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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

“Nya gröna vågen”- the new back-to-the-landers : Growing new pathways to the future

Nitschke, Mattias January 2019 (has links)
In the face of climate change, political instability, ecological destruction, extinction of species and other global issues humanity is facing, various studies are showing that a radical societal transformation is needed to avoid an ecological collapse. This thesis explores the contemporary social-environmental phenomenon “nya gröna vågen” (new-back-to-the-landers) in Sweden as a response to an urgent need for societal transformation as well as a resistance to the conventional modern society. The aim of the study is to examine the material practices in which people within “nya gröna vågen” are involved, how their ideas relate to those practices, and what could be learned from the practitioners in terms of future pathways. To meet this aim, a variant of practice theory is used, which acknowledges non-human actors as well as ideas. Material practice is conceptualized as a network of associations of human and non-humans in specific time-spaces. The study uses semi-structured interviews with practitioners within “nya gröna vågen” and observations. The results show that practices within “nya gröna vågen” are connected to the physical surrounding where they are performed. The material practices of, for example, food provisioning, are understood as embodied understandings of the world made up by a network of human and non-human actors. Further, the material practices within “nya gröna vågen” are based on the idea of a co-creation of human and non-human actors shaping the world. The results also indicate how the actors’ material world-making practices responds to the current planetary situation. In response to what they perceive to be an ecological crisis, they have become involved in practices like regenerative agriculture, adapting to the evolving landscape and water projects. The results also present how the material practices bounded to a specific place as a platform for life are giving a sense of stability and belonging. A relational way of life where people are shaping new imaginations on how to navigate and make life in the future through practices in human/non-human networks.

以故事性的自然場景探討主角與地點在動態視覺處理上的相互影響 / Investigating the Interaction of Character and Surroundings on Dynamic Visual Processing in the Perception of Narrative Natural Scene

張鈺潔, Chang, Yu Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
視覺辨識是極其快速而且正確的,逐步揭露作業可展示此一閃而過的動態視覺辨識歷程,本研究目的即在以此作業探討主角與地點在動態視覺辨識過程中相互影響的內涵。實驗一旨在建立主角與地點的視覺辨識基準線,結果發現主角比起地點只需累積較低空間頻率訊息即可完成正確辨識,得到物體優勢效果。實驗二旨在驗證物體與背景之間在視覺處理上的非獨立關係,透過操弄單獨呈現與同時呈現兩種視覺呈現方式,以主角辨識作業與地點辨識作業加以驗證。結果顯示對地點辨識作業而言,同時呈現情況比起單獨呈現情況只需累積較低空間頻率訊息即可完成正確辨識;對主角辨識作業而言,單獨呈現情況與同時呈現情況並無不同。除此之外,在單獨呈現情況下,仍獲得物體優勢效果。但在同時呈現情況下,物體優勢效果並不復見,反而是地點辨識優於主角辨識。實驗二結果支持物體與背景之間在視覺處理上為非獨立關係。實驗三進一步從「一致性效果」在促進層面以及抑制層面上的作用情況,探討物體與背景之間在視覺處理上相互影響的內涵。實驗三a結果顯示,在主角辨識作業中所得到的「一致性效果」,源於地點訊息對主角辨識在抑制層面的作用而來。實驗三b結果顯示,在地點辨識作業中所得到「一致性效果」,則源於主角訊息對地點辨識在促進層面與抑制層面的作用而來。實驗四進一步以同時呈報的作業方式,讓參與者對整張場景進行辨識,對於視覺系統所知覺到的主角內容與地點內容都需加以呈報,藉此再次驗證主角與地點處理的相互影響。其結果顯示在主角內容與地點內容呈報時,皆獲得「一致性效果」。除此之外,在一致情況與不一情況下皆獲得物體優勢效果。本研究以動態視覺處理模型中物體與背景平行處理且密切交換訊息之觀點解釋所得結果,並提出注意力分佈在此動態視覺處理歷程扮演重要角色。 / Visual recognition is a fast and accurate process. The present study adopted a progressive revelation task, which mimics the visual dynamics appropriately, to investigate the interaction of character and surroundings in the dynamic visual processing. Experiment 1 aimed to establish visual recognition curves for character and surroundings separately as baselines. The results showed that less amount of cumulated perceptual evidence was required for character than surroundings, so that it showed the object advantage effect. In Experiment 2, the non-independent relationship between the object- and background-related visual processes was verified. The performance of isolation condition with the character and surroundings presented in isolation was compared to the concurrent condition with the two presented concurrently. The results of the surroundings recognition task showed that less amount of cumulated perceptual evidence was required for concurrent condition than isolation condition. In contrast, for the character recognition task, there was no difference between these two conditions. These results supported the non-independent relationship between object- and background-related processes. Object advantage effect was replicated in the isolation condition but not in the concurrent condition, which meant that surroundings required less amount of perceptual evidence than character for visual recognition instead. In Experiment 3, interaction between object- and background-related processes was investigated by consistency effect from both the aspects of facilitation and inhibition effects. Results of Experiment 3a showed that consistency effect was only contributed by inhibition effect in the character recognition task. Results of Experiment 3b showed that both the facilitation and inhibition effects contributed to the consistency effect in the surroundings recognition task. In Experiment 4, participants were asked to report both the contents of character and surroundings. The results showed that consistency effects occurred in both of the content reports. And also the object advantage effect appeared in both of the consistent and inconsistent conditions. Overall, the results of the present study implied that object- and background-related visual processes operate in parallel while interchange information intimately at each level of the visual processing stages. The results also suggest that deployment of attention resource played an important role in the dynamic visual process.

