Spelling suggestions: "subject:"then human resource management"" "subject:"them human resource management""
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Kreativita v rozvoji pracovníka a organizace / Creativity in Personal and Organizational DevelopmentHeroutová, Marie January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to evaluate premises of creativity development of current sales representatives Nilfisk-Advance, Ltd and on the basis of this knowledge to recommend certain methods to improve the performance of individual sales representatives. To meet this goal, the theoretical part describes relevant findings for examining the premises of current employees on the basis of literature and analytical part on the theoretical background maps actual performance and premises of creativity of existing sales force analyzed company. Outcome of the diploma thesis is the formulation of relevant recommendations for the development of the employees and company.
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The Strategic side of Global Talent Management : Thematic literature review with a conceptual reasoningEkelöf, Sofie, Lindberg, Nathalie January 2020 (has links)
Today's organizations face a global talent shortage, where they struggle to find and develop the talents needed to gain a competitive advantage in the global labor market. The war for talent has shifted from a national to a global scale, affecting organizations Human Resource Management strategies. As a result, scholars argue that the implementation of Global Talent Management (GTM) in the organization's business strategy can facilitate the work by gaining a competitive advantage. Due to globalization, organizations face rapidly changing global environments, affecting the strategies of GTM. The specific contribution from this study is to examine the relevance of the internal drivers affecting GTM, identified by Tarique and Schuler in 2010 as regiocentrism, international strategic alliances, and required competencies, for future research and practical implementations. The findings declare that although the framework from 2010 still is relevant in some aspects, globalization has led to new internal drivers being presented in current literature. New aspects as defining a talent philosophy, adopting an alternative employment arrangement and developing an attractive employer branding have been identified as important internal drivers within GTM. These drivers are described and presented in a conceptual model, developed from the framework by Tarique and Schuler (2010).
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Transforming the learning environment: Closing the theory and practice divide in an undergraduate industrial psychology moduleHamman-Fisher, Desiree January 2021 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / This study explored the learning and teaching of students registered for the undergraduate Training Management Module in the Industrial Psychology Department at a traditional university in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. The aim of the study was to explore how situated learning can inform a more practically orientated learning and teaching of ETD practitioners. The criticism levelled at institutions of higher learning is that education, training and development practitioners are poorly trained to integrate theory taught, into practical situations.
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The role of corporate social responsibility perceptions and perceived employer brand on organisational attractivenessRamdenee, Narisha 25 February 2021 (has links)
Background. Human capital, often referred to as talent, has become a key source of competitive advantage. Due to the scarcity and competition for such talent scholars and practitioners are constantly trying to find new ways to attract, engage and retain highly soughtafter employees. The recent recession and economic slow-down has, however, led to diminished financial resources which has meant that talent management strategies have had to shift with greater focus being placed on non-financially centred offers to attract talent. Such non-financial offers include employer branding (EB) and corporate social responsibility (CSR). Research Purpose. The aim of the present study was to investigate the role of perceived corporate social responsibility (CSR) on employer brand and organisational attractiveness perceptions. To achieve this aim, two research objectives were set. The first objective was to establish whether statistically significant positive causal relationships exist between perceptions of CSR, employer brand and organisational attractiveness (OA). The second objective was to estimate the relative importance of CSR and employer brand amongst other typical financial and non-financial reward elements or factors, i.e. when trade-offs need to be made. Research Design and Methodological approaches. An experimental research design was utilised and primary quantitative data was collected by means of convenience, i.e. nonprobability sampling. A realised sample of n=137 was obtained. To address the objectives stated above, a two method approach was utilised. Firstly, a 22 or 2 (CSR present or not present) x 2 (employer branding present or not present) full-factorial experiment was utilised to investigate the causal relationships with organisational attractiveness (the dependant variable). Participants were randomly assigned to one of four conditions and perceived level of attractiveness measured after being exposed to one of four fictitious recruitment posters in which the CSR and employer brand were manipulated. The validity and reliability of the organisational attractiveness scale was assessed using Principle