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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza investičního prostředí a PZI Velké Británie a Francie a jejich komparace / Investment climate and FDI in the United Kingdom and France, and their comparison

Hujová, Petra January 2010 (has links)
The main objective of the diploma thesis is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the current investment climate in the United Kingdom and France, and to draw their comparison. It includes an analysis of significant political, economic, social, technological and legal factors, as well as assessment of available investment incentives. The thesis also contains an evaluation of FDI inflows to both countries. The thesis is consequently aimed at determining mutual competitive advantages of the United Kingdom and France.

Vývoj interaktivní televize ve Spojeném království / The evolution of interactive television in the United Kingdom

Opluštil, Ondřej January 2019 (has links)
This thesis describes the phenomena of interactive television, focusing on the development of this technology in the United Kingdom which is considered the country with the largest development of this technology. The thesis starts by defining interactive television as such, dividing it into three main categories. Aside of that a short overview of the evolution of television broadcasting in the United Kingdom is presented, and the term Convergence is explained as it is a crucial one for many of the interactive applications. The second part consists of a case study of evolution of interactive television in the United Kingdom. As it tries to answer the main research question - which technological phases must have happened in the transition from linear to interactive television - the thesis divides interactive television into five main phases. The first phase occurs in the analogue broadcasting era, with Teletext as the first instance of "on demand", and first instance of convergence by using telephone. The second phase starts around 1998 with the start of digitalisation. The new technology allows the providers to launch several new forms of interactivity, such as the walled garden, first applications and others. The third phase, starting around 2002 can be seen as the acceptance of interactivity as a...

Contribution à l’étude de la fonction de régulation dans les domaines spécialisés anglophones : les professions à accès régulé au Royaume-Uni / Contribution to the study of the regulatory function in the anglophone specialised domains : the example of regulated professions in the United Kingdom

Benedetto, Caroline 10 July 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse vise à contribuer à l’étude de la fonction de régulation dans les domainesspécialisés en contexte anglophone (Petit, 2002a, 2004, 2010) à travers l’analyse des professionsà accès régulé au Royaume-Uni.La première partie présente plusieurs points de repère généraux servant à cadrer l’ensemble denotre étude et à éclairer le fonctionnement des domaines spécialisés. Nous définissonspremièrement les notions centrales de domaine et de discours spécialisés, avant d’aborder lanotion de régulation. Les discours sur la régulation et les discours contribuant à la régulation sontensuite analysés : nous en construisons une cartographie générale visant à mettre en lumière leurscaractéristiques stylistiques et rhétoriques. Nous présentons enfin la notion de profession, qui faitl’objet d’une acception différente en anglais et en français, avant de montrer les spécificités desprofessions anglophones à accès régulé.Dans la seconde partie, nous nous employons à caractériser la fonction de régulation quis’applique aux domaines de la santé, du droit et de l’ingénierie au Royaume-Uni, après avoirdémontré qu’ils répondent aux critères de définition des domaines spécialisés. Nous yenvisageons ainsi le fonctionnement général de la régulation par le biais de ses acteurs et de sesprincipaux dispositifs. Nous souhaitons montrer qu’il existe non seulement des points deconvergence dans les domaines examinés, mais aussi des éléments qui relèvent spécifiquement dechacun d’entre eux. L’étude de la fonction de régulation doit nous permettre d’éclairer lefonctionnement général et l’identité des domaines spécialisés. / This doctoral dissertation aims to contribute to the study of the regulatory functionthat applies to specialised domains (Petit, 2002a, 2004, 2010) through the analysis of the health,law and engineering professions in the UK.The first part of our dissertation describes the theoretical foundations and the key elements forour research. We first define some important notions, in particular those of specialised domainand specialised discourse, before approaching the notion of regulation. We then offer a typologyof the discourses on regulation and those contributing to regulation in order to highlight theirmain stylistic and rhetorical characteristics. Lastly, we present the notion of profession, whichhas a different meaning in English and in French, before pointing out the characteristics of theanglophone regulated professions.In the second part of this dissertation, we examine the regulatory function that characterises thehealth, law and engineering domains in the UK, after showing that they are specialised domains.We then examine, in each of them, the general functioning of regulation through the study of itsactors and practices. We intend to show that there are constant elements in these domains, butalso specific elements of regulation in each of them. The analysis of regulation aims to improvethe general understanding of the specialised domains.

