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Evaluation of carbon stock under major land use/land cover types for developing alternative land use scenarios for reducing greenhouse gas emissionsTessema Toru Demissie 06 1900 (has links)
In the dominantly small-scale subsistence agricultural system of Ethiopia, where most of the organic inputs are not returned to soil and land is not used based on its best suitability, the contribution of agriculture to climate change mitigation/adaptation through reduction of greenhouse gases emission is undermined. When this low-input agricultural practice is coupled with rugged topography, high population pressure, generally low soil fertility, and looming climate change, ensuring food and nutrition security of society as well as sustainable use of land resources is practically impossible. Under such circumstances, finding alternative land uses, through scientific investigation, that meet the triple mandates of climate-smart agriculture under current and future climate is imperative. In view of this, a study was conducted in Hades Sub-watershed, eastern Ethiopia, to evaluate the carbon stock of major land uses, evaluate suitability of land for rainfed production of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.), Maize (Zea mays L.), coffee (Coffea arabica), upland rice (Oryza sativa L.) and finger millet (Eleusine coracana L.), and project biomass production of late-maturing sorghum and maize varieties under changing climate and its contribution to carbon sequestration and reduction of greenhouse gases (GHGs) emission. Soil and vegetation samples were collected following recommended procedures. Secondary data on required crop parameters were collected for model calibration and validation in the biomass projection study made using the AquaCrop v6.0 model. Climate data of the study area was obtained from the National Meteorology Agency of Ethiopia and analyzed following standard procedures. Near-century (NC) (2017-2039) and Mid-century (MC) (2040-2069) climate was projected under two emission scenarios (RCP4.5 and RCP8.5) using four models (CNRM-CERFACS-CNRM-CM5, ICHEC-EC-Earth, MOHC-HadGEM2-ES, and MPI-M-MPI-ESM-LR) and a Multi-model Ensemble. Biomass production projection, for the climate projected under the two emission scenarios using the four models and the ensemble, was made for late-maturing sorghum (Muyira-1) and maize (BH661) varieties. From the projected biomass, organic carbon and its equivalent CO2 were estimated. Furthermore, adaptation measures, involving adjusting planting dates and irrigation, under the changing climate were evaluated for their influence on biomass production under the time slices, RCPs, and models mentioned above. The carbon stock assessment study was conducted on four major land uses (cultivated, grazing, coffee agroforestry, and forest lands) identified in the study area. The land suitability assessment, using the maximum limitation method, study was conducted on four soil mapping units identified in the sub-watershed. Results indicate that total organic carbon stock (soil, litter plus live vegetation) in the sub-watershed ranged from 138.95 ton ha-1 in the crop land to 496.26 ton ha-1 in the natural forest. The soil organic carbon stock was found to be relatively higher than that of the vegetation carbon stock in the natural forest and coffee agroforestry land uses. The results of suitability evaluation revealed that the maximum current and potential (after corrective xix
measures are taken) land suitability class for production of late-maturing sorghum (180-240 days cycle), maize (180-210 days crop cycle), finger millet (120 – 150 days cycle) and coffee in the sub-watershed is marginally suitable (S3c). The maximum current and potential land suitability for upland rice (120 days) is not suitable (N2c). The major permanent limiting factor is low mean temperature (14.6 C) of the growing period in the study area as compared to the optimum temperature required for optimum growth of the selected crops. The major soil and landscape limitations include steep slope, poor drainage of low-lying areas, shallow effective root zone in the upper slopes, low organic matter and available P for sorghum and maize, high pH for maize and wetness for coffee. In all the climate models and emission scenarios, minimum and maximum temperature increment is high during June-July-August-September (JJAS) compared with the other seasons. The modest rise in minimum temperature and the slight increment of maximum temperature during the crop growing seasons (February-March-April-May (FMAM) and JJAS will benefit late-maturing sorghum and maize production in the study area. For the same model, the projected biomass yield and organic carbon sequestration of the two crop varieties varied with time slice and the type of emission scenario used. Generally, increasing biomass production and carbon sequestration were projected for Mid-century (MC) than Near-century (NC) for most of the models used. Late planting would increase sorghum biomass yield and the corresponding organic carbon as compared to early planting as projected by most of the models under both RCPs. Most models predicted an increase in maize biomass yield and organic carbon sequestration if supplementary irrigation is used. The results of this study indicate that the current land uses are not enhancing carbon sequestration because of their exploitative nature and the soil/landscape and climate are not optimum for production of the crops studied. The rise in temperature in the coming 50 years is expected to create a more favorable condition for production of late-maturing sorghum and maize varieties. In order to enhance carbon sequestration, soil productivity and crop yield, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the current land uses and their management require re-visiting. / College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences / Ph. D. (Environmental Sciences)
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Preserving land within Riley County and Manhattan, Kansas: conservationist and developer approaches to land planningFarley, Joshua C. January 1900 (has links)
Master of Landscape Architecture / Department of Landscape Architecture/Regional and Community Planning / Laurence A. Clement, Jr. / Increasing population in Manhattan, Kansas and rising enrollment at Kansas State University have increased the interest in establishing new residences and commercial businesses within the city limits.
