Spelling suggestions: "subject:"sunflower mean"" "subject:"sunflower meat""
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Mogućnost primene visokoproteinskih frakcija suncokretove sačme dobijenih postupkom usitnjavanja i vazdušne klasifikacije u proizvodnji ekstrudirane hrane za ribe / Application possibility of high protein sunflower meal fractions obtained by combination of grinding and air classification in the production of extrudedfish feedBanjac Vojislav 07 March 2018 (has links)
<p>Aktuelni problem industrije proizvodnje hrane za ribe jeste smanjena dostupnost i visoka<br />cena ribljeg brašna, tradicionalnog izvora proteina u hrani za ribe, koja je direktna posledica rasta sektora akvakulture i visoke potražnje za ovim kvalitetnim proteinskim hranivom. Delimična ili potpuna zamena ribljeg brašna visokoproteinskim sirovinama biljnog porekla u recepturama za ishranu riba, uz iznalaženje novih alternativnih visokoproteinskih sirovina pristup je kojim se prevazilazi ovaj problem i koji ima potencijal da obezbedi održivost celokupne industrije hrane za ribe u budućnosti. U okviru ove disertacije predloženo je novo, relativno jednostavno i jeftino tehnološko rešenje za suvo frakcionisanje suncokretove sačme, čijom bi se primenom dobile njene visokoproteinske frakcije kao potencijalne proteinske sirovine biljnog porekla za zamenu ribljeg brašna u hrani za ribe. Shodno tome, istraživanja ove disertacije urađena su u dve odvojene faze, gde je prva, faza vazdušne klasifikacije, imala za cilj ispitivanje mogućnosti primene kombinacije postupaka usitnjavanja suncokretove sačme mlinom čekidarom i vazdušne klasifikacije ovako usitnjene sačme primenom vazdušnog gravitacionog kaskadnog, cik-cak, klasifikatora u cilju dobijanja frakcija povedanog sadržaj proteina u odnosu na polaznu sačmu. Nezavisni parametri usitnjavanja i klasifikacije bili su prečnik otvora sita (POS) čekidara (3, 2 i 1 mm), protok<br />klasifikacionog vazduha (5, 8,7 i 12,5 m<sup>3</sup>/h) i jačina oscilacije vibro dozatora (JOVD)<br />klasifikatora (30, 60 i 90% maksimuma). Zavisne promenljive bile su sadržaj proteina u<br />dobijenim frakcijama i njihov prinos. Primenjen je 3x3x3 potpuni faktorijalni eksperimentalni dizajn prema metodi odzivne površine. U cilju dobijanja frakcije sa što<br />većim sadržajem proteina, u što većem prinosu, kombinacija postupaka usitnjavanja i<br />vazdušne klasifikacije je optimizovana primenom regresione analize, analize glavnih<br />komponenata (PCA analiza), analize varijanse, kao i računske dinamike fluida (CFD analiza), kojom je dobijeni kompjuterski model vazdušne klasifikacije suncokretove sačme poređen sa eksperimentalno dobijenim rezultatima. Cik-cak vazdušni klasifikator uspešno je primenjen za razdvajanje usitnjene suncokretove sačme na grubu i finu frakciju. Pri povećanju protoka vazduha smanjivao se prinos grube a istovremeno povećavao prinos fine frakcije. Grube frakcije suncokretove sačme dobijene pri protocima vazduha od 8,7 i 12,5 m<sup>3</sup>/h imale su za 0,5 − 41,4% relativno veći sadržaj proteina u poređenju sa polaznom sačmom. Smanjenje POS i povećanje protoka vazduha uticalo je na povećanje, dok je povećanje JOVD, uticalo na smanjenje sadržaja proteina grube frakcije. Najveći sadržaj proteina (50,90%SM) imala je gruba frakcija suncokretove sačme dobijena pri sledećim parametrima: POS − 1 mm; protok vazduha − 12,5 m<sup>3</sup>/h; JOVD − 30%. Na sadržaj proteina grube frakcije i odnos prinosa frakcija značajan uticaj (p < 0,05) imali su POS čekidara i protok vazduha, dok je CFD model pokazao zadovoljavajuće poklapanje sa eksperimentalnim rezultatima. Cilj druge faze disertacije, faze ekstrudiranja, bio je najpre ispitivanje uticaja dodatka polazne suncokretove sačme (oko 37% proteina na SM) i njene dve visokoproteinske frakcije (oko 43% i 49% proteina na SM), dobijenih na osnovu odabranih parametara usitnjavanja i vazdušne klasifikacije, na postupak ekstrudiranja i fizički kvalitet ekstrudirane hrane za ribe. Maksimalno 20% ribljeg brašna bilo je zamenjeno polaznom sunockretovom sačmom i njenim odabranim visokoproteinskim frakcijama, a njihov udeo u recepturi za ishranu pastrmke menjan je na osnovu dizajna smeše. Za ekstrudiranje eksperimentalnih smeša i dobijanje hrane u obliku granula korišćen je dvopužni ekstruder. Ulazni parametri ekstrudiranja bili su konstatni, osim sastava smeše, a<br />praćeni su izlazni parametri ekstrudiranja: temperatura u cevi ekstrudera, temperatura<br />matrice, pritisak na matrici, specifična potrošnja energije (SME) i obrtni moment<br />elektromotora ekstrudera. Proizvedenim uzorcima ispitani su pokazatelji fizičkog kvaliteta: stepen ekspanzije, nasipna masa, tvrdoća, stepen otiranja, kapacitet upijanja ulja, nivo otpuštanja ulja iz zauljenih granula, stabilnost u vodi i mikrostruktura granula. Prisutvo suncokretove sačme višeg sadržaja proteina i manjeg sadržaja celuloze u smeši uticalo je na formiranje više temperature matrice ekstrudera, kao i na smanjenje SME i obrtnog momenta. Povećanje sadržaja proteina suncokretove sačme doprinelo je stvaranju kompaktnije strukture granule, povećanju tvrdoće, otpornosti otiranju i stabilnosti granula u vodi, smanjenju nivoa otpuštanja ulja, te je tako pozitivno uticalo na fizičke karakteristike granula. Visokoproteinska frakcija suncokretove sačme sa 49% proteina na SM doprinela je optimalnim fzičkim karakteristikama ekstrudirane hrane za pastrmku. Karakterizacija ove frakcije kao potencijalne nove sirovine u industriji hrane za ribe bio je krajnji cilj ispitivanja ove disertacije. U tu svrhu navedena frakcija suncokretove sačme poređena je u novom eksperimentu ekstrudiranja i ispitivanja fizičkog kvaliteta hrane za pastrmku sa ribljim brašnom, kao i sojinim brašnom, koje je najčešće korišćen izvor biljnih proteina u hrani za ribe. Korišćena je nova receptura smeše ali ista postavka