Histories of Value: Following Deer Populations Through the English Landscape from 1800 to the Present Day

Marriott Webb, Holly January 2019 (has links)
Imagining the English landscape as an assemblage entangling deer and people throughout history, this thesis explores how changes in deer population connect to the ways deer have been valued from 1800 to the present day. Its methods are mixed, its sources are conversations – human voices in the ongoing historical negotiations of the multispecies body politic, the moot of people, animals, plants and things which shapes and orders the landscape assemblage. These conversations include interviews with people whose lives revolve around deer, correspondence with the organisations that hold sway over deer lives, analysis of modern media discourse around deer issues and exchanges with the history books. It finds that a non-linear increase in deer populations over the time period has been accompanied by multiple changes in the way deer are valued as part of the English landscape. Ending with a reflection on how this history of value fits in to wider debates about the proper representation of animals, the nature of non-human agency, and trajectories of the Anthropocene, this thesis seeks to open up new ways of exploring questions about human-animal relationships in environmental history.

Wohlverhaltensregeln beim Vertrieb von Wertpapier- und Versicherungsdienstleistungen

Wiesike, Alexander Gemberg 23 August 2005 (has links)
Wohlverhaltenspflichten im Rahmen des Vertriebs von Kapitalanlage- und Versicherungsprodukten dienen dem System- und dem Kundenschutz und sind aus ökonomischer Sicht erforderlich, um den zwischen Finanzdienstleistern und Kunden bestehenden strukturellen Informationsasymmetrien zu begegnen. Da das Finanzdienstleistungsgeschäft von einer zunehmenden Finanzkonglomeration und dem Verschwimmen der althergebrachten Sektorengrenzen geprägt ist, ist eine sektorenübergreifende Regelung der Wohlverhaltenspflichten de lege ferenda zu begrüßen. Dies ist insbesondere auch wettbewerbspolitisch geboten, um die mehr und mehr mit ähnlichen Produkten um die gleichen Kundengruppen werbenden Finanzdienstleister der Versicherungs- und Wertpapierbranche vergleichbaren Vorschriften im Hinblick auf den Umgang mit dem Kunden zu unterwerfen. Der Katalog vertriebsbezogener Wohlverhaltenspflichten ist sowohl den unterschiedlichen Schutzbedürfnissen der Finanzdienstleistungsempfänger als auch dem Grad der Abhängigkeit des Vermittlers vom „Hersteller“ des Finanzprodukts anzupassen. Eine Auftrennung von Finanzdienstleistungen in einen von unterschiedlichen Dienstleistern geleisteten Vermittlungs- und Beratungsteil ist ökonomisch sinnvoll, dürfte aber praktisch aufgrund der Marktgegebenheiten selbst durch massive regulatorische Eingriffe kaum realisierbar sein. Im Hinblick auf die Vollendung des europäischen Binnenmarktes für Finanzdienstleistungen ist eine Vollharmonisierung gemeinsamer vertriebsbezogener Wohlverhaltensregeln für den Kapitalanlage- und den Versicherungssektor erforderlich. Europaweite Wohlverhaltenspflichten lassen im Zusammenhang mit der Entwicklung der einst getrennten Bank-, Wertpapier- und Versicherungsdienstleistungsunternehmen zu Allfinanzkonzernen eine einheitliche europäische Finanzmarktaufsicht näher rücken. / Conduct of Business rules governing the provision of investment and insurance services and products protect both the system and the customers of such services. They are essential from an economic point of view in order to counter the structural information asymmetries between financial services providers and their customers. Since the provision of financial services is marked by a growing conglomeration and a dissolution of the sectoral boundaries of old, cross-sector conduct of business rules should be introduced. This is required in particular in order to ensure a level playing field for the financial services providers in both the insurance and the investment sector that increasingly compete with similar products for the same groups of customers. Conduct of business rules have to be adapted according to the diverging needs for protection of the different financial services recipients as well as the degree of dependency of the provider/intermediary from the “producer” of the financial product/service. Economically financial services providing brokerage and those providing advice should be separate, however, practically such a separation is unlikely to change much even with massive regulatory intervention due to the well-established structure of the market. As regards the completion of a European Common Market for Financial Services a complete harmonisation of conduct of business rules in both the investment services and the insurance sector is necessary. In turn, European-wide conduct of business rules in conjunction with the growing financial conglomeration of the formerly separate banking, investment services and insurance sectors call for a common European Financial Services Authority.

