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Star formation in dwarf galaxies : using the radio continuum as an extinction-free probeKitchener, Ben Gerald January 2016 (has links)
To eliminate uncertainties introduced by extinction by dust in the optical, we examine to what extent the radio continuum (RC) can probe star formation in dwarf galaxies. Star formation (SF) drives galaxy formation and evolution; acquiring accurate measurements of SF thus becomes crucial in order to understand galaxies. As radio technology improves further, RC surveys will probe the fainter, more quiescent regime of the radio sky. Having a robust manner by which to convert RC luminosities to star formation rate (SFR) has the potential to provide millions of independent SFR measurements out to intermediate redshifts. In order to calibrate the RC to infer SFR, the 40 dwarf galaxies that make up the LITTLE THINGS sample were chosen as the bedrock of the thesis due to the large range of galactic parameters that they cover. RC observations of these galaxies were taken with the VLA between L- and Ka-band (1-33GHz) using the B-, C-, and Darrays, yielding images with 3-10" resolution and rms noise levels between 3 and 15 μJy beam⁻¹. On a global scale, 27 out of the 40 dwarf galaxies exhibited RC emission above the detection threshold, 17 of which were new RC detections. The general picture is an interstellar medium (ISM) largely void of RC emission, interspersed by isolated pockets of RC associated with SF regions; this general picture agreed with what was expected given current models of dwarf galaxies - weaker magnetic fields in the ISM leading to a higher escape of CRe (and resulting reduction in RCNTh emission). This was also backed-up by the relatively low RCNTh fraction - 61 ± 7% at C-band. The observed RC-SFR relation was calibrated to allow the observed RC luminosity of a gas rich dwarf galaxy to be used to infer the SFR; the calibration takes the form SFR [M⊙ yr⁻¹] = 5 x 10⁻¹⁸(RC [WHz⁻¹])0.85. On a resolved basis, only the RCNTh was examined - this is because whether scales of 1 pc, or 1 kpc are investigated, the relationship between the Hα (current SF) and RCTh was not expected to change. Calibrating the resolved RCNTh-SFR relation was best done when using discrete SF regions which varied from 10s up to 100s of pc in size. On these scales, the calibration allows the SFR to be inferred from an observed RCNTh luminosity, and takes the form SFR [M⊙ yr⁻¹] = 1.36 x 10⁻²³(LNTh [WHz⁻¹])1.15. This calibration, however, is only valid for resolved regions forming stars at a rate ≳ 2 x 10⁻⁴M⊙ yr⁻¹. Despite the low flux densities of RCNTh measured from these discrete SF regions, the RCNTh still works well as a SFR tracer whereas Hα, which is largely dependent on stars with mass ≳ 18M⊙, and is thus dependent on the high mass tail of the stellar IMF, will suffer from stochasticity. In a few dwarfs, the equipartition magnetic field strength reaches as high as 30 μG in multiple 100 pc regions, and in one case, 70 μG. However, generally, the weaker magnetic fields in the ISM give the CRe longer lifetimes, and thus more time to be advected out of the galaxy with the magnetic fields frozen into the gas in outflows, or diffuse. This explains in part the lack of RCNTh emission observed in the ISM of dwarf galaxies. Through implementing a simple galactic CRemodel, itwas found that the RCNTh emission associated with the CRe can be used as a SF tracer from approximately 5 up to 70Myr following a burst of SF, while RCTh can be used in its absence prior to 5Myr. The RCNTh luminosity reaches its peak approximately 55Myr after the SF episode, but actually remains nearly constant over the 60Myr following the SF episode, highlighting its potential to be used to infer SFR. The CRemodel also tracked the evolution of the RCNTh spectral index with time. Between values of about -0.4 and -0.7, the RCNTh spectral index can be calibrated to infer the time elapsed since a burst of SF through t[Myr] = -25αNTh. RCNTh spectral indices of -0.8 are consistent with ages between 20 and 55Myr, suggesting that the oft observed spectral index of -0.8 in galaxies may come from the fact that C-band RCNTh emission is dominated by the steep spectral indices of -0.8 from these older SF regions (20-55Myr). For the galaxies that displayed RCNTh emission that was bright enough and sufficiently well resolved, a spectral decomposition of the RC spectrum was performed to infer Hα-independent RCTh, RCNTh, and RCNTh spectral index maps. The spectral decomposition showed DDO50 and NGC1569 to have a low thermal fraction of 23% and 10%, respectively, at C-band, while NGC2366 and NGC4214 were shown to have higher thermal fractions of 48% and 66%, respectively. In summary, dwarf galaxies are not only faint in the RC due to their lower SF activity, but they are also fainter than expected due to CRe escape. Nonetheless, the RC can be used to probe SF in dwarf galaxies not only on a global scale, but also within discrete SF complexes 10s to 100s of pc in size. Theoretically, the RC can be used right from the onset of a burst of SF, where RCTh will dominate, up to ~ 70Myr, at which point RCNTh will dominate. Calibrated by the RC observations in this thesis, both resolved and global SFRs of gas rich, low mass galaxies can be inferred with an uncertainty of ±0.2 dex; the relations allow SFRs of between approximately 2x10⁻⁴ and 0.1M⊙ yr⁻¹ to be inferred.
