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Grenzen der Verfahren zur Bewertung des Sommerlichen Wärmeschutzes nach DIN 4108-2:2013Freudenberg, Peggy, Budny, Oda 07 February 2023 (has links)
Die Methodik der DIN 4108-2 zur Bewertung der Überhitzungswahrscheinlichkeit eines kritischen Raumes entspricht nicht mehr den wissenschaftlichen und technischen Standards. Die Kritik in der Fachliteratur hat zugenommen. Im vorliegenden Artikel werden die Hintergründe der DIN 4108-2 erläutert und bekannte Anwendungsgrenzen und Unzulänglichkeiten aus der Literatur zusammengefasst. Diese betreffen sowohl angenommene Randbedingungen als auch die Abbildung der relevanten physikalischen Effekte und Bewertungsgrößen. Darüber hinaus wird dargelegt, dass Gebäudenutzung, Raumeigenschaften und Klima als relevante Kategorien in der Betrachtung des Überhitzungsrisikos differenzierter abgebildet werden müssen. Anhand von fünf Praxisbeispielen werden Widersprüche zwischen Ergebnissen des vereinfachten Sonneneintragskennwerte-Verfahrens, Simulationen mit Randbedingungen gemäß DIN 4108-2 und Simulationen mit gebäudespezifischen Randbedingungen aufgezeigt. Anhand eines Vergleiches von Mess- und Simulationsergebnissen für einen dieser Beispielräume werden auch Grenzen der Simulationsrechnungen angesprochen. Ziel der Darstellung ist es, zwischen der wissenschaftlichen Diskussion, die von stark idealisierten Fällen getragen ist, und den planerischen Herausforderungen der Praxis, in welcher die Anwendbarkeit dieser Nachweisansätze oft unklar ist, zu vermitteln.
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Passing Masculinities at Boy Scout CampVrooman, Patrick Duane 28 June 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Skill, Will, and Self-Regulation: Assessing the Learning and Study Strategies of University Summer Bridge Program StudentsJean-Louis, Gerardine January 2014 (has links)
Colleges and universities face a critical challenge in addressing the educational needs of their academically underprepared students. With college dropout rates increasingly rising, post-secondary institutions must ensure that these students have both the knowledge and the skills necessary to succeed in higher education and beyond. The aim of this study was to investigate the learning and study strategies and skills of students participating in a university summer bridge program (SBP), which is a 6-week, high-school-to-college transition program for academically underprepared, at-risk, first-year students (as defined by the university). The relationships between SBP students' learning and study strategies and two measures of college achievement (first-year GPA and first-to-second-year persistence) were investigated using a two-phase, mixed-methods explanatory design. In Phase 1 of the study, the Learning and Study Strategies Inventory (LASSI) profiles of SBP students (N = 266) were examined. The LASSI, an 80-item, self-report questionnaire, is used to assess students' knowledge and use of various cognitive, motivational, and self-regulatory strategies that contribute to strategic learning. In Phase 2 of the study, semi-structured interviews were conducted to follow-up with purposefully selected SBP students (n = 4) during their sophomore year at the university. Results of the study found that selecting main ideas and test strategies (LASSI) scales were significant predictors of first-year college GPA. Motivation, as assessed by the LASSI, was a significant predictor of first-to-second-year college persistence. Interviews conducted in Phase 2 of the study expand on these findings. Implications for educational policy and practice are highlighted. / Educational Psychology
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SPRING 2022: Online-Summerschool Python für Ingenieurinnen: KonferenzbandApelt, Sabine, Knoll, Carsten, Kazimiers, Antje, Koch, Dorothea Piko 28 May 2024 (has links)
Dieser Konferenzband ist das Ergebnis von SPRING 2022, der Summerschool Python remote für Ienieur*innen, einer von der Technischen Unviersität Dresden organisierten Online-Summerschool, welche in der Woche vom 07.06. bis 10.06.2022 stattfand. Das erste Kapitel befasst sich mit den Rahmenbedingungen, Vorüberlegungen und der organisatorischen Umsetzung der Summerschool mit dem Ziel, die Erfahrungen der Organisator*innen mit interessierten Nachahmenden zu teilen. Das zweite Kapitel fasst die Inhalte und Übungsaufgaben der theoretischen Einheiten der Summerschool zusammen, aufgeteilt in die Inhalte für Anfänger*innen und die Inhalte für Fortgeschrittene. Im letzten Kapitel finden sich die Beiträge des Symposiums, einer Abendveranstaltung im Rahmen der Summerschool, bei der die fortgeschrittenen Teilnehmenden ihre Erfahrungen zum Einsatz von Python aus ihrem Ingenieur*innenalltag teilen konnten.:1 Organisatorisches 5
