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Leading change from the inside-out : negotiating the psycho-social in sustainability engagementKlein, Kerri Ann 17 January 2013 (has links)
This study explores how sustainability practitioners understand and engage with the subjective psychological dimensions of `social mobilization'. At this particular moment, there exists scant research into precisely how these dimensions are being theorized and incorporated into the practice of social mobilization, despite a growing recognition that environmental engagement necessarily involves the `inner life' of people--the complex and interconnected psycho-social influences on who we are and how we understand our world. Using a narrative methodology, I interviewed seven sustainability facilitators about how they are currently making meaning of social change and how subjectivity is represented within this. The analysis presents four distinct ways that psycho-social dimensions are being negotiated and related to in engagement work. This research indicates that being able to engage with subjectivity is not so much a technical skill that can be learned, but rather a new way of making meaning of the world, others, and oneself.
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Purposes, People and Processes in Leadership for SustainabilityKlöfver, Anna January 2015 (has links)
Leadership is recognized as a crucial element for successfully introducing, implementing andinstitutionalizing change for sustainability. However, it is unclear which purposes, people and processes, regarded as core components of leadership, drive sustainability and how they do it. The objective of this thesis is to investigate how organizational leadership for sustainability can be conceptualized in terms of purposes, people and processes driving sustainability. Addressed research questions are: How is sustainability and leadership viewed and approached by organizational leaders? Which purposes, people and processes drive leadership for sustainability in organizations? How are these purposes, people and processes related in driving leadership for sustainability? To answer these questions, research data has been collected through a case study, primarily through 16 interviews with leaders in different companies who have explicit responsibility for sustainability. The findings suggest that: Purposes that drive leadership for sustainability are many. On an organizational level, a central driver is to meet stakeholder expectations, which in turn may create various business benefits. On an individual level, a core driver is the personal engagement of wanting to do something meaningful by contributing to sustainability and to the personal development of other people. People who drive leadership for sustainability have very mixed backgrounds and are associated with a wide range of abilities and qualities. However, the abilities to coordinate and to shift from silo thinking to systems thinking stand out. Combining generalist competences in systems thinking and coordination with specialist competences within environmental, social and economic dimensions suggests that key competences needed to drive sustainability could be described as M-shaped competences. Processes that drive leadership for sustainability can be described in terms of including elements from a wide range of leadership theories, such as transformational, ethical, shared and emergent leadership. Elements of many different leadership theories seem needed to understand what leadership for sustainability means and how it effectively can be approached. Based on these findings, the overall conclusion is that the 3Ps purposes, people, processes play important roles in driving sustainability. Linking these 3Ps of leadership with the 3Ps of sustainability planet, people, profit into the 6Ps of leadership for sustainability seem to provide a valuable lens or framework for analyzing and understanding organizational leadership for sustainability as it highlights central aspects that seem essential to balance and clarify in order to drive sustainability. / Ledarskap anses vara en avgörande faktor för att framgångsrikt införa, implementera och institutionalisera förändring för hållbarhet. Däremot är det oklart vilka syften, människor och processer, betraktade som centrala delar av ledarskap, som driver hållbarhet och hur de gör det. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur ledarskap för hållbarhet i organisationer kankonceptualiseras i termer av syften, människor och processer som driver hållbarhet. Studiens forskningsfrågor är: Hur uppfattas hållbarhet och ledarskap av ledare i organisationer? Vilka syften, människor och processer driver ledarskap för hållbarhet i organisationer? Hur är dessa syften, människor och processer relaterade i att driva ledarskap för hållbarhet? För att besvara dessa frågor har forskningsdata samlats in genom en fallstudie, främst genom 16 intervjuer med ledare i olika företag som har ett uttalat ansvar för hållbarhet. Resultaten tyder på att: Syftena som driver ledarskap för hållbarhet är många. På organisationsnivå är en central drivkraft att möta intressentförväntningar, vilket i sin tur kan skapa olika typer av affärsnytta. På individnivå är en central drivkraft det personliga engagemanget att vilja göra något meningsfullt genom att bidra till hållbar utveckling och till andra människors personliga utveckling. Människorna som driver ledarskap för hållbarhet har mycket blandade bakgrunder och är förknippade med ett brett spektrum av förmågor och egenskaper. Men förmågan att amordna och att gå från sil tänkande till systemtänkande sticker ut. En kombination av generalistkompetenser inom systemtänkande och samordning med specialistkompetenser inom miljömässiga, sociala och ekonomiska dimensioner tyder på att en nyckelkompetens som behövs för att driva hållbarhet skulle kunna beskrivas som M-formade kompetenser. Processerna som driver ledarskap för hållbarhet kan beskrivas i termer av bland annat element från ett brett spektrum av ledarskapsteorier, såsom transformerande, etiskt, delat ch framväxande ledarskap. Element från många olika ledarskapsteorier verkar behövas för att förstå vad ledarskap för hållbarhet innebär och hur det effektivt kan drivas. Baserat på dessa iakttagelser så är den övergripande slutsatsen att syften, människor, processer spelar en viktig roll i att driva en hållbar utveckling. Att länka dessa tre delar av ledarskap (eng. 3Ps purposes, people, processes) med de tre delarna av hållbarhet (eng. 3 Ps people, planet, profit) i ledarskap för hållbarhet (eng. 6Ps of leadership for sustainability) verkar vara en värdefull lins eller ram för att analysera och förstå ledarskap för hållbarhet i organisationer eftersom det belyser centrala aspekter som verkar vara viktiga för att balansera och driva hållbarhet.
