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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Metodika výuky vlastivědy místního regionu na příkladu Mariánskolázeňska / Methodology of regional homeland study education: a case of the local region Mariánskolázeňsko

HÁLOVÁ, Kateřina January 2009 (has links)
This thesis deals with methodological problems of education of regional homeland study on a case study on local region Mariánskolázeňsko. In the concrete deals this thesis with methodological problems of education of regional homeland study in the 4th year of the primary school. The thesis wholly results from The Framework Education Programme for Basic Education, its thematic area The Place Where We Live and People and Time from the educational area Humans and Their World. The theoretic part of the thesis is concerned with delimitation and location of the area, its physical and social geographical features, historical developement and places of interest in local region Mariánskolázeňsko. The practical part of the thesis issues from the special informationes in its theoretic part and presents adaptation of the topic for children that attends 4th year of the primary school, which respects The Framework Education Programme for Basic Education. Electronic educational text, worksheets with notes for teachers and suggestion of group works. This thesis includes also a list of questions and its analysis, which was the base for the practical part of the thesis, especially for the group work. This thesis includes common chapters such as the introduction, the analysis of used literuature and the methodology of this thesis, conclusion and list of used literature.

METODIKA VÝUKY VLASTIVĚDY ÚZEMÍ OBCE A OKOLNÍ KRAJINY NA PŘÍKLADU ČESKÉHO KRUMLOVA / Methodology of regional homeland study education: a case study Český Krumlov and its surroundings

NOVÁKOVÁ, Martina January 2008 (has links)
This thesis deals with methodological problems of education of regional homeland study on a case study on municipality and the surroundings of Český Krumlov. In the first part of the thesis is detailed description of the studied area (the area of the municipality of Český Krumlov) {--} delimitation and location of the area, its physical and social geographical features, historical development and places of interest in Český Krumlov and in its surroundings. The other part of the thesis issues from the special information introduced in its first part and presents adaptation of the topic for children that attends primary school (from the first to the fifth class). This adaptation respects The Framework Education Programme for Basic Education, its thematic area The Place Where We Live from the educational area Humans and Their World. Educational texts (for third, fourth and fifth class) and worksheets completes the notes for teachers. This thesis includes common chapters such as the introduction, the analysis of used literature, and the methodology of this thesis, conclusion and list of used literature.

Marabastad : place and the individual - the individual in place

Molenaar, Nadia Franciska 23 November 2006 (has links)
In the north-western corner of inner-city Pretoria, South Africa, the business district of Marabastad stands as a prime example of the lack of humanised public space making in marginalised urban areas. Amidst the vibrant and spontaneous local community the open spaces in this urban landscape are left derelict and insufficient in providing for the needs of their users. In response to the obvious and unseen deficiencies of the area, this landscape architectural study aims to shape platforms of opportunity to support the struggling local community by building on existing social networks and, formal and informal, economical practices. The investigation and subsequent design of this dissertation are focussed around the making of an urban square that will encourage interaction between individuals as well as between the individual and his/her surroundings. / Dissertation (ML(Prof))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Architecture / unrestricted

Analýza trhu a návrh marketingových opatření pro salon Paradis / Market Analysis and Design of Marketing Measures for Salon Paradis

Altmannová, Tereza January 2013 (has links)
The main purpose of this diploma thesis is to analyze surroundings of beauty salon which provides non - invasive liposuction, public awareness of this unique method and also customer satisfaction. The results and information from all of these analyses will be synthesized into proposal of tools and precautions which will improve the process of service and guarantee more extensive and contented range of clients.

Elevmotivation utifrån ett historielärarperspektiv (Motivation of students from a History Teacher’s perspective)

