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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Study of the Effects of Classroom Instruction in the Areas of Folk Dance, Modern Dance, and Tap Dance Upon the Development of Rhythmic Ability of College Women

Sloan, Allison Ann 06 1900 (has links)
The following purposes were proposed for the development of this study: A. To determine whether or not rhythmic ability as measured by the Harvey Rhythm Test is developed through participation in a folk dance class. B. To determine whether or not rhythmic ability as measured by the Harvey Rhythm Test is developed through participation in a modern dance class. C. To determine whether or not rhythmic ability as measured by the Harvey Rhythm Test is developed through participation in a tap dance class. D. To compare results of the Harvey Rhythm Test at the completion of the experimental period and to indicate any differences in development of rhythmic ability in the organized classes of folk dance, modern dance, and tap dance.

Entre duas metrópoles: (-R) em Itanhandu / Between two metropolises: (-r) in Itanhandu

Silva, Mariane Esteves Bieler da 06 August 2015 (has links)
Com base nos pressupostos teórico-metodológicos variacionistas (LABOV, 2006 [1966]; 2008 [1972]; 1999; 2001; 2010) e em alguns conceitos caros à terceira onda (ECKERT, 2012) da Sociolinguística, este trabalho objetiva estudar a comunidade de fala sul-mineira de Itanhandu. Itanhandu se localiza em uma região de tríplice divisa entre os estados de Minas Gerais, São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro. Além dessa posição geográfica singular, os itanhanduenses revelam possuir com as capitais fluminense e paulista uma relação de identificação maior do que possuem com a própria capital de seu estado, o que parece influenciar o falar local, sobretudo na realização de (-r). O estudo de Itanhandu iniciou-se com uma coleta de 36 entrevistas sociolinguísticas na cidade, que possibilitaram constatar a presença não só de retroflexos, pronúncia considerada a mais prototípica na comunidade, mas também de tepes e fricativos, variantes comumente associadas às capitais de São Paulo e do Rio de Janeiro, respectivamente. Diante da verificação da ocorrência de tais variantes em Itanhandu, aventou-se a hipótese de que elas estariam correlacionadas aos dois grupos de identificação presentes na cidade, um que se compõe de itanhanduenses que gostam de morar lá e não desejam se mudar ou que tenham saído dela, mas desejam voltar; e outro que se define por itanhanduenses que desejam tentar a vida fora de Itanhandu ou que já se mudaram e não desejam retornar. Entretanto, a análise quantitativa dos dados mostra que as variantes não prototípicas em Itanhandu estão mais ligadas ao tempo de permanência que os itanhanduenses passaram fora de sua cidade natal, ou seja, pronúncias tepes e fricativas são menos correlatos de uma questão identitária e mais de um fenômeno que se dá naturalmente em um processo de acomodação linguística (GILES, 1973) pelo qual passam os itanhanduenses que moram em outras cidades, principalmente localizadas nos estados de São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro. Além disso, este trabalho também investiga a existência de graus de retroflexão em Itanhandu. Retroflexos fortes, ou seja, mais duradouros e intensos, opõem-se a retroflexos fracos, ou melhor, mais curtos e com intensidade reduzida. A análise quantitativa dos dados mostra que tal variação correlaciona-se, principalmente, a variáveis linguísticas: são os grupos de fatores Classe Morfológica da Palavra com (-r) e Frequência do Item Lexical com (-r) os que mais explicam a existência de tal fenômeno em Itanhandu. Por fim, esta dissertação mostra a complexidade da identidade itanhanduense, composta não só de relações sociais, econômicas e linguísticas estabelecidas com cidades paulistas e fluminenses, mas também a partir das vivências individuais dos itanhanduenses, das cidades em que eles já moraram, da forma com que se relacionam com Itanhandu e com os itanhanduenses, das posturas que assumem diante de fatos da vida cotidiana e, principalmente, diante de fatos da realidade linguística da comunidade de fala em que se inserem. / Based on variationist theory and methods (LABOV, 2006 [1966]; 2008 [1972]; 1999; 2001; 2010), including third wave sociolinguistics (ECKERT, 2012), this masters thesis focuses Itanhandu, a town in Southern Minas Gerais, located near the border between Minas Gerais and São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro. Itanhanduenses tend to identify themselves with the capitais of these two states more than with Belo Horizonte, the capital of Minas Gerais. Such identification has an influence in their local speech, especially when it comes to variable (-r). In a sample of 36 sociolinguistic interviews collected in Itanhandu, there are fricative and tap ocurrences of (-r), aside from the retroflex which is prototypical in the community. The fricative and tap variants are commonly associated with the capitals São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, respectively. The main initial hypothesis is that this case of variation correlates with how Itanhanduenses identify themselves: those who like to live in Itanhandu and do not wish to move to another city (and those who have moved out but would like to return to Itanhandu); and those who would like to leave their birth town (including those who live somewhere else and would not like to move back to Itanhandu). The quantitative analyses suggest that fricative and tap occurrences of (-r) are less correlated to these subgroups, and more strongly associated with how long a period Itanhanduenses spend outside of their birth town. There seems to be a process of accomodation (GILES, 1973) in the speech of those Itanhanduenses who have lived in other cities, especially in the states of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. This thesis also looks into degrees of (-r) retroflexion. Strong retroflex (lengthier and more intense) and weak retroflex (shorter and less intense) are analyzed as a variable, which correlates more strongly to linguistic factors: Word Class and Word Frequency. This thesis shows that the Itanhanduense identity is composed not just by social, economic and linguistic relations to São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, but also by individual experiences, both in Itanhandu itself and in other cities. Such experiences are revealed in stances taken during the sociolinguistic interviews, in relation to facts of their day-to-day life, including their linguistic experiences.

