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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ensaios sobre taxas de juros em reais e sua aplicação na análise financeira. / Essays on Real interest rates and their application on financial analysis.

Paulo Beltrão Fraletti 24 May 2004 (has links)
A solução da maioria dos problemas práticos enfrentados por administradores financeiros passa pela identificação prévia do custo de oportunidade para investimentos de diferentes prazos e riscos. Este trabalho busca, no conjunto de seus capítulos, realizar uma avaliação crítica das propriedades da estrutura temporal de taxas de juros em reais e de sua utilização como variável exógena fundamental na análise financeira. Sem a pretensão de esgotar qualquer dos temas abordados, procurou-se estabelecer a curva de juros para investimentos livres de riscos em moeda nacional e, através de um conjunto de testes empíricos e observações informais de séries de dados de mercado, identificar peculiaridades que possam invalidar a implementação no Brasil de modelos desenvolvidos no contexto internacional. Dados os aspectos característicos do mercado doméstico evidenciados nos estudos, foram apresentados modelos explicativos tanto para a formação das taxas prefixadas de período quanto para a determinação da remuneração de operações financeiras indexadas à taxa referencial TR. / The solution to most of the problems facing financial managers requires prior identification of the cost of money for different maturities and risks. This paper aims, in its overall content, to examine the Brazilian currency yield curve’s properties and its supporting role in financial analysis. With no intention of exhausting any of the tackled subjects, the Real risk-free term structure was defined and a set of empirical tests performed to identify, with the support of additional data observation, local market’s peculiarities that might prevent international models from being accurately applied in Brazil. Given the domestic market’s distinguishing features emphasized in the studies, models were proposed to explain how short term interest rates are determined in the marketplace for derivatives, and to allow the pricing of financial instruments indexed to the so called TR benchmark (Taxa Referencial).

Modélisation et gestion sur les marchés obligatoires souverains / Modelling and management within sovereign bonds markets

Moungala, Wilfried Paterne 29 April 2013 (has links)
La crise financière de ces dernières années a relancé le débat sur le caractère dit « sans risque de défaut » des obligations souveraines. Face aux enjeux économiques et financiers, les établissements de crédit et les Institutions Financières ont du revoir les méthodes d’évaluation des obligations. Cette thèse a pour objectif la modélisation et la Gestion des prix obligataires et s’articule autour de quatre points. Dans le premier point, nous avons présenté les approches théoriques portant sur les modèles traditionnels des taux d’intérêt. Dans le second point, nous avons conçu un modèle test nommé M-M en discrétisant les modèles à temps continu du taux d’intérêt court et en recourant aux modèles de la famille GARCH. Ce modèle est construit en incorporant les effets niveau des taux d’intérêt à court terme et GARCH (1,1). Les résultats de l’estimation du modèle M-M suggère la nécessité de tenir compte des deux effets pour la modélisation des rendements des bons du Trésor américain. Le troisième point consiste à extraire les facteurs que l’on peut interpréter comme le niveau, la pente et la courbure. Ces facteurs sont extraits à partir de deux modèles qui sont des extensions dynamiques de la fonctionnelle de Nelson et Siegel. Les courbes des taux utilisés sont celles des Etats-Unis, de la France et de l’Afrique du Sud. La présence de l’Afrique du Sud dans cette étude est due à notre envie de traiter la structure par terme des taux d’intérêt d’un pays africain et aussi son économie émergente. A l’aide des proxies, et d’une ACP sur la courbe des taux de ces trois pays, ces facteurs ont été analysés sur la base de leur qualité d’ajustement. Le dernier point a pour but de traiter les indicateurs macroéconomiques et financiers qui peuvent expliquer les facteurs endogènes extraits. / The financial crisis of recent years has re-opened the debate of the so-called "risk-free" government bonds. Faced with economic and financial issues, credit institutions and financial institutions had reviewed the methods of bonds evaluation. The aim of this thesis is the modeling and management of the bonds prices and is organized on four points. In the first point, we present theoretical approaches on traditional models of interest rates. In the second point, we design a test model named M-M by discretizing the continuous-time models of the short interest rate and using the GARCH family models. This model is constructed by incorporating the level effect of the short term interest rates and GARCH (1,1) effect. The M-M estimation results suggest considering both effects for modeling Treasury bills yields. The third point determines the factors that can be interpreted as the level, slope and curvature, these factors are extracted from two models that are dynamics extensions of the Nelson and Siegel functional. We use Yield Curves of the United States, France and South Africa. The presence of South Africa in this study is due to our desire to treat the term structure of interest rates in an African country which is an emerging economy as well. These factors were analyzed on the basis of their goodness of fit. The last point aims to address macroeconomic and financial indicators that can explain the endogenous factors.


