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Modelling and real-time implementation of wireless communication on a typical industrial processNdlovu, Wilson Mabalana 06 1900 (has links)
Communication amongst field devices, control unit and programming unit in industrial
automation networks is essential for bulk production, but largely consists of wired networks
that can sometimes be bulky and substantially lack mobility as at times there can arise a need
for a field device to be moved either for maintenance purposes or for rearrangement. There
was therefore a need for wireless communication and PROFIBUS networks that can provide
the minimum movement to field devices or the programing computer. Although wireless
communication technology has penetrated the commercial network, it is still inadequately
utilised in industrial settings due to electromagnetic induction and other forms of interferences
due to industrial machinery. This dissertation introduced wireless communication in a
PROFIBUS network where the MPI section was replaced with the wireless link. The PROFIBUS network technology is a hybrid of protocols where the PROFIBUS DP employs
RS485 technology with a transmission rate of 45 kbps and above while the PROFIBUS PA
employs Manchester Encoded Bus Powered (MBP) technology at a fixed rate of 31.25 kbps.
In RS485 technology, data is transmitted as a voltage difference between the two wires while
in MBP data is transmitted as transitions in current signal and data and power are transmitted
on the same conductors. The PROFIBUS data is also transmitted in the form of telegrams
which further puts a strain on any form of intermediate processing and hence the need for high
speed processing. In this research task the PROFIBUS PA level transmitter measures the
pressure of the fluid in the Blend Chest and sends it to the PLC. The level transmitter was
installed and wired to the PROFIBUS DP/PA coupler. The PROFIBUS network, consisting of
the PLC, variable speed drives, variable speed pumps, delivery pump and level transmitter, was
configured and commissioned for controlling and monitoring from the programing computer.
The program for the PLC was written using Siemens Step-7, compiled and downloaded to the
PLC. The control and monitoring was done using the variable table. The wireless
communication channel was then simulated using Matlab and Simulink. The wireless devices
were then integrated into the PROFIBUS network and the MPI cable linking the programing
computer and the PLC was then replaced by the wireless channel and the network was
controlled and monitored from the programing computer over the wireless channel. On
successful completion of this research task the research plant at MUT was controlled and
monitored from the programing computer over the wireless channel and the researchers and
demonstrators can now access the PLC and the PROFIBUS network using the wireless
communication. / Electrical Engineering / M. Tech. (Electrical Engineering)
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Fatores que influenciam a probabilidade de ocorrência de inovação tecnológica em micro e pequenas empresas brasileiras: uma análise quantitativa dos dados da PINTEC 2008Leite, Marco Antonio Silvestre January 2011 (has links)
A presente pesquisa visa identificar os fatores que influenciam a inovação tecnológica em micro e pequenas empresas brasileiras, por meio da análise dos dados secundários da Pesquisa de Inovação Tecnológica (PINTEC 2008), conduzida pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE) junto a 16.371 empresas de ramos industriais e de serviços selecionados. Para tanto, foi feita a modelagem estatística dos microdados relativos à sub-amostra formada pelas 3.092 micro e pequenas empresas inquiridas pela PINTEC 2008. A análise das correlações entre as variáveis que influenciam as inovações e quatro variáveis que caracterizam o tipo e a abrangência das inovações tecnológicas – inovação em produto para o mercado nacional, inovação em produto para o mercado mundial, inovação em processo para o mercado nacional, inovação em processo para o mercado mundial – permitiu selecionar as variáveis independentes mais significativas em termos de influência sobre a ocorrência de inovação em micro e pequenas empresas. Com base nessas mesmas correlações, foram elaboradas regressões logísticas (logit), nas quais as variáveis dependentes escolhidas foram as quatro variáveis caracterizadoras do tipo e da abrangência da inovação acima mencionadas, e as variáveis independentes foram selecionadas dentre aquelas com maior poder explicativo sobre a ocorrência de inovação. Foram tomadas as devidas precauções para evitar a ocorrência de multicolinearidade nas regressões. Os resultados das regressões, analisados à luz da revisão bibliográfica, revelam a importância das variáveis independentes para a ocorrência de inovação em micro e pequenas empresas, e ajudam nas reflexões sobre possíveis melhorias nas políticas de estímulo à inovação tecnológica em micro e pequenas empresas. / This research aims to identify which factors influence the technological innovation in micro and small businesses in Brazil, through the analysis of secondary data from the Survey of Technological Innovation (PINTEC 2008), conducted by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) at 16,371 companies in selected industries and services. To that end, we made statistical modeling of micro-data on the sub-sample formed by the 3,092 micro and small businesses surveyed by PINTEC 2008. The analysis of correlations between the variables that influence innovation and four variables that characterize the type and scope of technological innovation – product innovation for the domestic market, product innovation to the world market, process innovation for the domestic market, process innovation for the global market – allowed to select the most significant independent variables in terms of influence on the occurrence of innovation in micro and small enterprises. Based on these same correlations were developed logistic regressions (logit), in which the dependent variables chosen were the four variables characterizing the type and the scope of innovation mentioned above, and the independent variables were selected from those with greater explanatory power on the occurrence of innovation. Precautions have been taken to prevent occurrence of multicollinearity in the regressions. The results of the regressions, examined under the light of the literature review, reveal the importance of the independent variables for the occurrence of innovation in micro and small enterprises, and help in discussions about possible improvements in policies to stimulate technological innovation in micro and small enterprises. / Dissertação (mestrado) - Fundação Getúlio Vargas, Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2011. / Bibliografia: p. 255-273 / Inclui notas de rodapé
