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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les critères de réussite d'un système d'intelligence économique pour un meilleur pilotage stratégique : proposition d'un Modèle d'Évaluation de la Réussite d'un Système d'Intelligence Économique MERSIE / The criteria of business intelligence system succes for a better strategic piloting

Dhaoui, Chedia 04 April 2008 (has links)
Plus qu'un phénomène de mode, l'intelligence économique représente, de nos jours, une nécessité pour toute entreprise faisant face à un contexte environnemental incertain, complexe et turbulent. Un tel contexte engendré par la mondialisation, l'avènement d'une société de l'information et la démocratisation des nouvelles technologies de l'information et de la communication justifie d'autant plus l'intérêt grandissant que suscite l'intelligence économique en tant que pratique managériale au service de la stratégie de l'entreprise. Dans notre travail, nous considérons l'intelligence économique comme un système de pilotage stratégique permettant d'optimiser le comportement stratégique de l'entreprise et ce en instaurant une liberté d'action alliant préactivité pour se préparer aux changements et ne pas se laisser surprendre par ses concurrents, réactivité pour réagir rapidement et ne pas se laisser trop se distancer par ses rivaux et proactivité pour influencer l'environnement en faveur de l'entreprise et surprendre par l'innovation ainsi qu'une maîtrise du moment de la décision et de l'action stratégiques. En considérant ainsi le SIE comme un système de pilotage stratégique de l'entreprise, cela a motivé en nous l'intérêt d'en évaluer la réussite ainsi que l'impact sur la compétitivité de l'entreprise. C'est en ce sens que nous avons pour objectif d'en étudier les critères de réussite et de proposer un Modèle d'Évaluation de la Réussite d'un Système d'Intelligence Économique MERSIE. L'identification des facteurs clés de succès d'un SIE a reposé sur une démarche qualitative par études de cas ainsi que le recours à l'avis d'experts et consultants en IE afin d'aboutir à un ensemble de facteurs répartis en six classes que sont les facteurs culturels, stratégiques, informationnels, individuels, organisationnels et technologiques. L'expérimentation du modèle MERSIE a porté d'abord sur l'entreprise tunisienne "Hayet" avec pour objectif de vérifier que l'amélioration du degré de réalisation des facteurs induit une meilleure réussite du SIE. Ensuite nous avons étendu l'expérimentation à un échantillon de sept autres entreprises tunisiennes pour mettre en évidence la corrélation entre la réussite du SIE et la compétitivité des entreprises étudiées. / More than a passing fad, Business Intelligence (BI) represents a crucial need for today's companies facing a highly complex, uncertain and competitive environment. Such environment characteristics are now usual due to the globalization, the rise of an Information Age and the spectacular development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). In our work, we consider a Business Intelligence System (BIS) as a strategic piloting system allowing companies to optimize their strategic behavior by establishing a freedom of action based at the same time on a preactive behavior that aims to prepare in advance the company to face anticipated environment changes and thus avoids being surprised by other competitors, a reactive behavior for acting quickly that avoids falling behind rivals, and a proactive behavior that allows to surprise the others by innovating and influencing the environment favourably to the company as well as taking control of the strategic decision and action time. Based on such considerations, we assume that a Business Intelligence System need to be evaluated in order to be able to succeed in strategic piloting and acquiring competitiveness. That's the reason we focus, in this research, on studying the critical success factor of a BIS and we propose a model, called MERSIE, for the BIS success evaluation that is based on a set of BIS key success factors which we aim to identify in this work. We propose to identify such BIS key success factors using a case study of strategic decision problem resolution in the Tunisian company "Hayet", the partner of the present work. Once a set of factors was built, we submitted it to the opinion of experts and consultants on BI to have enough enhancements on the final list of BIS success factors. The result made it possible to have a set of more than 70 validated BIS success factors that we have classified into 6 main classes : cultural factors, strategic factors, informational factors, individual factors, organizational factors and technological factors. The experimentation of such a model first concerned the Tunisian company "Hayet", and then on a selection of seven other Tunisian companies from diverse sectors of activity. First of all, the experimentation concerning the company " Hayet " had as objective to verify that the enhancement of the realization of the BIS success factors leads better success to the BIS. Secondly, the experimentation concerning a selection of of seven other Tunisian companies, allows us to focus on and to prove the correlation between the realization of the BIS success factors, their coherence and the competitiveness of such companies.

