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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Margin learning in spiking neural networks

Brune, Rafael 15 December 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Simulation of suicide tendency by using machine learning

Calderon-Vilca, Hugo D., Wun-Rafael, William I., Miranda-Loarte, Roberto 07 1900 (has links)
El texto completo de este trabajo no está disponible en el Repositorio Académico UPC por restricciones de la casa editorial donde ha sido publicado. / Suicide is one of the most distinguished causes of death on the news worldwide. There are several factors and variables that can lead a person to commit this act, for example, stress, self-esteem, depression, among others. The causes and profiles of suicide cases are not revealed in detail by the competent institutions. We propose a simulation with a systematically generated dataset; such data reflect the adolescent population with suicidal tendency in Peru. We will evaluate three algorithms of supervised machine learning as a result of the algorithm C4.5 which is based on the trees to classify in a better way the suicidal tendency of adolescents. We finally propose a desktop tool that determines the suicidal tendency level of the adolescent. / Revisión por pares

Efficient deterministic approximate Bayesian inference for Gaussian process models

Bui, Thang Duc January 2018 (has links)
Gaussian processes are powerful nonparametric distributions over continuous functions that have become a standard tool in modern probabilistic machine learning. However, the applicability of Gaussian processes in the large-data regime and in hierarchical probabilistic models is severely limited by analytic and computational intractabilities. It is, therefore, important to develop practical approximate inference and learning algorithms that can address these challenges. To this end, this dissertation provides a comprehensive and unifying perspective of pseudo-point based deterministic approximate Bayesian learning for a wide variety of Gaussian process models, which connects previously disparate literature, greatly extends them and allows new state-of-the-art approximations to emerge. We start by building a posterior approximation framework based on Power-Expectation Propagation for Gaussian process regression and classification. This framework relies on a structured approximate Gaussian process posterior based on a small number of pseudo-points, which is judiciously chosen to summarise the actual data and enable tractable and efficient inference and hyperparameter learning. Many existing sparse approximations are recovered as special cases of this framework, and can now be understood as performing approximate posterior inference using a common approximate posterior. Critically, extensive empirical evidence suggests that new approximation methods arisen from this unifying perspective outperform existing approaches in many real-world regression and classification tasks. We explore the extensions of this framework to Gaussian process state space models, Gaussian process latent variable models and deep Gaussian processes, which also unify many recently developed approximation schemes for these models. Several mean-field and structured approximate posterior families for the hidden variables in these models are studied. We also discuss several methods for approximate uncertainty propagation in recurrent and deep architectures based on Gaussian projection, linearisation, and simple Monte Carlo. The benefit of the unified inference and learning frameworks for these models are illustrated in a variety of real-world state-space modelling and regression tasks.

Error Pattern Recognition Using Machine Learning

Zhendong, Wang January 2018 (has links)
Mobile networks use automated continuous integration to secure the new technologies, which must reach high quality and backwards compatibility. The machinery needs to be constantly improved to meet the high demands that exist today and will evolve in the future. When testing products in large scale in a telecommunication environment, many parameters may be causing the error. Machine learning can help to assign troubleshooting labels and identify problematic areas in the test environment. In this thesis project, different modeling approaches will be applied step-wise. First, both the TF-IDF (term frequency-inverse document frequency) method and Topic model- ing will be applied for constructing variables. Since the TF-IDF method generates high dimensional variables in this case, Principal component analysis (PCA) is considered as a regularization method to reduce the dimensions. The results of this part will be evaluated by using different criteria. After the variable construction, two semi-supervised models called Label propagation and Label spreading will be applied for the purpose of assigning troubleshooting labels. In both algorithms, one weight matrix for measuring the similarities between different cases needs to be constructed. Two different methods for building up the weight matrix will be tested separately: Gaussian kernel and the nearest-neighbor method. Different hyperparameters in these two algorithms will be experimented with, to select the one which will return the optimal results. After the optimal model is selected, the unlabeled data will be divided up in different proportions for fitting the model. This is to test if the proportions of unlabeled data will affect the result of semi-supervised learning in our case. The classification results from the modeling part will be examined using three classical measures: accuracy, precision and recall. In addition, random permutations cross- validation is applied for the evaluation.