Using corporate tax regimes to promote economic growth and development : a legal analysis of the Nigerian corporate tax regime

Onyejekwe, Chisa January 2017 (has links)
The recession that started in the late 2000s has created significant economic and financial challenges globally and within nation states. In particular, oil-producing countries have been further affected by the fall in oil price. It is therefore crucial that alternative, more sustainable methods of sourcing revenue be investigated and utilised. The purpose of this thesis therefore is to examine the use of corporate tax regimes as a sustainable revenue source in promoting economic growth and development in Nigeria. Using a qualitative legal analysis, of the Nigerian corporate tax regime and through an extensive literature review, the thesis identified a number of key findings. Inter alia, that revenue from corporation tax structures are a sustainable revenue source mostly because of the amount of revenue generated through Multinational Corporations (MNCs). Secondly, the existing Nigerian corporation tax regime is in need of reform as there are developmental challenges, including lack of implementation and ambiguous legislation, which continue to thwart its success. Therefore, this leads to establishing how, and to what extent that Nigeria can use its corporate tax regime as a sustainable revenue source. The answer to this lies in the legal framework of corporate tax regimes. This thesis argues that legal uncertainties in the corporate tax regimes are the principal reason for the challenges faced by both state governments and MNCs. The thesis concludes by recommending reforms to the Nigerian tax regime while also recommending a tax compliance strategy for both domestic and international corporate tax regimes. This will set a foundation for corporation tax regimes as a sustainable revenue generation source for developing countries.

Mediation and intellectual property law : a European and comparative perspective / Médiation et droit de la propriété intellectuelle : une perspective européenne et comparative

Wechs Hatanaka, Asako 26 September 2016 (has links)
Un mauvais arrangement vaut mieux qu’un bon procès, dit un adage. Ceci s’applique-t-il également au domaine de la propriété intellectuelle ? La médiation est une méthode de résolution des différends qui a le vent en poupe. Elle a fait l’objet d’une harmonisation en Europe par le biais de la directive 2008/52/CE du Parlement européen et du Conseil du 21 mai 2008 sur certains aspects de la médiation en matière civile et commerciale. Dans ce contexte, l’objectif de la thèse est d’analyser des fonctions exercées par la médiation ainsi que les limites de la médiation du point de vue du droit de la procédure civile, du droit des contrats et du droit de la propriété intellectuelle, et de présenter des propositions pour optimiser la médiation lorsqu'elle s’applique aux litiges concernant les droits de la propriété intellectuelle. L’étude porte sur de nombreux systèmes juridiques, institutions et prestataires de règlement des différends, en mettant l’accent sur l’Union européenne, la France et le Royaume-Uni. / A bad compromise is better than a successful lawsuit, says an adage. Would this also applies to intellectual property disputes ? Mediation is a dispute resolution method, which is in vogue. It became subject to harmonisation in Europe under the Directive 2008/52/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2008 on certain aspects of mediation in civil and commercial matters. In this context, the objective of the thesis is to analyse the functions performed by mediation as well as the limitations to mediate from the viewpoint of civil procedure law, contract law and intellectual property law and to present some proposals to optimise mediation to intellectual property law. A number of legal systems, institutions and dispute resolution providers will be covered with the focus on the European Union, France and the UK.