Online community portals for small businesses

11 October 2011 (has links)
M.A. / The first part of the study is a literature review which indicate that small, medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs) represent an important vehicle to address the challenges of job creation, economic growth and equity. Modern economy is driven by innovations and knowledge. Transforming information resources into knowledge and maximise the value of knowledge is the new challenge in achieving a sustainable competitive advantage. Information resources are needed by small businesses as much as their larger counter parts but small businesses are usually in a disadvantaged position in terms of finance and expertise. Information and communication technologies (ICTs) offer small businesses new opportunities in the information economy. Exciting ICT applications such as Web portals provide platforms for business communities to share information and communicate more efficiently than ever. Such information resources enable small businesses to react faster and adapt better to the changing global market. The stimulation of SMMEs must be seen as part of an integrated strategy to develop the society to a higher level. The research findings of this study provide all stakeholders in small business development in South Africa including government, industries and academics a better understanding and practical guideline for delivering information resources to small business owners and managers and the design of information portals that can address the information needs of small businesses in South Africa. The empirical components that follow the literature review comprised a questionnaire survey. The survey focused on non-franchised small businesses in the retail industry in the greater Johannesburg metropolitan. A total of 150 questionnaires completed by small business owners and managers were used for statistic analysis in this research. The questionnaire consisted of four sections: business biographic information, business information and agencies, information and communication technologies usage, and community and portal activities. The survey results revealed valuable insights and trends in the use of ICTs and attitudes towards information sharing amongst small business owners and managers. Textile, clothing, footwear and leather goods were the most popular trade for the small businesses use in the survey. Nearly all respondents prefer English for business communication and the businesses are typically owner manager with a small number of employees. Infrastructure for ICTs is in place for small businesses, but the usage level is still basic. Short message service (SMS) and e-mail are the most commonly used ICT tools. Traditional media such as television, radio, newspapers and magazines remain the most important source of information for these small business owners and managers. Younger businesses adapt better to ICTs than the older businesses. Despite a mixed attitude towards sharing business information, small business owners and managers showed a high level of interest in networking with other businesses, in particular with potential customers and suppliers. Most respondents do not belong to any professional or industrial organisation primarily because they were not aware of these organisations. Based on the literature review and the empirical research, the final conclusion that was made from this research is that Web community information portals can, to a great extent, promote the use of information resources for small businesses in South Africa. The results from this research give a better understanding and are useful guidelines to stakeholders in small business development in South Africa.

Korslimmat trä som ytskikt med avseende på brand i Sverige och Norge : Skillnader i utformning av brandskydd i byggnader med korslimmat trä i Sverige och Norge / Cross laminated timber as surface layer with respect to fire in Sweden and Norway : Differences in the design of fire protection in buildings with cross laminated timber in Sweden and Norway