Abstract 5
1.1 Organisation einer Online-Summerschool Python für Ingenieur*innen 6
1.1.1 Motivation 6
1.1.2 Team und Teilnehmende 7
1.1.3 Ablauf 9
1.1.4 Evaluation und Ausblick 13
2 Workshops 19
2.1 Python für Ingenieur*innen - Programmiereinstieg 20
2.2 Python für Ingenieur*innen - Fortgeschrittene 27
2.2.1 Numpy-Übungen 27
2.2.2 Einschub: Effizienter Umgang mit Dokumentationen und anderen Online-Ressourcen 30
2.2.3 Matplotlib-Übungen 31
2.2.4 Pandas-Übungen 32
3 Beiträge zum Symposium 35
3.1 Automatisierte Messdatenauswertung am Motorprüfstand in Python 36
3.2 Opto-Mechatronic Screening Module for 3D Tumour Model Eng. 38
3.3 Python in der Regelungs- und Automatisierungstechnik 40
3.4 Leben mit Python 45 / This conference volume is the result of SPRING 2022, the summer school Python remote for engineers, an online summer school organized by the Technische Unviersität Dresden, which took place in the week from 07.06. to 10.06.2022. The first chapter deals with the framework conditions, preliminary considerations and the organizational implementation of the summer school with the aim of sharing the experiences of the organizers with interested imitators. The second chapter summarizes the content and exercises of the theoretical units of the summer school, divided into content for beginners and content for advanced participants. The last chapter contains the contributions from the symposium, an evening event held as part of the summer school, where the advanced participants were able to share their experiences of using Python in their everyday engineering work.:1 Organisatorisches 5
Abstract 5
1.1 Organisation einer Online-Summerschool Python für Ingenieur*innen 6
1.1.1 Motivation 6
1.1.2 Team und Teilnehmende 7
1.1.3 Ablauf 9
1.1.4 Evaluation und Ausblick 13
2 Workshops 19
2.1 Python für Ingenieur*innen - Programmiereinstieg 20
2.2 Python für Ingenieur*innen - Fortgeschrittene 27
2.2.1 Numpy-Übungen 27
2.2.2 Einschub: Effizienter Umgang mit Dokumentationen und anderen Online-Ressourcen 30
2.2.3 Matplotlib-Übungen 31
2.2.4 Pandas-Übungen 32
3 Beiträge zum Symposium 35
3.1 Automatisierte Messdatenauswertung am Motorprüfstand in Python 36
3.2 Opto-Mechatronic Screening Module for 3D Tumour Model Eng. 38
3.3 Python in der Regelungs- und Automatisierungstechnik 40
3.4 Leben mit Python 45
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大台北地區兒童夏令營消費行為之研究詹文男, ZHAN, WEN-NAN Unknown Date (has links)
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The effect of the summer training program on midshipmen career choice at the United States Naval AcademyCasals, Rodolfo 03 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / The main purpose of this study was to examine the effect of the Summer Training Program (STP) on vocational development of midshipmen at the United States Naval Academy. To test this a sample of 615 first-class midshipmen and 615 second-class midshipmen from the classes of 2002-2004 completed a survey regarding their experiences on summer cruise. Survey answers were grouped into several factors derived from a review of the literature in vocational psychology. The relationship between these factors and their final warfare community preferences were analyzed using several cross-tabulations, univariate tests and multivariate models. Cross-tabulations showed that only 25% of midshipmen change their warfare community preference during the last two years at the Academy. Independent Pearson Correlation (r) showed the affect of each of the different factors on warfare community selection. Of the different variables identified: gender, academic major, running-mate qualification/experience, and ship morale were found to have an impact on the desire to select surface warfare at the conclusion of the summer training experience. The multivariate models (logit) verified that the above variables were significant in determining the choice of warfare community and also showed that observed ship morale was the dominant factor above all others in helping to form career interests. / Lieutenant, United States Navy
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The Influence of Bela Bartok on Symmetry and Instrumentation in George Crumb's Music for a Summer Evening with Three Recitals of Selected Works of Abe, Berio, Dahl, Kessner, Miki, Miyoshi, and OthersKingan, Michael Gregory 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this document is to investigate the influence of Bela Bartok's music, specifically the Sonata for Two Pianos and Percussion, on George Crumb's Music for a Summer Evening. It concentrates on two specific areas: 1) the role of symmetry and 2) instrumentation. These two items were stressed during an interview with Crumb by the author, which is appended to the paper.
