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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An Examination of Sea Ice Spring and Summer Retreat in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago: 1989 to 2010

Tan, Wenxia 21 August 2013 (has links)
The sea ice extent change and variability of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago (CAA) are quite different compared to the Arctic as a whole due to its unique geographic settings. In this thesis, the sea ice retreat processes, the connection with other Arctic regions, and the linkages to the surface radiation flux in the CAA are examined. The sea ice retreat processes in the CAA follow a four-phase process: a slow ice melt phase that usually lasts until early June (phase 1); a quick melt phase with large daily sea ice extent change which lasts close to half-a-month (phase 2); a slow melt phase that looks like slow sea ice melt or even a small ice increase that lasts another half-a-month (phase 3); and a steady ice decrease phase (phase 4). With the help of Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data, it is identified that the quick melt in phase 2 is actually melt ponding, with melt ponds being falsely identified as open water by passive microwave. A simplified data assimilation method is then developed to improve the passive microwave sea ice concentration estimation by fusion with MODIS ice surface temperature data. The ice concentration from the analysis is found to improve the original passive microwave sea ice concentration estimation, with the largest improvements during sea ice melt. The sea ice retreat patterns in the CAA region are correlated with the sea ice retreat patterns in other regions of the Arctic. A decision tree classifier is designed to segment the sea ice retreat patterns in the CAA into several classes and classification maps are generated. These maps are effective in identifying the geographic locations that have large changes in the sea ice retreat patterns through the years. The daily progressions of the surface radiation components are described in detail. Due to the lack of multiple reflection, the percentage of shortwave radiation at the top of atmosphere that reaches the surface is influenced by the form of melt ponds over ice surface. The roles that each surface radiation component plays in forcing sea ice retreat are different in different years.

Hands-on Building Practice In Architectural Education: Metu Summer Construction Practices

Turgay, Ozce 01 December 2005 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis explores the position of hands-on building practices in architectural education by focusing on METU Summer Construction Practices (ARCH190), which has been conducted in the rural sites of Turkey since 1958. It is believed that the summer construction practice is a tool of education to acquire knowledge of architecture by building 1-to-1 scale constructions. METU Summer Construction Practices are examined by asking the questions of what is learned and how is learned in order to understand both the content and objectives and also the pedagogic strategies, learning methods of the summer construction practices. The main purpose of summer construction practices is learning how to build and ways of making architecture. The basic learning methods of METU summer construction practices are determined as learning by doing, learning with collaborative working, task-oriented and student-based active learning, integrating the tasks of designing-building, and learning from working with and for the context. This study emphasizes that learning by building 1-to-1 scale constructions are complementary of learning in design studios, and it should become an integral part of the whole learning process in the design education. Hands-on building practice is a productive process that supports the design education. Students are expected to derive and produce knowledge by building full-scale constructions in the real site. The thesis argues for the fact that hands-on building practice is to be more than the obtaining of knowledge and skill of making architecture only by instructions. Learning process is to be based on the simultaneous involvement of thinking-doing (taking action)-skill-production of knowledge rather than a linear process of knowledge-skill-taking action.

Late glacial to Holocene climate and vegetation changes on the Tibetan Plateau inferred from fossil pollen records in lacustrine sediments

