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Postoj studentů UK FTVS k letním dětským táborům / Attitudes of UK FTVS students to summer camps for childrenProcházka, Petr January 2019 (has links)
Title: Attitudes of UK FTVS students to summer camps for children Objectives: The main aim of this work is to find out what was benefit of children 's camps for UK FTVS students and what they are currently attitude. Methods: The research was divided into two parts. In part A I used the method of questioning followed by analysis. In testing were 175 participants. I interviewed students of the Charles University FTVS and it took period from June 2018 to July 2019. The data were subsequently evaluated using classical statistical methods and interpreted by graphs and frequency tables. Part B conducted semi-structured interviews with 9 probands who were selected as a representative sample based on Part A interviews. The data were evaluated by basic statistical methods, exactly by using the frequency table and Likert's scaling method to determine the level of attitudes among respondents. Results: In part A we find out that only 7% of the individuals in the sample had never participated in a children's summer camp. It was also found that fourteen respondents of the whole sample had a negative attitude to the camps, equivalent is 8%. Participants of one or two camps reported a negative attitude in 28% (ten of twenty six). In the second group, three to six camps, it was 5% of cases (three of fifty three)....
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A Valuation of U.S. Not-For-Profit Summer Camps with a Comparison of Two Members of the Association of Hole in the Wall CampsStaley, Kristine N. 01 January 2010 (has links)
Despite their prevalence throughout the United States, summer camps are rarely considered as businesses or high-functioning not-for-profit entities. This paper explores the camping industry with a focus on not-for-profit camps. It adapts typical not-for-profit efficiency metrics to camps in order to demonstrate that powerful missions are not always enough to keep not-for-profits in operation. The paper examines two members of the Association of Hole in the Wall Camps which serve children with serious and life-threatening illnesses. Ultimately, this paper is a tool for donors to observe how organizational performance is a crucial factor when donating to organizations with similar mission.
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Flowers of Rhetoric: The Evolving Use of the Language of Flowers in Margaret Fuller's Dial Sketches and Poetry, Elizabeth Stoddard's The Morgesons, Edith Wharton's Summer, Mary Austin's Santa Lucia and Cactus Thorn, and Susan Glaspell's The VergeRhyner, Corinne Kopcik 05 May 2012 (has links)
The language of flowers was a popular phenomenon in the United States in the nineteenth century. This dissertation on American literature looks at several American women authors’ use of the language of flowers in their novels. I examine the use of the language of flowers in Margaret Fuller’s “Magnolia of Lake Pontchartrain,” “Yuca Filamentosa,” and poetry such as “To Sarah,” Elizabeth Stoddard’s The Morgesons, Edith Wharton’s Summer, Mary Austin’s Santa Lucia: A Common Story and Cactus Thorn, and Susan Glaspell’s The Verge. Through analysis of language of flowers dictionaries, historical studies of the language of flowers, feminist history and theory, and close readings of the sketches, poems, novels, and plays themselves, I will show that American women continued to use and be influenced by the language of f lowers for close to a decade. I will also show that these women writers’ use of the language of flowers shows evolving social attitudes toward women and standards of femininity in American society during the nineteenth and early-twentieth century.
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Lake sediments as climate and tectonic archives in the Indian summer monsoon domainAmbili, Anoop January 2012 (has links)
The Indian summer monsoon (ISM) is one of the largest climate systems on earth and impacts the livelihood of nearly 40% of the world’s population. Despite dedicated efforts, a comprehensive picture of monsoon variability has proved elusive largely due to the absence of long term high resolution records, spatial inhomogeneity of the monsoon precipitation, and the complex forcing mechanisms (solar insolation, internal teleconnections for e.g., El Niño-Southern Oscillation, tropical-midlatitude interactions). My work aims to improve the understanding of monsoon variability through generation of long term high resolution palaeoclimate data from climatically sensitive regions in the ISM and westerlies domain. To achieve this aim I have (i) identified proxies (sedimentological, geochemical, isotopic, and mineralogical) that are sensitive to environmental changes; (ii) used the identified proxies to generate long term palaeoclimate data from two climatically sensitive regions, one in NW Himalayas (transitional westerlies and ISM domain in the Spiti valley and one in the core monsoon zone (Lonar lake) in central India); (iii) undertaken a regional overview to generate “snapshots” of selected time slices; and (iv) interpreted the spatial precipitation anomalies in terms of those caused by modern teleconnections. This approach must be considered only as the first step towards identifying the past teleconnections as the boundary conditions in the past were significantly different from today and would have impacted the precipitation anomalies.