Johansson, Oskar, Johansson, Fredrik January 2019 (has links)
Sverige har likt Norge en lång historia med byggnader av träkonstruktioner. Efter de många stadsbränderna på 1800-talet i de båda länderna förbjöds träbyggnader med över två våningar. Inte förrän på slutet av 1900-talet blev högre byggnader tillåtna igen genom nya regler från EU som definierar funktionen i en byggnad istället för materialet. Samtidigt som de nya reglerna trädde i kraft startades produktionen av korslimmat trä, KL-trä, i Europa. KL-trä har stadigt vuxit i popularitet och nu byggs det med materialet som aldrig förr. KL-trä har några speciella egenskaper, det är bland annat mycket starkt och stabilt sett till tyngden och brandegenskaperna är bra då det bildas ett skyddande kolskikt vid brandexponering. Trots de bra brandegenskaperna får trä bara användas som invändiga ytskikt i begränsad omfattning. I Norge är reglerna lite mer frikostiga och trä får användas i större utsträckning. Denna studie ska visa hur de båda ländernas regelverk ser ut när det synliga invändiga ytskiktet består av obehandlat trä (KL-trä) samt när och i vilken omfattning som KL-trä behöver brandskyddas. Genom en litteraturstudie sammanfattas Sveriges och Norges brandskyddsregler och jämförs med varandra. En jämförelsestudie har också genomförts där byggnadsprojekt med stommar i KL-trä analyseras och jämförs med varandra. De byggnader som jämförts är Förskolan Lotsen i Karlstad, Södra Skolan i Grums och Nordre Ål skole i Lillehammer. Resultatet visar att Sveriges och Norges brandskyddsnormer är uppbyggda på liknande sätt men det finns några större skillnader som gör att användandet av trä som synligt ytskikt skiljer sig åt mellan länderna. Många av likheterna beror på att ländernas regler grundar sig i Eurokoder med bland annat samma ytskiktsklasser och dimensionering av stommen ska följa de europeiska kraven för brandmotstånd (R,E och I). Den största skillnaden kring användandet av trä som ytskikt är brandcellsstorlekar. I Norge är trä som ytskikt godkänt i brandceller mindre än 200 m2 i alla byggnadsklasser (Bk) förutom Bk4, vilket gäller i princip alla byggnader upp till 16 våningar. I Sverige finns det ingen ”brandcellsgräns”, utan där är ytskikt av trä godkänt i Bk3 och Bk2, vilket gäller de flesta byggnader upp till 2 våningar. För att kunna bygga högre byggnader med ytskikt av trä i Sverige krävs analytisk dimensionering. Ett vanligt sätt att bygga högre byggnader med ytskikt av trä i Sverige är genom tekniskt byte där ett passivt brandskydd ersätts med ett aktivt, vanligtvis sprinklers, under förutsättning att brandskyddet inte försämras. På så sätt kan en lägre ytskiktsklass godkännas och användas, dock lägst klass D-s2,d0, vilket motsvarar trä. En annan viktig skillnad i normernas formuleringar är vilken verksamhetsklass och byggnadsklass en byggnad placeras i. Skillnaderna resulterar i att lägst godkända ytskiktsklass skiljer sig åt. Ett exempel på denna skillnad gäller för förskolor. I Norge placeras förskolor i samma verksamhetsklass som skolor och leder till att trä är godtagbart som ytskikt. I Sverige placeras förskolor i en högre verksamhetsklass än skolor där trä inte är godkänt som ytskikt. / Sweden, as Norway, has a long history with buildings of wooden constructions. After the many city fires in the 19-th century in both countries, wooden buildings over two floors were banned. It was not until the late 20-th century higher buildings were allowed again through new rules from EU, which define the function of a building instead of the material. At the same time as the new rules came into force, the production of cross laminated timber, CLT, was started in Europe. CLT has steadily grown in popularity and is now being used in buildings as never before. CLT has some special properties, it is very strong and stable in terms of weight and the fire properties are good because a char layer is formed during fire exposure. Despite the good fire properties, wood can only be used as internal surface layers to a limited extent. In Norway, the rules are a little more generous and wood may be used to a greater extent. This study will show what the regulations in Sweden and Norway says when the visible interior surface layer consists of untreated wood (CLT) and when and to what extent CLT needs fire protection. Through a literature study, Sweden’s and Norway’s fire protection rules are summarized and compared with each other. A comparison study has also been carried out in which building projects with framework in CLT are analyzed and compared with each other. The buildings that are compared with each other are the kindergarten Lotsen (Cityförskolan) in Karlstad, Södra skolan in Grums and Nordre Ål skole in Lillehammer. The result shows that Sweden’s and Norway’s fire protection standards are structured in a similar way, but there are some major differences in the use of wood as a visible surface layer in the two countries. Many of the similarities are due to the fact that the countries’ rules are based on Eurocodes with, among other things, the same surface layers and dimensioning of the framework must comply with the European requirements for fire resistance (R, E and I). The biggest difference regarding the use of wood as a surface layer is fire compartment sizes. In Norway, wood is a surface approved layer in fire compartments less than 200 m2 in all building classes (Bk) except Bk4, which applies in principle to all buildings up to 16 floors. In Sweden there is no “fire compartment boundary”, but there are surface layers of wood approved in Bk3 and Bk2, which applies to most buildings up to 2 floors. To be able to build higher buildings with surface layers of wood in Sweden, analytical fire design is required. A common way of building higher buildings with surface layers of wood in Sweden is through technical replacement where a passive fire protection is replaced by an active, usually sprinklers, provided that the fire protections does not deteriorate. In this way a lower surface layer class can be approved and used, however, at least class D-s2, d0 must be used, which corresponds to wood and CLT. Another important difference in the wording of the standards is which building class and class of activities a building is placed in. The differences indicates that the lowest approved surface layer class differs. An example of this difference is kindergartens. In Norway, kindergartens are placed in the same activity class as schools. This leads to wood being acceptable as a surface layer. In Sweden, kindergartens are placed in a higher class of activity than schools where wood is not approved as a surface layer.

