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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Recomendações para o desenvolvimento de ambientes de programação inclusivos para crianças cegas. / Recommendations for the development of inclusive programming environments for blind children.

Angelo, Isabela Martins 04 May 2018 (has links)
A inclusão de crianças com deficiência em escolas regulares, ocorrida seguindo a Lei 13.146 de 06 de julho de 2015, que institui a Lei Brasileira de Inclusão da Pessoa com Deficiência, exige que as atividades escolares sejam acessíveis a todas as crianças. Entre as atividades escolares, as atividades de programação têm se espalhado nas escolas devido aos benefícios gerados nas habilidades dos alunos, como criatividade e pensamento lógico. Atualmente, essas atividades utilizam principalmente ambientes de programação em blocos, como o Scratch, que focam em aspectos visuais para interação, contando com cores, formatos e utilização do mouse. Nesse contexto, e de grande importância o estudo de interfaces de programação para que crianças com deficiência visual possam ser incluídas e participem em conjunto com as outras crianças. Este projeto busca investigar este tema, bem como propor e avaliar um sistema para atividades de introdução à programação para crianças cegas e videntes. Foi proposto um sistema formado por peças tangíveis, em que os blocos digitais foram substituídos por peças físicas com formas para reconhecimento tátil e respostas auditivas. Foi adotado um modelo cíclico para o desenvolvimento do protótipo que garantiu duas etapas de testes com usuários. Na primeira etapa foram 4 participantes videntes, sendo que três participaram vendados, e a partir das observações foram gerados novos requisitos e modificações no protótipo. Na segunda etapa participaram 2 crianças cegas e os resultados destes testes geraram requisitos específicos para a utilização do sistema por crianças cegas. Este trabalho traz como contribuição final um conjunto de recomendações para o desenvolvimento de sistemas que permitam a crianças cegas e videntes brincarem juntas em atividades de programação. / The inclusion of children with disabilities in regular schools, following Law 13,146 of July 6, 2015, which establishes the Brazilian Law on the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities, requires that school activities be accessible to all children. Among school activities, programming activities have spread in schools because of the benefits generated in students\' skills such as creativity and logical thinking. Currently, these activities mainly use blocks programming environments, such as Scratch, that focus on visual aspects for interaction, counting on colors, shapes and mouse usage. In this context, it is of great importance to study programming interfaces so that children with visual impairment can be included and participate together with other children. This project seeks to investigate this theme as well as to propose and evaluate a system for introductory programming activities for blind and sighted children. It was proposed a system formed by tangible pieces in which the digital blocks were replaced by physical pieces with forms for tactile recognition and auditory responses. It was adopted a cyclical model for the development of the prototype that guaranteed two stages of testing with users. In the first stage, four sighted participants, three were blindfolded among them, and and from the first observations were generated new requirements and modifications in the prototype. The second stage involved 2 blind children and the results of these tests generated specific requirements for the use of the system by blind children. This work brings as final contribution a set of recommendations for the development of systems that allow blind and sighted children to play together in programming activities.

Recomendações para o desenvolvimento de ambientes de programação inclusivos para crianças cegas. / Recommendations for the development of inclusive programming environments for blind children.

Isabela Martins Angelo 04 May 2018 (has links)
A inclusão de crianças com deficiência em escolas regulares, ocorrida seguindo a Lei 13.146 de 06 de julho de 2015, que institui a Lei Brasileira de Inclusão da Pessoa com Deficiência, exige que as atividades escolares sejam acessíveis a todas as crianças. Entre as atividades escolares, as atividades de programação têm se espalhado nas escolas devido aos benefícios gerados nas habilidades dos alunos, como criatividade e pensamento lógico. Atualmente, essas atividades utilizam principalmente ambientes de programação em blocos, como o Scratch, que focam em aspectos visuais para interação, contando com cores, formatos e utilização do mouse. Nesse contexto, e de grande importância o estudo de interfaces de programação para que crianças com deficiência visual possam ser incluídas e participem em conjunto com as outras crianças. Este projeto busca investigar este tema, bem como propor e avaliar um sistema para atividades de introdução à programação para crianças cegas e videntes. Foi proposto um sistema formado por peças tangíveis, em que os blocos digitais foram substituídos por peças físicas com formas para reconhecimento tátil e respostas auditivas. Foi adotado um modelo cíclico para o desenvolvimento do protótipo que garantiu duas etapas de testes com usuários. Na primeira etapa foram 4 participantes videntes, sendo que três participaram vendados, e a partir das observações foram gerados novos requisitos e modificações no protótipo. Na segunda etapa participaram 2 crianças cegas e os resultados destes testes geraram requisitos específicos para a utilização do sistema por crianças cegas. Este trabalho traz como contribuição final um conjunto de recomendações para o desenvolvimento de sistemas que permitam a crianças cegas e videntes brincarem juntas em atividades de programação. / The inclusion of children with disabilities in regular schools, following Law 13,146 of July 6, 2015, which establishes the Brazilian Law on the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities, requires that school activities be accessible to all children. Among school activities, programming activities have spread in schools because of the benefits generated in students\' skills such as creativity and logical thinking. Currently, these activities mainly use blocks programming environments, such as Scratch, that focus on visual aspects for interaction, counting on colors, shapes and mouse usage. In this context, it is of great importance to study programming interfaces so that children with visual impairment can be included and participate together with other children. This project seeks to investigate this theme as well as to propose and evaluate a system for introductory programming activities for blind and sighted children. It was proposed a system formed by tangible pieces in which the digital blocks were replaced by physical pieces with forms for tactile recognition and auditory responses. It was adopted a cyclical model for the development of the prototype that guaranteed two stages of testing with users. In the first stage, four sighted participants, three were blindfolded among them, and and from the first observations were generated new requirements and modifications in the prototype. The second stage involved 2 blind children and the results of these tests generated specific requirements for the use of the system by blind children. This work brings as final contribution a set of recommendations for the development of systems that allow blind and sighted children to play together in programming activities.

