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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utvärdering av användandet av Smiley-systemet : Miljökontor och livsmedelsverksamheter i två kommuner i Skåne

Lindén, Pernilla January 2015 (has links)
A system for the publication of the control results on food businesses were introduced in Sweden but for various reasons it was never fully implemented. It was, however, a few municipalities in Sweden which became curious about this system and gradually began to use it. In this study, I have investigated what perceptions and views local authorities and associated food businesses that use the system have and if they think that it is a good system. 2 municipalities were interviewed with related food industries and a simple questionnaire about their views on the system was sent to a few more establishments. The results showed that local authorities were satisfied with the system and considered that so far there were no disadvantages to the system. The food businesses felt that the Smiley system was mainly a positive system, and in their view above all for the customer. The non-premier a Smiley considered it a positive system so long as it was done in the right way. The majority of the interviewed businesses felt that there was a marketing value in having the Smiley sticker. / Ett system för offentliggörande av kontrollresultat på livsmedelsverksamheter i Sverige planerades för några år sedan men av olika skäl infördes aldrig systemet. Det var dock några kommuner i Sverige som på frivillig väg började använda sig av systemet. I denna studie ville jag undersöka vad inspektörerna och tillhörande livsmedelsverksamhetsutövare, som använder sig av systemet, hade för uppfattning och synpunkter på systemet benämnt Smiley. Undersökning genomfördes dels med intervjuer och dels med enkäter. Inspektörer och livsmedelsverksamhetsutövare intervjuades i två kommuner i Skåne. En enkel enkät skickades ut till några fler verksamhetsutövare i kommunen. Resultatet visade att inspektörerna var nöjda med systemet och de ansåg att det än så länge inte fanns några större nackdelar med systemet. Livsmedelsverksamhetsutövarna ansåg att i grunden är Smiley ett positivt system och framförallt ansåg de att Smiley är bra för kunden. Vid de verksamheter som inte premierats med en Smiley ansåg verksamhetsutövarna att det var ett positivt system så länge det gjordes på rätt sätt. Majoriteten av de intervjuade verksamhetsutövarna ansåg att det fanns ett marknadsföringsvärde att ha Smiley-dekalen.

Hitting the marks

Smiley, John Francis 16 September 2013 (has links)
This thesis consists of three major sections. The first reflects on the new methodologies that I have developed and incorporated into my classes and performances here in the MFA Acting program at The University of Texas at Austin. The second section examines my approach to character and the application of technique to the rehearsal of a role. Finally, I reflect on, and examine, the rehearsal process for Intimate Apparel from the first rehearsal through the final performance. / text

När orden inte räcker till : en kvalitatitv intervjustudie om barns användning av mobilspråket emoji / In lack of words : a qualitative interview studie about kids usage of the mobile language emoji

Berg, Ingrid January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Jane Smiley's "A Thousand Acres": A Feminist Revision of "King Lear"

Lombardic, Diana 03 June 2014 (has links)
Jane Smiley retells the tale of “King Lear” through the perspective of one of the evil sisters, in her novel “A Thousand Acres”. While the literary canon places William Shakespeare and his plays at the top of the list, I disagree that the canon should denote what is considered “classic” and what would be disregarded. Jane Smiley's novel is not canonized, but why? Her feminist revision of “King Lear” answers why Goneril and Regan were so evil. I argue that “King Lear” (both the text and the play) does not provide the evidence of dysfunction that Smiley's novel exhibits. “A Thousand Acres” opens up questions about gender formation, issues that are misrepresented and occluded in Shakespeare's “King Lear”. By bringing the trauma of incest to the forefront of the novel, its reverse emotional structures allow the reader to obtain a new perspective to a complex four-century-old play.