Logistiklösningar & säkerhet av omledningsvägar / Logistic solutions & security of diversion roads

Zafar, Spogmay, Elyasvand, Sheilan, Booshi, Fatima January 2017 (has links)
I centrala Göteborg går olika projekt runt omkring Lilla Bommen ett av dessa är bl.a.Vasakronans ombyggnation av Kvarteret Platinan. I centrum av alla dessa projekt sker detäven en nedsänkning av E45:an. När det pågår flera olika projekt på ett och samma områdeblir risken större att samordningen mellan projekten krockar och att det påverkarmedtrafikanter, utryckningsfordon, kollektivtrafik och medmänniskor som vistas i området.Rapportens fokus är ur Trafikverkets projekt, E45:ans synvinkel och hur de angränsandeaktiviteter påverkade flödet av projektet. Syftet var att framföra olika förslag i följandefrågeställningar:● Hur får Trafikverket fram GC-trafik (gång-och cykeltrafik) på ett säkert sätt genombyggprojekten?● Vilka krav kan Trafikverket som väghållare ställa på logistiklösningar för Platinan?Frågeställningarna besvarades utifrån flera metoder som sattes samman och undersöktes tillett lösningsförslag. Det utfördes bl.a. litteraturstudier och intervjustudier där MarikaÅkerman, projektledare från Trafikverket och Mohammad Jahan, konsult från Tyrensintervjuades.Rapporten gjorde en avgränsning från all information som inte berörde Trafikverket ochVasakronan.Resultatet presenteras i form av olika förslag där exempelvis gång och cykelvägarfotograferades vid olika skeden runt byggprojekten, detta för att undersöka utvecklingen.Därefter undersöktes och reflektioner gjordes för vägarnas tillstånd utifrån fem punkter:Tillgängliga, Orienterbara, Trygga, Trafiksäkra, Attraktiva.Eftersom det vid senare skeden av byggprojekten förekommer rivningsarbeten, kranplaceringsamt andra riskfyllda arbeten som krävde extra säkerhet för tredjeman, föreslås användning avöppna containrar, med ett trevligare utseende, som skydd för bl.a. gående.Gällande logistiklösningarna presenteras olika förslag såsom CCC (Constructionconsolidation centre) som kan förklaras distributionscentral. Det sågs som en fördel då dennaär placerat nära byggprojektet Platinan och gav möjligheten att använda truckar och vagnaristället för större fordon.Det andra alternativet var att utnyttja hamnen med pråmfartyg genom att mindre och enklarefartyg, med lägre bemanning, transporterade containrar till platsen.Förutom de tidigare nämnda alternativen, finns det fler åtgärder som kan tillämpas för attminska trafiken på omledningsvägarna, därför har det i rapporten presenterats några förslag såsom: att flera vägrutter bör användas, att inga personbilar får parkera på arbetsplatsen ochöppenhet för samkörning av godstransport mellan projekten. / In the center of Gothenburg different projects are ongoing around Lilla Bommen, one ofwhich is Vasakronans reconstruction of Kvarteret Platinan. There is also an immersion of E45in the center of these projects. When many projects are working in the same place at the sametime, risks of collision between these projects becomes larger that affects road users,emergency vehicles, public transport and others.The focus of this report was from the perspective of Trafikverket and its project E45 and howit influences the project flow. The purpose was to find solutions for the following questions:● How can Trafikverket deliver a secure way for pedestrians and people riding bicyclesthrough the construction projects?● What demands can Trafikverket as road manager place on Platinan consideringlogistic solutions?The questions were answered with several methods which were put together and examined forpossible solutions. Studies of literature and interviews were performed with Marika Åkerman,project manager from Trafikverket and Mohammad Jahan, consultant from Tyrens.The report does not include information that did not involve Trafikverket and Vasakronan.The first problem was analyzed by photographing different places around the constructionprojects, this to study the progress during the construction time. Thereafter, reflections andexaminations were made on the road conditions through five different factors which were:availability, orientation, safety, traffic safety and attractiveness.Because of future planned demolitions, crane placements and other dangerous constructionwork, a proposition to use open containers was made, but with a more appealing appearancethat could protect pedestrians.For the logistic solutions, several suggestions were presented such as Constructionconsolidation centre (CCC) which can be explained as a distribution center. The advantagewith a CCC was that it was located near Platinan and gave the opportunity to use trucks andsmaller vehicles instead of larger ones. The second suggestion was to use the harbor byshipping containers.Finally, several other solutions were also described in the report that could reduce transportaround the diversion roads, such as using several different roads, that no personal vehiclesshould be parked by the construction site and a suggested carpooling between projects, ifpossible.