Locations for development include the revitalization of Manhattan’s south end and sites adjacent to Seth Child Road, US Highway 24, and K-177. Recent development patterns in Manhattan, such as residential development near Wildcat Creek, have resulted in severe environmental impacts. While most development enhances existing land use patterns, undeveloped natural areas along K-177 present several environmental opportunities and restraints that must be assessed and well-planned for to accommodate projected growth in a sustainable way. Topography, existing vegetation, drainage networks, wildlife habitats, and proximity to the Kansas River contribute to limitations in development along and extending from K-177. This proximity and resulting development could reduce existing wildlife habitat, plant species, and the overall health of Manhattan’s and the surrounding area’s air, soil and water quality. Developmental strategies are needed to ensure the conservation of sensitive ecosystems and to direct development to the most suitable areas. After conducting an inventory of the land’s natural resources and land use patterns, two suitability models were created to express areas most suitable for development based on two sets of values;
conservation-minded and developer-minded. As sites for development were located and assessed, a trail suitability model was then created to express potential connections between new and old development and to show links to other significant destinations. This trail system also establishes greenway selection criteria, aiming to further protect remaining natural areas while providing a public amenity. Fulfillment of the goals and objectives of the Gateway to Manhattan Plan (GMP), establishes development suitability through a conservationist approach to ensure significant preservation of land. Such an approach and related conservation strategies are then
discussed to act as a platform for decision making as lands along K-177 are developed. The trail suitability study and proposed greenway network provide solutions for meeting the GMP’s goals of establishing multi-modal connectivity along and across K-177 while
conserving environmental resources. In addition to controlling development patterns, these greenways will act as conduits for wildlife, help maintain or enhance air, soil and water quality, protect endangered flora and fauna, and provide recreational amenities while
minimizing overall negative environmental impacts.
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Lämpliga skogsbruksfastigheter : Om långa avstånd mellan skogsskiften efter fastighetsregleringHellrup, Gustav January 2014 (has links)
På Lantmäteriet har frågan funnits om hur enhetlig lämplighetsprövningen av fastigheter är gällande avstånd mellan skogsskiften. Denna fråga blev än mer aktuell efter att stämpelskatten på fastighetsköp för juridiska personer höjdes 2011. En enhetlig rättstillämpning blev då än viktigare ur ett rättviseperspektiv. Syftet med denna undersökning var därför att utreda rättsläget och tillämpningen angående om det efter fastighetsreglering ska få uppstå långa avstånd mellan skogsskiften inom samma fastighet och utifrån vilka kriterier denna bedömning ska göras. Undersökningen skulle också utreda om förrättningslantmätarna bedömer att s.k. skatteförrättningar där denna fråga är aktuell blivit vanligare. Huvudsakligen har tre metoder använts för att genomföra undersökningen: Rättsläget har undersökts genom den rättsdogmatiska metoden. För att få svar på hur lämplighetsvillkoren tillämpas i denna fråga och om förrättningslantmätare bedömer att skatteförrättningar blivit vanligare har en enkätundersökning genomförts. För att få en djupare förståelse för hur skogsbruket påverkas av långa avstånd hölls en intervju med en representant för Skogsstyrelsen. Om rättsläget kunde konstateras att det både finns goda argument för, och goda argument emot, att tillåta långa avstånd mellan skogsskiften. Det starkaste för är att längre avstånd normalt inte inverkar menligt på skogsbruket. Det starkaste mot är att de ombildade fastigheterna ofta inte blir lämpliga försäljningsobjekt. Slutsatsen drogs att rättsläget är oklart. Angående rättstillämpningen kunde konstateras att denna varierar avsevärt, både vad gäller tillåtna avstånd och vilka kriterier bedömningen görs utifrån. Bedömningen är inte enhetlig och riskerar att bli alltför subjektiv. Angående skatteförrättningar bedömde tillräckligt många förrättningslantmätare att dessa ökar för att en ökning