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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Intervenções não farmacológicas para o tratamento da alteração do padrão do sono em pacientes submetidos à cirurgia cardíaca: revisão sistemática / Non-pharmacological interventions for the treatment of sleep pattern changes in patients undergoing cardiac surgery: a systematic review

Fernanda de Souza Machado 28 November 2016 (has links)
Introdução: A alteração do padrão do sono representa um dos sintomas mais relatados pelos pacientes submetidos à cirurgia cardíaca. As características deste distúrbio incluem curto período de sono, frequentes despertares e percepção da baixa qualidade do sono pelo paciente. Como consequência dessa alteração, o paciente em período de recuperação cirúrgica apresenta-se sonolento, fadigado, irritado e pouco motivado para as terapias de reabilitação. A promoção do sono desses pacientes é um desafio para o enfermeiro. Contudo, não há evidências conclusivas sobre as melhores intervenções não farmacológicas que possam ser seguramente adotadas na prática assistencial do enfermeiro. Objetivo: Analisar as evidências disponíveis na literatura sobre as melhores intervenções não farmacológicas para o tratamento da alteração do padrão do sono em pacientes submetidos à cirurgia cardíaca. Método: Trata-se de uma revisão sistemática da literatura que foi inspirada nas recomendações propostas pela Colaboração Cochrane. A estratégia de busca nas bases eletrônicas utilizou os componentes do PICO, representada pelo acrônimo P paciente, I intervenção, C controle, O outcomes. As bases de dados investigadas foram Pubmed, Cochrane, Lilacs, Scopus, Embase, Cinahl e PsycINFO. Incluiu-se também a busca na literatura cinzenta utilizando as bases ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da Universidade de São Paulo, Evidence-Informed Policy Network (EVIPNet), Observatório da Produção Intelectual da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, Registro Brasileiro de Ensaios Clínicos e ClinicalTrials.gov e as referências bibliográficas dos estudos incluídos. Os descritores controlados e não controlados foram delimitados para cada uma das bases de dados. Resultados: Considerando os critérios de inclusão e exclusão adotados, dez ensaios clínicos controlados e randomizados foram incluídos na revisão. Na síntese das evidências disponíveis, constatou-se que as intervenções não farmacológicas agruparam-se em três categorias principais: quatro estudos testaram dispositivos para minimizar a interrupção do sono e/ou sua indução; três ensaios clínicos investigaram a eficácia de técnicas de relaxamento e três estudos primários avaliaram a efetividade de intervenções educacionais. Em relação à qualidade metodológica dos estudos, 50% dos estudos foram considerados de moderada qualidade pelo escore de Jadad e outros 50%, de baixa qualidade. Os resultados mostram que o uso de dispositivos foi mais frequente na prevenção ou promoção da qualidade do sono. Conclusões: Melhoria significativa nos escores de avaliação do sono foi encontrada em estudos que testaram intervenções como tampões de ouvidos, máscara de olhos, relaxamento muscular, treinamento de postura e relaxamento, produção sonora e estratégia educacional. Recomenda-se, ainda, a construção de estudos com maior rigor metodológico para que possam ser adotados seus resultados na prática assistencial. Compete ao enfermeiro a avaliação correta das necessidades dos pacientes, o planejamento, a implementação das intervenções, a supervisão e a avaliação crítica dos resultados. / Introduction: Disorders in the sleep pattern are among the most common symptoms reported by patients undergoing cardiac surgery. The features of these disorders include short sleep, frequent awakenings and low quality perceived by the patient. As a result of these disorders, the patient presents drowsy, fatigued, irritable and discouraged for rehabilitation therapies in the surgical recovery period. The promotion of sleep in these patients is a challenge for nurses. However, there isnt conclusive evidence about the best non-pharmacological interventions that can be adopted in care nursing practice. Purpose: This study aims to analyze the evidence available in the literature about the best non-pharmacological interventions for the treatment of disorders related to the sleep pattern in patients undergoing cardiac surgery. Method: This is a systematic review of the literature that followed the recommendations proposed by the Cochrane Collaboration. The search strategy in the electronic databases used the PICO components. The databases investigated were Pubmed, Cochrane, LiLACS, Scopus, Embase, Cinahl and PsycINFO. It was also included the search in the \"gray\" literature using the bases ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations from the University of São Paulo, Evidence-Informed Policy Network (EVIPNet), Centre for Intellectual Production from the School of Medicine of the University of São Paulo, Brazilian registry of Clinical Trials and ClinicalTrials.gov, as well as the reference lists of the included studies. The controlled and uncontrolled descriptors were defined for each of the databases. Results: Considering the adopted inclusion and exclusion criteria, ten randomized controlled trials were included in the review. In the synthesis of the available evidence, it was found that non-pharmacological interventions were grouped into three main categories: four studies tested devices to minimize disruption of sleep and/or its induction; three clinical trials investigated the efficacy of relaxing techniques and three primary studies evaluated the effectiveness of educational interventions. Regarding to the methodological quality of the studies, we havent found studies considered high quality by the Jadad score. Results show that the use of devices was more frequent in the prevention or promotion of sleep quality. Conclusions: Significant improvement in the scores for assessment of sleep was found in studies that tested interventions such as ear plugs, eye mask, muscle relaxation, posture training and relaxation, sound production and educational strategy. It is also recommended building studies with greater methodological precision so its results can be adopted in care practice. Nurses are responsible of evaluating correctly the patient needs, the planning and implementation of interventions, the supervision and the critical evaluation of results.