Wang, Yongbo January 2011 (has links)
The past climate in central Asia, and especially on the Tibetan Plateau (TP), is of great importance for an understanding of global climate processes and for predicting the future climate. As a major influence on the climate in this region, the Asian Summer Monsoon (ASM) and its evolutionary history are of vital importance for accurate predictions. However, neither the evolutionary pattern of the summer monsoon nor the driving mechanisms behind it are yet clearly understood. For this research, I first synthesized previously published Late Glacial to Holocene climatic records from monsoonal central Asia in order to extract the general climate signals and the associated summer monsoon intensities. New climate and vegetation sequences were then established using improved quantitative methods, focusing on fossil pollen records recovered from Tibetan lakes and also incorporating new modern datasets. The pollen-vegetation and vegetation-climate relationships on the TP were also evaluated in order to achieve a better understanding of fossil pollen records. The synthesis of previously published moisture-related palaeoclimate records in monsoonal central Asia revealed generally different temporal patterns for the two monsoonal subsystems, i.e. the Indian Summer Monsoon (ISM) and East Asian Summer Monsoon (EASM). The ISM appears to have experienced maximum wet conditions during the early Holocene, while many records from the area affected by the EASM indicate relatively dry conditions at that time, particularly in north-central China where the maximum moisture levels occurred during the middle Holocene. A detailed consideration of possible driving factors affecting the summer monsoon, including summer solar insolation and sea surface temperatures, revealed that the ISM was primarily driven by variations in northern hemisphere solar insolation, and that the EASM may have been constrained by the ISM resulting in asynchronous patterns of evolution for these two subsystems. This hypothesis is further supported by modern monsoon indices estimated using the NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis data from the last 50 years, which indicate a significant negative correlation between the two summer monsoon subsystems. By analogy with the early Holocene, intensification of the ISM during coming decades could lead to increased aridification elsewhere as a result of the asynchronous nature of the monsoon subsystems, as can already be observed in the meteorological data from the last 15 years. A quantitative climate reconstruction using fossil pollen records was achieved through analysis of sediment core recovered from Lake Donggi Cona (in the north-eastern part of the TP) which has been dated back to the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). A new data-set of modern pollen collected from large lakes in arid to semi-arid regions of central Asia is also presented herein. The concept of "pollen source area" was introduced to modern climate calibration based on pollen from large lakes, and was applied to the fossil pollen sequence from Lake Donggi Cona. Extremely dry conditions were found to have dominated the LGM, and a subsequent gradually increasing trend in moisture during the Late Glacial period was terminated by an abrupt reversion to a dry phase that lasted for about 1000 years and coincided with the first Heinrich Event of the northern Atlantic region. Subsequent periods corresponding to the warm Bølling-Allerød period and the Younger Dryas cold event were followed by moist conditions during the early Holocene, with annual precipitation of up to about 400 mm. A slightly drier trend after 9 cal ka BP was then followed by a second wet phase during the middle Holocene that lasted until 4.5 cal ka BP. Relatively steady conditions with only slight fluctuations then dominated the late Holocene, resulting in the present climatic conditions. In order to investigate the relationship between vegetation and climate, temporal variations in the possible driving factors for vegetation change on the northern TP were examined using a high resolution late Holocene pollen record from Lake Kusai. Moving-window Redundancy Analyses (RDAs) were used to evaluate the correlations between pollen assemblages and individual sedimentary proxies. These analyses have revealed frequent fluctuations in the relative abundances of alpine steppe and alpine desert components, and