Os Think Tanks do Reino Unido : interpretações a respeito da atuação do Brasil no cenário internacional (2001-2016)

Pivatto Junior, Dilceu Roberto January 2017 (has links)
Propõe-se uma análise de como os think tanks britânicos compreendem a atuação brasileira, associando a isso as representações produzidas por estes sobre o Brasil no período correspondente aos anos de 2001 à 2016. Seguindo a concepção construtivista, considera-se o uso dos think tanks como fonte discursiva, capaz de influenciar na formulação de agendas políticas e de Defesa de um Estado. A dissertação se desdobrará em três capítulos, abordando: (i) as formulações estratégicas do Reino Unido, o funcionamento burocrático da Defesa associado aos think tanks e suas percepções sobre os países emergentes; (ii) a definição do conceito de think tanks e a contribuição destes, na produção de conhecimento e debates no campo das ideias políticas ; (iii) os debates produzidos pelos principais think tanks britânicos a respeito da atuação internacional do Brasil. Acredita-se que a atuação internacional brasileira tenha despertado um maior debate no interior dos think tanks britânicos. / It is proposed an analysis of how British think tanks understand the Brazilian performance, associating to it the representations produced by them on Brazil in the period corresponding to the years 2001 to 2016. Following the constructivist conception, the use of think tanks As a discursive source, capable of influencing the formulation of political agendas and the Defense of a State. The dissertation will be divided into three chapters, covering: (i) the strategic formulations of the United Kingdom, the bureaucratic functioning of Defense associated with think tanks and their perceptions about emerging countries; (ii) the definition of the concept of think tanks and their contribution, in the production of knowledge and debates in the field of political ideas; (iii) the debates produced by the leading British think tanks regarding the international performance of Brazil. It is believed that the Brazilian international action has aroused a greater debate within the British think tanks.

A formação de oficiais e as operações conjuntas : comparações com o caso britânico e os desafios brasileiros de gestão em defesa