O desafio da mudança na formação inicial de professores : o estágio curricular no curso de licenciatura em Educação Física

Scherer, Alexandre January 2008 (has links)
Esta Tese aborda a formação de professores de Educação Física com foco em uma experiência de Estágio Curricular Supervisionado desenvolvida em um modelo participativo que traz como questão central de pesquisa: Um processo participativo envolvendo a organização e o desenvolvimento do Estágio Curricular Supervisionado de futuros professores de Educação Física contribui para o desenvolvimento da autonomia e da consciência crítico-reflexiva dos estagiários? A partir do processo de reflexão sobre o papel da Educação Física na escola básica, a investigação pretendeu contribuir ao desenvolvimento da autonomia e espírito crítico dos estagiários em relação a seu compromisso social como professor e cidadão e à necessidade de reconhecer e respeitar as diferenças individuais e institucionais que constituem a realidade social e influenciam a ação docente. O referencial teórico discute na perspectiva das teorias críticas, as relações escola-sociedade, com ênfase no contexto brasileiro; a formação reflexiva de professores na educação superior a partir da articulação efetiva entre teoria e prática; tendências pedagógicas e situação atual da Educação Física escolar; a regulamentação que rege os Estágios Curriculares Supervisionados e seu espaço nos currículos de formação do professor. O caminho metodológico adotado no estudo apoiou-se nos pressupostos da pesquisa participante e da investigação-ação, uma vez que o estudo propôs o envolvimento efetivo dos participantes desde a configuração inicial do trabalho docente, envolvendo seu acompanhamento sistemático na perspectiva do processo ação-reflexão-ação. O estudo conclui que uma metodologia de cunho participativo é de difícil aplicação nos espaços institucionais devido às limitações temporais e materiais existentes, mas principalmente, em função da cultura pedagógica instalada na escola. Tais condições certamente tiveram influência no fato de não haverem sido verificadas alterações significativas em relação à prática cotidiana da Educação Física escolar, na escola que acolheu a proposta de investigação. Contudo, os dados coletados e analisados mostram que o caráter dialógico-reflexivo que marcou o estudo na vivência cotidiana no ambiente da escola, propiciou aos estagiários desenvolverem uma atitude crítica em relação à escola e ao ensino de Educação Física e a se sentirem mais autônomos no exercício de suas atividades como docentes. / This work is about Physical Education Teachers Formation centered in an experience of Supervised Curricular Training made through participative pattern which brings as main question to the research: Does a participative process involving the organization and development of Supervised Curricular Training from future physical education teachers contribute to the development autonomy and critical-reflexive conscience? From the process of reflection on Physical Education role in basic school, the investigation was thought to contribute for the development of autonomy and critical spirit of trainees in relation with his/her social compromise as teacher and citizen as well as the necessity to recognize and respect the individual and institutional differences which constitute the social reality and contribute to teacher’s action. The theoretical reference discusses on the perspective of critical theories, the school-society relations, emphasizing the Brazilian reality, the teachers’ reflexive formation from an effective articulation between theory and practice in graduated courses; its pedagogical tendencies and current situation of schooling Physical Education; and the rules that conduct Supervised Curricular Training and its place in the curriculum of teacher’s formation. The methodological way adopted to this study is based on the participative research and investigation-action because it was proposed the effective envelopment of participants since the initial teacher work configuration, involving its systematic attendance in the perspective of action-reflection-action process. The study concludes that the methodology based on participative way is difficult to use in institutional spaces because of temporal and material limitations existent, but principally, because of the pedagogical culture in schools. These conditions were influenced on the fact that it was not perceived significant alterations related to physical education everyday practice, in the school investigated. However, the collected and analyzed data show the dialogical-reflexive character propitiated to trainees develop their critical aptitude in relation with the school and to the Physical Education teaching as well as helped them to become more autonomous in their activities as teachers.

