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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Projeto de um transceptor óptico para comunicação digital em espaço livre. / Design of an optical transceiver for free space optical digital communication.

Fahim Gouveia 08 March 2007 (has links)
Os sistemas de comunicação óptica por espaço livre, comumente denominados sistemas FSO (Free Space Optics), servem para estabelecer enlaces de comunicação do tipo wireless, ponto-a-ponto, a uma elevada taxa de dados e com alcances que podem variar de algumas centenas de metros a alguns quilômetros. O interesse pela tecnologia FSO tem sido estimulado pela necessidade de se fornecer soluções complementares às tradicionais (e.g. fibra óptica e RF) visando a atender à crescente demanda por conexões de banda larga. Algumas de suas aplicações mais importantes são a conexão de redes locais de computadores, a conexão de estações rádio base de telefonia móvel às centrais e o acesso de última milha. Embora a tecnologia FSO venha sendo empregada em pequena escala no Brasil, vislumbra-se o potencial de maior aplicação desta tecnologia em um futuro próximo, razão pela qual se propõe este estudo, focado no projeto de sistemas FSO. A principal contribuição deste trabalho é demonstrar uma possível solução para a realização de um enlace óptico operando em espaço livre, destinado a conectar duas redes locais de computadores Ethernet Rápida (100 Mbps). As seguintes atividades foram desenvolvidas: estudo das questões mais relevantes pertinentes ao projeto de sistemas FSO; projeto, construção e caracterização eletro-óptica de circuitos; montagem e demonstração do funcionamento de uma versão de testes do sistema, realizadas em laboratório; estudo de características associadas à transferência de radiação óptica de transmissor para receptor, envolvendo o balanço de potência para estimativa do alcance do enlace, sob condições atmosféricas ideais. Como resultado, obtivemos um sistema de comunicação do tipo full-duplex, operando no comprimento de onda de 850 nm em formato de modulação OOK, a uma taxa de dados efetiva de 125 Mbps. Com base na experiência obtida, melhoras ao sistema são sugeridas no final do trabalho. / Free space optical communication systems (FSO systems) provide wireless, point-to-point communication links at high data rates, at maximum distances ranging from hundreds of meters to several kilometers. The growing interest in FSO technology arises from the necessity of providing complementary and alternative solutions to those already adopted (eg. fiber optics and RF), aiming to satisfy the increasing demand for broadband connections. Some of its most important applications are connecting local area networks (LANs), backhauling wireless networks and providing last mile access. Although today FSO is not widely adopted in Brazil, the technology has the potential for being adopted in a greater scale in the near future, which is the reason we propose a study focused on issues related to the design of FSO systems. This work\'s main contribution is to demonstrate a possible solution for the construction of a FSO system intended to connect two Fast Ethernet LANs (100 Mbps). For this purpose, the following activities were developed: study of the main aspects related to FSO system design; design, construction and electrooptical characterization of circuits; mounting and demonstration, in the lab, of a test version of the system; study of characteristics related to radiation transfer from transmitter to receiver, involving the use of the link power budget for an estimation of the maximum distance achievable under ideal atmospheric conditions. The result is a full-duplex communication system that employs the 850 nm wavelength in OOK modulation format, operating at an effective bit rate of 125 Mbps. Based on the knowledge achieved, improvements to the system are suggested at the end of this work.

Design lehkého dodávkového elektromobilu / Design of Electric Light Van

Paš, Antonín January 2021 (has links)
This thesis deals with light utility vehicle design (class N1). Apart from designing vehicle’s appearance, other goals such as finding suitable usage of this electric vehicle type or adapting design to user’s needs and new technologies available were set. Usage of light e-van as a last mile delivery vehicle is proposed and following design process takes this purpose into account. Reasoning behind determining decisions is also given in this thesis. Final design stands out with original shaping, while possibilities of colour and graphics make it easily distinguishable among other vehicles. Design also suggests multiple changes in ergonomics of the vehicle, focused mainly on driver’s comfort and overall adaptation to selected vehicle’s use.