Pessoa, Tamiris Santos January 2017 (has links)
A presente tese em por objetivo ilustrar como se dá o modelo conjunto - uma estrutura que compreende institucionalização, educação militar conjunta, assim como operações conjuntas, de modo a engajar as três forças singulares – por meio de uma abordagem híbrida, composta tanto pela discussão teórica e empírica quanto pela possibilidade de aplicação. Tomando por exemplo o caso britânico, o qual apresenta pioneirismo especialmente na educação militar conjunta, a construção da abordagem utilizada na presente tese perpassa por uma revisão compreensiva das abordagens sobre mudança organizacional e inovação militar, buscando demonstrar os limites das abordagens lineares e propondo uma abordagem sistêmica, demonstrando seu potencial de análise na visualização do processo de jointery e do modelo conjunto per se. Neste sentido, a teoria complexa e a estrutura de fractais são apresentadas como alternativa e, por meio de estudo de caso e process-tracing, buscou-se iluminar os parâmetros gerais para o estabelecimento do modelo conjunto dentro do espectro da Gestão de Defesa, tendo como produto um mecanismo de diagnóstico dos desafios nesta seara aplicável ao caso brasileiro. A tese de divide em cinco capítulos, os quais podem ser separados em ambientação, estudo de caso e aplicação da abordagem teórica inferida. Na ambientação, apresentam-se os antecedentes das operações conjuntas em termos de emprego, formação e suas respectivas intermitências, além de um quadro analítico prévio a respeito do Brasil em termos geopolíticos e de prospecção. No estudo de caso, aprofundam-se as análises acerca do caso britânico e dos fundamentos do jointery em sua raiz institucional, conduzindo às forças motrizes do processo e aos parâmetros gerais. Por fim, aplica-se o quadro diagnóstico ao caso brasileiro em termos de inferência de lições a serem aprendidas no recente laboratório de experiências instaurado nesta seara e, especialmente, como meio de condução ao princípio apregoado para esta modalidade de operações, o da interoperabilidade, demonstrando os desafios de gestão que se apresentam para este objetivo. Logo, visando agregar ao debate corrente de Estudos Estratégicos Internacionais e de Estudos de Segurança e Defesa uma perspectiva diferenciada em termos de abordagem teórica e análise ao elencar uma abordagem híbrida visando diagnosticar os desafios de gestão correntes e propondo uma agenda de pesquisas para as operações conjuntas no Brasil, questão recente e passível de amplo debate. / This thesis aims to offer illustrations about the joint model - a structure which abridges institutionalisation, joint military education, as well as joint operations, engaging all the single services – by means of a hybrid approach composed by the theoretical and empirical discussions as well as applicability. Taking the British case for study due to its pioneering spirit, particularly concerning joint professional military education, the approach built in this thesis includes a comprehensive review of organizational change and military innovation approaches aiming to demonstrate the limits of the linear approaches while proposing a systemic one, presenting its analysis potential to observe the jointery process and the joint model as a whole. In this sense, the complexity theory and the fractals structure posit as an alternative, as it was aimed to enlighten the ground parameters for the establishment of a joint model through case study and process-tracing within the scope of Defence Management. The product was a diagnosis mechanism capable to check the challenges in this area concerning the Brazilian case. This thesis was divided in five chapters, which by their turn can be separated in ambiance, case study and application of the inferred approach. The background of the joint operations regarding deployment, education and their intermittences are presented in the ambiance, besides a brief analytical framework presenting Brazil by means of geopolitical and prospective analyses. The analyses regarding United Kingdom and the institutional grounds of the jointery process are presented as the case study, also including the driving forces of the process and the ground parameters as well. As a final part, a diagnostic framework inferred from the proposed approach is applied to the Brazilian case. It was determined upon the case study and the process tracing, presenting lessons to be learned within the recent experiences lab installed in joint operations area, particularly regarding the much-vaunted principle of interoperability as management challenges are posited to reach such objective. Therefore, the present thesis aims to gather a different perspective to the current debate of International Strategic Studies and of Defence and Security Studies in Brazil by offering a hybrid approach aiming to present the current management challenges in the search of a joint model as well as proposing a research agenda for the joint operations in Brazil, a recent issue capable to instigate a broad discussion.

A Reductionistic Epistemology utilizing Brain Laterality which Investigates Pharmacists' Ideal Interactive Environment

Symon, Bernard Dennis January 2018 (has links)
Doctor Pharmaceuticae - Dpharm / The brain laterality of pharmacists may influence where the pharmacists are best suited to work. Brain laterality refers to the asymmetry of the hemispheres of the brain with regard to specific cognitive functions, such as objectivity and emotion. The left hemisphere functions objectively and rationally, whereas the right hemisphere is subjective and non-rational. Animal behaviour in the literature demonstrated an influence of brain laterality, thus selecting an ideal work environment may also be driven by brain laterality bias. Further support for the research included: amblyopia; hemiplegia; the WADA test. The research question investigated the matching of the brain laterality groups of pharmacists to their ideal work environments. The aims investigated: ear, eye, hand and foot dominance in determining brain laterality; influence of brain laterality and reductionistic variables on job choice; location of emotion generation and job choice. Five objectives investigated these aims: influence of brain laterality alone; influence of brain laterality and reductionistic variables; influence of a new brain laterality determining continuum; Propinquity Principle in achieving data; correctness of the Right Hemisphere Theory (RHT) or the Valence Theory (VT). The RHT suggests that the right hemisphere is dominant in processing all emotion. The VT argues that the left hemisphere is specialised in processing the positive emotions while the right hemisphere is specialised in processing the negative emotions. The resulting Null Hypothesis posits that there is no statistical difference between the different brain laterality groups enabling pharmacists to work competently in any placement. The Alternative Hypothesis was that there is a statistical difference between the brain laterality groups, thus brain laterality can be used to best place pharmacists into ideal placements.

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