Advanced voltage control for energy conservation in distribution networks

Gutierrez Lagos, Luis Daniel January 2018 (has links)
The increasing awareness on the effect of carbon emissions in our planet has led to several countries to adopt targets for their reduction. One way of contributing to this aim is to use and distribute electricity more efficiently. In this context, Conservation Voltage Reduction (CVR), a well-known technique that takes advantage of the positive correlation between voltage and demand to reduce energy consumption, is gaining renewed interest. This technique saves energy by only reducing customer voltages, without relying on customer actions and, therefore, can be controlled by the Distribution Network Operator (DNO). CVR not only brings benefits to the electricity system by reducing generation requirements (fewer fossil fuel burning and carbon emissions), but also to customers, as energy bill reductions. The extent to which CVR can bring benefits mainly depends on the customers load composition and their voltages. While the former dictates the voltage-demand correlation, the latter constraints the voltage reduction that can be applied without violating statutory limits. Although CVR has been studied for many years, most of the studies neglect the time-varying voltage-demand characteristic of loads and/or do not assess end customer voltages. While these simplifications could be used to estimate CVR benefits for fixed and limited voltage reductions, realistic load and network models are needed to assess the performance of active CVR schemes, where voltages are actively managed to be close to the minimum limit. Moreover, distribution networks have been traditionally designed with limited monitoring and controllability. Therefore, CVR has been typically implemented by adopting conservative voltage reductions from primary substations, for both American and European-style networks. However, as new infrastructure is deployed in European-style LV networks (focus of this work), such as monitoring and on-load tap changers (OLTCs), the opportunity arises to actively manage voltages closer to end customer (unlocking further energy savings). Although these technologies have shown to effectively control voltages in LV networks, their potential for CVR has not been assessed before. Additionally, most CVR studies were performed in a context where distributed generation (DG) was not common. However, this has changed in many countries, with residential photovoltaic (PV) systems becoming popular. As this is likely to continue, the interactions of residential PV and CVR need to be studied. This thesis contributes to address the aforementioned literature gaps by: (i) proposing a simulation framework to characterise the time-varying voltage-demand correlation of individual end customers; (ii) developing a process to model real distribution networks (MV and LV) from DNO data; (iii) adopting a Monte Carlo-based quantification process to cater for the uncertainties related to individual customer demand; (iv) assessing the CVR benefits that can be unlocked with new LV infrastructure and different PV conditions. To accomplish (iv), first, a simple yet effective rule-based scheme is proposed to actively control voltages in OLTC-enabled LV networks without PV and using limited monitoring. It is demonstrated that by controlling voltages closer to customers, annual energy savings can increase significantly, compared to primary substation voltage reductions. Also, to understand the effect of PV on CVR, a centralized, three-phase AC OPF-based CVR scheme is proposed. This control, using monitoring, OLTCs and capacitors across MV and LV networks, actively manages voltages to minimize energy consumption in high PV penetration scenarios whilst considering MV-LV constraints. Results demonstrate that without CVR, PV systems lead to higher energy imports for customers without PV, due to higher voltages. Conversely, the OPF-based CVR scheme can effectively manage voltages throughout the day, minimising energy imports for all customers. Moreover, if OLTCs at secondary substations are available (and managed in coordination with the primary substation OLTC), these tend to regulate customer voltages close to the minimum statutory limit (lower tap positions), while the primary OLTC delivers higher voltages to the MV network to also reduce MV energy losses.

