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Surface wave tomography and monitoring of time variations with ambient noise in NW-Bohemia/VogtlandFallahi, Mohammad Javad 23 February 2016 (has links) (PDF)
In this study, ambient noise wavefield was used for the first time to image spatial and temporal upper crustal seismic structures in NW-Bohemia/Vogtland region. The data come from 111 stations and were collected from continuous recordings of the permanent station networks of Germany and Czech Academy of Sciences as well as temporary stations of the BOHEMA and PASSEQ experiments. Rayleigh and Love waves travelling between each station-pair are extracted by cross-correlating long time series of ambient noise data recorded at the stations. Group velocity dispersion curves are obtained by time-frequency analysis of cross-correlation functions between 0.1 and 1 Hz, and are tomographically inverted to provide 2-D group velocity maps. At shorter periods Rayleigh wave group velocity maps are in good agreement with surface geology where low velocity anomalies appear along Mariánské Lázně Fault and Eger rift. A low velocity zone is observed at the northern edge of Mariánské Lázně Fault which shifts slightly to the south with increasing period and correlates well with the main focal zone of the earthquake swarms at 5 s period. We invert the 2-D group velocity maps into a 3-D shear wave velocity model. In this step Love waves were excluded from further analysis because of their high level of misfit to modelled dispersion curves. Horizontal and vertical sections through the model reveal a clear low velocity zone above the Nový Kostel seismic focal zone which narrows towards the top of the seismic activity and ends above the shallowest hypocenters at 7 km depth.
We investigate temporal variation of seismic velocity within and around the Nový Kostel associated with 2008 and 2011 earthquake swarms by employing Passive Image Interferometry method using 7 continuous seismograms recorded by the WEBNET network. The results reveals stable seismic velocities without a clear post seismic velocity change during earthquake swarms in the Nový Kostel area.
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Development of Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) for Characterising the Internal Structure of Active Fault Zones as a Predictive Method of Identifying the Distribution of Ground DeformationDuffy, Brendan Gilbert January 2008 (has links)
Bulk rock strength is greatly dependent on fracture density, so that reductions in rock strength associated with faulting and fracturing should be reflected by reduced shear coupling and hence S-wave velocity. This study is carried out along the Canterbury rangefront and in Otago. Both lie within the broader plate boundary deformation zone in the South Island of New Zealand. Therefore built structures are often, , located in areas where there are undetected or poorly defined faults with associated rock strength reduction. Where structures are sited near to, or across, such faults or fault-zones, they may sustain both shaking and ground deformation damage during an earthquake. Within this zone, management of seismic hazards needs to be based on accurate identification of the potential fault damage zone including the likely width of off-plane deformation. Lateral S-wave velocity variability provides one method of imaging and locating damage zones and off-plane deformation.
This research demonstrates the utility of Multi-Channel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) to aid land-use planning in such fault-prone settings. Fundamentally, MASW uses surface wave dispersive characteristics to model a near surface profile of S-wave velocity variability as a proxy for bulk rock strength. The technique can aid fault-zone planning not only by locating and defining the extent of fault-zones, but also by defining within-zone variability that is readily correlated with measurable rock properties applicable to both foundation design and the distribution of surface deformation. The calibration sites presented here have well defined field relationships and known fault-zone exposure close to potential MASW survey sites. They were selected to represent a range of progressively softer lithologies from intact and fractured Torlesse Group basement hard rock (Dalethorpe) through softer Tertiary cover sediments (Boby’s Creek) and Quaternary gravels. This facilitated initial calibration of fracture intensity at a high-velocity-contrast site followed by exploration of the limits of shear zone resolution at lower velocity contrasts.
Site models were constructed in AutoCAD in order to demonstrate spatial correlations between S-wave velocity and fault zone features. Site geology was incorporated in the models, along with geomorphology, river profiles, scanline locations and crosshole velocity measurement locations. Spatial data were recorded using a total-station survey. The interpreted MASW survey results are presented as two dimensional snapshot cross-sections of the three dimensional calibration-site models. These show strong correlations between MASW survey velocities and site geology, geomorphology, fluvial profiles and geotechnical parameters and observations. Correlations are particularly pronounced where high velocity contrasts exist, whilst weaker correlations are demonstrated in softer lithologies. Geomorphic correlations suggest that off-plane deformation can be imaged and interpreted in the presence of suitable topographic survey data. A promising new approach to in situ and laboratory soft-rock material and mass characterisation is also presented using a Ramset nail gun.