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A capacidade inovadora da indústria farmacêutica brasileira e a relação com seu desempenho competitivoVelloso, Luise Angela Cunha January 2010 (has links)
A inovação é considerada um dos fatores fundamentais para o desempenho das organizações. Na área da saúde, sobretudo na indústria farmacêutica, a inovação representa sua força motriz. O mercado farmacêutico global vem enfrentando diversos desafios tais como a concorrência acirrada dos medicamentos genéricos, o aumento do rigor regulatório e dos custos de desenvolvimento de novas drogas, bem como a pressão dos governos para redução dos seus gastos com saúde. Neste cenário, a capacidade de inovação permanente será fator crítico para a busca da vantagem competitiva sustentável. Essa pesquisa tem como objetivo identificar o nível de desenvolvimento de competências para a inovação e até que ponto a presença destas competências, em uma amostra de empresas nacionais da indústria farmacêutica brasileira, está relacionada com seu desempenho competitivo. Inicialmente foram realizados levantamento bibliográfico e a aplicação de um questionário, construído especificamente para o setor analisado. A análise dos dados coletados resultou na identificação de níveis baixos e médios de internalização das competências para inovar. Como esperado, o grupo de empresas com maior nível de desenvolvimento dessas competências apresentou graus mais elevados em relação às variáveis de desempenho. O estudo evidenciou, ainda, que as competências "Inserir a Inovação na Estratégia da Organização" e "Cooperar para as inovações", possuem um relacionamento positivo direto com a margem líquida das empresas pesquisadas. / Dissertação (mestrado) - Pontifícia Universidade Católica, Rio de Janeiro, 2010. / Bibliografia: p. 131-138. / Inclui notas de rodapé.
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Tranferência de tecnologia entre universidades e empresas : os casos UNICAMP-SP e UNISINOS-RSChais, Cassiane 27 June 2014 (has links)
A universidade possui um histórico pautado na contribuição para avanço do conhecimento e da tecnologia no contexto econômico e social de um país, através do ensino, da pesquisa e da extensão. O conhecimento gerado por meio destas pesquisas entre alunos e pesquisadores pode ocasionar a interação com diferentes atores, entre eles governo e empresas, acarretando a transferência da tecnologia gerada na universidade para o mercado. A transferência de tecnologia pode ser considerada um processo que tem seu início na revelação da invenção, e sequência o registro da patente, o licenciamento, o uso comercial da tecnologia licenciada, e por fim os royalties recebidos pela universidade. Esta dissertação de mestrado pesquisou como ocorre a transferência de tecnologia, a partir de uma abordagem Schumpeteriana da trilogia da inovação e com um recorte na abordagem teórica da Tríplice Hélice de Etzkowitz, focando a interação universidade - empresa. A metodologia utilizada para este estudo foi a análise de dois casos com caráter exploratório e abordagem qualitativa. Os objetos de estudo da dissertação são as Instituições de Ensino Superior Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) e a Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS). A técnica utilizada para a coleta dos dados foi a entrevista semiestruturada, e a técnica de análise dos dados foi a análise de conteúdo. Os principais resultados apontam que se faz necessário, principalmente que empresas e universidades compreendam que é preciso atuar conjuntamente na pesquisa tecnológica colaborativa, para que os recursos financeiros investidos pelo governo ou iniciativa privada não sejam aceitos somente como artigos publicados em revistas científicas, mas sim, que se transformem em inovações tecnológicas aceitas pelo mercado. / Submitted by Ana Guimarães Pereira (agpereir@ucs.br) on 2015-04-01T16:43:18Z
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Dissertacao Cassiane Chais.pdf: 3342974 bytes, checksum: 040d72161ed9c96ce42e5ced538e0724 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior, CAPES. / The university has a history grounded in contribution to the advancement of knowledge and technology in economic and social context of a country through education and research and extension. The knowledge generated through these surveys among students and researchers can lead to interaction with different stakeholders, including government and business, resulting in the transfer of technology generated in the university to market. Technology transfer can be regarded as a process that begins in the disclosure of the invention, following the registration of the patent, licensing, the commercial use of the licensed technology, and finally the royalties received by the university. This dissertation investigated the transfer of technology from a Schumpeterian approach to innovation trilogy and a cutout in the theoretical approach of the Triple Helix of Etzkowitz occurs, focusing on the interaction university - enterprise. The methodology used for this study was the analysis of two cases with exploratory and qualitative approach. The objects of study of the thesis are the Institutions of Higher Education State University of Campinas (UNICAMP) and the University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS). The technique used for data collection was a semi-structured interview technique and the data analysis was content analysis. This research concluded that it is necessary , especially to businesses and universities understand that you need to walk together in collaborative technology research , so that financial resources invested by the government or private companies are not only accepted as eligible articles published in magazines , but that transformed into technological innovations accepted by the market.