in particular a decrease in the total vegetation cover at around 1500 cal a BP. The climate was found to have had an important influence on vegetation changes when conditions were relatively wet and stable. However, after the 1500 cal a BP threshold in vegetation cover was crossed the vegetation appears to have been affected more by extreme events such as dust storms or fluvial erosion than by the general climatic trends. In addition, pollen spectra over the last 600 years have been revealed by Procrustes analysis to be significantly different from those recovered from older samples, which is attributed to an increased human impact that resulted in unprecedented changes to the composition of the vegetation. Theoretical models that have been developed and widely applied to the European area (i.e. the Extended R-Value (ERV) model and the Regional Estimates of Vegetation Abundance from Large Sites (REVEALS) model) have been applied to the high alpine TP ecosystems in order to investigate the pollen-vegetation relationships, as well as for quantitative reconstructions of vegetation abundance. The modern pollen–vegetation relationships for four common pollen species on the TP have been investigated using Poaceae as the reference taxa. The ERV Submodel 2 yielded relatively high PPEs for the steppe and desert taxa (Artemisia Chenopodiaceae), and low PPEs for the Cyperaceae that are characteristic of the alpine Kobresia meadows. The plant abundances on the central and north-eastern TP were quantified by applying these PPEs to four post-Late Glacial fossil pollen sequences. The reconstructed vegetation assemblages for the four pollen sequences always yielded smaller compositional species turnovers than suggested by the pollen spectra, indicating that the strength of the previously-reported vegetation changes may therefore have been overestimated. In summary, the key findings of this thesis are that (a) the two ASM subsystems show asynchronous patterns during both the Holocene and modern time periods, (b) fossil pollen records from large lakes reflect regional signals for which the pollen source areas need to be taken into account, (c) climate is not always the main driver for vegetation change, and (d) previously reported vegetation changes on the TP may have been overestimated because they ignored inter-species variations in pollen productivity. / Das Paläoklima in Zentralasien, besonders in der Hochebene von Tibet (HT), ist von großer Bedeutung um globale Klimaprozesse zu verstehen und mögliche Voraussagung für die zukunft zu treffen. Als wichtigstes Klimaphänomen nehmen der asiatische Sommermonsun (ASM) und seine Entwicklungsgeschichte eine Schlüsselposition ein. Dennoch sind derzeit weder das Entwicklungsschema noch der antreibende Vorgang ausreichend verstanden. Dies gilt insbesondere für das Holozän, für welches große Kimaschwankungen und regionale Diskrepanzen weithin belegt sind. Deshalb habe ich zuerst holozäne Klimadaten zusammengefasst. Bereits veröffentlichte Publikationen aus den Monsungebieten Zentralasiens dienten als Grundlage, um die wichtigsten Klimasignale und die zugehörigen Intensitäten des Sommermonsuns heraus zu arbeiten. Anhand von Pollensequenzen aus tibetischen Seen erzeugte ich neue Klima- und Vegetationssequenzen, welche auf verbesserten quantitativen Methoden und rezenten Datensätzen beruhen. Außerdem wurden die Verhältnisse Pollen-Vegetation und Vegetation-Klima bewertet, um Schlussfolgerungen fossiler Pollensequenzen zu verbessern. Die Zusammenfassung der zuvor veröffentlichten, niederschlagsbezogenen Paläoklimadaten im Monsungebiet Zentralasiens ergab generell unterschiedliche Muster für die zwei Teilsysteme des ASMs, den Indischen Sommermonsun (ISM) und den Ostasiatischen Sommermonsun (OASM). Der ISM weist maximale feuchte Bedingungen während des frühen Holozöns auf, während viele Datensätze aus dem Gebiet des OASMs einen relativ trockenen Zustand anzeigen, besonders im nördlichen Zentralchina, wo maximale Niederschläge während des mittleren Holozäns registriert wurden. Genaue Betrachtungen der Antriebsfaktoren des Sommermonsuns ergaben, dass der ISM hauptsächlich durch Veränderungen der Sonneneinstrahlung auf der Nordhemisphäre angetrieben wird, während der OASM potentiell durch den ISM beherrscht wird - dies führt zu asynchronen Entwicklungen. Diese Hypothese wird durch rezente Monsunindizes gestützt. Sie weisen eine signifikant negative Korrelation zwischen