Spelling suggestions: "subject:"then entrepreneur"" "subject:"them entrepreneur""
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Identifying the attributes of success of Saudi female entrepreneurs in garment production: an exploratory study conducted in Saudi ArabiaAlzahrani, Sarah G. January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Apparel, Textiles and Interior Design / Joy Kozar / This study documents Saudi women who have succeeded in operating their own small businesses, namely in the production of apparel goods. The study notes the reasons that motivate women to establish this kind of work and the factors that help women to be successful in apparel
production in Saudi Arabia. Additionally, the study explores the challenges that women encounter in the apparel production field, as well as the commitment women have to offering employment to Saudi girls and young women. This study is important given a lack of
appropriate employment opportunities for women in Saudi Arabia and the weak rate of women’s participation in the workforce in Saudi Arabia.
Qualitative data was collected to gain in-depth information about the characteristics of successful female entrepreneurs in Saudi Arabia. The current study also adds new insight related to entrepreneurial success and failures, stemming from factors identified by participants. As part
of the study, it was discovered that Saudi female entrepreneurs were motivated by financial and non-financial factors, pull and push, and internal and external motives. Personal characteristics of the business owner, the quality of the product produced within the firm, advertising and promotion strategies, family support, previous education, availability of resources, and years of experience were all elements identified by participants as contributing to their success. Obstacles
suffered by participants included competition, filing government paperwork, conflict between roles at work and home, marketplace changes, and lack of management skills. Finally, when asking the participants about their ability or willingness to extend their work to accommodate larger numbers of Saudi women, it was found that the business owners had several reasons for not planning to do this, including the lack of the skills needed for this industry upon Saudi
women and the preference of Saudi women to work in the service sector.
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Svoboda a nezávislost v podnikání / Freedom and independence in businessEnukidze, Nino January 2010 (has links)
The aim of the master thesis "Freedom and independence in business" is to find out the Czech entrepreneurs' (restaurant owners in Prague) attitude towards independence; how free and independent they do feel in business. In theoretical part there is defined the notion "business", there are also presented the characteristic features, dominated in the personalities of entrepreneurs. There are mentioned the factors and the motives those lead a person to starts his/her one business. In the following methodical part there is defined the aim of the thesis with the research question. Further there are formalized several hypothesis. The last, empirical part contains the description of the results its discussion. The work traditionally ends with conclusion.
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Social entrepreneurs’ perceptions on the contribution of networking toward organizational sustainability of social enterprises in Cape Town, South AfricaPlaatjie, Lamlela January 2019 (has links)
Magister Artium (Development Studies) - MA(DVS) / The main aim of this study was to make contributions to the body of literature on social enterprises, and more specifically in an African context. The nascent nature of social enterprises as an organisational structure is one of the reasons that the body of research and literature is not as expansive as other more established research fields. Social enterprises differ from traditional commercial enterprises in that they bridge the gap between commercial growth, and social and economic development goals. For the purpose of this study, social enterprises refer to any business that pursues commercial activity to address a social problem. They are becoming more noticeable as a driver of sustainable job creation, service delivery, social development and economic growth. Ensuring their sustainability is expected to have positive economic consequences, which is why studying social enterprise sustainability is important and even more so for developing countries.
Qualitative methodology was used to collect data. Purposive sampling was employed to select the sample that was included in the case study in Cape Town. In-depth, semi-structured interviews were conducted to gather information. The data was analysed using content thematic analysis to explore and interpret the meaning of the participants’ views and experiences. A networking approach of the social capital theory was used as the theoretical framework that provided a guide on the discussion of the findings. For the purpose of this study, social capital was defined as the resources embedded in networks. The findings indicated that the social entrepreneurs’ did not consider networking as the sole contributing factor to social enterprise sustainability, but rather the contribution of multidimensional factors. The resources embedded in networks that were considered valuable were: 1. Information and innovation, 2. Credibility, 3. Mentorship and advice, and 4. Support. The participants also gave their opinions on policies that would create favourable conditions for sustainable social enterprises i.e. information accessibility, public-private partnerships, and education and training. This study makes contributions to literature in an African context and to social enterprise practice.
