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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Mobile Health Intervention to Sustain Recent Weight Loss

Shaw, Ryan J. January 2012 (has links)
<p>Background: Obesity is the number one health risk facing Americans. The obesity epidemic in America is attributed to physical inactivity, unhealthy food choices, and excessive food intake. Structured weight loss programs have been successful in initiating behavior change and weight loss; however, weight is almost always regained over time. The rate of weight gain is highest immediately after cessation of a structured weight loss program. Thus, effective interventions are needed that can successfully be used following a structured weight loss program to sustain weight loss and prevent weight relapse. Due to low cost, ubiquity, and ease of use, healthcare communicated through mobile technology, or "mHealth", may be able to serve as an effective medium to reach a large number of people to facilitate weight loss behaviors. Short message service (SMS), also known as text messaging, is easy to use, ubiquitous, affordable, and can target people directly where they are regardless of geographic location, socioeconomic status, or demographic factors. A review of the literature demonstrated limited information regarding message content, timing and frequency of message delivery and only 3 of 14 SMS-related interventions reviewed demonstrated a statistically significant effect on weight loss, diet or exercise. Additionally, information on how to integrate and leverage SMS as a health promotion tool for weight loss was also limited in the literature.</p><p>The Behavior Change Process model was used as a guide to understand how to develop an intervention to help people sustain recent weight loss. Furthermore, research suggests interventions that target and frame messages about how people reach goals in their life through either a prevention or promotion focus may be beneficial at motivating people to self-regulate and sustain recent behavioral changes. The goal of this study was to design an intervention that would help people stay in the continued response phase of the Behavior Change Process and help prevent weight relapse. Using the Behavior Change Process and regulatory focus theory, an intervention was developed that leveraged short message service (SMS) to deliver messages to people who have recently lost weight in attempt to help them sustain weight loss and prevent relapse.</p><p>Methods: First, a pilot study was conducted to inform the development of a SMS software application, the development of message content and the frequency and timing of message delivery. Second, an exploratory 3-arm mixed methods randomized controlled trial was conducted to test the feasibility, acceptability, perception of the usefulness, and efficacy of a weight loss sustaining mHealth SMS intervention among people with obesity. Participants (N=120) were randomized to a promotion message group, a prevention message group, or an attention-control general health message group. Participants completed baseline assessments, and reported their weight at 1 and 3 months post-baseline to assess efficacy of the intervention on sustaining weight loss. In addition, participants partook in a phone interview follow completion of the intervention to assess acceptability and usefulness. </p><p>Results: Participants found the message content and intervention acceptable and a majority perceived value in receiving messages via SMS that promote weight loss sustaining behaviors. Interview data implied that the intervention served as a reminder and daily cue to action. Participants were favorable towards receiving a daily reminder, which they noted helped them to stay focused, and in some cases to keep them motivated to continue losing weight. And a majority, 42 (91%) who participated in a telephone interview said that they preferred to get messages on their cell phone due to accessibility and convenience. A minimum of one message per day delivered at approximately 8:00 A.M. was deemed the optimal delivery time and frequency. This was particularly true for weight loss, which many participants reported as a daily struggle that begins every morning. With regards to sustaining weight loss, there was a statistical trend in sustained weight loss at months 1 and 3 in the promotion and prevention framed message groups compared to the control group in both the intent-to-treat and evaluable case analyses. Clinically, there was a significant decrease in mean weight of approximately 5 pounds at month 3 in the promotion and prevention groups compared to the control. Additionally, effect sizes indicated a large effect of the intervention on sustaining weight loss in the promotion and prevention groups relative to the control group.</p><p>Conclusion: Overall results showed that at the continued response phase of the behavioral change process, it was feasible to design an application to deliver promotion and prevention framed weight loss sustaining messages. In particular, prevention framed messages may have been more useful in helping participants sustain weight loss. Though there was less than 80% power to detect a statistically significant difference, the observed effect sizes in this study were significant and demonstrated a large effect of the promotion and prevention interventions on sustaining weight loss relative to control. Furthermore, there was a clinically significant increase in mean weight loss and in the number of people who sustained weight loss in the promotion and prevention intervention groups compared to control.</p><p>These findings may serve as a reference for future interventions designed to help people thwart relapse and transition from a state of sustaining recent weight loss behaviors to a state of maintenance. Technological tools such as this SMS intervention that are constructed and guided by evidence-based content and theoretical constructs show promise in helping people sustain healthy behaviors that can lead to improved health outcomes.</p> / Dissertation