Emergency Supply Chains under en pandemi : Beredskapslager och Last-Mile distribution / Emergency Supply Chains during a pandemic : Stockpiles and Last-Mile distribution

Assi, Mohammed, Klevtun, Lukas, Zadonsky, Kim January 2020 (has links)
Title: Emergency Supply Chains during a pandemic - Stockpiles and Last-Mile distribution Rationale: Disasters come in many shapes and sizes in terms of its nature and its destructiveness. A commonality amongst disasters is that they all cause widespread damage and extensive human suffering. A recent event that has brought attention to pandemics is the outbreak of the novel coronavirus COVID-19. With pandemic outbreaks being a statistical certainty according to WHO officials and historical references point to extensive damage caused by previous pandemics, proper emergency supply chain protocols are called for in order to secure the supply of vital resources. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore how stockpiles and last-mile distribution has been applied within emergency supply chains in previous disasters. This in order to collect and process knowledge as to how emergency supply chains can be used within a pandemic outbreak. Objective: The objective of this study is to answer the following question:  “How can stockpiles and last-mile distribution within an emergency supply chain be used to order to increase the availability of vital resources during a pandemic outbreak?” Method: This study takes a qualitative approach with a hermeneutic standpoint. Combined with an inductive reasoning the study aims to serve the above stated purpose and objective. Scientific literature will be sampled and thoroughly examined to provide a theoretical basis for the empirical data that will be collected in latter stages of the study. The empirical data that will be collected is exclusively qualitative in nature and consists of field reports, new articles, statements and other form of publications. The theoretical and empirical data will then be analyzed in order to serve the purpose and achieve the study objective. Measures such as authenticity and good ethical practices have been taken in order to ensure study quality.  Conclusions: Valuable knowledge can be extrapolated from previous disasters that have practiced the use of emergency supply chains and preparedness based stockpiling. This knowledge can be applied to disasters of pandemic nature such as the novel coronavirus.  Keywords: Emergency supply chain (ESC), Preparedness, Response, Stockpile, Vital resources, Social important activities, Collaboration, Last-mile distribution (LMD).

Tjänsteinnovationer inom sista milen - En studie av konsumenters inställning till crowdsourcing, paketskåp och smarta lås

Herlin, Malin, Mårtensson, Adrian, Nydahl, Christoffer January 2020 (has links)
Det ständigt växande e-handelssegmentet ställer helt nya krav på transporter inom sista milenleveranser. Sista milen är ofta förknippad med negativa externaliteter som buller, trängsel ochutsläpp och dessutom låg kostnadseffektivitet. Sista milen är därför en del i logistikkedjan somhar stor förbättringspotential. Det har därför på senare tid uppkommit en del innovationer inomsista milen som ska kunna öka effektiviteten och minska de negativa externaliteterna.I denna studie har vi, med hjälp av virtuella fokusgruppsintervjuer, undersökt åtta individersinställning till tre olika innovativa leveransmetoder; crowdsourcing, paketskåp och smarta lås.Vi har även undersökt vad det är som påverkar denna inställning och antagandet av dem, samt vilka förväntningar som individerna har på nya leveranssätt. Till vår hjälp har vi bland annat haft teori kring hur individer antar nya innovationer, vad en tjänsteinnovation är samt tidigare forskning om våra undersökta leveranssätt. Fortsättningsvis har vi även haft teori kring upplevd risk och vad som skapar värde för kunder. Med hjälp av dessa teorier kunde vi i analysen besvara våra frågeställningar. Det visade sig att deltagarna generellt sett har en negativ inställning till crowdsourcing och smarta lås som leveranssätt. Beträffande paketskåp fanns en generellt sett positiv inställning. Det var också det leveranssätt som många deltagare provat tidigare. De är generellt sett nöjda med de leveranssätt som redan existerar och därför är intresset för innovativa leveranssätt inte så stort. Vid diskussioner gällande samtligaleveranssätt fördes resonemang kopplat till värde och risk. Beträffande både inställningen tillinnovationerna och förväntningarna på dem uppfattar vi det som att relativa fördelar,komplexitet och kompatibilitet spelar stor roll vid antagande av innovationer. Även recensioneroch “word of mouth” har visat sig spela in. / A continuously growing B2C e-commerce sector creates new challenges and a differentdemand in the transport sector, especially in the final step of a logistic supply chain - the lastmile delivery. Furthermore, the last mile is also known as the least cost effective part of alogistic chain as well as the part that is associated with negative externalities like congestion,air pollution and noise pollution, especially in urban areas. Considering this, the last mile is apart with high potential of improvement. This is also why last mile delivery innovations arestarting to show up on the market.With the help of virtual focus group methodology, we have in this study aimed to investigateeight people’s attitude towards three last mile delivery innovations; crowdsourcing, parcellockers and smart locks. We have studied things that can have an affect on this attitude and the adoption of innovations, but also what expectations the customers have on last mileinnovations in general. To be able to analyze our data, we have used a variety of theories,including Diffusion of innovations theory, and theories regarding customer value, risk andservice innovation. Regarding our three service innovations, we have also included previousresearch concerning those.Our research showed a negative attitude towards crowdsourcing and smart locks, and a positive attitude towards parcel lockers, which also was the innovation that a lot of our participants had tried. In general, all participants were satisfied with existing delivery methods, why the motivating factors for using the innovations are few. Discussions regarding customer value and risk were influential in our results. We also found mutual factors in what affects attitude and expectations, factors like complexity, compatibility and relative advantages. Furthermore, reviews and word of mouth also seem to have an affect on their attitude towards the innovations.