GUSTAVO CURI AMARANTE 30 May 2016 (has links)
[pt] Evidências empíricas de estimativas de modelos VAR em forma reduzida mostram que houve uma mudança na maneira que a curva de juros brasileira reage à choques de política monetária. Para melhor entender a razão desta mudança, estimamos um DSGE linearizado, acrescido de uma estrutura à termo para as taxas de juros, sobre dois períodos amostrais para verificar quais parâmetros da economia poderiam causado essa mudança. O método de linearização envolve um termo de ajuste que permite a existência de prêmio à termo e gera um estado estacionário ajustado pela volatilidade. Nós discutimos as evidências empíricas, comparamos o método de solução com outro métodos mais tradicionais e estimamos um modelo com preferências Epstein-Zin usando métodos bayesianos. Nós encontramos que nosso modelo estrutural é capaz de capturar algumas das mudanças de comportamento, que é causada principalmente por um menor coeficiente associado à inflação na regra de juros e por maior persistência dos choques monetários. / [en] Empirical evidence from reduced form VAR estimates shows that there has been a change in the way that the Brazilian yield curve reacts to a monetary policy shock. To better understand the sources of this change we estimated a linearized DSGE model with a term structure of interest rates over two sample periods to see what parameters of the economy might have caused the change. The linearization method is augmented with a risk adjustment term in order to generate a positive term spread and a risk-adjusted steady state. We discuss the empirical evidence, compare the solution methods with other traditional methods and estimate a model with Epstein-Zin preferences using Bayesian methods.We find that our structural model is capable of capturing some of the changes of behavior, and it is caused mainly by a smaller inflation coefficient of the interest rate rule and higher persistence of monetary policy shocks.

Komunikace České národní banky a výnosová křivka / The Czech National Bank Communication and the Yield Curve

Karas, Pavel January 2013 (has links)
This thesis analyzes the effect of the Czech National Bank's (CNB) communica- tion on the interest rate volatility (PRJBOR reference rate). Starting with the literature survey about the central bank communication in the world, I focus on the literature that concerns the CNB. To model the CNB's communication, I use the GARCH(l,1), EGARCH(l,1) and TARCH(l,1) models. I have created a unique data set containing the dummy variables for the CNB communication. The results are as follows: (a) the CNB's communication tends to decrease the volatility, (b) timing of the communication has a key role as the comments closer to the meeting have bigger calming effect, and that (c) there is no clear effect concerning the comments of the Bank Board members in the media. JEL Classification Keywords E43, E44, E52, E58 Czech National Bank, monetary policy signaling, central bank communication, the term structure of interest rates, GARCH analysis Author's email karasp@email.cz Supervisors's email roman. horvath@gmail.com