eksperimenta kao u prvom delu faze ekstrudiranja. Rezultati su pokazali da je prisustvo visokoproteinske suncokretove sačme sa oko 49% proteina (SM) doprinelo smanjenju temperature matrice, ali i povedanju SME i obrtnog momenta, a time i poroznosti granula što je imalo pozitivan uticaj na kapacitet upijanja ulja granula, stabilnost granula i otpuštanje nutrijenata u vodi, kao i negativan uticaj na stepen otiranja i nasipnu masu granula. Zamena 13,4% ribljeg brašna u recepturi ovom viskoproteinskom frakcijom suncokretove sačme za rezultat je imala granule zadovoljavajućeg fizičkog kvaliteta. Granule najboljeg fizičkog kvaliteta dobijene su<br />kombinacijom visokoproteinske frakcije suncokretove sačme sa sojinim brašnom, te se<br />moglo zaključiti da se funkcionalne karakteristike ove dve sirovine odlično dopunjuju, i da visokoproteinska frakcija suncokretove sačme, sa stanovišta tehnološkog kvaliteta hrane za ribu, predstavlja dobru alternativu ribljem brašnu.</p> / <p>High price and finite availability of fish meal (FM), due to high expansion of aquaculture<br />sector in recent decades, are main concerns for modern day aquafeed industry. Partially or completely substation of fish meal in fish feed with protein sources of plant origin, together with finding novel alternative protein sources, is commonly used approach that enables sustainability of aquafeed industry in decades to come. New, relatively simple and low-cost procedure for dry fractionation of sunflower meal (SFM) was proposed within this thesis, with aim for producing high protein SFM fractions as a potential plant source alternative for FM in fish feed. Thus, thesis’s researches were done in two phases, where the aim of the first phase, air classification phase, was to investigate the possibility of applying combination of grinding by hammer mill and air classification of ground SFM using gravitational, cascade air classifier (zigzag), in order to obtain protein enriched fractions. Independent variables of grinding and air classification were sieve openings diameter (SOD) of hammer mill (3, 2 and 1 mm), air flow (5, 8.7 and 12.5 m3/h) and bowl feeder oscillation rate (BFOR) of air classifier (30, 60 and 90% of the maximum). Depended responses were protein content and yield of obtained fractions. The experimental data were obtained using 3 x 3 x 3 full factorial experimental design according to response surface methodology (RSM). For the optimization of grinding and air classification, in order to obtain fraction with highest possible protein content and in high yield, regression analysis, principal component analysis (PCA), analysis of variance (ANOVA) and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) approach were employed. Zigzag air classifier was successfully used for fractionation of ground SFM into coarse and fine fraction. Yield of coarse fractions was decreasing, while fine fractions yield was increasing with the increase of the air flow. Coarse fractions of SFM obtained at 8.7 and 12.5 m3/h were 0.5 − 41.4% relatively enriched in protein content compared to the starting SFM. Decrease of SOD and increase of air flow resulted in coarse fraction protein content increase, while increasing BFOR decreased coarse fraction protein<br />content. The coarse SFM fraction with highest protein content was obtained for the SFM<br />ground by 1 mm SOD, air flow of 12.5 m3/h, with BFOR set at 30%. Protein content of<br />coarse fraction and ratio of fractions yields were significantly affected (p < 0.05) by SOD of hammer mill and air flow. CFD model coincide with the experimental results of air<br />classification. The first aim of second phase, extrusion phase, was to investigate influence of starting SFM (37% of protein at DM) and its two high protein fractions (43% and 49% of protein at DM), obtained by grinding and air classification, on extrusion process and physical quality of extruded fish feed. Maximum 20% of FM was substituted with SFM and its high protein fractions in trout feed recipe, and their share was changed according to the<br />mixture design. Twin screw extruder was used for the production of trout feed samples.<br />Primarily extrusion parameters were constant, except dry mixture composition, and<br />secondary extrusion factors were observed: extruder barrel’s temperatures, temperature<br />and pressure at the die, specific mechanical energy (SME) and motor load as torque.<br />Selected physical properties of extruded trout feed samples were determined: radial<br />expansion, bulk density, hardness, durability, oil absorption capacity, oil leakage, water<br />stability and microstructure of feed. SFM higher in protein and lower in fiber influenced<br />higher die temperature and lower SME and torque during extrusion process. Increase in<br />protein content of SFM resulted in more compact structure of pellets, increased hardness, durability and water stability, decreased oil leakage and thus positively influenced on physical properties of feed. High protein SFM fraction with around 49% of protein (DM) contributed to the optimal physical properties of experimental feed and characterization of this SFM fraction, as a potential new raw material in fish feed industry, was definite aim of this thesis. Towards that, new set of experiments was conducted, where high protein SFM fraction was compared with FM and soybean flour (SBF) by extruding new samples of trout feed and investigating their physical quality. Results of second extrusion experiment showed that presence of high protein SFM fraction (49% of protein DM) in dry mixture decreased die temperature, while increased SME and torque, and with that also increased porosity of pellets, oil absorption capacity and water stability but decreased bulk density and durability. Substitution of 13.4% FM by high protein SFM fraction resulted in pellets with satisfactory physical quality. The highest quality pellets were obtained in combination of high protein SFM and SBF, which lead to the conclusion that functional characteristics of high protein SFM fraction and SBF are complementary, and that novel SFM, from the point of technical quality, presents good FM alternative.</p>