Efetividade de intervenções para o manejo da adesão ao tratamento para pacientes adultos submetidos ao transplante cardíaco: uma revisão sistemática / The effectiveness of interventions to manage treatment adherence of adult patients undergoing heart transplant: a systematic review.

César Augusto Guimarães Marcelino 10 July 2013 (has links)
Introdução: A falta de adesão ao tratamento é fator limitante para o sucesso dos transplantes de coração, pois contribui para o aumento da morbidade e mortalidade, reduz a qualidade de vida e aumenta os custos referentes ao uso de serviços de saúde. Objetivo: Sintetizar as melhores evidências sobre as intervenções para o manejo da adesão ao tratamento farmacológico e não farmacológico no transplante cardíaco. Método: Revisão sistemática de literatura por meio de busca de estudos publicados e não publicados nas seguintes bases: CINAHL, EMBASE, ProQuest dissertations and theses, PsycINFO, MEDLINE/Pubmed, SCOPUS, Web of Science e banco de Teses da Capes. Foram critérios de inclusão: estudos clínicos com pacientes adultos depois de transplante cardíaco, que tivessem testado o impacto de qualquer intervenção na adesão ao tratamento, avaliada objetivamente ou por auto-relato, usando instrumentos válidos e confiáveis, comparada ao cuidado usual. A qualidade metodológica dos estudos elegíveis foi realizada por dois revisores independentes e as discordâncias foram resolvidas por consenso. Os resultados foram integrados de forma narrativa. Resultados: Foram identificadas 2.519 citações potencialmente relevantes. Excluídos 1.336 por repetição, restaram 1.183 citações que tiveram seus resumos lidos e, após a aplicação de critérios de inclusão, restaram sete publicações para análise da qualidade metodológica. Quatro estudos foram excluídos e os principais motivos foram a falta de avaliação de intervenção (dois estudos), estudo teórico (um estudo) e a adesão ao tratamento não ter sido o foco da intervenção estudada (um estudo). Um dos estudos mantidos não detectou diferença entre intervenção educativa realizada em laboratório de ensino comparada a cuidado usual; outro estudo também não detectou diferença entre uma intervenção multifacetada, composta por oficinas interativas, oferecida pela internet comparada a cuidado usual; e o terceiro detectou impacto positivo da diminuição na dose diária do imunossupressor, de duas vezes ao dia para uma vez. Com relação ao método, dois estudos utilizaram ensaio clínico controlado não randomizado e um foi descritivo / observacional. Conclusões: As evidências disponíveis para orientar decisões sobre intervenções para controlar a adesão do paciente submetido ao transplante de coração ainda são escassas. A realização de ensaios clínicos randomizados, com alta qualidade metodológica, é fundamental para fornecer evidencias mais robustas sobre o manejo da adesão no transplante cardíaco. / Introduction: Treatment adherence failure is a limiting factor for effective heart transplants, as it contributes with increased morbidity and mortality and a reduced quality of life in addition to increasing health service costs. Objective: To synthesize the best available evidence regarding interventions for managing adherence to pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments in heart transplant patients. Method: Systematic literature review by searching published and unpublished studies on the following databases: CINAHL, EMBASE, ProQuest dissertations and theses, PsycINFO, MEDLINE/Pubmed, SCOPUS, Web of Science and the Capes Thesis database. The inclusion criteria were: clinical studies with adult heart transplant patients, which tested the impact of any intervention over treatment adherence, evaluated objectively or through self-reports, using validated and reliable instruments, compared to common care. Two independent raters assessed the methodological quality of the eligible studies and any disagreements were solved by consensus. The results were integrated in a narrative form. Results: A total of 2.519 potentially relevant statements were identified. Of the total, 1.336 were repeated, and, therefore, excluded. The abstracts of the remaining 1.183 statements were read and, after considering the inclusion criteria, seven publications were analyzed in terms of their methodological quality. Four studies were excluded mainly because they did not present an evaluation of the intervention (two studies), one was a theoretical study, and one study was not center the investigation on treatment adherence. On of the selected studies did not find any difference between the educational intervention performed in a teaching laboratory compared to common care; another study also did not find any difference between one multiple intervention, comprised of online interactive workshops, compared to common care; and the third study found a positive impact from reducing the immunosuppressant dose from twice to once a day. Regarding the method, there were two non-randomized clinical trials and one descriptive/observational study. Conclusions: The current best evidence to guide decisions regarding interventions to manage treatment adherence of heart transplant patients remain scant. Randomized clinical trials with high methodological rigor are key to obtain more robust evidence regarding treatment adherence management in heart transplants.