den beiden Sommermonsun-Teilsystemen auf. Für die quantitative Klimarekonstruktion von Pollensequenzen wurde ein Sedimentkern aus dem See Donggi Cona im Nordosten der HT analysiert, der bis zum letzten glazialen Maximum (LGM) zurückdatiert wurde. Aufgrund der Tatsache, dass Donggi Cona ein relativ großer See ist, wird hiermit ein neuer Pollen-Klima-Kalibrierungsdatensatz auf Grundlage großer Seen in ariden und semiariden Regionen Zentralasiens vorgelegt. Das Konzept des Pollenherkunftsgebietes wurde in diese rezente, pollenbasierte Klimakalibrierung eingebracht und auf die Pollensequenz von Donggi Cona angewendet. Die Auswertung ergab, dass extrem trockene Bedingungen während des LGM (ca. 100 mm/yr) vorherrschten. Ein ansteigender Trend von Niederschlägen während des späten Glazials wurde durch einen abrupten Rückgang zu einer etwa 1000-jährigen Trockenphase beendet, welche mit Heinrich-Ereignis 1 in der Nordatlantik-Region übereinstimmt. Danach entsprechen die Klimaperioden dem warmen Bølling/Allerød und dem Kälteereignis der Jüngeren Dryas. Anschließend herrschten feuchte Bedingungen im frühen Holozän (bis zu 400 mm/yr). Ein etwas trockenerer Trend nach dem Holozänen Klimaoptimum wurde dann von einer zweiten Feuchtphase abgelöst, welche bis 4,5 cal. ka vor heute andauerte. Relativ gleichmäßige Bedingungen dominierten das späte Holozän bis heute. Die Klimadynamik seit dem LGM wurde vor allem durch Entgletscherung und Intensitätsschwankungen des ASM bestimmt. Bei der Betrachtung des Vegetation-Klima-Verhältnisses habe ich die zeitlichen Variationen der bestimmenden Faktoren hinsichtlich der Vegetationsdynamik auf der nördlichen HT untersucht. Dabei wurden hochauflösende holozäne Pollendaten des Kusai-Sees verwendet. Eine Redundanzanalyse (RDA) wurde angewendet um die Korrelation zwischen Pollenvergesellschaftungen und individuellen sedimentären Klimaanzeigern als auch die damit verbundene Signifikanz zu bewerten. Es stellte sich heraus, dass das Klima einen wichtigen Einfluss auf den Veränderungen in der Vegetation besaß, wenn die Bedingungen relativ warm und feucht waren. Trotzdem scheint es, dass, dass die Vegetation bei zu geringer Bedeckung stärker durch Extremereignisse wie Staubstürme oder fluviale Erosion beeinflusst wurde. Pollenspektren der vergangen 600 Jahre erwiesen sich als signifikant unterschiedlich verglichen mit den älterer Proben, was auf verstärkten anthropogenen Einfluss hindeutet. Dieser resultierte in einem beispiellosen Wandel in der Zusammensetzung der Vegetation. In Hinsicht auf das Pollen-Vegetation-Verhältnis und der quantitativen Rekonstruktion der Vegetationshäufigkeit habe ich theoretische Modelle, welche für europäische Regionen entwickelt und weithin angewendet wurden, respektive die Modelle "Extended R-Value" (ERV) sowie "Regional Estimates of Vegetation Abundance from Large Sites" (REVEALS), auf die hochalpinen Ökosysteme der HT überführt. Dafür wurden rezente Pollen-Vegetations-Verhältnisse von vier weit verbreiteten Pollen-Arten der HT überprüft. Poaceae wurden als Referenztaxa verwendet. Bei der Anwendung dieser Verhältnisse auf vier Pollensequenzen, welche die Paläoumweltbedingungen seit dem letzten Glazial widerspiegeln, wurden die Häufigkeiten von Pflanzen auf der zentralen und nordöstlichen HT quantifiziert. Anteile von Artimisia und Chenopodiaceae waren dabei im Vergleich zu ihren ursprünglichen Pollenprozenten deutlich verringert. Cyperaceae hingegen wies eine relative Zunahme in dieser Vegetationsrekonstruktion auf. Die rekonstruierten Vegetationsvergesellschaftungen an den Standorten der vier Pollensequenzen ergaben stets geringere Umwälzungen in der Artenzusammensetzung, als durch die Pollenspektren zu vermuten gewesen wäre. Dies kann ein Hinweis darauf sein, dass die Intensität der bislang angenommenen Vegetationsveränderungen überschätzt worden ist. Zusammengefasst sind die Hauptresultate dieser Dissertation, dass (a) die zwei ASM Teilsysteme asynchrone Muster während des Holozäns und heute aufweisen, dass (b) fossile Pollensequenzen großer Seen regionale Klimasignale widerspiegeln sofern die Herkunftsgebiete der Pollen berücksichtigt werden, dass (c) Klima nicht immer der Haupteinflussfaktor für Vegetationswandel ist und dass (d) das Ausmaß von Vegetationsveränderungen in zuvor veröffentlichten Studien auf der Hochebene von Tibet überschätzt worden sein kann, weil Diskrepanzen der Pollenproduktivität zwischen den Arten nicht einbezogen wurden.