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A internacionalização das atividades tecnológicas e a inserção dos países em desenvolvimento : uma análise baseada em dados de patentes / Internationalization of technological activities and developing countries : an analysis on patent dataMiranda, Pedro Carvalho de, 1977- 24 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Célio Hiratuka / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Economia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-24T21:46:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: Nas últimas décadas do século XX, às transformações no cenário macroeconômico internacional e ao acirramento da concorrência em escala global, somaram-se as novas estratégias adotadas pelas grandes corporações para a manutenção e o reforço de suas vantagens competitivas, incluindo mudanças organizacionais. Na esfera produtiva, estas resultaram na formação de redes internacionais de produção com elevada dispersão geográfica das atividades. No entanto, tais mudanças não se restringiram às atividades produtivas. Nos anos 1990, a internacionalização das atividades tecnológicas cresceu de forma mais intensa, com maior dispersão geográfica e o envolvimento de atividades de maior complexidade. As subsidiárias estrangeiras das empresas transnacionais (ETNs) deixam de ser apenas receptoras de tecnologias desenvolvidas pela matriz e assumem também a função de gerar novas capacitações baseadas na absorção de conhecimento local. Contudo, tal processo ainda se mostra extremamente concentrado nos países da tríade Estados Unidos¿Europa Ocidental¿Japão, sobretudo quando consideradas as atividades de pesquisa. Diante disso, surge o questionamento se estaria em curso um processo seletivo de dispersão internacional das atividades tecnológicas ou um movimento em direção ao "tecnoglobalismo". Considerando esse debate, o objetivo desta tese é avançar na discussão a respeito do perfil da inserção dos países em desenvolvimento (PEDs) em tal processo. A primeira questão que se apresenta é se houve, com o fortalecimento de PEDs em determinados campos tecnológicos nos anos recentes, mudança na magnitude da participação desses países como hospedeiros e no tipo de atividades envolvidas. A segunda diz respeito à atuação das ETNs originárias dos PEDs. O crescimento recente da internacionalização destas estaria indo além das atividades produtivas e envolvendo também atividades tecnológicas? Diante dessas questões, considera-se como hipótese que o processo de internacionalização das atividades tecnológicas estaria se intensificando e abrindo espaço para a inserção de novos países. No entanto, sendo esse um processo seletivo, os PEDs devem apresentar perfis distintos de inserção, determinados pela interação entre as estratégias das ETNs e as políticas nacionais de desenvolvimento. A caracterização do perfil de inserção dos países foi feita a partir da comparação entre a importância das atividades internacionais em cada campo tecnológico e o padrão de especialização tecnológica nacional, determinado por indicadores de vantagem tecnológica revelada. A análise foi baseada em estatísticas de patentes depositadas no Escritório Europeu de Patentes no período 1980-2009. A amostra considerada representa atividades realizadas em todos os campos tecnológicos, por empresas originárias de um grupo de 43 países. Os resultados obtidos apontam para uma assimetria na inserção dos países, com destaque para os países asiáticos, sobretudo China e Índia, no caso de países hospedeiros, e Coreia do Sul e Taiwan, como países de origem. Diferenças acentuadas na magnitude e importância de suas participações, em sua forma de organização e no tipo das atividades envolvidas indicaram que o processo de internacionalização das atividades tecnológicas tem forte caráter seletivo e hierárquico. Dessa maneira, reforçam a importância das políticas nacionais, bem como o caráter complementar e limitado da contribuição das ETNs para o desenvolvimento tecnológico dos PEDs / Abstract: In the last decades of the 20th century, the transformations in the international macroeconomic landscape and the increased competition at a global scale were joined by new strategies implemented by major corporations to maintain and strengthen their competitive advantages, including organizational change. In the manufacturing sector, it resulted in the creation of international production networks with a high geographical dispersion of their activities. Such changes, however, were not limited to production activities. In the 1990s, the internationalization of technological activities was intensified, achieving an increased geographic dispersion and encompassing activities of higher complexity. The foreign subsidiaries of transnational corporations (TNCs) not only did transfer technologies originated by their parent companies, but