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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A política de valorização e de profissionalização dos professores da educação básica do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (1995-2006): convergências e divergências / The policy of valorization and professionalization of teachers of basic education of the state of Rio Grande do Sul (1995-2006): convergences and divergences

Mello, Elena Maria Billig January 2010 (has links)
A presente pesquisa investigou o sentido e as “forças” políticas da política de valorização e profissionalização dos professores públicos estaduais do Rio Grande do Sul. Foram mapeadas as políticas educacionais de três governos estaduais: governo Britto (1995/1998), governo Olívio (1999/2002) e governo Rigotto (2003/2006), sob o olhar de diferentes atores institucionais: secretários estaduais de educação, conselheiros estaduais de educação, formadores de docentes, representantes do sindicato de professores, representante da associação de professores e professores estaduais. Este trabalho investigativo é de caráter descritivo-interpretativo, com abordagem qualitativa. Como suporte teórico-metodológico, utilizei o Ciclo de Políticas proposto por Ball e seus colaboradores (1992), apresentado em três etapas interligadas: etapa da influência da política, etapa da produção da política e etapa dos efeitos da política. Foram escolhidas quatro categorias investigativas: política educacional, valorização profissional, profissionalização dos professores, formação acadêmico-profissional. Na etapa da influência da política, apresento instrumentos conceituais e composições no território da gestão da educação internacional e nacional, que interferiram na proposição e/ou efetivação da política na área educacional; na etapa da produção da política, é evidenciado o ordenamento da valorização, profissionalização e formação dos professores em âmbitos nacional e estadual; e, na etapa dos efeitos da política, com o (entre)cruzamento dos olhares dos diferentes atores, desafiei-me a discutir as divergências e convergências que se fizeram presentes. Com base na orientação conceitual-analítica (SANDER, 2007), composta por quatro modelos de gestão da educação, concedidos à luz dos critérios de desempenho administrativo, respectivamente: eficiência econômica, eficácia pedagógica, efetividade política, relevância cultural; complementado pelo paradigma multidimensional democrático, foi possível explicitar um mapeamento das “forças” políticas que se fizeram presentes na política educacional de valorização e profissionalização dos professores estaduais do RS, no período de 1995 a 2006. Pude constatar que foram períodos inconstantes, que receberam influências da política internacional indiretamente e/ou diretamente do contexto neoliberal vivenciado pela política nacional. Assim, parte-se de um contexto de regulação do Estado, evidenciando a efetividade política e a eficiência econômica, complementadas pela eficácia pedagógica, sob uma gestão democrática representativa; passa-se ao contexto da regulamentação do Estado, em que a efetividade política e a relevância cultural são destacadas, complementadas pela eficácia pedagógica e pela eficiência econômica, constituindo, assim, a multidimensionalidade da gestão democrática; e, por último, chega-se ao contexto da desregulação do Estado, em que a eficiência econômica é evidenciada, complementada pela eficácia pedagógica, com ausência da efetividade política e da relevância cultural, indícios da gestão gerencialista. A política educacional investigada apresentou uma descontinuidade administrativa: passou de uma fase de estabilidade ao constituído para uma fase de mudança constituinte e retrocedeu a uma fase do “não-constituído”. As policies educacionais estiveram engendradas às politics, sob a influência de ideologias político-partidárias, movimentos do sindicato da categoria, imposições dos contextos nacional e internacional, crise socioeconômica. Isso evidenciado em graus de influência maiores ou menores dependendo da organização da polity nas diferentes gestões governamentais. / This research investigated the meaning and the political “forces” of the valorization and professionalization policy of the state public school teachers of Rio Grande do Sul. Were mapped the education policies of three governments: government Britto (1995/1998), government Olívio (1999/2002) and government Rigotto (2003/2006), from the perspective of different institutional actors: state secretaries of education, counselors of education, teacher trainers, representatives of the teachers union, representing of teachers' association and state teachers. This investigative work has a descriptive-interpretive character, with qualitative approach. As theoretical-methodological support, I used the Policy Cycle proposed by Ball e cols. (1992), presented in three interrelated stages: stage of policy's influence, stage of policy‟s production and stage of policy's effect. Four investigative categories were chosen: educational policy, professional appreciation, teacher professionalization, academic and professional training. In the phase of policy influence, I present conceptual instruments and compositions in the dominion of international and national education management, that interfere in the proposition and/or realization of policy in education area; in the policy production stage, is evidenced in the planning of valorization, professionalization and teachers‟ formation in national and state areas; and, in step of the policy's effects, with the (among)crossing of the eyes of different actors, challenged me to discuss the differences and similarities that were present. Based on the