Geotechnical investigations typically involve outcrop and laboratory scale determination of rock mass and material properties such as fracture density and unconfined compressive strength (UCS). This multi-scale approach is espoused by this study, with geotechnical and S-wave velocity data presented at multiple scales, from survey scale sonic velocity measurements, through outcrop scale scanline and crosshole sonic velocity measurements to laboratory scale property determination and sonic velocity measurements. S-wave velocities invariably increased with decreasing scale. These scaling relationships and strategies for dealing with them are investigated and presented.
Finally, the MASW technique is applied to a concealed fault on the Taieri Ridge in Macraes Flat, Central Otago. Here, high velocity Otago Schist is faulted against low velocity sheared Tertiary and Quaternary sediments. This site highlights the structural sensitivity of the technique by apparently constraining the location of the principal fault, which had been ambiguous after standard processing of the seismic reflection data. Processing of the Taieri Ridge dataset has further led to the proposal of a novel surface wave imaging technique termed Swept Frequency Imaging (SFI). This inchoate technique apparently images the detailed structure of the fault-zone, and is in agreement with the conventionally-determined fault location and an existing partial trench. Overall, the results are promising and are expected to be supported by further trenching in the near future.
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Imagerie tri-dimensionnelle de l'atténuation sismique du manteau terrestre / 3-D Mapping of the Seismic Attenuation in the Upper MantleAdenis, Alice 06 July 2017 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est de construire un modèle d'atténuation sismique du manteau supérieur dela Terre en utilisant un jeu de données original construit par Debayle et Ricard (2012). Ce jeu dedonnées est l'un des plus complet au monde (plus de 375 000 sismogrammes analysés pour extrairel'atténuation et la vitesse de phase du mode fondamental et des cinq premiers harmoniques des ondesde Rayleigh).Les mesures d'atténuation sont tout d'abord traitées pour extraire les effets de l'expansion géométriqueet de la focalisation, minimiser les effets d'erreurs sur la source, écarter les mesures incertaines etregrouper les mesures redondantes. Elles sont ensuite régionalisées pour obtenir des cartes desvariations latérales de l'atténuation des ondes de Rayleigh pour chaque mode et chaque période. Ladernière étape est l'inversion en profondeur des cartes. Elle permet d'obtenir QsADR17, un modèle 3Dde l'atténuation des ondes S dans le manteau supérieur.QsADR17 est corrélé avec la tectonique de surface jusqu'à 200 km de profondeur, avec une faibleatténuation sous les continents et une forte atténuation sous les océans. Des anomalies de forteatténuation sont observées jusqu'à 150~km de profondeur sous les rides océaniques, et persistent à plusgrande profondeur jusque dans la zone de transition sous la plupart des points chauds. La présence delarges anomalies atténuantes situées à 150 km de profondeur sous l'océan Pacifique suggère queplusieurs panaches thermiques viennent s'étaler dans l'asthénosphère. Nous avons également détecté laprésence d'hétérogénéités de composition à la base des cratons et dans un certain nombre de régionsactives. / The aim of this study is to build a 3-D attenuation model of Earth's upper-mantle using a unique datasetbuilt by Debayle & Ricard (2012). This dataset is among the largest in the world: more than 375,000seismograms were analyzed to extract Rayleigh-wave attenuation and velocity measurements for thefondamental mode and the five first harmonics between 40 and 240 s periods.First, attenuation measurements are processed to extract the effects of geometrical attenuation and offocusing and defocusing, in order to minimize the influence of errors on the seismic source, to avoidpotentially incorrect data, and to cluster redondant measurements. Then, measurements are regionalizedto obtain Rayleigh-wave maps for each mode and each period. The last step is the inversion of thesemaps to obtain the depth dependent attenuation. Eventually, we obtain QsADR17, a 3-D model of Swaveattenuation in the upper mantle.QsADR17 is correlated with surface tectonics down to 200 km depth, with low attenuation under thecontinents and high attenuation under the oceans. High-attenuation anomalies are found under oceanicridges down to 150~km depth, and under most of the hotspots at larger depth down to the transitionzone. A large high-attenuation anomaly at 150~km depth under the Pacific ocean suggest that thermalplumes pound into the asthenosphere. We also detect compositional heterogeneities at the base of thecratons and in active areas.
