Spelling suggestions: "subject:"then organizational commitment"" "subject:"them organizational commitment""
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Employee Engagement: Antecedents and ConsequencesClifford, Melanie Kacho 30 August 2010 (has links)
This dissertation examined the relationship between the antecedents and consequences of employee engagement in a defense acquisition organization. The objective of this study as to determine whether or not the eight satisfaction facets of the Index of Organizational Reactions (IOR) (1976) could be used as antecedents, engagement and consequences constructs in place of the antecedents, engagement and consequences constructs of the Saks (2006) model of employee engagement. This study used the following three research questions: 1) Are the antecedents of the IOR (kind of work, amount of work, physical work conditions, supervision and financial rewards) related to employee engagement constructs (company identification and co-workers)? 2) Are the antecedents of the IOR model (kind of work, amount of work, physical work conditions, supervision and financial rewards) related to consequences (career future)? 3) Are the employee engagement constructs (company identification and co-workers) related to consequences (career future)?
This study utilized the Index of Organizational Reactions (1976) to sample a defense acquisition organization (N = 177) to assess the proposed empirical model. The quantitative data from the study was used to perform Pearson correlation on 17 hypotheses. All hypotheses were supported and indicated positive relationships were present among the variables representing the antecedents, engagement and consequences constructs of the empirical model. In addition, confirmatory factor analysis was utilized as was done in previous studies performed by Dunham, Smith and Blackburn (1977) and Lee (1984). After the initial component matrix was obtained, a varimax rotation with Kaiser normalization was applied and indicated that the same factors that were found in the Dunham et al. and Lee studies were found in this research, providing additional confirmation for the original validation of the IOR. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was also used in this research and the results indicated that gender was a significant effect on the results of this study.
This study also utilized qualitative responses to the survey items to provide additional data to determine whether or not there were common themes amongst the comments and whether or not the comments were in agreement with the quantitative responses. Results indicated that further study is needed in the areas of supervision, kind of work, co-workers, physical work conditions and career future.
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The Impact of Work-Life Balance and Family-Friendly Human Resource Policies on Employees' Job SatisfactionMorgan, LaRoyce E. 01 January 2005 (has links)
Men and women are both faced with daily decisions that affect their families and their work. This paper will look at the overall satisfaction of employees as it relates to work &ndash life conflict. The concept has expanded as there are more responsibilities outside of the job setting that include volunteer commitments, personal development, home life and elder care. Since lifestyles have changed and there are significant pressures that all employees are facing, work &ndash life has become a significant benefit issue. Family &ndash friendly policies may help organizations to assist employees with balancing work and family. Conflict roles can spillover from the work domain to the family domain and from the family domain to the work domain. Time and technical connectivity are factors in work overload. Supporting employees could contribute to job satisfaction by offering alternative work schedules and family-friendly benefits. Organizations that offer flexible alternatives can engage employees and decrease job turnover.
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TURNOVER IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PROFESSIONALS IN THAILANDSakchaicharoenkul, Rattanachai 28 January 2010 (has links)
This study examined information technology professionals' perception of employee organizational commitment (OC) and its relationships to turnover across various industries in Thailand. Perceived job alternatives and thoughts of quitting were included to examine their influence on turnover intention both directly as independent variables and indirectly as mediators.
Hypotheses tested were 1) the direct relationship between organizational commitment and turnover intention among IT personnel from various Thai companies, 2) the relationship between thoughts of quitting and turnover intention, 3) the relationship between perceived job alternatives and turnover intention, 4) the indirect relationship between organizational commitment and turnover intention through mediator - thoughts of quitting and 5) the indirect relationship between organizational commitment and turnover intention, as mediated by perceived job alternatives.
The survey questionnaire used instruments that were already translated into Thai from previous research (Wongrattanapassorn, 2000). The original items in English were included with each item in the Thai language to provide respondents with additional information on the meaning of constructs. In addition to demographic items, the survey questionnaire contained four measures, one for each of the four variables: organization commitment (Allen & Meyer, 1990), thoughts of quitting (Peters, Jakofsky & Salter, 1981), perceived job alternatives (Peters, et al., 1981), and turnover intention (Hom, Griffeth & Sellaro, 1984).
An accompanying letter with the hyperlink to the questionnaire page was sent via e-mail to 300 IT professionals who were randomly selected from the subscribers of Computerworld Thailand magazine and also those who attended IT seminars organized by Computerworld Thailand. Two hundred and eight responses returned, providing an acceptable response rate of 69.3 percent. Correlation and regression were used to test hypotheses.
Results revealed that there was no direct relationship between overall organizational commitment and turnover intention. However, there was a negative direct relationship between continuance commitment and turnover intention. There was also no correlation between thoughts of quitting and turnover intention. There was a positive relationship between perceived job alternatives and turnover intention. For the mediating effect between organizational commitment and turnover intention, the results revealed that thoughts of quitting did not mediate the relationship as well as perceived job alternatives.