conceptual-analytical orientation (SANDER, 2007), consists of four models of education management, granted under the criteria of administrative performance, namely: economic efficiency, educational effectiveness, political effectiveness, cultural relevance; supplemented by a multidimensional democratic paradigm, it was possible to clarify a mapping of the "strength" policies that were present in the educational policy of RS state teachers' valorization and professionalization, from 1995 to 2006. I found that were unstable periods, which were influenced by international policy indirectly and/or directly from the neoliberal context, experienced by national policy. So, starts of a context of government regulation, showing the policy effectiveness and the economic efficiency, complemented by pedagogic effective, under a representative democratic management; go to the context of State regulation, in which the policy effectiveness and cultural relevance are highlighted, complemented by the pedagogic effectiveness and economic efficiency, thus constituting the multidimensional aspect of democratic management; and, finally, arrives at the context of the state deregulation, where economic efficiency is demonstrated, complemented by pedagogic effective, with the absence of policy effective and cultural relevance, evidence of the managerial management. The educational policy investigated showed a lack of administrative continuity: increase from one phase of stability up to a phase of constituent change and back to a phase of “non-constituent”. The educational policies were engendered to the politics, under the influence of political-party ideologies, movements of the labor union, charges of national and international context, socioeconomic crisis. This is evidenced in degrees of influence larger or smaller depending on the organization of the polity in the different government administrations. / La presente pesquisa investigó el sentido y las "fuerzas” políticas de la política de valoración y profesionalización de los profesores públicos estatales en Rio Grande do Sul. Fueron mapeadas las políticas educativas de tres gobiernos estatales: el gobierno Britto (1995/1998), el gobierno Olívio (1999/2002) y el gobierno Rigotto (2003/2006), desde la perspectiva de diferentes actores institucionales: secretarios estatales de educación, consejeros estatales, formadores de docentes, representantes del sindicato de maestros, representante de la asociación de profesores y maestros del estado. Esta investigación tiene un carácter descriptivo-interpretativo, con enfoque cualitativo. Como apoyo teórico-metodológico fue utilizado el Ciclo de la Política propuesta por Ball y sus colaboradores (1992), presentando tres etapas relacionadas entre sí: la etapa de influencia política, la etapa de la producción de la política y la etapa de los efectos de la política. Fueron elejidas quatro categorías de investigación: política educativa, valoración profesional, formación docente, formación académica-profesional. En la etapa de influencia de la política, se presentan instrumentos conceptuales y composiciones dentro del terreno de la gestión de la educación internacional y nacional que interfirieron con la propuesta y/o efectivación de la política en el area educacional; en la etapa de la producción de la política se evidencia la organización legal de la valorización, profesionalización y capacitación de los maestros a nível nacional y estadual; y, en la etapa de los efectos de la política, con el (entre)cruzamiento de las visiones de diferentes actores, me desafié a discutir las diferencias y similitudes que estaban presentes. Basándose en la orientación conceptual de análisis (SANDER, 2007), compuesta por cuatro modelos de gestión de la educación, concebidos bajo la luz de los criterios de desempeño administrativo, respectivamente: eficiencia económica, la eficacia pedagógica, la efectividad política, la relevancia cultural, complementado por el paradigma democrático multidimensional fue posible diseñar un mapa de las "fuerzas" políticas que estaban presentes en la política educacional de valoración y profesionalización de los profesores estatales de RS, en el período de 1995 a 2006. Constaté que fueron períodos inconstantes, que recibieron influencias de la política internacional indirecta y/o directamente en el contexto neoliberal experimentado por la política nacional. Así, se inicia un marco de regulación del gobierno del Estado, verificando la efectividad política y la eficiencia económica, complementadas por la eficacia pedagógica, bajo una democracia representativa; se pasa al contexto de reglamentación del Estado, en que la efetividade política e la relevancia cultural son destacadas, complementadas por la eficacia pedagógica y por la eficiencia economica, constituyendo el aspecto multidimensional de la gestión democrática; y, finalmente, se llega al contexto de la desreglamentación del Estado, donde la eficiencia económica es verificada, complementada por la eficacia pedagógica, con la falta de la efetividade política y de la relevancia cultural, indícios de una gestión gerencialista. La política educacional investigada presentó descontinuidad administrativa: pasando de la fase de estabilidad “constituida” para una fase de cambio “constituyente” y retrocedió a una fase del “no-constituido”. Las policies educativas fueron engendradas en las polics, bajo la influencia de las ideologías político-partidarias, los movimientos de los sindicatos de la categoria, imposiciones de los contextos nacional e internacional, la crisis socioeconómica. Esto se evidencia en grados de influencia mayor o menor dependiendo de la organización de la polity en las diferentes administraciones gubernamentales.