Verba volant, scripta etiam (Le parole volano, e anche le cose scritte) : Comunicazione « schermo a schermo » : uno scritto che cerca di avvicinarsi all’orale / Verba volant, scripta etiam (Les mots volent et les choses écrites aussi) : Communication « d’écran à écran » : un écrit qui essaie de se rapprocher de l’oral

Compagnone, Maria Rosaria 01 March 2011 (has links)
Au XXe siècle, aux moyens traditionnels de transmission du langage verbal que constituent le parlé et l’écrit, s’est ajouté un troisième moyen, le transmis. Si, dans un premier temps, il s’est surtout agi d’un « parlé à distance » (téléphone, radio, cinéma, télévision), on est ensuite passé à « l’écrit à distance » (sites Internet, courrier électronique, chats, SMS). Les progrès technologiques ont été suivis d’une transformation linguistique : le code s’est adapté aux différents supports qui l’ont véhiculé. Les technologies électroniques de la parole, comme le note Spina (2001 : 31), ont donné une nouvelle impulsion au mode de communication orale. À la fin du XIXe siècle, en effet, l’invention du téléphone a représenté une véritable révolution. Aujourd’hui, après plus d’un siècle, le téléphone a dépassé ses limitations traditionnelles, il s’est fait petit et discret et, à la transmission du son, il a ajouté la possibilité de faire circuler de brefs messages de texte et même des e-mails.La diffusion de la communication SMS a transformé un instrument dévolu à l’échange oral en technologie d’écriture, mais l’originalité du support permet à l’écriture SMS de reproduire les structures morphologiques de l’interaction orale, malgré sa nature d’écrit. Ainsi, la vitesse de composition du message n’est pas la seule propriété qui permette à l’écriture SMS de s’approcher de l’oralité : la syntaxe y apparaît souvent comme plutôt élémentaire, avec une prédominance de parataxes et de constructions elliptiques de la phrase plutôt que d’hypotaxes, traits typiques du discours oral. Mais le SMS joue aussi sur les finalités communicatives en abaissant le registre formel de la langue et en favorisant ainsi un nouveau langage. Notre thèse, si elle n’est pas la première à analyser un corpus de SMS, est sûrement en revanche l’une des premières à comparer la typologie des processus observés dans deux langues, l’italien et le français, pour en définir mécanismes parallèles et diversités. / Verbal language has traditionally been communicated by two means: speech and writing. In the twentieth century, however, a third means came into existence: transmitted language. Initially this consisted mostly of language “spoken at a distance” (telephone, radio, cinema, television), but it then extended to include language “written at a distance” (Internet sites, electronic mail, online chat, SMS). Technological progress was followed by a transformation of the language, and the code has been adapted to the different media used to convey it. Electronic technologies of the word, as Spina notes (2001: 31), have given a new impetus to the oral mode of communication, based on the spoken word.At the end of the 19th century, the invention of the telephone was a real breakthrough, allowing the creation of new, and previously unavailable, forms of communication. Today, little more than a century later, the phone has exceeded even its traditional limitations and to the transmission of sound has been added the ability to write short text messages, and even to send e-mail. The spread of SMS communication has transformed an instrument devoted to oral exchange into a technology of writing: in fact, the originality of the support allows text messaging, despite its written nature, to reproduce the morphological structures of oral interaction. Thus, the speed of composing the message is not the only property that allows texting to approach orality: the syntax is often seen as rather basic, with a predominance of parataxis and elliptical constructions rather than hypotaxis, features that are typical of spoken discourse. But texting also plays on communicative purpose by adopting a more informal register and thus fostering a new language. The present thesis, while not the first study to analyze a corpus of SMS, is surely one of the first to compare the types of processes found in both languages, French and Italian, in order to define parallel mechanisms and differences.