Components Analysis (PCA) and calculating Cronbach α coefficients, respectively The data were then analysed using descriptive statistics and a 22 within-subjects Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). To address the second objective, a fractional experiment was used to estimate the relative importance of CSR when randomly manipulating several typical financial and non-financial total reward factors or elements, i.e. those typically offered to prospective employees to attract them, including remuneration, benefits, work-life balance, performance and recognition, and development and career opportunities. This was done by utilising Choice-based modelling (CBM) or choice-based conjoint analysis. The Preference Lab software was used to conduct this experiment and collect the data. Part-utility worths were then calculated to assess the relative importance of each of the six attributes. Finally, the conjoint utilities were then used to identify distinct cohorts of respondents using two-step cluster analysis. Results. The results of the 22 within-subjects or full factorial Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) revealed statistically significant main effects, as well as statistically significant interaction effects. Moreover, the CBM revealed that, in relation to the other four attributes (i.e. renumeration, work-life balance, career development and advancement and, performance management and recognition) CSR and employer branding were ranked as the third and fifth most important attributes, respectively. When identifying distinct cohorts of respondents, using cluster analysis, a 2-cluster and a 3-cluster solution was found. Findings. It was determined that when CSR is present there is an increase in organisational attractiveness and, when a desirable employer brand is present there is an increase in organisational attractiveness. Additionally, renumeration and work-life balance were ranked as relatively more important than CSR and, renumeration, work-life balance, CSR and, career development and advancement were ranked as relatively more important than employer branding. Contribution of the study. The present study hopefully contributes to a better understanding of the role of CSR and employer branding in talent attraction and so adds to the available literature in this field of study, as well as provides further theoretical perspectives on the importance of CSR in the field of reward- and talent-management. Practically, the insights gleaned from the data could be used by organisations to inform talent attraction strategies, practices and policies which may assist in attracting highly sought-after human capital and subsequently positively impact on organisational performance and sustainable organisational success. By better understanding the positive causal effect of CSR on employer brand perceptions and desirable organisational outcomes such as organisational attractiveness, this knowledge can be used to make a compelling business case for CSR. Augmenting the argument that CSR “..is the right thing to do” on the one hand, with evidence that CSR makes good business sense, makes for a compelling win-win argument for organisations to make greater social investments with obvious benefits for communities and society at large.
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Arbetsgivares förhållningssätt till medarbetare inom besöksnäringen : En kartläggning av turismindustrins relation till genomgångsyrkenJohansson, Anna, Swensson, Wilma January 2020 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att kartlägga arbetsgivares förhållningssätt till genomgångsyrken inom besöksnäringen. Metod: Denna kvalitativa studie baseras på ostrukturerade intervjuer med arbetsgivare och aktörer inom besöksnäringen. Resultat: Studiens slutsats är att arbetsgivarna är kluvna i sitt förhållningssätt till genomgångsyrken och personalomsättning. Arbetsgivarna har en stor acceptans för att medarbetare väljer att gå vidare i sina karriärer, samtidigt som de ser behovet av att ändra ryktet av arbetet som ett genomgångsyrke. Arbetsgivarna utför ett aktivt HRM arbete som syftar till att främja en långsiktig arbetstillfredsställelse och ett yrkesmässigt engagemang hos medarbetarna. Kunskapsbidrag: Studien belyser ett känsligt ämnesområde som påverkar en hel industri. Genom att sätta ryktet av arbetet inom besöksnäringen på agendan kan en fördjupad kunskap av förändringsbenägenheten genereras och därmed utgöra en utgångspunkt för det fortsatta arbetet att höja yrkesstatusen.
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Borta bra men hemma bäst? : En studie om hur Stora Enso arbetar med Gender Diversity Management i relation till nationell kulturDuderija, Amina, Frida, Karlsson January 2020 (has links)
Trots att industrin står för hela 20 % av den totala sysselsättningen i Sverige, utgörs 80 % av branschens anställda av män. I denna kvalitativa studie av det multinationella företaget Stora Enso, undersöktes företagets arbete med Gender Diversity Management på marknader med olika typer av nationell kultur. Teorier som berör International Human Resource Management, Gender Diversity Management och nationell kultur utgör studiens teoretiska referensram. Fem intervjuer har genomförts med informanter från Stora Ensos olika avdelningar. Studien visade att Stora Enso har en del lokala policys gällande GDM, men att detta bör arbetas mer konkret med på central nivå, då de anställda upplevde att företaget i vissa avseenden brast inom ämnet. Då det fanns både fördelar och nackdelar med Stora Ensos arbete med GDM på såväl hemmamarknaderna som värdmarknaden finns det inga tydliga indikationer på att olika typer av nationell kultur har varit avgörande för företagets möjlighet att bedriva GDM.