Docência: elementos de sustentação / Teaching: elements of support

Doralice Bortoloci Ferreira 04 April 2008 (has links)
Nas últimas décadas a profissão docente vem atravessando uma grande fase de desprestígio, pois o professor é colocado como responsável pela maioria dos insucessos da aprendizagem. Como se não bastasse para se manter nessa posição o professor necessita de um aprimoramento contínuo que inclui a utilização de teorias modernas, conhecimentos tecnológicos e, além disso, uma permanente ampliação da sua rede de saberes. O que o coloca numa situação angustiante e permanente de queixas dirigidas a todos os envolvidos no processo educativo. Mesmo diante desse quadro que está estabelecido pessoas continuam estudando para serem professores e, as que estão em sala de aula também não abandonam a profissão, o que nos faz perguntar O que sustenta o professor na docência? Para responder essa questão entramos em contato com as Histórias de Vida e entrevistas de professores que cursavam uma disciplina de pós-graduação. Analisamos as Histórias de Vida utilizando o conceito de ethos modificado por Maingueneau (2005) e relacionado à Análise do Discurso e a partir do ethos discursivo obtido, organizamos as situações marcantes em termos de demandas subjetivas feitas pelo professor. Essas demandas olhadas por um novo referencial, o psicanalítico, foram caracterizadas em: dívida simbólica, reedição parental, demanda de amor e gozo. A estrutura explicativa obtida nos sugeriu uma analogia com o modelo dos Programas de Pesquisas de Lakatos (1979), pois em nossa interpretação, as condições que caracterizam o progresso ou abandono de um paradigma têm a mesma estrutura das que se referem ao progresso ou abandono da carreira docente. Inferimos finalmente que o professor se mantém na docência porque esse lugar ainda propicia condições para que ele possa atualizar e dar atendimento as suas demandas mais subjetivas. Na nossa interpretação, condições institucionais que ajudem na proteção dessas demandas primordiais também podem se constituir como fator vital para a permanência na docência. / In the last few decades, the teaching profession has lacked prestige, as society blames teachers for most learning failures. Additionally, teachers must improve continuously in order to maintain their jobs it is demanded of them that they be able to use modern theories and technological knowledge, as well as that they permanently widen their knowledge network. This puts them in a distressing position, and one in which complaints are directed towards all involved in the educational process. Even facing this scenario, however, people continue to study to be teachers, and the ones currently teaching do not abandon their profession. This makes one wonder: What keeps a teacher in the teaching profession? In order to answer this question, we interviewed teachers enrolled in a postgraduate course and got acquainted with their Life Stories. We analyzed these Life Stories using the concept of ethos as modified by Maingueneau and related it to Discourse Analysis. Using the resulting discursive ethos as a starting point, we organized the noteworthy situations according to the teachers subjective demands. These demands were then analyzed from the psychoanalytical frame of reference and characterized as: symbolic debt, new edition of parental relationships, demand for love and jouissance. The explicative structure obtained suggested an analogy with the Lakatos Research Programs, since, in our interpretation, the conditions that characterize the progress or the abandonment of a paradigm have the same structure of those which refer to the progress or abandonment of the teaching career. Finally, we inferred that teachers keep teaching because this post still provides conditions for him or her to update and fulfill his or her most subjective demands. In our interpretation, institutional conditions which help protect these primordial demands may also constitute vital factors for the permanence of teachers in the teaching profession.

Educação infantil, dimensão brincalhona, gênero e profissão docente: o que as professoras e professores têm aprendido com meninas e meninos pequenas/os? / Early childhood education, playful dimension, gender and teaching profession: what teachers have learned from little girls and boys?

Viviane Soares Anselmo 05 March 2018 (has links)
A presente pesquisa de Mestrado investigou as possibilidades de retomada da dimensão brincalhona de professoras/es da Educação Infantil, dimensão esta entendida como principal pré-requisito de tal profissão docente em construção. Para tanto, foi realizado um estudo de caso, de caráter qualitativo, em uma das Creches/Pré-Escolas da Universidade de São Paulo, com observação da jornada educativa de um grupo de meninas e meninos pequenas/os (5 anos de idade) e de sua professora, além de momentos coletivos com todas as demais crianças, as professoras e o professor da instituição. Também foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com a professora da turma observada e com o único professor da equipe, além da coleta e da análise de documentos, como o Projeto Político-Pedagógico da Creche/Pré-Escola. As análises dos dados foram realizadas em articulação com a produção brasileira e estrangeira de pesquisas recentes no campo da Pedagogia da Educação Infantil e das Ciências Sociais (como a Sociologia e a Antropologia), bem como na interface com as Artes na primeira infância, sobretudo com as corpóreas. As reflexões sobre os encontros entre meninas, meninos, professoras e professor da Creche/Pré-Escola, especialmente em momentos de brincadeira, também foram realizadas à luz das discussões que articulam Educação Infantil, gênero e profissão docente. Os dados coletados apontaram, entre outras questões, para a importância das relações centradas nas brincadeiras, nas linguagens do corpo, nas experiências artísticas e criativas, para que, no encontro com as crianças, professoras/es reconstruam suas dimensões brincalhonas de ser a partir de uma disponibilidade corporal e de um olhar atento para as criações de crianças pequenas. Além disso, o estudo discute o potencial transgressor da brincadeira na Pedagogia da Infância que buscamos: não escolarizada, não sexista, permeada por múltiplas formas de expressão, pela abertura à/ao outra/o e pela desconstrução das formas de dominação e poder. / The present Master\'s research investigated the possibilities of retaking the playful dimension of Early Childhood Education teachers, dimension understood as the main prerequisite of this teaching profession under construction. Therefore, a qualitative case study was carried out in one of the Nursery/Preschools of São Paulo University, through the observation of the educational journey of a group of girls and boys (5 years old) and their teacher, in addition to collective moments with all the other children and teachers of the institution. Semi-structured interviews were also carried out with the researched teacher and with the only male teacher of the team, as well as the collection and analysis of documents, such as the PoliticalPedagogical Project of the Nursery/Preschool. Data analysis was performed in conjunction with Brazilian and foreign production of recent research in the field of Pedagogy of Early Childhood Education and Social Sciences (such as Sociology and Anthropology), in the interface with Arts in childhood, especially the corporeal ones. The analysis of the meetings among the girls, boys and teachers of the Nursery/Preschool, especially in moments of play, were also executed in the light of the discussions that articulate Early Childhood Education, gender and teaching profession. The collected data pointed out, among other issues, the importance of the relationships centered in games, in the body languages and in the artistic and creative experiences, so that, in the encounter with children, teachers reconstruct their playful dimensions of being, from a bodily availability and a close attention te the creations of girls and boys. In addition, the study discusses the transgressor potential of playing in the Pedagogy of Childhood that we seek: non-scholarized, non-sexist, permeated by multiple forms of expression, by opening to the other and by the deconstruction of domination and power forms.