Desenvolvimento de um protótipo para monitoramento à distância de pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca por short message service

Pedraza, Leticia Lopez January 2017 (has links)
Objetivo: Desenvolver e testar um sistema de monitoramento à distância por short message service (SMS) para pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca (IC) agudamente descompensada. Método: A elaboração do protótipo foi desenvolvida em três etapas: a primeira, foi a definição de todas as funcionalidades previstas; a segunda, procurou a codificação dos módulos do programa; a terceira, consistiu na realização dos testes, para garantir seu funcionamento pleno. O programa desenvolvido enviava dois tipos de mensagens: com perguntas, que deveriam ser respondidas pelos pacientes, e com reforços educativos, que não necessitavam de respostas. Além disso, o sistema gerava alarmes em caso de ausência de resposta ou conforme um fluxograma para detectar congestão. Esta dinâmica permitia o contato imediato com o participante para confirmar os dados recebidos e dar orientações sobre as medidas necessárias para auxiliá-lo. Para o teste do protótipo, foram acompanhados 10 pacientes com internação por descompensação aguda da IC que estavam nas unidades clínicas ou na unidade de cuidados coronarianos do Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre. Após a alta, as mensagens que exigiam respostas foram enviadas durante uma semana (duas pela manhã e duas à noite). Os SMS educativos foram enviados uma vez a cada dois dias. Resultados: Participaram do teste do protótipo, 10 pacientes. A média de idade foi de 67±13 anos. Os pacientes eram predominantemente do sexo masculino e moravam acompanhados por familiares. A fração de ejeção média foi de 35±7%. Dos 30 pacientes potencialmente elegíveis no período de teste, 14 foram incluídos. Destes, quatro não tiveram alta no momento do teste e um não completou o seguimento de sete dias por internação por síndrome coronariana aguda. Dos 264 SMS enviados, 247 foram respondidos. Dez dos SMS não respondidos coincidiram com a falta de luz gerada por fortes tormentas que ocorreram na cidade. Os demais SMS não foram respondidos porque os pacientes não os viram (quatro) ou porque eles esqueceram (três). O alarme foi acionado sete vezes: três pacientes acordaram com falta de ar durante duas noites consecutivas e quatro pacientes se sentiram mais cansados durante dois dias consecutivos. Nenhum paciente aumentou dois Kg em três dias. Todos os pacientes tomaram as medicações prescritas durante o seguimento. A enfermeira do estudo orientou os pacientes que geraram alarme no sistema. Conclusões: O sistema de monitoramento à distância foi desenvolvido com êxito e, durante o teste, foi possível detectar algumas limitações – que foram corrigidas. Entre os participantes que completaram o estudo, observamos uma alta taxa de resposta e evidência preliminar de melhorias na autogestão da IC. / Objective: To develop and test a short message service remote monitoring system for patients with acute decompensated heart failure (HF). Method: The elaboration of the prototype was developed in three stages: the first one was the definition of all the expected functionalities; the second sought coding of the program modules; the third consisted of the tests, which ensured its full operation. The program sent two types of messages: questions that should be answered by the patients, and educational reinforcements that did not require answers. In addition, the system generated alarms in case of no response or according to a flow chart to detect congestion in the patient previously created by the team. This system allows the immediate contact with the participant to confirm the received data and to give the necessary orientations to him. For the prototype test we included 10 patients hospitalized for acute decompensation of HF who were in the clinical units or coronary care unit of the Clinical Hospital of Porto Alegre. After discharge, messages that required responses were sent for one week (two in the morning and two in the evening). The educational SMS was sent once every two days. Results: Ten patients participated in the prototype test. The mean age was 67 ± 13. The patients were predominantly males and lived with relatives. The ejection fraction was 35 ± 7%. Of the 30 potentially eligible patients in the trial period, 14 were included. Of these, four were not discharged at the time of the test and one did not complete the seven-day follow-up for hospitalization for acute coronary syndrome. Of the 264 SMS sent, 247 were answered. Ten of the unanswered SMS coincided with the lack of light generated by the strong storms in the city. The remaining SMS were not answered because the patients did not see them (four) or they forgot these (three). The alarm was triggered seven times: three patients woke up with shortness of breath for two consecutive nights and four patients felt more fatigued for two consecutive days. No patient increased two Kg in three days. All patients took the prescribed medications during follow-up. The study nurse guided the patients who generated alarm in the system. Conclusions: The remote monitoring system was successfully developed and during the test it was possible to visualize some limitations that were corrected. Among the participants who reform the study, we observed a high response rate and preliminary evidence of improvements in self-management of HF.