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Nondestructive Evaluation of the Depth of Cracks in Concrete Plates Using Surface WavesYang, Yanjun January 2009 (has links)
Concrete structures can often be modeled as plates, for example, bridges, tunnel walls and pipes. Near-surface damage in concrete structures mostly takes the form of cracking. Surface-breaking cracks affect concrete properties and structural integrity; therefore, the nondestructive evaluation of crack depth is important for structural monitoring, strengthening and rehabilitation. On the other hand, material damping is a fundamental parameter for the dynamic analysis of material specimens and structures. Monitoring damping changes is useful for the assessment of material conditions and structural deterioration. The main objective of this research is to develop new methodologies for depth evaluation of surface-breaking cracks and the evaluation of damping in concrete plates. Nondestructive techniques based on wave propagation are useful because they are non-intrusive, efficient and cost effective. Previous studies for the depth evaluation of surface-breaking cracks in concrete have used diffracted compressional waves (P-waves). However, surface waves exhibit better properties for the characterization of near surface defects, because (a) surface waves dominate the surface response, they carry 67% of the wave propagation energy, and present lower geometrical attenuation because the propagating wave front is cylindrical; and (b) the penetration depth of Rayleigh waves (R-waves) depends on their frequency. Most of the R-wave energy concentrates at a depth of one-third of their wavelengths. The transmission of R-waves through a surface-breaking crack depends on the crack depth; this depth sensitivity is the basis for the so-called Fourier transmission coefficient (FTC) method. R-waves only exist in a half-space (one traction-free surface); whereas in the case of a plate (two traction-free surfaces), Lamb modes are generated. Fundamental Lamb modes behave like R-waves at high frequencies, because their wavelengths are small relative to the plate thickness. Lamb modes are not considered in the standard FTC method, and the FTC method is also affected by the selected spacing between receivers. The FTC calculation requires the use of an explicit time window for the identification of the arrival of surface waves, and the selection of a reliable frequency range. This research presents theoretical, numerical and experimental results. Theoretical aspects of Lamb modes are discussed, and a theoretical transfer function is derived, which can be used to study changes of Lamb modes in the time and frequency domains as a function of distance. The maximum amplitude of the wavelet transform varies with distance because of the dispersion of Lamb modes and the participation of higher Lamb modes in the response. Numerical simulations are conducted to study the wave propagation of Lamb modes through a surface-breaking crack with different depths. The surface response is found to be dominated by the fundamental Lamb mode. Using the 2D Fourier transform, the incident, transmitted and reflected fundamental Lamb modes are extracted. A transmission ratio between the transmitted and incident modes is calculated, which is sensitive to crack depths (d) normalized to the wavelength (λ) in a range (d / λ) = 0.1 to 1/3. A new wavelet transmission coefficient (WTC) method for the depth evaluation of surface-breaking cracks in concrete is proposed to overcome the main limitations of the FTC method. The WTC method gives a global coefficient that is correlated with the crack depth, which does not require time windowing and the pre-selection of a frequency bandwidth. To reduce the effects of wave reflections, which are present in the FTC method because of the non-equal spacing configuration, a new equal spacing configuration is used in the WTC method. The effects of Lamb mode dispersion are also reduced. In laboratory tests, an ultrasonic transmitter with central frequency at 50kHz is used as a source; the 50kHz frequency is appropriate for the concrete plate tested (thickness 80mm), because the fundamental Lamb modes have converged to the Rayleigh wave mode. The new method has also been used in-situ at Hanson Pipe and Precast Inc., Cambridge, Ontario, Canada, and it shows potential for practical applications. In general, the evaluation of material damping is more difficult than the measurement of wave velocity; the dynamic response and attenuation of structural vibrations are predominantly controlled by damping, and the damping is typically evaluated using the modal analysis technique, which requires considerable efforts. The existing methods based on surface waves, use the Fourier transform to measure material damping; however, an explicit time window is required for the spectral ratio method to extract the arrival of surface wave; in addition, a slope of the spectral ratio varies for different frequency ranges, and thus a reliable frequency range needs to be determined. This research uses the wavelet transform to measure material damping in plates, where neither an explicit time window nor the pre-selection of a frequency bandwidth are required. The measured material damping represents an average damping for a frequency range determined by source. Both numerical and experimental results show good agreement and the potential for practical applications.