Confronting the intractable an evaluation of the Seeds of Peace experience /

Schleien, Sara Melissa. January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
These (Ph.D.)--University of Waterloo, 2007. / Title from PDF title page. Available through UMI ProQuest Digital Dissertations. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 118-131). Also issued in print.

Residências secundárias : manifestações e dinâmicas do fenômeno nos espaços rurais de Itaara e Restinga Seca - RS

Wandscheer, Elvis Albert Robe January 2009 (has links)
A dinâmica da sociedade contemporânea, no espaço rural, apresenta uma série de mudanças em relação àquele espaço que contemplava tão somente o setor produtivo. A nova realidade do rural aponta para um caminho ainda sendo traçado e que, não raro, não encontra rumos precisos e passiveis de definição concisa, na qual o rural e a agricultura não se constituem mais em sinônimos e as transformações e diversificações nos cenários rurais envolvem novas demandas e problemáticas, como a conservação da natureza, arquitetura e outros tantos elementos de um passado em que se projeta uma outra velocidade dos eventos no tempo. Muito embora o fenômeno de residências secundárias não se constitua num evento especialmente recente, se destacam os novos contornos que o mesmo tem apresentado frente aos espaços nos quais as residências secundárias encontram-se alocadas, sobretudo no âmbito do rural. As variadas e complexas relações com o espaço expressam, direta e indiretamente, uma série de implicações na dinâmica das mesmas, repercutindo nas múltiplas relações econômicas, sociais, ambientais, culturais e, por conseguinte, repercutindo na esfera político-administrativa. Diante desta perspectiva, o objetivo da presente pesquisa consiste em examinar as mobilidades espaciais de residências secundárias, no meio rural, em seus distintos fluxos, de forma a contemplar as distintas nuanças, ações, interações e integrações com os espaços enfocados, bem como, as distintas manifestações dessas mobilidades nos mesmos. A pesquisa foi realizada nos municípios de Itaara e Restinga Seca, no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul - Brasil, que contemplam os fluxos de visitação de finais de semana e de veraneio, respectivamente. Metodologicamente parte-se da pesquisa bibliográfica, realizando-se, posteriormente, a coleta de dados, na qual utilizaram-se questionários aplicados a 86 visitantes e entrevistas com os gestores públicos municipais (2 em cada Município), iniciativa privada (6 em cada Município) e comunidade local (7 em Itaara e 4 em Restinga Seca). Posteriormente, delineou-se uma análise de caráter analítico-descritiva, utilizando o software SPSS 12 a fim de tabular os dados, bem como realizou-se a transcrição das entrevistas com vistas a alcançar os objetivos propostos. Os resultados permitem tecer considerações acerca do fato de o fenômeno de residências secundárias já se constituir numa realidade nos municípios de Itaara e Restinga Seca o que, portanto, afeta positiva e negativamente o local, necessitando, assim como em outros espaços de residências secundárias, de ponderações a respeito dos mesmos, a fim da construir de estratégias de maximização dos benefícios e minimização dos impactos negativos. Em função da forma pela qual o fenômeno das mobilidades materializa-se no espaço, salienta-se a relevância das periodicidades, já que não apresentam impactos de mesma ordem os fluxos de finais de semana e os de veraneio, divergindo em intensidade e heterogeneidade na forma que atuam no espaço e relacionam-se com o seu entorno. Mesmo diante destas realidades, constatou-se que, em ambos, as iniciativas ainda não contemplam estratégias e planejamentos capazes de dar conta da problemática das residências secundárias e, por isso, carecem de planejamento e ações a longo prazo, resguardadas as especificidades locais, com respostas eficientemente oferecidas aos problemas emergentes no seu contexto. / The dynamics of the contemporary rural society presents a series of changes concerning the previous space that regarded only the productive sector. The new rural reality points to a new way that is yet being traced, and that not necessarily encounters precise and briefly defined directions. So the rural and the agriculture are not more synonyms and the transformations and diversifications in the rural scenario involve new needs and troubles, as the nature conservation, the architecture, and other passed elements which are projected in a different speed. Even that the phenomenon of secondary homes is not a recent event, it now presents new outlines in front of the allocation space, specially in the rural scope. The variable and complex relationships with the space directly and indirectly express a series of implications in their dynamics, which spread in the multiple economic, social, environmental, cultural and hence politic-administrative relationships. In front of this perspective, the aim of this study is to shed light in the spatial mobility of secondary rural homes, in its distinct flows, regarding its distinct aspects, actions, interactions and integrations with the focalized spaces, and comprehending the distinct manifestations it has in each place. The search was conducted in Itaara and Restinga Seca (cities placed in Rio Grande do Sul state - Brazil), focalizing the weekend and summer flows, respectively. Methodologically, we initiated with a bibliographic search, which was followed by the data collection. This was conducted through question-forms applied to 86 visitors, as well as through interviews with municipal administrators (two in each city), with the private initiative (six in each city) and with the local community (seven in Itaara and four in Restinga Seca). Afterwards, we performed an analytic-descriptive analysis as implemented in the SPSS 1.2 software, in which we tabulated the data and accomplished the transcription of the interviews. The obtained results allow conducting some considerations about the fact that the secondary homes phenomenon already constitutes a reality that affects positive and negatively the cities of Itaara and Restinga Seca. Actually, this event needs a series of reflections, so that we can construct strategies able to maximize its benefits and minimize its negative impacts. As a consequence of the way this mobilization phenomenon occurs in space, we can detach the importance of the periodicity: the weekend and summer flows do not present similar impacts, diverging in the intensity and in the homogeneity in which they act in the space and also in the way they relate with the surroundings. Even with these difficulties, we could realize that in both cases the initiatives do not yet regard strategies and plannings able to resolve troubleshoots related to secondary homes. They lack long term actions, which could protect the local specificities, and offer efficient answers to the emergent troubles.

Vliv MS v ragby a LOH na povědomí studentů FTVS o ragby / Influence of Rugby World cup and Summer Olympic Games on the awareness of FTVS students about rugby

Kadavá, Tereza January 2018 (has links)
Title: Influence of Rugby World Cup and Summer Olympic Games on the awarness of FTVS students about rugby Objectives: The main objective of this thesis is detection, if big sport rugby events had any influence on awareness of rugby for students of Faculty of physical education and sport. Concretely, if the knowledge about Rugby World Cup and rugby tournament at Summer Olympic Games increased. And then, if their knowledge about rugby rules, world rugby, Czech rugby and women's rugby increased. Methods: I used the methods of quantitative research in ma thesis. I created two electronic questionnaire through the web site Vyplnto.cz. One of the questionaire I distributed in 2015 (before the Rugby World Cup) and the second questionnaire I posted in 2016 after the Summer Olympic Games. Results: The results of research demonstrated the impact of the big rugby events. The awareness of students about rugby increased. Their basic knowledge about world rugby and rugby rules increased. The research also showed that researched events didn't have the impact for the knowledge about Czech rugby or women's rugby. Keywords: Rugby World Cup, Summer Olympic Games, rugby, awarness

Produção e germinação de sementes de Paspalum notatum : resposta à fertilização nitrogenada e manejo de cortes / Production and germination of Paspalum notatum seeds : response to nitrogen fertilization and cutting management