Das histórias que nos habitam: por uma formação de professores de inglês para o Brasil / Re-thinking the histories that inhabit us: towards a Brazilian oriented English language teacher education program

Leina Claudia Viana Jucá 03 April 2017 (has links)
Esta pesquisa, realizada no período 2012-2016, investigou as possíveis razões para o crescente desinteresse pela profissão docente, especificamente no que se refere ao ensino de língua inglesa (LI) na educação básica brasileira, sobretudo aquela pública; e o fez a partir do posicionamento de licenciandos em LI de uma universidade pública acerca do que para eles significava ser professor. O estudo se valeu de contribuições de teorias pósmodernas, baseando-se, principalmente, em conceitos pós-estruturalistas e decoloniais relacionados às concepções de língua, discurso, epistemologia e identidade, no intuito de melhor compreender as influências modernas sobre a construção histórica da docência e da identidade docente. Identificar os princípios que fundamentam o ensino de LI e a formação docente nessa área; investigar os discursos que perpassam a construção da identidade docente e em que se fundamentam; e compreender em que medida tais princípios e discursos impactam o (des)interesse pela profissão eram alguns dos principais objetivos propostos. Permeados pela análise dos dados gerados, os capítulos que compõem esta pesquisa se organizam da seguinte forma: a introdução localiza este estudo no cenário educacional brasileiro, apresenta seus objetivos gerais e específicos, o seu contexto de realização, as perguntas de pesquisa, a metodologia utilizada e o perfil dos participantes e da pesquisadora; o Capítulo 01 apresenta um panorama histórico da educação brasileira desde a implantação do sistema educacional jesuíta, em 1549, até a promulgação da LDB de 1996, procurando focar no ensino e na formação de professores de LI; o Capítulo 02 trata do papel do discurso na construção da realidade e na invenção da tradição, da ideia de desenvolvimento e civilização que permearam a colonização de terras e povos e resultaram na invenção da História ocidental; o Capítulo 03 dedica-se à invenção das línguas inclusive a LI e o inglês como língua internacional (ILI) e à construção histórica da identidade com base nas ideias de fixidez, permanência e normalidade, negando seu caráter fluido e nômade; as considerações finais apresentam acontecimentos políticos atuais e discorrem sobre as implicações do caráter circular da História sobre a construção da identidade docente e do estatuto negativo da profissão, além de reafirmar a necessidade de uma formação docente pautada no letramento crítico, como forma de promover mudança. / This research developed between the year 2012 and the year 2016 investigated the increasing lack of interest in the teaching profession, including English language teaching (ELT), in Brazilian (public) basic education. This study was developed mainly on the basis of post-modern theories, related mainly to post-structuralist and decolonial concepts concerning language, discourse, epistemology and identity, used in order to better understand the influences of Modernity on the historical construction of the teacher identity and the teaching profession status. Some of the main objectives of this research were to identify the principles that ground ELT and EL teacher education in Brazil; examine the discourses that influence the construction of teacher identity and the basis of such discourses; and understanding to what extent such principles and discourses affect the (dis)interest in the teaching profession. The introduction situates this study in the Brazilian educational setting, and it presents the general and specific objectives that guided the development of this research, as well as the research questions, methodology and participants. Chapter 01 presents a historical overview of Brazilian education, starting from the Jesuit educational system implemented in 1549 and ending after the promulgation of the Brazilian National Law on Education (LDB) in 1996. Chapter 02 focuses on the role of discourse in the construction of reality, in the invention of tradition, and in the creation of the ideas of development and progress, which explained the need for civilization. This justified the colonization of lands and peoples and served as the basis for the invention of Western History. Chapter 03 refers to the invention of languages including English language, and English as an international language (EIL) and to the historical construction of identity based on the ideas of fixity and normality, denying its fluid and nomadic nature. The concluding chapter elicits current political events, addresses the implications of the circular nature of History on the construction of teacher identity and the negative status of the teaching profession, and also reiterates the need for a critical literacy-guided English language teacher education as a way of promoting changes.

