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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Internetanvändning och välbefinnade hos äldre

Farrakhova, Elvira January 2015 (has links)
I tidigare forskning saknas studier om effekten av Internet på äldres välbefinnande. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur äldres välbefinnande påverkas av vardaglig Internetanvändning inklusive sociala medier. Tio pensionärer i åldern 68-85 år i Mellansverige, varav fem kvinnor, intervjuades i ca 35 minuter var om deras subjektiva upplevelser av Internetanvändning. Intervjuerna meningskoncentrerades och analysen resulterade i fyra gemensamma drag: äldre som använder Internet och sociala medier upplever (1) positiva emotioner, (2) närhet med andra, (3) trygghet och (4) ett rikare liv. Avsaknaden av Internet däremot skulle leda till upplevelsen av tomhet och isolation. Grundat på komponenterna föreslås det att användning av Internet och sociala medier har sammantaget positiv effekt på äldres välbefinnande. Förutom detta identifierades en ny komponent trygghet som inte framkom i tidigare studier om äldres Internetanvändning.

Äldre personers upplevelse av fallrädsla och dess konsekvenser. / Older peoples own experiences of fear of falling and its consequenses.

Säll, Daniel January 2015 (has links)
Vi åldras på flera sätt, biologiskt, psykologiskt och socialt. Rädsla för att ramla, en pågående oro för att ramla och som leder till undvikande av aktiviteter man fortfarande kan göra, finns hos många äldre och påverkar dem på flera sätt. Rädslan kan leda till inaktivitet som i sin tur leder till ensamhet och nedstämdhet. Syftet med studien är att beskriva äldre personers egen erfarenhet av att uppleva rädsla för fall och dess konsekvenser. En kvalitativ studie har gjorts där fem personer har intervjuats. Intervjuerna och analysen av dem är gjorda utifrån en fenomenologisk metod. Vid analysen framkom tre huvudkategorier: Oro för konsekvenserna av ett fall, Strategier för att undvika fall samt Saknad. Äldre personer som upplever en rädsla för fall undviker vissa aktiviteter. De upplever också en saknad efter aktiviteter de tidigare utfört men nu slutat med. De har strategier för att hantera sina rädslor. Det är viktigt att inte se äldre som en homogen grupp och att vid rehabilitering ta hänsyn till olika faktorer som person, miljön personen vistas i, aktiviteter de utför eller önskar utföra och känslan av delaktighet. / We age in different ways, biologically, psychologically and socially. Fear of falling which means a lasting concern about falling which leads to an avoiding of activities that the person still has a capability to do. This can cause inactivity that eventually leads to loneliness and depression. The aim of this study is to describe older peoples own experiences to live with fear of falling and its consequences. A qualitative study was done where five older people were interviewed. The interviews and analyses were done using a phenomenological method. At the analysis three main categories were found: Concern about the consequences of a fall, Strategies to avoid a fall and A feeling of missing. Older people with fear of falling avoid some activities. There is a feeling that they miss some activities they have previously done but don't do any longer. They have strategies to handle their fears. In rehabilitation it is important not to see the elderly as an homogeneous group. It is also important to consider different factors such as the person, the environment in which the person lives, activity and feeling of involvement.

An evaluation of the delivery of pharmaceutical care from a general practice surgery based pharmacy

Coleman, David John January 2000 (has links)
A longitudinal study was carried out on a population of 4,922 patients served by a general practice surgery with three doctors. The purpose was to investigate the opportunity which domiciliary care of elderly and infirm patients offers to UK pharmacists working in primary care. The aims of the study were: - 1) To identify indicators that could be used to identify patients in the community who might benefit from domiciliary pharmaceutical care, and which do not leave patients excluded. 2) To identify specific issues that would lead to better pharmaceutical care 3) To deliver a package of pharmaceutical care to these most "at risk" patients in the population over approximately a year. 4) To evaluate the interventions made considering the viewpoints of all parties found to be stakeholders. 5) To measure the scale of the challenge of domiciliary managed pharmaceutical care in relation to the population in the study. 6) To provide indicators for the development of pharmaceutical care including cost/ benefit and potential training requirements. A simple qualitative study design was pursued, based upon semi-structured interviews and field notes. A cohort of patients (n=149) identified as candidates for domiciliary visiting, represented 3% of the surgery population. After de-selection of unsuitable candidates, visits were made to 100 patients. Three concepts for the organisation of information and three clusters of criteria were identified and developed which would identify 94 out of 100 patients visited. A large number of indicators for pharmaceutical care were identified and described qualitatively under 14 headings. Though typical, these were not claimed as a comprehensive set of issues which could have been encountered. It was generally perceived that more of the pharmacist's interventions produced positive effects than those that were neutral or actually did harm. Some of the interventions were accepted by the GPs as very important, and developing the extended role to include for instance a cardiovascular review clinic; "in house" medication reviews was discussed. Domiciliary visits were deemed useful though the GPs pointed out that making visits was time consuming and, by implication, expensive. Patients reported a high level of satisfaction with the visiting programme. Satisfaction was explored in an attempt to differentiate sociometric issues from professional ones. Rating satisfaction with a domiciliary pharmaceutical service required that specific issues were identified and dealt with which reflected the main concerns of patients about their medicines. Most of the patients' concerns appeared to be centred around multiple medication, widely perceived (in this cohort) to have potential to cause harm. The author recommends that PCGs consider allocating part of the prescribing budget to fund a domiciliary pharmaceutical care service to a small targeted population through community pharmacies. This could be a first step in offering new professional opportunities through community pharmacies and might revitalise some which are currently in decline.