ska vara trolig. Slutligen konstaterades att tydligare riktlinjer behövs, men att vägledande rättsfall krävs för att kunna ge sådana. / At the National Land Survey of Sweden the question has emerged how uniform the judgment on suitability of real property units are regarding distance between forest lots. This question became even timelier after the Swedish stamp duty was increased on property purchase in 2011. In a fairness perspective a uniform legal application then became even more important. Therefore the aim of this research has been to investigate the legal matter and application, regarding the issue of whether long distances between forest lots within the same property are to be authorized after reallotment or not, and from which criteria this judgment should be done. The research should also investigate if cadastral surveyors assess if cadastral procedures due to stamp duty have increased in number. Mainly three methods has been used: The legal matter has been investigated according to the legal dogmatic method; to see how the stipulations regarding suitability judgment are applied in this matter and if cadastral surveyors assess they have increased in number, a survey with inquiries has been used; to get a deeper understanding in how long distances affect the forestry, an interview was held with a representative of the Swedish forest authority. Regarding the legal matter the conclusion could be drawn that there are good arguments both for and against authorizing long distances between forest lots. The strongest argument for, is that long distances normally not have an injurious effect on forestry. The strongest argument against, is that the re-formed properties often don´t become suitable objects for the real estate market. The conclusion was drawn that the legal matter is unclear. The conclusion was also drawn that the application of the legal matter is very varying, both regarding allowed distances and the criteria used in judgment. The judging is not uniform and risks being all too subjective. Regarding cadastral procedures due to stamp duty, sufficiently many cadastral surveyors assessed an increased amount for this to be probable. Finally the conclusion was drawn that plainer guidelines are needed, but a precedent is necessary for such a thing.
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Habitat Suitability Modeling for the Eastern Hog-nosed Snake, 'Heterodon platirhinos', in OntarioThomasson, Victor 26 September 2012 (has links)
With exploding human populations and landscapes that are changing, an increasing number of wildlife species are brought to the brink of extinction. In Canada, the eastern hog-nosed snake, 'Heterodon platirhinos', is found in a limited portion of southern Ontario. Designated as threatened by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC), this reptile has been losing its habitat at an alarming rate. Due to the increase in development of southern Ontario, it is crucial to document what limits the snake’s habitat to direct conservation efforts better, for the long-term survival of this species. The goals of this study are: 1) to examine what environmental parameters are linked to the presence of the species at a landscape scale; 2) to predict where the snakes can be found in Ontario through GIS-based habitat suitability models (HSMs); and 3) to assess the role of biotic interactions in HSMs. Three models with high predictive power were employed: Maxent, Boosted Regression Trees (BRTs), and the Genetic Algorithm for Rule-set Production (GARP). Habitat suitability maps were constructed for the eastern hog-nosed snake for its entire Canadian distribution and models were validated with both threshold dependent and independent metrics. Maxent and BRT performed better than GARP and all models predict fewer areas of high suitability when landscape variables are used with current occurrences. Forest density and maximum temperature during the active season were the two variables that contributed the most to models predicting the current distribution of the species. Biotic variables increased the performance of models not by representing a limiting resource, but by representing the inequality of sampling and areas where forest remains. Although habitat suitability models rely on many assumptions, they remain useful in the fields of conservation and landscape management. In addition to help identify critical habitat, HSMs may be used as a tool to better manage land to allow for the survival of species at risk.