Übersetzen mit doppeltem Skopos : Eine empirische Prozess- und Produktstudie / Translation with Double Skopos : An Empirical Process and Product Study

Norberg, Ulf January 2003 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this experimental study is to examine the translation processes and the resulting translations of eight translators performing translation tasks from German into Swedish. The data about the translation processes were collected with the think-aloud technique, i.e. the translators were asked to verbalize as much of their thinking as possible while translating. The translators – four of whom had long working experience and the others substantially shorter experience – were asked to translate the same source text (a news item) for two different fictitious audiences: first for a morning newspaper and then for a children’s magazine.</p><p>With regards to the translation process, the results showed that the two categories of translators did not differ considerably from each other, neither in their dictionary use, nor in their overall accomplishment of the translation tasks. However, they did differ in their attitude. The less experienced translators were more involved in the process, which also led to quality improvements. At the same time, individual differences were substantial regarding all of the criteria examined.</p><p>The resulting translations (the products) were evaluated both by the researcher and by journalists from the newspapers or magazines in which the texts, according to the briefs, were to be published. The results showed small differences in text quality for the two categories of translators. According to the journalists, the less experienced translators even produced slightly better texts for the morning paper.</p>

Übersetzen mit doppeltem Skopos : Eine empirische Prozess- und Produktstudie / Translation with Double Skopos : An Empirical Process and Product Study

Norberg, Ulf January 2003 (has links)
The purpose of this experimental study is to examine the translation processes and the resulting translations of eight translators performing translation tasks from German into Swedish. The data about the translation processes were collected with the think-aloud technique, i.e. the translators were asked to verbalize as much of their thinking as possible while translating. The translators – four of whom had long working experience and the others substantially shorter experience – were asked to translate the same source text (a news item) for two different fictitious audiences: first for a morning newspaper and then for a children’s magazine. With regards to the translation process, the results showed that the two categories of translators did not differ considerably from each other, neither in their dictionary use, nor in their overall accomplishment of the translation tasks. However, they did differ in their attitude. The less experienced translators were more involved in the process, which also led to quality improvements. At the same time, individual differences were substantial regarding all of the criteria examined. The resulting translations (the products) were evaluated both by the researcher and by journalists from the newspapers or magazines in which the texts, according to the briefs, were to be published. The results showed small differences in text quality for the two categories of translators. According to the journalists, the less experienced translators even produced slightly better texts for the morning paper.

The Performance of the Differentially Coherent DS/SS Code Synchronization with Different Adaptive LMS Filtering Schemes

Chang, Yu-Chen 02 August 2005 (has links)
The efficiency of direct sequence spread spectrum (DS/SS) receiver is highly dependent on the accurate and fast synchronization between the incoming and locally generated PN (pseudo-noise) codes. The code synchronization is processed in two steps, acquisition (coarse alignment) and tracking (fine alignment), to estimate the delay offset between the two codes. In general, the schemes for code acquisition and tracking processes are performed, separately, and implemented with different structure. Recently, an alternative approach, with the adaptive LMS filtering scheme, has been proposed for performing both code acquisition and tracking with the identical structure, where the coherent receiver was employed. With this approach, dramatically, hardware complexity reduction could be achieved, especially, when long PN code is considered. In this thesis, a new differentially coherent code synchronization scheme, based on a differential detector followed by an adaptive constrained LMS (CLMS) filtering algorithm with maximum tap weight (MTW) test scheme, is devised for performing both code acquisition and tracking with the identical structure. With a differential detector for code synchronization, the prior knowledge of the carrier phase is not required as the non-coherent techniques. Numerical analyses and simulation results verify that the proposed scheme has better acquisition performance, in terms of mean acquisition time, than the conventional LMS filtering algorithm with MTW test and mean square error (MSE) test schemes for the integer and non-integer time delay environments. At the same time, the proposed scheme has better tracking capability, in terms of mean hold-in time and mean penalty time, over the conventional LMS filtering schemes, for the variation of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and delay offset (delay difference).