Effects of functional and resistive exercise training on physical function and perceived self-efficacy and well-being in frail elderly adults

Cronin, Donna Leilani 07 March 2011 (has links)
Not available / text

Allostatic Load and Delirium among Hospitalized Elders

Rigney, Jr., Theodore Smith January 2009 (has links)
Delirium is a state of acute confusion and is common in hospitalized older adults. Delirium is associated with significant increases in morbidity and mortality, as well as healthcare costs. Delirium also is associated with functional and cognitive decline, as well as need for institutionalization and rehabilitation. Delirium can cause psychosocial distress for patients and families. While much is understood about the epidemiology of delirium, the pathophysiological mechanisms that lead to the development of delirium are less clearly defined.The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship of allostatic load (AL), a composite measure of primary (i.e. acute) stress mediators and secondary (i.e. chronic) stress outcomes and delirium in the hospitalized older adult. Development of the Allostatic Load & Delirium in Hospitalized Elderly model provided a theoretical framework for the study.Forty- four participants, ranging from 66 to 93 years of age (M = 76 years of age) were recruited from three intensive care units and enrolled once they were determined not to have a cognitive deficit or prevalent delirium, as assessed by the Standardized Mini-Mental State Examination and Confusion Assessment Method (CAM), respectively. Ten AL components reflective of acute and chronic stress were collected upon admission. Allostatic load was calculated as the sum of the number of components for which the participant was rated in the highest risk quartile. Allostatic load subsets based on acute and chronic components were also calculated. Incident delirium was assessed 48 -72 hours after admission with the CAM.Findings indicated that the incidence of delirium was 29.2%. The subset AL score based on components considered primary stress mediators was significantly related to delirium; however, no other variables were associated with delirium. Logistic regression modeling indicated that an AL subset of primary stress mediators did predict the incidence of delirium (OR 2.5, 95% CI = 1.12, 5.79; X2 (1) = 5.668, p < .05).The findings from this study exploring the relationship between AL and delirium in the hospitalized older adult suggest that an AL score based on primary mediators may be useful in predicting delirium in the hospitalized older adult.

Essays in the Microeconomics of Incentives, Government Programs and Communication

Stoian, Nicolae Adrian January 2008 (has links)
This dissertation consists of three essays in applied microeconomics. The first chapter offers an overview of the work, highlighting the main contributions, methodology and results.The second chapter extensively discusses how one could and should take into account two different but inter-related impacts that tournament prizes have on outcome: the sorting and the incentive effects. The sorting effect refers to the fact that if higher prizes are offered in a tournament, more able participants will join. The incentive effect of prizes relates to an increase in effort corresponding to an increase in prizes, from participants that already decided to join a competition. Previous theoretical and empirical literature focused mainly on the second effect as if relevantly economic tournaments are close in nature. Also, previous empirical studies missed an important channel through which prizes affect outcome and likely estimated biased coefficients for the incentive effect.The third chapter analyzes the impact of the first old-age relief program on the health of the elderly in the United States in the 1930s. The study attempts to provide a picture of how the elderly would fare in an economy where the Social Security system of today does not exist but instead a less birocratic and costly system is in place. The 1930s offers an economist interested in such a counterfactual analysis a unique opportunity since this is precisely the time when Social Security had not started to make payments yet but the states and the federal government became involved in financially supporting the needy elderly.The fourth chapter examines whether public messages can break bubbles in experimental asset markets. This study has policy relevancy in terms of the role a central bank might have in targeting not only inflation as currently defined but asset prices as well. Whereas this role is controversial and remains to be determined, theoretical models advanced the idea of public messages as potential coordination devices among traders in an environment that experiences a bubble. Chapter 4 details the design and results of an experiment that tests this coordination role of a public message.The final chapter summarizes the findings.