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Percepção de justiça sobre a avaliação de desempenho e sua relação com o comprometimento organizacionalBasso Júnior, Ademor Fábio 31 May 2017 (has links)
A avaliação individual de desempenho é um processo de mensuração dos indicadores de performance do funcionário. Porém, se os empregados não perceberem esse processo como justo, poderão reagir de forma contrária e boicotar o próprio desempenho. Desse modo, uma forma de evitar a ineficácia da avaliação de desempenho é estimulando a justiça na realização dessa prática. A justiça organizacional é fundamentalmente importante na compreensão, antecipação e direcionamento do comportamento organizacional, pois, a maneira como os indivíduos percebem a justiça, pode condicionar ou influenciar o seu comportamento. O comprometimento organizacional possui relação com o objetivo da empresa em conhecer os seus empregados no ambiente de trabalho e entender as variáveis que os vinculem à organização, pois o comprometimento do indivíduo é um atributo único e exclusivo, ou seja, não pode ser copiado pela concorrência, representando uma vantagem competitiva constante para as organizações. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo avaliar a percepção de justiça organizacional sobre a avaliação de desempenho e verificar sua relação com o comprometimento organizacional, em uma empresa concessionária de serviço de transporte coletivo, localizada na cidade de Caxias do Sul. O estudo foi de esfera exploratória/confirmatória de abordagem quantitativa, realizada com os funcionários da organização estudada, onde foi aplicado e validado para o contexto brasileiro a ferramenta de análise da percepção de justiça sobre a avaliação de desempenho elaborada por Sotomayor (2006) e comparado suas relações com o comprometimento organizacional abordado em três dimensões com a utilização do questionário de Meyer e Allen (1997). Os principais resultados dessa pesquisa são: que as medidas de justiça organizacional estão contextualizadas; pode-se observar que as dimensões da justiça distributiva, justiça interpessoal e justiça informacional possuem correlação significativa e positiva com as dimensões do comprometimento afetivo, comprometimento instrumental e comprometimento normativo; de uma forma sintética é possível dizer que a justiça distributiva e a justiça interpessoal, predominam, de forma relativa sob a justiça informacional na explicação do comprometimento; que os funcionários possuem sensibilidade às diferentes dimensões da percepção de justiça sobre a avaliação de desempenho e que essas percepções afetam o seu comprometimento organizacional. / The assessment of individual performance is a process of measuring employee performance indicators. However, if employees do not perceive the process as fair, will react in the opposite way and boycott their own performance. Thus, one way of avoiding the ineffectiveness of performance evaluation is by stimulating fairness in carrying out this practice. Organizational justice is fundamentally important in understanding, anticipating and directing organizational behavior, since the way individuals perceive justice can condition or influence their behavior. The organizational commitment is related to the company's objective in knowing its employees in the work environment and to understand the variables that bind them to the organization, since the commitment of the individual is a unique and exclusive attribute, that is, it can’t be copied by the competition, representing a constant competitive advantage for organizations. The objective of this research was to evaluate the perception of organizational justice on the performance evaluation and to verify the relationship with the organizational commitment, in a concessionaire of collective transportation service, located in the city of Caxias do Sul. The study was an exploratory / confirmatory field of quantitative approach, carried out with the employees of the organization studied, where the tool of analysis of the perception of justice on the performance evaluation elaborated by Sotomayor (2006) and compared their relationships with the organizational commitment addressed in three dimensions with the use of the Meyer and Allen questionnaire (1997). The main results of this research are: that organizational justice measures are contextualized; it can be observed that the dimensions of distributive justice, interpersonal justice and informational justice have a significant and positive correlation with the dimensions of affective commitment, instrumental commitment and normative commitment; in a synthetic way it is possible to say that distributive justice and interpersonal justice predominate relatively in informational justice in the explanation of commitment; that employees are sensitive to the different dimensions of perceived justice over performance evaluation and that these perceptions affect their organizational commitment.