Navigating the concrete jungle : Route planning in urban last-mile delivery

Ebenspanger, Thomas January 2022 (has links)
The e-commerce market has developed massively since the 1990ies. In addition to a general change of shopping behavior, the COVID-pandemic increased the importance of online shopping. This study is about the transportation of e-commerce parcels on the last mile in urban areas, so called last-mile delivery. Special focus is put on innovative last mile solutions that reduce the externalities related to last-mile delivery. There are several factors that complicate the delivery on the last mile such as congestion, driving restrictions and meeting time-windows for customers. This study investigates to what extent the route planning for a fleet of vehicles can account for these various requirements and restrictions. The route planning was conducted in the GIS software ArcGIS Pro using the vehicle routing problem. The routes could be successfully planned and consider most of the relevant factors for last-mile delivery operations. The results indicate that traffic and congestion in cities can be accounted for which results in an average driving speed of 20km/h. The planned routes also indicate that not even 20% of the vehicle’s cargo capacity was used and that 60-65% of the total time is spent driving between orders. The study and its results are relevant to businesses and researchers in the field of last-mile delivery as the analysis of a real-world scenario highlights the possibilities and limitations of route planning on the last mile.

Analyzing the impacts of last mile mobility and studying the implementation of alternative vehicles in Swedish cities.

Mota Lozano, David January 2022 (has links)
The growing population of cities and the rise of e-commerce are increasing the transportation of both goods and people. This can generate problems such as traffic jams, increased pollution, and lower living standards for citizens. To reduce the negative impacts, a change in last mile mobility could be made, replacing traditional combustion vehicles with electric ones or, ideally, with bikes and cargo bikes.  This thesis examines the case of the Swedish cities of Gävle and Uppsala, trying to explain how the last mile affects the lives of their inhabitants, if and why electric vehicles and cargo bikes are implemented (or not), and how authorities can promote their use. For this purpose, after a literature review, some questions were developed, and seven city managers were interviewed: five from Gävle and two from Uppsala.  The study shows that city managers are aware of the impacts that the last mile, and mobility in general, has on its inhabitants, and of the need for a shift towards a more sustainable mobility. Despite this awareness, policy makers are not doing everything possible to accelerate the transition. According to city managers, both the public and private sector advocate more for a change of energy source (from combustion to electric vehicles) rather than a model change using bikes. In addition, the study shows the opportunities that the new model based on non-traditional vehicles can offer and the barriers that prevent its implementation. Finally, different measures that could make cities more sustainable are proposed.