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Razvoj modela upravljanja ljudskim resursima uz podršku informacionih tehnologija / IT-Supported Development of Human Resources Management ModelLajšić Helena 29 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Sposobnost za postizanje postavljenih ciljeva bilo koje<br />organizacije, u kontekstu strategijskog i performans<br />menadžmenta, zavisi od sposobnosti te organizacije da uči, da<br />razvija i upravlja razvojem svog intektualnog kapitala, odnosno<br />ljudskim resursima. Inovacija i razvoj proizvoda, usluga i<br />poslovnih procesa mogu se postići unapređenim znanjima i<br />umjećima osoblja, nadmoćnom informacionom tehnologijom i<br />uređenim procesima organizacije. Savremene organizacije sve<br />jasnije shvataju da im valjano upravljanje ljudskim resursima<br />može značajno doprinjeti sticanju održivih kompetitivnih<br />prednosti. Značaj koncepata i pristupa upravljanja ljudskim<br />resursima, a prema tome i vrednovanja i ocjenjivanja ljudskog<br />kapitala, sa podrškom upravljačkih informacionih sistema, se<br />prema svemu sudeći, zasniva se na činjenici da, zahvaljujući<br />pomenutim sistemima, biva reorganizovano doskorašnje<br />shvatanje i razumijevanje doprinosa osoblja performansama<br />organizacije.<br />Upravljanje ljudskim resursima u svakom poslovnom sistemu<br />postaje potpuno različito od dosadašnjeg. Ono se više ne shvata<br />samo kao puka funkcionalna aktivnost već i kao nova poslovna<br />filozofija koju treba provoditi na svim menadžerskim nivoima.<br />Neki od neophodnih uslova za uspješno upravljanje ljudskim<br />resursima i performansom se obezbjeđuju putem upravljanja<br />informacionim resursima organizacije (podacima,<br />informacijama i znanjima) kao i od strane poslovne<br />inteligencije kao osnove za sticanje potrebnih informacija.<br />Stoga se značajan dio ove teze fokusira na koncipiranje i razvoj<br />upravljačkih informacionih sistema za podršku upravljanju<br />ljudskim resursima.</p> / <p>The ability to achieve the set objectives of an organisation<br />in the context of strategic and performance management<br />depends on the organisation’s ability to learn, develop and<br />manage the development of its own intellectual capital i.e.<br />human resources. Innovation and development of products,<br />services and business processes can be achieved by<br />improved staff’s knowledge and skills, supreme<br />information technology and regulated organisational<br />processes. Modern organisations are becoming more and<br />more aware of the fact that proper human resources<br />management can considerably contribute to gaining<br />sustainable competitive advantages. The importance of<br />conceptions of and approaches to human resources<br />management, and therefore the evaluation and assessment<br />of the human capital supported by IT systems seems to be<br />based on the fact that the previous understanding of staff’s<br />contribution to the organisation’s performance is being<br />reorganised owing to IT support. In every business system<br />human resources management is becoming totally different<br />than before; it is no longer seen as a mere functional<br />activity but also as a new business philosophy to be<br />applied on all levels of management.<br />Some of the conditions necessary for successful human<br />resources management and performances are provided by<br />the informational resources of an organisation (data,<br />information and skills) and business intelligence as the<br />basis for acquiring the necessary information. Therefore, a<br />significant part of this thesis is focused on conceiving and<br />developing the management information systems for<br />human resources management support.</p>
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Marketing strategy of recruitment and retention of IT candidates in the market of BrnoChaloupková, Gabriela January 2018 (has links)
This master thesis is conducted to address the most discussed topics in recruitment of IT candidates. In 2018 the market with IT candidates in Brno is overheated and there is a big competition between the IT companies. In the theoretical part of this master thesis most discussed topics are introduced and explained, such as remuneration, benefits, forms of recruiting candidates and the recruitment process. HR marketing and recruitment practices were incorporated into the marketing terminology of the extended marketing mix. Practical part consisting of in-depth interviews, findings from related expert seminars and quantitative research focuses on topics discussed in the theoretical part and search for answers on how to best attract and retain IT candidates. There are two separate groups of IT candidates investigated, IT students and IT professionals. Results show IT candidates form a homogeneous group. Outcomes display that IT candidates value the most flexibility in various forms. The most credited benefit is home office. Other valued benefits are sick days or even still meal vouchers. When it comes to decisions about new occupation, remuneration is the top factor IT candidates are interested in, followed by the actual job content, company culture and employer brand.