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Obchodní smlouvy uzavírané se spotřebitelem / Business contracts with consumersBém, Jáchym January 2018 (has links)
Title: Business contracts with consumers This thesis presents an analysis of the general regulation of consumer contracts. Given the comprehensive nature of this topic and its many ambiguities due, among other things, to the recodification of civil law, it was not possible to address every aspect of consumer law. This is also why the specific regulation of distance contracts and of contracts concluded outside of business premises was not analysed. On the other hand, emphasis is placed on provisions whose interpretation is uncertain and that require clarification by means of the case law. The thesis consists of five chapters which are divided into several thematic topics. In the chapter one, I introduce the basic issues which I will analyse in detail and for which I attempt to find or at least outline possible solutions. It is first necessary to introduce the topics in terms of their legislative classification and to define the basic concepts of consumer law - consumer, entrepreneur and consumer contracts. The fourth chapter is the most comprehen- sive and forms the core of the thesis. It contains an analysis of the specifics of consumer con- tracts, which are compared to the general regulation of the law of obligations and are system- atically divided into subchapters. Each subchapter summarizes...
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Obchodní smlouvy uzavírané se spotřebitelem / Business contracts with consumersBém, Jáchym January 2018 (has links)
Title: Business contracts with consumers This thesis presents an analysis of the general regulation of consumer contracts. Given the comprehensive nature of this topic and its many ambiguities due, among other things, to the recodification of civil law, it was not possible to address every aspect of consumer law. This is also why the specific regulation of distance contracts and of contracts concluded outside of business premises was not analysed. On the other hand, emphasis is placed on provisions whose interpretation is uncertain and that require clarification by means of the case law. The thesis consists of five chapters which are divided into several thematic topics. In the chapter one, I introduce the basic issues which I will analyse in detail and for which I attempt to find or at least outline possible solutions. It is first necessary to introduce the topics in terms of their legislative classification and to define the basic concepts of consumer law - consumer, entrepreneur and consumer contracts. The fourth chapter is the most comprehen- sive and forms the core of the thesis. It contains an analysis of the specifics of consumer con- tracts, which are compared to the general regulation of the law of obligations and are system- atically divided into subchapters. Each subchapter summarizes...
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Estruturação de produtos educacionais para a capacitação empreendedora de alunos da educação básica: um estudo de casos múltiplos / Elaboration of the educational products for the entrepreneur qualification of basic education students: study of multiple casesMorais, Paulo Roberto Benegas de 24 April 2009 (has links)
Esta dissertação de mestrado tem como objetivo investigar aspectos específicos da estruturação de produtos educacionais para a capacitação empreendedora de alunos por meio da verificação de como e por que os produtos investigados foram estruturados. Apresenta, como metodologia, o estudo de múltiplos casos, de caráter exploratório e abordagem qualitativa. Como fundamentação teórica apresenta um levantamento dos conceitos sobre o empreendedorismo, o empreendedor e a capacitação para empreender. A coleta de evidências decorre da investigação de três casos selecionados: Pedagogia Empreendedora; Jovens Empreendedores Primeiros Passos e O Empreendedorismo na Escola. A pesquisa apresenta, como resultado, a identificação dos elementos que compõem a estrutura dos produtos educacionais estudados e a análise comparativa entre esses elementos. Por fim, a análise da estruturação dos produtos educacionais se apresenta como forma de compreensão dos mecanismos utilizados para a capacitação empreendedora. / The objective of this project is to investigate specific aspects of educational products elaboration for the entrepreneur qualification of students by the verification of how and why the investigated products have been structuralized. The method is the study of multiple cases, of exploratory and qualitative character. The theoretical base presents a survey of the concepts on the entrepreneurship, the entrepreneur and the entrepreneur qualification. The evidences came from three selected cases: Pedagogia Empreendedora; Jovens Empreendedores Primeiros Passos and O Empreendedorismo na Escola. The research resulted in the identification of the elements that compose the structure of the educational products and the comparative analysis between these elements. Finally, the analysis of the educational products elaboration allows to understand the mechanisms used for the entrepreneur qualification.