Desenvolvimento de um protótipo para monitoramento à distância de pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca por short message service

Pedraza, Leticia Lopez January 2017 (has links)
Objetivo: Desenvolver e testar um sistema de monitoramento à distância por short message service (SMS) para pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca (IC) agudamente descompensada. Método: A elaboração do protótipo foi desenvolvida em três etapas: a primeira, foi a definição de todas as funcionalidades previstas; a segunda, procurou a codificação dos módulos do programa; a terceira, consistiu na realização dos testes, para garantir seu funcionamento pleno. O programa desenvolvido enviava dois tipos de mensagens: com perguntas, que deveriam ser respondidas pelos pacientes, e com reforços educativos, que não necessitavam de respostas. Além disso, o sistema gerava alarmes em caso de ausência de resposta ou conforme um fluxograma para detectar congestão. Esta dinâmica permitia o contato imediato com o participante para confirmar os dados recebidos e dar orientações sobre as medidas necessárias para auxiliá-lo. Para o teste do protótipo, foram acompanhados 10 pacientes com internação por descompensação aguda da IC que estavam nas unidades clínicas ou na unidade de cuidados coronarianos do Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre. Após a alta, as mensagens que exigiam respostas foram enviadas durante uma semana (duas pela manhã e duas à noite). Os SMS educativos foram enviados uma vez a cada dois dias. Resultados: Participaram do teste do protótipo, 10 pacientes. A média de idade foi de 67±13 anos. Os pacientes eram predominantemente do sexo masculino e moravam acompanhados por familiares. A fração de ejeção média foi de 35±7%. Dos 30 pacientes potencialmente elegíveis no período de teste, 14 foram incluídos. Destes, quatro não tiveram alta no momento do teste e um não completou o seguimento de sete dias por internação por síndrome coronariana aguda. Dos 264 SMS enviados, 247 foram respondidos. Dez dos SMS não respondidos coincidiram com a falta de luz gerada por fortes tormentas que ocorreram na cidade. Os demais SMS não foram respondidos porque os pacientes não os viram (quatro) ou porque eles esqueceram (três). O alarme foi acionado sete vezes: três pacientes acordaram com falta de ar durante duas noites consecutivas e quatro pacientes se sentiram mais cansados durante dois dias consecutivos. Nenhum paciente aumentou dois Kg em três dias. Todos os pacientes tomaram as medicações prescritas durante o seguimento. A enfermeira do estudo orientou os pacientes que geraram alarme no sistema. Conclusões: O sistema de monitoramento à distância foi desenvolvido com êxito e, durante o teste, foi possível detectar algumas limitações – que foram corrigidas. Entre os participantes que completaram o estudo, observamos uma alta taxa de resposta e evidência preliminar de melhorias na autogestão da IC. / Objective: To develop and test a short message service remote monitoring system for patients with acute decompensated heart failure (HF). Method: The elaboration of the prototype was developed in three stages: the first one was the definition of all the expected functionalities; the second sought coding of the program modules; the third consisted of the tests, which ensured its full operation. The program sent two types of messages: questions that should be answered by the patients, and educational reinforcements that did not require answers. In addition, the system generated alarms in case of no response or according to a flow chart to detect congestion in the patient previously created by the team. This system allows the immediate contact with the participant to confirm the received data and to give the necessary orientations to him. For the prototype test we included 10 patients hospitalized for acute decompensation of HF who were in the clinical units or coronary care unit of the Clinical Hospital of Porto Alegre. After discharge, messages that required responses were sent for one week (two in the morning and two in the evening). The educational SMS was sent once every two days. Results: Ten patients participated in the prototype test. The mean age was 67 ± 13. The patients were predominantly males and lived with relatives. The ejection fraction was 35 ± 7%. Of the 30 potentially eligible patients in the trial period, 14 were included. Of these, four were not discharged at the time of the test and one did not complete the seven-day follow-up for hospitalization for acute coronary syndrome. Of the 264 SMS sent, 247 were answered. Ten of the unanswered SMS coincided with the lack of light generated by the strong storms in the city. The remaining SMS were not answered because the patients did not see them (four) or they forgot these (three). The alarm was triggered seven times: three patients woke up with shortness of breath for two consecutive nights and four patients felt more fatigued for two consecutive days. No patient increased two Kg in three days. All patients took the prescribed medications during follow-up. The study nurse guided the patients who generated alarm in the system. Conclusions: The remote monitoring system was successfully developed and during the test it was possible to visualize some limitations that were corrected. Among the participants who reform the study, we observed a high response rate and preliminary evidence of improvements in self-management of HF.