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Graphène épitaxié sur SiC : dopage et fonctionnalisation. / Epitaxial graphene on SiC : doping and functionalizationVelez, Emilio 26 September 2014 (has links)
Depuis sa découverte, le graphène a attiré beaucoup d’intérêt et ses propriétés remarquables font de lui un matériau très étudié par la communauté scientifique. Ce travail de thèse porte non pas sur ces propriétés intrinsèques, mais sur les possibilités de dopage et de fonctionnalisation du graphène pour d’éventuelles applications futures. Le choix du graphène épitaxié sur SiC comme matériau de base nous a permis d’avoir des échantillons adaptés aux études spectroscopiques (XPS, ARPES, NEXAFS) effectuées au synchrotron SOLEIL. Ces études sont indispensables pour la caractérisation macroscopique du graphène dopé et fonctionnalisé. La croissance epitaxiale permet à la fois le dopage in-situ et ex-situ. Dans un premier temps nous avons étudié l’influence de l’azote, élément voisin du carbone. Nous avons opté pour une technique de dopage in-situ, ce qui nous a permis d’avoir du graphène dopé dans un seul et même processus de fabrication. De plus nous avons pu déterminer les conditions de croissance pour obtenir une couche de nitrure de silicium (Si3N4) entre le graphène et le substrat. D’autre part nous avons utilisé l’oxygène pour fonctionnaliser le graphène. En exposant le graphène vierge à l’oxygène atomique et moléculaire, on a pu étudier l’évolution des états vide du graphène en présence d’oxygène. Les bords des grains de graphène sont particulièrement adaptés pour la fonctionnalisation à cause de leur activité chimique. Nous avons ainsi synthétisé du graphène avec des grains de petites dimension (~100 nm) pour avoir une forte densité de bords dans l’échantillon. De cette manière nous avons pu détecter, par absorption des rayons X, la signature de ces états de bord. / Since its discovery, graphene has attracted tremendous interest and its remarkable properties make it a material intensively studied by the scientific community. This thesis is not directly concerned with its intrinsic properties, but the possibilities of doping and functionalization of graphene for future possible applications and devices. The choice of epitaxial graphene on SiC as basic material allowed us to have samples well adapted for spectroscopic studies (XPS, ARPES and NEXAFS) carried out on a synchrotron facility (SOLEIL). These studies are essential for the macroscopic characterization of doped graphene and its functionalization. Epitaxial growth provides us the possibility to dope graphene both in-situ and ex-situ. We first opted for an in-situ doping technique studying the influence of nitrogen as a chemical dopant on the growth process. This allowed us to fabricate doped graphene in a one-step process. By tuning the parameters for epitaxial growth the creation of a silicon nitride layer was also observed. We also used atomic and molecular oxygen for the functionalization of graphene. By exposing pristine graphene to oxygen in an ex-situ process, we were able to study the evolution of empty states of graphene and the consequences on the electronic structure. The edges of graphene crystallites are particularly adapted for functionalization because of their chemical activity. The epitaxial growth on a 3C-SiC substrate allowed us to synthesize graphene with a reduced lateral size (~100 nm) and to have a higher density of edges in our sample. In this way we were able to detect the signature of these edge states using non-local spectroscopic methods.
