Spelling suggestions: "subject:"then organizational commitment"" "subject:"them organizational commitment""
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Impact of Leadership Styles on Employee Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment – A Study in the Construction Sector in IndiaNidadhavolu, Akhila 01 April 2018 (has links)
Leadership plays a vital role in any industry. Therefore, a positive relationship between the management and the employees is very crucial for any organization to get better turnover and recognition. The current study discusses the leadership styles used in the Construction Industry in India. The development of construction industry in India requires suitable leadership approaches of the management. In the condition of such requirement, this research paper has three-fold objectives: first, to study the leadership styles used by the higher-management levels of Indian construction companies, and second, to examine the impact of leadership styles on job satisfaction, and third, to analyze the impact of the leadership styles onorganizational commitment.
A survey was designed and carried to assess the objectives of the research. A total of sixty employees were selected for the study. The survey participants were the three working groups of the three construction companies; (1) senior managers, (2) construction engineers, (3) worker supervisors. The questionnaire has a total of 25 questions that includes demographics, leadership styles assessment, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment. Confidence level, Mean, and Standard Deviation was used to analyze the results of the respondents. The results show that the higher-management of company A uses good leadership styles and the employees are satisfied with the job and committed to the organization. However, employees of company B and C were not happy with the leadership styles used by the management and unsatisfied with the job and less committed to the organization.
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Leadership Strategies to Improve Volunteer RetentionGlass, Rudene Pauline 01 January 2018 (has links)
Nonprofit leaders face challenges retaining volunteers to support their organizations' human resources. The shortage of volunteers threatens nonprofit sustainability with increasing personnel cost for maintaining quality services. Grounded by Burns's transformational leadership theory, the purpose of this multiple case study was to explore strategies nonprofit leaders from southeastern Michigan used to improve volunteer retention. Data were collected through face-to-face semistructured interviews with 3 nonprofit leaders and a review of organizational documents such as volunteer implementation plans, strategic plans, and volunteer committee notes. Data were analyzed using a methodological triangulation process of sorting comments, which involved a chronological review of the interview transcripts and a descriptive coding for emerging themes. Three distinct themes emerged from the data analysis: collaborative relationships improved volunteer retention, team motivations improved volunteer retention, and strategic communication improved volunteer retention. The findings from this study may contribute to positive social change by providing nonprofit leaders with a better understanding of the need to improve volunteer retention and leadership strategies as methods to continue building viable communities for those in need. Furthermore, the implications for positive social change could include the improvement of other nonprofit organizations and the well-being of the volunteers in the organization.
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The Link Between the Career Plateau and Mentoring – Addressing the Empirical GapLentz, Elizabeth 06 April 2004 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to empirically investigate the relationship between career plateauing and mentoring. First, the relationship between career plateauing and work-related attitudes was investigated. Next, the relationship between mentoring experience and work-related attitudes was examined. Finally, both experience as a mentor and mentoring provided were examined as moderators between career plateauing and work-related attitudes. Three hundred and six government employees located in the southeastern United States completed surveys (50.08% response rate). Of those, 110 reported mentor experience and 196 reported no mentor experience. In general, results provided support for the relationship between job content and hierarchical plateauing and negative work-related attitudes. No support was found for the relationship between job tenure and work-related attitudes. Support was found for the relationship between mentoring experience and positive work-related attitudes. With the exception of contextual performance, the relationship between mentoring provided and work-related attitudes was not supported. Little support was found for the interaction between mentor experience and plateauing, suggesting that mentoring others may not alleviate the negative effects of career plateauing. Implications and suggestions for future research are discussed.