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Habitat Suitability Criteria for Fishes of the South Fork of the Shenandoah River and an Investigation into Observer Effects Associated with Two Techniques of Direct Underwater ObservationRamey, Robert Clayton 29 April 2009 (has links)
This study constructed habitat suitability criteria for fishes of the South Fork of the Shenandoah River, in Virginia. The criteria will be used in an IFIM study to produce estimates of the discharge required by fishes in the South Fork. Chi-square tests were used to evaluate whether criteria described habitat use to a statistically significant degree. Secondly, chi-square tests were used to test transferability. The criteria described the habitat use of seven taxa commonly found in the South Fork to a statistically significant degree. Habitat criteria for two taxa did not describe their habitat use to a statistically significant degree. One set of criteria from the North Fork of the Shenandoah transferred to the fish observed in the South Fork. Secondly, this paper examined observer effects of underwater observation. It was of interest to explore how observer effects influenced habitat suitability criteria.
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Lämplighetsbedömning vid 3D-fastighetsbildning : Hur bedömningen av lämpliga förvaltningsobjekt görs med hänsyn till storlek och andra påverkande faktorerBorén, Cecilia January 2017 (has links)
Idag kan ses att allt mindre 3D-fastigheter bildas. För att bilda 3Dfastigheter ska en lämplighetsbedömning göras av lantmäterimyndigheten, där bland annat de allmänna lämplighetsvillkoren i kapitel 3 fastighetsbildningslagen ska beaktas. Fastighetsbildningslagens förarbeten och lagkommentar talar om att 3D-fastigheten som bildas ska bli ett lämpligt förvaltningsobjekt och samtidigt vara av påtaglig storlek. Det har visat sig att lantmäterimyndigheterna i vissa ärenden kan ha svårt att bedöma vad som är lämpligt utifrån storleksperspektivet och vad som kan anses vara påtaglig storlek. Studien tar sikte på hur lämpliga förvaltningsobjekt bedöms vid 3D-fastighetsbildning utifrån storleken och hur bedömningen kan påverkas av andra faktorer. För att uppnå målen med studien har enkätundersökning, intervjuer och en studie av förrättningsakter gjorts. Studien av förrättningsakter visar att det är svårt att utläsa något skäl till varför en 3D-fastighet ansetts lämplig. Enkätundersökningen och intervjuerna visar att bedömningen görs främst utifrån 3D-fastighetens ändamål och dess självständighet. Självständigheten innebär att fastigheten ska kunna fungera utan alltför många rättigheter, vara ekonomiskt stabil och fungera förvaltningsmässigt. Däremot har storleken en mycket liten betydelse för lämplighetsbedömningen. Slutsatsen är att lämpligheten för varje förvaltningsobjekt – 3D-fastighet – görs i enlighet med de allmänna lämplighetsvillkor som finns i kapitel 3 fastighetsbildningslagen och att storleken i sig inte har en överhängande betydelse vid bedömningen. Däremot kan bedömning påverkas av andra faktorer som beaktas individuellt i varje ärende. / Nowadays it can be seen that smaller and smaller 3D-property units are formed. To form 3D-property units the property formation procedure must have undergone an assessment of suitability where the general suitability conditions in the third chapter of the Property Formation Act should be taken into account. The legislative history and the commentary of the Property Formation Act speak of that the 3D-property units formed should be suitable management objects and be of palpable size. The size perspective on the 3D-property units has, in some cases, been proven challenging to assess for the cadastral authority. This study examines how the assessment of suitable management objects is performed and how the assessment can be affected by other factors. To achieve this, a survey, interviews and a study of property information procedure dossiers have been done. The study of dossiers shows that it is difficult to see reasons to why the 3D-property unit has been considered suitable. The survey and interviews show that the assessment is done with the 3D-property unit’s purpose and independence in mind. The independence is dependent on that the 3D-property unit can operate without too many rights, be economically stable and function alone from a management perspective. The size is only of small significance when it comes to the assessment. Conclusion is that the suitability for each management object, the 3D-property units, is done according to the general suitability conditions of the third chapter of the Property Formation Act, where the size doesn’t have an impending significance. However, other factors can affect the assessment; factors that are taken into account individually in each 3D-case.