Potencialidades e limitações do uso da fotografia na pesquisa qualitativa de enfermagem / Photography in nursing qualitative research: potentials and limitations

Natalia de Araujo Sartorio 06 June 2011 (has links)
A tradição do uso da fotografia na pesquisa social remonta ao século XIX, com os primeiros trabalhos da Antropologia que usaram-na para registrar costumes e tradições de povos considerados exóticos. A seguir, a Sociologia, a História e a Psicologia, dentre outras disciplinas se interessaram pelo uso da foto para o registro do real e, também, como auxiliar na obtenção de dados subjetivos. Os objetivos do presente trabalho foram identificar o uso que vem sendo feito da fotografia na pesquisa qualitativa na enfermagem e sintetizar as potencialidades e limites desse uso. Procedeu-se a uma Revisão Sistemática de Literatura e Metassíntese de estudos primários que fossem pesquisas qualitativas, feitas por enfermeiras ou que tivessem a Enfermagem como objeto e que registrassem o uso da fotografia em algum momento de seu método. Os termos para a busca foram: Fotografia, Pesquisa Qualitativa e Enfermagem. As bases de dados pesquisadas incluíram: PubMed, CINAHL, EMBASE, PsycInfo, Scopus, ISI, BVS, Scielo. Não houve limite de tempo de publicação. A amostra final incluiu 31 artigos. Os resultados apontaram o uso da fotografia nos métodos: Photovoice, Foto-Elicitação, Etnografias e Mistos. As potencialidades foram: Emancipação dos sujeitos; Dar voz a grupos vulneráveis; Melhor compreensão da situação do sujeito; Registro detalhado do real, Maior riqueza dos dados obtidos; Permite ao sujeito rever suas experiências de vida; Efeito terapêutico para os sujeitos; Mais proximidade entre o entrevistador e o sujeito; Conferir protagonismo aos sujeitos; Divulgação de acervos e Aceitação do Método. As limitações foram: Habilidade no manuseio da câmara fotográfica; Censura dos familiares às fotografias; Invasão da privacidade individual e familiar; Risco de manipulação dos dados; Disponibilidade de equipamento; Custo e necessidade de pessoal especializado; Dados oriundos de fontes secundárias. Com esses resultados, especialmente ao se considerar as potencialidades, conclui-se que a fotografia é um recurso útil na pesquisa qualitativa que permite ao enfermeiro, enquanto pesquisador, dar conta das peculiaridades da enfermagem como uma prática social, contribuindo para emancipação de pessoas em situação de vulnerabilidade. / The tradition of using photography in social research goes back to the nineteenth century to the early work of anthropology, which used it to record habits and traditions of exotic populations. Then, sociology, history and psychology, among other disciplines became interested in using photos to register reality and also as a tool to obtain subjective data. The aims of the present study were to identify what is being done using photography in qualitative research in nursing and summarize the potentialities and limitations of such use. A Systematic Literature Review and Meta-Synthesis of primary studies has been done. It included qualitative research studies done by nurses or about nurses that had used photography on their Method. The terms defined to guide the search were: Photography, Qualitative Research and Nursing. The databases searched included PubMed, CINAHL, EMBASE, PsycInfo, Scopus, ISI, BVS e SciELO. There was no time limit for publication. The final sample included 31 articles. The results showed the use of photography in the following methods: Photovoice, Photo-Elicitation, Ethnographies and Mixed Methods. The potentialities identified for photography usage were: Emancipation of subjects; Giving voice to vulnerable groups; Better understanding of subjects situation; Detailed recording of reality; Richness of data obtained; Allowing the subject to review their life experiences; Therapeutic effect in subjects; Proximity between the interviewer and the subject; Giving prominence to the subject; Dissemination of collections and the method acceptance. The limitations identified were: Skill in handling the camera; Family censorship; Invasion of individual and familiar privacy; Risk of data manipulation; Equipment availability; Cost and need for specialized personnel; and Data from secondary sources. With these results, especially when considering the potentialities presented, it is concluded that photography is a useful resource for qualitative research that allows nurses as researchers, to account for the peculiarities of nursing as a social practice, contributing to the empowerment of vulnerable population.