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Employee Commitment: The Combined Effects of Bases and FociTaing, Meng Uoy 24 March 2009 (has links)
Recent studies indicate that employees distinguish between commitments to interpersonal foci within the organization, such as supervisors and coworkers. Often, these commitments account for variance in outcomes incremental to organizational commitment (e.g., Becker, 1992). Unfortunately, research has tended to focus on affective forms of commitment to foci, while ignoring normative and continuance commitment. To address this gap, the current study proposed and tested models of commitment to foci which incorporate normative and continuance commitment in addition to affective commitment. Results showed some parallels with findings concerning organizational commitment. Much like organizational commitment, support from a focus relates to affective commitment to that focus, while expectations from a focus predict normative commitment to the focus. Additionally, both affective and normative commitment to supervisors and coworkers predicted favorable outcomes, but continuance commitment did not. In line with researchers recommendations (e.g., Johnson, Groff & Taing, in press), interactions among different bases and foci of commitment were also examined. Exploratory analyses suggested a three-way interaction between affective organizational, supervisor, and coworker commitment for predicting in-role performance.
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基層警察人員工作滿足與組織承諾關係之探討-以93年基層行政警察四等考試錄取人員為例 / Study of the relationship between working satisfaction and organization commitment –using the qualifiers of the 4th level Civil Service Special Examinations for Basic Administrative Police Officers (2004)as an example吳延君 Unknown Date (has links)
以整體的觀點來探討「工作滿足」與「組織承諾」的關聯時,依結果顯示就93年警察特考人員而言,「工作滿足」與「組織承諾」達到高度的正相關。另經實地訪談,部分主管對於渠等的工作表現較為負面,兩者認知差距確有落差,主管對於渠等的比較對象是以警專畢業生為參考值,其主要問題在於這些人員從錄取後短暫的10個月訓練,就派到最基層勤務最繁的派出所工作,不管心態或業務熟悉度都產生了極大的挑戰。在這陌生的環境中,錄取人員如果沒有信任度高的警察先進指導或協助的話,那離職可能是唯一的選擇。 / Continuously reflected through all communities and basic-level policemen, the police force in local governments encounters heavy workloads, manpower shortages and recruiting problems, which will affect police duties. Therefore, on November 20, 2004, the former Minister of the Interior Su Chia-chan convened a meeting to resolve to new methods when recruiting law enforcement and to develop a new category “administrative police” in the Civil Service Special Police Examination (Grade 4) during the same year, in order to respond to the public expectations to improve public security.
Unlike a regular job, police work is a 24-hour and very demanding job. All-night duties, irregular working schedules and the lack of a family life are common occurrences. These kinds of work conditions may not correspond with the original perception of a career in the police force. All of the above have an affect on the devotion, job satisfaction and motivation of police officers to stay on. However, the quality of the police force is closely related to the daily life of citizens and the trust towards the government. This fast-acting recruiting method decided by the Ministry of the Interior was indeed more time-efficient than a formal training at the police academy. Meanwhile, the education background of recruits is also enhanced. Nevertheless, the key of success is determined by whether these recruits have the abilities to accomplish their duties as well as the willingness of devotion, and by the public perception of improved security. This study not only researches the correlation between the background of recruits and job satisfaction, but also investigates the influences between the job satisfaction and organizational commitment. In order to understand whether the performance matches the original expectation, interviews were conducted in this study.
This study noticed that marriage condition, former work experiences, and cram school attendance prior to the exam affect the job satisfaction; on the other hand, gender, age, education, school major and being a member in a police family do not. Furthermore, marriage condition, former work experiences and being a member in a police family have an affect on the organizational commitment; however, gender, age, education, school major and cram school attendance do not.
To discover the correlation between “job satisfaction” and “organizational commitment” with an overall point of view, “job satisfaction” and “organizational commitment” showed a high positive correlation in the study of people who succeed at the 2004 Civil Service Special Police Examination. During the spot interviews, some superintendents gave more negative evaluations to those who passed the exam than the ones who graduated from the police academy. The primary problem is that after only 10-month training graduates were designated to work at police substations which normally are the busiest. They were exposed to tremendous challenges in both mentality as well as work. Without guidance or assistance from experienced colleagues, these people may regard resignation as the only option in the unfamiliar working environment.
