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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die Rolle des PTEN/PI3K/AKT-Signalweges für die intestinale Immunregulation beim Menschen

Heindl, Mario 18 October 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Der PTEN/PI3K/AKT-Signalweg spielt eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Regulation von Proliferation, Migration und Apoptose. Mäuse mit Defekten innerhalb dieses Signalweges weisen multiple Veränderungen in B- und T-Zell- Homöostase auf, welche zu Thymushyperplasie, Lymphadenopathie, Auto- immunität und Lymphomen führen können. Die Entwicklung und der Erhalt von Foxp3+ regulatorischen T-Zellen ist vom PTEN/PI3K/AKT-Signalweg abhängig. Die immunologischen Konsequenzen von PTEN-Defekten beim Menschen sind bisher nicht verstanden. Aufgrund dieser Tatsache wurden sechs Patienten mit PTEN-Hamartom-Tumor-Syndrom auf immunologische Veränderungen unter- sucht. Die gefundenen Dysregulationen beinhalteten Thymushyperplasie, Tonsillenhypertrophie und ausgedehnte lymphoide Hyperplasien des oberen und unteren Gastrointestinaltraktes. Eine erhöhte Anzahl von naiven Lymphozyten zirkuliert im peripheren Blut und akkumuliert in lymphoiden Organen. Intestinale lymphoide Hyperplasien waren mit einer gesteigerten Phosphorylierung von AKT assoziiert, zeigten jedoch normale Proliferation in T-Zell-Zonen sowie eine normale Verteilung CD3+Foxp3+ T-Zellen. Foxp3+ T-Zellen zeigten jedoch eine gesteigerte Proliferation und Aktivierung des mTORC1-Pfades in situ, was auf einen Schwelleneffekt für PTEN-Aktivität hinweisen könnte. Auffällig war eine reduzierte Apoptose bei gleichzeitig gesteigerter Proliferation und erhöhter mTOR- Aktivität bei CD20+CD10+ B-Zellen des Keimzentrums. Diese Daten zeigen, dass ein Verlust von PTEN-Aktivität auch beim Menschen mit Defekten in B- und T-Zell- Homöostase assoziiert ist. Dies führt zur Akkumulation von Lymphozyten und intestinaler lymphoider Hyperplasie bei weitgehend erhaltener Immunkompetenz.

Burnout und Coping bei Suchttherapeuten : ein internationaler Vergleich aus dem Bereich illegale Drogen /

Reissner, Volker. January 2008 (has links)
Zugl.: Düsseldorf, Universiẗat, Diss., 2008.

Porovnání možností vzdělávání zdravých a mentálně postižených dětí / Comparison of education opportunities of healthy and mentaly handicapped childreu

CHMELAŘOVÁ, Jaroslava January 2012 (has links)
My work deal s with the difficulties of educating mentally disabled children. We familiarize with various definitions and concepts such as mental disability (mental retardation), Down syndrom, alternative schooling, elemantary school, special and practical school and finally home schooling. This work analyzes and locates the ideal form of educating less severely mentally disabled children.

Supervize v sociální práci / Supervision in the Social Work

Nagyová, Nicole January 2018 (has links)
v anglickém jazyce Supervision is one of the possibilities of professional support, which helps in solving difficult working situations. They imply challenges, personal constraints and ethical issues. Uncertainties can be on the both sides of the social worker and his client. Supervision should not be a check of incorrect decisions or supervision of the choice of work outcomes. On the contrary, the supervisor should be supportive of his clients and provide them professional and correct leadership to ensure the quality of their work. The diploma thesis deals with the interconnection of supervision with burnout syndrome. The theoretical part draws attention to the preventive nature of the supervision process and the risks that are threatened in the absence of supervision. Both concepts, supervision and burnout syndrome, are described and explained in the diploma thesis. The theoretical part of the thesis contains basic terminology, division and important participants in such cooperation. The second section describes the situation regarding the use of supervision and the rate of burnout syndrome in selected social workers. The results of this survey are shown in the charts. The thesis is concluded with a discussion which contains comments on the legal anchoring of supervision in the Czech Republic and...