As causas de morte dos enfermeiros: uma revisão sistemática / Causes of death among nurses a systematic review

Marcia Eiko Karino 14 February 2012 (has links)
O trabalho de enfermagem oferece constantes perigos para o enfermeiro ao expô-lo às diversas cargas de trabalho que são geradoras de acidentes e doenças, com graves consequências pessoais, institucionais e sociais. O enfermeiro exerce suas atividades em um contexto que por suas próprias características é insalubre e possui muitos estressores, dada a forma de organização adotada, com trabalho em turnos, duplo emprego, carência de informações sobre seus riscos, falta de recursos e instalações inadequadas. Essas condições possibilitam os acidentes de trabalho e a contaminação por doenças e, em seu extremo, causam a morte do enfermeiro, subentendida pela gravidade da exposição no trabalho. Nesse sentido, esse estudo tem como objetivo identificar as melhores evidências sobre as causas de morte do enfermeiro, relacionadas às suas condições de trabalho e que permitam evidenciar o seu perfil de mortalidade. O estudo é de revisão sistemática, segundo o modelo do Instituto Joanna Briggs. Pauta-se na seguinte questão norteadora: Qual é a melhor evidência sobre as causas de morte dos enfermeiros, relacionadas ao trabalho? A população foi de estudos realizados com enfermeiros e escritos em português, inglês e espanhol; pesquisados até julho de 2011. As buscas foram realizadas nas bases de dados preconizadas pelo Instituto Joanna Briggs por meio dos seguintes descritores: mortalidade ocupacional; morbidade, câncer ocupacional, envelhecimento; suicídio; depressão; grupo de risco; riscos ocupacionais; compostos químicos; anormalidades induzidas por radiação; trabalho em turnos; morte súbita; tabaco; usuários de drogas; estresse fisiológico; trabalhadores; condições de trabalho; enfermagem do trabalho; esgotamento profissional; serviços de saúde do trabalhador; infecção; enfermeira, enfermeiro; enfermagem; profissionais da saúde; morte; pessoal de saúde. De acordo com a estratégia, foram selecionados oito artigos e sua análise permitiu identificar que as causas de mortalidade estão relacionadas aos diferentes tipos de cânceres e suicídios entre os enfermeiros e, ainda, avaliar as evidências apresentadas segundo o Instituto Joanna Briggs. Os resultados assinalam que a mortalidade dos enfermeiros relaciona-se, principalmente, à exposição às cargas químicas e psíquicas na vida profissional. Demonstram, ainda, a necessidade de novas pesquisas, dado o pequeno número de publicações existentes que abordam os prejuízos causados à saúde do enfermeiro nas funções exercidas no cotidiano de sua prática profissional / The nursing work offers constant dangers for nurses due to exposure to many workloads that generate accidents and diseases with serious personal consequences, institutional and social. The nurse carries out its activities in a context that by own characteristics has many unhealthy stressors, due form of organization adopted, with shift work, double job, lack of information about its risks, lack of resources and inadequate facilities. These conditions make it possible workplace accidents and contamination by disease and, in extreme cases, cause the death of the nurse by the severity of the exposure at work. Thus, this study aims identify the best evidence on the causes of death of the nurse related to their working conditions, and to evidence their profile of mortality. The study is a systematic review by model of the Joanna Briggs Institute. It is guided by the following question: \"What is the best evidence on the causes of death among nurses, work-related?\" The chosen population was studies about nurses, written in Portuguese, English and Spanish, searched by July 2011. The searches were conducted in the databases recommended by the Joanna Briggs Institute and identified the following key words: occupational mortality, morbidity, occupational cancer, aging, suicide, depression, risk group; occupational hazards, chemicals, radiation-induced abnormalities, shift work, sudden death, tobacco, drug users, physiological stress, workers, working conditions, occupational nursing, burnout, health care worker infection; nurse, nursing, occupational health, death, health personnel. According to the strategy, we selected eight articles and their analysis allowed identify that the causes of death are related to different types of cancers and suicide among nurses and also assess the evidence presented according to the Joanna Briggs Institute. The results show that the mortality of nurses is related mainly to exposure to chemical and psych workloads in professional life. Demonstrate the need for further research, given the small number of existing publications that approach the damage caused to the health of nurses in the roles played in the daily professional practice

Ultrassom para monitorização da estimulação ovariana controlada: revisão sistematizada e metanálise de estudos randomizados controlados / Ultrasound for monitoring controlled ovarian stimulation: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