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國民小學組織結構、組織承諾與學校效能關係研究劉春榮 Unknown Date (has links)
研究採問卷調查法,以自編「國民小學組織結構量表、國民小學組織承諾量表及國民小學學校效能量表三部份。受試包括臺灣地區190所公立國民小學的1415名教師,問卷回收率達71 80%。回收問卷經統計處理,獲得以結論:
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En arbeidsplass, to arbeidsgivere : Opplevelser av trygghet, ansettelsesbarhet, engasjement og solidaritet på en arbeidsplass som bruker innleid arbeidskraft / One workplace, two employers : Experiences of security, employability, commitment and solidarity in a company that use temporary hired employeesBru, Linn Sunniva January 2012 (has links)
Formålet med studiet er med et brett perspektiv studere hvordan arbeidslivsituasjon og interaksjon oppleves av ulike typer av ansatte som arbeider på en arbeidsplass som bruker innleid arbeidskraft. Det ville også skapes en forståelse om hvordan ordinære og innleid personal i en bedrift opplever sin arbeidslivssituasjon gjennom fire perspektiver: trygghet, ansettelsesbarhet, engasjement og solidaritet. Det ble gjennomført ti kvalitative intervjuer. Med hjelp av den innsamlede empirien, tidligere forskning samt teoretiske utgangspunkter gjøres det en analyse som beskriver og forklarer grunnen til likheter og ulikheter i opplevelsene av de fire perspektivene til de to gruppene av personal. Hvordan de fire perspektivene påvirker hverandre analyseres med hjelp av en matrise. Det brede perspektivet var interessant for å få en forståelse av opplevelsene til personal som berøres av innleid arbeidskraft. Det viktigste bidraget til forskningen er at studiet bidrar til en dypere forståelse av ordinære og innleides opplevelser av arbeidslivssituasjon og interaksjon på en arbeidsplass. / The research intension is to study how the workplace situation and interaction is perceived by employees working in a workplace that also uses temporary hired employees through employment agencies. I will investigate how ordinary employees and temporary hired employees in a workplace experiences four different aspects; security, employability, commitment and solidarity. The study is based on ten qualitative interviews. By using the collected empirical, earlier research and theories, I will do an analysis which describes and explains the reasons for the similarities and differences in the two groups of employees, and their perspective of the four aspects studied. How the four different perspectives is influenced by one another, will be analyzed by using a matrix. Through the wide perspective of the terms security, employability, organizational commitment and solidarity I found interesting views of the experiences of the permanent employees are affected by the company’s use of temporary hired employees.
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WOW Philippines campaign : an analysis on collaborationMartinez Åkesson, Jo Anne January 2010 (has links)
The Philippines is a country with a lot to offer within the tourism sector. With its 7107 islands, it offers diversity in culture and a wide range of tourism destinations. However, tourism development in the Philippines has not been as successful as its neighbouring countries. In order to develop the country as an attractive destination, collaboration is needed. The cooperation of different stakeholders as well as the importance of trust and reciprocity is vital for an effective collaboration. Destination development within the tourism industry is seen as a collaboration or cooperation between different stakeholders who in part have something to gain in joining the collaboration. The relationship among the stakeholders may be based on previous interactions. In addition, concerning their respective involvement within the collaboration, theories argue that stakeholders do not necessarily exercise equal participation. With the use of the WOW Philippines campaign as an example of collaboration involving several stakeholders, the theories within collaboration shall be examined. At the same time, the theories will aid in researching the factors that may or may not be responsible for the advancements of thecampaign. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the different theories within collaboration with the WOW Philippines campaign as an example of a collaborative endeavour. This thesis is addressed to students within the discipline of tourism development for future studies. The researcher has utilized the hypothetico-deductive method which entails the examination of three theories within collaboration. Three hypotheses formulated from these theories will be either confirmed or dismissed in the end of the study. With the help of the hypotheses, the researcher has concluded that aspects of trust and reciprocity within collaboration are vital in its success. Although in this case, it refers to a country’s perception of trust and reciprocity. The problem domain i.e. destination development aiming on increasing inbound tourism cannot be said to be the main reason for the achievements of the campaign. It is a contributing factor, as well as, the involvement of the stakeholders. The theories are acceptable in different levels with regard to the WOW Philippines campaign i.e. they cannot be either taken as individual reasons for its advancements or proclaimed as false. These theories are intertwined which means their relevance to each other is important in the case of tourism development in the Philippines.