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Nondestructive Evaluation of the Depth of Cracks in Concrete Plates Using Surface WavesYang, Yanjun January 2009 (has links)
Concrete structures can often be modeled as plates, for example, bridges, tunnel walls and pipes. Near-surface damage in concrete structures mostly takes the form of cracking. Surface-breaking cracks affect concrete properties and structural integrity; therefore, the nondestructive evaluation of crack depth is important for structural monitoring, strengthening and rehabilitation. On the other hand, material damping is a fundamental parameter for the dynamic analysis of material specimens and structures. Monitoring damping changes is useful for the assessment of material conditions and structural deterioration. The main objective of this research is to develop new methodologies for depth evaluation of surface-breaking cracks and the evaluation of damping in concrete plates. Nondestructive techniques based on wave propagation are useful because they are non-intrusive, efficient and cost effective. Previous studies for the depth evaluation of surface-breaking cracks in concrete have used diffracted compressional waves (P-waves). However, surface waves exhibit better properties for the characterization of near surface defects, because (a) surface waves dominate the surface response, they carry 67% of the wave propagation energy, and present lower geometrical attenuation because the propagating wave front is cylindrical; and (b) the penetration depth of Rayleigh waves (R-waves) depends on their frequency. Most of the R-wave energy concentrates at a depth of one-third of their wavelengths. The transmission of R-waves through a surface-breaking crack depends on the crack depth; this depth sensitivity is the basis for the so-called Fourier transmission coefficient (FTC) method. R-waves only exist in a half-space (one traction-free surface); whereas in the case of a plate (two traction-free surfaces), Lamb modes are generated. Fundamental Lamb modes behave like R-waves at high frequencies, because their wavelengths are small relative to the plate thickness. Lamb modes are not considered in the standard FTC method, and the FTC method is also affected by the selected spacing between receivers. The FTC calculation requires the use of an explicit time window for the identification of the arrival of surface waves, and the selection of a reliable frequency range. This research presents theoretical, numerical and experimental results. Theoretical aspects of Lamb modes are discussed, and a theoretical transfer function is derived, which can be used to study changes of Lamb modes in the time and frequency domains as a function of distance. The maximum amplitude of the wavelet transform varies with distance because of the dispersion of Lamb modes and the participation of higher Lamb modes in the response. Numerical simulations are conducted to study the wave propagation of Lamb modes through a surface-breaking crack with different depths. The surface response is found to be dominated by the fundamental Lamb mode. Using the 2D Fourier transform, the incident, transmitted and reflected fundamental Lamb modes are extracted. A transmission ratio between the transmitted and incident modes is calculated, which is sensitive to crack depths (d) normalized to the wavelength (λ) in a range (d / λ) = 0.1 to 1/3. A new wavelet transmission coefficient (WTC) method for the depth evaluation of surface-breaking cracks in concrete is proposed to overcome the main limitations of the FTC method. The WTC method gives a global coefficient that is correlated with the crack depth, which does not require time windowing and the pre-selection of a frequency bandwidth. To reduce the effects of wave reflections, which are present in the FTC method because of the non-equal spacing configuration, a new equal spacing configuration is used in the WTC method. The effects of Lamb mode dispersion are also reduced. In laboratory tests, an ultrasonic transmitter with central frequency at 50kHz is used as a source; the 50kHz frequency is appropriate for the concrete plate tested (thickness 80mm), because the fundamental Lamb modes have converged to the Rayleigh wave mode. The new method has also been used in-situ at Hanson Pipe and Precast Inc., Cambridge, Ontario, Canada, and it shows potential for practical applications. In general, the evaluation of material damping is more difficult than the measurement of wave velocity; the dynamic response and attenuation of structural vibrations are predominantly controlled by damping, and the damping is typically evaluated using the modal analysis technique, which requires considerable efforts. The existing methods based on surface waves, use the Fourier transform to measure material damping; however, an explicit time window is required for the spectral ratio method to extract the arrival of surface wave; in addition, a slope of the spectral ratio varies for different frequency ranges, and thus a reliable frequency range needs to be determined. This research uses the wavelet transform to measure material damping in plates, where neither an explicit time window nor the pre-selection of a frequency bandwidth are required. The measured material damping represents an average damping for a frequency range determined by source. Both numerical and experimental results show good agreement and the potential for practical applications.