A Study to Determine the Preliminary Effects of a Theory-Based Intervention

January 2015 (has links)
abstract: This study tested the preliminary effectiveness of a health belief and text messaging intervention for parents of five- to eight-year-old children to determine whether health beliefs and influenza vaccine receipt differ when compared to a text messaging control group. Children are almost four times more likely to be infected with influenza than adults (Belshe Piedra, & Block, 2009), shed the greatest quantities of influenza virus, and have been recognized as vectors for spread of disease (Neuzil, Mellen, Wright, Mitchel, Jr., & Griffin, 2002b). The influenza immunization rate for school-age children is less than 56% (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2014). Reasons for the low vaccination rate include parents’ misperceptions of influenza disease and vaccinations (Bhat-Schelbert et al., 2012; Taylor et al., 2002). There are few theory-based interventions for increasing influenza vaccination rates of school-age children; however, promising results have been found when using the constructs of the health belief model (HBM) (Chen et al., 2011; Coe, Gatewood, Moczygemba, Goode, & Beckner, 2012). Mobile technology using Short Message Service (SMS) text messaging may increase vaccination rates to a greater extent than traditional vaccine reminders (Daley et al., 2002; Grajalva, 2006). Prior to starting this study, only one randomized controlled trial testing text messaging to increase children’s influenza vaccination rates was found (Stockwell et al., 2012). In this study, text messaging was effective in promoting behavioral changes leading to a 4% increase in influenza vaccination (27.1% vs. 22.8%, RR = 1.19, p < .001). This study was a randomized controlled trial using a two-group pre- and posttest experimental design. This study found that a theory-based intervention (SayNo2Flu) guided by the HBM and combined with the use of mobile technology (SMS text messaging) did change parents’ influenza vaccination perceptions. It had an overall increase of 38.1% in Influenza vaccination rates in the intervention group (OR: 4.46, 95% CL, 1.705-11.706, p < .001). These results offer some insight into the use of theory-based preventative interventions for parents of young school-age children. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Nursing and Healthcare Innovation 2015

Proactive Advising in Admission Services: Minding the Gap in Effective Communication through Text Messaging

January 2018 (has links)
abstract: It is vital for schools to have qualified teachers educating our children. Institutions with teacher preparation programs supply a valuable service to their communities by providing classrooms with devoted professionals who thrive on helping children learn, and the Teachers College, where this study is set, is one such institution. The Teachers College offers two pathways to gain teacher certification: a traditional bachelor’s degree in teaching areas such as elementary, secondary, or special education, as well as master’s degrees in those same teaching areas which offer students with a bachelor’s degree in an area other than teaching, another pathway to teacher certification. Many people who receive their bachelor degrees and then return to college to earn advanced K-12 teacher education degrees are from the millennial generation. The decision to return to college to earn a master’s degree with teacher certification can be a stressful one. Millennial students seeking teacher certification often have fulltime jobs and families, and therefore need the process of returning to school to be quick and efficient. How well these prospective students communicate with the admissions staff at their school of choice will determine if they receive the information needed to complete their applications. The focus of this study is to investigate if a proactive advising text message innovation developed for this study called TextEd, used during the admission process for graduate level, teacher certification programs at the Teachers College, affected applicant communication levels and customer satisfaction through the application process. More specifically, surveys and interviews were conducted with applicants from three teacher certifications programs to determine if TextEd was an effective tool for communication with millennial applicants. Results indicated that applicants’ preferred method of communication was their cell phone, and an increased level of customer satisfaction occurred when using a proactive advising approach with text messaging during the admissions process. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Leadership and Innovation 2018