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The Relationship of Psychological Contract Violation and Work Performance ¡VFor the Case Study by Yueng Foong Yu Paper MFG. CO., LTD.Yang, Neng-feng 31 August 2005 (has links)
The contract is essential for the employment, the labor contracts standardize the right and duty for the employment, but the psychological contract is another type of contract. A psychological contract is an employee's belief about the mutual obligations, and it balances the relationship between the employee and his/her organization. In order to promote the corporation's competition, the corporation carries out the restructuring and downsizing strategies, but these strategies are contrary to the critical role that people play in successful organization. Under this condition, the employee's belief and loyalty become more important to maintain the balance of relationship between employee and his organization.
When the psychological contract was violated, it may lead to reduce the employee's belief, loyalty, job satisfaction and performance, citizenship behavior, even the employees will turn- over. However, the react may be affected by the individual's discrepancy and external circumstances.
The case study is based on the employees in Yueng Foong Yu Paper MFG. CO., LTD. so as to prove if the psychologial contract violation will reduce the employee's performance, and some factors deal with how to affect the violation of psychological contract and work performance.
The result is shown as the following:
1. In different SEU(Strategic Entrepreneurial Units¡^, the performance of the employees in the
general management office is better than the Fine Paper and Board SEU.
2. In the sexual difference, the task performance of the female employees is better than that of the
male ones.
3. In the workage, the employees whose contextual performance are from 11 to 15 years are better
than the ones whose workage are over 25 years.
4. The difference between psychological contract violation and work performance is insignificant.
5. When the employees whose orgnizational commitment is higher feel more satified with the
organizational benefits, his/her task performance becomes worse.
6. The difference between employability, personal characteristics and work performance is
7.The differecne between relationship of employers and employees and contextual performance is
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An Integrative Model Of Job Characteristics, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, And Organizational Citizenship BehaviorUnuvar, Gokhan Tahir 01 July 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Existing literature indicates that job characteristics, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and organizational citizenship behavior are very important for effective organizational functioning. Previous research on citizenship behaviors made limited contribution to the literature, since it ignored the relationships between job characteristics and citizenship behaviors together with the influences of job satisfaction and organizational commitment. The present study attempted to test a new integrative model of the relationships among job characteristics, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and organizational citizenship behaviors. The main purpose of the present study was to examine the effects of job characteristics on organizational citizenship behaviors. While examining the role of job characteristics, the mediating roles of job satisfaction and organizational commitment were taken into account in order to better understand how job characteristics affect the exhibition of citizenship behaviors. The secondary purpose was to investigate the effects of job characteristics on job satisfaction and organizational commitment, and the effects of job satisfaction and organizational commitment on citizenship behaviors.
A sample of 300 employees from 60 companies was selected. The data was collected at the location of the firms by using a survey instrument. The employees rated the items that measured task characteristics, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment. Later, the information on organizational citizenship behavior of employees was collected from the employees&rsquo / supervisors. Hierarchical regression analyses were performed on the data.
In general, the findings showed that some job characteristics might be the antecedents of job satisfaction and the aggregate variable job scope was positively associated with organizational commitment, and these work attiudes predicted organizational citizenship behaviors positively. Specifically, in line with the expectations, the job characteristics of task identity, autonomy, and aggregate job scope were positively associated with the work attitude of job satisfaction. The aggregate job scope was positively associated with the work attitude of organizational commitment although no single job characteristic was significantly associated with organizational commitment. In turn, job satisfaction and organizational commitment were positively associated with the citizenship dimensions of courtesy and sportsmanship. In addition to these, organizational commitment was positively associated with the citizenship dimension of conscientiousness and aggregate citizenship behavior. However, no significant direct association was found between job characteristics and citizenship behaviors. Therefore it was not possible to test the intervening effects of work attitudes on the relationships between job characteristics and citizenship behaviors.
The study&rsquo / s results are discussed together with the implications, strengths and limitations. Some suggestions for future research are made.
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