Collaboration interactive 3D en réalité virtuelle pour supporter des scénarios aérospatiaux / 3D collaborative interaction in virtual reality for aerospace scenarii

Clergeaud, Damien 17 October 2017 (has links)
De nos jours, l’industrie aérospatiale est composée d’acteurs internationaux.Due à la complexité de leur production (taille, nombre de composants,variété des systèmes, ...), la conception d’un avion ou d’un lanceurnécessite un grand nombre d’ingénieurs avec des domaines d’expertises variés.De plus, les industries aérospatiales sont distribuées de par le monde. Dans cecontexte complexe, il est nécessaire d’utiliser la réalité virtuelle afin de proposerdes environnements virtuels accessibles depuis des sites distants afin departager une expérience collaborative. Des problèmes particuliers, alors, surviennent,particulièrement par rapport à la perception des autres utilisateursimmergés.Cette thèse, en partenariat avec Airbus Group, se concentre sur la conceptionde techniques d’interaction collaboratives efficaces. Ces sessions collaborativespermettent de connecter plusieurs sites distants via le même environnementvirtuel. Ainsi, des experts de domaines variés peuvent travailler ensembleen étant immergés simultanément. Par exemple, si un problème survient durantles dernières étapes d’assemblage d’un lanceur, il peut être nécessairede rassembler des experts qui étaient impliqués en amont du projet (bureaud’étude pour la conception, usine pour la fabrication des systèmes), afin deconcevoir des solutions pour résoudre le problème.Dans cette thèse, nous proposons différentes techniques d’interactions afinde faciliter la collaboration à différents niveaux d’un projet industriel. Nousnous sommes intéressés à la communication et la perception entre collaborateursimmergés, à la prise d’annotation et la circulation de ces annotations età la collaboration asymétrique entre une salle de réunion et un environnementvirtuel à l’aide d’outil de réalité mixte. / The aerospace industry is no longer composed of local and individualbusinesses. Due to the complexity of the products (their size, the numberof components, the variety of systems, etc.), the design of an aircraft or alauncher involves a considerable number of engineers with various fields of expertise.Furthermore, aerospace companies often have industrial facilities allover the world. In such a complex setting, it is necessary to build virtual experimentsthat can be shared between different remote sites. Specific problemsthen arise, particularly in terms of the perception of other immersed users.We are working with Airbus Group in order to design efficient collaborativeinteraction methods. These collaborative sessions allow multiple sites to beconnected within the same virtual experiment and enable experts from differentfields to be immersed simultaneously. For instance, if a problem occurs duringthe final stages of a launcher assembly, it may be necessary to bring togetherexperts on different sites who were involved in previous steps ( initial design,manufacturing processes). In this thesis, we propose various interaction technique in order to ease thecollaboration at different moments of an industrial process. We contributedin the context of communication between immersed users, taking notes inthe virtual environment and sharing it outside virtual reality and asymmetriccollaboration between a physical meeting room and a virtual environment.