Essays on financial markets and the macroeconomy

Mönch, Emanuel 13 December 2006 (has links)
Diese Arbeit besteht aus vier Essays, die empirische und methodische Beiträge zu den Gebieten der Finanzmarktökonomik und der Makroökonomik liefern. Der erste Essay beschäftigt sich mit der Spezifikation der Investoren verfügbaren Informationsmenge in Tests bedingter Kapitalmarktmodelle. Im Speziellen schlägt es die Verwendung dynamischer Faktoren als Instrumente vor. Diese fassen per Konstruktion die Information in einer Vielzahl von Variablen zusammen und stellen daher intuitive Maße für die Investoren zur Verfügung stehenden Informationen dar. Es wird gezeigt, dass so die Schätzfehler bedingter Modelle im Vergleich zu traditionellen, auf einzelnen Indikatoren beruhenden Modellvarianten substantiell verringert werden. Ausgehend von Ergebnissen, dass die Zentralbank zur Festlegung des kurzfristigen Zinssatzes eine große Menge an Informationen berücksichtigt, wird im zweiten Essay im Rahmen eines affinen Zinsstrukturmodells eine ähnliche Idee verwandt. Speziell wird die Dynamik des kurzfristigen Zinses im Rahmen einer Faktor-Vektorautoregression modelliert. Aufbauend auf dieser dynamischen Charakterisierung der Geldpolitik wird dann die Zinsstruktur unter der Annahme fehlender Arbitragemöglichkeiten hergeleitet. Das resultierende Modell liefert bessere Vorhersagen US-amerikanischer Anleihenzinsen als eine Reihe von Vergleichsmodellen. Der dritte Essay analysiert die Vorhersagekraft der Zinsstrukturkomponenten "level", "slope", und "curvature" im Rahmen eines dynamischen Faktormodells für makroökonomische und Zinsdaten. Das Modell wird mit einem Metropolis-within-Gibbs Sampling Verfahren geschätzt, und Überraschungsänderungen der drei Komponenten werden mit Hilfe von Null- und Vorzeichenrestriktionen identifiziert. Die Analyse offenbart, dass der "curvature"-Faktor informativer in Bezug auf die zukünftige Entwicklung der Zinsstruktur und der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Aktivität ist als bislang vermutet. Der vierte Essay legt eine monatliche Chronologie der Konjunkturzyklen im Euro-Raum vor. Zunächst wird mit Hilfe einer verallgemeinerten Interpolationsmethode eine monatliche Zeitreihe des europäischen BIP konstruiert. Anschließend wird auf diese Zeitreihe ein Datierungsverfahren angewandt, das kurze und flache Konjunkturphasen ausschließt. / This thesis consists of four essays of independent interest which make empirical and methodological contributions to the fields of financial economics and macroeconomics. The first essay deals with the proper specification of investors’ information set in tests of conditional asset pricing models. In particular, it advances the use of dynamic factors as conditioning variables. By construction, dynamic factors summarize the information in a large number of variables and are therefore intuitively appealing proxies for the information set available to investors. The essay demonstrates that this approach substantially reduces the pricing errors implied by conditional models with respect to traditional approaches that use individual indicators as instruments. Following previous evidence that the central bank uses a large set of conditioning information when setting short-term interest rates, the second essay employs a similar insight in a model of the term structure of interest rates. Precisely, the dynamics of the short-term interest rate are modelled using a Factor-Augmented Vector-Autoregression. Based on this dynamic characterization of monetary policy, the term structure of interest rates is derived under the assumption of no-arbitrage. The resulting model is shown to provide superior out-of-sample forecasts of US government bond yields with respect to a number of benchmark models. The third essay analyzes the predictive information carried by the yield curve components level, slope, and curvature within a joint dynamic factor model of macroeconomic and interest rate data. The model is estimated using a Metropolis-within-Gibbs sampling approach and unexpected changes of the yield curve components are identified employing a combination of zero and sign restrictions. The analysis reveals that the curvature factor is more informative about the future evolution of the yield curve and of economic activity than has previously been acknowledged. The fourth essay provides a monthly business cycle chronology for the Euro area. A monthly series of Euro area real GDP is constructed using an interpolation routine that nests previously suggested approaches as special cases. Then, a dating routine is applied to the interpolated series which excludes business cycle phases that are short and flat.