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Farelo de girassol em dietas para suínos com peso elevado de abateLima, Marco Monteiro de [UNESP] 24 February 2012 (has links) (PDF)
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lima_mm_me_jabo.pdf: 409708 bytes, checksum: 0fbaa3b0c30ee1379aaf7e423cb0adb7 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / Foram conduzidos dois experimentos para avaliar a utilização do farelo de girassol em programas de restrição alimentar qualitativa para suínos em terminação. No primeiro experimento, foram utilizados 16 suínos, machos castrados, de alto potencial genético, com peso inicial de 79,64 ± 2,18 kg, para conhecer o valor nutricional do farelo de girassol e seu possível uso em programas de restrição alimentar qualitava. O farelo de girassol, pelos baixos valores de digestibilidade encontrados, mostrou-se como um possível ingrediente a ser utilizado em programas de restrição alimentar qualitativa. No segundo experimento, 45 suínos, machos castrados, com peso inicial de 80,09 ± 5,59 kg, foram utilizados para avaliar o efeito da inclusão de diferentes níveis de farelo de girassol (0, 7, 14, 21 e 28%), para suínos abatidos aos 128,01 ± 3,29 kg, quanto ao desempenho, características das carcaças, qualidade da carne e avaliação econômica. Utilizou-se o delineamento em blocos casualizados, com cinco tratamentos e nove repetições. O farelo de girassol aumentou o consumo diário de ração, entretanto, foi observado efeito quadrático no peso final e conversão alimentar, com os piores resultados observados com a inclusão de 12,12 e 23,50%, que podem estar associados à inclusão de óleo nas dietas com 21 e 28% de farelo de girassol. O farelo de girassol, no que se referem às características das carcaças, não proporcionou efeitos deletérios que inviabilizasse seu uso, entretanto, na qualidade de carne, o farelo de girassol, aumentou as características PSE da carne. Em relação à avaliação econômica, o farelo de girassol, não foi capaz de melhorar a receita líquida dos animais, tornando-o economicamente inviável / Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the use of sunflower meal as an ingredient in programs of qualitative food restriction for finishing pigs. In the first experiment, we used 16 pigs, barrows with high genetic potential, with initial weight of 79.64 ± 2.18 kg, to know the nutritional value of sunflower meal and its possible use in feed qualitava restriction. The sunflower meal, by low digestibility values found, proved to be a possible ingredient to be used in programs of qualitative feed restriction. In the second experiment, 45 barrows with an initial weight of 80.09 ± 5.59 kg, were used to evaluate the effect of inclusion of different levels of sunflower meal (0, 7, 14, 21 and 28%) a program of qualitative feed restriction for pigs slaughtered at 128.01 ± 3.29 kg, in performance, carcass characteristics, meat quality and economic evaluation. Was used a randomized block design with nine treatments and five repetitions. The sunflower meal increased a feed intake, however, was quadratic effect on the final weight and feed conversion, with the worst results observed with the addition of 12.12 and 23.50%, which may be associated with inclusion of oil in diets with 21 and 28% sunflower meal. The sunflower meal, as regards the characteristics of carcasses, didn't cause no deleterious effects that would prevent its use, however, in quality of meat, the sunflower meal increased the characteristics PSE of meat. Regarding the economic evaluation, the sunflower meal, was not able to improve net revenue of the animals, making it economically unviable
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Utilização da polpa cítrica ou do farelo de girassol em rações de coelhos em crescimentoColoni, Rodrigo Dias [UNESP] 20 May 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:27:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0
Previous issue date: 2010-05-20Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:16:59Z : No. of bitstreams: 1
coloni_rd_me_jabo.pdf: 703111 bytes, checksum: 84e1c0d912455dbcce7d19dd9ba0722f (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Objetivou-se avaliar a utilização da polpa cítrica e do farelo de girassol em substituição ao feno de alfafa e farelo de soja, como fontes de fibra e proteína, respectivamente. O feno de alfafa foi substituído pela polpa cítrica em 0, 25, 50, 75 e 100%. O farelo de soja foi substituído pelo farelo de girassol em 0, 16, 25,5, 32,3 e 40%. Para os ensaios de digestibilidade foram utilizados 20 coelhos com 35 dias de idade submetidos a 5 tratamentos e 4 repetições. Nas análises de desempenho, parâmetros de carcaça e avaliação econômica foram utilizados 40 coelhos dos 35 aos 75 dias de idade. Para tratamentos que continham polpa cítrica foram observadas diferenças para os coeficientes de digestibilidade do extrato etéreo, fibra em detergente neutro, fibra em detergente ácido, proteína bruta além de proporcionar melhor peso final e ganho de peso. Para tratamentos com o farelo de girassol não houve problemas com a digestibilidade dos ingredientes além de proporcionar resultados positivos de peso e características de carcaça / The objective was to evaluate the use of citrus pulp and sunflower meal in replacement of alfalfa hay and soybean meal as sources of fiber and protein, respectively. The alfalfa hay was replaced by citrus pulp at 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100%. The soybean meal was replaced by sunflower meal at 0, 16, 25.5, 32.3 and 40%. For the digestibility trials were used twenty with 35 days old rabbits subjected to five treatments and four replications. In the analysis of performance, carcass characteristics and economic evaluation were used 40 rabbits from 35 to 75 days old. For treatments containing citrus pulp differences were observed for the digestibility coefficients of ether extract, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, crude protein as well as providing a better final weight and weight gain. For treatments with sunflower meal there were no problems with the digestibility of ingredients in addition to providing positive results in weight and carcass traits