Clarissa Vilela Rodrigues Vieira de Carvalho Dias 06 January 2016 (has links)
Justificativa: As técnicas de reprodução assistida (TRA), usadas para o tratamento de infertilidade/subfertilidade, incluem manipulação in vitro de oócitos e esperma, ou embriões, com o objetivo de alcançar gravidez e nascimentos vivos. O recrutamento de múltiplos folículos é fundamental para o aumento das taxas de gravidez, e isso é alcançado por meio do estímulo ovariano controlado (EOC). A monitorização do EOC é realizada por contagem de folículos ovarianos e medidas ultrassonográficas, associadas ou não à dosagem hormonal. Justificase monitorar a fase folicular para decisões a respeito da dose de gonadotrofinas administradas, detecção do risco de ocorrência da síndrome de hiperestímulo ovariano (SHO) e do planejamento do triggering da maturação final; porém a necessidade da monitorização intensiva da EOC é controversa, pois a combinação dos métodos consome mais tempo, recursos e está associada com maior desconforto para a paciente. Objetivo: Avaliar a eficácia e segurança da monitorização da EOC em ciclos de reprodução assistida, usando somente ultrassonografia (US). Métodos de busca: As buscas por estudos randomizados foram realizadas nos principais bancos de dados eletrônicos. Além disso, foram examinadas, manualmente, as listas de referências dos estudos incluídos em revisões semelhantes. A última busca eletrônica foi realizada em 12 de março de 2015. Critérios de Seleção: Apenas estudos verdadeiramente randomizados, que comparassem a monitorização do EOC por US associado à dosagem hormonal e US isoladamente, monitorização do EOC por US2D e US3D, bem como US2D e telemonitorização endovaginal operada pela própria paciente (SOET), foram considerados elegíveis. Os estudos que permitiam a inclusão de uma mesma paciente duas vezes foram incluídos apenas se os dados do primeiro ciclo estivessem disponíveis. Coleta e Análise de Dados: Dois revisores avaliaram, independentemente, a elegibilidade, extração de dados e os riscos de viéses dos estudos incluídos. Quaisquer discordâncias foram resolvidas em consulta com um terceiro revisor. Quando necessário, os autores dos estudos incluídos foram contatados para maiores informações. Resultados: Foram selecionados 1717 registros, 10 dos quais eram elegíveis. Nenhum estudo relatou nascidos vivos. Seis estudos compararam a monitorização do EOC por US isolada com US associada à dosagem hormonal. Os intervalos de confiança (IC) foram extensos e não permitiram concluir a existência de benefício nem prejuízo associado ao uso de US isolada, em relação aos desfechos SHO (odds ratio - OR=1.03, IC95% 0.48 a 2.18, p=0.95) e abortamento (risco relativo - RR=0.37, IC95% 0.07 a 1.79, p=0.21). Para gravidez clínica, o IC foi compatível com pequeno benefício a pequeno prejuízo (RR=0.96, IC95% 0.80 a 1.16, p=0.70). Para número de oócitos captados, o IC foi compatível com apreciável benefício a não efeito (Diferença média MD=0.92 oócitos captados, CI95% -0.19 a 2.04, p=0.70). Dois estudos compararam US3D e US2D e os IC foram extensos e não permitiram concluir pela existência de benefício nem prejuízo associado à monitorização por US3D para os desfechos: gravidez clínica (RR=1.00, IC95% 0.58 a 1.73) e número de oócitos captados (MD= -0.37 oócitos, IC95% -3.63 a Resumo 2.89). Apenas um estudo comparou monitorização por US2D convencional com SOET, e o IC observado foi amplo e não permitiu concluir pela existência de benefício nem prejuízo associado à SOET, considerando se gravidez clínica (RR=0.95, IC 95% 0.52 a 1.75) e número de oócitos captados (MD=0.50, CI 95% - 2.13 a 3.13). Conclusão: No que concerne à eficácia, as evidências atuais sugerem que monitorizar o EOC apenas com US não deva alterar, substancialmente, as chances de se alcançar gravidez clínica. O número de oócitos captados é similar ao se comparar com a monitorização por US associada à dosagem hormonal. Quanto à segurança, também não houve aumento no risco de desenvolvimento de SHO. Contudo, a interpretação dos resultados deve ser realizada com cautela, já que para todos os desfechos e todas as comparações, os dados disponíveis são inconclusivos, pois a qualidade de evidência foi comprometida por imprecisão e falha dos estudos em relatar a metodologia aplicada. Por isso acredita-se que serão necessários mais estudos avaliando o procedimento ideal para monitorização da EOC / Background: The assisted reproductive techniques (ART) for the treatment of infertility/subfertility, include in vitro handling of both human oocytes and sperm or of embryos with the objective of achieving pregnancy and live birth. The recruitment of multiple follicles is often necessary for better results in pregnancy rates and it\'s achieved by performing controlled ovarian stimulation (COS). COS monitoring is performed by ovarian follicle counting and ultrasonography measurements and / or hormones dosage. It is appropriate to monitor the follicular phase for decisions regarding administered of gonadotropin dose, to assess the risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS), to determine the best time to trigger final follicular maturation. However, the need for intensive COS monitoring is controversial: the combination of the methods adds costs and discomfort for the woman who is undergoing ART and requires additional time. Objectives: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of monitoring controlled ovarian stimulation by ultrasound in assisted reproduced tecniques. Search Methods: The searches for randomized controlled trials (RCT) were performed in the main electronic databases; in addition, we hand searched the reference lists of included studies and similar reviews. We performed the last electronic search on March 29, 2015. Selection Criteria: Only truly randomized controlled trials comparing COS monitoring by ultrasonography and/or hormonal assessment, as studies comparing COS monitoring by 2DUS and 3DUS were considered eligible. We included studies that permitted the inclusion of the same participant more than once (cross-over or \'per cycle\' trials) only if data regarding the first treatment of each participant were available. Data Collection and Analysis: Two reviewers independently performed study eligibility, data extraction, and assessment of the risk of bias and we solved disagreements by consulting a third reviewer. We corresponded with study investigators in order to resolve any queries, as required. Results: The search retrieved 1717 records; ten studies were eligible. No study reported live birth. Six studies compared US only vs. US + Hormones. The confidence intervals (CI) were large and did not allow us conclude benefit or harm associated with the US Only for both OHSS (Odds ratio - OR=1.03, 95%CI 0.48 to 2.18, P=0.95), and miscarriage (relative risk - RR=0.37, 95%CI 0.07 to 1.79, P=0.21). For clinical pregnancy, the CI was compatible with small benefit to small harm (RR=0.96, 95%CI 0.80 to 1.16, P=0.70). For the number of oocytes retrieved, the CI was compatible with appreciable benefit to no effect (Mean difference - MD=0.92 oocytes, 95%CI -0.19 to 2.04, P=0.70). Two studies compared 3DUS vs. 2DUS: the confidence intervals (CI) were large and did not allow us conclude benefit or harm associated with 3DUS regarding clinical pregnancy (RR=1.00, CI95% 0.58 to 1.73) and number of oocytes retrieved (MD= -0.37 oocytes, 95%CI -3.63 to 2.89). One study compared 2DUS vs. SOET, the CI was large and did not allow us conclude benefit or harm associated with SOET regarding clinical pregnancy (RR=0.95, 95%CI 0.52 a 1.75) and number of oocytes retrieved (MD=0.50, 95%CI -2.13 a 3.13). Authors\' Conclusions: Regarding effectiveness, current evidence suggests that monitoring COS only by US only should not change substantially the chances of achieving clinical pregnancy. The number of retrieved oocytes is similar to compare with the monitoring by US associated with hormonal assessment. security also seems not to increase the risk of developing OHSS. However the interpretation of results should be performed with caution, since for all outcomes and comparisons, the available data are inconclusive because the quality of evidence was compromised by inaccuracy and poor reporting of study methodology. So we believe that further studies evaluating the ideal procedure for monitoring the COS are needed