Essays on Macro-Financial Linkages

de Rezende, Rafael B. January 2014 (has links)
This doctoral thesis is a collection of four papers on the analysis of the term structure of interest rates with a focus at the intersection of macroeconomics and finance. "Risk in Macroeconomic Fundamentals and Bond Return Predictability" documents that factors related to risks underlying the macroeconomy such as expectations, uncertainty and downside (upside) macroeconomic risks are able to explain variation in bond risk premia. The information provided is found to be, to a large extent, unrelated to that contained in forward rates and current macroeconomic conditions. "Out-of-sample bond excess returns predictability" provides evidence that macroeconomic variables, risks in macroeconomic outcomes as well as the combination of these different sources of information are able to generate statistical as well as economic bond excess returns predictability in an out-of-sample setting. Results suggest that this finding is not driven by revisions in macroeconomic data. The term spread (yield curve slope) is largely used as an indicator of future economic activity. "Re-examining the predictive power of the yield curve with quantile regression" provides new evidence on the predictive ability of the term spread by studying the whole conditional distribution of GDP growth. "Modeling and forecasting the yield curve by extended Nelson-Siegel class of models: a quantile regression approach" deals with yield curve prediction. More flexible Nelson-Siegel models are found to provide better fitting to the data, even when penalizing for additional model complexity. For the forecasting exercise, quantile-based models are found to overcome all competitors. / <p>Diss. Stockholm :  Stockholm School of Economics, 2014. Introduction together with 4 papers.</p>

Essays on the term structure of interest rates and long-run risks

Henrik, Hasseltoft January 2009 (has links)
Stocks, Bonds, and Long-Run Consumption Risks. Bansal and Yaron (2004) show that long-run consumption risks and time-varying economic uncertainty in conjunction with recursive preferences can account for important features of equity markets. I bring the model to the term structure of interest rates and show that a calibrated version of the model can simultaneously explain properties of bonds and equities. Specifically, the model accounts for deviations from the expectations hypothesis, the upward sloping nominal yield curve, and the predictive power of the nominal yield spread. However, an estimation of the model using Simulated Method of Moments yields less convincing results and illustrates the difficulty of precisely estimating parameters of the model. Real (nominal) interest rates in the model are positively (negatively) correlated with consumption growth and real stock returns move inversely with inflation. The cyclicality of nominal interest rates and yield spreads is shown to depend on the relative values of the elasticity of intertemporal substitution and the correlation between real consumption growth and inflation. The “Fed-model” and the Changing Correlation of Stock and Bond Returns: An Equilibrium Approach. This paper presents an equilibrium model that provides a rational explanation for two features of data that have been considered puzzling: The positive relation between US dividend yields and nominal interest rates, often called the Fed-model, and the time-varying correlation of US stock and bond returns. Key ingredients are time-varying first and second moments of consumption growth, inflation, and dividend growth in conjunction with Epstein-Zin and Weil recursive preferences. Historically in the US, inflation has signaled low future consumption growth. The representative agent therefore dislikes positive inflation shocks and demands a positive risk premium for holding assets that are poor inflation hedges, such as equity and nominal bonds. As a result, risk premiums on equity and nominal bonds comove positively through their exposure to macroeconomic volatility. This generates a positive correlation between dividend yields and nominal yields and between stock and bond returns. High levels of macro volatility in the late 1970s and early 1980s caused stock and bond returns to comove strongly. The subsequent moderation in aggregate economic risk has brought correlations lower. The model is able to produce correlations that can switch sign by including the covariances between consumption growth, inflation, and dividend growth as state variables. International Bond Risk Premia. We extend Cochrane and Piazzesi (2005, CP) to international bond markets by constructing forecasting factors for bond excess returns across different countries. While the international evidence for predictability is weak using Fama and Bliss (1987) regressions, we document that local CP factors have significant predictive power. We also construct a global CP factor and provide evidence that it predicts bond returns with high R2 across countries. The local and global factors are jointly significant when included as regressors, which suggests that variation in bond excess returns are driven by country-specific factors and a common global factor. Shocks to US bond risk premia seem to be particularly important determinants for international bond premia. Motivated by these results, we estimate a parsimonious no-arbitrage affine term structure model in which risk premia are driven by one local and one global CP factor. We find that international bond risk premia are driven by a local slope factor and a world interest rate level factor.