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Sustainability Leadership and Employee Satisfaction in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises : An Exploratory Study in Germany and SwedenWinkler, Kevin Mark, Wamu, Simon January 2023 (has links)
This research explored the relationship between sustainability leadership practices and employeesatisfaction in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Germany and Swede. The objective was toinvestigate how sustainability leadership practices influenced employee satisfaction within the context ofSMEs. Ten interviews were conducted with employees and managers in first-line and middle managementpositions from diverse industries across Sweden and Germany. The study aimed to gather employees'perceptions of leadership and management behaviors, practices, and outcomes within their organizationsand determine the impact of these practices on employee satisfaction. The findings of this studydemonstrated a positive relationship between the adoption of sustainability leadership practices andemployee satisfaction. Nevertheless, out of the six interviewees who expressed some level ofdissatisfaction, five acknowledged the presence of leadership practices that were consistent with thetheoretical framework of sustainability leadership. These findings enhanced our understanding of therelationship between sustainability leadership and employee satisfaction and offered insights to improveleadership practices and employee satisfaction. The research provided valuable insights for SMEmanagers, employees, and practitioners, highlighting the significance of sustainable leadership practices inenhancing organizational performance and contributing to sustainable development.
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Contemplative Practices in Higher Education for Sustainable Development : An exploration of their role for moving society towards sustainabilityDomingues, Roberta, Zimmer, Esther, Mah, Haley, Freudenberg, Charlotte January 2020 (has links)
In order for future sustainability leaders to stand a chance at tackling the sustainability challenge, they need to be skilled and capable enough to cope with them. Higher education for sustainable development (HESD) plays a crucial role in developing sustainability leaders. The intent of this research is to examine how contemplative practices (CPs) can be strategically used as a pedagogical tool to support the new leadership paradigm needed to move society towards sustainability. Through interviews, the study explored the current state of CPs in HESD by asking how and why they are used, and what barriers prevent them from being used more widely. Findings showed that: - CPs are not being used strategically as a tool in HESD - CPs can be used to support the development of sustainability leaders - HESD has a limited focus on inner transformation This study showed that the use of CPs as a pedagogical tool in HESD has significant impacts on individuals’ learning and inner transformation. At the same time, they support the development of individuals’ wellbeing and leadership skills towards sustainability. However, it was found that there are several barriers to overcome in order for this tool to be strategically used in HESD.
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Activating the Hummingbird Generation: Youth Empowerment Programs for Strategic Sustainable DevelopmentMontesinos, Devyn, Kroese, Emma, Dziuba Bergfors, Ganna, Gigliotti, Michael January 2024 (has links)
With the continued degradation of Earth’s natural resources and increasing social pressures, our global society is on a destructive trajectory. To avert societal collapse, it is crucial to halt this unsustainable path through strategic sustainable development. Educative spaces that cultivate sustainability leaders are essential in guiding this transition. Youth Empowerment Programs for Sustainability (YEPS) can play a pivotal role by fostering youth sustainability leaders. However, this field lacks a unified definition of sustainability and a coherent approach to empower youth to take action for sustainability. This research provides a contemporary analysis of how YEPS can enhance their effectiveness as a strategic tool for sustainable development, through analysing how YEPS foster sustainability youth leaders. The Hummingbird Framework was developed to represent the necessary conditions for youth empowerment and sustainability competencies. Using this framework, in-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted with 15 program directors, designers and/or facilitators and 7 youth alumni from short-term, immersive, sustainability- focused youth programs within Europe. The findings, analysed through the Hummingbird Framework show that YEPS represent a critical avenue for fostering sustainability leaders through their participatory and creative approach to sustainability, equipping young individuals with the tools and mindset necessary to drive the sustainability transition. Nevertheless, there is room for improvement to align the field of YEPS with strategic sustainable development.