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Spéciation et dynamique du fer et du nickel dans les sédiments de mangrove situés en aval de massifs ultrabasiques (Nouvelle-Calédonie) / Speciation of iron and nickel in the mangrove sediments downstream lateritized ultramafic watershed (New Caledonia)Noël, Vincent 03 April 2014 (has links)
La mangrove est un écosystème majeur des zones intertidales des côtes tropicales. En Nouvelle-Calédonie, les mangroves sont des zones tampon entre les massifs ultrabasiques, plus ou moins exploités, et un lagon inscrit au patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO. Le long de l’estran, cet écosystème se décompose principalement en trois zones de végétation qui se développent parallèlement au trait de côte, avec du front de mer vers les terres : Rhizophora spp., Avicennia marina, tannes. Ce gradient botanique dépend de la durée d'immersion des marées, qui impose des gradients de teneur en eau, de salinité de l'eau interstitielle, d’oxygénation, et de teneur en matière organique dans les sédiments. L'objectif de cette thèse était d'améliorer notre compréhension du cycle biogéochimique du fer et du nickel dans les sédiments de mangrove, et de déterminer le rôle des paramètres édaphiques sur la mobilité de ces éléments métalliques. Ce travail est plus spécifiquement focalisé sur l’évolution de la cristallochimie de Fe et Ni en liant avec les (bio)transformations minéralogiques. Les analyses de spectroscopie d’absorption à rayons X montrent clairement que les spéciations de Fe et Ni évoluent en fonction des gradients redox qui marquent d’une part, la zone intertidale, et d’autre part, la profondeur. La goethite et les phyllosilicates, hérités des bassins versants latériques, sont les principaux hôtes du Fe et Ni dans la partie supérieure des sédiments de mangrove. Ces espèces minérales sont intégralement préservés en profondeur des sédiments des tannes, qui sont pauvres en matière organique et bien oxygénés. En revanche, sous les Rhizophora et les Avicennia, la goethite disparait rapidement avec la profondeur . Dans ces horizons inférieures anoxiques riches en matière organique, la sulphato-réduction se développe, et la pyrite et les complexes organiques sont les principales phases porteuses du Ni. A la limite entre les couches oxiques et anoxiques, une intense ré-oxydation du Fe (II) aqueux et des sulfures de fer conduit à la formation de ferrihydrite, lépidocrocite, et probablement de goethite. La proportion relative des oxyhydroxydes de fer néoformés et mal cristallisés, est plus élevé dans la mangrove à Rhizophora. En outre l’incorporation du Ni dans la pyrite est également moins prononcée dans cette zone. Une telle évolution latérale de la spéciation du Ni peut être liée à la réoxydation fréquente des pyrites porteuses de Ni en lien avec le balayage quotidien de cette zone par les marées. Ce cycle tidal, qui touche plus particulièrement la zone à Rhizophora du fait de sa position basse dans l’estran, peut être une cause majeure des cycles de réduction et d’oxydation des phases porteuses de Fe, et pourrait affecter de manière significative les bilans de masse du fer et du nickel dans les mangroves. En effet, le Ni tend à être immobile dans les tannes, à s'accumuler sous Avicennia, et à être partiellement libéré sous Rhizophora. Finalement, le comportement du Fe et du Ni dans des sédiments de mangrove subissant une oxydation intense, en réponse à un isolement de la mer, a été étudié. Au niveau du front d’oxydation, des concentrations très élevées de Ni en solution ont été mesurées , tandis que les concentrations en Ni dans la phase solide étaient quatre fois plus faible que dans l'horizon pyritisé, et 2,5 fois plus faibles que dans le sédiment supérieur. Ces résultats suggèrent que l'oxydation des sédiments de mangrove est une cause de perte en Ni pour l’écosystème. Cette thèse a permis une meilleure connaissance des processus minéralogiques qui conduisent à la fixation ou la libération des élémentes traces métalliques par les mangroves, et est donc utile pour la gestion des mangroves qui sont situés en aval de bassins versants latéritiques. / Mangrove forests are the dominant intertidal ecosystem of tropical coastlines. In New Caledonia, mangroves act as a buffer zone between Ni open-cast mines and a lagoon registered as a UNESCO World Heritage site. Across the intertidal zone, mangroves are composed of three main stands; with from the seaward side to the landward side: Rhizophora spp., Avicennia marina, salt-flat. This botanical gradient relies on the duration of tidal immersion, which imposes sedimentary gradients of water content, salinity, oxygenation, and organic content.The objective of this PhD thesis was to improve our understanding of the biogeochemistry of iron and nickel in mangrove