Policy insights from an assessment of NEPAD e-schools in Rwanda : a case study of three NEPAD schools in Rwanda.

Karangwa, Eugene 16 October 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this research is to investigate how the Rwanda NEPAD e-schools project is achieving its objectives, in order to draw lessons for policy. Case studies of three NEPAD e-schools were conducted to explore the integration of ICT in schools. This qualitative research was based on semi-structured interviews with Ministry of Education staff, school personnel and students, as well as a review of policy documents. The literature review identified a number of factors that hinder the use of ICT, which factors were also evident in the research findings. It was found that greater support is required to overcome the barriers, including lack of policy, teaching and learning, funding, access, training and professional development, curriculum content, technical support, time and attitudes towards ICTs. The analysis of the position in these e-schools offers lessons for policy and practice in Rwanda and with regard to the NEPAD e-schools programme on the continent. Ministries of Education in African countries should align ICT in education policy with other education strategic and operational policies to ensure that ICT initiatives are in line with national developmental goals and objectives.

Examining the factors that affect the rollout of municipal broadband in Tshwane

Jiya, Lebogang 18 February 2014 (has links)
Thesis (M.M. (ICT Policy and Regulation))--University of the Witwatersrand, Faculty of Commerce, Law and Management, Graduate School of Public and Development Management, 2013. / The rollout of broadband through Information Communications Technology for Development (ICT4D) approaches can facilitate socio-economic growth in the country. Effective implementation of broadband programs under the policy guidance of the Department of Communications (DoC) and the Presidential Infrastructure and Coordination Committee (PICC) would enhance the availability of broadband, which in turn could improve delivery of many public and private services. Furthermore, municipalities should be key stakeholdersin promoting broadband rollout, using mechanisms that are suitable for either urban or rural areas. This research report presents a qualitative case study which attempts to establish the challenges for municipal broadband initiatives that are taking effect in South Africa. The study examinesa particular set of factors that affects the rollout of broadband and investigates how factors such as funding levels, technology adaptation, business models,policy intervention and regulatory effects either promote or inhibit broadband deployment. With attention to a single, in-depth case study, the reportconsiders the challenges that the City of Tshwane Municipality has experienced when rolling out pilot projects and the extent to whichthe success of municipal broadband infrastructure rollout depends on policy and regulatory interventions. The Broadband Policy (201 0) adopted by government to facilitate the broadband initiatives has beenreviewed in this ~tudy. The research findings indicate that decisions made in all three spheres of government i.e. national, provincial and local, influence these five factors, thus affecting the rollout of broadband at municipallevei.The findings indicated that the Ministry of Communications is reviewing the current broadband policy to include more detailed guidelines and ICASA is reviewing the regulatory framework. However, it remains unclear whether the importance of the five factors articulated here will be acknowledged in these revisions.Therefore, the recommendations in this report are directed to the policy maker, the Department of Communications and the ICT Policy Review Panel, to take cognisance of the factors that affect municipal broadband rollout. A coordinated inter-governmental approach on broadband initiatives is required to deliver high speed communications infrastructure to citizens.