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Farelo de girassol em dietas para suínos com peso elevado de abate /Lima, Marco Monteiro de. January 2012 (has links)
Orientador: Maria Cristina Thomaz / Coorientador: Rosemeire da Silva Filardi / Banca: Jane Maria Bertocco Ezequiel / Banca: Dirlei Antonio Berto / Resumo: Foram conduzidos dois experimentos para avaliar a utilização do farelo de girassol em programas de restrição alimentar qualitativa para suínos em terminação. No primeiro experimento, foram utilizados 16 suínos, machos castrados, de alto potencial genético, com peso inicial de 79,64 ± 2,18 kg, para conhecer o valor nutricional do farelo de girassol e seu possível uso em programas de restrição alimentar qualitava. O farelo de girassol, pelos baixos valores de digestibilidade encontrados, mostrou-se como um possível ingrediente a ser utilizado em programas de restrição alimentar qualitativa. No segundo experimento, 45 suínos, machos castrados, com peso inicial de 80,09 ± 5,59 kg, foram utilizados para avaliar o efeito da inclusão de diferentes níveis de farelo de girassol (0, 7, 14, 21 e 28%), para suínos abatidos aos 128,01 ± 3,29 kg, quanto ao desempenho, características das carcaças, qualidade da carne e avaliação econômica. Utilizou-se o delineamento em blocos casualizados, com cinco tratamentos e nove repetições. O farelo de girassol aumentou o consumo diário de ração, entretanto, foi observado efeito quadrático no peso final e conversão alimentar, com os piores resultados observados com a inclusão de 12,12 e 23,50%, que podem estar associados à inclusão de óleo nas dietas com 21 e 28% de farelo de girassol. O farelo de girassol, no que se referem às características das carcaças, não proporcionou efeitos deletérios que inviabilizasse seu uso, entretanto, na qualidade de carne, o farelo de girassol, aumentou as características PSE da carne. Em relação à avaliação econômica, o farelo de girassol, não foi capaz de melhorar a receita líquida dos animais, tornando-o economicamente inviável / Abstract: Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the use of sunflower meal as an ingredient in programs of qualitative food restriction for finishing pigs. In the first experiment, we used 16 pigs, barrows with high genetic potential, with initial weight of 79.64 ± 2.18 kg, to know the nutritional value of sunflower meal and its possible use in feed qualitava restriction. The sunflower meal, by low digestibility values found, proved to be a possible ingredient to be used in programs of qualitative feed restriction. In the second experiment, 45 barrows with an initial weight of 80.09 ± 5.59 kg, were used to evaluate the effect of inclusion of different levels of sunflower meal (0, 7, 14, 21 and 28%) a program of qualitative feed restriction for pigs slaughtered at 128.01 ± 3.29 kg, in performance, carcass characteristics, meat quality and economic evaluation. Was used a randomized block design with nine treatments and five repetitions. The sunflower meal increased a feed intake, however, was quadratic effect on the final weight and feed conversion, with the worst results observed with the addition of 12.12 and 23.50%, which may be associated with inclusion of oil in diets with 21 and 28% sunflower meal. The sunflower meal, as regards the characteristics of carcasses, didn't cause no deleterious effects that would prevent its use, however, in quality of meat, the sunflower meal increased the characteristics PSE of meat. Regarding the economic evaluation, the sunflower meal, was not able to improve net revenue of the animals, making it economically unviable / Mestre
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Utilização da polpa cítrica ou do farelo de girassol em rações de coelhos em crescimento /Coloni, Rodrigo Dias. January 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Jeffrey Frederico Lui / Banca: Atushi Sugohara / Banca: Renato Gonçalves Ferreira / Resumo: Objetivou-se avaliar a utilização da polpa cítrica e do farelo de girassol em substituição ao feno de alfafa e farelo de soja, como fontes de fibra e proteína, respectivamente. O feno de alfafa foi substituído pela polpa cítrica em 0, 25, 50, 75 e 100%. O farelo de soja foi substituído pelo farelo de girassol em 0, 16, 25,5, 32,3 e 40%. Para os ensaios de digestibilidade foram utilizados 20 coelhos com 35 dias de idade submetidos a 5 tratamentos e 4 repetições. Nas análises de desempenho, parâmetros de carcaça e avaliação econômica foram utilizados 40 coelhos dos 35 aos 75 dias de idade. Para tratamentos que continham polpa cítrica foram observadas diferenças para os coeficientes de digestibilidade do extrato etéreo, fibra em detergente neutro, fibra em detergente ácido, proteína bruta além de proporcionar melhor peso final e ganho de peso. Para tratamentos com o farelo de girassol não houve problemas com a digestibilidade dos ingredientes além de proporcionar resultados positivos de peso e características de carcaça / Abstract: The objective was to evaluate the use of citrus pulp and sunflower meal in replacement of alfalfa hay and soybean meal as sources of fiber and protein, respectively. The alfalfa hay was replaced by citrus pulp at 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100%. The soybean meal was replaced by sunflower meal at 0, 16, 25.5, 32.3 and 40%. For the digestibility trials were used twenty with 35 days old rabbits subjected to five treatments and four replications. In the analysis of performance, carcass characteristics and economic evaluation were used 40 rabbits from 35 to 75 days old. For treatments containing citrus pulp differences were observed for the digestibility coefficients of ether extract, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, crude protein as well as providing a better final weight and weight gain. For treatments with sunflower meal there were no problems with the digestibility of ingredients in addition to providing positive results in weight and carcass traits / Mestre