Persson, Peter January 2007 (has links)
Syftet med denna intervjustudie är att med en vetenskapligt kvalitativ metod undersöka hur motivation hos elever skapas utifrån yrkesverksamma historielärares perspektiv, samt hur detta skapande förhåller sig till motivationsteorier. Sju lärare fördelat på två grundskolor och ett gymnasium, har intervjuats. Svaren från intervjuerna har bearbetats separat och sedan analyserats utifrån motivationsteorier. Resultatet visar att lärarna ser egenskaperna i rollen som lärare vara den primära faktorn i skapandet av motivation hos eleverna. Dessa är att vara en god berättare, engagerad, ha goda ämneskunskaper och ha förmåga att kunna beröra elever. Elever i denna ålder befinner sig på en rad olika mognadsnivåer, vilket uttrycktes som betydande för möjligheter och användande av metod, i skapandet av elevmotivation. I frågan om ämnet historia har några unika motivationsfaktorer, så kan inget enhetligt svar påvisas. Det nämndes av en lärare att det hos vissa individer, oftast pojkar, förekommer ett starkt intresse för krig och väpnade konflikter. Detta skulle kunna användas av läraren i historieundervisningen genom att utgår från liknande händelser och utvidga dessa till historiska samband. / The purpose of this interview study is to examine, by scientific method, how motivation should be created from the perspective of professional working teacher’s of history, and how this creating stands in relation to motivation theories. Seven teachers divided into two nine-year compulsory schools and one upper secondary school have been interviewed. The answers from the interviews have been adapted separately and then analysed from motivation theories. The result show that the teachers consider that the primary factors for creating motivation of students is the qualities that the role of a teacher has. These qualities are to being a good storyteller, being absorbed in the matter, have good subject knowledge and a power to touch students mind. Students in this age find oneself in different maturity level, which expressed as important factor for the possibilities and for methods used when creating motivation of students. No homogeneous answer was given for the question if the subject of history has unique factors for motivation. It was mention by one teacher that a strong interesting for war and armed conflicts could occur in some individuals; in the most cases these were boys.The teacher when teaching in history could use this, by using similar events from the history and by expanding these to a history relation.

Le végétal donneur d'ambiances : jardiner les abords de l'habitat en ville. / Vegetation as an ambience : gardening the urban housing surroundings

Paris, Magali 11 May 2011 (has links)
Qu'est-ce qui pousse les citadins à jardiner, dans des contextes souvent peu favorables, les abords de leur logement ? Guidé par cette question, notre travail se focalise sur les pratiques habitantes du jardin privé de type balcon, loggia, terrasse et pied d'immeuble. Parmi les nombreux travaux consacrés à l'étude des modes d'habiter urbains, peu se sont jusque-là spécifiquement intéressés au rôle du "petit" jardin. Comment ce petit jardin – et en particulier son jardinage - permet-il à la fois de se ménager un chez-soi et de cohabiter avec ses voisins ? C'est cette problématique que nous avons explorée en inscrivant notre travail dans le champ des ambiances architecturales et urbaines, c'est-à-dire en faisant de l'environnement sensible une clé de lecture privilégiée des pratiques habitantes jardinières. Notre enquête a porté sur quinze ensembles de logements grenoblois et parisiens situés en milieu urbain dense. Sur une période de quatre ans, elle s'est déployée autour du recueil de la parole habitante, couplée à des observations ethnographiques. Adoptant une approche pluridisciplinaire qui croise les dimensions spatiales, horticoles, sociales et sensibles du jardin, l'analyse s'attache à élaborer une typologie de configurations de jardins à partir de quatre critères : la morphologie (horticole et paysagère) des jardins, leur imaginaire, les perceptions sensibles et les tactiques habitantes dont ils sont le support. Cette typologie propose une rhétorique jardinière explicitant les formes de liens et de ruptures que les habitants créent entre eux et leurs voisins, entre leur logement et leur jardin, entre leur jardin et le voisinage et entre leur jardin et la ville. Elle intéresse directement la programmation et la conception des abords de l'habitat en questionnant les manières de composer le jardin et ses articulations au logement, d'agencer les logements entre eux et de penser le rapport du logement à la ville par le biais du jardin. Deux expériences pédagogiques réalisées à la fin de la recherche rendent compte de ce potentiel. Plus largement, cette recherche ouvre vers l'hypothèse selon laquelle les enjeux de l'habiter urbain se situeraient à la lisière jardinée entre un chez-soi (qu'il soit privé ou public) et la ville. / What encourages city dwellers to garden their housing surroundings often located in unfavourable contexts? Following this question, this research focuses on the residents' practices in private gardens such as balcony, loggia, terrace and ground garden. Among the numerous works about the different types of urban dwellings, few of them interest in the role of small gardens. How do small gardens -and its gardening- allow handling carefully a home and help living together among neighbours? This research question is tackled through the field of urban and architectural ambiences, in which the sensory environment is considered a key element in reading residents' gardening practices. For elaborating this work, we conducted a survey on fifteen dwellings, located in high-density urban context in two different French cities: Grenoble and Paris. During four years, we realised semi-directive interviews in addition to ethnographic observations in sixty households. We analysed the collected data through a pluridisciplinary approach that crosses spatial, horticultural, social and sensory dimensions of gardening. This approach aims at designing a typology -gathering configurations of gardens- based on four criteria: gardens' morphology, its imaginary, sensory perception and residents' tactics. This typology proposes a rhetoric gardening that explores the different links and ruptures that residents create between them and their neighbours, their housing and their garden, their garden and the neighborhood and finally between the garden and the city. This work deals directly with the housing surroundings briefing and design by reappraising how gardens are composed and linked to the housing, how housings are organized with each other, while examining at the same time the way that gardens link together housing projects to the city. Two educational experiences have been realised in two French schools of architecture at the end of this research in order to test the design potentials of our typology. In a wider sense, we theorize that the urban dwelling issues are anchored in a gardening edge between a home (set on a private or public space) and the city.