Ungdomars identitet genom chatspråk

Dahlgren, Oksana January 2009 (has links)
AbstraktDahlgren, O (2009). Ungdomars identitet genom chatspråk (The Identity of Youth throughthe Language of Chat) Malmö: Lärarutbildningen: Malmö högskolaExamensarbetet beskriver identitetssökandeprocessen bland ungdomar och på vilket sättchatspråk formar dagens ungdomars identitet. Syftet med examensarbetet är att beskrivaungdomsperioden och ge en syn på hur chatt formar den nutida ungdomens identitet.Dessutom syftar arbetet till att bidra till föräldrars och vuxnas medvetenhet om en sådanungdoms livssituation för att de skall kunna ha förståelse för ungdomarna, acceptera derasbeteende och språk och vara ett stöd. Arbetet har utgått ifrån följande frågor: Vad kan enidentitetssökandeprocess bland ungdomar innebära? På vilket sätt kan chatt och chatspråkforma ungdomars identitet? De metoder som använts för att få svar på frågeställningarna harvarit att intervjua ungdomar om chatt och chatspråk och att göra en undersökning av utdragenur chatt av de intervjuade ungdomarna. Den teoretiska bakgrunden bestod avjagidentitetsbegreppet samt den psykoanalytiska teorin och det socialpsykologiskaperspektivet och begreppen chatt och språk. Resultatet pekar på att chatt är en del av dennutida ungdomens vardag. Slutsatsen i examensarbetet är att chatt och chatspråk formardagens ungdomars identitet genom att ge dem tillhörighet till en grupp och är ett fält där dekan uttrycka sin personlighet.Nyckelord: Ungdomar, identitet, chatt, chatspråk, MSN, smiley, emoticon. / AbstractDahlgren, O (2009). Ungdomars identitet genom chatspråk (The Identity of Youth throughthe Language of Chat) Malmö: Lärarutbildningen: Malmö högskolaThis examination work describes the identity searching process among youths and in whatway chat language forms the identity of the today’s youths. The purpose of the examinationwork is to describe the youth period and give a view of in what way chat forms the today’syouths identity. Further more this work aims to contribute to parents´ and grown-ups´awareness about such a situation of life among youth, for them to be able to haveunderstanding for the youths, accept their behavior and language and to support them. Thework is based on the following questions: What may the identity searching process mean? Inwhat way may chat and chat language form the youth’s identity? The methods which wereused to get answers of the issues have been to interview the youths about chat, and chatlanguage, and to make a research of extracts from the personal chat examples of theinterviewed group. The theoretical background consisted of the I-identity definition, as wellas the psychoanalytical theory and the social psychological theory, and the definitions of chatand language. The result indicates towards that chat and chat language is a part of today’syouth’s everyday life. The conclusion of the examination work is the following: chat and chatlanguage form the today’s youth identity by means of giving them the feeling of belonging toa group and is a field for expression of their personality.Keywords: Youth, identity, chat, chat language, MSN, smiley, emotional icon.

Acts of justice : risk and representation in contemporary American fiction

Polley, Jason S. January 2006 (has links)
Spectacles of justice preoccupy contemporary American culture. Legal culture---including the Watergate trials, the Lewinsky scandal, and OJ Simpson's trial for alleged murder---assumes a central place in the American imaginary. Configurations of the law are not limited to media reportage and televised docudramas. Nor are arbitrations confined to law faculties and the spaces of formal courts. Working through depictions of due process in different ways and in different zones, contemporary American writers point up the prevalence of legality in everyday life. Whether on college campuses, in TV studios and suburban homes, or at theatres and racetracks, justice mediates interpersonal relations. Personal narratives proliferate as modes of self-justification. Everyone has a right to represent her side of a story. As interpretations of reality, however, none of these stories can claim absolute justness. No one has a monopoly on the law or victimhood. / This dissertation inspects how Jonathan Franzen, Don DeLillo, and Jane Smiley present the inconsistencies of the law. These American novelists emplot global escapes into their work as a means to inform notions of liberty and jurisprudence. For these writers, freedom requires the recognition of contradictory---and unanticipated---narratives. "Justice Theory" emerges where media, gambling, performance, and suburban studies intersect with ethics, globalism, and narratology. In Franzen's novel The Corrections and essay collection How to Be Alone, self-validation requires the appreciation of the stories of others. In DeLillo's later works, particularly the plays The Day Room and Valparaiso, justice materializes in terms of isolation and the will to alter personal stories. For Smiley, as construed in her long novels The Greenlanders and Horse Heaven, dynamic responsive actions attend risky, unpredictable encounters in competitive milieus like the racetrack. These authors reveal that executions of justice and the perpetration of injustice involve varied consequences. The law is not only about punishment and recompense. Rather, legality directs the consequences of its applications toward the ideal of justice, which evolves alongside the subjects that it serves and the stories that they relate.

Verba volant, scripta etiam (Le parole volano, e anche le cose scritte) : Comunicazione « schermo a schermo » : uno scritto che cerca di avvicinarsi all’orale / Verba volant, scripta etiam (Les mots volent et les choses écrites aussi) : Communication « d’écran à écran » : un écrit qui essaie de se rapprocher de l’oral