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Micromachined capacitive silicon bulk acoustic wave gyroscopesJohari, Houri 18 November 2008 (has links)
Micromachined gyroscopes are attractive replacements to conventional macro-mechanical and optical gyroscopes due to their small size, low power and low cost. The application domain of these devices is quickly expanding from automotive to aerospace and consumer electronics industries. As potential high volume consumer applications for micromachined gyroscopes continue to emerge, design and manufacturing techniques that improve their performance, shock survivability and reliability without driving up the cost and size become important.
Today, state-of-the-art micromachined gyroscopes can achieve high performance with low frequency operation (3-30kHz) but at the cost of large form factor, large operating voltages and high vacuum packaging. At the same time, most consumer applications require gyroscopes with fast response time and high shock survivability, which are generally unavailable in low frequency gyroscopes. As a result, innovative designs and fabrication technologies that will offer more practical gyroscopes are desired.
In this dissertation, capacitive bulk acoustic wave (BAW) silicon disk gyroscopes are introduced as a new class of micromachined gyroscope to investigate the operation of Coriolis-based vibratory gyroscopes at high frequency and further meet consumer electronics market demands. Capacitive BAW gyroscopes, operating in the frequency range of 1-10MHz are stationary devices with vibration amplitudes less than 20nm, resulting in high device bandwidth and high shock tolerance. They require low operating voltages, which simplifies the interface circuit design and implementation in standard CMOS technologies. They also demonstrate appropriate thermally stable performance in air, which eliminates the need both for vacuum packaging and for temperature control. A revised high aspect ratio poly- and single crystal silicon (HARPSS) process was utilized to implement these devices in thick SOI substrates with very small capacitive gap sizes (~200 nm). The prototype devices show ultra-high quality factors (Q>200,000) and large bandwidth of 15-30Hz.
In addition, the design and implementation of BAW disk gyroscopes are optimized for self-matched mode operation. Operating a vibratory gyroscope in matched mode is a straightforward way to improve performance parameters but, is challenging to achieve without applying large voltages. In this work, self-matched mode operation was provided by enhanced design of the perforations of the disk structure.
Furthermore, a multi-axis BAW gyroscope, an extension of the z-axis, is developed. This novel approach avoids the issues associated with integrating multiple proof masses, permitting a very small form factor. The multi-axis gyroscopes operate in out-of plane and in-plane modes to measure the rotation rate around the x- and z-axes. These gyroscopes were also optimized to achieve self-matched mode operation in their both modes.
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Theoretical and experimental development of a ZnO-based laterally excited thickness shear mode acoustic wave immunosensor for cancer biomarker detectionCorso, Christopher David 23 June 2008 (has links)
The object of this thesis research was to develop and characterize a new type of acoustic biosensor - a ZnO-based laterally excited thickness shear mode (TSM) resonator in a solidly mounted configuration. The first specific aim of the research was to develop the theoretical underpinnings of the acoustic wave propagation in ZnO. Theoretical calculations were carried out by solving the piezoelectrically stiffened Christoffel equation to elucidate the acoustic modes that are excited through lateral excitation of a ZnO stack. A finite element model was developed to confirm the calculations and investigate the electric field orientation and density for various electrode configurations. A proof of concept study was also carried out using a Quartz Crystal Microbalance device to investigate the application of thickness shear mode resonators to cancer biomarker detection in complex media. The results helped to provide a firm foundation for the design of new gravimetric sensors with enhanced capabilities.