Eldre menn som omsorggivere til demente ektefeller. : En kvalitativ studie om menn som omsorgsgivere til ektefeller med diagnosen aldersdemens. / Elderly men as caregivers to wives diagnosed with Dementia. : A qualitative study of the Male Caregiver of Dementias Disease Victims

Knutsen, Håvard January 2006 (has links)
Ny statistikk viser økende forekomst av aldersdemens blant eldre. Menn utgjør en økende gruppe omsorgsgivere. Disse mennene har fått relativt liten forskningsmessig oppmerksomhet, det finnes en begrenset mengde litteratur tilgjengelig om menn som omsorgsgivere for ektefeller med aldersdemens. Der er derfor viktig å gi dette feltet forskningsmessig oppmerksomhet, blant annet for å kunne gi helsepersonell kunnskap om denne gruppen. Med økt innsikt i mennenes opplevelse av sin situasjon vil de kunne gis bedre følelsesmessig og praktisk assistanse i omsorgsarbeidet sitt. Det ble gjennomført en studie med fokus på ektefeller av menn med demente ektefeller ved bruk av Grounded Theory som metode. Studien ble basert på opplevelsene til ni menn, seks av dem hadde omsorg for hjemmeboende ektefelle, de tre andre hadde flerårige erfaringer med å ha dement ektefelle hjemme men hadde nå sine ektefeller i sykehjem og fulgte dem opp der. Data ble samlet gjennom dybdeintervjuer tatt opp på bånd. Intervjuene ble analysert ved bruk av Grounded Theory. Det ble funnet fem hovedkategorier, mestring, ensomhet, lojalitet, sorg og tap av felleskap med ektefelle / Recent statistics reveal a growth in the incident of Alzheimer disease and related dementia amongst elderly. Males make up an increasing group of caregivers, yet little attention has been given to them as that, there is limited literature available on husbands as caregivers for wives with the disease. Therefore, the need to conduct research in the area of male caregivers is essential if nurses and other help personnel are to understand and provide appropriate support and care for male caregivers. A qualitative study which focused on the experience of husbands who are home caregivers of wives diagnosed with dementia was conducted using Grounded Theory as research method. The study was based on the experience of nine husbands, six of them were caregiving for their wives at home at the time of the interview, the others had their wives in an institutional setting after years of home caregiving. Data collected during in-dept tape recorded interviews with the participants was analysed using Grounded Theory. Five major categories themes emerged from the participants stories, coping methods, loneliness, grief, loyalty and loss of fellowship in relationship. / <p>ISBN 91-7997-140-7</p>

Genetic Determinants of Plasma alpha-tocopherol

Garofalo, Francesca 27 June 2013 (has links)
alpha-tocopherol is the most abundant form of vitamin E in human plasma and tissues. Inter-individual differences in plasma alpha-tocopherol concentration or its response to dietary alpha-tocopherol may be due, in part, to polymorphisms in vitamin E metabolism genes (alpha-tocopherol transfer protein (alpha-TTP), tocopherol associated protein (TAP) and CYP4F2). The thesis objectives were to determine whether common polymorphisms in the alpha-TTP (rs6994076 A>T), TAP (rs2072157 C>T and Arg11Lys) and CYP4F2 (Val433Met) genes influence plasma alpha-tocopherol concentration or modify the association between dietary and plasma alpha-tocopherol. Subjects (n=1248), 20 to 29 years from the Toronto Nutrigenomics and Health study completed a food frequency questionnaire. Fasting blood samples were used for genotyping and to measure plasma alpha-tocopherol concentration. The alpha-TTP and TAP Arg11Lys polymorphisms significantly altered plasma alpha-tocopherol. The alpha-TTP polymorphism only influenced plasma alpha-tocopherol in individuals not using supplements. None of the polymorphisms examined modified the plasma alpha-tocopherol response to dietary alpha-tocopherol.

Genetic Determinants of Plasma alpha-tocopherol

Garofalo, Francesca 27 June 2013 (has links)
alpha-tocopherol is the most abundant form of vitamin E in human plasma and tissues. Inter-individual differences in plasma alpha-tocopherol concentration or its response to dietary alpha-tocopherol may be due, in part, to polymorphisms in vitamin E metabolism genes (alpha-tocopherol transfer protein (alpha-TTP), tocopherol associated protein (TAP) and CYP4F2). The thesis objectives were to determine whether common polymorphisms in the alpha-TTP (rs6994076 A>T), TAP (rs2072157 C>T and Arg11Lys) and CYP4F2 (Val433Met) genes influence plasma alpha-tocopherol concentration or modify the association between dietary and plasma alpha-tocopherol. Subjects (n=1248), 20 to 29 years from the Toronto Nutrigenomics and Health study completed a food frequency questionnaire. Fasting blood samples were used for genotyping and to measure plasma alpha-tocopherol concentration. The alpha-TTP and TAP Arg11Lys polymorphisms significantly altered plasma alpha-tocopherol. The alpha-TTP polymorphism only influenced plasma alpha-tocopherol in individuals not using supplements. None of the polymorphisms examined modified the plasma alpha-tocopherol response to dietary alpha-tocopherol.