As the Spiti valley is located in the in the active tectonic orogen of Himalayas, it was essential to understand the role of regional tectonics to make valid interpretations of catchment erosion and detrital influx into the lake. My approach of using integrated structural/morphometric and geomorphic signatures provided clear evidence for active tectonics in this area and demonstrated the suitability of these lacustrine sediments as palaleoseismic archives. The investigations on the lacustrine outcrops in Spiti valley also provided information on changes in seasonality of precipitation and occurrence of frequent and intense periods (ca. 6.8-6.1 cal ka BP) of detrital influx indicating extreme hydrological events in the past. Regional comparison for this time slice indicates a possible extended “break-monsoon like” mode for the monsoon that favors enhanced precipitation over the Tibetan plateau, Himalayas and their foothills.
My studies on surface sediments from Lonar lake helped to identify environmentally sensitive proxies which could also be used to interpret palaeodata obtained from a ca. 10m long core raised from the lake in 2008. The core encompasses the entire Holocene and is the first well dated (by 14C) archive from the core monsoon zone of central India. My identification of authigenic evaporite gaylussite crystals within the core sediments provided evidence of exceptionally drier conditions during 4.7-3.9 and 2.0-0.5 cal ka BP. Additionally, isotopic investigations on these crystals provided information on eutrophication, stratification, and carbon cycling processes in the lake. / Der Indische Sommer Monsun (ISM) ist eines der bedeutendsten Klimaphänomene auf der Erde und hat großen Einfluss auf die Lebensbedingungen und -grundlagen von nahezu 40% der Weltbevölkerung. Trotz großer Bemühungen ist es bisher nicht gelungen ein genaues und umfassendes Verständnis der Monsun-Variabilität zu gewinnen. Hauptgründe dafür sind das Fehlen von langjährigen und hochaufgelösten Klimazeitreihen, räumlichen Inhomogenitäten in den Niederschlagsverteilungen und die Komplexität der treibenden klimatischen Mechanismen (Sonneneinstrahlung, interne Wechselwirkungen des Klimasystems, wie z.B. zwischen Tropen und mittleren Breiten oder die Auswirkungen der El Niño Oszillation).
Die Zielsetzung der hier vorgestellten Arbeit ist ein verbessertes Verständnis der Monsun-Variabilität zu entwickeln, auf Basis von hochaufgelösten und weit reichenden Paläoklimazeitreihen aus klimasensitiven Regionen des ISM und der Westwindzone. Um die Zielsetzung umzusetzen habe ich: (i) Proxys identifiziert (sedimentologische, geochemische, isotopische, und mineralogische), die empfindlich auf Umweltveränderungen reagieren; (ii) die identifizierten Proxys zur Erzeugung von langjährigen Paläoklima-Daten für zwei klimasensible Regionen verwendet, eine im NW des Himalaja (Übergangs-Westwindzone und ISM Gebiet von Spity Valley) und eine in der Kernzone des Monsun (Lonar-See) in Zentralindien; (iii) Übersichts-"Momentaufnahmen" der regionalen klimatischen Bedingungen für ausgewählte Zeitpunkte der Vergangenheit erzeugt; und (iv) räumliche Niederschlagsanomalien in Hinblick auf heutige Wechselbeziehungen im Klimasystem interpretiert. Dieser Ansatz stellt allerdings nur einen ersten Schritt zur Identifizierung von paläoklimatischen Wechselbeziehungen im Monsunsystem dar, da sich die Randbedingungen in der Vergangenheit deutlich von den heutigen unterscheiden und diese einen signifikanten Einfluss auf die Niederschlagsanomalien haben.
Da das Spity Valley im tektonisch aktiven Himalaja-Orogen lokalisiert ist, ist es von entscheidender Bedeutung die regionalen tektonischen Prozesse zu verstehen, um Erosionsvorgänge des Einzugsgebiets und die Einfuhr von Detritus in den See korrekt interpretieren zu können. Mein Ansatz der Nutzung kombinierter strukturell/morphometrischer und geomorphologischer Charakteristiken lieferte klare Beweise für aktive Tektonik im untersuchten Gebiet und demonstrierte damit die Eignung dieser lakustrinen Sedimente als paläoseismisches Archiv. Die Untersuchung lakustriner Aufschlüsse in Spity Valley lieferte auch Informationen saisonale Änderung der Niederschlagsverteilung sowie das Auftreten von häufigen und intensiven Perioden (ca. 6,8-6,1 cal ka BP) detritischer Einfuhr, welche auf extreme hydrologische Ereignisse in der Vergangenheit schließen lässt. Ein regionaler Vergleich dieser Periode deutet auf einen möglicherweise erweiterten „break-monsoon-like“ Modus für den Monsun hin, welcher hohe Niederschläge über dem Tibetischen Plateau, dem Himalaja und seinen Gebirgsausläufern begünstigt.