Regime switching in bond yield and spread dynamics / Changements de régimes dans la dynamique des taux et écarts de taux obligataires

Renne, Jean-Paul 22 April 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse développe différents modèles à changements de régimes de la structure par terme des taux d'intérêt. Un cadre général de modélisation des taux associés à différents émetteurs y est présenté (chapitre 2). Ce cadre est exploité afin d’analyser les taux d’État de dix pays de la zone euro entre 1999 et 2012 (chapitre 3). Un régime de crise permet d’expliquer l’accroissement de la volatilité des taux pendant la crise financière. Cette étude montre en outre que la liquidité des titres est déterminante pour leur valorisation. Le cadre de modélisation est complété afin d’étudier le lien de causalité entre deux types de tensions: celles liées à des motifs de liquidité et celles liées à des motifs de crédit (chapitre 4). Enfin, l'influence de la politique monétaire sur la courbe des taux est examinée grâce à un modèle dans lequel une utilisation innovante des changements de régime permet de produire des trajectoires réalistes des taux directeurs de la banque centrale (chapitre 5). / This doctoral thesis develops regime-switching models of the term structure of interest rates. A general framework is proposed to model the joint dynamics of yield curves associated with different debtors (Chapter 2). This framework is exploited to analyse the fluctuations of ten euro-area sovereign yield curves over the period 1999-2012 (Chapter 3). In this model, a crisis regime is key to account for the increase in spread volatility during the financial crisis. Also, this study shows that market liquidity is an important determinant of bond prices. The model is then completed in order to explore potential causality relationships between two kinds of stresses: liquidity- and credit-related stresses (Chapter 4). Finally, the influence of monetary policy on the yield curve is investigated by means of a term structure model where an innovative use of regime-switching techniques makes it possible to capture salient features of the dynamics of monetary-policy rates (chapter 5).

Os efeitos da política monetária na estrutura a termo de taxas de juros brasileira, no período de julho de 1999 a março de 2007

Câmara Filho, Raimundo 31 May 2007 (has links)
Submitted by Raimundo Câmara Filho (raimundo.camara@enel.com) on 2015-11-02T20:57:35Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Versão aprovada, com ficha catalográfica e assinaturas da banca.pdf: 1997770 bytes, checksum: aa296c2e80c524f65734265773e7072e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by GILSON ROCHA MIRANDA (gilson.miranda@fgv.br) on 2017-04-19T19:06:48Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Versão aprovada, com ficha catalográfica e assinaturas da banca.pdf: 1997770 bytes, checksum: aa296c2e80c524f65734265773e7072e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marcia Bacha (marcia.bacha@fgv.br) on 2017-05-05T17:02:42Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Versão aprovada, com ficha catalográfica e assinaturas da banca.pdf: 1997770 bytes, checksum: aa296c2e80c524f65734265773e7072e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-05T17:03:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Versão aprovada, com ficha catalográfica e assinaturas da banca.pdf: 1997770 bytes, checksum: aa296c2e80c524f65734265773e7072e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-05-31 / Monetary policy actions are believed to be transmitted to the economy through their effects on market interest rates. However, it is observed that the relationship between monetary policy and market interest rates seems quite complex. Although casual observation suggests a close connection between monetary policy actions and short-term interest rates, the relationship between policy actions and long-term interest rates is not so evident. This study estimates the response of the Brazilian term structure of interest rates, from the implementation of the Inflation Targeting Regime until March 2007. Using a model that captures the tendency of market rates to anticipate policy actions, this study finds evidence of a stronger response of long-term rates to innovations in the Selic rate than found in previous research. / A política monetária é transmitida à economia através de seus efeitos sobre o mercado de taxas de juros. Na prática, entretanto, observa-se que o relacionamento entre a taxa de juros básica e as demais taxas de juros de mercado aparenta ser bastante complexo. Ainda que exista farta evidência de que a política monetária produza efeitos previsíveis sobre as taxas de juros de curto prazo, a relação entre as ações de política monetária e as taxas de juros de prazos mais longos não é tão evidente. Nesse estudo, estima-se a resposta da estrutura a termo de taxas de juros brasileira às medidas de política monetária anunciadas, desde a implantação do regime de metas de inflação até março de 2007. Utilizando um modelo simples, mas que captura a tendência do mercado de antecipar as futuras ações de política monetária, encontramos uma resposta muito maior do que as reportadas em estudos anteriores.