Prática de ensino em educação matemática : a constituição das práticas pedagógicas de futuros professores de matemática

Lenzi, Giovana da Silva January 2007 (has links)
O presente trabalho emerge de um conjunto de experiências com as quais defrontei-me nos anos de 2004 e 2005 ao orientar e supervisionar estagiários, licenciandos do curso de Licenciatura em Matemática da UFRGS, ao realizarem suas docências, por ocasião das Práticas de Ensino em Matemática, nas escolas de educação básica. Na experiência da orientação desses jovens, percebi que alguns estagiários encontravam dificuldade para planejar e executar suas práticas pedagógicas e essa percepção motivou a pesquisa que ora apresento. A pesquisa encaminhou-se na perspectiva das investigações qualitativas de viés pós-estruturalista e buscou mecanismos instalados na Universidade e na Escola que pudessem regular a fabricação e a execução das práticas pedagógicas planejadas pelos licenciandos. Com a intenção de investigar tais mecanismos, acompanhei um grupo de seis estagiários, matriculados na disciplina de Prática de Ensino em Matemática II no segundo semestre de 2006, enquanto estavam na Universidade - organizando e discutindo seus planejamentos de ensino com o professor orientador de estágio - e em suas inserções numa escola da rede estadual de ensino de Porto Alegre, onde ministraram as aulas que haviam planejado. A investigação aponta que as práticas pedagógicas produzidas pelos licenciandos, nessa etapa de suas vidas, são constituídas por discursos, produzidos a partir de saberes e experiências vivenciados por eles. Nesse sentido, mostro que os discursos, ao produzirem práticas sociais, também produzem subjetividades e que os saberes, aos quais os licenciandos foram expostos na escola ou na universidade, possibilitaram que os mesmos trouxessem para si experiências. Os relatos dos licenciandos apontaram experiências, saberes, discursos, como constituidores de suas subjetividades regulando suas ações na escola. Ao concluir esta pesquisa, questiono a possibilidade de fugirmos aos assujeitamentos, apostando na constituição de sujeitos professores singulares, regulados por si mesmos, não aprisionados a identidades previsíveis. / The present work has stemmed from a set of experiences with which I was faced in 2004 and 2005, while guiding and supervising trainees from the Teaching Course in Mathematics at UFRGS. Those trainees were exercising their skills in Teaching Practice in Mathematics in elementary schools. While guiding those youngsters, I realized that some of them found it difficult to plan and carry out their pedagogical practices, and that perception motivated the present research. This research has been carried out from the perspective of qualitative investigations, as those following a post-structuralist view. It has sought for mechanisms installed both at the university and at school that might regulate the production and execution of pedagogical practices planned by trainees. Aiming at investigating such mechanisms, I have followed a group of six trainees enrolled in the discipline of Teaching Practice in Mathematics II in the second term in 2006, while they were at the university organizing and discussing their teaching plans with the professor in charge of the training, and also in their insertions in a state public school in Porto Alegre, where they taught the classes they had planned. The investigation has pointed out that the pedagogical practices produced by trainees during that stage of their lives are constituted of discourses which are produced from knowledges and experiences they have had. In this sense, I have shown that discourses, on producing social practices, also produce subjectivities, and that knowledges, to which the trainees were exposed both at school and at the university, have enabled them to bring experiences to their lives. The trainees’ reports have brought about experiences, knowledges, discourses as constituting their subjectivities, regulating their actions at school. On finishing this research, I question the possibility of escaping from subjectivations, betting on the constitution of unique teacher subjects, regulated by themselves, non-attached to predictable identities.