Μελέτη σφαλμάτων σε μετασχηματιστές υψηλής τάσης με αυτόματο μεταγωγέα τάσης (TAP changer)

Παππά, Αγγελική 19 January 2011 (has links)
Στην παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία γίνεται αναλυτική περιγραφή της λειτουργίας της διάταξης του Μεταγωγέα Τάσης Υπό Φορτίο ενός μετασχηματιστή υψηλής τάσης 150 kV/ 21 kV. Επίσης, περιγράφονται και αναλύονται σφάλματα που εμφανίζονται σε μετασχηματιστές με Μεταγωγέα Τάσης Υπό Φορτίο με χρήση εμπειρικών δεδομένων από την εταιρεία Δ.Ε.Η. Α.Ε. και τη θεωρητική ανάλυση και εξήγησή τους μέσα από βιβλιογραφική μελέτη . Συγκεκριμένα, περιγράφονται τα αίτια που δημιουργούν αυτά τα σφάλματα, τα συμπτώματα που εμφανίζονται στο μετασχηματιστή και το μεταγωγέα τάσης , οι επιπτώσεις των σφαλμάτων αυτών στο μετασχηματιστή και τη διάταξη του μεταγωγέα τάσης . Επιπλέον, γίνεται αναφορά στα συστήματα προστασίας που διαθέτει ο μετασχηματιστής και ο μεταγωγέας τάσης προκειμένου να προστατευθεί από τις επιπτώσεις αυτών των σφαλμάτων. Στη συνέχεια, μελετάται συγκεκριμένο σφάλμα, που παρουσιάστηκε στο Μ/Σ 150 kV/21 kV Νο1 του Υ/Σ 150 kV/21 kV των Ελληνικών Ναυπηγείων Σκαραμαγκά, και καταγράφεται η αντιμετώπισή του βήμα προς βήμα σε συνεργασία με την εταιρεία ΠΑΡΑΛΟΣ ΤΕΧΝΙΚΗ Α.Ε., στην οποία ανατέθηκε η επίλυση του σφάλματος. Τέλος, μέσα από την προσομοίωση ενός Μ/Σ υψηλής τάσης με μεταγωγέα τάσης υπό φορτίο με χρήση του λογισμικού πακέτου MatLab/SimuLink κατανοούμε σε βάθος τη λειτουργία του μεταγωγέα τάσης υπό φορτίο. Η προσομοίωση περιλαμβάνει την εφαρμογή διαταραχών της τάσης του δικτύου στο Μ/Σ στην περίπτωση ορθής και εσφαλμένης λειτουργίας του οργάνου του ρυθμιστή τάσης, καθώς η εσφαλμένη λειτουργία του ρυθμιστή τάσης ήταν και η αιτία του σφάλματος στο Μ/Σ του Υ/Σ 150 kV/21 kV των Ελληνικών Ναυπηγείων Σκαραμαγκά. / The particular project deals with the detailed description of the layout and the operation of the on load tap changer belonging to a transformer of high tension 150kV/21 kV. Furthermore, it describes and analyzes faults that occurs to transformers with on load tap changer using empirical data from DEI S.A. (Public Power Corporation) as well as theoretical analysis and explanation based on bibliography. In particular, there are described the reasons behind these faults , the symptoms that appear to the transformer and the tap changer and the consequences to the transformer and the layout of the tap changer. Moreover, there is reference to the protection systems that the transformer and the tap changer have in order to be protected from the consequences of the faults. Further on, a particular troubleshooting is studied that occurred at the transformer 150 kV/21 kV no1 of the high voltage substation 150 kV/21 kV at the Hellenic Shipyards of Skaramagas and its handling is reported step by step in association with PARALOS TECHNICAL S.A. , the company which was assigned to solve the troubleshooting. Finally, the operation of the on load tap changer is studied in depth through simulation of a high voltage transformer with on load tap changer using MatLab/SimuLink software package. The simulation includes the application of voltage variations at the transformer, occurred to the high voltage network in the case of orderly or disorderly operation of the voltage regulator, as the faulty operation of the voltage regulator was the reason behind the troubleshooting of the transformer of the substation of 150 kV/ 21 kV at the Hellenic Shipyards of Skaramagas.

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