Diagnóstico, interpretação e transformação de si: caminhos para a felicidade no magistério? / Self-diagnosis, self-interpretation, self-transformation: paths to happiness in teaching?

Ana Carolina de Viveiros Beltran 07 May 2018 (has links)
A felicidade tem figurado como tema para diversos grupos humanos e indivíduos em diferentes tradições e épocas. Para os professores, não raras vezes, o tempo feliz da profissão tremeluz em uma realidade passada. Atualmente, parece dominar a infelicidade e a sensação de se constituírem como vidas-vítima na profissão. Assim, uma miríade de campos discursivos dirigidos aos docentes prometem-lhes a reversão da situação atual e uma existência mais harmoniosa, apaziguada e feliz na profissão na medida em que se engajem em uma série de saberes, comportamentos e procedimentos destinados ao diagnóstico, a interpretação e a transformação de si mesmo O que faz você feliz você que faz! O que você faz pra ser feliz?. Desde essa perspectiva, pensamos a questão da felicidade no magistério como um objetivo associado a certas formas de exercício profissional, que incita os professores a postarem-se como objetos de sua própria reflexão e transformação. O objetivo de nossa pesquisa é esquadrinhar o funcionamento de uma gama de \"práticas de subjetivação\", nas quais os professores são convocados a se relacionarem consigo mesmos sob formas particulares e a se capacitarem a compreender, falar, avaliar e colocar em ação a si mesmos através de técnicas, exercícios e procedimentos especifícos em nome de determinados fins relacionados ao sucesso, ao êxito e à felicidade. Produzimos um cenário temático que buscou, por um lado, evidenciar que a reivindicação docente por seu paraíso perdido não é tão atual como possa se pensar, atualizando-se em diferentes circunstâncias do século XX, e, por outro, que o acoplamento do trabalho a noções de bem-estar e felicidade não é óbvia e ahistórica. Como plataforma analítica, elegemos os estudos de Michel Foucault e pós-estruturalistas, operando com os conceitos de governamentalidade, tecnologias de governo e tecnologias/técnicas da relação consigo (pragmática de si). As fontes empíricas compreendem três campos discursivos que ganharam força nos últimos anos no Brasil, a saber: o da pedagogia crítica, alinhado ao processo de redemocratização do país; o do mal-estar docente, comprometido com as explicações sobre o sentimento de vazio propiciado pelas mudanças do mundo globalizado; e o da pedagogia das competências, que leva ao limite a aprendizagem pela vida inteira, o aprender a aprender. Assumindo, como critérios metodológicos, a dispersão dos enunciados e os diferentes níveis de circulação e autoridade dos documentos, agregamos, às produções bibliográficas dos campos supracitados, materiais referentes à formação de professores da Secretaria Municipal de Educação de São Paulo entre os períodos de 1989 a 2000 (transcrição de cursos, seminários e palestras, coletâneas de textos, apostilas, publicações institucionais). Contextualizados em uma sociedade caracterizada como da aprendizagem exigente do aprendiz permanente, os três campos objetivam a produção de um professor reflexivo, e, com isso, mais satisfeito e feliz, dotado de certo tipo de eu interior e de uma essencialidade humana inacabada, definidos como propriedades não somente do profissional, mas da pessoa. Dessa maneira, a engrenagem subjetivadora, levada a cabo para a formação de professores, produz efeitos na profissão e fora dela. / Happiness has figured as a theme for various human groups and individual in different traditions and times. For teachers, not infrequently, the happy time of the profession flickers in a past reality. Nowadays, it seems to dominate the unhappiness and the sensation of being a lifevictim in the profession. Thus, a myriad of discursive fields directed to teachers promise them the reversal of the current situation and a more harmonious, appeased and happy professional existence, insofar as they engage in a series of knowledges, behaviors and procedures for the self-diagnosis, self-interpretation and self-transformation What makes you happy you do! What do you do to be happy? From this perspective, we think of the issue of hapiness in teaching as an objective associated with certain forms of professional practice, which encourages teachers to remain as objetcs of their own reflection and transformation. The aim of our research is to explore the working of a range of subjectivation practices in which teachers are called to relate to themselves in particular ways and to enable themselves to understand, speak, evaluate and act through specific techniques, exercises and procedures in the name of certain ends related to success and happiness. We have produced a thematic scenario that sought, on the one hand, to show teaching claim for its lost paradise is not as current as one might think, updating itself in different circumstances of the twentieth century, and on the other, that the coupling of work to notions of well-being and happiness is not obvious and unhistorical. As an analytical platform, we chose Michel Foucaults and post structuralists studies, working with the concepts of governmentality, government technology and technologies of the self (pragmatic of the self). The empirical sources comprise three discursive fields that gained strenght in recent years in Brazil, namely: that of critical pedagogy, aligned with the process of redemocratization of the country; that of teacher malaise, commited to explain the feeling of emptiness caused by the changes in a globalized world; and that of the pedagogy of competences, which pushes the concept of lifelong learning to the limit, learning to learn. Assuming as methodological criteria the dispersion of the statements and the different levels of circulation and authority of the documents, we added to the bibliographical productions of the aforementioned fields, materials referring to the formation of teachers of the Municipal Department of São Paulo from 1989 to 2000 (transcriptions of courses, seminars and lectures, compilations of texts, institutional publications). Contextualized in a society characterized as learning whose the subject is the lifelong learner, the three discursive fields aim at the production of the reflective teacher, and thereby more satisfied and happy, endowed with a certain type of inner self and unfinished human essence defined as properties not only of the professional but of the person. In this way, the process of subjectivation of teacher education produces effects in the profession and outside it.