Modelling and Optimization of Simultaneous Froward- and Reverse Logistics as Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem : An optimization simulation model problem

Islam, Md Kamrul January 2022 (has links)
Environmental issues are a vital concern in today’s world. The Swedish government and local businesses are developing a sustainable business and eco-friendly environment for city inhabitants. Last-mile pickup and delivery services are a key concern, which significantly impacts the environment and society. The Norwegian/Swedish parcel delivery company Bring, the reusable waste management company Ragn-Sells, the city of Stockholm, the research institute Sustainable Innovation, and the KTH Royal Institute of Technology are jointly working together in the Intercitylog2 project with a vision to handle better last-mile pickups or deliveries that are jointly serviced by small electric vehicles from an urban micro terminal. This thesis addresses the optimizations of simultaneous pickup and delivery operations using homogeneous vehicles and considering vehicle capacity, time windows and environmental constraints. A mathematical model is developed to address the problem using an exact commercial solver. The quality of the solutions has been evaluated with real pickup and deliveries of the participating company. The primary objective function is formulated to minimize the travel cost by finding the shortest path, and the results are compared with current routing operation data. KPIs are developed and evaluated based on the facts and figures from the obtained results of the experiments. The two scenarios, big vehicles and small vehicles are also developed and evaluated to find the best route optimization opportunity for the companies. The results show that the optimized operation could decrease delivery distance by 36.72% and 37.13% and delivery time by 43.65% and 47.08% for big and small vehicles operations, respectively, compared to the current routing operations. A round trip can complete within a defined time frame to avoid the battery running out during a route. Energy constraints demonstrate that using electric vehicles considerably reduce significant amounts of CO2 emission from the environment. / Miljöfrågor är en viktig fråga i dagens värld. Den svenska regeringen och lokala företag arbetar tillsammans för att utveckla ett hållbart företagande och miljövänlig miljö för stadens invånare. Last-mile hämtning och leveranstjänster är en viktig fråga, som avsevärt påverkar miljön och samhället.Det norsk/svenska paketleveransföretaget Bring, återanvändbara avfallshanteringsföretaget Ragn- Sells, Stockholms stad, forskningsinstitutet Sustainable Innovation och Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan arbetar tillsammans i Intercitylog2-projektet för en vision för att bättre hantera last-mile pickuper eller leveranser som gemensamt betjänas av små elfordon från en urban mikroterminal. Detta examensarbete behandlar optimering av samtidiga hämtnings- och leveransoperationer med homogena fordon och med hänsyn till fordonskapacitet, tidsfönster och miljömässiga begränsningar. En matematisk modell utvecklas för att ta itu med problemet med en exakt kommersiell lösare och kvaliteten på lösningarna har utvärderats med verklig upphämtning och leveranser från det deltagande företaget. Den primära målfunktionen är formulerad för att minimera reskostnaden genom att hitta den kortaste vägen, och resultaten jämförs med aktuella ruttoperationsdata. KPI:er utvecklas och utvärderas utifrån fakta och siffror från de erhållna resultaten av experimenten. De två scenarierna, stora fordon och små fordon, är också utvecklade och utvärderade för att hitta den bästa ruttoptimeringsmöjligheten för företagen. Resultaten visar att den optimerade driften kan minska leveransavståndet med 36,72% och 37,13% och leveranstiden med 43,65% och 47,08% för stora och små fordonsoperationer, jämfört med nuvarande ruttoperationer. En tur och retur kan genomföras inom en definierad tidsram för att undvika att batteriet tar slut under en rutt. Energibegränsningar visar att användning av elfordon avsevärt minskar betydande mängder CO2-utsläpp från miljön.