A estrutura a termo das taxas de juro e a trajetória futura de inflação e atividade econômica: um estudo sobre o caso brasileiro

Souza Filho, Edison Ticle de Andrade Melo e 13 February 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2010-04-20T21:00:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 3 edisonticleturma2004.pdf.jpg: 20685 bytes, checksum: 2ea3ebaed6c880fca68934df446a7fdd (MD5) edisonticleturma2004.pdf: 942851 bytes, checksum: 5fa263fdfda2bb9492d9f718d0584ab5 (MD5) edisonticleturma2004.pdf.txt: 96707 bytes, checksum: dafa3b505418af9cfad33011c1b4191f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-02-13T00:00:00Z / This paper’s main objective is to provide empirical evidence that the term structure spread contains valuable information about both future inflation and economic activity paths, using Brazil’s data since 1999 to 2006. Estimation using industrial production figures (IBGE) has shown weak results, yield curve spread coefficients were significant at 5% level of confidence (for 3 to 18 months ahead of projection). Even when controlled for other explicative variables, the yield curve spread has kept its predictive power. Estimation using real GDP figures (IBGE) provided very weak results and not significant coefficients. On the other hand, empirical evidence indicated that the term structure slope does have a great deal of predictive power for future changes in inflation (IPCA), irrespective of the slope measure chosen. Again, even when controlled for other explicative variables, the yield curve spread has shown additional information about future inflation path. The evidence in this paper suggests that central banks might pay attention to the information contained in the term structure, acknowledging it as another important input for their process of monetary policy decision. / O objetivo deste trabalho é examinar a hipótese de que a estrutura a termo das taxas de juros é um bom indicador antecedente das trajetórias futuras da inflação e da atividade econômica, especificamente para o caso brasileiro, no período de 1999 a 2006. As evidências empíricas, examinadas através de regressões da inclinação da curva de juros realizadas contra a variação futura da produção industrial (IBGE) apresentaram resultados pouco robustos, porém coeficientes significativos a 5% (para prazos de projeção de 3 a 18 meses). Quando controlada para outras variáveis explicativas, manteve seu poder de previsão, sugerindo que há conteúdo informacional relevante na inclinação da curva de juros para previsão da produção industrial futura. As regressões realizadas contra a variação futura do PIB a preços constantes (IBGE) apresentaram resultados bastante fracos e coeficientes pouco significativos. Por outro lado, os resultados empíricos das regressões do spread da curva de juros contra a variação futura da inflação (IPCA) mostraram-se robustos, para todas as especificações de diferencial de curva de juros. Novamente, quando controlada para outras variáveis explicativas, manteve seu poder de previsão. As conclusões deste trabalho permitem sugerir aos bancos centrais estar atentos à informação contida na estrutura a termo de juros, utilizando-a como mais um input de informação nos modelos utilizados pela autoridade monetária para suas decisões de política monetária.

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