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Comprometimento organizacional : estudo de caso em uma instituição financeira em processo de integração no Vale do paraíba Paulista / Organizational commitment: a case study in a financial institution in the process of integration in the Paraiba paulista ValleyJulio César Rodrigues da Silva 01 July 2011 (has links)
A integração entre empresas tem sido uma das estratégias para enfrentar os desafios relacionados às crescentes inovações tecnológicas, concorrências, novas regulamentações, dentre outras. Desta forma, os estudos dos níveis de comprometimento entre funcionários e organização podem contribuir para adoção de medidas gerenciais eficazes para o processo de integração. Este trabalho tem como objetivo levantar e analisar o comprometimento organizacional nos níveis Afetivo, Calculativo e Normativo de uma instituição financeira em processo de integração, por meio de pesquisa e estudo de caso, e levando em conta dados sóciodemográficos e os níveis hierárquicos (administração, gerencial e operacional). Os resultados obtidos reforçam a relevância de se estudar o tema comprometimento dentro de uma ótica multidimensional, visando à tentativa de compreender os vínculos entre os níveis de comprometimento e as diversas variáveis sóciodemográficas que podem ser consideradas. / The integration between businesses has been one of the strategies to confront the challenges to increasing technological innovation, competition, new regulations, among others. This way, studies of the levels of commitment between employees and organization can contribute to the adoption of effective management measures for the integration process. This paper aims to survey and analyze organizational commitment in Affective, Calculative and Normative levels, in a financial institution in the integration process, through a research and case study, and taking into account socio-demographic data and administration, management and operational levels. Results reinforce the importance of studying the issue commitment within a multidimensional perspective in order to attempt to understand the linkages between the levels of commitment and the various socio-demographic variables that may be considered.
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Motivación y compromiso organizacional en jóvenes de una organización de voluntarios en Lima / Motivation and organizational commitment in young people of an organization in LimaAspillaga Voysest, Giancarlo, Guazzotti Fiocco, Alessandra Gimena 02 August 2019 (has links)
El objetivo de la presente investigación fue relacionar la motivación y el compromiso organizacional en jóvenes de una organización de voluntarios en Lima. La muestra estuvo conformada por 123 jóvenes voluntarios, de los cuales 57% son mujeres entre 18 a 43 años de edad, con una media de 25 años (DE= 4.32), quienes fueron evaluados mediante la Escala de Motivación en el Trabajo -R- MAWS y The Organizational Commitment Questionnarie. El análisis de datos fue realizado con el programa estadístico Jamovi (Versión 1.0.0). Los resultados arrojaron una relación directa entre motivación y compromiso organizacional (rs = .40), por lo que se concluyó que a mayor percepción en la variable motivación, existiría mayor compromiso organizacional en jóvenes voluntarios. Al realizar el análisis por dimensiones, se halló que la motivación intrínseca se relacionaba directamente con el compromiso organizacional (rs = .46). / The objective of the present investigation was to relate the motivation and organizational commitment in young people of a volunteer institution in Lima. The sample consisted of 123 young volunteers, of which 57% are women between 18 and 43 years old in average 25 years old (SD = 4.32), who were evaluated through the Motivation Scale at Work -R-MAWS and The Organizational Commitment Questionnarie. The analysis of the date was done with the statistical program Jamovi (Version 1.0.0). The results showed a direct relationship between motivation and organizational commitment (rs = .40), so it has been concluded that a greater one in the motivation variable, the greater existence in the variable. When performing the analysis of the dimensions, it has to do with the organizational commitment (rs = .46). / Tesis
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Service orientation discrepancy between managers and employees and its impact on the affective reactions of employees: a case study of casual restaurant segmentCha, Suk-Bin 06 June 2008 (has links)
This study attempted to relate service orientation discrepancy between employees and managers to employees’ affective reactions in the restaurant industry. To fulfill this purpose, this study developed a new model and tested it by conducting an empirical analysis of restaurant employees. Specifically, this study examined the relationships among service orientation discrepancy (SOD), service employees’ role conflict (RC), role ambiguity (RA), job satisfaction (JS), and organizational commitment (OC). In addition, using path analysis, this study further scrutinized the causal relationships among the above variables.
The key findings of this study indicate that there is an SOD between managers and employees. Employees saw themselves as more enthusiastic and less bureaucratic than managers and this SOD was correlated with employee outcomes such as RC, RA, JS, and OC. When the proposed model of the study was tested, the results indicated that SOD had a positive, direct effect on RC and direct, negative effects on JS and OC. SOD also had negative, indirect effects on JS and OC through RC and RA. RC had a negative, direct effect on JS and a negative, indirect effect on OC. RA had a negative, direct effect on JS. Finally, JS had a negative, direct effect on OC.
The contribution of this study lies in attempting to explore the possibility of synthesizing service management and organizational behavior literature in the restaurant industry setting. By introducing the concept of SOD, this study showed the relationship between SOD and its impact on affective reactions of restaurant employees. Further, this study contributed to the existing literature by demonstrating the causal relationships among the variables examined. With these efforts, this study also laid the foundation for future empirical research. From the industry point of view, the findings of this study will provide substantive information that restaurant chains can use to design training, communication, and motivational programs and other human resource management programs for their employees. The study holds promise for reducing employee turnover and for improving customer service in the hospitality industry. / Ph. D.