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"O idealismo prático de Roberto Simonsen. Ciência, tecnologia e indústria na construção da nação" / Le idéalisme pratique de Roberto Simonsen:science,technologie et industrie dans la construction de la NationMaza, Fábio 05 May 2003 (has links)
O objetivo central deste trabalho é analisar a obra do empresário e historiador Roberto Simonsen. No conjunto de discursos, palestras e conferências proferidas por Simonsen, dois temas aparecem de forma constante nas diversas fases de sua atuação. A nossa hipótese é que, por trás das propostas de industrialização defendidas por Simonsen, se achava uma determinada concepção de Ciência e tecnologia que iria servir de alicerce a uma maneira de pensar e agir, norteadora de sua prática empresarial e intelectual. Como, no decorrer de sua prática, forjou esta noção de Ciência e tecnologia e como esta concepção foi determinante em seu projeto político e industrialista, são as preocupações primeiras do desenvolvimento neste trabalho. A industrialização está diretamente ligada à construção da nação. O que pensamos ser possível contemplar, dos escritos e discursos de Simonsen, é que a criação da nação significava instrumentalizar o país com mecanismos econômicos racionais, elaborados com base em uma certa imagem mitificada da Ciência, como também na utilização de um amplo artefato técnico. Procuramos analisar como as concepções de Ciência e de tecnologia de Simonsen sustentavam a construção da nação em seu projeto político-industrialista. Para isto, examinamos o conjunto de seus escritos, artigos e conferências, visando articulá-lo a sua trajetória intelectual. Agindo assim, foi possível apreender como, no embate político de sua prática, Simonsen foi construindo sua idéia de Ciência e de tecnologia, o que lhe permitiu formular diversos temas básicos do seu projeto industrialista. / Lobjectif central de ce travail est danalyser loeuvre de lentrepreneur et historien Roberto Simonsen. Dans lensemble de ses discours, exposés et conférences, deux thèmes apparaissent de manière constante dans les diverses phases de ses actes. Notre hypothèse est que, derrière les propositions dindustrialisation défendues par celui-ci, on sentait une conception déterminée de la science et de la technologie qui allait servir de base à une manière de penser et dagir, et allait orienter sa pratique des affaires ainsi que son côté intellectuel. Comment, au cours de sa pratique, a-t-il forgé cette notion de science et de technologie et comment cette conception a-t-elle été déterminante dans son projet politique et industriel, voici les premières préoccupations du développement de ce travail. Lindustrialisation est directement liée à la construction de la nation. A notre avis, ce quil est possible de voir dans ses écrits et ses discours, cest que la création dune nation signifiait instrumentaliser le pays par des mécanismes économiques rationnels, élaborés sur la base dune certaine image mytique de la science, ainsi que par lutilisation de beaucoup de machines. Nous avons essayé danalyser comment les concepts de la science et de la technologie de Simonsen soutenaient la construction de la nation dans son projet politico-industriel. Pour ceci, nous avons examiné lensemble de ses écrits, articles et conférences, avec comme objectif de les articuler à sa trajectoire intellectuelle. Ce faisant, il a été possible dapprendre comment, dans le choc politique de sa pratique, Simonsen a construit son idée de la science et de la technologie, ce qui lui a permis de formuler divers thèmes de base de son projet industriel.
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I solen finns det plats för alla : En studie om entreprenörer som etablerar affärsverksamheter på marknaders med hög konkurrens / There is room for everybody in the sun : A study of entrepreneurs that start ventures on high competitive marketsBAROUMAS VAN HAL, WILLIAM, LINDGREN, CHRISTINE January 2011 (has links)
Företagande och entreprenörskap har under 2000-talet fått allt större genomslagskraft isamhällsdebatterna och antalet nystartade företag inom tjänstesektorn har ökat markant. Denökade globaliseringen har bidragit till att fler aktörer väljer att etablera sina verksamheter påinternationella marknader och bidrar därigenom till en ökad konkurrens.Syftet med uppsatsen är att ur ett företagsekonomiskt perspektiv. Utifrån ämnenaentreprenörskap och entreprenöriellt agerande har vi undersökt bakomliggande motiv tillvarför entreprenörer väljer att etablera affärsverksamheter på marknader med hög konkurrens.För att besvara vår forskningsfråga, varför väljer man att starta affärsverksamheter på enmarknad med hög konkurrens, har vi utgått ifrån en kvalitativ ansats och använt oss av trefallföretag i form av språkskolor i Alicante, Spanien. Vi har intervjuat de entreprenörer somhar varit med och grundat språkskolorna samt genomfört observationer på entreprenörernabakom en av skolorna. Vidare har vi studerat relevant litteratur och forskningsartiklar inomämnet för att skapa oss en större kunskap och förståelse för studieämnet.Vi kan av studien dra slutsatser att entreprenörerna på fallföretagen inte upplevde den högakonkurrensen som ett hot. Den sågs snarare som någonting positivt och nyttig för marknadensom helhet. Något som utmärkte entreprenörerna i studien var att de angav destinationen somen stark drivkraft. De tog även upp behovet av självstyre som ett starkt motiv till att startaaffärsverksamhet.