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Avaliação de ingredientes alternativos na alimentação de frangos de corte com a adição de enzimas / Evaluation of alternative ingredients in diets of broilers with the addition of enzymesBozutti, Samuel Real de Azevedo 02 March 2009 (has links)
Realizaram-se dois experimentos com o objetivo de avaliar a inclusão dos ingredientes alternativos farelo de girassol e sorgo na alimentação de frangos de corte adicionando-se enzimas. Os experimentos foram divididos em três ensaios independentes, os quais corresponderam a cada fase de criação: fase inicial (1 a 21 dias), onde foram avaliadas as características de desempenho; fase de crescimento (22 a 42 dias), onde foram avaliadas as características de desempenho e as características da carcaça e fase final (43 a 49 dias), onde foram avaliadas as características de desempenho e as características da carcaça. Para cada ensaio foram utilizadas 1.280 aves de ambos os sexos avaliando-se: desempenho (consumo, ganho de peso, conversão alimentar, rendimento de carcaça e rendimento dos cortes comerciais (peito, coxa + sobrecoxa, asa e dorso)), umidade da cama, viscosidade da digesta. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância utilizandose o procedimento do programa SAS (Statistic Analisys System, 2001) e como teste de comparação de médias foi utilizado o Teste de Tukey. No primeiro experimento, com farelo de girassol, o delineamento foi o inteiramente casualizado, com 8 tratamentos, em esquema fatorial 2 X 2 X 2 (2 critérios de formulação aminoácidos digestíveis e totais; 2 níveis de inclusão do farelo de girassol 0% e 15%; 2 formas de utilização das enzimas: com adição e sem adição), com 4 repetições de 40 aves cada. Concluiu-se que a utilização de 15% do farelo de girassol na dieta de frangos de corte prejudicou o desempenho dos animais, não afetando o rendimento de carcaça. Nas fases de crescimento e final, o melhor desempenho foi encontrado quando as dietas foram formuladas com base em aminoácidos digestíveis e com adição de enzimas; não influenciando a umidade do material da cama, aumentando a viscosidade da digesta. No segundo experimento com sorgo utilizou-se o mesmo delineamento com 8 tratamentos, em esquema fatorial 2 X 2 X 2 (2 critérios de formulação aminoácidos digestíveis e totais; 2 níveis de substituição do milho pelo sorgo 0% e 100%; 2 formas de utilização das enzimas: com adição e sem adição), com 4 repetições de 40 aves cada. O sorgo demonstrou ser um grande substituto do milho nas dietas, pelo fato de não alterar o desempenho das aves, umidade da cama e viscosidade da digesta. Com os dois ensaios realizados concluiu-se que ingredientes alternativos são viáveis na alimentação das aves, não restringindo a criação das mesmas somente no milho e na soja. / Two experiments were conduced to evaluate the inclusion of alternative ingredients, sunflower meal and sorghum, in diet of broilers with the addition of enzymes. The experiments were divided into three independent trials, which corresponded to each phase of raising: initial phase (1 21 days), where the performance characteristics were evaluated; growing phase (22 42 days), where the performance and the carcass characteristics were evaluated, and the final phase (43 49 days), where the performance and the carcass characteristics were also evaluated. For each trial 1,280 birds of both sexes were used to evaluate: performance (feed intake, wheight gain, feed conversion, carcass yield, and comercial cuts yield (breast, thigh, thigh + thigh of any fowl, wings and back)), litter humidity, digest viscosity. The data were submitted to variance analisys using the procedure of the program SAS (Statistc Analisys System, 2001) and the Tukey Test. In the first experiment, with sunflower meal, with 8 treatments,in factorial study, 2 x 2 x 2 ( 2 formulation digestible and total aminoacids; 2 levels of sunflower meal inclusion 0% and 15%; and enzyme use: with and without addition), with 4 repetitions of 40 poultries each. It was concluded that the use of 15% of the sunflower meal in the broiler´s diet harmed the animals´ performance, not affecting the carcass yield. In the growing and final phases, the best performance was found when the diets were made based on digestible aminoacids and with addition of enzymes; not influencing the humidity of the litter, increasing the digest viscosity. In the second experiment with sorghum 8 treatments were also used, in factorial study 2 x 2 x 2 (2 formulation digestible and total aminoacids; 2 levels of substitution from the corn to the sorghum 0 % and 100%; and enzyme use: with and without addition), with 4 repetitions of 40 poultries each. The sorghum has shown to be a great replacement of the corn in the diets, because it does not alter the poultry performance, bed humidity and digest viscosity. With both experiments performed, it was concluded that the alternative ingredients are feasible in the poultry feeding, not restricting their raising solely on corn and soybeans.