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Évaluation du programme V.I.P.-Camps : programme de formation en intervention psychoéducative offert aux moniteurs de camps d'étéLeblanc, Audrey January 2009 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
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Éducation alimentaire, nutritionnelle et sensorielle combinée au jardinage chez les jeunes : rôle des animateurs non professionnels de la nutritionApril-Lalonde, Gabriel 10 1900 (has links)
Les programmes éducatifs de jardinage alimentaire avec les jeunes offrent
l’opportunité d’agir sur leurs connaissances nutritionnelles, préférences pour des légumes, sentiment d'efficacité personnelle à consommer des fruits et légumes, envie d'y goûter et leur consommation. Dans ces activités, certains obstacles peuvent freiner l'éducation alimentaire et nutritionnelle faite par des animateurs qui ne sont pas professionnels de la nutrition ou de la santé. Le présent projet consistait à développer un volet alimentaire et nutritionnel éducatif pour les "Jardins-jeunes" (JJ), un camp d'été en jardinage du Jardin botanique de Montréal, à offrir une courte formation en nutrition à ses animatrices, puis à évaluer leurs niveaux d'intérêt et de confiance personnelle à intégrer ce volet à l'édition 2013. Les méthodes d'évaluation auprès des animatrices comprenaient des entrevues de groupe, des questionnaires et une observation-terrain. La taille d'échantillon permettait uniquement une analyse qualitative des résultats. La formation semble avoir maintenu ou élevé les niveaux de confiance et de connaissances des animatrices sur plusieurs sujets alimentaires et nutritionnels. Les animatrices évoquent que les trois activités de trente minutes en alimentation et nutrition, intégrées aux JJ 2013, auraient favorisé l'éducation nutritionnelle, qui par ailleurs, fut limitée par manque de temps. Elles rapportent avoir perçu des effets positifs du programme sur les connaissances, attitudes et comportements alimentaires des jeunes. Nos résultats suggèrent qu'un volet d’éducation alimentaire et nutritionnelle peut être intégré à un programme de jardinage par des animateurs non spécialisés dans ces domaines, outillés et encadrés pour se sentir motivés et confiants dans leur rôle. / Food garden curricula for children provide opportunities to work on their nutritional
knowledge, vegetables preferences, self-efficacy to consume fruits and vegetables,
willingness to taste them and their consumption. In such programs, certain obstacles can restrain the implementation or use of a food and nutrition curriculum by summer camp monitor/animator who are not nutrition or health professionals. This project consisted in developing and adding a food and nutrition educational component to "Jardins-jeunes", a gardening summer camp offered by Jardin Botanique de Montréal. A brief nutrition training was given to the camp’s monitors. Their level of interest and self-efficacy to implement this component trough the 2013 edition were evaluated. Evaluating methods included group interviews, questionnaires and a field observation. Qualitative analysis was conducted due to the small sample size. The nutrition training appears to have maintained or enhanced monitors' interests and knowledge on food and nutrition related subjects. They reported that the thirty minute food and nutrition activities integrated in the 2013 program presented opportunities to offer nutrition education, although limited by a lack of time. They report perceiving positive effects on children's knowledge, attitudes and behaviors on their food after their participation to the program. Our results suggest that a food and nutrition curriculum can be implemented in a garden program by summer camp monitor/animator who are not specialists in those fields, but who are provided with the adequate tools and support to be confident and interested in this task.
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Děti na integračním táboře- jejich projevy a vazby / Children at integrational summer camp- their manifestations in behaviour and relationsČadilová, Alžběta January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with behaviour and relationships on summer integrational camp, where children raised in family and children raised in residential care meet with each other. The aim of this thesis is to describe the difference between these groups from the viewpoint of unit counsellors (in the area of behaviour at the camp, relationship with the authority of counsellor and relationships between children) and explore mutual relationships in units, primarily ascertain the position of the children who were raised in residential care. The thesis is divided into theoretical and empirical part. In the first chapter of the theoretical part potential differences between children raised in family and children raised in residential care are analysed. The second chapter deals with summer camps and which aspects have influence on children's stay at camp. In the empirical part the qualitative research itself is presented, with the questionnaires for counsellors as the main data source. These questionnaires provide the information about observed areas regarding all the children on the camp, who are participants of the research. Mutual relationships between children and position of the children raised in residential care inside units are examined using sociometry. The information obtained about both...
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