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Financial capacity and sustainable procurement: the mediating effects of sustainability leadership and socially responsible human resource capabilityEtse, D., McMurray, A., Muenjohn, Nuttawuth 05 March 2024 (has links)
No / This study examines the effects of organizational financial capacity on sustainable procurement and the extent to which socially responsible human resource capability and sustainability leadership mediate this relationship. Data obtained from 322 organizations through quantitative surveys were analyzed using structural equation modeling. The results suggest the following: financial capacity has a significant positive effect on sustainable procurement; financial capacity has a significantly positive effect on socially responsible human resource capability; sustainability leadership and socially responsible human resource capability mediate the positive effect of financial capacity on sustainable procurement. The research contributes to the literature a perspective on the mechanisms through which organizational financial capacity influences sustainable procurement via socially responsible human resource capability and sustainability leadership. The insights provided will inform management decisions and actions regarding how organizational finance can be leveraged strategically to optimize sustainable corporate practices and outcomes.
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Fair and Square? : Leading the Cultural and Creative Sectors towards Social Sustainability with the Fair Practice CodeBank, Rikke, Dogan, Hande January 2024 (has links)
Art and culture are increasingly recognised as essential components of our societal development, enriching the quality of our lives through imagination, connection, and innovation, while supporting various aspects of well-being, including health and lifelong learning. However, the professionals in the Cultural and Creative Sectors (CCS) often experience precarious employment conditions, including contract instability and limited social security. Ensuring secure work environments is not just a matter of policy—it is a fundamental human right. Opening this dialogue in the CCS, the Fair Practice Code serves as a compass emerging with the potential to lead the future direction of these sectors, initiated in the Netherlands and currently being adapted to Denmark. Given the urgency in addressing the psychosocial challenges within the CCS, this thesis offers a timely contribution, bridging the research gap between sustainability leadership and fair practice. With this study we explore stakeholders’ perceptions of the Code and how sustainability leadership actualises it, consequently examining social sustainability within the CCS. To address the research questions, an exploratory research design is employed, including semi-structured interviews with primary stakeholders within the CCS in Denmark and with complementary insights from the Netherlands to facilitate the collection of data. The study found that stakeholders in the CCS perceive sustainability as a foundation for the Fair Practice Code, with the other four values - trust, transparency, solidarity, and diversity - embedded within. Based on our findings, we present a revised compass for steering social development and two sets of recommendations to practitioners within the CCS.
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Relationen mellan ledarskap och hållbarhet : En fallstudie vid Transdev Sverige AB / The Relationship between Leadership and Sustainability : A qualitative case study atTransdev Sverige ABBackman, Madeleine, Paulseth Sandvold, Iselin January 2018 (has links)
Problematisering: Företag står inför utmaningar som handlar om att inkludera hållbarhetsbegreppets tre dimensioner: det ekonomiska, sociala och miljömässiga ansvaret. Påtryckningar ökar från samhällets olika intressenter, som sätter press på att företag och företagsledare agerar ansvarsfullt. Hållbarhet är idag en aktuell och relevant fråga som företag, styrelser och ledare på något sätt får ta i beaktning på grund av dessa påtryckningar från samhället. Relationen mellan ledarskap och hållbarhet är, enligt oss, en samhällsaktuell fråga för företag. Det finns idag omfattande forskning kring ledarskap och en hel del forskning om hållbarhet. Forskningen däremellan är däremot relativt outforskad. Det behövs därför en förståelse för hur denna relation ser ut. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att bidra till förståelse av hur relationen mellan ledarskap och hållbarhet ser ut i ett svenskt företag, samt identifiera de aspekter i ledarskapet som kan vara av betydelse för hållbarhet. Metod: För att besvara syftet är denna studie uppbyggd av en pilotstudie och en enfallsstudie av kvalitativ karaktär, där vi har genomfört semistrukturerade intervjuer med fem ledare i ledningsgruppen på Transdev Sverige AB. Studien har en induktiv ansats. Slutsats: Resultatet från denna studie har visat att relationen mellan ledarskap och hållbarhet ser olika ut. Ledningsgruppens kontext och ledarnas ansvarsområden har varit avgörande i beskrivningen av hur relationen ser ut. Kontexten och ansvarsområdena har dessutom varit avgörande för var i hållbarhetsbegreppet ledarna lägger sin tyngdpunkt. Relationen beskrivs vidare utifrån tre identifierade “relationsbyggare”: mål, moral och kunskap. Dessa tre är aspekter som