Bertoncelli, Patricia January 2018 (has links)
O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido na Estação Experimental do INIA La Estanzuela, em Colonia del Sacramento – Uruguai, de novembro de 2015 a março de 2017, com o objetivo de avaliar os parâmetros relacionados à produção e qualidade de sementes da espécie Paspalum notatum INIA Sepé. Buscou-se o entendimento dos componentes do rendimento de sementes frente a distintos níveis de fertilização nitrogenada e manejo de cortes. Foi utilizado o delineamento de blocos completamente casualizados com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos consistiram de quatro doses de fertilização nitrogenada (0, 75, 150 e 225 kg de N.ha-1) e três momentos de corte: corte precoce, corte tardio e sem corte, formando um arranjo fatorial 4x3. O padrão para realização do corte foi a fração da radiação fotossinteticamente ativa interceptada pelas plantas (50% para corte precoce e 80% para corte tardio). Para cada ano de estudo foram utilizados distintos locais dentro da mesma estação experimental a fim de avaliar a produção de sementes de plantas com idade similar (3 anos de idade), os quais foram denominados ambiente 2016 e ambiente 2017, sendo que no ambiente 2016 ocorreu maior deficiência hídrica no solo A aplicação de N possibilitou o incremento na massa de forragem, teor de proteína bruta, índice de nutrição nitrogenada e no número de perfilhos. A máxima produtividade de sementes alcançada situou-se próxima de 1000 kg.ha-1, rendimento atingido com 150 kg de N.ha-1 no ambiente 2016 e na dose 75 no ambiente 2017. Tal produtividade foi obtida com a realização de duas colheitas anuais, que foi possibilitada com a utilização de corte precoce e sem corte. Com o uso de corte tardio, por outro lado, foi possível a realização de apenas uma colheita anual, o que determinou menor rendimento total de sementes, porém possibilitou maior rendimento em apenas uma colheita. Com relação ao potencial germinativo das sementes, observamos que em situações de déficit hídrico, as plantas com suprimento de N comprometem a qualidade de sementes e favorecem o crescimento vegetativo, no caso de colheitas precoces. Por outro lado, a germinação foi melhorada quando aplicado nitrogênio associado ao corte tardio. Dessa forma, conclui-se que o ecótipo Paspalum notatum INIA Sepé possui bom rendimento de sementes, o qual é positivamente influenciado pela fertilização nitrogenada e aplicação de corte precoce. / The present work was developed at the INIA La Estanzuela Experimental Station, in Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay, from November 2015 to March 2017, with the objective of evaluating the parameters related to the production and quality of seeds of the specie Paspalum notatum INIA Sepé. We aimed understanding of the components of the seed yield under different levels of nitrogen fertilization and cutting management. A completely randomized block design with four replications was used. The treatments consisted of twelve factorial combinations of nitrogen fertilization doses (0, 75, 150 and 225 kg of N.ha-1) and three cutting times: early cut, late cut and no cut, totaling a factorial arrangement 4x3. The standard for cutting was the fraction of the photosynthetically active radiation intercepted by the plants (50% for early cutting and 80% for late cutting). For each year of study, different locations were used within the same experimental station in order to evaluate the seed production of plants with similar age (3 years old), which were named environment 2016 and environment 2017, wherein in the environment 2016 occurred greater soil water deficit The application of N promoted the increase in forage mass, crude protein content, nitrogen nutrition index and the number of tillers. The maximum seed yield reached was close to 1000 kg.ha-1, yield reached with 150 kg of N.ha-1 in the environment 2016 and at dose 75 in the environment 2017. Such productivity was obtained by performing two harvests annually, which was possible by the use of early cutting and uncut treatments. However, with late cutting was possible to perform only one annual harvest, which resulted in lower total seed yield, but with a higher yield in only one harvest. Regarding to the seed germination, we observed that in situations of water deficit, plants with N supply compromise their seed quality in detriment of vegetative growth in the case of early harvests. On the other hand, the germination was improved when N was associated with late cut. In this way, we concluded that Paspalum notatum INIA Sepé ecotype has a good seed yield, which is positively influenced by nitrogen fertilization and early cut application.

Residências secundárias : manifestações e dinâmicas do fenômeno nos espaços rurais de Itaara e Restinga Seca - RS