Gymnasielärare - perspektiv på lärares arbete och yrkesutveckling vid millennieskiftet

Lundström, Ulf January 2007 (has links)
<p>The aim of this thesis is to contribute to knowledge about how the work and profession of upper secondary school teachers is understood and shaped by the teachers in the beginning of the 21st century, and to relate that understanding of work and professional development to the strivings of the teachers’ trade unions and the state. With the implementation of an innovation as a starting point, the teachers’ narratives also described their work in a broader sense. Connections and contradictions between those descriptions of everyday work are analysed in relation to central ideas in research and state and trade union policy. The empirical data were mainly generated through interviews and studies of state- and teachers’ trade union policy documents. Twenty-three teachers at four upper secondary schools were interviewed twice, with a one year interval. Five school leaders were also interviewed. A minor questionnaire added data concerning professional development. 102 documents published by the State and the teachers’ trade unions between 1964 and 2004 were analysed using critical discourse analysis.</p><p>The analysis is eclectic, drawing on perspectives and conceptions from theories on professions, organisations, school development and the frame factor theory. The overall approach of the study is practice related research and includes an intention to draw attention to connections between micro and macro levels.</p><p>The analyses of the teachers’ narratives on implementation indicate that they were able to do the job despite unsatisfactory conditions thanks to high work morale and extensive experience. The infrastructure provided by the frame factors was weak or working at cross purposes. The school-wide support for development was stronger at one of the four schools.</p><p>The teachers’ formal freedom of action was substantial. In practice it was restricted by frame factors and the fact that the potential freedom was not fully used. Thus, the actual autonomy was more limited than it appeared to be. The school culture included elements of balkanised and contrived collegiality. Many tasks were delegated to the interdisciplinary work teams, but the teams did not seem to live up to expectations. Primarily, they lacked time and an appropriate group composition. There was a clash between the interdisciplinary work teams and the teachers’ need to co-operate within subject work teams. The teachers did not regard interdisciplinary work teams as useful for school or professional development.</p><p>Supportive conditions for long-term, shared learning and dialogue between researchers and practitioners were largely lacking. Visions such as learning organisations were far removed from the everyday life in the schools. Changes in organisational structures at the schools have partly been counterproductive.</p><p>The far-reaching restructuring of the Swedish upper secondary schools implemented from the end of the 1980s and during the 1990s was in line with international reform trends. It also had specific national characteristics. The concept professional teachers was introduced in some Government bills around 1990. The teachers’ trade unions adopted the concept and it became increasingly significant in trade union policy during the 1990s. At the turn of the millennium it was a dominant idea in their documents.</p><p>During the 1990s several influential discourses became established as shared views between the State, trade unions and some researchers, e.g. what I have called change and professional discourses. They were rarely problematized in state and teachers’ trade union policy documents. The two agreements between the teachers’ trade unions and the employers, in 1995 and 2000, constituted another component of what has been termed a system-shift in the Swedish school system. They influenced the teachers’ working conditions and implied new strategies for the trade unions. The professional, change and management discourses salient in the documents were brought into schools with insufficient opportunities for the teachers to develop a deep meaning of the discourses.</p><p>The study emphasizes the importance of practice oriented studies, related to wider contexts, in order to provide insights into teachers’ work and professional development. It also brings nuances to, and problematizes theoretical conceptions and discourses in the field.</p><p>Key-words: teaching profession, upper secondary teachers, change, school reform, professional development, school development, frame factors, school governance, school policy, trade union</p>

Gymnasielärare - perspektiv på lärares arbete och yrkesutveckling vid millennieskiftet