Das metabolische Syndrom: die Auswirkung von β-Ecdyson auf ausgewählte Körperparameter und Serumlipide des metabolischen Syndroms / The metabolic syndrome: the effect of β-ecdysone on selected body parameters and serum lipids of the metabolic syndrome

Thole, Sonja Wilma Dr. 06 November 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Problematika syndromu CAN z pohledu učitelů základních škol / The problems of CAN syndrom from look the basic school teachers'

JANDOVÁ, Martina January 2011 (has links)
Occurrence of Child Abuse and Neglect (CAN) has recently become quite frequent. Even though the number of experts dealing with this issue is increasing and there is a lot of professional literature available, the numbers of children abused and neglected are on increase. Traumas and pathological behaviour, which children experience in their families, are often carried over to adulthood and new families in the form of behavioural patterns. Basic school teachers, who spend substantial part of the day with children in the classes, play an important role not only in prevention, but also in detecting CAN cases. The objective of the diploma thesis was to observe the level of awareness among teachers regarding CAN and related issues and to find out whether they know what to do in case a child is suspected of being abused or neglected. Also, it was aimed at learning whether the awareness is influenced by microregion the teachers live in and respondents? age. The hypotheses were established to observe whether the teachers of basic schools in Jindřichův Hradec have better awareness of the issues relating to CAN than the teachers of basic schools in Třeboň, and whether the teachers of basic schools in Jindřichův Hradec have better awareness of the issues relating to CAN than the teachers of basic schools in Dačice. Next hypothesis dealt with whether basic school teachers under 40 years of age demonstrate better CAN awareness than teachers above 40 years of age. A quantitative research using the method of interview and technique of questionnaire was used to verify the hypotheses. The research corpus comprised of teachers of basic schools in the microregions of Dačice, Jindřichův Hradec and Třeboň. The finite corpus comprised of 193 respondents. The teachers of basic schools in the microregion of Jindřichův Hradec did not demonstrate better awareness of the issues relating to CAN than the teachers of basic schools the microregions of Třeboň and Dačice. Also, the teachers under 40 years of age did not demonstrate better awareness of the issues at hand than the teachers above 40 years of age. Analysis of the outcomes retrieved from the performed research did not confirm validity of the hypotheses H1, H2 and H3. The outcomes of the thesis imply that awareness of the basic school teachers, who were included in the research corpora in the given microregions, regarding the issues relating to CAN do not relate either to given microregions, where teachers work, or the age of the respondents. In general, respondents showed substantial awareness of CAN. It should be noted that CAN is very serious social problem and each society should pay proper attention to it.

Kawasakiho syndrom v současné společnosti očima sestry / Kawasaki syndrome in contemporary society from a nurse´s point of view

MIKEŠOVÁ, Annemarie January 2018 (has links)
Mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome or Kawasaki syndrome is very severe disease.The most common symptom includes a high fever which is probably due to inflammation of blood vessels so-called vasculitis. . Several months old babies to preschool children are the most often affected group of patients. Specific and typical symptoms of Kawasaki disease include long term fever, conjunctivitis, erythema, lymphadenopathy, mucosal changes as red swollen lips and strawberry tongue and multiple rashes.Qualitative and quantitative research was applied in the diploma thesis "Kawasaki disease in the contemporary society through nurse´s eyes". Three basic objectives and three research questions were established in this diploma thesis.