A Serious Game for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Ornelas Barajas, Alejandra January 2017 (has links)
In this thesis, we propose a Serious Game (SG) for children with the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) that builds on the concept of LEGO®-Based Therapy that is aimed at improving social and cognitive skills. The proposed SG is composed of building blocks augmented with electronic modules that connect to a computing device that provides visual feedback. We investigate the effects of using the proposed computer SG by comparing it to a non-computer block-game during two empirical studies, one following an unstructured play approach and a second one with structured play by assigning roles to the players. For the first study, the proposed system showed an improvement in social interaction, collaborative play and exercise performance, as well as a decrease in solitary play. For the second study, the proposed system showed an improvement in social interaction, positive vocalizations and exploratory behavior. There was also a marked preference towards the proposed game. Furthermore, we perceived a decrease on the assistance needed when using the proposed system during both studies. Our results suggest that the proposed system can be a useful play therapy tool aimed for young children with ASD.

Interactivity by design: interactive art systems through network programming

Bjornson, Steven A. 11 January 2017 (has links)
Interactive digital art installations are fundamentally enabled by hardware and software. Through a combination of these elements an interactive experience is con- structed. The first half of this thesis discusses the technical complexity associated with design and implementation of digital interactive installation. A system, dreamIO, is proposed for mediating this complexity through providing wireless building blocks for creating interactive installations. The technical details–both hardware and software– of this system are outlined. Measurements of the system are presented followed by analysis and discussion of the real world impact of this data. Finally, a discussion of future improvements is presented. The second half of this thesis examines an example interactive installation, Trans- code, which uses the proposed system as the building block for the piece. The piece is presented as evidence for the value of the proposed system and as a work of art in it’s own right. The use of the dreamIO system is detailed followed by a discussion of the interactivity and aesthetic form of the work. The purposes of these specific design choices are then presented. Finally, the work is analyzed through a combination of Relational Aesthetics and Cybernetics. / Graduate

Designing A Tangible Device for Re-Framing Unproductivity

Sirera I Pulido, Judith January 2020 (has links)
We report on the design of a tangible device for encouraging the acceptance of unproductive time. We first conducted interviews for a better understanding of the subjective experience of productivity. We found that while the idea of being productive can evoke positive feelings of satisfaction, dealing with unproductive time can be a struggle, negatively affecting people’s moods and self-esteem. These findings guided the design and implementation of RU, a tangible device for reflecting on self-care time. Our prototype offers a physical representation of the mainstream productivity mindset and plays with the idea of connecting and charging energy to encourage the user to experience the time considered unproductive as self-care. In a second study, participants used the device for 5 days and our results suggest that the device motivates reflection on activities beyond work and increases awareness of the importance of taking time for self-care. / I rapporten redogör vi utformningen av ett fysiskt verktyg vars syfte är att öka acceptansen för icke-produktiv tid. Först användes intervjuer för att skapa en bättre förståelse och insikt i vad en “produktiv upplevelse” är. Intervjuerna visade att, samtidigt som idéen av att vara produktiv kan ge positiva känslor i form av “uppfyllnad”, så kan hanteringen av icke-produktiv tid vara jobbig och därmed negativt påverka människors humör och självkänsla. Insikterna från intervjuerna användes som stöd för designen och implementationen av RU, ett fysiskt verktyg vars användning är menad att härleda till reflektion samt tid för självvård. Prototypen är en fysisk representation av vad som anses var den stereotypiska bilden av ett produktivt sinne. Prototypen spelar på idéen av att koppla samman och ge energi i syfte om att motivera användaren att uppleva oproduktiv tid som självvård. I en ytterligare exekverad studie använde deltagarna RU under 5 dagar där resultatet indikerade på att verktyget motiverar till reflektion i aktiviteter bortom jobb och en ökad medvetenhet om vikten i att ta sig tiden för självvård.

What's Closeness got to do with it? Investigating the Effects of Interface Closeness on Abstract Problem Solving and Learning

Donahue, Thomas J. 17 July 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Exploration of Context-Aware Application Authoring Leveraging Artificial Intelligence

Fengming He (18848125) 24 June 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Recognition of human behavior and object status plays a significant role in context-aware applications. Although researchers have explored methods to detect users’ activities, there still exists a research gap where end-users are not able to build personalized applications that accurately recognize their activities in the physical environment. Therefore, in this thesis, to fill the gap, we explore different in-situ context-aware Augmented Reality (AR) applications that leverage hand-object recognition and support users to rapidly author context-aware applications by referring to their activities. We first explore the possibility that end-users develop AR applications with customized freehand interactions and introduce GesturAR, an end-to-end authoring tool that supports users to create freehand AR applications through embodied demonstration and visual programming. Next, we explore hand interactions with physical objects and propose ARnnotate, an AR system enabling end-users to create custom data. To further study context-aware applications with haptic feedback, we present Ubi Edge, an AR authoring tool that allows end-users to customize edges on daily objects as tangible user interface (TUI) inputs to control varied digital functions. We develop an integrated AR device and a vision-based detection workflow to track 3D edges and detect the touch interaction between fingers and edges. Finally, to enable end-users to apply AR applications in different physical environments, we propose AdapTUI, a system that can automatically adapt the geometric-based TUIs in various environments. In summary, our contribution lies in the development of several context-aware AR applications that effectively sense users’ activities and facilitate users’ authoring process intuitively and conveniently.</p>