Meine Studien an den Oberflächensedimenten des Lonar-Sees haben dazu beigetragen umweltsensitive Proxys zu identifizieren, die auch zur Interpretation von Paläodaten von einem ca. 10 m langen Sedimentkern genutzt wurden, der 2008 erbohrt wurde. Der Kern umfasst das gesamte Holozän und stellt das erste gut 14C-datierte Archiv aus der Kernmonsunzone Zentralindiens dar. Die Identifizierung von authigenen Evaporit-Kristallen (Gaylussite) innerhalb der Sedimente liefert einen Beweis für ungewöhnlich trockene Bedingungen in den Perioden zwischen 4,7-3,9 und 2,0-0,5 cal ka BP. Darüber hinaus lieferten Isotopen-Untersuchungen dieser Kristalle Informationen zur Eutrophierung, Stratifikation und zum Kohlenstoff-Kreislauf des Sees.
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Evaluation of preferential energy absorption in earlywood and latewood fibers of loblolly pine in cyclic compressionRueckert, Cheryl B. 01 January 1998 (has links)
No description available.
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Science- and engineering-related career decision-making, bright adolescent girls and the impact of an intervention program /Ellis-Kalton, Carrie A. January 2001 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Missouri-Columbia, 2001. / Typescript. Vita. "The Newton Summer Academy is a program intervention funded by the National Science Foundation. It was developed at the University of Missouri-Columbia by a team of scientists, instruction and curriculum personnel, and educators."--Leaf 8. "The present study sought to investigate the saliency of social cognitive factors in the career decision-making processes of bright, adolescent females. In addition, the present study aimed to gain empirical information about the effectiveness of the Newton Summer Academy, a National Science Foundation intervention program."--Leaf [12]. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 141-162). Also available on the Internet.
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Science- and engineering-related career decision-making, bright adolescent girls and the impact of an intervention programEllis-Kalton, Carrie A. January 2001 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Missouri-Columbia, 2001. / Typescript. Vita. "The Newton Summer Academy is a program intervention funded by the National Science Foundation. It was developed at the University of Missouri-Columbia by a team of scientists, instruction and curriculum personnel, and educators."--Leaf 8. "The present study sought to investigate the saliency of social cognitive factors in the career decision-making processes of bright, adolescent females. In addition, the present study aimed to gain empirical information about the effectiveness of the Newton Summer Academy, a National Science Foundation intervention program."--Leaf [12]. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 141-162). Also available on the Internet.
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Vaikų vasaros atostogų (kaip laisvalaikio ir rekreacijos formos) socialinis-edukacinis diskursas / Socio-Educational Discourse of Children Summer Holidays (as a kind of leisure and recreation forms)Palubaitytė, Rūta 01 June 2005 (has links)
Topic of Investigation: Socio-Educational Discourse of Children Summer Holidays (as a kind of leisure and recreation forms).
Author of the Work: Ruta Palubaityte, student of Educology Program of Studies EMM-03 (specialization: leisure pedagogy and basics of recreation) Siauliai University, Educology Faculty.
Urgency of the work. According to the data of the State Youth Affairs Council (2004), “having much leisure” if the most important feature of the youth. One fifth of the interviewed youths maintain such opinion.However almost every seventh young person (15 per cent) state they are too little occupied and have too much leisure, almost every sixth (17 per cent) noted lack of occupation as youth’s problem.Most of the (over 65 per cent) 14-29 aged youths spends leisure watching TV, meeting friends or listening music. Large part of their leisure is spent for chores, work with PC or Internet and sports (http://www.vjrt.lt/apie_jaunima/laisvalaikis).
Most of the data covers leisure of the teenagers and youths. There is no generalized statistics about leisure of the children (preschool and school-aged) in Lithuania. Children leisure camp attendance reports are the only available sources. However information, covering another leisure forms, is lacking. In Lithuania only children leisure forms and methods undergo analysis.
Subject of Investigation: Socio-Educational Significance Discourse of Children and Adults Summer Holidays.