also began themselves to create new capabilities by virtue of the absorption of local knowledge. However, this process still remains extremely concentrated in the region formed by the triad United States¿Western Europe¿Japan, especially in the field of research. In view of this, emerges a debate on whether there is an undergoing tiered selection process of the international dispersion of technological activities, or rather a movement towards a "technoglobalism." This article aims at moving forward in the debate regarding the profile of insertion of developing countries (DCs) in such a process. The first question is whether, with the strengthening of DCs in certain technological domains in recent years, there have been shifts in both the magnitude of their participation as host countries as well as in the type of activities involved. The second question touches on the operation of TNCs coming from DCs: is this recent surge in their internationalization going beyond production activities, and encompassing technological activities as well? In view of these questions, it is assumed that the internationalization process of technological activities is being intensified and opening the way for the insertion of other countries. However, since this is a tiered selection process, the DCs must present distinct insertion profiles, determined by the interaction between the strategies adopted by the TNCs and national development policies. The characterization of the insertion profile of each country was carried out by drawing a comparison between the importance of international activities in each technology domain and the pattern of national technological specialization, determined by revealed technological advantage index. The analysis was based on data of patents filed at the European Patent Office, in the period ranging from 1980 to 2009. The analyzed sample encompasses activities performed in all technological domains, by companies from 43 countries. The results point to the existence of an asymmetry, with a prominent position occupied by Asian countries, especially China and India among the host countries, and South Korea and Taiwan as home countries. The differences found in the magnitude and importance, the type of activity, which indicates that the internationalization process of technological activities has a strong selective and hierarchical character. Hence they reaffirm that the contribution made by transnational corporations for the technological development of DCs is rather limited and complementary, and public policies play a major role in this matter / Doutorado / Teoria Economica / Doutor em Ciências Econômicas
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Development of a web based smart city infrastructure for refuse disposal managementOluwatimilehin, Adeyemo Joke January 2017 (has links)
Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Information and Communications Technology, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2017. / The future of modern cities largely depends on how well they can tackle intrinsic problems that confront them by embracing the next era of digital revolution. A vital element of such revolution is the creation of smart cities and associated technology infrastructures. Smart city is an emerging phenomenon that involves the deployment of information communication technology wares into public or private infrastructure to provide intelligent data gathering and analysis. Key areas that have been considered for smart city initiatives include monitoring of weather, energy consumption, environmental conditions, water usage and host of others. To align with the smart city revolution in the area of environmental cleanliness, this study involves the development of a web based smart city infrastructure for refuse disposal management using the design science research approach.
The Jalali smart city reference architecture provided a template to develop the proposed architecture in this study. The proposed architecture contains four layers, which are signal sensing and processing, network, intelligent user application and Internet of Things (IoT) web application layers. A proof of concept prototype was designed and implemented based on the proposed architecture. The signal sensing and processing layer was implemented to produce a smart refuse bin, which is a bin that contains the Arduino microcontroller board, Wi-Fi transceiver, proximity sensor, gas sensor, temperature sensor and other relevant electronic components. The network layer provides interconnectivity among the layers via the internet. The intelligent user application layer was realized with non browser client application, statistical feature extraction and pattern classifiers. Whereas the IoT web application layer was realised with ThingSpeak, which is an online web application for IoT based projects.