Light electric freight vehicle concept : A pedal assist trike designed for urban last mile deliveries / Koncept för ett lätt elektriskt fraktfordon : En trehjuling med pedalassistans ämnad för leveransverksamheteri urbana miljöer

JOHNNER OLIN, ANTON, PENSER, TAREK January 2021 (has links)
In recent years there has been a shift in the way consumer products are being purchased shifting from physical in-store shopping to online shopping. A vast amount of goods, express deliveries and simple returns have led to the need for new tools and methods for the delivery industry. At the same time, the environmental crisis is ongoing, and preventive regulations are being implemented in countries worldwide, directly affecting the urban transport sector. One step that has been taken by the urban transportation sector is the implementation of different types of electric vehicles for last mile deliveries of goods. The Swedish motorcycle manufacturer Cake launched their first motorcycle in 2017 and have since then launched other models. More recently Cake has brought products to the market that aim toward business to business. As a part of this effort, Cake was interested in the development of a concept within the last mile delivery sector. The purpose of the project was to investigate last mile deliveries in urban environments to learn what requirements there were on light electric freight vehicles being used. The goal was to define and develop a light electric freight vehicle concept for Cake. Following the double diamond methodology, research was conducted on state of theart, stakeholder needs and EU regulations leading to user insights and a requirements specification. Based on the insights and requirements, concepts were developed through an iterative process, leading to a final concept. The final concept was a 800mm wide trike operated by pedal assist, with the capability to transport cargo that has the area of an EUR pallet behind the driver while still being allowed in bicycle lanes. The concept was validated by building a full scale prototype and conducting tests on it against the insights and requirements specification. / De senaste åren har beteenden kring köp av konsumentprodukter fundamentalt förändrats, där handeln stadigt går från butikshandel till onlinehandel. Till följd av de stora godsmängder som cirkulerar, i kombination med att tjänster så som expressleveranser och snabba returer blir allt vanligare, så har leverans branschens behov av nya verktyg och metoder ökat. Samtidigt har den pågående miljökrisen lett till att många länder i världen implementerar en allt hårdare miljöpolitik som direkt påverkar den urbana transportsektorn. Ett steg som tagits av den urbanatransportsektorn är att implementera av olika typer av elektriska fordon ämnade för leveranser i urbana miljöer, så kallat “last mile deliveries”. Svenska motorcykeltillverkaren Cake lanserade deras första motorcykel 2017. Sedan dess har de släppt ett flertal modeller samt lanserat produkter ämnade för företagsverksamheter, även kallat“business to business”. Som en del av utvecklingen mot “business to business” var Cake intresserade av att utveckla ett koncept riktat mot “last mile deliveries”. Syftet med projektet var att undersöka “last mile deliveries” i stadsmiljöer för att förstå vilka krav som finns på lätta elektriska fraktfordon inom branschen. Målet med projektet var att definiera och utveckla ett koncept av en lätt elektrisk fraktfordon till Cake. Designprocessen strukturerades enligt “double diamond” metodologin, där forskningen bestod avanalyser av befintliga produkter på marknaden, intervjuer av personer på olika fraktbolag, samt litteraturstudier av forskningsrapporter samt EU-regler. Insikterna ledde till användar-insikter samt en kravspecifikation. Baserat på insikterna och kravspecifikationen utvecklades ett koncept genom en iterativ process. Slutkonceptet var en 800mm bred trehjulig eldriven cykel med en lastkapacitet på minst 1 kubikmeter. Konceptet validerades med tester på en fullskalig prototyp, där funktioner och geometri utvärderades mot kravspecifikationen.

新世代電信級網路電話(VoIP)客戶服務之研究 / The study of customer service for carrier grade next generation network (VoIP)