sediments and to characterize the role of edaphic parameters on trace metals dynamic. Particular emphasis was focused on the mineralogical (bio)transformation of Fe and Ni bearing phases and on crystal chemistry. Both XANES and EXAFS data showed that Fe and Ni speciation strongly followed the redox boundaries marking the intertidal and depth zonations. Fe(III)-bearing goethite and phyllosilicates, herited from lateritic outcrops, were the major Fe and Ni hosts in the upper mangrove sediments. These mineral species were fully preserved at depth in the dry and oxic salt flat area. By contrast, beneath the vegetated Rhizophora and Avicennia stands, goethite rapidly disappeared with depth. In these anoxic horizons, sulfate reduction occurred, and pyrite and organic complexes became the dominant Ni-species. At the limit between oxic and anoxic layers, intense re-oxidation of aqueous Fe(II) and Fe-sulfides led to the formation of ferrihydrite, lepidocrocite and likely goethite. The relative proportion of the newly formed poorly ordered iron-oxyhydroxides was found to be higher in the Rhizophora mangrove stand. Moreover Ni incorporation in pyrite was less developed beneath Rhizophora stand. Such lateral evolution of Ni speciation may be related to reoxidation of Ni-bearing pyrites in the Rhizophora stand, which is subjected to periodic alternation of reducing and oxidizing events due to daily tidal fluctuations. The latter may be a major cause for continuous Fe reduction-oxidation cycles in the vegetated mangrove stands, and could significantly affect iron and nickel mass balances in mangroves. Indeed, Ni was found to be immobile in the salt flat, to accumulate beneath Avicennia and to be partially leached beneath Rhizophora. Eventually, Fe and Ni behavior in mangrove sediments currently oxidizing in response to isolation from the sea, was studied. In the layer of the oxidation front, really high concentrations of dissolved Ni were measured, while Ni concentrations in the solid phase were 4 times lower than in the pyritized horizon, and 2.5 times lower than in the upper sediment. These results suggest that mangrove sediment oxidation was a cause of Ni loss. This PhD thesis allows a better assesment of the mineralogical processes that lead to the fixation or the release of trace metals by mangroves, and is thus useful for the management of mangroves that are situated downstream lateritic watershed.
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Synchrotron Nano-scale X-ray studies of Materials in CO2 environment / Etude des matériaux à l'échelle nanométrique sous CO2 en utilisant le rayonnement synchrotronChavez Panduro, Elvia Anabela 26 September 2014 (has links)
Le travail qui est présenté dans ce manuscrit est le résultat d'une série d'expériences qui ont été effectuées à la fois à l'Université du Maine (IMMM Le Mans) et aux lignes de lumière lD10 et lD02 de l'ESRF (Grenoble) où j'ai passé la moitié de mon temps. Le projet que j'ai travaillé pendant trois ans a été principalement orienté sur l'étude des nanomatériaux qui ont été exposés au CO2 supercritique en utilisant de diffusion des rayons X. Par conséquent une partie de ce travail a été consacrée à la description des propriétés de ce fluide supercritique et comment il interagit avec des matériaux tels que les polymères par exemple. Les matériaux analysés ont été le polystyrène sous forme de film et des ilots, ensuite des matériaux meso-structures avec des tensioactifs fluorés et finalement le carbonate de calcium. Due à la taille nanométrique de tous ces matériaux, les techniques de rayons X qui ont été largement utilisés dans ce travail étaient Small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), Grazing Small angle X-ray scattering ( (GISAXS) et X-ray reflectivity (XRR). / The work that is presented in this manuscript is the result of a series of experiments that were performed both at the Université du Maine (IMMM Le Mans) and at the ID10 and ID02 beam lines of the ESRF (Grenoble) where I have equally spent half of my time. The project I have been working on for three years was mostly oriented on the study by means of X-ray scattering probes of nanomaterials that were exposed to supercritical CO2. As a result another part of this work will be also dedicated to describing the properties of this supercritical fluid and how it interacts with materials such as polymers for instance. The analyzed materials were thin film and small island of polystyrene, then materials mesostructures using fluoro-surfactants and finally calcium carbonate. Due to the nanoscale of these materials, the X-ray probes that were extensively used in this work were Small Angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), Grazing Incidence Small Angle X-ray Scattering (GISAXS) and X-ray Reflectivity (XRR).