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Derivados da extração do óleo de girassol para vacas leiteiras /Santos, Juliana dos. January 2008 (has links)
Orientador: Mauro dal Secco de Oliveira / Banca: Jane Maria Bertocco Ezequiel / Banca: Paulo de Figueiredo Vieira / Banca: Armando de Andrade Rodrigues / Banca: Maria Lúcia Pereira Lima / Resumo: Avaliou-se as digestibilidades in vitro da matéria seca (DIVMS), proteína bruta (DIVPB), fibra em detergente neutro (DIVFDN) e fibra em detergente ácido (DIVFDA), consumo de alimentos, produção e composição do leite e viabilidade econômica de dietas contendo 0, 20, 40, 60% de torta de girassol, em substituição ao farelo de girassol e milho, para vacas em lactação. As digestibilidades foram obtidas no fermentador ruminal DAISY II (Ankon® Technology), em um delineamento em blocos casualizados, com 4 tratamentos e 4 repetições. Para avaliar o consumo, produção e composição do leite, oito vacas da raça holandesa, com 113 dias em lactação, foram alimentadas com silagem de milho ad libitum e 1kg de concentrado para cada 3kg de leite produzido. Os animais foram distribuídos em dois quadrados latinos 4x4, primíparas e multíparas, com 4 períodos de 19 dias. Verificou-se que a inclusão de torta de girassol diminuiu linearmente (P<0,01) as DIVMS e DIVFDN em aproximadamente 0,014% para cada unidade percentual de torta adicionada e aumentou os consumos de extrato etéreo e mineral (P<0,01). O consumo de extrato etéreo foi 12,24% superior no tratamento com 60% de substituição comparado ao concentrado sem torta de girassol, mas não afetou o consumo total de matéria seca (13,55 kg/vaca/dia, em média). A porcentagem de proteína no leite diminuiu linearmente e a concentração de N-uréico no leite aumentou à medida que houve substituição do farelo pela torta de girassol. Houve aumento no custo por kg do concentrado. Dependendo da disponibilidade e conveniência econômica, a torta de girassol pode substituir até 60% do farelo de girassol. / Abstract: In vitro digestibility of dry matter (IVDDM), crude protein (IVDCP), neutral detergent fiber (IVDNDF) and acid detergent fiber (IVDADF), nutrients intake, milk production and composition, and economical viability of the diets with four levels of sunflower cake (0, 20%, 40%, 60%), in replacement to sunflower meal and corn grain for dairy cattle, was evaluated. The in vitro digestibilities of the concentrates were obtained through DAISY II Ruminal Fermentator (Ankon® Technology), in a randomized blocks design, with four treatments and fours repetitions. To evaluate the nutrients intake and milk production and composition, eight Holsteins cows, with 113 days in lactation, were fed with corn silage ad libitum and 1kg of concentrate for every 3kg of milk produced. The cows were divided in two Latin Square (4x4), primiparous and multiparous, in four periods of 19 days. It was found that the inclusion of sunflower cake decreased linearly (P<0.01) the IVDDM, IVDNDF, in 0,014% percentual unit and increased intake of mineral and ether extract (P<0.01). Ether extract intake was 12,24% higher for cows fed with 60% replacement compared with concentrate without sunflower cake, but not influenced the dry matter intake (13,55 kg/cow/day). The protein percentage decreased linearly and increased the N-urea concentration. Increase was observed in the cost by kilo of the concentrate as there was participation of the sunflower cake. Depending on the availability and economic convenience, the sunflower cake can substitute until 60% of the sunflower meal. / Doutor
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Uticaj dodatka biljnih proteinskih koncentrata u hranu za životinje na kvalitet peleta / The effect of addition of plant protein concentrates in animal feed on pellet qualityČolović Radmilo 19 July 2013 (has links)
<p>Suncokretova sačma ima manju zastupljenost u peletiranim smešama za<br />ishranu životinja od sojine sačme zbog većeg udela sirovih vlakana. Sirova<br />vlakna depresivno deluju na svarljivost obroka i proizvodne rezultate, a mogu<br />da imaju negativan uticaj na fizički kvalitet peleta. Pri peletiranju smeša za<br />ishranu životinja u poslednje vreme značajna pažnja se posvećuje<br />funkcionalnim promenama makronutrijenata, jer se smatra da ove promene<br />pozitivno utiču na fizički kvalitet peleta. Razvojem modernih analitičkih tehnika,<br />posebno termalne analize, moguće je opisati promene na skrobu u procesu<br />peletiranja, nastale usled uticaja toplote i vlage. Sa druge strane, promene na<br />proteinskoj komponenti u procesu peletiranja nisu dovoljno objašnjene.<br />Najčešće se tumačenja svode na pretpostavke, bez objašnjenja o promenama<br />u veličini molekula proteina, kao i njihovoj koncentraciji. Inovativan pristup ove<br />doktorske disertacije je usmeren na opisivanje uticaja dodatka sojine i<br />suncokretovih sačmi različitog sadržaja proteina u smeše na bazi kukuruza na<br />tehnološke parametre procesa peletiranja, funkcionalne promene<br />makronutrijenata (želatinizaciju skroba i denaturaciju i degradaciju proteina) i<br />fizički kvalitet peleta. U okviru svake smeše takođe je ispitivan uticaj procesnih<br />parametara, prečnika otvora sita mlina čekićara (2, 3 i 4 mm), vremena<br />produženog kondicioniranja parom (bez produženog kondicioniranja, 5 i 10<br />minuta) na fizički kvalitet peleta. Istraživanja su pokazala da temperatura<br />peletiranja, specifična potrošnja električne energije i udeo prašine u peletama<br />zavise od sirovinskog sastava smeša, prečnika otvora sita mlina čekićara i<br />vremena zadržavanja u kondicioneru, pri čemu temperatura peletiranja i<br />specifična potrošnja električne energije rastu, a udeo prašine u peletama<br />opada sa porastom koncentracije proteina u smešama. Dokazano je i da<br />proces peletiranja utiče na funkcionalne promene makronutrijenata,<br />želatinizaciju skroba i strukturne promene na proteinima. Takođe je dokazano i<br />da za optimalno vreme zadržavanja materijala u kondicioneru, smanjenje<br />prečnika otvora sita mlina čekićara i povećanje sadržaja proteina u smešama<br />utiču na poboljšanje fizičkog kvaliteta peleta, tj. tvrdoće peleta i stepena<br />otiranja peleta. Optimalni uslovi procesa peletiranja određeni su metodom<br />željene funkcije. Dat je predlog opsega procesnih parametara za dobijanje<br />peleta minimalnog stepena otiranja uz optimalnu specifičnu potrošnju<br />električne energije.<br />Istraživanja u ovoj doktorskoj disartaciji dala su doprinos novim saznanjima o<br />uticaju dodatka sačme različitog sadržaja proteina (37,3, 40,3 i 42,6 %) na<br />fizički kvalitet peleta. Kvalitet peleta sa dodatkom suncokretove sačme je<br />poređen sa kvalitetom peleta sa dodatom sojinom sačmom, kao i kvalitetom<br />peleta od čistog kukuruza, u cilju objašnjenja uticaja izvora i koncentracije<br />proteina. Ispitivanja su vršena ne samo za standardno vreme kondicioniranja,<br />nego uz primenu najsavremenijih postupaka termičke obrade hrane za<br />životinje, tj. uz upotrebu produženog kondicioniranja od 5 i 10 minuta.<br />Doprinos nauci je dat i time što je pokazano da proces peletiranja utiče ne<br />samo na denaturaciju i degradaciju proteina, nego i na njihovo povezivanje.