Dílčí strategie podniku / Partial Strategies of an Enterprise

Sirotková, Kateřina January 2009 (has links)
This thesis handles the economic strategy of the firm HATLE-UNIKLEMP. Used methods are PESTLE analysis, Porter's five forces model, SWOT analysis, value chain analysis, and most used method is the financial analysis, in which indicators are applied to absolute indicators and financial ratios of profitability,liquidity, activity and debt. The thesis aims to find solutions to the poor economic situation of analyzed firm and to set a strategy, to ensure a positive future business development.

Ocenění společnosti Povltavské mlékárny, a. s. / Valuation of the company Povltavské mlékárny, a.s.

Čunková, Ludmila January 2009 (has links)
The main target of this thesis is to determine the value of the company Povltavské mlékárny, a.s. The thesis is divided into two parts, theoretical and practical. There is described the basic steps of the valuation process and some methods in the theoretical part. In the practical part there are used these methods to determine the value of the company. For the valuation a discounted free cash flow to the equity method in two stage model was used.

Podnikatelský záměr / Business Plan

Bureš, Ondřej January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with harvesting electrical power from renewable resources - natural raw materials, specifically from biomass, by means of energy producing equipment - biogas station. Theoretical part is focused on possibilities of energy production from renewable resources, analysis of administrative measures connected both with power engineering legislature and limited company establishing. It deals with procedures necessary for implementation of the plan and funding possibilities - grants and long term bank loans. Following analytical part is aimed to particular identification of surroundings, chances and risks connected with proposed design. Prospectus with the objective of establishing limited company BS Cerekvice nad Loučnou, s.r.o. is described in the project; this company will be focused on construction and operation of biogas station, producing electric power and heat.

Měření vlastností polarizovaného světla na výstupu optovláknového senzoru / Measurement of polarized light properties on the opticla fiber sensor output

Velič, Ladislav January 2020 (has links)
birefringance, degreeofpolarization, polarization, Stokesvectors, Poincarésphere, state of polarization, optical power, sensoric fibre, polarization-maintaining fiber, polaroid, poalrimeter

Challenges and potentials of channeling local philanthropy towards development and aocial justice and the role of waqf (Islamic and Arab-civic endowments) in building community foundations / the case of Egypt