Palpitações indizíveis : o lugar do cuidado na formação de professores

Nörnberg, Marta January 2008 (has links)
Esta tese investiga o lugar do cuidado na formação de professores. Vale-se da construção de uma reflexão transdisciplinar que, estruturada e sustentada desde a Filosofia, a Teologia, a Antropologia e a Pedagogia, articula uma perspectiva teórico-conceitual que mostra possibilidades que emergem dos processos de formação de professores. Assume os preceitos e procedimentos da fenomenologia para apresentar e tecer a trama sobre algumas questões centrais do processo educativo: o Cuidado, a Espiritualidade e a Ética-Estética-Existencial do viver humano. Toma a hermenêutica como técnica para interpretar e construir o sentido da palavra que brota desde os Relatórios de Estágio. Estes foram analisados para constituir e apresentar o lugar do cuidado na formação de professores. Da descrição de situações que compõem a forma de ver e estar enquanto professora-formadora, apresenta e sustenta a Espiritualidade e o Cuidado como palpitações que pululam nos processos de formação. Nos Relatórios de Estágio, o Cuidado é encontrado, está materializado e fica configurado nas diferentes situações do cotidiano da Escola. Da análise interpretativa dos Relatórios de Estágio, resulta a compreensão de que o lugar do Cuidado na formação de professores revela a centralidade da Instituição Escolar como forma de acolher existências, mediante o educar e ensinar, o controlar e o resguardar, tarefas primordiais da Escola e da professora, mostrando que há, na Instituição escolar, espaço e tempo para o que é próprio da efervescência da convivência. Trata-se do Cuidado que se apresenta desde as reflexões, aprendido desde a ação, desde a reflexão. O que aqui se apresenta como tese é o lugar do Cuidado que se reflete no em-se-fazendo-professora-na-da-escola. / This thesis investigates the place of care in the formation of teachers. Availing itself of the construction of a transdisciplinary reflection, which is structured and sustained by Philosophy, Theology, Anthropology and Pedagogy, a theoretical-conceptual perspective is articulated that discloses possibilities emerging from the teacher formation processes. Assuming the precepts and procedures of phenomenology, the dissertation introduces and explores some central issues of the educational process: Care, Spirituality and the Ethics-Esthetics-Existence of human life, while taking hermeneutics as a technique for interpreting and constructing the meaning of the word that surfaces from teaching internship reports, which were analyzed in order to constitute and outline the place of Care in the formation of teachers. By describing situations that make up the manner of seeing and being of a teacher-moulder, the thesis presents and maintains Spirituality and Care as palpitations that sprout up in the formation processes. Care is found within the teaching internship reports, where it materializes and is configured in the different everyday school situations. From the interpretative analysis of the internship reports we derive the understanding that the place of Care in the formation of teachers reveals the centrality of the School Institution as a way of sheltering existences, by educating, teaching, controlling and guarding, all of which are primordial tasks of the school and the teacher, demonstrating that the school institution holds both space and time for what is inherent to the effervescence of togetherness. This is the Care that arises from reflections, that is learned out of action, out of reflection. What we here present as a thesis is the place of Care that is reflected in the process-of-becoming-a-teacher-in-school.

O estágio supervisionado na formação de professores de educação física : saberes e práticas dos estudantes-estagiários