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Two Paths to Commitment: A Moderated Mediation ModelMoroney, Ashley 24 June 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Reconnaissance au travail et implication dans le secteur public / Employee recognition and organizational commitment in the public sectorCapdevielle, Marianne 11 January 2019 (has links)
La reconnaissance au travail est l’une des attentes les plus exprimées par les individus quel que soit le type d’organisations pour laquelle ils travaillent selon une enquête TNS-Sofres/Anact réalisée en 2013. Lorsque les individus évoquent leur travail, il n’est pas rare que le manque, voire l’absence, de reconnaissance au travail soit le premier motif de mécontentement évoqué et le secteur public n’échappe pas à ce phénomène. En raison de ce contexte, la reconnaissance au travail a fait l’objet de différents travaux de recherche ces dernières années. Cependant, la question de la spécificité des attentes de reconnaissance que pourraient exprimer les agents du secteur public n’a, à ce jour, jamais été explorée. Notre travail doctoral se propose donc de chercher à spécifier les attentes de reconnaissance des agents publics afin de déterminer les moyens dont disposent les décideurs publics pour tenter de satisfaire ces attentes. De plus, notre travail doctoral étudie également l’impact des attentes de reconnaissance des agents sur leur niveau d’implication organisationnelle. Un modèle théorique est construit à partir de la littérature en sciences de gestion et est enrichi suite à une première étude qualitative exploratoire menée par entretiens auprès de 35 répondants. Une étude quantitative réalisée par questionnaire auprès de 1 259 agents publics nous a ensuite permis de tester ce modèle. Les résultats obtenus montrent que les attentes en termes de reconnaissance au travail des agents publics sont nombreuses et peuvent être satisfaites de diverses manières. Celles-ci reposent particulièrement sur le sens de leur travail et le fait de pouvoir rendre une mission de service public de qualité, ainsi que la possibilité de développer leurs compétences. Les éléments qui ont, en revanche, le plus d’impact sur l’implication organisationnelle des agents sont les éléments financiers et la possibilité de travailler dans de bonnes conditions. / Employee recognition is one of the most expressed expectations by workers regardless of the type of organization they work for according to a TNS-Sofres / Anact survey conducted in 2013. When people talk about their work, it is not uncommon that the lack or absence of recognition at work is their main reason for discontent and the public sector does not escape this phenomenon. Because of this context, employee recognition has been the subject of various research in recent years. However, the issue of the specificity of the expectations of recognition that could be expressed by public sector agents has, to date, never been explored. Our doctoral work therefore aims to specify the expectations of recognition of public sector workers to determine the means available to public decision makers to try to meet these expectations. Besides, our doctoral work also studies the impact of public sector workers’ expectations of recognition on their level of organizational commitment. A theoretical model is built from the literature in management sciences and is enriched by a first exploratory qualitative study made up of 35 semi-structured interviews. A quantitative study conducted by questionnaire with 1,259 respondents then allowed us to test this model. The results show that the expectations in terms of employee recognition of public sector workers are numerous and can be met in various ways. Public sector workers want a meaningful work and to be able to provide a quality public service, as well as the possibility of developing their skills. On the other hand, the elements that have the greatest impact on the organizational involvement of the agents are the financial elements and the possibility of working in good conditions.
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Rituales corporativos y el compromiso laboral del colaborador millennial: Su relación en un banco peruanoChavez Luna, Luis Abdón, Horna Cerna, Kevin Axel 03 December 2019 (has links)
El presente estudio buscó explorar la existencia de una posible relación entre la participación en rituales corporativos y el compromiso del colaborador millenial con una empresa. En este sentido, se desarrolló el caso de la empresa BCP, empresa representativa y líder en el mercado peruano con 130 años de trayectoria. De esta manera, la investigación se encuentra compuesta por los siguientes apartados: (1) introducción al tema; (2) marco teórico, que sirvió de estructura para el desarrollo del análisis; (3) diseño metodológico, realizado a través de encuestas; (4) conclusiones y recomendaciones, que fueron necesarias para brindar un aporte que sirva a otros investigadores A manera de conclusión, se comprobó que, a pesar de tener una correlación positiva, no existe relación entre el compromiso laboral de un colaborador millennial y el número de rituales en que este participa. Teorizamos, para futuras investigaciones, que puede deberse a que existen muchos más factores externos que influyen en el compromiso laboral de un millennial. / This paper seeks to analyze if there is a relationship between a strong employee engagement and how many corporate rituals does an employee participates in. In this study, we chose to research Banco de Crédito del Perú’s (BCP) case. BCP is the largest Company in Perú and the most important bank in the country, we think this Company is a well recognized referent in the industry, and makes a very relevant subject for our research. This research contains an introduction, our framework, the analysis, research design, and conclusions and recommendations. In our research design, we contemplate surveys to a select sample of millennial employees. As a conclusion, we found that in spite of having a positive correlation, it’s not strong enough to prove a relationship between a strong employee engagement and the number of rituals an employee participates in. We theorize this result could lead to study other variables that can influence employee engagement. / Tesis
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