The impact of design complexity on software cost and quality

Duc, Anh Nguyen January 2010 (has links)
Context: Early prediction of software cost and quality is important for better software planning and controlling. In early development phases, design complexity metrics are considered as useful indicators of software testing effort and some quality attributes. Although many studies investigate the relationship between design complexity and cost and quality, it is unclear what we have learned from these studies, because no systematic synthesis exists to date. Aim: The research presented in this thesis is intended to contribute for the body of knowledge about cost and quality prediction. A major part of this thesis presents the systematic review that provides detail discussion about state of the art of research on relationship between software design metric and cost and software quality. Method: This thesis starts with a literature review to identify the important complexity dimensions and potential predictors for predicting external software quality attributes are identified. Second, we aggregated Spearman correlation coefficients and estimated odds ratios from univariate logistic regression models from 59 different data sets from 57 primary studies by a tailored meta-analysis approach. At last, it is an attempt to evaluate and explain for disagreement among selected studies. Result: There are not enough studies for quantitatively summarizing relationship between design complexity and development cost. Fault proneness and maintainability is the main focused characteristics that consume 75% total number of studies. Within fault proneness and maintainability studies, coupling and scale are two complexity dimensions that are most frequently used. Vote counting shows evidence about positive impact of some design metrics on these two quality attributes. Meta analysis shows the aggregated effect size of Line of code (LOC) is stronger than those of WMC, RFC and CBO. The aggregated effect sizes of LCOM, DIT and NOC are at trivial to small level. In subgroup analysis, defect collections phase explains more than 50% of observed variation in five out of seven investigated metrics. Conclusions: Coupling and scale metrics are stronger correlated to fault proneness than cohesion and inheritance metrics. No design metrics are stronger single predictors than LOC. We found that there is a strong disagreement between the individual studies, and that defect collection phase is able to partially explain the differences between studies.