Lundström, Ulf January 2007 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to contribute to knowledge about how the work and profession of upper secondary school teachers is understood and shaped by the teachers in the beginning of the 21st century, and to relate that understanding of work and professional development to the strivings of the teachers’ trade unions and the state. With the implementation of an innovation as a starting point, the teachers’ narratives also described their work in a broader sense. Connections and contradictions between those descriptions of everyday work are analysed in relation to central ideas in research and state and trade union policy. The empirical data were mainly generated through interviews and studies of state- and teachers’ trade union policy documents. Twenty-three teachers at four upper secondary schools were interviewed twice, with a one year interval. Five school leaders were also interviewed. A minor questionnaire added data concerning professional development. 102 documents published by the State and the teachers’ trade unions between 1964 and 2004 were analysed using critical discourse analysis. The analysis is eclectic, drawing on perspectives and conceptions from theories on professions, organisations, school development and the frame factor theory. The overall approach of the study is practice related research and includes an intention to draw attention to connections between micro and macro levels. The analyses of the teachers’ narratives on implementation indicate that they were able to do the job despite unsatisfactory conditions thanks to high work morale and extensive experience. The infrastructure provided by the frame factors was weak or working at cross purposes. The school-wide support for development was stronger at one of the four schools. The teachers’ formal freedom of action was substantial. In practice it was restricted by frame factors and the fact that the potential freedom was not fully used. Thus, the actual autonomy was more limited than it appeared to be. The school culture included elements of balkanised and contrived collegiality. Many tasks were delegated to the interdisciplinary work teams, but the teams did not seem to live up to expectations. Primarily, they lacked time and an appropriate group composition. There was a clash between the interdisciplinary work teams and the teachers’ need to co-operate within subject work teams. The teachers did not regard interdisciplinary work teams as useful for school or professional development. Supportive conditions for long-term, shared learning and dialogue between researchers and practitioners were largely lacking. Visions such as learning organisations were far removed from the everyday life in the schools. Changes in organisational structures at the schools have partly been counterproductive. The far-reaching restructuring of the Swedish upper secondary schools implemented from the end of the 1980s and during the 1990s was in line with international reform trends. It also had specific national characteristics. The concept professional teachers was introduced in some Government bills around 1990. The teachers’ trade unions adopted the concept and it became increasingly significant in trade union policy during the 1990s. At the turn of the millennium it was a dominant idea in their documents. During the 1990s several influential discourses became established as shared views between the State, trade unions and some researchers, e.g. what I have called change and professional discourses. They were rarely problematized in state and teachers’ trade union policy documents. The two agreements between the teachers’ trade unions and the employers, in 1995 and 2000, constituted another component of what has been termed a system-shift in the Swedish school system. They influenced the teachers’ working conditions and implied new strategies for the trade unions. The professional, change and management discourses salient in the documents were brought into schools with insufficient opportunities for the teachers to develop a deep meaning of the discourses. The study emphasizes the importance of practice oriented studies, related to wider contexts, in order to provide insights into teachers’ work and professional development. It also brings nuances to, and problematizes theoretical conceptions and discourses in the field. Key-words: teaching profession, upper secondary teachers, change, school reform, professional development, school development, frame factors, school governance, school policy, trade union

Effectiveness Of Anatolian Teacher Training High Schools In Terms Of Serving Their Intended Purpose

Basaran, Semra Tican 01 February 2004 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of Anatolian Teacher High Schools (ATHSs) in terms of serving their intended purpose. The research design of the study comprised a nation-wide survey and document analysis. The sample for the survey consisted of 1026 students, 612 teachers, 877 parents and 259 graduates selected through stratified random sampling over 33 ATHSs across 32 provinces in Turkey, and 302 prospective teachers, selected through cluster sampling, in Gazi University Faculty of Education. Two distinct instruments were used for data collection / survey questionnaires containing multiple choice and open-ended questions / and attitude scales containing five-point Likert type questions. To analyze quantitative data, descriptive statistics, t-test and two-way ANOVA were conducted. The open-ended questions were analyzed via content analysis. Results indicated that students, graduates, teachers, parents and administrators described ATHSs as the ideal schools for students who want to enter university and/or become teachers. Students and their parents prefer ATHSs in order to guarantee a university program for a career with the guarantee of finding a job. During the four years in ATHSs students are offered quality education and their attitudes toward the teaching profession have developed positively. More than half of the graduates entered a university program, a great majority of which entered teacher-training programs. ATHS graduates studying in teacher training programs are different from their classmates graduated from other high schools with respect to preferring teaching as a profession, the priority they gave to the teacher training programs in the university entrance exam, university entrance exam scores, academic achievement in teacher training programs and commitment to teaching as a lifelong career however they are not different with respect to attitudes toward the teaching profession. The majority of the graduates who were not able to enter a university program are unemployed. Since ATHS graduates are not considered as semi-professionals, there is no specific employment area available for them. Results also indicated that ATHSs serve their intended purpose, however not to extend they are expected to. Therefore, some reform movements are needed to increase the effectiveness of these schools.