TEXT2COPE Program for Parents of Overweight or Obese Preschool-Aged Children

January 2014 (has links)
abstract: Children are five times more likely to be overweight at the age of 12 years if they are overweight during the preschool period, and 60% of overweight preschoolers are overweight at the age of 12 years (Matusik & Malecka-Tendera, 2011). Primary care interventions are urgently needed to improve healthy lifestyle behaviors in families. Parental influence plays an important factor in the development of healthy behaviors in children. Cognitive behavioral interventions have demonstrated preliminary success in promoting healthy lifestyle behaviors in both adults and children. Mobile technology used to supplement interventions aimed at behavior change offers an outlet to bridge gaps in health disparities and generate innovative evidence. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to establish the feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary effects of a cognitive-behavioral intervention (TEXT2COPE) synergized with mobile technology on the healthy lifestyle behaviors of parents of overweight and obese preschoolers. Primary aims of the proposed pilot study were to (a) examine the feasibility and acceptability of the TEXT2COPE program among parents of overweight or obese preschoolers with mobile phones; (b) evaluate the preliminary effects of the TEXT2COPE program on healthy lifestyle behaviors in families with overweight or obese preschoolers; and (c) evaluate the relationship among the study variables (i.e., cognitive beliefs, perceived difficulty, and healthy lifestyle behaviors). Findings indicate that this program is feasible and acceptable in this population. The intervention improved healthy lifestyle beliefs and behaviors in parents. Further supported are the interconnected relationships between parental beliefs, thoughts, and behaviors. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Nursing and Healthcare Innovation 2014

Desenvolvimento de um protótipo para monitoramento à distância de pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca por short message service

Pedraza, Leticia Lopez January 2017 (has links)
Objetivo: Desenvolver e testar um sistema de monitoramento à distância por short message service (SMS) para pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca (IC) agudamente descompensada. Método: A elaboração do protótipo foi desenvolvida em três etapas: a primeira, foi a definição de todas as funcionalidades previstas; a segunda, procurou a codificação dos módulos do programa; a terceira, consistiu na realização dos testes, para garantir seu funcionamento pleno. O programa desenvolvido enviava dois tipos de mensagens: com perguntas, que deveriam ser respondidas pelos pacientes, e com reforços educativos, que não necessitavam de respostas. Além disso, o sistema gerava alarmes em caso de ausência de resposta ou conforme um fluxograma para detectar congestão. Esta dinâmica permitia o contato imediato com o participante para confirmar os dados recebidos e dar orientações sobre as medidas necessárias para auxiliá-lo. Para o teste do protótipo, foram acompanhados 10 pacientes com internação por descompensação aguda da IC que estavam nas unidades clínicas ou na unidade de cuidados coronarianos do Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre. Após a alta, as mensagens que exigiam respostas foram enviadas durante uma semana (duas pela manhã e duas à noite). Os SMS educativos foram enviados uma vez a cada dois dias. Resultados: Participaram do teste do protótipo, 10 pacientes. A média de idade foi de 67±13 anos. Os pacientes eram predominantemente do sexo masculino e moravam acompanhados por familiares. A fração de ejeção média foi de 35±7%. Dos 30 pacientes potencialmente elegíveis no período de teste, 14 foram incluídos. Destes, quatro não tiveram alta no momento do teste e um não completou o seguimento de sete dias por internação por síndrome coronariana aguda. Dos 264 SMS enviados, 247 foram respondidos. Dez dos SMS não respondidos coincidiram com a falta de luz gerada por fortes tormentas que ocorreram na cidade. Os demais SMS não foram respondidos porque os pacientes não os viram (quatro) ou porque eles esqueceram (três). O alarme foi acionado sete vezes: três pacientes acordaram com falta de ar durante duas noites consecutivas e quatro pacientes se sentiram mais cansados durante dois dias consecutivos. Nenhum paciente aumentou dois Kg em três dias. Todos os pacientes tomaram as medicações prescritas durante o seguimento. A enfermeira do estudo orientou os pacientes que geraram alarme no sistema. Conclusões: O sistema de monitoramento à distância foi desenvolvido com êxito e, durante o teste, foi possível detectar algumas limitações – que foram corrigidas. Entre os participantes que completaram o estudo, observamos uma alta taxa de resposta e evidência preliminar de melhorias na autogestão da IC. / Objective: To develop and test a short message service remote monitoring system for patients with acute decompensated heart failure (HF). Method: The elaboration of the prototype was developed in three stages: the first one was the definition of all the expected functionalities; the second sought coding of the program modules; the third consisted of the tests, which ensured its full operation. The program sent two types of messages: questions that should be answered by the patients, and educational reinforcements that did not require answers. In addition, the system generated alarms in case of no response or according to a flow chart to detect congestion in the patient previously created by the team. This system allows the immediate contact with the participant to confirm the received data and to give the necessary orientations to him. For the prototype test we included 10 patients hospitalized for acute decompensation of HF who were in the clinical units or coronary care unit of the Clinical Hospital of Porto Alegre. After discharge, messages that required responses were sent for one week (two in the morning and two in the evening). The educational SMS was sent once every two days. Results: Ten patients participated in the prototype test. The mean age was 67 ± 13. The patients were predominantly males and lived with relatives. The ejection fraction was 35 ± 7%. Of the 30 potentially eligible patients in the trial period, 14 were included. Of these, four were not discharged at the time of the test and one did not complete the seven-day follow-up for hospitalization for acute coronary syndrome. Of the 264 SMS sent, 247 were answered. Ten of the unanswered SMS coincided with the lack of light generated by the strong storms in the city. The remaining SMS were not answered because the patients did not see them (four) or they forgot these (three). The alarm was triggered seven times: three patients woke up with shortness of breath for two consecutive nights and four patients felt more fatigued for two consecutive days. No patient increased two Kg in three days. All patients took the prescribed medications during follow-up. The study nurse guided the patients who generated alarm in the system. Conclusions: The remote monitoring system was successfully developed and during the test it was possible to visualize some limitations that were corrected. Among the participants who reform the study, we observed a high response rate and preliminary evidence of improvements in self-management of HF.