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Radionuclide speciation during mineral reactions in the chemically disturbed zone around a geological disposal facilityMarshall, Timothy January 2014 (has links)
Geological disposal of radioactive wastes currently stored at Earth's surface is now the favoured management pathway for these materials. Typically, intermediate level wastes (ILW) are grouted and emplaced in a geological disposal facility (GDF) which will be backfilled, possibly with cementitious materials. Post-closure leaching of the cementitious materials in a GDF is expected to create hyperalkaline conditions in and around the repository, resulting in mineral alteration and crystallisation, both within the engineered barrier and host rock; creating a persistent chemically disturbed zone (CDZ). Iron derived from within the host rock as a result of alkaline breakdown of Fe-bearing silicate minerals (e.g. biotite, chlorite); corrosion products formed within the repository; or iron contained within the waste; will form secondary iron (oxyhydr)oxide minerals. The formation and re-crystallisation of these reactive mineral phases may sequester radionuclides through a host of processes: surface-mediated reduction to less soluble forms; adsorption onto, and/or incorporation into stable secondary or tertiary iron oxide phases. Therefore iron (oxyhydr)oxides will be key to the fate of radionuclides potentially released from within radioactive wastes disposed of in a GDF.In this study, the fate of U(VI) and Tc(VII) was considered during crystallisation of ferrihydrite to more stable iron oxide phases (e.g. hematite and magnetite) and, in three synthetic cement leachates (pH 13.1, 12.5, 10.5) designed to reflect the early-, middle- and late-stage evolution of the CDZ. XRD and SEM/TEM have been used to characterise the mineralogy during crystallisation. Partitioning of U(VI) and Tc(VII) between the solid and solution has been followed throughout, with chemical extractions used to determine the distribution of the radionuclides adsorbed to, and incorporated within the solid. Synchrotron-based XAS techniques have been utilised to probe the oxidation state and molecular scale bonding environment of the radionuclides associated with the solids. The data suggest that: U(VI) is incorporated into the hematite structure in place of Fe(III), in a distorted octahedral environment with elongation of the uranyl bond; Tc(VII) is reduced to Tc(IV) and incorporated into the octahedral site within the magnetite structure in place of Fe(III), and is retained in the same environment even after extensive oxidation of the magnetite to maghemite; and that U(VI) may also be incorporated as U(V) or U(VI) into the magnetite structure, with similar recalcitrant behaviour during oxidation. These results highlight the importance of mineral reactions within the CDZ as potentially significant pathways for immobilising radionuclides released from a GDF.
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The precipitation of hydrides in zirconium alloysBlackmur, Matthew Sebastian January 2015 (has links)
The thesis first introduces the topic of nuclear energy and provides a brief section on plant familiarisation, after which zirconium nuclear fuel cladding is explained, and an in-depth literature review is presented on the in-service degradation of this component from hydriding. The concept of synchrotron X-ray diffraction is elucidated, and examples of its use are given, relevant to the topic of this work. The experimental section discusses an initial quantification of the Zircaloy-4 material used throughout the present work, and documents in minutia the process of collecting and analysing in-situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction data. The experimental campaign discussed within involved a series of consecutive thermal cycles designed to investigate the redistribution of hydrogen as a function of thermal and concentration gradients; the kinetics of precipitation during isothermal dwells at reactor relevant temperatures; and the evolution of strain in the matrix and hydride during these dwells. As an alternative style thesis, these three topics are separated into three independent proposed manuscripts, produced in a format ready for publication. The diffusion and redistribution paper observes localised enrichment and depletion that occurs as a function of time and temperature, investigating the flux of hydrogen that results from concentration and thermal gradients, and introduces the concept of hydrogen trapping. The second manuscript documents evidence of the rate limiting kinetics for hydride precipitation seen at elevated temperatures, and describes a model for nucleation, developed to support the experimentally produced results. The final manuscript investigates the nature of the strains that evolve in the matrix and hydride phases during precipitation and growth, highlighting slow-strain rate relaxation in both phases and examining the constraining effect that the matrix has on the hydride precipitates. Lastly, the themes from each of the three manuscripts are drawn together in a final conclusion, after which further experimental analysis that is to be performed as part of this experimental campaign is outlined.