AUGUSTO CESAR ROSITO FERREIRA 17 September 2018 (has links)
[pt] O presente trabalho se propôs inicialmente a investigar quais são, na visão de professores de uma escola pública de Nível Médio da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, as metas e objetivos de suas respectivas disciplinas, da escola onde lecionam, e do ensino público de modo geral. Partindo da experiência prática do autor para a configuração do objeto, e das contribuições teóricas de Bourdieu, Ball e outros autores ligados à sociologia da educação, o estudo indica a existência de uma distância entre as metas e objetivos educacionais propostos e os realizados, e que a avaliação escolar reflete as finalidades do ensino para aqueles que avaliam. O trabalho de campo consistiu em entrevistas semiestruturadas com o diretor da escola, com 16 professores representando as diferentes disciplinas do currículo, que tinham 10 ou mais anos de magistério de Nível Médio, e observações dos Conselhos de Classe de final de ano letivo. Os achados apontaram para a falta de clareza na definição dos objetivos das disciplinas, e para o desconhecimento de metas e objetivos da escola na qual trabalham e da educação pública em geral. Ficou evidenciado que há uma transfiguração das finalidades do ensino, desde os documentos oficiais ou propostas pessoais dos professores, até os momentos de avaliação, especialmente os últimos do ano letivo e, para além disto, como achado da pesquisa empírica, foi percebido que estas modificações são dadas por uma lógica escolar característica e definidora da dinâmica do ofício docente. O guia de trabalho cotidiano para os professores é dado parcialmente pelo currículo da disciplina, parte por uma elaboração pessoal de cada professor, e parte por uma cultura professoral que valoriza, sobretudo, aspectos atitudinais dos alunos em lugar dos conhecimentos disciplinares. É ressaltada a contradição entre as boas intenções dos professores em aprovar os alunos com baixo nível de aprendizagem e o resultado de suas ações na reprodução das desigualdades escolares e sociais. A estrutura social específica do Brasil é analisada e é percebida a congruência entre esta, caracterizada pela desigualdade social, autoritarismo e tutela, e a atitude manifestada pelos professores pesquisados em sua cultura professoral de valorizar sobretudo os objetivos ligados à educação, despertar do indivíduo, preparação para a cidadania (e outros relacionados a estes), amenizar os conteúdos disciplinares, reduzi-los em quantidade e em profundidade, relativizar os critérios adotados para avaliação, e disposição em dar notas aos alunos com o intuito básico de aprovação escolar. / [en] The present work initially proposed to investigate the goals and objectives of their respective disciplines, the school where they teach, and the general public education, in the view of teachers of a public secondary school in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Based on the author s practical experience in object design, and on the theoretical contributions of Bourdieu, Ball, and other authors related to the sociology of education, the study indicates the existence of a gap between the proposed educational goals and objectives and those achieved; the school evaluation reflects the purposes of teaching for those who evaluate. Fieldwork consisted of semi-structured interviews with the school principal, with 16 teachers representing different curriculum disciplines who had 10 or more years of teaching at the high-school level, and observations from the end-of-year school boards. The findings pointed to the lack of clarity in the definition of the objectives of the subjects, and to the lack of knowledge about the goals and objectives of the school in which they work and of public education in general. It was evidenced that there is a transfiguration of the purposes of teaching, from the official documents or personal proposals of the teachers to the moments of evaluation, especially the last ones of the academic year and, besides, as a finding of the empirical research, it was perceived that these modifications are given by a characteristic school logic and defining the dynamics of the teaching profession. The daily work guide for teachers is given partly by the curriculum of the course, partly by a personal elaboration of each teacher, and partly by a teacher culture that values, above all, attitudinal aspects of the students instead of the disciplinary knowledge. The contradiction between the teachers good intentions to approve students with low learning level and the result of their actions in the reproduction of school and social inequalities is highlighted. The specific social structure of Brazil is analysed and it is perceived the congruence between it, characterized by social inequality, authoritarianism, and tutelage, and the attitude manifested by the teachers researched in their professorial culture to value above all the objectives related to education, awakening of the individual, preparation for citizenship (and others related to them), softening the contents of discipline, reducing them in quantity and depth, relativizing the criteria adopted for evaluation, and willingness to give notes to students for the basic purpose of passing school.

Osobní pohoda a pracovní spokojenost učitelů 2. stupně ZŠ / Subjective well-being and job satisfaction of teachers in secondary schools

MACHOVÁ, Tereza January 2016 (has links)
The theoretical part of this thesis will define the concept of life and job satisfaction, as well as factors affecting life satisfaction and it´s measurement methods. In relation to life satisfaction, thesis will also investigate issues of personality and the teaching profession. The practical part will be focused on the degree of life and job satisfaction of selected sample of second grade elementary school´s teachers, but not only the overall level of life satisfaction, but also the satisfaction of teachers in various areas of life. Linkage between different areas of life and overall life satisfaction will be also examined in this thesis. The relationship of these two phenomena to demographic data and finally the relationship between life satisfaction and personality factors.

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