Kawasakiho syndrom v současné společnosti očima sestry / Kawasaki disease in the contemporary society through nurse´s eyes

MIKEŠOVÁ, Annemarie January 2017 (has links)
Mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome or Kawasaki syndrome is very severe disease. The most common symptom includes a high fever which is probably due to inflammation of blood vessels so-called vasculitis. The characteristic statement is that the etiology of disease remains unknown and the origin is not clarified. Several months old babies to preschool children are the most often affected group of patients. It is relatively rare, modern and mystery disease in contemporary and industrial developed society. The first appearance of this disorder is in 20th century. The disorder was first described by well-known Tokyo origin pediatrician Tomisaku Kawasaki in Japan, who studied this disease very thoroughly. This rare disease is considered autoimmune in origin triggering by an infectious agent especially in those who are genetically predisposed. Specific and typical symptoms of Kawasaki disease include long term fever, conjunctivitis, erythema,lymphadenopathy, mucosal changes as red swollen lips and strawberry tongue and multiple rashes. Related cardiovascular complications should be pointed out especially coronary or other major arteries aneurysms and their ruptures, pericardial effusion, heart inflammations, coronary thrombosis, pericardial exudates, arrhythmias, or mitral valve disease. There is no specific test for identification of Kawasaki disease despite the contemporary technological and diagnostic options. So, the easiest way to establish diagnosis is to recognize typical symptoms, blood/urine/spinal fluid testing and then performing X-ray, electrocardiogram and echocardiogram. This disease has very low mortality, the short-term prognosis is excellent and relapse of symptoms is rare. In total, 337 children were diagnosed with Kawasaki disease and admitted to hospital during the evaluation period (2007-2015) in the Czech Republic. This is significantly lower incidence comparing to the other countries in the world. Diploma thesis "Kawasaki syndrome in contemporary society from a nurse´s point of view" was designed as theoretical with a supplement of short case study. The goal of presence of this case study is to better comprehend presented topic. The scope of problem is described from theoretical point of view in partial chapters of this diploma thesis. All the information mentioned in this thesis quotes verified sources, publications written by the Czech and foreign specialists in this particular field. The goal of the thesis was to describe, based on available literature, the issue of Kawasaki disease in children focused on specifics of nursing. All the information was searched in bibliographical issued writings, in databases, or on the Internet. Based on the goal determined in advance, scientific methods such as explanation, analysis, synthesis and demonstration of data were chosen for composing this diploma thesis. The output of theoretical work is to present complex view on the issue of Kawasaki syndrome particularly for non-medical professionals. It came out that the profession of nurse has its own irreplaceable place in the context of Kawasaki disease. As well as competences of nurse are essential. These competences are provided for improving quality of life of children with this unfamiliar and life-threatening disease.

Kan fysisk aktivitet och kost ha en positiv inverkan på fysiska och psykiska subkliniska menstruella besvär? / Can physical activity and diet have positive effects on physical and psychological subclinical menstrual disorders?