Riktlinjer för att gynna användarupplevelsen vid presentation av omfattande tekniska dokument i mobila gränssnitt : En studie i gränssnittsdesign för smartphones

Rosengren, My January 2019 (has links)
Användare vill idag snabbt och enkelt kunna hitta den information de behöver på sina mobiltelefoner. Enheten erbjuder lättillgänglighet och möjlighet till interaktion när de vill, var de vill. Denna studie har undersökt hur ett gränssnitt för smartphones kan utformas som presenterar en större mängd information till användaren i form av teknisk dokumentation, exempelvis manualer. Studien är framtagen i uppdrag från Combitech som upplever ett problem i att presentera större mängd data på mindre enheter. Fokus i denna studie har legat i att implementera och utvärdera olika designriktlinjer för mobiltelefoner. En prototyp utvecklades i två iterationer där respektive prototypiteration testades på användare genom uppdrag, bedömningsskala och intervju. Studien indikerar på ett resultat där ett antal riktlinjer gynnar användarupplevelsen när det gäller ett mobilt gränssnitt för att söka information. Detta innefattar bland annat att förenkla och prioritera uppgifterna för användaren så gott det går för att minska dess kognitiva belastning. Det presenteras även mer konkreta riktlinjer beträffande klickytor, lokalisering, horisontell scrollning, samt funktionalitet för ändring av textstorlek. / Users today want to be able to find the information they need quickly and easily on their mobile phones. These devices offers easy-access and enables interaction whenever they want, wherever they want. This study examines how a smartphone interface for presenting larger quantities of information from technical documentation, such as manuals, should be designed.This study was commissioned by Combitech, who have experienced issues when presenting a larger amount of data on smaller devices. The focus of this study was to implement and evaluate various design guidelines for mobile phones. A prototype was developed in two iterations, where each iteration was evaluated through tasks, rating scales and interviews.The results indicate that a number of guidelines favour the user experience when it comes to a mobile interface for finding information. This includes simplifying and prioritizing the tasks for the users to reduce the cognitive load. Concrete guidelines are presented for click target areas, location tracking, horizontal scrolling and functionality for changing text size area.

A wake-up call : En utvärderande fallstudie över telekombranschen

Kornsäter, Frida January 2019 (has links)
As technology and service change, so does customer expectations. This apply particularly to industries who have a long and traditional role in society, industries who must adapt to stay up to date. One of these industries is the telecom industry, which is rapidly changing. From radio transmitters to telephone, to present days when almost everyone carries the immaculate opportunity to reach the entire world from a device that easily fits in the back pocket of a pair of jeans. The entering of smart phones changed the entire telecom industry, and nourished new and rapidly changing demands from the customers. The overall aim of this thesis is to via a case study investigate how different existing solutions in the telecom industry such as telephone, email, social media and chats can be combined with new technology and analytics to meet people's requirements for accessibility, simplicity and clarity when seeking help and information within the telecom industry. Both the technical aspects, such as the existing solutions, and the human aspects such as what information different customer groups seek are studied. An analysis of the telecom sector based on a service design approach have been done. The research done in the thesis put forward the challenges companies within the telecom industry face. By using a service design approach improvements and design of systems that enable seamless interactions between different technologies and customers have been suggested, to show how they might look like in the future.