徐志得, Hsu, Heigen Unknown Date (has links)
在電信獨占市場的時代,語音及訊務都架設在TDM (時間分割多工)的系統上,其客戶服務比新世代網路系統較為簡易。1997年,政府開放行動電話營運執照申請,在2008年第一季末,手機門號(包含2G+PHS+3G)幾乎與人口(2300萬戶)ㄧ樣多。2000年,政府開放固網執照申請,因為固網路鋪設到last-mile的速度緩慢及成本較高,「新進業者」(CLEC)比「既有經營者」(ILEC)較不具備競爭力,加上無killer application (殺手級應用)及差異性的客服,因此至今CLEC沒有爭取到太多的顧客,一直到Skype進入台灣,大家才看到電信語音市場另一塊新版圖。 近年來VoIP (Voice Over IP)技術進步,將通訊協定信號(SIP)與媒體語音訊務(RTP/RTCP)分開處理。因此,全世界各通信製造業者及服務商(SP)開始運用此技術在行動電話多媒體服務及IP多媒體子系統(IMS)的架構上。不僅如此,有很多網路用戶與互聯網企業也因為開始分享資訊,造成一些新興內容產業--(UGC用戶產生內容、SNS社會網絡服務) 的誕生。所以預料在新世代電信網路(NGN)新科技的環境之下,將會有不少新興產業如海星組織一般的誕生、滋長及蔓延,這對電信業者、服務供應商及用戶將會帶來更多維護及服務的衝擊。 因此本研究將參考現有電信客戶服務跟未來20年通信技術,建議如何使用混合式(集權/分權)的客戶服務來協助電信級固網業者及服務開發者去創造企業價值、突破現有困境、達到永續經營的目的,以因應未來電信自由化及新電信技術。 / In the monopoly era, the telecom network was implemented on TDM (Time Division Multiplexer) system, whose customer service of voice call is comparatively simpler and easier than NGN (Next Generation Network) system. In 1997, government opened the application of mobile network operation license. By end of 1Q of 2008, the subscriber count (includes 2G, PHS and 3G) of mobile network was almost as many as population (23 millions). In the year of 2000, government opened the application of fixed network operation license. Because of the slower speed and higher cost of last-mile network implementation, up to now, new Competitive Local Exchange Carriers (CLEC) were less competitive than Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier (ILEC). Plus, not having the killer-application and the differentiated customer services, CLECs did not have too many subscribers in these years. Until Skype was introduced to Taiwan, all of us, then, saw the other new territory of voice telecom market. These years, VoIP (Voice over IP) technology was improved to have communication protocol (SIP Session Initialization Protocol) and voice traffic (RTP/RTCP Real-time Transport Protocol/Real-time Transport Control Protocol) been handled separately; i.e., the development of voice application software and debug became easier. Thus, the world-wide telecom manufacturers and service providers started to use this technology on the architecture of mobile voice multimedia service and IP Multi-media Subsystem (IMS). Even amount of network users were sharing information with enterprises who owned inter-connection network, and created the new content businesses (UGC User Generated Content, SNS Social Network Services). Therefore, under the new technology environment of NGN, we foresee some new businesses will be created, then, growing and expanding like the starfish organization. For telecom operators, service providers and users, this will bring some more new impacts of maintenance and service. Therefore, this study will refer the existing telecom customer service and the telecom technologies may have in next coming 20 years to propose how to use the hybrid (centralized/de-centralized) customer service to help both carrier-grade fixed network operators and service developers to create business value, break through current dilemma to reach business continuity goal in response to the telecom liberalization and new telecom technologies.

The role of ICT in optimizing reverse textile supply chains

Tsiupka, Iuliia, Mason, Alicia January 2015 (has links)
Fast fashion and over consumption within the textile industry has led to a serious depletion of natural resources. The current rate of population growth and consumption is unsustainable. In result, there is a growing interested in sustainable solutions, one of which is reverse supply chains. Infrastructures for recycling textile fibers are being researched and developed. At the same time, it is important to put a focus on also developing the infrastructures for textile recollection. When examining a forward supply chain, the last mile, or point of distribution to the final consumer, can be considered the most costly when it comes to logistics costs. As a result, within a reverse supply chain the point of textile recollection, or the “first mile” as defined by the authors, can also be considered problematic in terms of logistical costs. Cirqle is a Swedish based app using ICT to aide in the recollection of used textiles, by offering app users rewards (discounts) for used textile returns at specific retailers. Through gathering specific information about app users, ICT companies such as Cirqle, are key to optimizing reverse supply chains, and in result, aiding in the reduction of the “first mile problem”. Due to the research gap identified by the authors, the purpose of this thesis is to explore how a digital infrastructure for collecting used garments, such as the Cirqle App, can be used to optimize location‟s for collection points; therefore minimizing the first mile problem of reverse logistics in the textile industry.

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