Andersson, Annie, Björkén, Rebecca January 2018 (has links)
Introduktion: Många kvinnor påverkas negativt av fysiska och psykiska besvär under sin menstruationscykel. Det råder idag stor kunskapsbrist om hur subkliniska menstruella besvär som kraftig menstruationssmärta, riklig menstruationsblödning, premenstruellt syndrom, premenstruellt dysforiskt syndrom, oregelbunden menstruation och menstruationsbortfall kan lindras utan att använda läkemedel. Fysisk aktivitet och kost har visats ge stora hälsoeffekter vid många sjukdomar och besvär och därför var syftet att undersöka om det även ger positiva hälsoeffekter vid menstruella besvär. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att studera om fysisk aktivitet och kost kan minska fysiska och psykiska subkliniska menstruella besvär och därigenom ge ökat välmående. Metod: Sökt i Pubmed med sökorden subkliniska besvär i relation till fysisk aktivitet respektive kost hos fertila tränade och otränade kvinnor utan inverkan av hormonella preventivmedel. Resultat: Studien har visat vissa belägg för att fysisk aktivitet och kost kan lindra några subkliniska menstruella besvär. Premenstruellt syndrom (PMS) kan främst lindras genom lugna, meditativa aktiviteter. Vidare sågs god effekt på PMS av mindre men fler måltider med komplexa kolhydrater, samt intag av vitaminer och mineraler. Yoga har även visats minska menstruationssmärta, och allmän fysisk aktivitet har visat antydan till att förbättra menstruationens regelbundenhet. För att undvika oregelbunden menstruation eller menstruationsuppehåll behövs adekvat energiintag. Övriga subkliniska menstruella besvär saknade tydliga rekommendationer. Konklusion: Studien har visat att fysisk aktivitet och kost kan ha positiva effekter på vissa menstruella subkliniska besvär. För kvinnor med PMS verkar lugna, meditativa former av fysisk aktivitet kunna lindra syndromet. Yoga och fysisk aktivitet har även visats minska dysmenorré. Tillräckligt energiintag är essentiellt för att undvika oregelbunden och utebliven menstruation. Ytterligare studier behövs inom området för att säkerställa resultat och ge generella rekommendationer. / Background: Many women experience physical and psychological symptoms during their menstrual cycle. Research is scarce about how to ease subclinical menstrual disorders like dysmenorrhea, menorrhagia, premenstrual syndrome, premenstrual dysphoric syndrome, oligomenorrhea and amenorrhea without using medicines. Physical activity and diet is proved to have positive effects on several diseases and we therefore wanted to see if positive effects also could be seen on subclinical menstrual disorders. Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate if physical activity and diet could reduce physical and psychological subclinical menstrual disorders and lead to a better wellbeing. Method: Searching for subclinical menstrual disorders in relation to physical activity and diet in fertile, active and inactive women without the use of hormonal contraceptives was done using Pubmed. Results: The study has shown that physical activity and diet could reduce some of the problems associated with subclinical menstrual disorders. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) could be eased through calm, meditative activities. Positive effects could be seen when eating more often but smaller meals containing complex carbohydrates and by taking additional vitamins and minerals. Yoga has been proved to reduce menstrual pain and there’s also an indication that physical activity could improve the regularity of the menstrual cycle. Adequate energy intake is needed to avoid oligomenorrhea and amenorrhea. No clear recommendations were found for the remaining subclinical menstrual disorders. Conclusion: The study has shown that physical activity and diet have positive effects on some subclinical menstrual disorders. Symptoms of PMS could be eased by calm, meditative activities. Yoga and physical activity have been shown to reduce dysmenorrhea. Adequate energy intake is essential to avoid oligomenorrhea and amenorrhea. Further research is needed to give general recommendations.

Genetické a klinické aspekty syndromu neklidných nohou / Genetic and clinical aspects of the restless legs syndrome

Pavlíčková, Jana January 2012 (has links)
Introduction: The Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) is a frequent neurological disorder with a prevalence ranging from 5 - 10%. RLS is characterized by an urge to move the lower extremities during the night, thus RLS causes sleep disturbance. It presents as both idiopathic and secondary form. Idiopathic RLS is associated with common genetic variants in MEIS1, BTBD9, PTPRD and MAP2K5/SCOR1. Recently, multiple sclerosis (MS) was identified as a common cause for secondary RLS, the prevalence of RLS in patients with MS ranges from 13.3 to 37.5%. The aim of our study was to analyse the clinical and genetic aspects of this disorder, especially in patients with multiple sclerosis. In the clinical part, we evaluated the prevalence of RLS among Czech patients with MS and we compared the extent of brain damage between patients with and without RLS using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In the genetic part, we further analysed the impact of known genetic variants (MEIS1, BTBD9, MAP2K5/SCOR1, PTPRD) for RLS in other European populations and in patients with MS. Methods: Clinical part: Each patient with MS underwent a semi-structured interview. A patient was considered to be affected by RLS if he/she met all four standard criteria at life- long interval. Lesion load (LL - T2), brain atrophy - T1 and brain...

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