Isse, Silvane Fensterseifer January 2016 (has links)
O estágio curricular supervisionado teve seu reconhecimento ampliado na legislação de ensino brasileira, especialmente após a publicação da Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação 9.394/96, pois tem se mostrado um dos elementos centrais na formação de professores. Ao mesmo tempo em que ganha o reconhecimento legal, amplia-se a necessidade de que sejam feitas reflexões aprofundadas sobre a forma como as experiências do estágio têm sido vividas por estudantes e professores dos cursos de formação. O problema de pesquisa deste estudo é: Como os saberes são mobilizados por estudantes de um curso de Licenciatura em Educação Física em suas práticas docentes durante o estágio supervisionado no Ensino Médio? Foram adotados os princípios metodológicos da pesquisa qualitativa. A pesquisa foi realizada com nove estudantes-estagiários de um curso de licenciatura em Educação Física de uma instituição comunitária de ensino superior do interior do Rio Grande do Sul. A produção das informações se deu através de entrevistas narrativas, observações, análise do projeto pedagógico do curso e grupo de discussão. O processo analítico se deu através da triangulação entre as fontes do campo, as fontes teóricas e as interpretações da autora. Os resultados da pesquisa evidenciaram que os participantes reconhecem a relevância do estágio na sua formação profissional e consideram-no tempo e espaço de muitas aprendizagens, e, ainda, que essa experiência poderia ter seu espaço ampliado no currículo do curso. Entendem que o estágio contribui para que o início de carreira seja menos impactante, para que aprendam a movimentar-se na estrutura e na cultura escolar, construam relações humanas e ocupem a posição de professor com autoridade epistemológica. Em relação aos saberes necessários para ensinar, que se constituem, ao mesmo tempo, em aprendizagens advindas com o estágio, os participantes referiram a capacidade de escuta, mediação, negociação, diálogo e acolhimento; o posicionamento como sujeito de autoridade, integrante de um coletivo que compartilha, planeja e aprende junto; o conhecimento sobre os conteúdos da Educação Física e sua trajetória histórica; a elaboração e execução do planejamento de ensino e o conhecimento sobre o contexto escolar, a vida de professor e a vida na escola. Em relação às questões da formação, os participantes referiram que as disciplinas do curso ofereceram um importante suporte para o planejamento do estágio; que as atividades realizadas em escolas básicas, tanto no estágio como em outras situações acadêmicas, foram indispensáveis para compreender melhor o trabalho e a escola; que a formação para a pesquisa contribuiu para sua autonomia e que o estágio contribuiu para a ampliação do debate em sala de aula. As relações entre teoria e prática se mostraram uma questão ainda pouco compreendida pelos estudantes, que, de certa forma, desqualificam as disciplinas compreendidas como teóricas. Os estudantes entendem que as relações entre universidade e escola precisam ser intensificadas, no sentido de constituirmos uma formação mais integrada. A pesquisa evidenciou que há um desejo dos estagiários de, através do investimento em um bom ensino da Educação Física e da ampliação de seus conteúdos na escola, contribuir para seu reconhecimento enquanto componente curricular da Educação Básica. / The supervised curricular internship has had its recognition extended within the Brazilian educational legislation, especially after the edition of the Law 9.394/96, which establishes the guidelines for the national education, because it plays a key role in the teacher’s formation process. At the time it gains legal recognition, it increases the need for in-depth reflections on how the internship experiences have been experienced by students and teacher throughout the formation courses. The issue studied in the present work was how the different knowledges are mobilized by the students of a Bachelor’s Degree in Physical Education in their teaching practices during the supervised internship in high school? The methodological principles of the qualitative research have been used. The study has been carried out with nine students/interns of a Bachelor’s Degree in Physical Education from a community institution located in the countryside of Rio Grande do Sul. The data was produced through interviews, observations, analysis of course pedagogical projects and group discussions. The analytical process performed a triangulation of the field sources, theoretical sources and author interpretations. The results showed that the participants recognized the importance of the internship in their professional formation process and considered it a time and a place for many learnings, and also that this experience could be extended in the couse curriculum. They understand that the internship helped them to reduce the difficulties faced in the beginning of the professional practice, learn how to move within the school structure, build human relations and occupy the position of teacher and authority. Regarding the knowledge required to teach, considering at the same time the outcome of the internship experience, the participants mentioned the capacity of listening, mediation, negotiation, dialogue and acceptance; the position of a subject of authority, a member of a collective that share, plan and learn together; the knowledge of the Physical Education contents and its historical path; the preparation and implementation of the learning plan and the knowledge of the school context, the teacher's life and the school life. Regarding the formation issues, the participants mention that the course disciplines offer an important support for the planning of the internship; the activities carried out in basic schools, either in the internship or in other academic situations were indispensable for a better understanding of the work and the school; the preparation for the research contributed to develop their autonomy and the internship contributed to broaden the debate in the classroom. The relation between theory and practice stood as an issue still poorly understood by students, that in some way disqualify the subjects understood as theoretical. The students understand that the relations between university and school need to be intensified in the sense of achieving an more integrated formation. The study showed that there is a desire of interns, through investing in a good PE teaching and expanding its contents in school, to contribute to its recognition as a curricular component of the Basic Education.

Role supervize z pohledu sociální práce v organizaci Barevný svět dětí, z. s. / Role of supervision from the perspective of social work in the organization Barevný svět dětí, z. s.

Walterová, Bára January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis on the topic Role of supervision from the perspective of social work in the organization Barevný svět dětí, z. s. contains definitions of basic concepts related to supervision, history and development of supervision, description of functions and types of supervision, supervision contract, supervisors and process model of supervision. Another part of the work characterizes the organization Barevný svět dětí, z.s., especially project "Kámoš", which deals with the work. The practical part deals with the aims of the thesis, the research method of the questionnaire survey, the methodology of the survey and the analysis and interpretation of the data. The main aim of the diploma thesis was to find out how the supervision of the organization Barevný svět dětí, z.s. is taking place, z.s. as part of the project "Kámoš" and whether and how supervisors are satisfied, or what and how they want to change. The partial aim of the work was to offer the organization Barevný svět dětí, z.s. in the frame of the project "Kámoš", a recommendation to improve the quality of supervision and to compare the obtained data on the course of supervision within the project "Kámoš" with the theoretical sources of supervision. The thesis also contains the results of the survey, which show that the aims of the...