The second specific aim was to design and fabricate arrays of multiple laterally excited TSM devices and fully characterize their electrical properties. The solidly mounted resonator configuration was developed for the ZnO-based devices through theoretical calculations and experimentation. A functional mirror comprised of W and SiO2 was implemented in development of the TSM resonators. The devices were fabricated and tested for values of interest such as Q, and electromechanical coupling (K2) as well as their ability to operate in liquids.
The third specific aim was to investigate the optimal surface chemistry scheme for linking the antibody layer to the ZnO device surface. Crosslinking schemes involving organosilane molecules and a phosphonic acid were compared for immobilizing antibodies to the surface of the ZnO. Results indicate that the thiol-terminated organosilane provides high antibody surface coverage and uniformity and is an excellent candidate for planar ZnO functionalization.
The fourth and final specific aim was to investigate the sensitivity of the acoustic immunosensors to potential diagnostic biomarkers. Initial tests were performed in buffer spiked with varying concentrations of the purified target antigen to develop a dose-response curve for the detection of mesothelin-rFc. Subsequent tests were carried out in prostate cancer cell line conditioned medium for the detection of PSA. The results of the experiments establish the operation of the devices in complex media, and indicate that the acoustic sensors are sensitive enough for the detection of biomolecular targets at clinically relevant concentrations.
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Development of Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) for Characterising the Internal Structure of Active Fault Zones as a Predictive Method of Identifying the Distribution of Ground DeformationDuffy, Brendan Gilbert January 2008 (has links)
Bulk rock strength is greatly dependent on fracture density, so that reductions in rock strength associated with faulting and fracturing should be reflected by reduced shear coupling and hence S-wave velocity. This study is carried out along the Canterbury rangefront and in Otago. Both lie within the broader plate boundary deformation zone in the South Island of New Zealand. Therefore built structures are often, , located in areas where there are undetected or poorly defined faults with associated rock strength reduction. Where structures are sited near to, or across, such faults or fault-zones, they may sustain both shaking and ground deformation damage during an earthquake. Within this zone, management of seismic hazards needs to be based on accurate identification of the potential fault damage zone including the likely width of off-plane deformation. Lateral S-wave velocity variability provides one method of imaging and locating damage zones and off-plane deformation. This research demonstrates the utility of Multi-Channel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) to aid land-use planning in such fault-prone settings. Fundamentally, MASW uses surface wave dispersive characteristics to model a near surface profile of S-wave velocity variability as a proxy for bulk rock strength. The technique can aid fault-zone planning not only by locating and defining the extent of fault-zones, but also by defining within-zone variability that is readily correlated with measurable rock properties applicable to both foundation design and the distribution of surface deformation. The calibration sites presented here have well defined field relationships and known fault-zone exposure close to potential MASW survey sites. They were selected to represent a range of progressively softer lithologies from intact and fractured Torlesse Group basement hard rock (Dalethorpe) through softer Tertiary cover sediments (Boby’s Creek) and Quaternary gravels. This facilitated initial calibration of fracture intensity at a high-velocity-contrast site followed by exploration of the limits of shear zone resolution at lower velocity contrasts. Site models were constructed in AutoCAD in order to demonstrate spatial correlations between S-wave velocity and fault zone features. Site geology was incorporated in the models, along with geomorphology, river profiles, scanline locations and crosshole velocity measurement locations. Spatial data were recorded using a total-station survey. The interpreted MASW survey results are presented as two dimensional snapshot cross-sections of the three dimensional calibration-site models. These show strong correlations between MASW survey velocities and site geology, geomorphology, fluvial profiles and geotechnical parameters and observations. Correlations are particularly pronounced where high velocity contrasts exist, whilst weaker correlations are demonstrated in softer lithologies. Geomorphic correlations suggest that off-plane deformation can be imaged and interpreted in the presence of suitable topographic survey data. A promising new approach to in situ and laboratory soft-rock material and mass characterisation is also presented using a Ramset nail gun. Geotechnical investigations typically involve outcrop and laboratory scale determination of rock mass and material properties such as fracture density and unconfined compressive strength (UCS). This multi-scale approach is espoused by this study, with geotechnical and S-wave velocity data presented at multiple scales, from survey scale sonic velocity measurements, through outcrop scale scanline and crosshole sonic velocity measurements to laboratory scale property determination and sonic velocity measurements. S-wave velocities invariably increased with decreasing scale. These scaling relationships and strategies for dealing with them are investigated and presented. Finally, the MASW technique is applied to a concealed fault on the Taieri Ridge in Macraes Flat, Central Otago. Here, high velocity Otago Schist is faulted against low velocity sheared Tertiary and Quaternary sediments. This site highlights the structural sensitivity of the technique by apparently constraining the location of the principal fault, which had been ambiguous after standard processing of the seismic reflection data. Processing of the Taieri Ridge dataset has further led to the proposal of a novel surface wave imaging technique termed Swept Frequency Imaging (SFI). This inchoate technique apparently images the detailed structure of the fault-zone, and is in agreement with the conventionally-determined fault location and an existing partial trench. Overall, the results are promising and are expected to be supported by further trenching in the near future.