Daly, Marwa El 16 May 2012 (has links)
Diese Arbeit bietet eine solide theoretische Grundlage zu Philanthropie und religiös motivierten Spendenaktivitäten und deren Einfluss auf Wohltätigkeitstrends, Entwicklungszusammenarbeit und einer auf dem Gedanken der sozialen Gerechtigkeit beruhenden Philanthropie. Untersucht werden dafür die Strukturen religiös motivierte Spenden, für die in der islamischen Tradition die Begriffe „zakat“, „Waqf“ oder im Plural auch „awqaf-“ oder „Sadaqa“ verwendet werden, der christliche Begriff dafür lautet „tithes“ oder „ushour“. Aufbauend auf diesem theoretischen Rahmenwerk analysiert die qualitative und quantitative Feldstudie auf nationaler Ebene, wie die ägyptische Öffentlichkeit Philanthropie, soziale Gerechtigkeit, Menschenrechte, Spenden, Freiwilligenarbeit und andere Konzepte des zivilgesellschaftlichen Engagements wahrnimmt. Um eine umfassende und repräsentative Datengrundlage zu erhalten, wurden 2000 Haushalte, 200 zivilgesellschaftliche Organisationen erfasst, sowie Spender, Empfänger, religiöse Wohltäter und andere Akteure interviewt. Die so gewonnen Erkenntnisse lassen aussagekräftige Aufschlüsse über philanthropische Trends zu. Erstmals wird so auch eine finanzielle Einschätzung und Bewertung der Aktivitäten im lokalen Wohltätigkeitsbereich möglich, die sich auf mehr als eine Billion US-Dollar beziffern lassen. Die Erhebung weist nach, dass gemessen an den Pro-Kopf-Aufwendungen die privaten Spendenaktivitäten weitaus wichtiger sind als auswärtige wirtschaftliche Hilfe für Ägypten. Das wiederum lässt Rückschlüsse zu, welche Bedeutung lokale Wohltätigkeit erlangen kann, wenn sie richtig gesteuert wird und nicht wie bislang oft im Teufelskreis von ad-hoc-Spenden oder Hilfen von Privatperson an Privatperson gefangen ist. Die Studie stellt außerdem eine Verbindung her zwischen lokalen Wohltätigkeits-Mechanismen, die meist auf religiösen und kulturellen Werten beruhen, und modernen Strukturen, wie etwa Gemeinde-Stiftungen oder Gemeinde-„waqf“, innerhalb derer die Spenden eine nachhaltige Veränderung bewirken können. Daher bietet diese Arbeit also eine umfassende wissenschaftliche Grundlage, die nicht nur ein besseres Verständnis, sondern auch den nachhaltiger Aus- und Aufbau lokaler Wohltätigkeitsstrukturen in Ägypten ermöglicht. Zentral ist dabei vor allem die Rolle lokaler, individueller Spenden, die beispielsweise für Stiftungen auf der Gemeindeebene eingesetzt, wesentlich zu einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung beitragen könnten – und das nicht nur in Ägypten, sondern in der gesamten arabischen Region. Als konkretes Ergebnis dieser Arbeit, wurde ein innovatives Modell entwickelt, dass neben den wissenschaftlichen Daten das Konzept der „waqf“ berücksichtigt. Der Wissenschaftlerin und einem engagierten Vorstand ist es auf dieser Grundlage gelungen, die Waqfeyat al Maadi Community Foundation (WMCF) zu gründen, die nicht nur ein Modell für eine Bürgerstiftung ist, sondern auch das tradierte Konzept der „waqf“ als praktikable und verbürgte Wohlstätigkeitsstruktur sinnvoll weiterentwickelt. / This work provides a solid theoretical base on philanthropy, religious giving (Islamic zakat, ‘ushour, Waqf -plural: awqaf-, Sadaqa and Christian tithes or ‘ushour), and their implications on giving trends, development work, social justice philanthropy. The field study (quantitative and qualitative) that supports the theoretical framework reflects at a national level the Egyptian public’s perceptions on philanthropy, social justice, human rights, giving and volunteering and other concepts that determine the peoples’ civic engagement. The statistics cover 2000 households, 200 Civil Society Organizations distributed all over Egypt and interviews donors, recipients, religious people and other stakeholders. The numbers reflect philanthropic trends and for the first time provide a monetary estimate of local philanthropy of over USD 1 Billion annually. The survey proves that the per capita share of philanthropy outweighs the per capita share of foreign economic assistance to Egypt, which implies the significance of local giving if properly channeled, and not as it is actually consumed in the vicious circle of ad-hoc, person to person charity. In addition, the study relates local giving mechanisms derived from religion and culture to modern actual structures, like community foundations or community waqf that could bring about sustainable change in the communities. In sum, the work provides a comprehensive scientific base to help understand- and build on local philanthropy in Egypt. It explores the role that local individual giving could play in achieving sustainable development and building a new wave of community foundations not only in Egypt but in the Arab region at large. As a tangible result of this thesis, an innovative model that revives the concept of waqf and builds on the study’s results was created by the researcher and a dedicated board of trustees who succeeded in establishing Waqfeyat al Maadi Community Foundation (WMCF) that not only introduces the community foundation model to Egypt, but revives and modernizes the waqf as a practical authentic philanthropic structure.

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