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Fatigue crack growth in complex residual stress fields due to surface treatment and foreign object damage under simulated flight cyclesZabeen, Suraiya January 2012 (has links)
Foreign object damage (FOD) refers to the damage that generally takes place in aero engine fans and compressor blades, due to the ingestion of hard particles/debris during aeroplane take-off, taxiing, or landing. Such damage can reduce the fatigue life expectancy of the turbine engine components by 50%. Residual stresses and small microcracks induced by the high speed FOD impacts are two root causes that result in premature failure of these components. One way to mitigate the FOD related fatigue failure is to induce deep compressive residual stress into the surface. Among the available techniques that can induce such compressive residual stress, laser shock peening (LSP) has been found to be beneficial in improving the fatigue strength. In this study aerofoil-shaped Ti-6Al-4V leading edge specimens were laser shock peened. Subsequently, FOD was introduced onto the leading edge specimen through ballistic impacts of a cube edge at angles of 0° and 45° to the leading edge. The effect of foreign object damage (FOD) on the pre-existing compressive residual stress field associated with the laser shock peening (LSP), and its change upon solely low cycle fatigue (LCF) as well as combined low and high cycle fatigue cycling has been studied. The residual stress distribution and their redistribution upon fatigue cycling were mapped around the FOD notch, using synchrotron X-ray radiation and the contour method. The results suggest that under both impact angles, the FOD event superimposed a significant additional residual stress on top of the pre-existing stress associated with the LSP process. It has been observed that the FOD notch created by 45° impact was asymmetric in shape, and had differential notch depth between the entry and exit side. However, FOD damage that is created at 0° impact appeared as a sharp V notch. A higher amount of residual stresses were produced under 0° impact condition than at 45°. It has been found even though the FOD induced residual stresses relax, residual stresses due to LSP treatment remain highly stable even in the worst condition where a 7 mm long crack was grown from a 45° notch. The plastic zone sizes ahead of a crack tip was estimated for both 0° and 45° FOD impact, and the fatigue crack growth rates are predicted utilizing the measured residual stress distribution.
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Aprimoramento da técnica de bobina girante para caracterização dos magnetos da nova fonte de luz síncrotron brasileira Sirius / Improvement of rotating coil system for magnetic measurement of the new brazilian synchrotron light source SiriusBaader, Johann Eduardo, 1988- 03 February 2015 (has links)
Orientadores: José Antenor Pomilio, Giancarlo Tosin / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de Computação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-27T01:27:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2015 / Resumo: Desde 1997 o Brasil tem acesso à tecnologia de radiação síncrotron com a inauguração do Laboratório Nacional de Luz Síncrotron (LNLS), localizado na cidade de Campinas, SP. Batizada de UVX, a fonte de luz síncrotron brasileira foi um marco no desenvolvimento científico e tecnológico do país, permitindo pesquisas nas mais diversas áreas do conhecimento, como nanotecnologia, biotecnologia, fármacos, agricultura, energias alternativas, dentre outros. Em 2009 o LNLS iniciou o projeto e a construção de uma nova fonte de luz síncrotron brasileira. Nomeada Sirius, está sendo desenvolvida para ser uma das mais avançadas do mundo na geração de luz síncroton. O alto desempenho deste tipo de máquina depende fortemente da qualidade dos campos magnéticos criados pelos inúmeros magnetos que compõem a rede magnética, o que exigem uma técnica de caracterização rápida, acurada e precisa. O Grupo de Magnetos, responsável pelo projeto, construção e caracterização dos magnetos tanto da fonte UVX como da nova fonte, utiliza um sistema de medição conhecido como Técnica de Bobina Girante. Devido às especificações do projeto Sirius, foi necessário o aprimoramento da bancada de caracterização, objetivo este consolidado principalmente através da análise minuciosa das principais fontes de erro do sistema. Um modelo numérico desenvolvido para estudar algumas classes de erros da técnica deu suporte para diversas correções na bancada, o que permitiu alcançar níveis de precisão comparáveis com os sistemas de caracterização de outros laboratórios. Paralelamente, foi construída a bancada de um sistema protótipo de medição magnético, nomeado Técnica de Minibobina Girante, apresentando uma série de vantagens em relação às limitações da