Rekommendationssystem i e-handel från ett kund- och företagsperspektiv / Recommendation Systems in E-commerce from a Customer and Company Perspective

Lindström, Caroline January 2019 (has links)
Uppsatsen avser att belysa vad som gör rekommenderat innehåll bra i e-handel ur kunders och företags perspektiv, samt skillnader mellan dessa. Detta undersöktes genom kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med individer som shoppar regelbundet online och företagare som arbetar med en webbutik av något slag. Resultaten visade på att kunder och företagare generellt håller med om många påståenden från forskning kring rekommendationssystem men kunder fann många frustrationer i dagens system kring upprepande eller förföljande rekommendationer, något företagarna också nämnde kan vara problematiskt. Transparent datainsamling var viktigt för båda parter men kunder såg brister i hur användarvillkor kommuniceras och det leder till att kunder accepterar dessa utan att förstå vad dem godkänt. Företagarna poängtera hur viktigt trygghet är för att kunden ska känna tillit till dem. Slutsatser som kunde dras var bland annat att bra rekommendationssystem i e-handeln enligt kunder bör lära sig med tiden och förstå när dessa bör sluta rekommendera något. Detta för att upprepande rekommendationer som inte försvinner även efter kunden gett negativ feedback är frustrerande för dem. Företag bör också vara transparent med datainsamlingen som sker för att rekommendationssystem skall fungera. Detta kunde kunder känna inte kommunicerades på ett effektivt sätt idag och att det finns förbättringsmöjligheter på den fronten. Företagarna tyckte också transparens var viktigt då de vill att kunden ska känna sig trygg med dem. Det var också viktigt att systemet hade gränser så att situationer där kunder blir förföljda av en viss typ av rekommendationer inte sker. Största skillnaden mellan de olika perspektiven var kunders frustration vid oklara användarvillkor och upprepande rekommendationer medan företagarna var inte frustrerade med systemen på samma sätt utan tog upp liknande saker som förbättringsområden. Företagares fokus låg på att deras system måste följa de lagar som finns och detta gick över allt annat. Rent generellt höll dock både kunder och företagare med varandra i många olika aspekter.

Exploring Measurement Estimation Through Learners Actions, Language, and Gestures

Harrison, Avery 09 April 2019 (has links)
This thesis intends to advance educational research by providing exploratory insights about the roles of, and relationships between, the actions, language, and gestures of college and elementary-aged students surrounding measurement estimation. To the best of my knowledge, prior research has examined the role of speech and gestures as they relate to areas of mathematics such as algebra and geometry, however, this work has not been extended to the area of measurement. Similarly, language and gesture have been explored but the three-way interplay between actions during problem-solving, and the language and gestures observed during explanations after problem solving has not been investigated in mathematics. To actualize the findings from this research in practice, this thesis uses the findings from two studies on behavior during measurement tasks to propose text and image support for an elementary-aged measurement game, EstimateIT!, to support students as they practice how to measure objects and develop conceptual skills through embodied game play. Specifically, this thesis intends to provide 1) a synthesis of the work on gestures in mathematics as well as the research methods used to study gestures, 2) a coding guide to analyze the gestures of mathematics learners, as well as their actions and language, 3) an application of the coding guide to explore the behavior of college and elementary students during measurement estimation tasks, and 4) proposals for action-guiding support for EstimateIT! to help elementary students develop and reinforce an understanding of measurement during gameplay based on the more mature strategies demonstrated by college students as they complete similar tasks.

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