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Výuka algoritmizace a programování se zaměřením na programovací jazyk Python / Algorithms and Programming Education with a focus on the programming language PythonKotek, Lukáš January 2013 (has links)
The thesis researches the ability of use of Python programming language in the field of high school education and uses qualitative and quantitative methods of research and finds Python suitable. The thesis also brings theoretical analysis of the Python language, including practical exams in the form of sample programs. It researchs even other programming languages used in education and their suitability for this purpose and compares them with Python programming language. It also finds two most common used programming languages at high schools, which are Pascal / Object Pascal and Java.
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Habitat suitability modeling for the Mississippi Sandhill Crane, Grus canadensis pullaSalande, Linda C 10 August 2016 (has links)
In this study, I modeled the suitability of habitat on the Mississippi Sandhill Crane National Wildlife Refuge for the federally endangered Mississippi Sandhill Crane (Grus Canadensis pulla). Habitat type and suitability changed over time due to seasonality of vegetation and succession in the absence of burning. Cranes used highly suitable habitat more in the non-growing than in the growing season, and may have been more constrained by resource availability during winter months. Cranes used some less-suitable areas including cypress drains, which provide roosting sites, and supplemental food plots. The mismatch between predicted quality and crane use suggests that no single habitat provides all resources required for the population to persist. Prescribed burning to maintain grassland habitat is essential for maintaining high quality habitat for cranes. The relative availability of food on supplemental food plots and grasslands, as well as the behavior of cranes toward roads, require additional investigation.
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Biodiversidade e planejamento de uso e ocupação do solo: estudo de caso Brotas/SP / Biodiversity and landuse planning: case study Brotas, São Paulo State, BrazilAngelieri, Cíntia Camila Silva 17 February 2011 (has links)
A conservação da biodiversidade tornou-se uma preocupação mundial devido ao aumento da taxa de extinção de espécies. Mesmo assim a importância da biodiversidade freqüentemente é subestimada, não sendo considerado seu papel chave na evolução e adaptação à mudança de ambientes e no fornecimento de bens e serviços para a humanidade. O Brasil tem importância central na conservação da biodiversidade mundial (é o primeiro em Megadiversidade e em Áreas Selvagens e possui dois Hotspots), sendo indispensável implementar instrumentos que contemplem a inclusão da biodiversidade no planejamento de uso e ocupação do solo. Visto que ainda não foi claramente definido como integrar efetivamente a biodiversidade nesse processo, este estudo investigou instrumentos indicados para esse fim, especialmente o Zoneamento Ambiental (ZA) e a Avaliação Ambiental Estratégica (AAE). O estudo de caso foi realizado no município de Brotas-SP. Primeiramente foram sobrepostos critérios e áreas prioritárias para a biodiversidade em escala nacional, estadual e municipal para a elaboração do mapa das áreas prioritárias para conservação e recuperação da biodiversidade local utilizando o programa IDRISI Andes Edition. Os resultados mostram que princípios e objetivos abordados em diversas escalas e em outros instrumentos de planejamento podem ser integrados ao processo de AAE. Também foram gerados modelos de distribuição de grandes mamíferos Chrysocyon brachyurus (loboguará), Leopardus pardalis (jaguatirica) e Puma concolor (onça-parda) para a região central do Estado de São Paulo (Brotas e municípios do seu entorno). Para isso, foram utilizados dados biológicos do banco de dados do Programa Biota-FAPESP aos quais foi aplicado o modelo MAXENT. As técnicas de Sistemas de Informação Geográfica aplicadas neste estudo permitiram integrar princípios e objetivos relacionados à biodiversidade já abordados em outros instrumentos e estabelecidos em níveis nacionais, estaduais e municipais ao planejamento espacial. A modelagem permitiu a determinação da adequabilidade ambiental das áreas testadas e a inclusão dessas áreas como critérios a serem considerados ao planejamento de uso e ocupação do solo. Os resultados da modelagem mostraram que o território de Brotas abrange áreas altamente adequadas para as três espécies estudadas. Os mapas gerados foram reclassificados para a elaboração dos mapas das áreas prioritárias para conservação de grandes mamíferos na região central do Estado de São Paulo. Tanto o mapa de áreas prioritárias para a conservação da biodiversidade local quanto o mapa de áreas prioritárias para grandes mamíferos elaborados nesse estudo podem ser incluídos no planejamento de uso e ocupação do solo, tanto em ZAs como em AAEs. As técnicas utilizadas nesse estudo podem