bancada oficial. Algumas das melhorias realizadas nesta bancada durante o seu desenvolvimento foram baseadas nos resultados advindos do modelo numérico das fontes de erros / Abstract: Since 1997 Brazil has access to synchrotron radiation technology with the inauguration of the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Source (LNLS), located in Campinas, Brazil. The source of Brazilian synchrotron light known as UVX was a milestone in scientific and technological development of the country, enabling research in several areas of knowledge such as nanotechnology, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, alternative energy etc. In 2009 LNLS initiated the project and the construction of a new source of Brazilian synchrotron light, named Sirius. It is being developed to be one of the most advanced in the world in the generation of synchrotron light. The high performance of this type of machine depends strongly on the quality of the magnetic fields created by magnets that compose the lattice, which demand a fast, accurate and precise characterization technique. The Magnets Group, responsible for the design, construction and characterization of both the magnetic UVX sources as new sources, uses a measuring system known as Rotating Coil System. Due to the specifications of the Sirius design, an improved characterization bench was necessary. This goal was achieved mainly through a careful analysis of the main sources of error in the system. A numerical model to study some classes of errors in the technique provided support for various fixes in the bench, which allowed us to achieve comparable levels of accuracy along with the characteristics of the systems from other laboratories. At the same time, another bench was built as a prototype system for magnetic measurements known as Small Rotating Coil System, presenting a series of advantages over the constraints of the main bench. Some of the improvements made on this bench during its development were based on the results derived from the numerical model of error sources / Mestrado / Energia Eletrica / Mestre em Engenharia Elétrica
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Deformation Behavior of adidas BOOST(TM) Foams Using In Situ X-ray Tomography and Correlative MicroscopyJanuary 2020 (has links)
abstract: Energy return in footwear is associated with the damping behavior of midsole foams, which stems from the combination of cellular structure and polymeric material behavior. Recently, traditional ethyl vinyl acetate (EVA) foams have been replaced by BOOST(TM) foams, thereby reducing the energetic cost of running. These are bead foams made from expanded thermoplastic polyurethane (eTPU), which have a multi-scale structure consisting of fused porous beads, at the meso-scale, and thousands of small closed cells within the beads at the micro-scale. Existing predictive models coarsely describe the macroscopic behavior but do not take into account strain localizations and microstructural heterogeneities. Thus, enhancement in material performance and optimization requires a comprehensive understanding of the foam’s cellular structure at all length scales and its influence on mechanical response.
This dissertation focused on characterization and deformation behavior of eTPU bead foams with a unique graded cell structure at the micro and meso-scale. The evolution of the foam structure during compression was studied using a combination of in situ lab scale and synchrotron x-ray tomography using a four-dimensional (4D, deformation + time) approach. A digital volume correlation (DVC) method was developed to elucidate the role of cell structure on local deformation mechanisms. The overall mechanical response was also studied ex situ to probe the effect of cell size distribution on the force-deflection behavior. The radial variation in porosity and ligament thickness profoundly influenced the global mechanical behavior. The correlation of changes in void size and shape helped in identifying potentially weak regions in the microstructure. Strain maps showed the initiation of failure in cell structure and it was found to be influenced by the heterogeneities around the immediate neighbors in a cluster of voids. Poisson’s ratio evaluated from DVC was related to the microstructure of the bead foams. The 4D approach taken here provided an in depth and mechanistic understanding of the material behavior, both at the bead and plate levels, that will be invaluable in designing the next generation of high-performance footwear. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Materials Science and Engineering 2020
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Rossendorf Beamline at ESRF: Biannual Report 2003/2004Schell, N., Scheinost, A. C. January 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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