</p> / <p>Sunflower meal has a lesser presence in pelleted compound feed than<br />soybean meal due to a higher proportion of raw fiber. Raw fiber has<br />depressing effect on the digestibility and production results, and can have a<br />negative impact on the physical quality of the pellets. Lately, considerable<br />attention is paid to the functional changes of macronutrients in pelleting of<br />animal feed. It is believed that these changes have a positive impact on the<br />physical quality of the pellets. With the development of modern analytical<br />techniques, especially the thermal analysis, it is possible to describe the<br />changes of starch in pelleting process, caused by the impact of heat and<br />moisture. On the other hand, changes of the protein components in the<br />pelleting process are not sufficiently explained. The most common<br />interpretation is reduced to the presumption, with no explanation of changes in<br />the size of protein molecules, as well as in their concentration. The innovative<br />approach of this dissertation is focused on describing the effect of the addition<br />of soybean meal and sunflower meals, with different protein content, in<br />mixtures based on corn, on the technological parameters of the pelleting<br />process, functional changes of macronutrients (starch gelatinization, and<br />protein denaturation and degradation), and physical quality of the pellets.<br />Within each of the mixtures, the influence of process parameters, the diameter<br />of the hammer mill sieve openings (2, 3 and 4 mm), duration of long term<br />steam conditioning (without extended conditioning, 5 and 10 minutes) on the<br />physical quality of the pellets was also investigated. Studies have shown that<br />pelleting temperatures, the specific power consumption and the proportion of<br />dust in pellets were dependent of composition of the mixtures, the diameter of<br />the hammer mill sieve openings, and residence time in the conditioner.<br />Pelleting temperature and specific power consumption increased, and the<br />extent of fines in pellets decreased with increasing of concentration of protein<br />in the diets. Additionally, it is proved that pelleting process affects functional<br />changes of macronutrients, starch gelatinization and structural changes in<br />proteins. It is also proved that for the optimal retention time of material in<br />conditioner, decrease of diameter of the hammer mill sieve openings and<br />increase of protein content in the diets had positive effect on the physical<br />quality of pellets, i.e. pellet hardness and degree of abrasion of pellets. The<br />optimum process conditions in pelleting process were determined by the<br />method of desired function. A proposal has been made for setting the range of<br />process parameters for obtaining the minimum degree of abrasion of pellets,<br />with optimal specific energy consumption.<br />The research within this Ph.D. thesis contributed to the knowledge about the<br />effects of addition of sunflower meal with different protein content (37.3, 40.3<br />and 42.6 %) on the physical quality of the pellets. Quality of pelleted mixtures<br />with sunflower meal added were compared with the quality of pelleted mixtures<br />with soybean meal added and quality of pelleted corn, in order to explain the<br />effects of starch concentration, protein concentration and protein source.<br />Studies were performed not only for the standard time of conditioning, but with<br />the use of modern techniques for heat treatment of animal feed, i.e. with the<br />use of long term conditioning process for a 5 or 10 minutes. Additional<br />contribution to science has been given with showing that the pelleting process<br />causing not only the denaturation and degradation of proteins, but also<br />synthesis of proteins.</p>
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Derivados da extração do óleo de girassol para vacas leiteirasSantos, Juliana dos [UNESP] 22 February 2008 (has links) (PDF)
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santos_j_dr_jabo.pdf: 232621 bytes, checksum: cf6fd264854938082a91312f8084750d (MD5) / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Avaliou-se as digestibilidades in vitro da matéria seca (DIVMS), proteína bruta (DIVPB), fibra em detergente neutro (DIVFDN) e fibra em detergente ácido (DIVFDA), consumo de alimentos, produção e composição do leite e viabilidade econômica de dietas contendo 0, 20, 40, 60% de torta de girassol, em substituição ao farelo de girassol e milho, para vacas em lactação. As digestibilidades foram obtidas no fermentador ruminal DAISY II (Ankon® Technology), em um delineamento em blocos casualizados, com 4 tratamentos e 4 repetições. Para avaliar o consumo, produção e composição do leite, oito vacas da raça holandesa, com 113 dias em lactação, foram alimentadas com silagem de milho ad libitum e 1kg de concentrado para cada 3kg de leite produzido. Os animais foram distribuídos em dois quadrados latinos 4x4, primíparas e multíparas, com 4 períodos de 19 dias. Verificou-se que a inclusão de torta de girassol diminuiu linearmente (P<0,01) as DIVMS e DIVFDN em aproximadamente 0,014% para cada unidade percentual de torta adicionada e aumentou os consumos de extrato etéreo e mineral (P<0,01). O consumo de extrato etéreo foi 12,24% superior no tratamento com 60% de substituição comparado ao concentrado sem torta de girassol, mas não afetou o consumo total de matéria seca (13,55 kg/vaca/dia, em média). A porcentagem de proteína no leite diminuiu linearmente e a concentração de N-uréico no leite aumentou à medida que houve substituição do farelo pela torta de girassol. Houve aumento no custo por kg do concentrado. Dependendo da disponibilidade e conveniência econômica, a torta de girassol pode substituir até 60% do farelo de girassol. / In vitro digestibility of dry matter (IVDDM), crude protein (IVDCP), neutral detergent fiber (IVDNDF) and acid detergent fiber (IVDADF), nutrients intake, milk production and composition, and economical viability of the diets with four levels of sunflower cake (0, 20%, 40%, 60%), in replacement to sunflower meal and corn grain for dairy cattle, was evaluated. The in vitro digestibilities of the concentrates were obtained through DAISY II Ruminal Fermentator (Ankon® Technology), in a randomized blocks design, with four treatments and fours repetitions. To evaluate the nutrients intake and milk production and composition, eight Holsteins cows, with 113 days in lactation, were fed with corn silage ad libitum and 1kg of concentrate for every 3kg of milk produced. The cows were divided in two Latin Square (4x4), primiparous and multiparous, in four periods of 19 days. It was found that the inclusion of sunflower cake decreased linearly (P<0.01) the IVDDM, IVDNDF, in 0,014% percentual unit and increased intake of mineral and ether extract (P<0.01). Ether extract intake was 12,24% higher for cows fed with 60% replacement compared with concentrate without sunflower cake, but not influenced the dry matter intake (13,55 kg/cow/day). The protein percentage decreased linearly and increased the N-urea concentration. Increase was observed in the cost by kilo of the concentrate as there was participation of the sunflower cake. Depending on the availability and economic convenience, the sunflower cake can substitute until 60% of the sunflower meal.