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Antény pro přenos energie podél střechy automobilu / Antennas for energy transmission along the car roofŠkoda, Adam January 2016 (has links)
The presented master’s thesis deals with antennas transmitting energy along conductive materials. Surface waves are used for energy transmission. According to its properties, the horn antenna was chosen for the problem solution. This thesis includes the theoretical analysis of surface waves, waveguides and horn antennas. The concept of antennas includes the comparison of two different materials and two different frequencies. From the set of 8GHz antennas, the structure of two antennas where one wearing the other was chosen as the most suitable. The FoamClad material was also selected due to achievement of better parameters and properties then material CuClad. This structure was designed by two identical horn antennas where the energy between them is transmitted via slot. The suitable feeding and parallel plates were designed, and further the current structure was modified to SIW structure. The designed antenna was manufactured and its properties were measured for further comparison with simulation results. Furthermore, achieved differences between simulated and real antenna are discussed.
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Turbulent and Electromagnetic Signature of Small- and Fine-scale Biological and Oceanographic ProcessesDean, Cayla Whitney 05 December 2018 (has links)
Small- and fine-scale biological and oceanographic processes may have a measurable electromagnetic signature. These types of processes inherently involve turbulence and three-dimensional dynamics. Traditional models of the electromagnetic signature of oceanographic processes are of an analytical nature, do not account for three-dimensional boundary layer dynamics or turbulence, self-inductance, and may not describe the variety of the environmental conditions occurring in the ocean. In order to address this problem, I have implemented magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) computational fluid dynamics (CFD) tools, which has allowed for the evaluation of the electromagnetic signature of a number of small- and fine-scale biological and oceanographic processes in the ocean. The suite of computational tools has included the commercial models ANSYS Fluent, coupled with the MHD module, and ANSYS Maxwell. These computational tools have been well-established in fluid and electromagnetic engineering. The application of CFD and MHD tools in oceanography is new but is undergoing rapid development. In this work, substantial effort was made toward the CFD, MHD, and magnetostatic model verification and identification of model limitations. Verifications of the CFD, MHD, and magnetostatic models were conducted by successfully comparing their results with the field measurements and laboratory experiments.
Comparison with the traditional (analytical) models for surface and internal waves, has revealed their limitations related to bottom boundary layer physics, effect of self-inductance, and, to a lesser extent, the magnetic permeability difference at the air-sea interface. These limitations become important for shallow water internal waves. As a result, the traditional models significantly overestimate the magnetic signature of internal waves observed at the Electromagnetic Observatory.
After model verification with the field and laboratory data, the computational models were then applied to evaluate the magnetic signature of diel vertical migration (DVM) of zooplankton, surface waves, internal wave solitons, freshwater lens spreading, and Langmuir circulation. The quantitative estimates have been made for typical environmental conditions. In other environmental conditions, their magnetic signature may be somewhat different. The suite of computational models developed in this dissertation work allows for the estimation of the magnetic signature of fine- and small-scale oceanographic processes in virtually any environmental conditions (e.g., in oil emulsions). I anticipate the result of this study will have Naval, environmental, and oil exploration applications.
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