Design autobusové zastávky / Design of the bus stop

MIKLOŠOVÁ, Kateřina January 2009 (has links)
The master{\crq}s thesis consists of five parts. The opening part contains a brief introduction to the town of Strakonice and the local castle. The following chapters deal with the bus stop in terms of technical norms and different bus stop categorisations. In addition, the local bus station is analysed from a technical perspective. The next section is concerned with a practical solution of the bus stop design in the vicinity of the Strakonice castle. It is based on a survey conducted among the citizens of Strakonice. Then, my own technical and architectonic designs are provided. Their final versions are listed in attachment No. thirteen.

Proyecto de intervención en un entorno familiar en la provincia de Celendín departamento de Cajamarca / Intervention project report

Díaz Merino, Soledad del Carmen 31 October 2020 (has links)
El proyecto de intervención se ejecutó en el período 2020-1 durante los meses de mayo y junio en la provincia de Celendín departamento de Cajamarca. Se planteó un objetivo general; el cual fue, mejorar las prácticas en salud oral y la organización del tiempo para realizar actividades dentro del entorno familiar en el departamento de Cajamarca durante el período 2020-1 (mayo y junio). El presente proyecto de intervención se ejecutó en 3 personas que conforman el entorno familiar. Se plantearon diferentes actividades para cumplir con los dos objetivos específicos descritos. Se utilizó indicadores de monitoreo y para cada actividad planteada. Se obtuvo resultados exitosos, se cumplieron todas las actividades programadas en su totalidad alcanzando el 100% de cobertura. Se elaboró materiales para las sesiones educativas programadas. Así mismo, se confeccionó listas de cotejo para evaluar la implementación de actividades (horarios) dentro del entorno. / Introduction: The intervention project was executed in the period 2020-1 during the months of May and June in the province of Celendín, department of Cajamarca. A general objective was set; which was, Improve oral health practices and the organization of time to carry out activities within the family environment in the department of Cajamarca during the period 2020-1 (May and June) Planning: This intervention project was carried out on 3 people who make up the family environment. Different activities were proposed to meet the two specific specific objectives. In addition, it monitored activities, considered two indicators for each of them. Likewise, for the evaluation, 5 indicators were considered for each activity proposed. Results: With reference to this aspect, successful results were obtained; since, it was fulfilled in its entirety. All the educational materials for the scheduled sessions were produced; which were specifically executed. Likewise, the activity lists were configured so that schedules could be implemented within the environment. / Trabajo de investigación

Podnikatelský plán pro rozvoj malé společnosti / Business Plan for Development of a Small Company

Košut, Martin January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis describes the creation of a business plan for a small company which deals mainly with the production of carbon-composite cylinders and shafts. The aim of the thesis is to find a conceptual solution how to ensure profitability of the company. The thesis describes methods of internal and strategic analysis and together with interviews with potential clients builds a probable financial plan and based on it offers conclusions.

Podnikatelský plán pro založení fotoateliéru / Business Plan for Photographic Studio Foundation

Fait, Petr January 2012 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with establishment of photographic studio in Brno. The convenient procedure of forming the business plan was suggested in the thesis. This procedure was chosen because of the research and analysis of internal and external surroundings.

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