embasar a escolha de alternativas de uso e ocupação do solo, direcionando a alocação de Reservas Legais - RLs -, subsidiando a elaboração de ações de recuperação da biodiversidade e direcionando estratégias de manejo. / Biodiversity conservation has become a worldwide concern due to the increased rate of species extinction. Nevertheless, the importance of biodiversity is often underestimated and its key role in the evolution, adaptation to changing environments and the supply of goods and services to humanity is not considered. Brazil has a central importance in global biodiversity conservation (its the first in Megadiversity and Wilderness Areas, and it has two hotspots). Therefore, the implementation of tools that address the inclusion of biodiversity in land-use planning is essential. Seeing that how to integrate biodiversity in this process has not been clearly defined, this study investigated tools for integrate the biodiversity in land-use planning, specially the zoning and the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA). The case study has been the municipality of Brotas, state of São Paulo, Brazil. Firstly, criteria and priority areas for biodiversity at the national, state and municipal level have been overlapping using the software IDRISI Andes Edition to prepare the map of priority areas for conservation and recovery of local biodiversity. The results indicate that the principles and objectives discussed at various scales and in other planning tools can be integrated by the use of Geographic Information System (GIS). In addition, models of distribution of great mammals - Chrysocyon brachyurus (maned wolf), Leopardus pardalis (Ocelot) and Puma concolor (puma) have been generated for the central region of São Paulo (Brotas and its surrounding cities). For this, biological data from the database of the Biota-FAPESP have been used and the software MAXENT has been applied. Modeling results show that the study area is highly suitable for the three species. The maps of models have been reclassified to prepare maps of priority areas for conservation in the central region of São Paulo. The both final maps developed in this study (map of priority areas for conservation of local biodiversity and maps of priority areas for large mammals) may be included in zoning and SEA process. The techniques applied in this study permit to integrate the principles and objectives relating to biodiversity in land-use planning, supporting the choice of alternatives for use and occupation, basing the allocation of legal reserves, subsidizing the development of management actions and guide decision makers to choose the best alternatives for development.
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O uso e aptidão das terras agrícolas no Brasil; uma análise comparativa de 1940 a 2006 / Agricultural Land use and suitability in Brazil; a comparative analysis between 1940-2006Tiago Brochado Pires 08 August 2014 (has links)
A dinâmica da ocupação agrícola foi extensivamente modificando a cobertura da terra, o que possibilitou avanços socioeconômicos, mas também permitiu a fragilização estrutural dos ecossistemas naturais. No Brasil esta dinâmica se intensifica a partir dos anos 40, período este em que as tecnologias industriais foram incorporadas pela atividade agropecuária. Com as técnicas do Sistema de Informação Geográfica (SIG) e os princípios de modelagem da aptidão do uso das terras, foi possível recriar o uso histórico das terras agrícolas e analisar que ele tem evoluído em direção às regiões consideradas mais aptas para esta atividade. No entanto, este processo foi desigual entre as coberturas de lavouras e pastagens e entre as regiões brasileiras. Estas distorções são consequências do baixo uso tecnológico nas pastagens e de políticas de ocupação mal planejadas, não antevendo os impactos da ocupação em áreas inadequadas. Com estas conclusões será possível repensar o planejamento do uso da terra, incorporando a modelagem da aptidão e garantindo a sustentabilidade na agricultura. / The dynamics of agricultural occupation was extensively modifying the land cover which allowed socioeconomic advances, but also allowed the structural fragility of natural ecosystems. In Brazil this dynamic was evident from the \'40s, a period where industrial technologies were incorporated by farming. With the techniques of Geographic Information System (GIS) and modeling principles of land suitability, it was possible to recreate this dynamic since 1940 and analyze what it has evolved towards the areas considered most suitable for this practice. However, this process has been uneven across the covers of crops and pastures and between regions. These distortions are consequences of low technology use in pastures and poorly planned policies of occupation, not anticipating the impact of the occupation in unsuitable areas. It is hoped that with these findings it is possible to rethink the planning of land use, incorporating fitness modeling and ensuring sustainability in agriculture.
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