A FORMAÇÃO INICIAL E O ESTÁGIO SUPERVISIONADO: AS REPRESENTAÇÕES DE ALUNOS SOBRE A PRÁTICA DO ESTÁGIO DE UM CURSO DE LETRAS A DISTÂNCIA / The initial education and the supervised internship:representations of studants about supervised internships pratice in a distance portuguese graduation couse

Marques, Ariana Ferreira 26 September 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-03T16:15:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ariana Ferreira Marques.pdf: 973472 bytes, checksum: 158c42fcb5273feee2063907237fbc03 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-09-26 / Supervised internship is a primordial stage students from a teaching degree course have to pass through, because it is while doing it that a student will be able to actually try their teaching profession from the theory/practice unit. However, many times, internship is seen just as a course bureaucratic matter and not as a pedagogical tool that represents the moment in which it is possible to observe teaching practices in classrooms, comparing and renovating them, besides being an experience that contributes to the initial education of this student as a future teacher. The objective of this research is to verify what representations about internship intern students have, disclosing what teaching knowledge is acquired through this practice and how the relation among the law for internship, the investigated course and the intern student is established. To doing so, a literature revision research was done in order to go deeper in the theoretical framework and, subsequently, a documental research involving studies concerning internship legal aspects and the course Pedagogical Project. Aiming at certifying what representations students have about internship, a field research was conducted by applying a questionnaire to sixteen students who were enrolled in a distance Portuguese and Spanish distance graduation course in a Higher Education Institution located in Great São Paulo. The data were analyzed through the creation of five categories of analyses: Representations about public school, Representations about teachers, Representations about internship, Internship workload and Relation between theory and practice. Results point out to very positive representations about internship that reveals in students discourse the valorization of teachers and public school, the acquisition of teaching knowledge and the internship as a moment of observation, reflection and teaching praxis. Furthermore, although most of interns consider the legally demanded workload excessive, they acknowledge the importance and relevance of this moment for their academic and professional education. / O estágio supervisionado é uma etapa primordial a ser cumprida pelos alunos de um curso de licenciatura, pois é durante seu cumprimento que o aluno poderá, de fato, experimentar sua profissão docente a partir da unidade teoria/prática. Contudo, muitas vezes, o estágio é visto apenas como uma questão burocrática do curso e não como uma ferramenta pedagógica, sendo o momento em que é possível observar as práticas em sala de aula, compará-las e refazê-las, além de ser uma experiência que contribui para a formação inicial desse aluno enquanto futuro professor. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivos verificar qual a representação que o aluno estagiário tem sobre o estágio, desvelando quais saberes docentes são adquiridos por meio dessa prática e como é estabelecida a relação entre a lei de estágio, o curso investigado e o aluno estagiário. Para tal, realizou-se uma pesquisa de revisão da literatura a fim de se obter um aprofundamento no referencial teórico e, posteriormente, uma pesquisa documental envolvendo estudos sobre os aspectos legais do estágio e sobre o Projeto Pedagógico do Curso. Com a intenção de constatar quais representações os alunos têm sobre o estágio, realizou-se uma pesquisa de campo com aplicação de um questionário a dezesseis alunos de um curso de Letras a distância de uma Instituição de Ensino Superior localizada na Grande São Paulo. As análises dos dados foram realizadas a partir da criação de cinco categorias de análise: As representações sobre a escola pública, As representações sobre os professores, As representações sobre o estágio, A carga horária e A relação teoria e prática. Os resultados apontam para representações bastante positivas sobre o estágio, representações estas que revelam no discurso dos alunos a valorização do professor e da escola pública, a aquisição de saberes docentes e o estágio enquanto momento de observação, reflexão e práxis docente. Além disso, embora a maioria dos estagiários considere excessiva a carga horária legalmente exigida, reconhecem a importância e relevância desse momento para sua formação acadêmica e profissional.

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