vi anser vara av betydelse för hur relationen ser ut i denna studies specifika kontext. / Background: Due to increasing expectations and demands from different stakeholders, companies are being called upon to take actions to integrate the three dimensions of sustainability; economic, social and environmental. Corporate sustainability is therefore an inevitable topic of discussion among business organisations and top executives. Separately, there is extensive research on the two topics leadership and sustainability. However, the amount of research of the intersection of these two research fields is scarce and fairly unexplored, which makes this an interesting field of study. As a result of the actuality evolving around leadership and sustainability for corporations and the above stated lack of research, there is a need of a deeper understanding of the relationship between leadership and sustainability. Aim: The aim of this study is to understand the relationship between leadership and sustainability, as well as identifying aspects in the leadership that could be of importance regarding sustainability leadership. Methodology: This is a qualitative case study using a hermeneutics perspective of interpretation. The empirical data consist of a pilot study and five semi-structured interviews with top executives at Transdev Sverige AB. The study revolves around the empirical data and is therefore to be considered to have an inductive approach. Conclusion: The findings of the study has shown that the relationship between leadership and sustainability differ. The context of the top management team and the responsibility of the leaders have been vital in the explanation of their relationship. The context and the area of responsibility have additionally been vital in order to identify where in the sustainability spectrum the leader position himself. The relationship is further explained by three identified “relationship builders”; goal, morale and knowledge. We consider that these three aspects are of relevance to understand the relationship between leadership and sustainability within the specific context of this study.
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‘Out of your Mind’: The Embodied Pedagogy of Social Presencing Theater for SustainabilityPater, Emmy, Keim, Lea, Lang, Priska January 2022 (has links)
In order to address complex challenges and bring about transformations, change agents need to possess the necessary capacities. Contemplative pedagogies such as Social Presencing Theater (SPT) may play a crucial role in developing such capacities. Therefore, this thesis explores how the embodiment method SPT could contribute to Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), in order to support change agents in development. SPT and its learning environment, outcomes and possible contributions to ESD were researched through surveys with twelve participants of a two-day SPT training, as well as interviews with eleven SPT facilitators. According to the results, SPT has the potential to offer relevant contemplative practices that cultivate the capacities that leaders need to address complexity and uncertainty. The findings suggest that as a learning process, SPT can foster capacities within change agents and groups, promoting awareness and mental flexibility to recognize and work with dynamic systems. SPT also appears to foster specific learning outcomes, including several key competencies for sustainability. We recommend applying SPT in the context of strategic leadership development for sustainability, to promote sustainability education that is strategic, holistic, and innovative.
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Integrating Transformative Learning Outcomes: Professional Challenges of Sustainability Leadership AlumniMeisinger, Lena, Oschmann, Greta, Oshodi, Monsurat Chinyere, Rau, Jana Lina January 2024 (has links)
The Master's in Strategic Leadership towards Sustainability (MSLS) offers a transformative learning experience, yet its alumni encounter difficulties in the professional arena that have not been fully explored. This thesis illuminates the difficulties MSLS alumni face in integrating transformative learning outcomes of the program into their professional lives, their coping strategies, and what could support them. The research involved a mixed-methods approach with 34 survey responses and 13 follow-up interviews. The analysis, based on the typology of transformative learning outcomes, revealed that alumni particularly struggle integrating sustainability leadership practices, tools and concepts. Moreover, they have difficulty sustaining their new ways of being and attributes such as enthusiasm, trust and hopefulness. The main impediments to integration are the absence of a shared mental model or language with others and a working culture that inhibits the exploration of new approaches. MSLS alumni tend to address these challenges by surrounding themselves with like-minded people, developing communication strategies, and cultivating personal practices. The findings indicate a need for transition preparation as part of the MSLS program and self-organized support structures that assist alumni in transitioning into the professional world, integrating transformative learning outcomes, and assuming their role as agents for systemic change towards sustainability.
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