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Avaliação de ingredientes alternativos na alimentação de frangos de corte com a adição de enzimas / Evaluation of alternative ingredients in diets of broilers with the addition of enzymesSamuel Real de Azevedo Bozutti 02 March 2009 (has links)
Realizaram-se dois experimentos com o objetivo de avaliar a inclusão dos ingredientes alternativos farelo de girassol e sorgo na alimentação de frangos de corte adicionando-se enzimas. Os experimentos foram divididos em três ensaios independentes, os quais corresponderam a cada fase de criação: fase inicial (1 a 21 dias), onde foram avaliadas as características de desempenho; fase de crescimento (22 a 42 dias), onde foram avaliadas as características de desempenho e as características da carcaça e fase final (43 a 49 dias), onde foram avaliadas as características de desempenho e as características da carcaça. Para cada ensaio foram utilizadas 1.280 aves de ambos os sexos avaliando-se: desempenho (consumo, ganho de peso, conversão alimentar, rendimento de carcaça e rendimento dos cortes comerciais (peito, coxa + sobrecoxa, asa e dorso)), umidade da cama, viscosidade da digesta. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância utilizandose o procedimento do programa SAS (Statistic Analisys System, 2001) e como teste de comparação de médias foi utilizado o Teste de Tukey. No primeiro experimento, com farelo de girassol, o delineamento foi o inteiramente casualizado, com 8 tratamentos, em esquema fatorial 2 X 2 X 2 (2 critérios de formulação aminoácidos digestíveis e totais; 2 níveis de inclusão do farelo de girassol 0% e 15%; 2 formas de utilização das enzimas: com adição e sem adição), com 4 repetições de 40 aves cada. Concluiu-se que a utilização de 15% do farelo de girassol na dieta de frangos de corte prejudicou o desempenho dos animais, não afetando o rendimento de carcaça. Nas fases de crescimento e final, o melhor desempenho foi encontrado quando as dietas foram formuladas com base em aminoácidos digestíveis e com adição de enzimas; não influenciando a umidade do material da cama, aumentando a viscosidade da digesta. No segundo experimento com sorgo utilizou-se o mesmo delineamento com 8 tratamentos, em esquema fatorial 2 X 2 X 2 (2 critérios de formulação aminoácidos digestíveis e totais; 2 níveis de substituição do milho pelo sorgo 0% e 100%; 2 formas de utilização das enzimas: com adição e sem adição), com 4 repetições de 40 aves cada. O sorgo demonstrou ser um grande substituto do milho nas dietas, pelo fato de não alterar o desempenho das aves, umidade da cama e viscosidade da digesta. Com os dois ensaios realizados concluiu-se que ingredientes alternativos são viáveis na alimentação das aves, não restringindo a criação das mesmas somente no milho e na soja. / Two experiments were conduced to evaluate the inclusion of alternative ingredients, sunflower meal and sorghum, in diet of broilers with the addition of enzymes. The experiments were divided into three independent trials, which corresponded to each phase of raising: initial phase (1 21 days), where the performance characteristics were evaluated; growing phase (22 42 days), where the performance and the carcass characteristics were evaluated, and the final phase (43 49 days), where the performance and the carcass characteristics were also evaluated. For each trial 1,280 birds of both sexes were used to evaluate: performance (feed intake, wheight gain, feed conversion, carcass yield, and comercial cuts yield (breast, thigh, thigh + thigh of any fowl, wings and back)), litter humidity, digest viscosity. The data were submitted to variance analisys using the procedure of the program SAS (Statistc Analisys System, 2001) and the Tukey Test. In the first experiment, with sunflower meal, with 8 treatments,in factorial study, 2 x 2 x 2 ( 2 formulation digestible and total aminoacids; 2 levels of sunflower meal inclusion 0% and 15%; and enzyme use: with and without addition), with 4 repetitions of 40 poultries each. It was concluded that the use of 15% of the sunflower meal in the broiler´s diet harmed the animals´ performance, not affecting the carcass yield. In the growing and final phases, the best performance was found when the diets were made based on digestible aminoacids and with addition of enzymes; not influencing the humidity of the litter, increasing the digest viscosity. In the second experiment with sorghum 8 treatments were also used, in factorial study 2 x 2 x 2 (2 formulation digestible and total aminoacids; 2 levels of substitution from the corn to the sorghum 0 % and 100%; and enzyme use: with and without addition), with 4 repetitions of 40 poultries each. The sorghum has shown to be a great replacement of the corn in the diets, because it does not alter the poultry performance, bed humidity and digest viscosity. With both experiments performed, it was concluded that the alternative ingredients are feasible in the poultry feeding, not restricting their raising solely on corn and soybeans.
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