Kuziel, Alexa Lauren 01 January 2019 (has links)
The prevalence of obesity is rising in the United States and one factor that contributes to it is the lack of cooking at home and planning out meals. Since text messaging is now a main avenue of communication, it could be used to motivate people to plan out their meals and cook at home instead of consuming fast food. Current research on how weekly nudges might relate to peoples’ goals about meal preparation and dietary intake is very limited. The purpose of this study was to examine if sending weekly nudges, focusing on specific dietary goals, improves meal planning and dietary intake in an online meal planning group. A Facebook group was used to send weekly nudges to the participants throughout six weeks. It was found that meal planning appears to have a significant effect on meal preparation at home and thus may help improve dietary intake. The results found can also be utilized in other aspects of leading to healthier lifestyles and motivation-need situations such as weight loss.

The counselling needs of adolescents expressed through text messaging

Wagner, Le-Vérne January 2014 (has links)
The advent of text messaging as a popular and cheaper form of communication has offered a new research perspective on adolescent development. Erikson’s identity formation theory, the core tenets of existentialism, and the developmental factors of adolescence provided a conceptual framework for the present investigation, which was guided by two research questions: What are the needs of adolescents seeking assistance through text-based messaging? How do the needs expressed align with the stage of development that adolescents are in? Since the data set had already been established from text messaging between learners and tutors in the Dr Math online tutoring programme, secondary data analysis was employed. A qualitative approach, rooted in an interpretivist paradigm, was used. In total 143, of the 5284, messages were included based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Thematic network analysis served to enable coding and grouping of the data into thematic networks for analysis. A bottom-to-top hierarchy of codes, basic themes, and organising themes led to the formulation of the global themes of romantic curiosity, emotional expression, academic and career concerns, personal counselling, and social interactions as central to arriving at a better understanding of adolescents’ psychosocial needs in an increasingly technological communication environment. Further research is recommended into ways in which training and development in technology can be used for aiding adolescents in South Africa, as well as into the role of technology in advancing practice and research for professionals. / Mini-dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2014. / tm2015 / Educational Psychology / MEd / Unrestricted

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