Äldres sexualitet - hinder och möjligheter i vårdgivarens främjande arbete. : En deskriptiv litteraturstudie

Helzenius, Maria, Strandberg, Lina January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this study was to describe how elderly’s sexuality can be expressed and to describe factors that affect older people's sexuality. The aim was also to describe the opportunities and barriers to health care providers to promote older people's sexuality and to describe the articles quality based on the methodological aspect of selection. A literature review with a descriptive approach was conducted on four qualitative and ten quantitative articles. The included articles were published between 2003 and 2013. Databases used for article search was PubMed, Cinahl and PsychInfo with the following keywords: Sexuality, Nurses, Aged, Geriatrics, Attitude Of Health Personnel, Residential Facilities, Quality Of Life, Older Adults. The Main results showed that elderly’s sexuality manifested itself in many different ways. The intimacy was to some extent more important than the actual intercourse. In general, poor health, diagnosed diseases, medical treatments and advanced aged had a negative impact on older people's sexuality. A clear policy with guidelines, education and guidance for staff were alternative ways to promote older people's sexuality. Caregiver’s uncertainty and negative attitude about the management and treatment of older people's sexuality was barriers to promoting older people's sexuality. Finally, inadequate or completely lack of guidance on the subject elderly and sexuality was barriers to promoting elderlies sexuality. Older people's sexuality is expressed highly individual and influenced by individual circumstances and situation. Few studies have been conducted on the subject elderly and sexuality, which is why further research in the area is necessary for further evidence. For proper care to be able to be performed more training and research is required in the subject elderly and sexuality.

N gimnazistų senelių išminties internalizacijos požymiai dorinio ugdymo kontekste / The features of internalization of the wisdom of the elderly of N gymnasium pupils in the context of moral training

Mieliulytė, Jurgita 17 August 2012 (has links)
Bakalauro darbe analizuojami gimnazistų senelių išminties internalizacijos požymiai dorinio ugdymo kontekste. Tyrime dalyvavo 3 klasės Tauragės „Versmės“ gimnazijos 6 moksleiviai ir jų 6 seneliai. Tyrimu siekta išanalizuoti „N“ gimnazistų senelių išminties internalizacijos požymius dorinio ugdymo kontekste. Tyrimui atlikti iškelti uždaviniai. Išanalizuoti mokslinės literatūros šaltiniai apie išmintį, jos sampratą. Išanalizuoti mokslinė literatūros šaltiniai apie internalizacijos procesą ir jo ypatybes. Pasinaudojus literatūros šaltinių analizės duomenimis, sukonstruoti tyrimo instrumentą, gimnazistų senelių išminties internalizacijos požymiams tirti. Pasinaudojus klausimynu identifikuoti, gimnazistų bendravimo su seneliais patirties požymius. Išanalizavus apklausos rezultatus, identifikuoti senelių išminties internalizacijos požymius. / The features of internalization of the wisdom of the elderly of N gymnasium pupils in the context of moral training were analyzed in this bachelor work. Six students of “Versmės” gymnasium, of Tauragės district and their six grandparents participated in this investigation. The purpose of investigation was to find out the features of internalization of the wisdom of the elderly of N gymnasium pupils in the context of moral training The tasks were raised for study to perform. Sources of literature were analyzed about concept of wisdom. Sources of literature were analyzed about concept of internalization process and its peculiarities. Using analyzed the sources of literature, to construct research instrument, to find out the features of internalization of the wisdom of the elderly of N gymnasium pupils in the context of moral training.

Determining the impact of cardiac rehabilitation on activities of daily living in elderly cardiac patients

Johnston, Megan Unknown Date
No description available.

An active retirement community center of calligraphy art

Guo, Ying 27 August 2012 (has links)
The Chinese government has long assumed that families will bear the social and health care burden of the older population. However, this is becoming increasingly difficult and is hardly a model of care that can be sustained with the projected growth of the older demographic. Since the late 1970s, China has successfully controlled the population growth by applying the One-Child Policy. However, its byproduct, the “4-2-1 problem”, along with the unavoidable trends of globalization and migration, means that older generations must often rely on themselves, and not their children or grandchildren, for care and support. To prepare for this challenge – the weakening of traditional filial piety – this proposal of an active retirement community centre for calligraphy art reflects a desire for a new way of living during the second half of life. Instead of viewing old age as a residual period, this proposal sets the stage for older adults to continue their contributions as they age. Calligraphy performance as a traditional cultural activity offers older adults a great balance between activity and leisure, caring for the body and caring for the soul. Additionally, the artistic quality of calligraphy art is used to express and convey ideas for the design process.

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