Systematic Mapping of Value-based Software Engineering : A Systematic Review of Value-based Requirements Engineering

Jan, Naseer, Ibrar, Muhammad January 2010 (has links)
Context: In many organizations, practices and processes of software engineering are carried out in a value-neutral setting. These value-neutral settings within software development are responsible for project failures. Value-based software engineering (VBSE) manages these value neutral settings by integrating value-oriented perspectives into software engineering. The fundamental factors that differentiate VBSE from value-neutral software engineering are value dimensions that play a crucial role in companies' success by managing customer needs, demands, and expectations Objectives: The aims of this master thesis are to 1) systematically classify the contributions within VBSE and 2) investigate practical application and validation of solutions in industry to determine their practical usability and usefulness. Methods: In this study, systematic mapping, followed by systematic review were used as research methods. Results: The findings of systematic mapping show that a clear majority of value-based research has been conducted within requirements engineering, and verification and validation. Whereas, there were not many studies discussing value-based design. In terms of research types used, evaluation research and solution proposal were the most dominant contributions. While experience reports and philosophical research were less emphasized. In general, value-based contributions such as recommendations and processes were highly reported in VBSE studies. In addition, the finding of systematic review indicates that although many solutions were proposed for value-based requirements engineering but in the absence of qualitative and quantitative results from usability and usefulness perspectives make it hard for practitioners to adopt for industrial practices. Conclusion: The systematic classification of studies and resulting maps not only give an overview of existing work on VBSE but also identifies interesting research gaps which can be used by researchers to plan and carry out future work. The findings of systematic review can be used by industry practitioners to assess the level of applicability of the proposed value-based requirements engineering solutions with respect to their application/validation context and usability and usefulness. / Naseer Jan, Cell: 0046736181463, Muhammad Ibrar, Cell: 0046760605212

Adaptation of Agile Practices : A Systematic Review and Survey / Adaptation of Agile Practices : A Systematic Review and Survey

Kongyai, Budsadee, Edi, Edi January 2011 (has links)
Context. Due to the uniqueness of software projects there is no single Agile development approach that ideally fits all project contexts. Each software project is unique, whether in its subject area, development team, or project size. Because of this, adapting Agile practices according to project circumstances is a must. There has been a number of literature published discussing Agile practices adaptation topic. However, it is still unclear how to adapt Agile practices. Therefore, researchers as well as practitioners need to find out the knowledge of how the Agile practices adaptation should be applied in software development project. Objectives. In this study we investigate how companies adapt their software development practices when they claim they use Agile software development. Knowledge about this can assist Agile software practitioners to apply Agile practices adaptation in their own context and obtain the most benefit out of Agile software development. Methods. We used systematic literature review using guidelines from Kitchenham and survey in this research study. In the systematic review, a number of relevant article sources were used including peer-reviewed papers and grey literature. Peer-reviewed papers were searched from several electronic databases. Grey literature was also included, which covered books, theses and dissertations, white papers and website/blog articles. The survey was executed using a web based survey tool which invited Agile practitioners from a broad range of industries. In total there are 79 selected literature reviewed in the systematic review comprising 63 peer-reviewed papers and 16 grey literature. Data extraction results were categorized into used and unused Agile practices, adapted practices, additional practices, importance of practices, adaptation challenges and solutions recommended by Agile practitioners. Furthermore, an online survey was conducted with a total of 700 respondents of which 468 responses completed the survey. Only the completed and valid responses were considered in the results analysis. We classify the survey results into several categories: Agile practices usage scale, importance of practices, details of adaptation, Agile practices instruction/guidelines, and Agile practitioners‟ adherence to the instruction/guidelines. Results. Our systematic review shows that some companies used Agile practices in literature with various degrees of adaptation. Several companies creatively used a hybrid of Agile practices from various Agile approaches. In addition, we found that most of the Agile practices, especially in the XP approach, have to be adapted appropriately according to company software development context. On the other hand, survey results show that most of the Scrum practitioners apply Scrum practices without adaptation. Regarding importance of practices, unit testing/Test-Driven Development and continuous integration are identified by XP practitioners as the most important practices. For Scrum practitioners, the most important practices are product/feature backlog and Sprint. Conclusions. Many reasons are discovered why adaptation of Agile practice is necessary e.g. to suit with software development context or for effectiveness reason. Therefore, better support from management and developers is needed to facilitate Agile practices adaptation. Different degrees of adaptation also depend on the type of implemented Agile approach. XP as a technical approach requires more adaptation when compared to project management approach such as Scrum. Findings regarding respondents‟ adherence to the Agile instruction/guidelines indicate the need to improve quality of Agile instructions/guidelines and Agile leadership and enforce the implementation of instructions/guidelines as well. / This thesis investigates how companies adapt their software development practices when they claim they use Agile software development based on the systematic review on Agile literature and an online survey. The derived knowledge from this thesis can assist Agile software practitioners to adapt Agile practices in their own context and maximize the benefit of Agile software development.