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Digitala verktygs hot och möjligheter mellan större och mindre bolag enligt revisorer : En kvalitativ studie som undersöker och jämför digitala verktygs påverkan på arbetet enligt revisorerDaoud, David, Üney, Matheus, Tomeh, Soleiman January 2022 (has links)
SAMMANFATTNING Datum: 2022-06-01 Nivå: Kandidat Företagsekonomi, 15 hp Akademi: Akademin för Ekonomi, Samhälle och Teknik, Mälardalens Högskola Författare: Daoud David Tomeh Soleiman Uney Matheus (00/06/01) (00/06/15) (00/11/11) Titel: Digitala verktygs hot och möjligheter i jämförelse mellan större och mindre bolag enligt revisorer - En kvalitativ studie som undersöker digitala verktygs påverkan enligt revisorer Handledare: Petterson, Ulla Nyckelord: Digitalisering, Revisor, AI, Human Resource Management, Hot, Möjligheter Forskningsfrågor: Hur påverkas revisionsyrket utifrån digitala verktygs hot och möjligheter i större och mindre bolag enligt revisorer?Hur har möjligheterna förändrat revisorns arbetsmetodik och hur har hoten förändrat revisorns kompetens samt välmående? Syfte: Syftet med studien är att identifiera hot och möjligheter som digitala verktyg tillför inom revisionsbranschen utifrån revisorns perspektiv på olika nivåer. Vidare ska studien poängtera hur möjligheterna förändrat revisorns arbetsmetodik och hur hoten förändrat revisorns kompetens samt välmående. Studien kommer att begränsa sig till tre olika bolag för att vidare kunna presentera kontrasten mellan större och mindre revisionsbolag gällande digitala verktygs hot och möjligheter. Metod: Studien tillämpar en kvalitativ metod, då syftet med uppsatsen ger läsaren en förståelse på revisorer på olika nivåer i mindre och större bolags perspektiv av hot och möjligheter. Vidare samlas empiriskt material med hjälp av nio semistrukturerade intervjuer. Slutsats: Digitala verktyg har skapat både hot och möjligheter i revisionsbranschen samt förändrat revisorns arbetsmetodik och kompetens. Denna studie har även upplyst att revisorns psykiska hälsa drabbats av digitala verktygs användning. Däremot uppkommer kontraster mellan större och mindre bolag när de gäller hantering av digitaliseringens hot och möjligheter. Exempelvis har större bolag kapitalet att implementera interna utbildningar i syfte till att förebygga kompetens och psykisk ohälsa, medan mindre bolag inte har råd för utbildning inom psykisk ohälsa. / ABSTRACT Date: 2022-06-01 Level: Bachelor’s thesis in business economics, 15p Institution: School of Business, Society and Engineering, Mälardalens University Authors: Daoud David Tomeh Soleiman Uney Matheus (00/06/01) (00/06/15) (00/11/11) Title: Threats and opportunities of digital systems in large and small companies - a qualitative study which examines the effects of digital systems according to auditors. Tutor: Petterson, Ulla Keywords: Digitalisation, Auditors, AI, Human Resource Management, Threats, Opportunities Research questions: What effects do threats and opportunities of digital systems possess on the auditing profession according to auditors?What changes did the threats and opportunities of digital systems possess on auditors work processes and competens? Purpose: The purpose of this study is to provide a deeper understanding of what threats and opportunities digital systems supply in the auditing industry, according to auditors. Additionally, an examination of how threats have changed auditors’ competence and how opportunities changed auditors’ work processes will be presented. Furthermore, the study examines the differences of the threats and opportunities in larger and smaller auditing businesses. Method: In order to gather relevant material to help answer the research questions, the thesis will use the help of a qualitative methodology. Furthermore, the study will gather theoretical data to help analyze gathered empirical data, by using a deductive approach. Conclusion: Digitalisation in the auditing industry has provided both threats and opportunities, which have changed auditors' work processes and competence. The study has also conveyed that auditors’ mental health is negatively affected by the constant use and evolution of digital systems. Larger auditing companies possess the financial capability of providing internal training in order to prevent mental health issues. In contrast, smaller companies see it as a financial liability and ignore it for now, which affects the auditors mental health negatively. However, smaller companies are working towards making internal training a possibility.
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HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS APPLIED TO HEALTHCARE SYSTEM IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES / Funkti onalitet för ” Human Resource Management” applicerat på hälsovårdssystem i utvecklingsländerBogestedt, Victor, Johansson, Viktor, Xanthos, Kristian January 2011 (has links)
Ill-health has been identified as the cause and consequence of poverty in Uganda. In April, 2009 the ICT4MPOWER project was launched in order to improve health care delivery in the rural communities of Uganda using Information and Communication Technology. One of the aspects considered, was the development of a human resource management system. Studying quality literature, interviewing possible stakeholders and investigating the current healthcare management information system led to the finding of both tactical and strategic functions for the development of human resources. Mock up interfaces was designed to support the needs of the organization. Flowcharts, use cases, and instruction films were made to clarify and to see the process from different end user. We have identified a need for a more strategic approach towards human resource management, but it must begin with establishing the hard foundation.
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