Interaction tangible sur table interactive : application aux géosciences / Tangible interaction on tabletops : applied in geoscience

Rivière, Guillaume 09 September 2009 (has links)
Cette thèse traite des interfaces utilisateur tangibles (TUI). La première partie de ce manuscrit concerne l'interaction tangible sur table interactive. Nous introduisons tout d'abord les TUIs et les tables interactives. Nous validons une hypothèse concernant la spécialisation de la forme des interacteurs tangibles et nous en tirons les conséquences pour la conception des TUIs. Nous proposons une solution de boîtier à boutons pour y déporter certaines opérations dans le contexte d'une TUI sur table interactive. Nous abordons la construction et le développement d'un système de tables interactives tangibles transportables et à faible coût permettant de faire du prototypage rapide de TUIs. Nous terminons en soulignant les particularités de l'évaluation expérimentale des TUIs. La seconde partie de ce manuscrit traite un cas d'application d'une TUI pour les géosciences : GeoTUI. Nous commençons par présenter le contexte métier des géophysiciens et leurs besoins en terme de nouveaux moyens d'interaction. Nous présentons les résultats de notre conception d'une TUI pour les géosciences. Nous précisons le détail du développement de notre prototype. Pour terminer, nous présentons les deux expérimentations utilisateurs qui ont été conduites pour valider nos choix de conception. / This thesis focuses on tangible user interfaces (TUI). The first part of this manuscript is about tangible interaction on tabletop. We first introduce TUIs and tabletops. We validate an hypothesis about the specialization of the form of the tangible objects, and conclude from that consequences on TUIs design. We propose the solution of a button box to deport some operations in the context of tabletop TUI. We present the construction and development of a transportable and low cost tabletop TUI system that allows rapid TUI prototyping. We end pointing out the special features of user experiments of TUIs. The second part of this manuscript deals with an application case of a TUI for geoscience: GeoTUI. We start presenting the context of the geophysicists work and their need in term of new way of interation. We present the results of our design of a TUI for geoscience. We detail the development of our prototype. To finish, we present two user experiments we conducted to validate our design choices.


[pt] Com a incorporação de recursos computacionais aos elementos físicos, a computação evolui para a ubiquidade e está presente nos elementos do ambiente físico. Casas, móveis e objetos do dia-a-dia, isto é, o ambiente que nos cerca, são as novas interfaces com as quais as pessoas interagem para colaborar e se informar. Essas novas interfaces implicam em um novo paradigma de interação, ainda pouco conhecido e explorado, como é o caso das Interfaces Tangíveis (Tangible User Interfaces - TUIs), que usam artefatos físicos para representação e controle de informações digitais. Desenvolver Interfaces Tangíveis requer combinar o trabalho voltado para o concreto (forma) com a abstração característica do desenvolvimento de software (comportamento). Este trabalho propõe um método denominado Prototipação Colaborativa de Tangíveis Baseada na Engenharia Semiótica, que combina as abordagens de prototipação e da Engenharia Semiótica no projeto de interfaces tangíveis. Ao combinar estas abordagens, o método agrega os benefícios da experimentação continuada de forma estruturada proporcionada pela prototipação com as vantagens do foco na comunicabilidade da Engenharia Semiótica no projeto de tangíveis. Um estudo de caso é conduzido a fim de investigar a contribuição do método proposto para incorporação da perspectiva da Engenharia Semiótica ao projeto de interfaces tangíveis. / [en] With the embedding of computing resources into physical elements, computing is moving toward ubiquity (or pervasiveness) and is present throughout the physical environment. Homes, furniture, and everyday life objects are the interfaces with which people now interact. Such new interfaces harbinger a new interaction paradigm that is little known and exploited to date, such as Tangible User Interfaces (TUIs) that use physical artefacts for representing and manipulating digital information. Developing TUIs means acknowledging both concrete (form) and abstract (behavior) aspects of an interface. This work proposes a method called Collaborative Tangible Prototyping Based on Semiotics Engineering that combines prototyping and Semiotic Engineering approaches to tangible interfaces design. By combining these approaches, the method brings together the benefits of continued structured experimentation provided by prototyping with the advantages of a focus on communicability from Semiotic Engineering for designing tangibles. A case study is conducted to investigate whether the proposed method contributes to incorporate the Semiotic Engineering perspective in the design of tangible user interfaces.

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