Compagnone, Maria Rosaria 01 March 2011 (has links)
Au XXe siècle, aux moyens traditionnels de transmission du langage verbal que constituent le parlé et l’écrit, s’est ajouté un troisième moyen, le transmis. Si, dans un premier temps, il s’est surtout agi d’un « parlé à distance » (téléphone, radio, cinéma, télévision), on est ensuite passé à « l’écrit à distance » (sites Internet, courrier électronique, chats, SMS). Les progrès technologiques ont été suivis d’une transformation linguistique : le code s’est adapté aux différents supports qui l’ont véhiculé. Les technologies électroniques de la parole, comme le note Spina (2001 : 31), ont donné une nouvelle impulsion au mode de communication orale. À la fin du XIXe siècle, en effet, l’invention du téléphone a représenté une véritable révolution. Aujourd’hui, après plus d’un siècle, le téléphone a dépassé ses limitations traditionnelles, il s’est fait petit et discret et, à la transmission du son, il a ajouté la possibilité de faire circuler de brefs messages de texte et même des e-mails.La diffusion de la communication SMS a transformé un instrument dévolu à l’échange oral en technologie d’écriture, mais l’originalité du support permet à l’écriture SMS de reproduire les structures morphologiques de l’interaction orale, malgré sa nature d’écrit. Ainsi, la vitesse de composition du message n’est pas la seule propriété qui permette à l’écriture SMS de s’approcher de l’oralité : la syntaxe y apparaît souvent comme plutôt élémentaire, avec une prédominance de parataxes et de constructions elliptiques de la phrase plutôt que d’hypotaxes, traits typiques du discours oral. Mais le SMS joue aussi sur les finalités communicatives en abaissant le registre formel de la langue et en favorisant ainsi un nouveau langage. Notre thèse, si elle n’est pas la première à analyser un corpus de SMS, est sûrement en revanche l’une des premières à comparer la typologie des processus observés dans deux langues, l’italien et le français, pour en définir mécanismes parallèles et diversités. / Verbal language has traditionally been communicated by two means: speech and writing. In the twentieth century, however, a third means came into existence: transmitted language. Initially this consisted mostly of language “spoken at a distance” (telephone, radio, cinema, television), but it then extended to include language “written at a distance” (Internet sites, electronic mail, online chat, SMS). Technological progress was followed by a transformation of the language, and the code has been adapted to the different media used to convey it. Electronic technologies of the word, as Spina notes (2001: 31), have given a new impetus to the oral mode of communication, based on the spoken word.At the end of the 19th century, the invention of the telephone was a real breakthrough, allowing the creation of new, and previously unavailable, forms of communication. Today, little more than a century later, the phone has exceeded even its traditional limitations and to the transmission of sound has been added the ability to write short text messages, and even to send e-mail. The spread of SMS communication has transformed an instrument devoted to oral exchange into a technology of writing: in fact, the originality of the support allows text messaging, despite its written nature, to reproduce the morphological structures of oral interaction. Thus, the speed of composing the message is not the only property that allows texting to approach orality: the syntax is often seen as rather basic, with a predominance of parataxis and elliptical constructions rather than hypotaxis, features that are typical of spoken discourse. But texting also plays on communicative purpose by adopting a more informal register and thus fostering a new language. The present thesis, while not the first study to analyze a corpus of SMS, is surely one of the first to compare the types of processes found in both languages, French and Italian, in order to define parallel mechanisms and differences.

Acts of justice : risk and representation in contemporary American fiction

Polley, Jason S. January 2006 (has links)
No description available.

The Failure of Promoting a Sense of Sisterhood in the Face of Patriarchy         : A Feminist Reading of Jane Smiley's A Thousand Acres

Bolmefalk, Jennifer January 2012 (has links)
This study is a feminist reading of Jane Smiley's novel A Thousand Acres. It focuses on the Cook sisters and their lives in a farming community at a time that coincides with the end of second wave feminism. In particular, it pays attention to the absence of sisterhood among the three sisters in the novel. It analyses first each individual sister including their different approaches to sisterhood and then their failure to unite in the type of strategic, politically motivated notion of sisterhood that was promoted by second wave feminism.          By looking at different reasons why the sisters cannot establish a strong sisterhood my essay aims to demonstrate that A Thousand Acres not only criticises patriarchal society in its portrayal of the Cook family but also, and more importantly, that it criticises second wave feminism by pointing out its failure in terms of promoting a sense of sisterhood.

Jazyk SMS a francouzština jako cizí jazyk / Language of SMS and French as a foreign language

Vaňátko, Jiří January 2014 (has links)
in English with English title of the thesis: Language of SMS and French as a foreign language The central topic of the thesis is the language of short text messages (SMS) and/or the one of chat and their application in teaching of French as a foreign language (fr. abbreviation F.L.E., français langue étrangère). The aim is to answer the question so as to how to grasp linguo- didactically this modern sociolect of young users (not only) of French, typical of written communication via digital technologies, with the purpose of the purely practical use in the classes of French. Firstly, a linguistic description will be given in order to understand the mechanisms of the explored language code not only in French, but also partly in Czech and English, as well as the determination of the position of the SMS language as a socio-cultural phenomenon in the present-day French. The following research will be dealing with the identification and the analysis of the teaching activities using the SMS language found in approximately fifty text books of French intended for the learners of levels A1, A2, B1, B2. The next section offers the theoretical evaluation of the exploitability of the SMS language in the classes of French, having as a point of reference specialised works of didactics of foreign languages. The...

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