Stepped care for depression : a systematic review and feasibility study

Hill, Jacqueline Janet January 2016 (has links)
Background. Stepped care is widely implemented as a means to organise depression treatment. However, it is unclear how this system and the system it was designed to replace – long-term intensive psychotherapy for all – compare. Aim. To further the development and evaluation of stepped care. Specifically, assess the clinical effectiveness of stepped care and prepare for a fully-powered evaluation of stepped care vs. high-intensity psychotherapy alone for depressed adults. Design. A systematic review and mixed methods feasibility study encompassing a pilot randomised controlled trial and semi-structured interviews. Results of the systematic review. Fourteen randomised controlled trials involving 4580 participants were included. Relative to controls, there was significantly greater improvement in depression for adults treated with stepped care (d=0.34 at six months; 95% CI 0.20 to 0.48). The quality of included studies was good and there was little evidence of publication bias. All comparisons were with usual care. Results of the feasibility study. 66 patients were recruited to the pilot trial. The recruitment rate was 2.9% and follow-up data was obtained from 90.9% of participants. A third of stepped care patients stepped up to high-intensity therapy. Patients improved in both groups: the mean reduction in depressive symptoms was 13.4 in the stepped care group and 13.6 in the high-intensity therapy alone group. Recruitment methods were appropriate to patients and therapists but only somewhat appropriate to IAPT staff. Although the stepped care intervention was broadly acceptable to therapists, patient experience varied and some patients who demonstrated a low level of self-efficacy declined any therapy or dropped out of treatment. Conclusions. The effectiveness of stepped care compared with long-term intensive psychological therapy for all has not yet been established. A fully-powered trial of stepped care vs. high-intensity therapy alone is feasible although pilot trial methods and procedures should be modified to improve recruitment and acceptability.

Syphilis in the Americas: a protocol for a systematic review of syphilis prevalence and incidence in four high-risk groups, 1980–2016

Kitayama, Ken, Segura, Eddy R., Lake, Jordan E., Perez-Brumer, Amaya G., Oldenburg, Catherine E., Myers, Bethany A., Pourjavaheri, Paria, Okorie, Chinomnso N., Cabello, Robinson L., Clark, Jesse L. 10 October 2017 (has links)
Background: Syphilis infection has recently resurfaced as a significant public health problem. Although there has been a tremendous amount of research on the epidemiology of syphilis, there has been limited work done to synthesize the extensive body of research and systematically estimate patterns of disease within high-risk groups in the Americas. The purpose of this systematic review and meta-analysis is to (1) summarize recent patterns of syphilis infection in North and South America among four high-risk groups (MSM, transgender women, sex workers, and incarcerated individuals) from 1980 to 2016, (2) identify and differentiate regional geographic epidemiologic characteristics, and (3) compare the epidemics of the economically developed countries of North America from the developing countries and public health systems of Latin America and the Caribbean. Methods/design: Primary studies reporting syphilis prevalence and/or incidence in at least one of the four high-risk groups will be identified from Medline/PubMed, Embase, Lilacs, SciELO, The Cochrane Library, Web of Science, Scopus, ProQuest, CINAHL, Clase, and Periódica, as well as "gray" literature sources (conference abstracts, country reports, etc.). Studies published from 1980 through 2016 will be included. Data will be extracted from studies meeting inclusion and exclusion criteria and a random effects meta-analysis of prevalence and incidence estimates will be conducted. Heterogeneity, risk of bias, and publication bias will be assessed. Pooled prevalence and incidence estimates will be calculated for comparisons based on geographic region, risk factors, and time period. Discussion: Our systematic review and meta-analysis aims to contribute to an improved understanding of global epidemiologic patterns of syphilis infection in most-at-risk populations. Through systematic classification of the existing literature, and comparison of disease patterns across regional, temporal and socio-behavioral differences, we hope to improve public health surveillance and improve efforts to control the spread of disease across the Americas. Systematic review registration: PROSPERO CRD42016047306.

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