Wandscheer, Elvis Albert Robe January 2009 (has links)
A dinâmica da sociedade contemporânea, no espaço rural, apresenta uma série de mudanças em relação àquele espaço que contemplava tão somente o setor produtivo. A nova realidade do rural aponta para um caminho ainda sendo traçado e que, não raro, não encontra rumos precisos e passiveis de definição concisa, na qual o rural e a agricultura não se constituem mais em sinônimos e as transformações e diversificações nos cenários rurais envolvem novas demandas e problemáticas, como a conservação da natureza, arquitetura e outros tantos elementos de um passado em que se projeta uma outra velocidade dos eventos no tempo. Muito embora o fenômeno de residências secundárias não se constitua num evento especialmente recente, se destacam os novos contornos que o mesmo tem apresentado frente aos espaços nos quais as residências secundárias encontram-se alocadas, sobretudo no âmbito do rural. As variadas e complexas relações com o espaço expressam, direta e indiretamente, uma série de implicações na dinâmica das mesmas, repercutindo nas múltiplas relações econômicas, sociais, ambientais, culturais e, por conseguinte, repercutindo na esfera político-administrativa. Diante desta perspectiva, o objetivo da presente pesquisa consiste em examinar as mobilidades espaciais de residências secundárias, no meio rural, em seus distintos fluxos, de forma a contemplar as distintas nuanças, ações, interações e integrações com os espaços enfocados, bem como, as distintas manifestações dessas mobilidades nos mesmos. A pesquisa foi realizada nos municípios de Itaara e Restinga Seca, no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul - Brasil, que contemplam os fluxos de visitação de finais de semana e de veraneio, respectivamente. Metodologicamente parte-se da pesquisa bibliográfica, realizando-se, posteriormente, a coleta de dados, na qual utilizaram-se questionários aplicados a 86 visitantes e entrevistas com os gestores públicos municipais (2 em cada Município), iniciativa privada (6 em cada Município) e comunidade local (7 em Itaara e 4 em Restinga Seca). Posteriormente, delineou-se uma análise de caráter analítico-descritiva, utilizando o software SPSS 12 a fim de tabular os dados, bem como realizou-se a transcrição das entrevistas com vistas a alcançar os objetivos propostos. Os resultados permitem tecer considerações acerca do fato de o fenômeno de residências secundárias já se constituir numa realidade nos municípios de Itaara e Restinga Seca o que, portanto, afeta positiva e negativamente o local, necessitando, assim como em outros espaços de residências secundárias, de ponderações a respeito dos mesmos, a fim da construir de estratégias de maximização dos benefícios e minimização dos impactos negativos. Em função da forma pela qual o fenômeno das mobilidades materializa-se no espaço, salienta-se a relevância das periodicidades, já que não apresentam impactos de mesma ordem os fluxos de finais de semana e os de veraneio, divergindo em intensidade e heterogeneidade na forma que atuam no espaço e relacionam-se com o seu entorno. Mesmo diante destas realidades, constatou-se que, em ambos, as iniciativas ainda não contemplam estratégias e planejamentos capazes de dar conta da problemática das residências secundárias e, por isso, carecem de planejamento e ações a longo prazo, resguardadas as especificidades locais, com respostas eficientemente oferecidas aos problemas emergentes no seu contexto. / The dynamics of the contemporary rural society presents a series of changes concerning the previous space that regarded only the productive sector. The new rural reality points to a new way that is yet being traced, and that not necessarily encounters precise and briefly defined directions. So the rural and the agriculture are not more synonyms and the transformations and diversifications in the rural scenario involve new needs and troubles, as the nature conservation, the architecture, and other passed elements which are projected in a different speed. Even that the phenomenon of secondary homes is not a recent event, it now presents new outlines in front of the allocation space, specially in the rural scope. The variable and complex relationships with the space directly and indirectly express a series of implications in their dynamics, which spread in the multiple economic, social, environmental, cultural and hence politic-administrative relationships. In front of this perspective, the aim of this study is to shed light in the spatial mobility of secondary rural homes, in its distinct flows, regarding its distinct aspects, actions, interactions and integrations with the focalized spaces, and comprehending the distinct manifestations it has in each place. The search was conducted in Itaara and Restinga Seca (cities placed in Rio Grande do Sul state - Brazil), focalizing the weekend and summer flows, respectively. Methodologically, we initiated with a bibliographic search, which was followed by the data collection. This was conducted through question-forms applied to 86 visitors, as well as through interviews with municipal administrators (two in each city), with the private initiative (six in each city) and with the local community (seven in Itaara and four in Restinga Seca). Afterwards, we performed an analytic-descriptive analysis as implemented in the SPSS 1.2 software, in which we tabulated the data and accomplished the transcription of the interviews. The obtained results allow conducting some considerations about the fact that the secondary homes phenomenon already constitutes a reality that affects positive and negatively the cities of Itaara and Restinga Seca. Actually, this event needs a series of reflections, so that we can construct strategies able to maximize its benefits and minimize its negative impacts. As a consequence of the way this mobilization phenomenon occurs in space, we can detach the importance of the periodicity: the weekend and summer flows do not present similar impacts, diverging in the intensity and in the homogeneity in which they act in the space and also in the way they relate with the surroundings. Even with these difficulties, we could realize that in both cases the initiatives do not yet regard strategies and plannings able to resolve troubleshoots related to secondary homes. They lack long term actions, which could protect the local specificities, and offer efficient answers to the emergent troubles.