Target of the Work: the work is aimed to... [to full text]
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Vasarinių rapsų somatinės embriogenezės indukcija nesubrendusių zigotinių gemalų kultūroje / Summer rape soamtic embriogenezis in vitro from zygotic embrioOpulskis, Kęstutis 08 August 2007 (has links)
Tyrimai atlikti 2005-2007m. LŽŪU Genetikos biotechnologijos laboratorijoje. Tirti veiksniai, įtakojantys vasarinių rapsų (Brassica napus var. oleifera) dvigubų haploidų linijų NL-302-01, NL-302-02, NL-302-25 somatinės embriogenezės procesą nesubrendusių zigotinių gemalų kultūroje. Tirtų genotipų eksplantai (zigotniai gemalai) kultivuoti maitinamosiose terpėse, besiskiriančiose terpės rūgštingumu. Eksplantai iš donorinių augalų tirti 14-29 amžiaus dienų po apdulkinimo. Nustatyta, kad vasarinių rapsų somatinės embriogenezės potencialas priklauso ne tik nuo nesubrendusio zigotinio gemalo amžiaus po apdulkinimo, bet ir nuo eksplanto genotipo ir terpės rūgštingumo. Daugeliu atveju didžiausią įtaką indukcijos intensyvumui turėjo genotipas. Didžiausiomis pirminės somatinės embriogenezės galimybėmis pasižymėjo linijos NL-302-25 gemalai 20-21 dienos amžiaus. Antrinės somatinės embriogenezės metu nustatyta, kad indukcijos potencialas buvo didesnis nei pirminės somatinės embriogenezės metu. Ekspalnto amžius įtakos soamtinių embrioidų formavimo kiekiu neturėjo. / The research was carried out in 2005-2007 in the laboratory of genetics and biotechnology of Lithuanian university of Agriculture Factors influencing double haploid lines’ NL-302-01, NL-302-02, NL-302-25 somatic embryogenesis in the culture of premature zygotic germs of summer rape (Brassica napus var. oleifera) were studied. The explants of the studied genotypes (premature germs) were cultivated in the nutritional environments differencing in pH. The explants from the donor plants were taken for the period of 14-29 days. It was determined that the potential of the somatic embryogenesis of the summer rape depends on not only on the age of the premature zygotic germ after the pollination, but also on the genotype and medium pH of the explants. In most cases the biggest effect on the intensity of the induction was caused by genotype. Line NL-302-25 cultivated 20-21 days after the pollination had the biggest potential of primary somatic embryogenesis. During the secondary somatic embryogenesis it was determined that the potential of induction was greater than during the primary somatic embryogenesis. The age of the explant had no effect on the quantity of formation of somatic embryos.
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Nitrogen in the soil-plant system of successive rainfed wheat crops under conventional cultivation.Otto, Willem Morkel. January 2002 (has links)
Soil mineral N and soil water content at planting, biomass accumulation, yield and grain quality parameters (hectolitermass and protein percentage) were measured on an unfertilized and recommended-N-application treatment during two consecutive growing seasons (1997-1998). The trials were planted in a fallow-wheat-wheat cropping system at three representative localities in the summer rainfall region of South Africa. High levels of available soil water and mineral N were measured following the fallow period preceding the start of the trials in 1997. For example, soil water content was 81.7%, 69.6%, and 78.2% of DUL at Bethlehem, Kroonstad and Petrusburg respectively. Although comparable total soil
profile water contents to 1997 were measured in 1998 at all three sites, the cultivation zone (0-400 mm) had a substantially lower soil water content. This was due to erratic rainfall distribution during the fallow
period, which prevented effective soil cultivation management, subsequent soil water conservation and residue decomposition. Undecomposed residue in the cultivation layer at planting appeared to affect availability of soil mineral N to the growing crop. At planting in 1998, undecomposed crop residue amounted to 53.6% at Bethlehem, 32.5% at Kroonstad and 46.9% at Petrusburg of that added at harvest in 1997. Soil mineral N was lower
at planting in 1998 compared to 1997 due to decomposing residue (C:N ratio of above 73) in the cultivation zone immobilizing soil mineral N. This reduced initial growth, N accumulation, yield, and grain protein percentage without additional fertilizer N. Distribution of soil mineral N showed notable
amounts in the 600-1200 mm soil layers, with limited changes over the trial period. This was linked to low root exploration of these soil layers (10-15% of total root distribution). The ratios of soil mineral NH(4+):N0(3)- for the different soil layers indicated similar values over the trial period.
Climatic data for the localities indicated differences in the amount and distribution of rainfall and temperatures during the study period, which influenced crop development, yield and grain protein percentage. At Bethlehem above average in-season rainfall was measured during 1997, at Kroonstad average rainfall and at Petrusburg below average in-season rainfall. Response to applied N at the localities varied in magnitude during 1997. Nitrogen application significantly increased N concentrations of plant components, N uptake, yield and grain protein percentage, although values for all these parameters were lower in 1998 than in 1997. Indeed higher
yields were produced in 1997 (mean=1.838 t ha(-1)) compared to 1998 (mean=0.980 t ha(-1)). A significant yield response to applied N was measured at the two higher yielding localities in both cropping years, but
there was no significant response at the lower yielding locality. The limiting factors appeared to be the availability of soil water and residual soil mineral N. From the calculated response functions, the variables soil water content at planting, soil mineral N content at planting, in-season rainfall, and added fertilizer N explained the bulk of the variations in grain protein percentage, plant N uptake, and yields. It was concluded that the present fertilizer N recommendation system for dryland wheat production,
which is based on fertilizer response curves for specific yield potentials, should be augmented by using initial soil mineral N and water contents in the profile measured prior to planting. / Thesis (M.Sc.Agric.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2002.
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