The sensors in the smart refuse bin, generates multivariate dataset that corresponds to the status of refuse in the bin. Training and testing features were extracted from the dataset using first order statistical feature extraction method. Afterward, Multilayer Perceptron Artificial Neural Network (MLP-ANN) and support vector machine were trained and compared experimentally. The MLP-ANN gave the overall best accuracy of 98.0%, and the least mean square error of 0.0036. The ThingSpeak web application connects seamlessly at all times via the internet to receive data from the smart refuse bin. Refuse disposal management agents can therefore query ThingSpeak for refuse status data via the non browser client application. The client application, then uses the trained MLP-ANN to appositely classify such data in order to determine the status of the bin. / M
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Effectiveness of ICT education in the Northern school area of Port ElizabethMooi, Alicia Tenjiswa January 2011 (has links)
The use of information communication technology in the 21st Century is very important. The skills and knowledge of using these technologies should start at high school level, as it is at this stage where learners are equipped for tertiary education and the business world. This study seeks to answer how much ICT is used at the average school in Port Elizabeth and how effective such use is. South Africa is one of the countries in the whole world that is still behind in using the new technology. Learners from high school still enter university with no knowledge of how to use a computer. This becomes a problem in the world of technology as almost everything is done using technology. It also becomes a big problem when learners look for jobs in the business world. An active learning theory has been used on the study because, if learners can learn and have access computer at school, life will be easy for both learners and teachers, there would be co-operation and discussion and the fast way of doing school work. For the purpose of the study a qualitative research method has been used to ensure that answers are received straight from, teachers and learners for evidence. It is therefore clear that there are schools in South Africa that still needs the attention of the government in terms of getting access to computers and to have professional teachers for teaching the subject. The government has a responsibility of making sure that all learners and teachers in high schools have access to computers and internet. This will improve the working and learning conditions of both parties involved.
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A scheduling model for production in a hot strip millHamman, Gert J. M. 06 December 2011 (has links)
M.Ing. / This research dissertation highlights the important role of scheduling in a production environment. The functioning of an integrated iron and steel works is discussed. The importance of production scheduling in this environment is shown, followed by a literature survey of strip mill production scheduling models. Thereafter a model is introduced that aids in the production scheduling of plate via coil in a hot strip mill. Finally the benefits of the scheduling model are shown.
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Tranferência de tecnologia entre universidades e empresas : os casos UNICAMP-SP e UNISINOS-RSChais, Cassiane 27 June 2014 (has links)
A universidade possui um histórico pautado na contribuição para avanço do conhecimento e da tecnologia no contexto econômico e social de um país, através do ensino, da pesquisa e da extensão. O conhecimento gerado por meio destas pesquisas entre alunos e pesquisadores pode ocasionar a interação com diferentes atores, entre eles governo e empresas, acarretando a transferência da tecnologia gerada na universidade para o mercado. A transferência de tecnologia pode ser considerada um processo que tem seu início na revelação da invenção, e sequência o registro da patente, o licenciamento, o uso comercial da tecnologia licenciada, e por fim os royalties recebidos pela universidade. Esta dissertação de mestrado pesquisou como ocorre a transferência de tecnologia, a partir de uma abordagem Schumpeteriana da trilogia da inovação e com um recorte na abordagem teórica da Tríplice Hélice de Etzkowitz, focando a interação universidade - empresa. A metodologia utilizada para este estudo foi a análise de dois casos com caráter exploratório e abordagem qualitativa. Os objetos de estudo da dissertação são as Instituições de Ensino Superior Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) e a Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS). A técnica utilizada para a coleta dos dados foi a entrevista semiestruturada, e a técnica de análise dos dados foi a análise de conteúdo. Os principais resultados apontam que se faz necessário, principalmente que empresas e universidades compreendam que é preciso atuar conjuntamente na pesquisa tecnológica colaborativa, para que os recursos financeiros investidos pelo governo ou iniciativa privada não sejam aceitos somente como artigos publicados em revistas científicas, mas sim, que se transformem em inovações tecnológicas aceitas pelo mercado. / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior, CAPES. / The university has a history grounded in contribution to the advancement of knowledge and technology in economic and social context of a country through education and research and extension. The knowledge generated through these surveys among students and researchers can lead to interaction with different stakeholders, including government and business, resulting in the transfer of technology generated in the university to market. Technology transfer can be regarded as a process that begins in the disclosure of the invention, following the registration of the patent, licensing, the commercial use of the licensed technology, and finally the royalties received by the university. This dissertation investigated the transfer of technology from a Schumpeterian approach to innovation trilogy and a cutout in the theoretical approach of the Triple Helix of Etzkowitz occurs, focusing on the interaction university - enterprise. The methodology used for this study was the analysis of two cases with exploratory and qualitative approach. The objects of study of the thesis are the Institutions of Higher Education State University of Campinas (UNICAMP) and the University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS). The technique used for data collection was a semi-structured interview technique and the data analysis was content analysis. This research concluded that it is necessary , especially to businesses and universities understand that you need to walk together in collaborative technology research , so that financial resources invested by the government or private companies are not only accepted as eligible articles published in magazines , but that transformed into technological innovations accepted by the market.
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Descriptive analysis of technology use at the Riverside County Office of Education, Riverside, CaliforniaSchneider, Diana Sensenbaugh 01 January 1997 (has links)
No description available.
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