Understanding Environmental Change and Biodiversity in a Dryland Ecosystem through Quantification of Climate Variability and Land Modification: The Case of the Dhofar Cloud Forest, Oman

January 2015 (has links)
abstract: The Dhofar Cloud Forest is one of the most diverse ecosystems on the Arabian Peninsula. As part of the South Arabian Cloud Forest that extends from southern Oman to Yemen, the cloud forest is an important center of endemism and provides valuable ecosystem services to those living in the region. There have been various claims made about the health of the cloud forest and its surrounding region, the most prominent of which are: 1) variability of the Indian Summer Monsoon threatens long-term vegetation health, and 2) human encroachment is causing deforestation and land degradation. This dissertation uses three independent studies to test these claims and bring new insight about the biodiversity of the cloud forest. Evidence is presented that shows that the vegetation dynamics of the cloud forest are resilient to most of the variability in the monsoon. Much of the biodiversity in the cloud forest is dominated by a few species with high abundance and a moderate number of species at low abundance. The characteristic tree species include Anogeissus dhofarica and Commiphora spp. These species tend to dominate the forested regions of the study area. Grasslands are dominated by species associated with overgrazing (Calotropis procera and Solanum incanum). Analysis from a land cover study conducted between 1988 and 2013 shows that deforestation has occurred to approximately 8% of the study area and decreased vegetation fractions are found throughout the region. Areas around the city of Salalah, located close to the cloud forest, show widespread degradation in the 21st century based on an NDVI time series analysis. It is concluded that humans are the primary driver of environmental change. Much of this change is tied to national policies and development priorities implemented after the Dhofar War in the 1970’s. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Geography 2015

Manejo de híbridos de sorgo e cultivares de milheto em sistema de pastejo rotativo

Tamele, Otília Henrique [UNESP] 06 August 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:28:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2009-08-06Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:37:11Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 tamele_oh_me_jabo.pdf: 845403 bytes, checksum: d8970fb9ee11f562e24d468628d0f786 (MD5) / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / Os experimentos foram conduzidos na Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinária, (FCAV) – Universidade Estadual Paulista, (UNESP) Campus de Jaboticabal, nos anos de 2007 e 2008. No primeiro ano de avaliação foram estudadas duas alturas de pré - pastejo (0,60 e 0,80 m) e duas alturas de pós – pastejo (0,10 e 0,20 m) para híbridos de sorgo em sistema de pastejo com vacas; numa área de 3056 m² subdividida em 12 parcelas, o delineamento experimental utilizado foi delineamento em blocos casualizados com três repetições o período experimental foi de maio a novembro de 2007. O 2º ano o experimento foi realizado numa área de 2650, 36 m² subdividido em 24 parcelas com o objetivo de avaliar a produção de massa seca total dos híbridos de sorgo e cultivares de milheto e estudar o comportamento ingestivo dos ovinos nos híbridos de sorgo e cultivares de milheto em resposta aos espaçamentos de 0,225 e 0,45 m. o período experimental foi de abril a outubro de 2008. Conforme os resultados experimentais sugerem-se para o primeiro experimento a utilização do manejo de 0,60 m altura de entrada e 0,10 m altura de saída dos animais nos piquetes já que proporciona mesma quantidade de massa e o mesmo número dos ciclos de pastejo quando comparado ao manejo 0,80m/0,10m. No segundo experimento os híbridos de sorgo e cultivares de milheto podem ser indicados para pastejo de ovinos e o espaçamento de 0,225 m poderia ser adotado para o manejo dos cultivares de milheto e híbridos de sorgo com as ovelhas já que proporcionou maior produção de massa seca total e maior número de perfilhos reprodutivos quando comparada com o espaçamento de semeadura de 0,45 m / Two experiments were conducted on the Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias, (FCAV) - Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) Campus de Jaboticabal, in 2007 and 2008, with the objective of: 1 st year - to evaluate the viability of using sorghum hybrid by rotative Holstein cows grazing with two height of pre-grazing (0.60 and 0.80 m) and two post-grazing residues (0.10 and 0.20 m) in an area of 3,056 m² divided into 12 plots. The experimental design was DBC with three replications and the experimental period was from May to November 2007. The 2nd year the experiment was conducted in an area of 2650, 36 m² divided into 24 plots to evaluate the total dry mass of hybrids Sudan sorghum and millet cultivars and evaluate the ingestive behavior of sheep in that forages with spacing of 0.225 and 0.45 m of plants. The experimental period was from April to October of 2008. The experimental results suggest for the first experiment using the management of 0.60 m height for pre-grazing and postgrazing at 0.10 m of height to animals in paddocks thus there were the same amount of total dry mass and the same number of cycles of grazing management when compared to 0,80 m / 0,10 m. In the second experiment the spacing of 0.225 m could be used for management of millet cultivars and sorghum hybrids with the sheep where it was provided a great the total dry mass and number of reproductive tillers compared with the spacing of sowing of 0.45 m

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