in order to corroborate the elements that emerged from the interviews. It can be observed that the principle of the dignity of the human person, solidarity and subsidiarity are present in the bases of this movement, reflected in the concern the founders have for their members, taking into account all the aspects that constitute individual people and, consequently, their families, from the freedom to build their own homes in the way they desire, to the strengthening of communitarian aspects and the establishment of partnerships with local authorities and with other groups in society. The initiatives taken by the association are solutions whose criteria are the fundamental desires that constitute the human person and the fundamental principles of the Church s Social Doctrine / O objetivo do trabalho é investigar as ligações existentes entre os princípios permanentes da Doutrina Social da Igreja e como eles podem se manifestar concretamente nos dias de hoje, pelo exemplo de uma obra brasileira: Associação dos Trabalhadores Sem Terra de São Paulo. Pouco se estuda, em nível acadêmico, o discurso social católico, mas é inegável a profunda influência que a Igreja Católica tem sobre a cultura ocidental e suas instituições. Partimos da hipótese de que os princípios do ensino social católico, quando presentes em uma ação social, oferecem respostas importantes em nível pessoal e comunitário para o desenvolvimento das pessoas atendidas. É feita uma ampla pesquisa bibliográfica em que se busca descrever e entender as bases filosóficas e sociais desses princípios. É feito um estudo de caso na Associação dos Trabalhadores Sem Terra de São Paulo, movimento de habitação popular que atua na região noroeste da cidade de São Paulo e atende 20 mil famílias que não tinham casa própria e viviam em condições subumanas. Essa pesquisa tem uma abordagem qualitativa, com análises do que pudemos observar de sua dinâmica e das visitas às áreas da associação, além da análise das respostas dos fundadores e associados do movimento a entrevistas semiestruturadas sobre suas histórias de vida e do movimento. Foram aplicados também questionários com outros associados para corroborar ou não elementos que apareciam nas entrevistas. Percebemos que os Princípios de Dignidade Humana, de Solidariedade e de Subsidiariedade estão presentes na origem de atuação desse movimento e na atenção dos fundadores com seus associados, levando em conta todos os aspectos que constituem a pessoa, e consequentemente, sua família, desde a liberdade de construir a casa do modo desejado, até o fortalecimento de aspectos comunitários e o estabelecimento de parcerias com o poder público e com outros grupos da sociedade. As ações tomadas pela associação são respostas dadas tendo como critério os desejos fundamentais que constituem a pessoa humana e os princípios fundamentais da Doutrina Social da Igreja

Právo na psychoterapii mimo zdravotnický systém: Pokus o etickou reflexi / The Right To Psychotherapy Outside A Medical System: An Ethical Reflexion Attempt

BLÁHOVÁ, Zuzana January 2019 (has links)
The thesis deals with ethical reflection of the right to psychotherapy as a potential natural right, with regard to dispute about psychotherapy outside the health system and its ethical solution. The first part of the thesis clarify the origin and core of the dispute, its parties and their arguments, their conflicting and congruent interests and the impact of the dispute on the situation of the takers of psychotherapy. The second part is devoted to psychotherapy, first of all to the development of psychotherapy in context with political-cultural and historical conditionality, then it reflects the changes in the needs of the recipients of psychotherapy with respect to the transformation of society and finally it defines psychotherapy taking into account domestic and European trends. The third part of the thesis investigate the right to psychotherapy as a potential natural right and consequently also the importance of human rights for resolving the dispute about psychotherapy. First it pays attention to the natural law, to the natural rights and obligations and to the relationship of the natural and positive law; second it reflects the current possibilities of realizing the right to psychotherapy in the Czech Republic with regard to the conclusions of the previous research. The fourth part deals with the realization of the right to psychotherapy due to the principle of subsidiarity and its different concepts. The fifth part contains the discussion and reflection of the current development of the dispute and finally the conclusion of the thesis brings a summary and evaluation of the obtained conclusions.

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