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L'entrepreneur lifestyle : un processus entrepreneurial hypermoderne et singulier / Lifestyle entrepreneurship : an hypermodern and singular entrepreneurship processGomez-Breysse, Marie 08 July 2010 (has links)
La notion "lifestyle" représente un nouveau stade de l'évolution de l'entrepreneur. Cette approche a été mise en évidence par des travaux anglophones et plus particulièrement présentée par Johannisson (2004) sans être jusqu'à ce jour étudiée. C'est pourquoi par ce travail de thèse nous avons tenté de comprendre le processus entrepreneurial de l'entrepreneur "lifestyle". Pour ce faire, nous avons conduit une étude exploratoire sur 8 cas permettant de mettre en évidence un phénomène émergent. Le cours de notre recherche nous a donc permis de définir le "lifestyle" par opposition au "classique" et de mettre en évidence ses caractéristiques. En outre, un objet ne pouvant être étudié en dehors de tout contexte, il nous a paru essentiel de définir l'hypermodernité qui est le terme utilisé (en sociologie notamment, Aubert et alii, 2005) pour désigner l'ère sociétale dans laquelle nous nous trouvons. L'hypermodernité représente une dualité composée de l'exploitation marchande et de valeurs humanistes. Dans cette mesure, l'entrepreneur lifestyle empreint de quêtes de valeurs construit un modèle économique lui permettant d'être en accord avec ses principes. / Lifestyle is representative of a new entrepreneurial phasis. The aim of this thesis is to conduct an exploratory survey based on 8 lifestyle entrepreneurs cases to describe an emergent phenomenon. Our research introduces the differences between the "classical entrepreneur" and the "lifestyle"one definition and argue the caracteristics of lifestyle entrepreneurship. As we consider the thesis object as an "embedded" one, we present the hypermodern society as the context research. Hypermodernity suggests a dual vision of our society and is composed of business exploitation and humanist values. Therefore, the Lifesytle entrepreneur who is looking for individual and collective values build an economical system which is an entrepreneurial one in adequation with its own assets.
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Uma anÃlise do programa de formaÃÃo empreendedora - EMPRETEC - do Sebrae de 2002 a 2004, no Piauà / An analysis of the program of enterprising formation - EMPRETEC - of the Sebrae of 2002 the 2004, in the PiauÃFranÃoise Wilhelm Fintenele e Vasconcelos Pacheco 00 December 2008 (has links)
Universidade Federal do Cearà / Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo identificar e analisar os resultados do Programa de FormaÃÃo Empreendedora â Empretec, aplicado pelo SEBRAE no Estado do PiauÃ. Isso foi feito atravÃs de pesquisa de campo realizada com participantes do perÃodo de 2002 a 2004 na capital Teresina e as principais cidades do interior onde o programa foi aplicado. A formaÃÃo empreendedora à uma ferramenta que impulsiona a melhoria da empresas e contribui para o desenvolvimento econÃmico atravÃs da geraÃÃo de novos postos de trabalho. Este Programa tem amplitude mundial e seus primeiros resultados no Brasil, indicam os benefÃcios quantitativos no faturamento das empresas, atravÃs das mudanÃas no comportamento empreendedor. No Piauà os resultados nÃo foram diferentes, evidenciando o aumento dos postos de trabalho, faturamento e alertando para a necessidade de treinamentos futuros que promovam um recondicionamento dos participantes. / This research aimed to identify and analyse the results of the Program of Training Empreendedora - Empretec, SEBRAE applied by the state of Piaui. This was done through a
search conducted with participants from the field of the period of 2002 to 2004 in the capital Teresina in the main cities in the interior where the program was implemented. The entrepreneurial training is a tool that drives the improvement of business and contributes to economic development through the generation of new jobs. This program has global scale and its first results in Brazil, indicate the quantitative benefits in the billing of the companies, through changes in behaviour entrepreneur. In Piaui the results were not different, showing the increase in jobs, billing and alerting to the need for training future that promote a reconditioning of the participants
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